/* CTF string table management. Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of libctf. libctf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <ctf-impl.h> #include <string.h> /* Convert an encoded CTF string name into a pointer to a C string by looking up the appropriate string table buffer and then adding the offset. */ const char * ctf_strraw (ctf_file_t *fp, uint32_t name) { ctf_strs_t *ctsp = &fp->ctf_str[CTF_NAME_STID (name)]; if (ctsp->cts_strs != NULL && CTF_NAME_OFFSET (name) < ctsp->cts_len) return (ctsp->cts_strs + CTF_NAME_OFFSET (name)); /* String table not loaded or corrupt offset. */ return NULL; } /* Return a guaranteed-non-NULL pointer to the string with the given CTF name. */ const char * ctf_strptr (ctf_file_t *fp, uint32_t name) { const char *s = ctf_strraw (fp, name); return (s != NULL ? s : "(?)"); } /* Remove all refs to a given atom. */ static void ctf_str_purge_atom_refs (ctf_str_atom_t *atom) { ctf_str_atom_ref_t *ref, *next; for (ref = ctf_list_next (&atom->csa_refs); ref != NULL; ref = next) { next = ctf_list_next (ref); ctf_list_delete (&atom->csa_refs, ref); ctf_free (ref); } } /* Free an atom (only called on ctf_close().) */ static void ctf_str_free_atom (void *a) { ctf_str_atom_t *atom = a; ctf_str_purge_atom_refs (atom); ctf_free (atom); } /* Create the atoms table. There is always at least one atom in it, the null string. */ int ctf_str_create_atoms (ctf_file_t *fp) { fp->ctf_str_atoms = ctf_dynhash_create (ctf_hash_string, ctf_hash_eq_string, ctf_free, ctf_str_free_atom); if (fp->ctf_str_atoms == NULL) return -ENOMEM; ctf_str_add (fp, ""); return 0; } /* Destroy the atoms table. */ void ctf_str_free_atoms (ctf_file_t *fp) { ctf_dynhash_destroy (fp->ctf_str_atoms); } /* Add a string to the atoms table and return it, or return an existing string if present, copying the passed-in string. Returns NULL only when out of memory (and do not touch the passed-in string in that case). Possibly augment the ref list with the passed-in ref. */ static const char * ctf_str_add_ref_internal (ctf_file_t *fp, const char *str, int add_ref, uint32_t *ref) { char *newstr = NULL; ctf_str_atom_t *atom = NULL; ctf_str_atom_ref_t *aref = NULL; atom = ctf_dynhash_lookup (fp->ctf_str_atoms, str); if (add_ref) { if ((aref = ctf_alloc (sizeof (struct ctf_str_atom_ref))) == NULL) return NULL; aref->caf_ref = ref; } if (atom) { if (add_ref) { ctf_list_append (&atom->csa_refs, aref); fp->ctf_str_num_refs++; } return atom->csa_str; } if ((atom = ctf_alloc (sizeof (struct ctf_str_atom))) == NULL) goto oom; memset (atom, 0, sizeof (struct ctf_str_atom)); if ((newstr = ctf_strdup (str)) == NULL) goto oom; if (ctf_dynhash_insert (fp->ctf_str_atoms, newstr, atom) < 0) goto oom; atom->csa_str = newstr; atom->csa_snapshot_id = fp->ctf_snapshots; if (add_ref) { ctf_list_append (&atom->csa_refs, aref); fp->ctf_str_num_refs++; } return newstr; oom: ctf_free (atom); ctf_free (aref); ctf_free (newstr); return NULL; } /* Add a string to the atoms table and return it, without augmenting the ref list for this string. */ const char * ctf_str_add (ctf_file_t *fp, const char *str) { if (str) return ctf_str_add_ref_internal (fp, str, FALSE, 0); return NULL; } /* A ctf_dynhash_iter_remove() callback that removes atoms later than a given snapshot ID. */ static int ctf_str_rollback_atom (void *key _libctf_unused_, void *value, void *arg) { ctf_str_atom_t *atom = (ctf_str_atom_t *) value; ctf_snapshot_id_t *id = (ctf_snapshot_id_t *) arg; return (atom->csa_snapshot_id > id->snapshot_id); } /* Roll back, deleting all atoms created after a particular ID. */ void ctf_str_rollback (ctf_file_t *fp, ctf_snapshot_id_t id) { ctf_dynhash_iter_remove (fp->ctf_str_atoms, ctf_str_rollback_atom, &id); } /* Like ctf_str_add(), but additionally augment the atom's refs list with the passed-in ref, whether or not the string is already present. There is no attempt to