# Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
load_lib gdb-python.exp
require allow_python_tests
require {!is_remote host}
standard_testfile .c -lib.c
# Build the library.
set libname ${testfile}-lib
set libfile [standard_output_file $libname]
if { [build_executable "build shlib" $libfile $srcfile2 \
{debug shlib build-id}] == -1} {
# Build the executable.
set opts [list debug build-id shlib=${libfile}]
if { [build_executable "build exec" $binfile $srcfile $opts] == -1} {
# The cc-with-gnu-debuglink board will split the debug out into the
# .debug directory. This test script relies on having GDB lookup the
# objfile and debug via the build-id, which this test sets up. Trying
# to do that, while also supporting the cc-with-gnu-debuglink board is
# just too complicated.
if {[file isdirectory [standard_output_file ".debug"]]} {
unsupported "split debug testing not supported"
set remote_python_file \
[gdb_remote_download host ${srcdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}.py]
# Generate a core file.
set corefile [core_find $binfile {}]
if {$corefile == ""} {
unsupported "core file not generated"
return 0
# Create a directory named DIRNAME for use as the
# debug-file-directory. Populate the directory with links (based on
# the build-ids) to each file in the list FILES.
# Return the full filename of DIRNAME on the host.
proc setup_debugdir { dirname files } {
set debugdir [host_standard_output_file $dirname]
# Create basic empty directory structure (in case FILES is empty).
remote_exec host "mkdir -p $debugdir/.build-id/"
foreach file $files {
set build_id_filename [build_id_debug_filename_get $file ""]
remote_exec host "mkdir -p $debugdir/[file dirname $build_id_filename]"
remote_exec host "ln -s $file $debugdir/$build_id_filename"
return $debugdir
# Query some symbols in the inferior to see if GDB managed to find the
# executable (when EXEC_LOADED is true) and/or the library (when LIB_LOADED
# is true).
proc check_loaded_debug { exec_loaded lib_loaded } {
if { $exec_loaded } {
gdb_test "whatis global_exec_var" "^type = volatile struct exec_type"
if { $lib_loaded } {
gdb_test "whatis global_lib_var" "^type = volatile struct lib_type"
} else {
gdb_test "whatis global_lib_var" \
"^No symbol \"global_lib_var\" in current context\\."
} else {
gdb_test "whatis global_exec_var" \
"^No symbol table is loaded\\. Use the \"file\" command\\."
gdb_test "whatis global_lib_var" \
"^No symbol table is loaded\\. Use the \"file\" command\\."
# Load the global corefile. The EXTRA_RE is checked for prior to GDB
# announcing that the core-file has been loaded.
proc load_core_file { {extra_re ".*"} } {
gdb_test "core-file $::corefile" \
[multi_line \
"$extra_re" \
"Core was generated by \[^\r\n\]+" \
"Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted\\." \
"\[^\r\n\]+(?:\r\n\[^\r\n\]+)?"] \
"loaded the core file"
# Set the debug-file-directory to DIRNAME.
proc set_debug_file_dir { dirname } {
gdb_test_no_output "set debug-file-directory $dirname" \
"set debug-file-directory"
# Restart GDB and load the support Python script.
proc clean_restart_load_python {} {
gdb_test "source $::remote_python_file" "^Success" \
"load python script"
# For sanity, lets check that we can load the specify the executable
# and then load the core-file the easy way.
with_test_prefix "initial sanity check" {
clean_restart $binfile
check_loaded_debug true true
# Move the executable and library into a location that the core-file
# can't possibly know about. After this the only way GDB can track
# down these files will be by looking in the debug-file-directory.
set hidden_dir [host_standard_output_file "hidden"]
set hidden_binfile "$hidden_dir/$testfile"
set hidden_libfile "$hidden_dir/$libname"
remote_exec host "mkdir -p $hidden_dir"
remote_exec host "mv $libfile $hidden_libfile"
remote_exec host "mv $binfile $hidden_binfile"
# If using the fission-dwp board then we'll have .dwp files that also
# need to be moved.
if {[remote_file host exists ${libfile}.dwp]} {
remote_exec host "mv ${libfile}.dwp ${hidden_libfile}.dwp"
if {[remote_file host exists ${binfile}.dwp]} {
remote_exec host "mv ${binfile}.dwp ${hidden_binfile}.dwp"
with_test_prefix "no objfiles, no debug-file-directory" {
check_loaded_debug false false
# Setup some debug-file-directories.
set debugdir_no_lib \
[setup_debugdir "debugdir.no-lib" [list "$hidden_binfile"]]
set debugdir_empty \
[setup_debugdir "debugdir.empty" {}]
