# cpexprs.exp - C++ expressions tests
# Copyright 2008-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Contributed by Red Hat, originally written by Keith Seitz.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# This file is part of the gdb testsuite.
# A helper proc which sets a breakpoint at FUNC and attempts to
# run to the breakpoint.
proc test_breakpoint {func} {
global DEC
# Return to the top of the test function every time.
if { ! [gdb_breakpoint test_function] } {
fail "set test_function breakpoint for $func"
} elseif { [gdb_test "continue" \
"Continuing.\r\n\r\nBreakpoint $DEC+,.*test_function.*" \
""] != 0 } {
fail "continue to test_function for $func"
} else {
gdb_breakpoint "$func"
set i [expr {[string last : $func] + 1}]
set efunc [string_to_regexp [string range $func $i end]]
gdb_test "continue" \
"Continuing.\r\n\r\nBreakpoint $DEC+,.*$efunc.*" \
"continue to $func"
# Add a function to the list of tested functions
# FUNC is the name of the function (which will be passed to gdb commands)
# TYPE is the type of the function, as expected from the "print" command
# PRINT is the name of the function, as expected result of the print command
# *OR* "-", indicating that FUNC should be used (needed for virtual/inherited
# funcs)
# LST is either the expected result of the list command (the comment from
# the source code) *OR* "-", in which case FUNC will be used
# Usage:
proc add {func type print lst} {
global all_functions CONVAR ADDR
set all_functions($func,type) $type
if {$print == "-"} {
set print $func
# An exception: since gdb canonicalizes C++ output,
# "(void)" must be mutated to "()".
regsub {\(void\)} $print {()} print
set all_functions($func,print) \
"$CONVAR = {[string_to_regexp $type]} $ADDR <[string_to_regexp $print].*>"
if {$lst == "-"} {
set lst "$func"
set all_functions($func,list) ".*// [string_to_regexp $lst]"
proc get {func cmd} {
global all_functions
return $all_functions($func,$cmd)
# Returns a list of function names for a given command
proc get_functions {cmd} {
global all_functions
set result {}
foreach i [array names all_functions *,$cmd] {
if {$all_functions($i) != ""} {
set idx [string last , $i]
if {$idx != -1} {
lappend result [string range $i 0 [expr {$idx - 1}]]
return [lsort $result]
# Some convenience variables for this test
set DEC {[0-9]}; # a decimal number
set HEX {[0-9a-fA-F]}; # a hexidecimal number
set CONVAR "\\\$$DEC+"; # convenience variable regexp
set ADDR "0x$HEX+"; # address
# An array of functions/methods that we are testing...
# Each element consists is indexed by NAME,COMMAND, where
# NAME is the function name and COMMAND is the gdb command that
# we are testing. The value of the array for any index pair is
# the expected result of running COMMAND with the NAME as argument.
# The array holding all functions/methods to test. Valid subindexes
# are (none need character escaping -- "add" will take care of that):
# add name type print_name list
# NAME,type: value is type of function
# NAME,print: value is print name of function (careful w/inherited/virtual!)
# NAME,list: value is comment in source code on first line of function
# (without the leading "//")
array set all_functions {}
# "Normal" functions/methods
add {test_function} \
{int (int, char **)} \
- \
add {derived::a_function} \
{void (const derived * const)} \
- \
add {base1::a_function} \
{void (const base1 * const)} \
- \
add {base2::a_function} \
{void (const base2 * const)} \
- \
# Constructors
# On targets using the ARM EABI, the constructor is expected to return
# "this".
proc ctor { type arglist } {
if { [istarget arm*-*eabi*] } {
set ret "$type *"
} else {
set ret "void "
if { $arglist != "" } {
set arglist ", $arglist"
return "${ret}($type * const$arglist)"
