%{ /* deffilep.y - parser for .def files */

/*   Copyright (C) 1995-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

     This file is part of GNU Binutils.

     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.

     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     GNU General Public License for more details.

     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
     MA 02110-1301, USA.  */

#include "sysdep.h"
#include "libiberty.h"
#include "safe-ctype.h"
#include "bfd.h"
#include "ld.h"
#include "ldmisc.h"
#include "deffile.h"

#define TRACE 0

#define ROUND_UP(a, b) (((a)+((b)-1))&~((b)-1))

/* Remap normal yacc parser interface names (yyparse, yylex, yyerror, etc),
   as well as gratuitiously global symbol names, so we can have multiple
   yacc generated parsers in ld.  Note that these are only the variables
   produced by yacc.  If other parser generators (bison, byacc, etc) produce
   additional global names that conflict at link time, then those parser
   generators need to be fixed instead of adding those names to this list.  */

#define	yymaxdepth def_maxdepth
#define	yyparse	def_parse
#define	yylex	def_lex
#define	yyerror	def_error
#define	yylval	def_lval
#define	yychar	def_char
#define	yydebug	def_debug
#define	yypact	def_pact
#define	yyr1	def_r1
#define	yyr2	def_r2
#define	yydef	def_def
#define	yychk	def_chk
#define	yypgo	def_pgo
#define	yyact	def_act
#define	yyexca	def_exca
#define yyerrflag def_errflag
#define yynerrs	def_nerrs
#define	yyps	def_ps
#define	yypv	def_pv
#define	yys	def_s
#define	yy_yys	def_yys
#define	yystate	def_state
#define	yytmp	def_tmp
#define	yyv	def_v
#define	yy_yyv	def_yyv
#define	yyval	def_val
#define	yylloc	def_lloc
#define yyreds	def_reds		/* With YYDEBUG defined.  */
#define yytoks	def_toks		/* With YYDEBUG defined.  */
#define yylhs	def_yylhs
#define yylen	def_yylen
#define yydefred def_yydefred
#define yydgoto	def_yydgoto
#define yysindex def_yysindex
#define yyrindex def_yyrindex
#define yygindex def_yygindex
#define yytable	 def_yytable
#define yycheck	 def_yycheck

typedef struct def_pool_str {
  struct def_pool_str *next;
  char data[1];
} def_pool_str;

static def_pool_str *pool_strs = NULL;

static char *def_pool_alloc (size_t sz);
static char *def_pool_strdup (const char *str);
static void def_pool_free (void);

static void def_description (const char *);
static void def_exports (const char *, const char *, int, int, const char *);
static void def_heapsize (int, int);
static void def_import (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,
			int, const char *);
static void def_image_name (const char *, bfd_vma, int);
static void def_section (const char *, int);
static void def_section_alt (const char *, const char *);
static void def_stacksize (int, int);
static void def_version (int, int);
static void def_directive (char *);
static void def_aligncomm (char *str, int align);
static int def_parse (void);
static int def_error (const char *);
static int def_lex (void);

static int lex_forced_token = 0;
static const char *lex_parse_string = 0;
static const char *lex_parse_string_end = 0;


%union {
  char *id;
  const char *id_const;
  int number;
  bfd_vma vma;
  char *digits;

%token <id> ID
%token <digits> DIGITS
%type  <number> NUMBER
%type  <vma> VMA opt_base
%type  <digits> opt_digits
%type  <number> opt_ordinal
%type  <number> attr attr_list opt_number exp_opt_list exp_opt
%type  <id> opt_name opt_name2 opt_equal_name anylang_id opt_id
%type  <id> opt_equalequal_name
%type  <id_const> keyword_as_name


start: start command
	| command

		NAME opt_name opt_base { def_image_name ($2, $3, 0); }
	|	LIBRARY opt_name opt_base { def_image_name ($2, $3, 1); }
	|	DESCRIPTION ID { def_description ($2);}
	|	STACKSIZE_K NUMBER opt_number { def_stacksize ($2, $3);}
	|	HEAPSIZE NUMBER opt_number { def_heapsize ($2, $3);}
	|	CODE attr_list { def_section ("CODE", $2);}
	|	DATAU attr_list  { def_section ("DATA", $2);}
	|	SECTIONS seclist
	|	EXPORTS explist
	|	IMPORTS implist
	|	VERSIONK NUMBER { def_version ($2, 0);}
	|	VERSIONK NUMBER '.' NUMBER { def_version ($2, $4);}
	|	DIRECTIVE ID { def_directive ($2);}
	|	ALIGNCOMM anylang_id ',' NUMBER { def_aligncomm ($2, $4);}