set debugdir_all \
[setup_debugdir "debugdir.all" [list "$hidden_libfile" \
with_test_prefix "no objfiles available" {
# Another sanity check that GDB can find the files via the
# debug-file-directory.
set_debug_file_dir $debugdir_empty
check_loaded_debug false false
with_test_prefix "all objfiles available" {
# Another sanity check that GDB can find the files via the
# debug-file-directory.
set_debug_file_dir $debugdir_all
check_loaded_debug true true
with_test_prefix "lib objfile missing" {
# Another sanity check that GDB can find the files via the
# debug-file-directory.
set_debug_file_dir $debugdir_no_lib
check_loaded_debug true false
with_test_prefix "all objfiles missing, handler returns None" {
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(None, handler_obj)" \
"register initial handler"
check_loaded_debug false false
# The handler should be called three times, once for the
# mapped-file, once for the core-file's exec, and once for the
# shared library.
gdb_test "python print(handler_obj.call_count)" "^3" \
"check handler was called three times"
with_test_prefix "lib objfile missing, handler returns None" {
# Reset handler_obj.
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_obj.set_mode(Mode.RETURN_NONE)"
set_debug_file_dir $debugdir_no_lib
check_loaded_debug true false
# The handler will be called twice, once when GDB tries to
# load the shared library during the memory-mapped file phase,
# then again for the shared library loading.
gdb_test "python print(handler_obj.call_count)" "^2" \
"check handler was called three times"
with_test_prefix "handler installs lib objfile" {
set build_id_filename [build_id_debug_filename_get \
$hidden_libfile ""]
remote_exec host \
"mkdir -p $debugdir_no_lib/[file dirname $build_id_filename]"
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_obj.set_mode(Mode.RETURN_TRUE, \
\"$hidden_libfile\", \"$debugdir_no_lib/$build_id_filename\")" \
"configure handler"
check_loaded_debug true true
# Cleanup so the test can be reproduced again later if needed.
remote_exec host "rm $debugdir_no_lib/$build_id_filename"
with_test_prefix "handler points to lib objfile" {
set build_id_filename [build_id_debug_filename_get \
$hidden_libfile ""]
remote_exec host \
"mkdir -p $debugdir_no_lib/[file dirname $build_id_filename]"
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_obj.set_mode(Mode.RETURN_STRING, \
\"$hidden_libfile\")" \
"configure handler"
check_loaded_debug true true
# Cleanup so the test can be reproduced again later if needed.
remote_exec host "rm $debugdir_no_lib/$build_id_filename"
# The handler will only have been called once when loading the
# memory-mapped file. GDB is smart enough to reuse the previously
# discovered BFD object as the shared library.
gdb_test "python print(handler_obj.call_count)" "^1" \
"check good handler hasn't been called again"
# Validate the filename and build-id arguments passed to the handler.
set expected_buildid [get_build_id $hidden_libfile]
gdb_test "python print(handler_last_buildid)" "^$expected_buildid"
gdb_test "python print(handler_last_filename)" \
"^[string_to_regexp $libfile]"
# Register another global handler, this one raises an exception. Reload the
# core-file, the bad handler should be invoked first, which raises an
# excetption, at which point GDB should skip further Python handlers.
with_test_prefix "handler raises an exception" {
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(None, rhandler)"
foreach_with_prefix exception_type {gdb.GdbError TypeError} {
gdb_test_no_output \
"python rhandler.exception_type = $exception_type"
# Load the core file. We expect the exception message to appear at
# least once in the output.
set re [string_to_regexp \
"Python Exception : message"]
load_core_file "${re}.*"
# Our original handler is still registered, but should not have been
# called again (as the exception occurs first).
gdb_test "python print(handler_obj.call_count)" "^1" \
"check good handler hasn't been called again"
# Re-start GDB.
# Attempt to register a missing-debug-handler with NAME. The expectation is
# that this should fail as NAME contains some invalid characters.
proc check_bad_name {name} {
set name_re [string_to_regexp $name]
set re \
[multi_line \
"ValueError.*: invalid character '.' in handler name: $name_re" \
"Error occurred in Python.*"]
gdb_test "python register(\"$name\")" $re \
"check that '$name' is not accepted"
# We don't attempt to be exhaustive here, just check a few random examples
# of invalid names.
check_bad_name "!! Bad Name"
check_bad_name "Bad Name"
check_bad_name "(Bad Name)"
check_bad_name "Bad \[Name\]"
check_bad_name "Bad,Name"
check_bad_name "Bad;Name"
# Check that there are no handlers registered.
gdb_test_no_output "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
"check no handlers are registered"
# Grab the current program space object, used for registering handler later.
gdb_test_no_output "python pspace = gdb.selected_inferior().progspace"
# Now register some handlers.
foreach hspec {{\"Foo\" None}
{\"-bar\" None}
{\"baz-\" pspace}
{\"abc-def\" pspace}} {
lassign $hspec name locus
gdb_test "python register($name, $locus)"
with_test_prefix "all handlers enabled" {
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Current Progspace:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz-" \
