;; Copyright (C) 2008-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; This file is part of the GDB testsuite. ;; It tests Scheme pretty printers. (use-modules (gdb) (gdb printing)) (define (make-pointer-iterator pointer len) (let ((next! (lambda (iter) (let* ((start (iterator-object iter)) (progress (iterator-progress iter)) (current (car progress)) (len (cdr progress))) (if (= current len) (end-of-iteration) (let ((pointer (value-add start current))) (set-car! progress (+ current 1)) (cons (format #f "[~A]" current) (value-dereference pointer)))))))) (make-iterator pointer (cons 0 len) next!))) (define (make-pointer-iterator-except pointer len) (let ((next! (lambda (iter) (if *exception-flag* (throw 'gdb:memory-error "hi bob")) (let* ((start (iterator-object iter)) (progress (iterator-progress iter)) (current (car progress)) (len (cdr progress))) (if (= current len) (end-of-iteration) (let ((pointer (value-add start current))) (set-car! progress (+ current 1)) (cons (format #f "[~A]" current) (value-dereference pointer)))))))) (make-iterator pointer (cons 0 len) next!))) ;; Test returning a from a printer. (define (make-string-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (value-field (value-field val "whybother") "contents")) #f)) ;; Test a printer with children. (define (make-container-printer val) ;; This is a little different than the Python version in that if there's ;; an error accessing these fields we'll throw it at matcher time instead ;; of at printer time. Done this way to explore the possibilities. (let ((name (value-field val "name")) (len (value-field val "len")) (elements (value-field val "elements"))) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (format #f "container ~A with ~A elements" name len)) (lambda (printer) (make-pointer-iterator elements (value->integer len)))))) ;; Test "array" display hint. (define (make-array-printer val) (let ((name (value-field val "name")) (len (value-field val "len")) (elements (value-field val "elements"))) (make-pretty-printer-worker "array" (lambda (printer) (format #f "array ~A with ~A elements" name len)) (lambda (printer) (make-pointer-iterator elements (value->integer len)))))) ;; Flag to make no-string-container printer throw an exception. (define *exception-flag* #f) ;; Test a printer where to_string returns #f. (define (make-no-string-container-printer val) (let ((len (value-field val "len")) (elements (value-field val "elements"))) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) #f) (lambda (printer) (make-pointer-iterator-except elements (value->integer len)))))) ;; The actual pretty-printer for pp_s is split out so that we can pass ;; in a prefix to distinguish objfile/progspace/global. (define (pp_s-printer prefix val) (let ((a (value-field val "a")) (b (value-field val "b"))) (if (not (value=? (value-address a) b)) (error (format #f "&a(~A) != b(~A)" (value-address a) b))) (format #f "~aa=<~A> b=<~A>" prefix a b))) (define (make-pp_s-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (pp_s-printer "" val)) #f)) (define (make-pp_ss-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (let ((a (value-field val "a")) (b (value-field val "b"))) (format #f "a=<~A> b=<~A>" a b))) #f)) (define (make-pp_sss-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (let ((a (value-field val "a")) (b (value-field val "b"))) (format #f "a=<~A> b=<~A>" a b))) #f)) (define (make-pp_multiple_virtual-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (format #f "pp value variable is: ~A" (value-field val "value"))) #f)) (define (make-pp_vbase1-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (format #f "pp class name: ~A" (type-tag (value-type val)))) #f)) (define (make-pp_nullstr-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (value->string (value-field val "s") #:encoding (arch-charset (current-arch)))) #f)) (define (make-pp_ns-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker "string" (lambda (printer) (let ((len (value-field val "length"))) (value->string (value-field val "null_str") #:encoding (arch-charset (current-arch)) #:length (value->integer len)))) #f)) (define *pp-ls-encoding* #f) (define (make-pp_ls-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker "string" (lambda (printer) (if *pp-ls-encoding* (value->lazy-string (value-field val "lazy_str") #:encoding *pp-ls-encoding*) (value->lazy-string (value-field val "lazy_str")))) #f)) (define (make-pp_hint_error-printer val) "Use an invalid value for the display hint." (make-pretty-printer-worker 42 (lambda (printer) "hint_error_val") #f)) (define (make-pp_children_as_list-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) "children_as_list_val") (lambda (printer) (make-list-iterator (list (cons "one" 1)))))) (define (make-pp_outer-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (format #f "x = ~A" (value-field