   Copyright 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

/* This was compiled from a trivial program just to test the
   DW_OP_call_frame_cfa operator:

    int func (int arg) {
      return arg + 23;

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      func (77);

	.file	"q.c"
	.section	.debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
	.section	.debug_info,"",@progbits
	.section	.debug_line,"",@progbits
.globl func
	.type	func, @function
	.file 1 "q.c"
	.loc 1 2 0
	pushl	%ebp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	movl	%esp, %ebp
	.cfi_offset 5, -8
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
	.loc 1 3 0
	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
	addl	$23, %eax
	.loc 1 4 0
	popl	%ebp
	.cfi_restore 5
	.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
	.size	func, .-func
.globl _start
	.type	_start, @function
	.loc 1 6 0
	pushl	%ebp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	movl	%esp, %ebp
	.cfi_offset 5, -8
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
	subl	$4, %esp
	.loc 1 7 0
	movl	$77, (%esp)
	call	func
	.loc 1 8 0
	.cfi_restore 5
	.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
	.size	_start, .-_start
	.section	.debug_info
	.long	0x9e
	.value	0x3
	.long	.Ldebug_abbrev0
	.byte	0x4
	.uleb128 0x1
	.long	.LASF5
	.byte	0x1
	.string	"q.c"
	.long	.LASF6
	.long	.Ltext0
	.long	.Letext0
	.long	.Ldebug_line0
	.uleb128 0x2
	.byte	0x1
	.long	.LASF0
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x1
	.long	0x4f
	.long	.LFB0
	.long	.LFE0
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x9c
	.long	0x4f
	.uleb128 0x3
	.string	"arg"
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x1
	.long	0x4f
	.byte	0x2
	.byte	0x91
	.sleb128 0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x4
	.byte	0x4
	.byte	0x5
	.string	"int"
	.uleb128 0x2
	.byte	0x1
	.long	.LASF1
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x6
	.byte	0x1
	.long	0x4f
	.long	.LFB1
	.long	.LFE1
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x9c
	.long	0x8e
	.uleb128 0x5
	.long	.LASF2
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x6
	.long	0x4f
	.byte	0x2
	.byte	0x91
	.sleb128 0
	.uleb128 0x5
	.long	.LASF3
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x6
	.long	0x8e
	.byte	0x2
	.byte	0x91
	.sleb128 4
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x6
	.byte	0x4
	.long	0x94
	.uleb128 0x6
	.byte	0x4
	.long	0x9a
	.uleb128 0x7
	.byte	0x1
	.byte	0x6
	.long	.LASF4
	.byte	0x0
	.section	.debug_abbrev
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x11
	.byte	0x1
	.uleb128 0x25
	.uleb128 0xe
	.uleb128 0x13
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0x8
	.uleb128 0x1b
	.uleb128 0xe
	.uleb128 0x11
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x12
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x10
	.uleb128 0x6
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x2
	.uleb128 0x2e
	.byte	0x1
	.uleb128 0x3f
	.uleb128 0xc
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0xe
	.uleb128 0x3a
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3b
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x27
	.uleb128 0xc
	.uleb128 0x49
	.uleb128 0x13
	.uleb128 0x11
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x12
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x40
	.uleb128 0xa
	.uleb128 0x1
	.uleb128 0x13
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0x5
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0x8
	.uleb128 0x3a
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3b
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x49
	.uleb128 0x13
	.uleb128 0x2
	.uleb128 0xa
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x4
	.uleb128 0x24
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3e
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0x8
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x5
	.uleb128 0x5
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0xe
	.uleb128 0x3a
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3b
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x49
	.uleb128 0x13
	.uleb128 0x2
	.uleb128 0xa
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x6
	.uleb128 0xf
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x49
	.uleb128 0x13
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0x7
	.uleb128 0x24
	.byte	0x0
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3e
	.uleb128 0xb
	.uleb128 0x3
	.uleb128 0xe
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.byte	0x0
	.section	.debug_pubnames,"",@progbits
	.long	0x20
	.value	0x2
	.long	.Ldebug_info0
	.long	0xa2
	.long	0x25
	.string	"func"
	.long	0x56
	.string	"main"
	.long	0x0
	.section	.debug_aranges,"",@progbits
	.long	0x1c
	.value	0x2
	.long	.Ldebug_info0
	.byte	0x4
	.byte	0x0
	.value	0x0
	.value	0x0
	.long	.Ltext0
	.long	.Letext0-.Ltext0
	.long	0x0
	.long	0x0
	.section	.debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
	.string	"GNU C 4.5.0 20090810 (experimental) [trunk revision 150633]"
	.string	"argc"
	.string	"/tmp"
	.string	"func"
	.string	"argv"
	.string	"main"
	.string	"char"
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.5.0 20090810 (experimental) [trunk revision 150633]"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits