/* TUI data manipulation routines.

   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Contributed by Hewlett-Packard Company.

   This file is part of GDB.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */

#ifndef TUI_DATA_H
#define TUI_DATA_H

#include "tui/tui.h"	/* For enum tui_win_type.  */
#include "gdb_curses.h"	/* For WINDOW.  */

/* This is a point definition.  */
struct tui_point
  int x, y;

/* Generic window information */
struct tui_gen_win_info
  WINDOW *handle;	/* window handle */
  enum tui_win_type type;	/* type of window */
  int width;		/* window width */
  int height;		/* window height */
  struct tui_point origin;	/* origin of window */
  void **content;	/* content of window */
  int content_size;	/* Size of content (# of elements) */
  int content_in_use;	/* Can it be used, or is it already used? */
  int viewport_height;	/* viewport height */
  int last_visible_line;	/* index of last visible line */
  int is_visible;		/* whether the window is visible or not */
  char *title;          /* Window title to display.  */

/* Constant definitions */
#define DEFAULT_TAB_LEN                8
#define NO_SRC_STRING                  "[ No Source Available ]"
#define NO_DISASSEM_STRING             "[ No Assembly Available ]"
#define NO_REGS_STRING                 "[ Register Values Unavailable ]"
#define NO_DATA_STRING                 "[ No Data Values Displayed ]"
#define MAX_CONTENT_COUNT              100
#define SRC_NAME                       "SRC"
#define CMD_NAME                       "CMD"
#define DATA_NAME                      "REGS"
#define DISASSEM_NAME                  "ASM"
#define TUI_NULL_STR                   ""
#define DEFAULT_HISTORY_COUNT          25
#define BOX_WINDOW                     TRUE
#define DONT_BOX_WINDOW                FALSE
#define HILITE                         TRUE
#define NO_HILITE                      FALSE
#define WITH_LOCATOR                   TRUE
#define NO_LOCATOR                     FALSE
#define EMPTY_SOURCE_PROMPT            TRUE
#define UNDEFINED_ITEM                 -1
#define MIN_WIN_HEIGHT                 3
#define MIN_CMD_WIN_HEIGHT             3

/* Strings to display in the TUI status line.  */
#define PROC_PREFIX                    "In: "
#define LINE_PREFIX                    "Line: "
#define PC_PREFIX                      "PC: "
#define SINGLE_KEY                     "(SingleKey)"

/* Minimum/Maximum length of some fields displayed in the TUI status line.  */
#define MIN_LINE_WIDTH     4 /* Use at least 4 digits for line numbers.  */
#define MIN_PROC_WIDTH    12
#define MAX_TARGET_WIDTH  10
#define MAX_PID_WIDTH     14

#define TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME                  "$FREGS"
#define TUI_FLOAT_REGS_NAME_LOWER            "$fregs"
#define TUI_GENERAL_REGS_NAME                "$GREGS"
#define TUI_GENERAL_REGS_NAME_LOWER          "$gregs"
#define TUI_SPECIAL_REGS_NAME                "$SREGS"
#define TUI_SPECIAL_REGS_NAME_LOWER          "$sregs"

/* Scroll direction enum.  */
enum tui_scroll_direction

/* General list struct.  */
struct tui_list
  struct tui_win_info **list;
  int count;

/* The kinds of layouts available */
enum tui_layout_type

/* Basic data types that can be displayed in the data window. */
enum tui_data_type

/* Types of register displays */
enum tui_register_display_type

/* Structure describing source line or line address */
struct tui_line_or_address
  enum { LOA_LINE, LOA_ADDRESS } loa;
      int line_no;
      CORE_ADDR addr;
    } u;

/* Current Layout definition */
struct tui_layout_def
  enum tui_win_type display_mode;
  int split;
  enum tui_register_display_type regs_display_type;
  enum tui_register_display_type float_regs_display_type;

/* Elements in the Source/Disassembly Window */
struct tui_source_element
  char *line;
  struct tui_line_or_address line_or_addr;
  int is_exec_point;
  int has_break;

/* Elements in the data display window content */
struct tui_data_element
  const char *name;
  int item_no;			/* the register number, or data display number */
  enum tui_data_type type;
  void *value;
  int highlight;
  char *content;

/* Elements in the command window content */
struct tui_command_element
  char *line;

#define MAX_LOCATOR_ELEMENT_LEN        100

/* Elements in the locator window content */
struct tui_locator_element
  char file_name[MAX_LOCATOR_ELEMENT_LEN];
  char proc_name[MAX_LOCATOR_ELEMENT_LEN];
  int line_no;
  CORE_ADDR addr;

/* Flags to tell what kind of breakpoint is at current line.  */
#define TUI_BP_ENABLED      0x01
#define TUI_BP_DISABLED     0x02
#define TUI_BP_HIT          0x04
#define TUI_BP_CONDITIONAL  0x08
#define TUI_BP_HARDWARE     0x10

/* Position of breakpoint markers in the exec info string.  */
#define TUI_BP_HIT_POS      0
#define TUI_BP_BREAK_POS    1
#define TUI_EXEC_POS        2

typedef char tui_exec_info_content[TUI_EXECINFO_SIZE];

