#   Copyright 1999-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This file was written by Elena Zannoni (ezannoni@cygnus.com)

# test running programs

if { [skip_cplus_tests] } { continue }

standard_testfile .cc

if {[prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile \
	 {debug c++ nowarnings}]} {
    return -1

# This testcase cannot use runto_main because of the different prompt
# we get when using annotation level 2.
if ![target_can_use_run_cmd] {
    return 0

set breakpoints_invalid "\r\n\032\032breakpoints-invalid\r\n"
set frames_invalid "\r\n\032\032frames-invalid\r\n"

# line number where we need to stop in main
set main_line 25

# The commands we test here produce many lines of output; disable "press 
# <return> to continue" prompts.
gdb_test_no_output "set height 0"

# break at main
gdb_test "break 25" \
    "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*" \
    "breakpoint main"

# NOTE: this prompt is OK only when the annotation level is > 1
# NOTE: When this prompt is in use the gdb_test procedure cannot be used because
# it assumes that the last char of the gdb_prompt is a white space. This is not
# true with this annotated prompt. So we must use send_gdb and gdb_expect.

set old_gdb_prompt $gdb_prompt
set gdb_prompt "\r\n\032\032pre-prompt\r\n$gdb_prompt \r\n\032\032prompt\r\n"

send_gdb "set annotate 2\n" 
gdb_expect {
    -re "set annotate 2\r\n$gdb_prompt$" { pass "annotation set at level 2" }
    -re ".*$gdb_prompt$"       { fail "annotation set at level 2" }
    timeout	            { fail "annotation set at level 2 (timeout)" }

gdb_test_multiple "run" "run until main breakpoint, first time" {
    -re "$main_line.*$gdb_prompt$" {
	pass $gdb_test_name

# print class 'a' with public fields.
# this will test:
# annotate-field-begin
# annotate-field-name-end
# annotate-field-value
# annotate-field-end

set pat [multi_line "" \
	     "\032\032post-prompt" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032value-history-begin 1 -" \
	     ".*= " \
	     "\032\032value-history-value" \
	     "\\{" \
	     "\032\032field-begin -" \
	     "x" \
	     "\032\032field-name-end" \
	     " = " \
	     "\032\032field-value" \
	     "1" \
	     "\032\032field-end" \
	     ", " \
	     "\032\032field-begin -" \
	     "y" \
	     "\032\032field-name-end" \
	     " = " \
	     "\032\032field-value" \
	     "2" \
	     "\032\032field-end" \
	     "\\}" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032value-history-end" \

gdb_test_multiple "print a" "print class" {
    -re "$pat" {
	pass "print class"

# continue until exit
# this will test:
# annotate-exited
# `a.x is 1' is asynchronous regarding to `frames-invalid'.

set pat [multi_line "" \
	     "\032\032post-prompt" \
	     "Continuing." \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032starting" \
	     "\(${frames_invalid}\)*a.x is 1" \
	     "\032\032exited 0" \
	     "$inferior_exited_re normally." \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032thread-exited,id=\"1\",group-id=\"i1\"" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032stopped" \
gdb_test_multiple "continue" "continue until exit" {
    -re "$pat" {
	pass "continue until exit"

# delete all breakpoints
send_gdb "delete\n"
gdb_expect {
  -re ".*Delete all breakpoints. \\(y or n\\) \r\n\032\032query.*$" {
           send_gdb "y\n"
           gdb_expect {
	     -re "\r\n\032\032post-query\r\n${breakpoints_invalid}$gdb_prompt$" { pass "delete bps" }
	     -re ".*$gdb_prompt$" { fail "delete bps" }
	     timeout  { fail "delete bps (timeout)" }
  -re ".*$gdb_prompt$" { fail "delete bps" }
  timeout  { fail "delete bps (timeout)" }

# break at first line of main. 
set pat [multi_line "" \
	     "\032\032post-prompt" \
	     "Breakpoint.*at $hex: file.*$srcfile, line.*" \
	     "\032\032breakpoints-invalid.*" \

gdb_test_multiple "break 22" "break at main" {
    -re  "$pat" {
	pass "breakpoint at main"

# change value of main_line
set main_line 22

# run program up to breakpoint.

gdb_test_multiple "run" "run until main breakpoint, second time" {
    -re "$main_line.*$gdb_prompt$"    {
	pass $gdb_test_name

# set up a watch point on a.x 
set pat [multi_line "" \
	     "\032\032post-prompt" \
	     ".*atchpoint 3: a.x" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032breakpoints-invalid" \
gdb_test_multiple "watch a.x" "set watch on a.x" {
    -re "$pat" {
	pass "set watch on a.x"

# do a next, so that the watchpoint triggers. This will test:
# annotate-watchpoint
set pat [multi_line "" \
	     "\032\032post-prompt" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032starting" \
	     "\(${frames_invalid}\)*${breakpoints_invalid}\(${frames_invalid}\)*" \
	     "\032\032watchpoint 3" \
	     ".*atchpoint 3: a.x" \
	     "" \
	     "Old value = 0" \
	     "New value = 1" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032frame-begin 0 $hex" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032frame-function-name" \
	     "main" \
	     "\032\032frame-args" \
	     " \\(\\)" \
	     "\032\032frame-source-begin" \
	     " at " \
	     "\032\032frame-source-file" \
	     ".*$srcfile" \
	     "\032\032frame-source-file-end" \
	     ":" \
	     "\032\032frame-source-line" \
	     "$decimal" \
	     "\032\032frame-source-end" \
	     "" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032source .*$srcfile.*beg:$hex" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032frame-end" \
	     "" \
	     "\032\032stopped" \

gdb_test_multiple "next" "watch triggered on a.x" {
    -re "$pat" {
	pass "watch triggered on a.x"

# send ^C to gdb, so that the quit() function gets called 
# and annotate-quit is tested
# test:
# annotate-quit
if ![target_info exists gdb,nointerrupts] {
    send_gdb "\003"
    gdb_expect {
	-re "\r\n\032\032error-begin\r\nQuit\r\n\r\n\032\032quit\r\n$gdb_prompt$" \
	    { pass "annotate-quit" }
	-re ".*$gdb_prompt$" { fail "annotate-quit" }
	timeout { fail "annotate-quit (timeout)" }

# FIXME: the testsuite does not currently have tests for 
#        annotate_catchpoints and annotate_function_call
#        and a few variants of the annotations that are 
#        tested (marked by FIXME on the annot?.exp files)

# reinstall the old prompt for the rest of the testsuite.

set gdb_prompt $old_gdb_prompt