		/* EMPTY */
	|	expline
	|	explist expline

		/* The opt_comma is necessary to support both the usual
		  DEF file syntax as well as .drectve syntax which
		  mandates <expsym>,<expoptlist>.  */
		opt_name2 opt_equal_name opt_ordinal opt_comma exp_opt_list opt_comma opt_equalequal_name
			{ def_exports ($1, $2, $3, $5, $7); }
		/* The opt_comma is necessary to support both the usual
		   DEF file syntax as well as .drectve syntax which
		   allows for comma separated opt list.  */
		exp_opt opt_comma exp_opt_list { $$ = $1 | $3; }
	|	{ $$ = 0; }
		NONAMEU		{ $$ = 1; }
	|	NONAMEL		{ $$ = 1; }
	|	CONSTANTU	{ $$ = 2; }
	|	CONSTANTL	{ $$ = 2; }
	|	DATAU		{ $$ = 4; }
	|	DATAL		{ $$ = 4; }
	|	PRIVATEU	{ $$ = 8; }
	|	PRIVATEL	{ $$ = 8; }
		implist impline
	|	impline

	       ID '=' ID '.' ID '.' ID opt_equalequal_name
		 { def_import ($1, $3, $5, $7, -1, $8); }
       |       ID '=' ID '.' ID '.' NUMBER opt_equalequal_name
				 { def_import ($1, $3, $5,  0, $7, $8); }
       |       ID '=' ID '.' ID opt_equalequal_name
		 { def_import ($1, $3,	0, $5, -1, $6); }
       |       ID '=' ID '.' NUMBER opt_equalequal_name
		 { def_import ($1, $3,	0,  0, $5, $6); }
       |       ID '.' ID '.' ID opt_equalequal_name
		 { def_import( 0, $1, $3, $5, -1, $6); }
       |       ID '.' ID opt_equalequal_name
		 { def_import ( 0, $1,	0, $3, -1, $4); }

		seclist secline
	|	secline

	ID attr_list { def_section ($1, $2);}
	| ID ID { def_section_alt ($1, $2);}

	attr_list opt_comma attr { $$ = $1 | $3; }
	| attr { $$ = $1; }

opt_number: ',' NUMBER { $$=$2;}
	|	   { $$=-1;}

		READ	{ $$ = 1;}
	|	WRITE	{ $$ = 2;}
	|	EXECUTE	{ $$=4;}
	|	SHARED	{ $$=8;}

keyword_as_name: BASE { $$ = "BASE"; }
	 | CODE { $$ = "CODE"; }
	 | CONSTANTU { $$ = "CONSTANT"; }
	 | CONSTANTL { $$ = "constant"; }
	 | DATAU { $$ = "DATA"; }
	 | DATAL { $$ = "data"; }
	 | EXECUTE { $$ = "EXECUTE"; }
	 | EXPORTS { $$ = "EXPORTS"; }
	 | HEAPSIZE { $$ = "HEAPSIZE"; }
	 | IMPORTS { $$ = "IMPORTS"; }
/* Disable LIBRARY keyword as valid symbol-name.  This is necessary
   for libtool, which places this command after EXPORTS command.
   This behavior is illegal by specification, but sadly required by
   by compatibility reasons.
   See PR binutils/13710
	 | LIBRARY { $$ = "LIBRARY"; } */
	 | NAME { $$ = "NAME"; }
	 | NONAMEU { $$ = "NONAME"; }
	 | NONAMEL { $$ = "noname"; }
	 | PRIVATEU { $$ = "PRIVATE"; }
	 | PRIVATEL { $$ = "private"; }
	 | READ { $$ = "READ"; }
	 | SHARED  { $$ = "SHARED"; }
	 | VERSIONK { $$ = "VERSION"; }
	 | WRITE { $$ = "WRITE"; }

opt_name2: ID { $$ = $1; }
	| '.' keyword_as_name
	    char *name = xmalloc (strlen ($2) + 2);
	    sprintf (name, ".%s", $2);
	    $$ = name;
	| '.' opt_name2
	    char *name = def_pool_alloc (strlen ($2) + 2);
	    sprintf (name, ".%s", $2);
	    $$ = name;
	| keyword_as_name '.' opt_name2
	    char *name = def_pool_alloc (strlen ($1) + 1 + strlen ($3) + 1);
	    sprintf (name, "%s.%s", $1, $3);
	    $$ = name;
	| ID '.' opt_name2
	    char *name = def_pool_alloc (strlen ($1) + 1 + strlen ($3) + 1);
	    sprintf (name, "%s.%s", $1, $3);
	    $$ = name;