/* An content element in a window */
union tui_which_element
  struct tui_source_element source;	/* the source elements */
  struct tui_gen_win_info data_window;	/* data display elements */
  struct tui_data_element data;	/* elements of data_window */
  struct tui_command_element command;	/* command elements */
  struct tui_locator_element locator;	/* locator elements */
  tui_exec_info_content simple_string;	/* simple char based elements */

struct tui_win_element
  int highlight;
  union tui_which_element which_element;

/* This describes the content of the window. */
typedef struct tui_win_element **tui_win_content;

/* This struct defines the specific information about a data display window */
struct tui_data_info
  tui_win_content data_content;	/* start of data display content */
  int data_content_count;
  tui_win_content regs_content;	/* start of regs display content */
  int regs_content_count;
  enum tui_register_display_type regs_display_type;
  int regs_column_count;
  int display_regs;		/* Should regs be displayed at all? */
  struct reggroup *current_group;

struct tui_source_info
  int has_locator;		/* Does locator belongs to this window? */
  /* Execution information window.  */
  struct tui_gen_win_info *execution_info;
  int horizontal_offset;	/* used for horizontal scroll */
  struct tui_line_or_address start_line_or_addr;
  char* filename;

struct tui_command_info
  int cur_line;		/* The current line position */
  int curch;			/* The current cursor position */
  int start_line;

/* This defines information about each logical window */
struct tui_win_info
  struct tui_gen_win_info generic;	/* general window information */
    struct tui_source_info source_info;
    struct tui_data_info data_display_info;
    struct tui_command_info command_info;
    void *opaque;
  int can_highlight;		/* Can this window ever be highlighted? */
  int is_highlighted;		/* Is this window highlighted? */

extern int tui_win_is_source_type (enum tui_win_type win_type);
extern int tui_win_is_auxillary (enum tui_win_type win_type);
extern int tui_win_has_locator (struct tui_win_info *win_info);
extern void tui_set_win_highlight (struct tui_win_info *win_info,
				   int highlight);

/* Global Data */
extern struct tui_win_info *(tui_win_list[MAX_MAJOR_WINDOWS]);

#define TUI_SRC_WIN            tui_win_list[SRC_WIN]
#define TUI_DISASM_WIN       tui_win_list[DISASSEM_WIN]
#define TUI_DATA_WIN           tui_win_list[DATA_WIN]
#define TUI_CMD_WIN            tui_win_list[CMD_WIN]

/* Data Manipulation Functions */
extern void tui_initialize_static_data (void);
extern struct tui_gen_win_info *tui_alloc_generic_win_info (void);
extern struct tui_win_info *tui_alloc_win_info (enum tui_win_type);
extern void tui_init_generic_part (struct tui_gen_win_info *);
extern void tui_init_win_info (struct tui_win_info *);
extern tui_win_content tui_alloc_content (int, enum tui_win_type);
extern int tui_add_content_elements (struct tui_gen_win_info *, int);
extern void tui_init_content_element (struct tui_win_element *, enum tui_win_type);
extern void tui_free_window (struct tui_win_info *);
extern void tui_free_win_content (struct tui_gen_win_info *);
extern void tui_free_data_content (tui_win_content, int);
extern void tui_free_all_source_wins_content (void);
extern void tui_del_window (struct tui_win_info *);
extern void tui_del_data_windows (tui_win_content, int);
extern struct tui_win_info *tui_partial_win_by_name (char *);
extern char *tui_win_name (struct tui_gen_win_info *);
extern enum tui_layout_type tui_current_layout (void);
extern void tui_set_current_layout_to (enum tui_layout_type);
extern int tui_term_height (void);
extern void tui_set_term_height_to (int);
extern int tui_term_width (void);
extern void tui_set_term_width_to (int);
extern void tui_set_gen_win_origin (struct tui_gen_win_info *, int, int);
extern struct tui_gen_win_info *tui_locator_win_info_ptr (void);
extern struct tui_gen_win_info *tui_source_exec_info_win_ptr (void);
extern struct tui_gen_win_info *tui_disassem_exec_info_win_ptr (void);
extern struct tui_list * tui_source_windows (void);
extern void tui_clear_source_windows (void);
extern void tui_clear_source_windows_detail (void);
extern void tui_clear_win_detail (struct tui_win_info * win_info);
extern void tui_add_to_source_windows (struct tui_win_info *);
extern int tui_default_tab_len (void);
extern void tui_set_default_tab_len (int);
extern struct tui_win_info *tui_win_with_focus (void);
extern void tui_set_win_with_focus (struct tui_win_info *);
extern struct tui_layout_def * tui_layout_def (void);
extern int tui_win_resized (void);
extern void tui_set_win_resized_to (int);

extern struct tui_win_info *tui_next_win (struct tui_win_info *);
extern struct tui_win_info *tui_prev_win (struct tui_win_info *);

extern void tui_add_to_source_windows (struct tui_win_info * win_info);

#endif /* TUI_DATA_H */