# Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Test the 'maint print xml-tdesc' command. This file picks up every # XML file matching the pattern maint-xml-dump-*.xml (in the same # directory as this script) and passes each in turn to the command # 'maint print xml-tdesc'. # # The expected output is generated by parsing the input XML file. The # rules for changing an XML file into the expected output are: # # 1. Blank lines, and lines starting with a comment are stripped from # the expected output. # # 2. The and entities are optional, # suitable defaults will be added if these lines are missing from # the input file. # # 3. A trailing comment on a line will replace the expected output for # that line but with the indentation of the line preserved. So # this (The '|' marks the start of the line): # | # Will actually look for the following output: # | # # 4. Indentation of lines will be preserved so your input file needs # to follow the expected indentation. if {[gdb_skip_xml_test]} { unsupported "xml tests not being run" return -1 } gdb_start # Read the XML file FILENAME and produce an output pattern that should # match what GDB produces with the 'maint print xml-desc' command. proc build_pattern { filename } { set pattern {} set xml_version_line {} set doc_type_line {} set linenum 0 set ifd [open "$filename" r] while {[gets $ifd line] >= 0} { incr linenum # The tag can only appear as the first line in # the file. If it is not present then add one to the expected # output now. if {$linenum == 1} { if {![regexp {^<\?xml} $line]} { set pattern [string_to_regexp $xml_version_line] set xml_version_line "" } } # If we have not yet seen a DOCTYPE line, then maybe we should # be adding one? If we find then add a default # DOCTYPE line, otherwise, if the XML file includes a DOCTYPE # line, use that. if {$doc_type_line != "" } { if {[regexp {^[ \t]*} $line]} { set pattern [multi_line $pattern \ [string_to_regexp $doc_type_line]] set doc_type_line "" } elseif {[regexp {^[ \t]*$} $line \ matches grp1 grp2]} { set pattern [multi_line \ $pattern \ [string_to_regexp "$grp1$grp2"]] } else { set pattern [multi_line \ $pattern \ [string_to_regexp $line]] } } close $ifd # Due to handling the tags we can end up with a stray # '\r\n' at the start of the output pattern. Remove it here. if {[string range $pattern 0 1] == "\r\n"} { set pattern [string range $pattern 2 end] } return $pattern } # Run over every test XML file and check the output. foreach filename [lsort [glob $srcdir/$subdir/maint-xml-dump-*.xml]] { set pattern [build_pattern $filename] if {[is_remote host]} { set test_path [remote_download host $filename] } else { set test_path $filename } verbose -log "Looking for:\n$pattern" gdb_test "maint print xml-tdesc $test_path" \ "$pattern" "check [file tail $filename]" }