// plugin_section_alignment.cc -- plugins to test ordering with {size,alignment} // // Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // Written by Than McIntosh <thanm@google.com>. // // This file is part of gold. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, // MA 02110-1301, USA. // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "plugin-api.h" static ld_plugin_get_input_section_count get_input_section_count = NULL; static ld_plugin_get_input_section_alignment get_input_section_alignment = NULL; static ld_plugin_get_input_section_size get_input_section_size = NULL; static ld_plugin_get_input_section_name get_input_section_name = NULL; static ld_plugin_update_section_order update_section_order = NULL; static ld_plugin_allow_section_ordering allow_section_ordering = NULL; extern "C" { enum ld_plugin_status onload(struct ld_plugin_tv *tv); enum ld_plugin_status claim_file_hook(const struct ld_plugin_input_file *file, int *claimed); enum ld_plugin_status all_symbols_read_hook(void); } typedef enum { FL_BSS, FL_DATA, FL_RODATA, FL_UNKNOWN } sec_flavor; inline static int is_prefix_of(const char *prefix, const char *str) { return strncmp(prefix, str, strlen(prefix)) == 0; } inline static sec_flavor flavor_from_name(const char *secname) { if (is_prefix_of(".data.v", secname)) { return FL_DATA; } else if (is_prefix_of(".bss.v", secname)) { return FL_BSS; } else if (is_prefix_of(".rodata.v", secname)) { return FL_RODATA; } else { return FL_UNKNOWN; } } struct SectionInfo { ld_plugin_section plugin_section; std::string name; uint64_t size; sec_flavor flavor; unsigned align; static bool SectionInfoLt(const SectionInfo &i1, const SectionInfo &i2) { if (i1.flavor != i2.flavor) { return ((unsigned) i1.flavor) < ((unsigned) i2.flavor); } switch (i1.flavor) { case FL_DATA: // Sort data items by increasing alignment then increasing size if (i1.align != i2.align) { return ((unsigned) i1.align) < ((unsigned) i2.align); } if (i1.size != i2.size) { return ((unsigned) i1.size) < ((unsigned) i2.size); } break; case FL_BSS: // Sort bss items by decreasing alignment then decreasing size if (i1.align != i2.align) { return ((unsigned) i2.align) < ((unsigned) i1.align); } if (i1.size != i2.size) { return ((unsigned) i2.size) < ((unsigned) i1.size); } break; case FL_RODATA: // Sort rodata items by decreasing alignment then increasing size if (i1.align != i2.align) { return ((unsigned) i2.align) < ((unsigned) i1.align); } if (i1.size != i2.size) { return ((unsigned) i1.size) < ((unsigned) i2.size); } default: break; } // Break ties by name return i1.name.compare(i2.name) < 0; } }; typedef std::vector<SectionInfo> section_info_vector; section_info_vector raw_sections; // Set to 1 for debugging output unsigned trace = 0; extern "C" { // Plugin entry point. enum ld_plugin_status onload(struct ld_plugin_tv *tv) { struct ld_plugin_tv *entry; for (entry = tv; entry->tv_tag != LDPT_NULL; ++entry) { switch (entry->tv_tag) { case LDPT_OPTION: if (!strcmp(entry->tv_u.tv_string,"-trace")) { fprintf(stderr, "enabling tracing\n"); trace += 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown plugin option %s", entry->tv_u.tv_string); } break; case LDPT_REGISTER_CLAIM_FILE_HOOK: assert((*entry->tv_u.tv_register_claim_file)(claim_file_hook) == LDPS_OK); break; case LDPT_REGISTER_ALL_SYMBOLS_READ_HOOK: assert((*entry->tv_u.tv_register_all_symbols_read)( all_symbols_read_hook) == LDPS_OK); break; case LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_COUNT: get_input_section_count = *entry->tv_u.tv_get_input_section_count; break; case LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_NAME: get_input_section_name = *entry->tv_u.tv_get_input_section_name; break; case LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT: get_input_section_alignment = *entry->tv_u.tv_get_input_section_alignment; break; case LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_SIZE: get_input_section_size = *entry->tv_u.tv_get_input_section_size; break; case LDPT_UPDATE_SECTION_ORDER: update_section_order = *entry->tv_u.tv_update_section_order; break; case LDPT_ALLOW_SECTION_ORDERING: allow_section_ordering = *entry->tv_u.tv_allow_section_ordering; break; default: break; } } if (get_input_section_count == NULL || get_input_section_alignment == NULL || get_input_section_size == NULL || get_input_section_name == NULL || update_section_order == NULL || allow_section_ordering == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Some interfaces are missing\n"); return LDPS_ERR; } return LDPS_OK; } // This function is called by the linker for every new object it encounters. enum ld_plugin_status claim_file_hook(const struct ld_plugin_input_file *file, int *claimed) { static bool is_ordering_specified = false; struct ld_plugin_section section; unsigned count = 0; unsigned shndx; *claimed = 0; if (!is_ordering_specified) { // Inform the linker to prepare for section reordering. (*allow_section_ordering)(); is_ordering_specified = true; } (*get_input_section_count)(file->handle, &count); for (shndx = 0; shndx < count; ++shndx) { char *name = NULL; section.handle = file->handle; section.shndx = shndx; (*get_input_section_name)(section, &name); if (is_prefix_of(".data.v", name) || is_prefix_of(".bss.v", name) || is_prefix_of(".rodata.v", name)) { SectionInfo si; si.plugin_section.handle = file->handle; si.plugin_section.shndx = shndx; (*get_input_section_size)(section, &si.size); (*get_input_section_alignment)(section, &si.align); si.name = name; si.flavor = flavor_from_name(name); raw_sections.push_back(si); } } return LDPS_OK; } // This function is called by the linker after all the symbols have been read. // At this stage, it is fine to tell the linker the desired function order. enum ld_plugin_status all_symbols_read_hook(void) { // We expect to see a total of twelve sections -- if this is not the case // then something went wrong somewhere along the way. if (raw_sections.size() != 12) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected 12 sections, found %u sections", (unsigned) raw_sections.size()); return LDPS_ERR; } std::sort(raw_sections.begin(), raw_sections.end(), SectionInfo::SectionInfoLt); struct ld_plugin_section section_list[12]; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 12; ++ii) { section_list[ii] = raw_sections[ii].plugin_section; } if (trace) { fprintf(stderr, "Specified section order is:\n"); for (section_info_vector::iterator it = raw_sections.begin(); it != raw_sections.end(); ++it) { const SectionInfo &si = (*it); fprintf(stderr, "Idx=%u Name=%s Align=%u Size=%u\n", si.plugin_section.shndx, si.name.c_str(), si.align, (unsigned) si.size); } } update_section_order(section_list, 12); return LDPS_OK; } } // end extern "C"