# Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This file is part of the GDB testsuite.  It tests the mechanism
# exposing inferiors to Python.

load_lib gdb-python.exp


if { [gdb_compile_pthreads ${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile} ${binfile} executable {debug}] != "" } {
    return -1

# Start with a fresh gdb.
clean_restart ${testfile}

# Skip all tests if Python scripting is not enabled.
if { [skip_python_tests] } { continue }

switch [get_endianness] {
    little { set python_pack_char "<" }
    big { set python_pack_char ">" }

# The following tests require execution.

if ![runto_main] then {
    fail "can't run to main"
    return 0

# Test basic gdb.Inferior attributes and methods.

gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python inferiors = gdb.inferiors ()" "get inferiors list" 1
gdb_test "python print (inferiors)" \
    "\\(<gdb.Inferior num=1, pid=$decimal>,\\)" "verify inferiors list"
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python i0 = inferiors\[0\]" "get first inferior" 0

gdb_test "python print ('result = %s' % (i0 == inferiors\[0\]))" " = True" "test equality comparison (true)"
gdb_test "python print ('result = %s' % i0.num)" " = \[0-9\]+" "test Inferior.num"
gdb_test "python print ('result = %s' % i0.pid)" " = \[0-9\]+" "test Inferior.pid"
gdb_test "python print ('result = %s' % i0.was_attached)" " = False" "test Inferior.was_attached"
gdb_test "python print (i0.threads ())" "\\(<gdb.InferiorThread object at 0x\[\[:xdigit:\]\]+>,\\)" "test Inferior.threads"

gdb_test "python print (i0.progspace)" "<gdb.Progspace object at $hex>"
gdb_test "python print (i0.progspace == gdb.progspaces()\[0\])" "True"

# Test the number of inferior threads.

gdb_breakpoint check_threads
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "cont to check_threads" ".*pthread_barrier_wait.*"
gdb_test "python print (len (i0.threads ()))" "\r\n9" "test Inferior.threads 2"

# Proceed to the next test.

gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "Break here."]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "cont to Break here." ".*Break here\..*"

# Test memory read and write operations.

gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python addr = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('str')" \
  "read str address" 0
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python str = gdb.inferiors()\[0\].read_memory (addr, 5); print(str)" \
  "read str contents" 1
if { $gdb_py_is_py3k == 0 } {
  gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python a = 'a'" "" 0
} else {
  gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python a = bytes('a', 'ascii')" "" 0
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python str\[1\] = a" "change str" 0
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python gdb.inferiors()\[0\].write_memory (addr, str)" \
  "write str" 1
gdb_test "print (str)" " = \"hallo, testsuite\"" \
  "ensure str was changed in the inferior"

# Test memory search.

set hex_number {0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*}
set dec_number {[0-9]+}
set history_prefix {[$][0-9]* = }
set newline {[\r\n]+}
set pattern_not_found "${newline}.None"
set one_pattern_found "${newline}.${dec_number}"

# Test string pattern.

with_test_prefix "string" {
    gdb_test "set *(int32_t*) &int8_search_buf\[10\] = 0x61616161"
    gdb_test "py search_buf = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('int8_search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = search_buf.address"
    gdb_test_no_output "py length = search_buf.type.sizeof"

    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, length, 'aaa'))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find string pattern"

    # Test not finding pattern because search range too small, with
    # potential find at the edge of the range.
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, 10+3, 'aaaa'))" \
	"${pattern_not_found}" "pattern not found at end of range"

    # Increase the search range by 1 and we should find the pattern.
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, 10+3+1, 'aaa'))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "pattern found at end of range"

# Import struct to pack the following patterns.
gdb_test_no_output "py from struct import *"

# Test 16-bit pattern.

with_test_prefix "16-bit" {
    gdb_test_no_output "set int16_search_buf\[10\] = 0x1234"
    gdb_test_no_output "py search_buf = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('int16_search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = search_buf.address"
    gdb_test_no_output "py length = search_buf.type.sizeof"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern = pack('${python_pack_char}H',0x1234)"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, length, pattern))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find 16-bit pattern, with value pattern"