"Global:" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
set_debug_file_dir $debugdir_no_lib
# As we perform two look ups, first for the mapped-file then for the
# shared library, each handler will be called twice.
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', 'baz-', '-bar', 'Foo', 'abc-def', 'baz-', '-bar', 'Foo']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "disable 'baz-'" {
gdb_test "disable missing-objfile-handler progspace baz-" \
"^1 missing objfile handler disabled"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz- \\\[disabled\\\]" \
"Global:" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', '-bar', 'Foo', 'abc-def', '-bar', 'Foo']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "disable 'Foo'" {
gdb_test "disable missing-objfile-handler .* Foo" \
"^1 missing objfile handler disabled"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz- \\\[disabled\\\]" \
"Global:" \
" -bar" \
" Foo \\\[disabled\\\]"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', '-bar', 'abc-def', '-bar']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "disable everything" {
gdb_test "disable missing-objfile-handler .* .*" \
"^2 missing objfile handlers disabled"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def \\\[disabled\\\]" \
" baz- \\\[disabled\\\]" \
"Global:" \
" -bar \\\[disabled\\\]" \
" Foo \\\[disabled\\\]"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {[]}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "enable 'abc-def'" {
set re [string_to_regexp $hidden_binfile]
gdb_test "enable missing-objfile-handler \"$re\" abc-def" \
"^1 missing objfile handler enabled" \
"enable missing-objfile-handler"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz- \\\[disabled\\\]" \
"Global:" \
" -bar \\\[disabled\\\]" \
" Foo \\\[disabled\\\]"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', 'abc-def']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "enable global handlers" {
gdb_test "enable missing-objfile-handler global" \
"^2 missing objfile handlers enabled"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz- \\\[disabled\\\]" \
"Global:" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', '-bar', 'Foo', 'abc-def', '-bar', 'Foo']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
# Add handler_obj to the global handler list, and configure it to
# return False. We should call all of the program space specific
# handlers (which return None), and then call handler_obj from the
# global list, which returns False, at which point we shouldn't call
# anyone else.
with_test_prefix "return False handler in global list" {
gdb_test "enable missing-objfile-handler progspace" \
"^1 missing objfile handler enabled"
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(None, handler_obj)" \
"register handler_obj in global list"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" abc-def" \
" baz-" \
"Global:" \
" handler" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_obj.set_mode(Mode.RETURN_FALSE)" \
"confirgure handler"
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['abc-def', 'baz-', 'handler', 'abc-def', 'baz-', 'handler']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
# Now add handler_obj to the current program space's handler list. We
# use the same handler object here, that's fine. We should only see a
# call to the first handler object in the call log.
with_test_prefix "return False handler in progspace list" {
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(pspace, handler_obj)" \
"register handler_obj in progspace list"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" handler" \
" abc-def" \
" baz-" \
"Global:" \
" handler" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
gdb_test "python print(handler_call_log)" \
[string_to_regexp {['handler', 'handler']}]
gdb_test_no_output "python handler_call_log = \[\]" \
"reset call log"
with_test_prefix "check handler replacement" {
# First, check we can have the same name appear in both program
# space and global lists without giving an error.
gdb_test_no_output "python register(\"Foo\", pspace)"
gdb_test "info missing-objfile-handlers" \
[multi_line \
"Progspace \[^\r\n\]+:" \
" Foo" \
" handler" \
" abc-def" \
" baz-" \
"Global:" \
" handler" \
" -bar" \
" Foo"]
# Now check that we get an error if we try to add a handler with
# the same name.
gdb_test "python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(pspace, log_handler(\"Foo\"))" \
[multi_line \
"RuntimeError.*: Handler Foo already exists\\." \
"Error occurred in Python.*"]
gdb_test "python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(handler=log_handler(\"Foo\"), locus=pspace)" \
[multi_line \
"RuntimeError.*: Handler Foo already exists\\." \
"Error occurred in Python.*"]
# And now try again, but this time with 'replace=True', we
# shouldn't get an error in this case.
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(pspace, log_handler(\"Foo\"), replace=True)"
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(handler=log_handler(\"Foo\"), locus=None, replace=True)"
# Now disable a handler and check we still need to use 'replace=True'.
gdb_test "disable missing-objfile-handler progspace Foo" \
"^1 missing objfile handler disabled"
gdb_test "python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(pspace, log_handler(\"Foo\"))" \
[multi_line \
"RuntimeError.*: Handler Foo already exists\\." \
"Error occurred in Python.*"] \
"still get an error when handler is disabled"
gdb_test_no_output \
"python gdb.missing_objfile.register_handler(pspace, log_handler(\"Foo\"), replace=True)" \
"can replace a disabled handler"