/* emacs_keymap.c -- the keymap for emacs_mode in readline (). */

/* Copyright (C) 1988,1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GNU Readline, a library for reading lines
   of text with interactive input and history editing.

   Readline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
   Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
   later version.

   Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with Readline; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */

#ifndef BUFSIZ
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* BUFSIZ */

#include "readline.h"

/* An array of function pointers, one for each possible key.
   If the type byte is ISKMAP, then the pointer is the address of
   a keymap. */

KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_standard_keymap = {

  /* Control keys. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-@ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_beg_of_line },		/* Control-a */
  { ISFUNC, rl_backward },		/* Control-b */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-c */
  { ISFUNC, rl_delete },		/* Control-d */
  { ISFUNC, rl_end_of_line },		/* Control-e */
  { ISFUNC, rl_forward },		/* Control-f */
  { ISFUNC, rl_abort },			/* Control-g */
  { ISFUNC, rl_rubout },		/* Control-h */
  { ISFUNC, rl_complete },		/* Control-i */
  { ISFUNC, rl_newline },		/* Control-j */
  { ISFUNC, rl_kill_line },		/* Control-k */
  { ISFUNC, rl_clear_screen },		/* Control-l */
  { ISFUNC, rl_newline },		/* Control-m */
  { ISFUNC, rl_get_next_history },	/* Control-n */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-o */
  { ISFUNC, rl_get_previous_history },	/* Control-p */
  { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert },		/* Control-q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_reverse_search_history }, /* Control-r */
  { ISFUNC, rl_forward_search_history }, /* Control-s */
  { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_chars },	/* Control-t */
  { ISFUNC, rl_unix_line_discard },	/* Control-u */
  { ISFUNC, rl_quoted_insert },		/* Control-v */
  { ISFUNC, rl_unix_word_rubout },	/* Control-w */
  { ISKMAP, (Function *)emacs_ctlx_keymap },	/* Control-x */
  { ISFUNC, rl_yank },			/* Control-y */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-z */
  { ISKMAP, (Function *)emacs_meta_keymap }, /* Control-[ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-\ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-] */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-^ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_undo_command },		/* Control-_ */

  /* The start of printing characters. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* SPACE */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ! */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* " */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* # */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* $ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* % */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* & */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ' */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ( */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ) */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* * */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* + */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* , */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* - */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* . */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* / */

  /* Regular digits. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 0 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 1 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 2 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 3 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 4 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 5 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 6 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 7 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 8 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* 9 */

  /* A little more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* : */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ; */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* < */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* = */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* > */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ? */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* @ */

  /* Uppercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* A */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* B */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* C */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* D */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* E */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* F */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* G */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* H */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* I */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* J */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* K */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* L */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* M */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* N */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* O */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* P */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* Q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* R */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* S */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* T */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* U */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* V */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* W */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* X */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* Y */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* Z */

  /* Some more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* [ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* \ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ] */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ^ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* _ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ` */

  /* Lowercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* a */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* b */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* c */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* d */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* e */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* f */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* g */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* h */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* i */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* j */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* k */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* l */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* m */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* n */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* o */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* p */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* r */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* s */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* t */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* u */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* v */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* w */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* x */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* y */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* z */

  /* Final punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* { */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* | */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* } */
  { ISFUNC, rl_insert },	/* ~ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_rubout }		/* RUBOUT */

KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_meta_keymap = {

  /* Meta keys.  Just like above, but the high bit is set. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-@ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-a */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-b */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-c */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-d */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-e */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-f */
  { ISFUNC, rl_abort },		/* Meta-Control-g */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-h */
  { ISFUNC, rl_tab_insert },	/* Meta-Control-i */
  { ISFUNC, rl_vi_editing_mode }, /* Meta-Control-j */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-k */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-l */
  { ISFUNC, rl_vi_editing_mode }, /* Meta-Control-m */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-n */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-o */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-p */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_revert_line },	/* Meta-Control-r */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-s */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-t */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-u */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-v */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-w */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-x */
  { ISFUNC, rl_yank_nth_arg },	/* Meta-Control-y */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-z */

  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-[ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-\ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-] */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-^ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-Control-_ */