opt_name: opt_name2 { $$ = $1; }
	|		{ $$ = ""; }

opt_equalequal_name: EQUAL ID	{ $$ = $2; }
	|							{ $$ = 0; }

	  '@' NUMBER     { $$ = $2;}
	|                { $$ = -1;}

	  '=' opt_name2	{ $$ = $2; }
	|		{ $$ =	0; }

opt_base: BASE	'=' VMA	{ $$ = $3;}
	|	{ $$ = (bfd_vma) -1;}

anylang_id: ID		{ $$ = $1; }
	| '.' ID
	    char *id = def_pool_alloc (strlen ($2) + 2);
	    sprintf (id, ".%s", $2);
	    $$ = id;
	| anylang_id '.' opt_digits opt_id
	    char *id = def_pool_alloc (strlen ($1) + 1 + strlen ($3) + strlen ($4) + 1);
	    sprintf (id, "%s.%s%s", $1, $3, $4);
	    $$ = id;

opt_digits: DIGITS	{ $$ = $1; }
	|		{ $$ = ""; }

opt_id: ID		{ $$ = $1; }
	|		{ $$ = ""; }

NUMBER: DIGITS		{ $$ = strtoul ($1, 0, 0); }
VMA: DIGITS		{ $$ = (bfd_vma) strtoull ($1, 0, 0); }



static FILE *the_file;
static const char *def_filename;
static int linenumber;
static def_file *def;
static int saw_newline;

struct directive
    struct directive *next;
    char *name;
    int len;

static struct directive *directives = 0;

def_file *
def_file_empty (void)
  def_file *rv = xmalloc (sizeof (def_file));
  memset (rv, 0, sizeof (def_file));
  rv->is_dll = -1;
  rv->base_address = (bfd_vma) -1;
  rv->stack_reserve = rv->stack_commit = -1;
  rv->heap_reserve = rv->heap_commit = -1;
  rv->version_major = rv->version_minor = -1;
  return rv;

def_file *
def_file_parse (const char *filename, def_file *add_to)
  struct directive *d;

  the_file = fopen (filename, "r");
  def_filename = filename;
  linenumber = 1;
  if (!the_file)
      perror (filename);
      return 0;
  if (add_to)
      def = add_to;
      def = def_file_empty ();

  saw_newline = 1;
  if (def_parse ())
      def_file_free (def);
      fclose (the_file);
      def_pool_free ();
      return 0;

  fclose (the_file);

  while ((d = directives) != NULL)
      printf ("Adding directive %08x `%s'\n", d->name, d->name);
      def_file_add_directive (def, d->name, d->len);
      directives = d->next;
      free (d->name);
      free (d);
  def_pool_free ();

  return def;

def_file_free (def_file *fdef)
  int i;

  if (!fdef)
  if (fdef->name)
    free (fdef->name);
  if (fdef->description)
    free (fdef->description);

  if (fdef->section_defs)
      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_section_defs; i++)
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].name)
	    free (fdef->section_defs[i].name);
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].class)
	    free (fdef->section_defs[i].class);
      free (fdef->section_defs);

  if (fdef->exports)
      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_exports; i++)
	  if (fdef->exports[i].internal_name
	      && fdef->exports[i].internal_name != fdef->exports[i].name)
	    free (fdef->exports[i].internal_name);
	  if (fdef->exports[i].name)
	    free (fdef->exports[i].name);
	  if (fdef->exports[i].its_name)
	    free (fdef->exports[i].its_name);
      free (fdef->exports);

  if (fdef->imports)
      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_imports; i++)
	  if (fdef->imports[i].internal_name
	      && fdef->imports[i].internal_name != fdef->imports[i].name)
	    free (fdef->imports[i].internal_name);
	  if (fdef->imports[i].name)
	    free (fdef->imports[i].name);
	  if (fdef->imports[i].its_name)
	    free (fdef->imports[i].its_name);
      free (fdef->imports);

  while (fdef->modules)
      def_file_module *m = fdef->modules;

      fdef->modules = fdef->modules->next;
      free (m);

  while (fdef->aligncomms)
      def_file_aligncomm *c = fdef->aligncomms;

      fdef->aligncomms = fdef->aligncomms->next;
      free (c->symbol_name);
      free (c);

  free (fdef);

def_file_print (FILE *file, def_file *fdef)
  int i;

  fprintf (file, ">>>> def_file at 0x%08x\n", fdef);
  if (fdef->name)
    fprintf (file, "  name: %s\n", fdef->name ? fdef->name : "(unspecified)");
  if (fdef->is_dll != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  is dll: %s\n", fdef->is_dll ? "yes" : "no");
  if (fdef->base_address != (bfd_vma) -1)
      fprintf (file, "  base address: 0x");
      fprintf_vma (file, fdef->base_address);
      fprintf (file, "\n");
  if (fdef->description)
    fprintf (file, "  description: `%s'\n", fdef->description);
  if (fdef->stack_reserve != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  stack reserve: 0x%08x\n", fdef->stack_reserve);
  if (fdef->stack_commit != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  stack commit: 0x%08x\n", fdef->stack_commit);
  if (fdef->heap_reserve != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  heap reserve: 0x%08x\n", fdef->heap_reserve);
  if (fdef->heap_commit != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  heap commit: 0x%08x\n", fdef->heap_commit);

  if (fdef->num_section_defs > 0)
      fprintf (file, "  section defs:\n");