val "x"))) (lambda (printer) (make-list-iterator (list (cons "s" (value-field val "s")) (cons "x" (value-field val "x"))))))) (define (make-memory-error-string-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker "string" (lambda (printer) (scm-error 'gdb:memory-error "memory-error-printer" "Cannot access memory." '() '())) #f)) (define (make-pp_eval_type-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (execute "bt" #:to-string #t) (format #f "eval=<~A>" (value-print (parse-and-eval "eval_func (123456789, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)")))) #f)) (define (get-type-for-printing val) "Return type of val, stripping away typedefs, etc." (let ((type (value-type val))) (if (= (type-code type) TYPE_CODE_REF) (set! type (type-target type))) (type-strip-typedefs (type-unqualified type)))) (define (disable-matcher!) (set-pretty-printer-enabled! *pretty-printer* #f)) (define (enable-matcher!) (set-pretty-printer-enabled! *pretty-printer* #t)) (define (make-pretty-printer-dict) (let ((dict (make-hash-table))) (hash-set! dict "struct s" make-pp_s-printer) (hash-set! dict "s" make-pp_s-printer) (hash-set! dict "S" make-pp_s-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct ss" make-pp_ss-printer) (hash-set! dict "ss" make-pp_ss-printer) (hash-set! dict "const S &" make-pp_s-printer) (hash-set! dict "SSS" make-pp_sss-printer) (hash-set! dict "VirtualTest" make-pp_multiple_virtual-printer) (hash-set! dict "Vbase1" make-pp_vbase1-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct nullstr" make-pp_nullstr-printer) (hash-set! dict "nullstr" make-pp_nullstr-printer) ;; Note that we purposely omit the typedef names here. ;; Printer lookup is based on canonical name. ;; However, we do need both tagged and untagged variants, to handle ;; both the C and C++ cases. (hash-set! dict "struct string_repr" make-string-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct container" make-container-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct justchildren" make-no-string-container-printer) (hash-set! dict "string_repr" make-string-printer) (hash-set! dict "container" make-container-printer) (hash-set! dict "justchildren" make-no-string-container-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct ns" make-pp_ns-printer) (hash-set! dict "ns" make-pp_ns-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct lazystring" make-pp_ls-printer) (hash-set! dict "lazystring" make-pp_ls-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct outerstruct" make-pp_outer-printer) (hash-set! dict "outerstruct" make-pp_outer-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct hint_error" make-pp_hint_error-printer) (hash-set! dict "hint_error" make-pp_hint_error-printer) (hash-set! dict "struct children_as_list" make-pp_children_as_list-printer) (hash-set! dict "children_as_list" make-pp_children_as_list-printer) (hash-set! dict "memory_error" make-memory-error-string-printer) (hash-set! dict "eval_type_s" make-pp_eval_type-printer) dict)) ;; This is one way to register a printer that is composed of several ;; subprinters, but there's no way to disable or list individual subprinters. (define (make-pretty-printer-from-dict name dict lookup-maker) (make-pretty-printer name (lambda (matcher val) (let ((printer-maker (lookup-maker dict val))) (and printer-maker (printer-maker val)))))) (define (lookup-pretty-printer-maker-from-dict dict val) (let ((type-name (type-tag (get-type-for-printing val)))) (and type-name (hash-ref dict type-name)))) (define *pretty-printer* (make-pretty-printer-from-dict "pretty-printer-test" (make-pretty-printer-dict) lookup-pretty-printer-maker-from-dict)) (append-pretty-printer! #f *pretty-printer*) ;; Different versions of a simple pretty-printer for use in testing ;; objfile/progspace lookup. (define (make-objfile-pp_s-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (pp_s-printer "objfile " val)) #f)) (define (install-objfile-pretty-printers! pspace objfile-name) (let ((objfiles (filter (lambda (objfile) (string-contains (objfile-filename objfile) objfile-name)) (progspace-objfiles pspace))) (dict (make-hash-table))) (if (not (= (length objfiles) 1)) (error "objfile not found or ambiguous: " objfile-name)) (hash-set! dict "s" make-objfile-pp_s-printer) (let ((pp (make-pretty-printer-from-dict "objfile-pretty-printer-test" dict lookup-pretty-printer-maker-from-dict))) (append-pretty-printer! (car objfiles) pp)))) (define (make-progspace-pp_s-printer val) (make-pretty-printer-worker #f (lambda (printer) (pp_s-printer "progspace " val)) #f)) (define (install-progspace-pretty-printers! pspace) (let ((dict (make-hash-table))) (hash-set! dict "s" make-progspace-pp_s-printer) (let ((pp (make-pretty-printer-from-dict "progspace-pretty-printer-test" dict lookup-pretty-printer-maker-from-dict))) (append-pretty-printer! pspace pp))))