deduplicate the refs list (but duplicates are harmless). */ const char * ctf_str_add_ref (ctf_file_t *fp, const char *str, uint32_t *ref) { if (str) return ctf_str_add_ref_internal (fp, str, TRUE, ref); return NULL; } /* An adaptor around ctf_purge_atom_refs. */ static void ctf_str_purge_one_atom_refs (void *key _libctf_unused_, void *value, void *arg _libctf_unused_) { ctf_str_atom_t *atom = (ctf_str_atom_t *) value; ctf_str_purge_atom_refs (atom); } /* Remove all the recorded refs from the atoms table. */ void ctf_str_purge_refs (ctf_file_t *fp) { if (fp->ctf_str_num_refs > 0) ctf_dynhash_iter (fp->ctf_str_atoms, ctf_str_purge_one_atom_refs, NULL); fp->ctf_str_num_refs = 0; } /* Update a list of refs to the specified value. */ static void ctf_str_update_refs (ctf_str_atom_t *refs, uint32_t value) { ctf_str_atom_ref_t *ref; for (ref = ctf_list_next (&refs->csa_refs); ref != NULL; ref = ctf_list_next (ref)) *(ref->caf_ref) = value; } /* State shared across the strtab write process. */ typedef struct ctf_strtab_write_state { /* Strtab we are writing, and the number of strings in it. */ ctf_strs_writable_t *strtab; size_t strtab_count; /* Pointers to (existing) atoms in the atoms table, for qsorting. */ ctf_str_atom_t **sorttab; /* Loop counter for sorttab population. */ size_t i; /* The null-string atom (skipped during population). */ ctf_str_atom_t *nullstr; } ctf_strtab_write_state_t; /* Count the number of entries in the strtab, and its length. */ static void ctf_str_count_strtab (void *key _libctf_unused_, void *value, void *arg) { ctf_str_atom_t *atom = (ctf_str_atom_t *) value; ctf_strtab_write_state_t *s = (ctf_strtab_write_state_t *) arg; s->strtab->cts_len += strlen (atom->csa_str) + 1; s->strtab_count++; } /* Populate the sorttab with pointers to the strtab atoms. */ static void ctf_str_populate_sorttab (void *key _libctf_unused_, void *value, void *arg) { ctf_str_atom_t *atom = (ctf_str_atom_t *) value; ctf_strtab_write_state_t *s = (ctf_strtab_write_state_t *) arg; /* Skip the null string. */ if (s->nullstr == atom) return; s->sorttab[s->i++] = atom; } /* Sort the strtab. */ static int ctf_str_sort_strtab (const void *a, const void *b) { ctf_str_atom_t **one = (ctf_str_atom_t **) a; ctf_str_atom_t **two = (ctf_str_atom_t **) b; return (strcmp ((*one)->csa_str, (*two)->csa_str)); } /* Write out and return a strtab containing all strings with recorded refs, adjusting the refs to refer to the corresponding string. The returned strtab may be NULL on error. */ ctf_strs_writable_t ctf_str_write_strtab (ctf_file_t *fp) { ctf_strs_writable_t strtab; ctf_str_atom_t *nullstr; uint32_t cur_stroff = 0; ctf_strtab_write_state_t s; ctf_str_atom_t **sorttab; size_t i; memset (&strtab, 0, sizeof (struct ctf_strs_writable)); memset (&s, 0, sizeof (struct ctf_strtab_write_state)); s.strtab = &strtab; nullstr = ctf_dynhash_lookup (fp->ctf_str_atoms, ""); if (!nullstr) { ctf_dprintf ("Internal error: null string not found in strtab.\n"); strtab.cts_strs = NULL; return strtab; } ctf_dynhash_iter (fp->ctf_str_atoms, ctf_str_count_strtab, &s); ctf_dprintf ("%lu bytes of strings in strtab.\n", (unsigned long) strtab.cts_len); /* Sort the strtab. Force the null string to be first. */ sorttab = calloc (s.strtab_count, sizeof (ctf_str_atom_t *)); if (!sorttab) return strtab; sorttab[0] = nullstr; s.i = 1; s.sorttab = sorttab; s.nullstr = nullstr; ctf_dynhash_iter (fp->ctf_str_atoms, ctf_str_populate_sorttab, &s); qsort (&sorttab[1], s.strtab_count - 1, sizeof (ctf_str_atom_t *), ctf_str_sort_strtab); if ((strtab.cts_strs = ctf_alloc (strtab.cts_len)) == NULL) { free (sorttab); return strtab; } /* Update the strtab, and all refs. */ for (i = 0; i < s.strtab_count; i++) { strcpy (&strtab.cts_strs[cur_stroff], sorttab[i]->csa_str); ctf_str_update_refs (sorttab[i], cur_stroff); cur_stroff += strlen (sorttab[i]->csa_str) + 1; } free (sorttab); return strtab; }