/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger. Copyright 2002-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include /* Test program partial trace data visualization. */ /* Typedefs. */ typedef struct TEST_STRUCT { char memberc; int memberi; float memberf; double memberd; } test_struct; struct small_struct { int member; }; struct small_struct_b : public small_struct { }; typedef int test_array [4]; /* Global variables to be collected. */ char globalc; int globali; float globalf; double globald; test_struct globalstruct; test_struct *globalp; int globalarr[16]; small_struct g_smallstruct; small_struct_b g_smallstruct_b; /* Strings. */ const char g_const_string[] = "hello world"; char g_string_unavail[sizeof (g_const_string)]; char g_string_partial[sizeof (g_const_string)]; const char *g_string_p; /* Used to check that is not the same as 0 in array element repetitions. */ struct tuple { int a; int b; }; struct tuple tarray[8]; /* Test for overcollection. GDB used to merge memory ranges to collect if they were close enough --- say, collect `a' and 'c' below, and you'd get 'b' as well. This had been presumably done to cater for some target's inefficient trace buffer layout, but it is really not GDB's business to assume how the target manages its buffer. If the target wants to overcollect, that's okay, since it knows what is and what isn't safe to touch (think memory mapped registers), and knows it's buffer layout. The test assumes these three variables are laid out consecutively in memory. Unfortunately, we can't use an array instead, since the agent expression generator does not even do constant folding, meaning that anything that's more complicated than collecting a global will generate an agent expression action to evaluate on the target, instead of a simple "collect memory" action. */ int a; int b; int c; /* Random tests. */ struct StructA { int a, b; int array[10000]; void *ptr; int bitfield:1; }; struct StructB { int d, ef; StructA struct_a; int s:1; static StructA static_struct_a; const char *string; }; /* References. */ int g_int; int &g_ref = g_int; struct StructRef { StructRef (unsigned int val) : ref(d) {} void clear () { d = 0; } unsigned int d; unsigned int &ref; }; struct StructB struct_b; struct StructA StructB::static_struct_a; StructRef g_structref(0x12345678); StructRef *g_structref_p = &g_structref; class Base { protected: int x; public: Base(void) { x = 2; }; }; class Middle: public virtual Base { protected: int y; public: Middle(void): Base() { y = 3; }; }; class Derived: public virtual Middle { protected: int z; public: Derived(void): Middle() { z = 4; }; }; Derived derived_unavail; Derived derived_partial; Derived derived_whole; struct Virtual { int z; virtual ~Virtual() {} }; Virtual virtual_partial; Virtual *virtualp = &virtual_partial; /* Test functions. */ static void begin () /* called before anything else */ { } static void end () /* called after everything else */ { } /* Test (not) collecting args. */ int args_test_func (char argc, int argi, float argf, double argd, test_struct argstruct, int argarray[4]) { int i; i = (int) argc + argi + argf + argd + argstruct.memberi + argarray[1]; return i; } /* Test (not) collecting array args. */ /* Test (not) collecting locals. */ int local_test_func () { char locc = 11; int loci = 12; float locf = 13.3; double locd = 14.4; test_struct locst; int locar[4]; int i; struct localstruct {} locdefst; locst.memberc = 15; locst.memberi = 16; locst.memberf = 17.7; locst.memberd = 18.8; locar[0] = 121; locar[1] = 122; locar[2] = 123; locar[3] = 124; i = /* set local_test_func tracepoint here */ (int) locc + loci + locf + locd + locst.memberi + locar[1]; return i; } /* Test collecting register locals. */ int reglocal_test_func () { register char locc = 11; register int loci = 12; register float locf = 13.3; register double locd = 14.4; register test_struct locst; register int locar[4]; int i; locst.memberc = 15; locst.memberi = 16; locst.memberf = 17.7; locst.memberd = 18.8; locar[0] = 121; locar[1] = 122; locar[2] = 123; locar[3] = 124; i = /* set reglocal_test_func tracepoint here */ (int) locc + loci + locf + locd + locst.memberi + locar[1]; return i; } /* Test collecting static locals. */ int statlocal_test_func () { static char locc; static int loci; static float locf; static double locd; static test_struct locst; static int locar[4]; int i; locc = 11; loci = 12; locf = 13.3; locd = 14.4; locst.memberc = 15; locst.memberi = 16; locst.memberf = 17.7; locst.memberd = 18.8; locar[0] = 121; locar[1] = 122; locar[2] = 123; locar[3] = 124; i = /* set statlocal_test_func tracepoint here */ (int) locc + loci + locf + locd + locst.memberi + locar[1]; /* Set static locals back to zero so collected values are clearly special. */ locc = 0; loci = 0; locf = 0; locd = 0; locst.memberc = 0; locst.memberi = 0; locst.memberf = 0; locst.memberd = 0; locar[0] = 0; locar[1] = 0; locar[2] = 0; locar[3] = 0; return i; } int globals_test_func () { int i = 0; i += globalc + globali + globalf + globald; i += globalstruct.memberc + globalstruct.memberi; i += globalstruct.memberf + globalstruct.memberd; i += globalarr[1]; return i; /* set globals_test_func tracepoint here */ } int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { int i = 0; test_struct mystruct; int myarray[4]; begin (); /* Assign collectable values to global variables. */ globalc = 71; globali = 72; globalf = 73.3; globald = 74.4; globalstruct.memberc = 81; globalstruct.memberi = 82; globalstruct.memberf = 83.3; globalstruct.memberd = 84.4; globalp = &globalstruct; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) globalarr[i] = i; mystruct.memberc = 101; mystruct.memberi = 102; mystruct.memberf = 103.3; mystruct.memberd = 104.4; myarray[0] = 111; myarray[1] = 112; myarray[2] = 113; myarray[3] = 114; g_int = 123; memset (&struct_b, 0xaa, sizeof struct_b); memset (&struct_b.static_struct_a, 0xaa, sizeof struct_b.static_struct_a); struct_b.string = g_const_string; memcpy (g_string_unavail, g_const_string, sizeof (g_const_string)); memcpy (g_string_partial, g_const_string, sizeof (g_const_string)); g_string_p = g_const_string; a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; /* Call test functions, so they can be traced and data collected. */ i = 0; i += args_test_func (1, 2, 3.3, 4.4, mystruct, myarray); i += local_test_func (); i += reglocal_test_func (); i += statlocal_test_func (); i += globals_test_func (); /* Set 'em back to zero, so that the collected values will be distinctly different from the "realtime" (end of test) values. */ globalc = 0; globali = 0; globalf = 0; globald = 0; globalstruct.memberc = 0; globalstruct.memberi = 0; globalstruct.memberf = 0; globalstruct.memberd = 0; globalp = 0; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) globalarr[i] = 0; memset (&struct_b, 0, sizeof struct_b); memset (&struct_b.static_struct_a, 0, sizeof struct_b.static_struct_a); struct_b.string = NULL; memset (g_string_unavail, 0, sizeof (g_string_unavail)); memset (g_string_partial, 0, sizeof (g_string_partial)); g_string_p = NULL; a = b = c = 0; g_int = 0; g_structref.clear (); g_structref_p = NULL; end (); return 0; }