      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_section_defs; i++)
	  fprintf (file, "    name: `%s', class: `%s', flags:",
		   fdef->section_defs[i].name, fdef->section_defs[i].class);
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].flag_read)
	    fprintf (file, " R");
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].flag_write)
	    fprintf (file, " W");
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].flag_execute)
	    fprintf (file, " X");
	  if (fdef->section_defs[i].flag_shared)
	    fprintf (file, " S");
	  fprintf (file, "\n");

  if (fdef->num_exports > 0)
      fprintf (file, "  exports:\n");

      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_exports; i++)
	  fprintf (file, "    name: `%s', int: `%s', ordinal: %d, flags:",
		   fdef->exports[i].name, fdef->exports[i].internal_name,
	  if (fdef->exports[i].flag_private)
	    fprintf (file, " P");
	  if (fdef->exports[i].flag_constant)
	    fprintf (file, " C");
	  if (fdef->exports[i].flag_noname)
	    fprintf (file, " N");
	  if (fdef->exports[i].flag_data)
	    fprintf (file, " D");
	  fprintf (file, "\n");

  if (fdef->num_imports > 0)
      fprintf (file, "  imports:\n");

      for (i = 0; i < fdef->num_imports; i++)
	  fprintf (file, "    int: %s, from: `%s', name: `%s', ordinal: %d\n",

  if (fdef->version_major != -1)
    fprintf (file, "  version: %d.%d\n", fdef->version_major, fdef->version_minor);

  fprintf (file, "<<<< def_file at 0x%08x\n", fdef);

/* Helper routine to check for identity of string pointers,
   which might be NULL.  */

static int
are_names_equal (const char *s1, const char *s2)
  if (!s1 && !s2)
    return 0;
  if (!s1 || !s2)
    return (!s1 ? -1 : 1);
  return strcmp (s1, s2);

static int
cmp_export_elem (const def_file_export *e, const char *ex_name,
		 const char *in_name, const char *its_name,
		 int ord)
  int r;

  if ((r = are_names_equal (ex_name, e->name)) != 0)
    return r;
  if ((r = are_names_equal (in_name, e->internal_name)) != 0)
    return r;
  if ((r = are_names_equal (its_name, e->its_name)) != 0)
    return r;
  return (ord - e->ordinal);

/* Search the position of the identical element, or returns the position
   of the next higher element. If last valid element is smaller, then MAX
   is returned.  */

static int
find_export_in_list (def_file_export *b, int max,
		     const char *ex_name, const char *in_name,
		     const char *its_name, int ord, int *is_ident)
  int e, l, r, p;

  *is_ident = 0;
  if (!max)
    return 0;
  if ((e = cmp_export_elem (b, ex_name, in_name, its_name, ord)) <= 0)
      if (!e)
	*is_ident = 1;
      return 0;
  if (max == 1)
    return 1;
  if ((e = cmp_export_elem (b + (max - 1), ex_name, in_name, its_name, ord)) > 0)
    return max;
  else if (!e || max == 2)
      if (!e)
	*is_ident = 1;
      return max - 1;
  l = 0; r = max - 1;
  while (l < r)
      p = (l + r) / 2;
      e = cmp_export_elem (b + p, ex_name, in_name, its_name, ord);
      if (!e)
	  *is_ident = 1;
	  return p;
      else if (e < 0)
	r = p - 1;
      else if (e > 0)
	l = p + 1;
  if ((e = cmp_export_elem (b + l, ex_name, in_name, its_name, ord)) > 0)
  else if (!e)
    *is_ident = 1;
  return l;

def_file_export *
def_file_add_export (def_file *fdef,
		     const char *external_name,
		     const char *internal_name,
		     int ordinal,
		     const char *its_name,
		     int *is_dup)
  def_file_export *e;
  int pos;
  int max_exports = ROUND_UP(fdef->num_exports, 32);

  if (internal_name && !external_name)
    external_name = internal_name;
  if (external_name && !internal_name)
    internal_name = external_name;