  /* The start of printing characters. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-SPACE */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-! */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-" */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-# */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-$ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-% */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-& */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-' */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-( */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-) */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-* */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-+ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-, */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-- */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-/ */

  /* Regular digits. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-0 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-1 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-2 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-3 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-4 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-5 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-6 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-7 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-8 */
  { ISFUNC, rl_digit_argument }, /* Meta-9 */

  /* A little more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Meta-: */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Meta-; */
  { ISFUNC, rl_beginning_of_history },	/* Meta-< */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Meta-= */
  { ISFUNC, rl_end_of_history },	/* Meta-> */
  { ISFUNC, rl_possible_completions },	/* Meta-? */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Meta-@ */

  /* Uppercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-A */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-B */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-C */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-D */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-E */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-F */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-G */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-H */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-I */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-J */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-K */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-L */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-M */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-N */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-O */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-P */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-Q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-R */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-S */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-T */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-U */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-V */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-W */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-X */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-Y */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Meta-Z */

  /* Some more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_arrow_keys },	/* Meta-[ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-\ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-] */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-^ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-_ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-` */

  /* Lowercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-a */
  { ISFUNC, rl_backward_word },	/* Meta-b */
  { ISFUNC, rl_capitalize_word }, /* Meta-c */
  { ISFUNC, rl_kill_word },	/* Meta-d */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-e */
  { ISFUNC, rl_forward_word },	/* Meta-f */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-g */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-h */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-i */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-j */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-k */
  { ISFUNC, rl_downcase_word },	/* Meta-l */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-m */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-n */
  { ISFUNC, rl_arrow_keys },	/* Meta-o */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-p */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_revert_line },	/* Meta-r */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-s */
  { ISFUNC, rl_transpose_words }, /* Meta-t */
  { ISFUNC, rl_upcase_word },	/* Meta-u */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-v */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-w */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-x */
  { ISFUNC, rl_yank_pop },	/* Meta-y */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-z */

  /* Final punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-{ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-| */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-} */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* Meta-~ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_word } /* Meta-rubout */

KEYMAP_ENTRY_ARRAY emacs_ctlx_keymap = {

  /* Control keys. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-@ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-a */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-b */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-c */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-d */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-e */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-f */
  { ISFUNC, rl_abort },			/* Control-g */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-h */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-i */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-j */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-k */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-l */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-m */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-n */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-o */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-p */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_re_read_init_file },	/* Control-r */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-s */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-t */
  { ISFUNC, rl_undo_command },		/* Control-u */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-v */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-w */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-x */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-y */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-z */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-[ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-\ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-] */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-^ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* Control-_ */

  /* The start of printing characters. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* SPACE */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ! */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* " */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* # */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* $ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* % */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* & */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ' */
  { ISFUNC, rl_start_kbd_macro },	/* ( */
  { ISFUNC, rl_end_kbd_macro  },	/* ) */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* * */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* + */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* , */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* - */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* . */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* / */

  /* Regular digits. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 0 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 1 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 2 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 3 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 4 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 5 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 6 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 7 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 8 */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* 9 */

  /* A little more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* : */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* ; */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* < */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* = */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* > */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* ? */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },	/* @ */

  /* Uppercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* A */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* B */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* C */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* D */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* E */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* F */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* G */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* H */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* I */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* J */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* K */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* L */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* M */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* N */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* O */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* P */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Q */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* R */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* S */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* T */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* U */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* V */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* W */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* X */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Y */
  { ISFUNC, rl_do_lowercase_version },	/* Z */

  /* Some more punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* [ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* \ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ] */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ^ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* _ */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ` */

  /* Lowercase alphabet. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* a */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* b */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* c */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* d */
  { ISFUNC, rl_call_last_kbd_macro },	/* e */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* f */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* g */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* h */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* i */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* j */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* k */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* l */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* m */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* n */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* o */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* p */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* q */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* r */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* s */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* t */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* u */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* v */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* w */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* x */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* y */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* z */

  /* Final punctuation. */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* { */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* | */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* } */
  { ISFUNC, (Function *)0x0 },		/* ~ */
  { ISFUNC, rl_backward_kill_line }	/* RUBOUT */