# Test 32-bit pattern.

with_test_prefix "32-bit" {
    gdb_test_no_output "set int32_search_buf\[10\] = 0x12345678"
    gdb_test_no_output "py search_buf = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('int32_search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = search_buf.address"
    gdb_test_no_output "py length = search_buf.type.sizeof"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern = pack('${python_pack_char}I',0x12345678)"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, length, pattern))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find 32-bit pattern, with python pattern"

# Test 64-bit pattern.

with_test_prefix "64-bit" {
    gdb_test_no_output "set int64_search_buf\[10\] = 0xfedcba9876543210LL"
    gdb_test_no_output "py search_buf = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('int64_search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = search_buf.address"
    gdb_test_no_output "py length = search_buf.type.sizeof"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern = pack('${python_pack_char}Q', 0xfedcba9876543210)"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, length, pattern))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find 64-bit pattern, with value pattern"

# Test mixed-sized patterns.

with_test_prefix "mixed-sized" {
    gdb_test_no_output "set *(int8_t*) &search_buf\[10\] = 0x62"
    gdb_test_no_output "set *(int16_t*) &search_buf\[11\] = 0x6363"
    gdb_test_no_output "set *(int32_t*) &search_buf\[13\] = 0x64646464"
    gdb_test_no_output "py search_buf = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = search_buf\[0\].address"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern1 = pack('B', 0x62)"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern2 = pack('${python_pack_char}H', 0x6363)"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern3 = pack('${python_pack_char}I', 0x64646464)"

    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, 100, pattern1))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find mixed-sized pattern 1"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, 100, pattern2))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find mixed-sized pattern 2"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, 100, pattern3))" \
	"${one_pattern_found}" "find mixed-sized pattern 3"

# Test search spanning a large range, in the particular case of native
# targets, test the search spanning multiple chunks.
# Remote targets may implement the search differently.

set CHUNK_SIZE 16000
with_test_prefix "large range" {
    gdb_test_no_output "set *(int32_t*) &search_buf\[0*${CHUNK_SIZE}+100\] = 0x12345678"
    gdb_test_no_output "set *(int32_t*) &search_buf\[1*${CHUNK_SIZE}+100\] = 0x12345678"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('search_buf')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py end_addr = start_addr + gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('search_buf_size')"
    gdb_test_no_output "py pattern = pack('${python_pack_char}I', 0x12345678)"

    gdb_test_no_output "py first = gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr,end_addr - start_addr, pattern)"
    gdb_test "py print (first)" "${one_pattern_found}" "search spanning large range 1st result"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = first + 1"
    gdb_test_no_output "py second = gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, end_addr - start_addr, pattern)"
    gdb_test "py print (second)" "${one_pattern_found}" "search spanning large range 2nd result"
    gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = second + 1"
    gdb_test_no_output "py third = gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, end_addr - start_addr, pattern)"
    gdb_test "py print (third)" "${pattern_not_found}" "search spanning large range 3rd result"

# For native targets, test a pattern straddling a chunk boundary.

if [isnative] {
    with_test_prefix "straddling" {
	gdb_test_no_output "set *(int32_t*) &search_buf\[${CHUNK_SIZE}-1\] = 0xfdb97531"
	gdb_test_no_output "py pattern = pack('${python_pack_char}I', 0xfdb97531)"
	gdb_test_no_output "py start_addr = gdb.selected_frame ().read_var ('search_buf')"
	gdb_test "py print (gdb.inferiors()\[0\].search_memory (start_addr, end_addr - start_addr, pattern))" \
	    "${one_pattern_found}" "find pattern straddling chunk boundary"