  /* We need to avoid duplicates.  */
  *is_dup = 0;
  pos = find_export_in_list (fdef->exports, fdef->num_exports,
		     external_name, internal_name,
		     its_name, ordinal, is_dup);

  if (*is_dup != 0)
    return (fdef->exports + pos);

  if (fdef->num_exports >= max_exports)
      max_exports = ROUND_UP(fdef->num_exports + 1, 32);
      if (fdef->exports)
	fdef->exports = xrealloc (fdef->exports,
				 max_exports * sizeof (def_file_export));
	fdef->exports = xmalloc (max_exports * sizeof (def_file_export));

  e = fdef->exports + pos;
  if (pos != fdef->num_exports)
    memmove (&e[1], e, (sizeof (def_file_export) * (fdef->num_exports - pos)));
  memset (e, 0, sizeof (def_file_export));
  e->name = xstrdup (external_name);
  e->internal_name = xstrdup (internal_name);
  e->its_name = (its_name ? xstrdup (its_name) : NULL);
  e->ordinal = ordinal;
  return e;

def_file_module *
def_get_module (def_file *fdef, const char *name)
  def_file_module *s;

  for (s = fdef->modules; s; s = s->next)
    if (strcmp (s->name, name) == 0)
      return s;

  return NULL;

static def_file_module *
def_stash_module (def_file *fdef, const char *name)
  def_file_module *s;

  if ((s = def_get_module (fdef, name)) != NULL)
      return s;
  s = xmalloc (sizeof (def_file_module) + strlen (name));
  s->next = fdef->modules;
  fdef->modules = s;
  s->user_data = 0;
  strcpy (s->name, name);
  return s;

static int
cmp_import_elem (const def_file_import *e, const char *ex_name,
		 const char *in_name, const char *module,
		 int ord)
  int r;

  if ((r = are_names_equal (module, (e->module ? e->module->name : NULL))))
    return r;
  if ((r = are_names_equal (ex_name, e->name)) != 0)
    return r;
  if ((r = are_names_equal (in_name, e->internal_name)) != 0)
    return r;
  if (ord != e->ordinal)
    return (ord < e->ordinal ? -1 : 1);
  return 0;

/* Search the position of the identical element, or returns the position
   of the next higher element. If last valid element is smaller, then MAX
   is returned.  */

static int
find_import_in_list (def_file_import *b, int max,
		     const char *ex_name, const char *in_name,
		     const char *module, int ord, int *is_ident)
  int e, l, r, p;

  *is_ident = 0;
  if (!max)
    return 0;
  if ((e = cmp_import_elem (b, ex_name, in_name, module, ord)) <= 0)
      if (!e)
	*is_ident = 1;
      return 0;
  if (max == 1)
    return 1;
  if ((e = cmp_import_elem (b + (max - 1), ex_name, in_name, module, ord)) > 0)
    return max;
  else if (!e || max == 2)
      if (!e)
	*is_ident = 1;
      return max - 1;
  l = 0; r = max - 1;
  while (l < r)
      p = (l + r) / 2;
      e = cmp_import_elem (b + p, ex_name, in_name, module, ord);
      if (!e)
	  *is_ident = 1;
	  return p;
      else if (e < 0)
	r = p - 1;
      else if (e > 0)
	l = p + 1;
  if ((e = cmp_import_elem (b + l, ex_name, in_name, module, ord)) > 0)
  else if (!e)
    *is_ident = 1;
  return l;

static void
fill_in_import (def_file_import *i,
		const char *name,
		def_file_module *module,
		int ordinal,
		const char *internal_name,
		const char *its_name)
  memset (i, 0, sizeof (def_file_import));
  if (name)
    i->name = xstrdup (name);
  i->module = module;
  i->ordinal = ordinal;
  if (internal_name)
    i->internal_name = xstrdup (internal_name);
    i->internal_name = i->name;
  i->its_name = (its_name ? xstrdup (its_name) : NULL);

def_file_import *
def_file_add_import (def_file *fdef,
		     const char *name,
		     const char *module,
		     int ordinal,
		     const char *internal_name,
		     const char *its_name,
		     int *is_dup)
  def_file_import *i;
  int pos;
  int max_imports = ROUND_UP (fdef->num_imports, 16);