add {derived::derived} \
[ctor derived ""] \
- \
add {base1::base1(void)} \
[ctor base1 "const void ** const"] \
- \
add {base1::base1(int)} \
[ctor base1 "int"] \
- \
add {base2::base2} \
[ctor base2 "const void ** const"] \
- \
add {base::base(void)} \
[ctor base ""] \
- \
add {base::base(int)} \
[ctor base "int"] \
- \
# Destructors
# On targets using the ARM EABI, some destructors are expected
# to return "this". Others are void. For internal reasons,
# GCC returns void * instead of $type *; RealView appears to do
# the same.
proc dtor { type } {
if { [istarget arm*-*eabi*] } {
set ret "void *"
} else {
set ret "void "
return "${ret}($type * const)"
add {base::~base} \
[dtor base] \
- \
# Overloaded methods (all are const)
add {base::overload(void) const} \
{int (const base * const)} \
- \
{base::overload(void) const}
add {base::overload(int) const} \
{int (const base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::overload(short) const} \
{int (const base * const, short)} \
- \
add {base::overload(long) const} \
{int (const base * const, long)} \
- \
add {base::overload(char*) const} \
{int (const base * const, char *)} \
- \
add {base::overload(base&) const} \
{int (const base * const, base &)} \
- \
# Operators
add {base::operator+} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator++} \
{base (base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator+=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator-} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator--} \
{base (base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator-=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator*} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator*=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator/} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator/=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator%} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator%=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator<} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator<=} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator>} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator>=} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator!=} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator==} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator!} \
{bool (const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator&&} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator||} \
{bool (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator<<} \
{int (const base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::operator<<=} \
{base (base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::operator>>} \
{int (const base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::operator>>=} \
{base (base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::operator~} \
{int (const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator&} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator&=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator|} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator|=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator^} \
{int (const base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator^=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator=} \
{base (base * const, const base &)} \
- \
add {base::operator()} \
{void (const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator[]} \
{int (const base * const, int)} \
- \
add {base::operator new} \
{void *(size_t)} \
- \
add {base::operator delete} \
{void (void *)} \
- \
add {base::operator new[]} \
{void *(size_t)} \
- \
add {base::operator delete[]} \
{void (void *)} \
- \
add {base::operator char*} \
{char *(const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator fluff*} \
{fluff *(const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator fluff**} \
{fluff **(const base * const)} \
- \
add {base::operator int} \
{int (const base * const)} \
- \
# Templates
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {flubber} \
{void (void)} \
- \
add {tclass::do_something} \
{void (tclass * const)} \
- \
add {policy1::policy} \
[ctor "policy >" "int"] \
{policy >::policy} \
add {policy2::policy} \
[ctor "policy >" int] \
{policy >::policy} \
add {policy3::policy} \
[ctor "policy >" "int"] \
{policy >::policy} \
add {policy4::policy} \
[ctor "policy >" "int"] \
{policy >::policy} \
add {policy1::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policy2::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_2::function} \
add {policy3::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_3::function} \
add {policy4::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_4::function} \
add {policyd >::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "int"] \
- \
add {policyd1::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "int"] \
{policyd >::policyd} \
add {policyd >::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
- \
add {policyd1::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
{policyd >::~policyd} \
add {policyd >::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "long"] \
- \
add {policyd2::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "long"] \
{policyd >::policyd} \
add {policyd >::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
- \
add {policyd2::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
{policyd >::~policyd} \
add {policyd >::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "char"] \
- \
add {policyd3::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "char"] \
{policyd >::policyd} \
add {policyd >::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
- \
add {policyd3::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
{policyd >::~policyd} \
add {policyd >::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "base"] \
- \
add {policyd4::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd >" "base"] \
{policyd >::policyd} \
add {policyd >::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
- \
add {policyd4::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd >"] \
{policyd >::~policyd} \
add {policyd, operation_1 > >::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd, operation_1 > >" "tclass"] \
- \
add {policyd5::policyd} \
[ctor "policyd, operation_1 > >" "tclass"] \
{policyd, operation_1 > >::policyd} \
add {policyd, operation_1 > >::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd, operation_1 > >"] \
- \
add {policyd5::~policyd} \
[dtor "policyd, operation_1 > >"] \
{policyd, operation_1 > >::~policyd} \
add {policyd >::function} \
{void (void)} \
add {policyd1::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd2::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd >::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd3::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd >::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd4::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1::function} \
add {policyd, operation_1 > >::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1 >::function} \
add {policyd5::function} \
{void (void)} \
{operation_1 >::function} \
# Start the test
if {[skip_cplus_tests]} { continue }
# On SPU this test fails because the executable exceeds local storage size.
if { [istarget "spu*-*-*"] } {
return 0
# test running programs
standard_testfile .cc
if {[get_compiler_info "c++"]} {
return -1
if {[prepare_for_testing $testfile.exp $testfile $srcfile {debug c++}]} {
return -1
if {![runto_main]} {
perror "couldn't run to breakpoint"
# Set the listsize to one. This will help with testing "list".
gdb_test "set listsize 1"
# "print METHOD"
foreach name [get_functions print] {
gdb_test "print $name" [get $name print] "print $name"
# "list METHOD"
foreach name [get_functions list] {
gdb_test "list $name" [get $name list] "list $name"
# Running to breakpoint -- use any function we can "list"
foreach name [get_functions list] {
# Skip "test_function", since test_breakpoint uses it
if {[string compare $name "test_function"] != 0} {
test_breakpoint $name
# Test c/v gets recognized even without quoting.
foreach cv {{} { const} { volatile} { const volatile}} {
set test "p 'CV::m(int)$cv'"
gdb_test_multiple $test $test {
-re "( = {.*} 0x\[0-9a-f\]+ )\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
# = {void (CV * const, CV::t)} 0x400944
set correct $expect_out(1,string)
pass $test
if {"$cv" != ""} {
setup_kfail c++/14186 *-*-*
gdb_test "p CV::m(int)$cv" [string_to_regexp $correct]
# Test TYPENAME:: gets recognized even in parentheses.
gdb_test "p CV_f(int)" { = {int \(int\)} 0x[0-9a-f]+ }
gdb_test "p CV_f(CV::t)" { = {int \(int\)} 0x[0-9a-f]+ }
gdb_test "p CV_f(CV::i)" " = 43"
return 0