# Test Inferior is_valid.  This must always be the last test in
# this testcase as it kills the inferior.

with_test_prefix "is_valid" {
    gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python inf_list = gdb.inferiors()" "get initial list" 1
    gdb_test "python print (len(inf_list))" "1" "get inferior list length 1"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[0\].is_valid())" "True" \
	"check inferior validity 1"

    gdb_test_multiline "install new inferior event handler" \
	"python" "" \
	"my_inferior_count = 1" "" \
	"def new_inf_handler(evt):" "" \
	"  global my_inferior_count" "" \
	"  if evt.inferior is not None:" "" \
	"    my_inferior_count = my_inferior_count + 1" "" \
	"gdb.events.new_inferior.connect(new_inf_handler)" "" \
	"end" ""
    gdb_test_multiline "install inferior deleted event handler" \
	"python" "" \
	"def del_inf_handler(evt):" "" \
	"  global my_inferior_count" "" \
	"  if evt.inferior is not None:" "" \
	"    my_inferior_count = my_inferior_count - 1" "" \
	"gdb.events.inferior_deleted.connect(del_inf_handler)" "" \
	"end" ""

    gdb_test "add-inferior" "Added inferior 2.*" "add empty inferior 2"
    gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python inf_list = gdb.inferiors()" "get new list" 1
    gdb_test "python print (len(inf_list))" "2" "get inferior list length 2"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[0\].is_valid())" "True" \
	"check inferior validity 2"

    gdb_test "python print (my_inferior_count)" "2" \
	"test new-inferior event handler"

    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].is_valid())" "True" \
	"check inferior validity 3"

    gdb_test_no_output "remove-inferiors 2" "remove-inferiors 3"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[0\].is_valid())" "True" \
	"check inferior validity 4"

    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].is_valid())" "False" \
	"check inferior validity 5"

    gdb_test "python print (my_inferior_count)" "1" \
	"test inferior-deleted event handler"

    # Test that other properties and methods handle the removed inferior
    # correctly.
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].num)" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].pid)" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].was_attached)" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].progspace)" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].threads ())" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"
    gdb_test "python print (inf_list\[1\].thread_from_thread_handle (1))" \
	"RuntimeError: Inferior no longer exists.*"

# Test gdb.selected_inferior()
with_test_prefix "selected_inferior" {
    gdb_test "inferior 1" ".*" "switch to first inferior"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.selected_inferior().num)" "1" "first inferior selected"

    gdb_test "add-inferior" "Added inferior 3 on connection .*" "create new inferior"
    gdb_test "inferior 3" ".*" "switch to third inferior"
    gdb_test "py print (gdb.selected_inferior().num)" "3" "third inferior selected"
    gdb_test "inferior 1" ".*" "switch back to first inferior"
    gdb_test_no_output "remove-inferiors 3" "remove second inferior"

# Test repr()/str()
with_test_prefix "__repr__" {
    gdb_test "add-inferior" "Added inferior 4 on connection .*" "add inferior 4"
    gdb_py_test_silent_cmd "python infs = gdb.inferiors()" "get inferior list" 1
    gdb_test "python print (infs\[0\])" "<gdb.Inferior num=1, pid=$decimal>"
    gdb_test "python print (infs)" \
	"\\\(<gdb.Inferior num=1, pid=$decimal>, <gdb.Inferior num=4, pid=$decimal>\\\)" \
	"print all inferiors 1"
    gdb_test_no_output "remove-inferiors 4"
    gdb_test "python print (infs)" \
	"\\\(<gdb.Inferior num=1, pid=$decimal>, <gdb.Inferior \\\(invalid\\\)>\\\)" \
	"print all inferiors 2"

# Test architecture.
with_test_prefix "architecture" {
    gdb_test "inferior 1" ".*" "switch to first inferior"
    gdb_test "python print(gdb.selected_frame().architecture() is gdb.selected_inferior().architecture())" \
	"True" \
	"inferior architecture matches frame architecture"