  /* We need to avoid here duplicates.  */
  *is_dup = 0;
  pos = find_import_in_list (fdef->imports, fdef->num_imports,
			     (!internal_name ? name : internal_name),
			     module, ordinal, is_dup);
  if (*is_dup != 0)
    return fdef->imports + pos;

  if (fdef->num_imports >= max_imports)
      max_imports = ROUND_UP (fdef->num_imports+1, 16);

      if (fdef->imports)
	fdef->imports = xrealloc (fdef->imports,
				 max_imports * sizeof (def_file_import));
	fdef->imports = xmalloc (max_imports * sizeof (def_file_import));
  i = fdef->imports + pos;
  if (pos != fdef->num_imports)
    memmove (i + 1, i, sizeof (def_file_import) * (fdef->num_imports - pos));

  fill_in_import (i, name, def_stash_module (fdef, module), ordinal,
		  internal_name, its_name);

  return i;

def_file_add_import_from (def_file *fdef,
			  int num_imports,
			  const char *name,
			  const char *module,
			  int ordinal,
			  const char *internal_name,
			  const char *its_name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
  def_file_import *i;
  int is_dup;
  int pos;
  int max_imports = ROUND_UP (fdef->num_imports, 16);

  /* We need to avoid here duplicates.  */
  is_dup = 0;
  pos = find_import_in_list (fdef->imports, fdef->num_imports,
			     name, internal_name ? internal_name : name,
			     module, ordinal, &is_dup);
  if (is_dup != 0)
    return -1;
  if (fdef->imports && pos != fdef->num_imports)
      i = fdef->imports + pos;
      if (i->module && strcmp (i->module->name, module) == 0)
	return -1;

  if (fdef->num_imports + num_imports - 1 >= max_imports)
      max_imports = ROUND_UP (fdef->num_imports + num_imports, 16);

      if (fdef->imports)
	fdef->imports = xrealloc (fdef->imports,
				 max_imports * sizeof (def_file_import));
	fdef->imports = xmalloc (max_imports * sizeof (def_file_import));
  i = fdef->imports + pos;
  if (pos != fdef->num_imports)
    memmove (i + num_imports, i,
	     sizeof (def_file_import) * (fdef->num_imports - pos));

  return pos;

def_file_import *
def_file_add_import_at (def_file *fdef,
			int pos,
			const char *name,
			const char *module,
			int ordinal,
			const char *internal_name,
			const char *its_name)
  def_file_import *i = fdef->imports + pos;

  fill_in_import (i, name, def_stash_module (fdef, module), ordinal,
		  internal_name, its_name);

  return i;

  char *param;
  int token;
diropts[] =
  { "-heap", HEAPSIZE },
  { "-stack", STACKSIZE_K },
  { "-attr", SECTIONS },
  { "-export", EXPORTS },
  { "-aligncomm", ALIGNCOMM },
  { 0, 0 }

def_file_add_directive (def_file *my_def, const char *param, int len)
  def_file *save_def = def;
  const char *pend = param + len;
  char * tend = (char *) param;
  int i;

  def = my_def;

  while (param < pend)
      while (param < pend
	     && (ISSPACE (*param) || *param == '\n' || *param == 0))

      if (param == pend)

      /* Scan forward until we encounter any of:
	  - the end of the buffer
	  - the start of a new option
	  - a newline separating options
	  - a NUL separating options.  */
      for (tend = (char *) (param + 1);
	   (tend < pend
	    && !(ISSPACE (tend[-1]) && *tend == '-')
	    && *tend != '\n' && *tend != 0);

      for (i = 0; diropts[i].param; i++)
	  len = strlen (diropts[i].param);

	  if (tend - param >= len
	      && strncmp (param, diropts[i].param, len) == 0
	      && (param[len] == ':' || param[len] == ' '))
	      lex_parse_string_end = tend;
	      lex_parse_string = param + len + 1;
	      lex_forced_token = diropts[i].token;
	      saw_newline = 0;
	      if (def_parse ())

      if (!diropts[i].param)
	  if (tend < pend)
	      char saved;

	      saved = * tend;
	      * tend = 0;
	      /* xgettext:c-format */
	      einfo (_("Warning: .drectve `%s' unrecognized\n"), param);
	      * tend = saved;
	      einfo (_("Warning: corrupt .drectve at end of def file\n"));

      lex_parse_string = 0;
      param = tend;

  def = save_def;
  def_pool_free ();

/* Parser Callbacks.  */

static void
def_image_name (const char *name, bfd_vma base, int is_dll)
  /* If a LIBRARY or NAME statement is specified without a name, there is nothing
     to do here.  We retain the output filename specified on command line.  */
  if (*name)
      const char* image_name = lbasename (name);

      if (image_name != name)
	einfo ("%s:%d: Warning: path components stripped from %s, '%s'\n",
	       def_filename, linenumber, is_dll ? "LIBRARY" : "NAME",
      if (def->name)
	free (def->name);
      /* Append the default suffix, if none specified.  */
      if (strchr (image_name, '.') == 0)
	  const char * suffix = is_dll ? ".dll" : ".exe";

	  def->name = xmalloc (strlen (image_name) + strlen (suffix) + 1);
	  sprintf (def->name, "%s%s", image_name, suffix);
	def->name = xstrdup (image_name);

  /* Honor a BASE address statement, even if LIBRARY string is empty.  */
  def->base_address = base;
  def->is_dll = is_dll;

static void
def_description (const char *text)
  int len = def->description ? strlen (def->description) : 0;

  len += strlen (text) + 1;
  if (def->description)
      def->description = xrealloc (def->description, len);
      strcat (def->description, text);
      def->description = xmalloc (len);
      strcpy (def->description, text);

static void
def_stacksize (int reserve, int commit)
  def->stack_reserve = reserve;
  def->stack_commit = commit;

static void
def_heapsize (int reserve, int commit)
  def->heap_reserve = reserve;
  def->heap_commit = commit;

static void
def_section (const char *name, int attr)
  def_file_section *s;
  int max_sections = ROUND_UP (def->num_section_defs, 4);

  if (def->num_section_defs >= max_sections)
      max_sections = ROUND_UP (def->num_section_defs+1, 4);

      if (def->section_defs)
	def->section_defs = xrealloc (def->section_defs,
				      max_sections * sizeof (def_file_import));
	def->section_defs = xmalloc (max_sections * sizeof (def_file_import));
  s = def->section_defs + def->num_section_defs;
  memset (s, 0, sizeof (def_file_section));
  s->name = xstrdup (name);
  if (attr & 1)
    s->flag_read = 1;
  if (attr & 2)
    s->flag_write = 1;
  if (attr & 4)
    s->flag_execute = 1;
  if (attr & 8)
    s->flag_shared = 1;


static void
def_section_alt (const char *name, const char *attr)
  int aval = 0;

  for (; *attr; attr++)
      switch (*attr)
	case 'R':
	case 'r':
	  aval |= 1;
	case 'W':
	case 'w':
	  aval |= 2;
	case 'X':
	case 'x':
	  aval |= 4;
	case 'S':
	case 's':
	  aval |= 8;
  def_section (name, aval);

static void
def_exports (const char *external_name,
	     const char *internal_name,
	     int ordinal,
	     int flags,
	     const char *its_name)
  def_file_export *dfe;
  int is_dup = 0;

  if (!internal_name && external_name)
    internal_name = external_name;
  printf ("def_exports, ext=%s int=%s\n", external_name, internal_name);

  dfe = def_file_add_export (def, external_name, internal_name, ordinal,
			     its_name, &is_dup);

  /* We might check here for flag redefinition and warn.  For now we
     ignore duplicates silently.  */
  if (is_dup)

  if (flags & 1)
    dfe->flag_noname = 1;
  if (flags & 2)
    dfe->flag_constant = 1;
  if (flags & 4)
    dfe->flag_data = 1;
  if (flags & 8)
    dfe->flag_private = 1;

static void
def_import (const char *internal_name,
	    const char *module,
	    const char *dllext,
	    const char *name,
	    int ordinal,
	    const char *its_name)
  char *buf = 0;
  const char *ext = dllext ? dllext : "dll";
  int is_dup = 0;

  buf = xmalloc (strlen (module) + strlen (ext) + 2);
  sprintf (buf, "%s.%s", module, ext);
  module = buf;

  def_file_add_import (def, name, module, ordinal, internal_name, its_name,
  free (buf);

static void
def_version (int major, int minor)
  def->version_major = major;
  def->version_minor = minor;

static void
def_directive (char *str)
  struct directive *d = xmalloc (sizeof (struct directive));

  d->next = directives;
  directives = d;
  d->name = xstrdup (str);
  d->len = strlen (str);

static void
def_aligncomm (char *str, int align)
  def_file_aligncomm *c, *p;

  p = NULL;
  c = def->aligncomms;
  while (c != NULL)
      int e = strcmp (c->symbol_name, str);
      if (!e)
	  /* Not sure if we want to allow here duplicates with
	     different alignments, but for now we keep them.  */
	  e = (int) c->alignment - align;
	  if (!e)
      if (e > 0)
      c = (p = c)->next;

  c = xmalloc (sizeof (def_file_aligncomm));
  c->symbol_name = xstrdup (str);
  c->alignment = (unsigned int) align;
  if (!p)
      c->next = def->aligncomms;
      def->aligncomms = c;
      c->next = p->next;
      p->next = c;

static int
def_error (const char *err)
  einfo ("%P: %s:%d: %s\n",
	 def_filename ? def_filename : "<unknown-file>", linenumber, err);
  return 0;

/* Lexical Scanner.  */

#undef TRACE
#define TRACE 0

/* Never freed, but always reused as needed, so no real leak.  */
static char *buffer = 0;
static int buflen = 0;
static int bufptr = 0;

static void
put_buf (char c)
  if (bufptr == buflen)
      buflen += 50;		/* overly reasonable, eh?  */
      if (buffer)
	buffer = xrealloc (buffer, buflen + 1);
	buffer = xmalloc (buflen + 1);
  buffer[bufptr++] = c;
  buffer[bufptr] = 0;		/* not optimal, but very convenient.  */

static struct
  char *name;
  int token;
tokens[] =
  { "BASE", BASE },
  { "CODE", CODE },
  { "constant", CONSTANTL },
  { "DATA", DATAU },
  { "data", DATAL },
  { "NAME", NAME },
  { "noname", NONAMEL },
  { "private", PRIVATEL },
  { "READ", READ },
  { "WRITE", WRITE },
  { 0, 0 }

static int
def_getc (void)
  int rv;

  if (lex_parse_string)
      if (lex_parse_string >= lex_parse_string_end)
	rv = EOF;
	rv = *lex_parse_string++;
      rv = fgetc (the_file);
  if (rv == '\n')
    saw_newline = 1;
  return rv;

static int
def_ungetc (int c)
  if (lex_parse_string)
      return c;
    return ungetc (c, the_file);

static int
def_lex (void)
  int c, i, q;

  if (lex_forced_token)
      i = lex_forced_token;
      lex_forced_token = 0;
      printf ("lex: forcing token %d\n", i);
      return i;

  c = def_getc ();

  /* Trim leading whitespace.  */
  while (c != EOF && (c == ' ' || c == '\t') && saw_newline)
    c = def_getc ();

  if (c == EOF)
      printf ("lex: EOF\n");
      return 0;

  if (saw_newline && c == ';')
	  c = def_getc ();
      while (c != EOF && c != '\n');
      if (c == '\n')
	return def_lex ();
      return 0;

  /* Must be something else.  */
  saw_newline = 0;

  if (ISDIGIT (c))
      bufptr = 0;
      while (c != EOF && (ISXDIGIT (c) || (c == 'x')))
	  put_buf (c);
	  c = def_getc ();
      if (c != EOF)
	def_ungetc (c);
      yylval.digits = def_pool_strdup (buffer);
      printf ("lex: `%s' returns DIGITS\n", buffer);
      return DIGITS;

  if (ISALPHA (c) || strchr ("$:-_?@", c))
      bufptr = 0;
      q = c;
      put_buf (c);
      c = def_getc ();

      if (q == '@')
	  if (ISBLANK (c) ) /* '@' followed by whitespace.  */
	    return (q);
	  else if (ISDIGIT (c)) /* '@' followed by digit.  */
	      def_ungetc (c);
	      return (q);
	  printf ("lex: @ returns itself\n");

      while (c != EOF && (ISALNUM (c) || strchr ("$:-_?/@<>", c)))
	  put_buf (c);
	  c = def_getc ();
      if (c != EOF)
	def_ungetc (c);
      if (ISALPHA (q)) /* Check for tokens.  */
	  for (i = 0; tokens[i].name; i++)
	    if (strcmp (tokens[i].name, buffer) == 0)
	        printf ("lex: `%s' is a string token\n", buffer);
	        return tokens[i].token;
      printf ("lex: `%s' returns ID\n", buffer);
      yylval.id = def_pool_strdup (buffer);
      return ID;

  if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
      q = c;
      c = def_getc ();
      bufptr = 0;

      while (c != EOF && c != q)
	  put_buf (c);
	  c = def_getc ();
      yylval.id = def_pool_strdup (buffer);
      printf ("lex: `%s' returns ID\n", buffer);
      return ID;

  if ( c == '=')
      c = def_getc ();
      if (c == '=')
	  printf ("lex: `==' returns EQUAL\n");
	  return EQUAL;
      def_ungetc (c);
      printf ("lex: `=' returns itself\n");
      return '=';
  if (c == '.' || c == ',')
      printf ("lex: `%c' returns itself\n", c);
      return c;

  if (c == '\n')
      saw_newline = 1;

  /*printf ("lex: 0x%02x ignored\n", c); */
  return def_lex ();

static char *
def_pool_alloc (size_t sz)
  def_pool_str *e;

  e = (def_pool_str *) xmalloc (sizeof (def_pool_str) + sz);
  e->next = pool_strs;
  pool_strs = e;
  return e->data;

static char *
def_pool_strdup (const char *str)
  char *s;
  size_t len;
  if (!str)
    return NULL;
  len = strlen (str) + 1;
  s = def_pool_alloc (len);
  memcpy (s, str, len);
  return s;

static void
def_pool_free (void)
  def_pool_str *p;
  while ((p = pool_strs) != NULL)
      pool_strs = p->next;
      free (p);