# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


# Run the tests.  We run the tests two different ways: once with a
# plain probe, and once with a probe that has an associated semaphore.
# This returns -1 on failure to compile or start, 0 otherwise.
proc stap_test {exec_name {arg ""}} {
    global testfile hex srcfile

    if {[prepare_for_testing ${testfile}.exp ${exec_name} $srcfile \
	   [concat $arg debug]]} {
	return -1

    if ![runto_main] {
	return -1

    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" "No SystemTap probe at PC $hex" \
	"check argument not at probe point"

    gdb_test "info probes stap" \
	"test *user *$hex .*" \
	"info probes stap"
    if {[runto "-pstap test:user"]} {
	pass "run to -pstap test:user"
    } else {
	fail "run to -pstap test:user"

    # Test probe arguments.
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 1" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe user"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg0 == x" " = 1" \
    "check \$_probe_arg0 for probe user"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg1" \
    	"Invalid probe argument 1 -- probe has 1 arguments available" \
    	"check \$_probe_arg1 for probe user"

    # Set a breakpoint with multiple probe locations.
    gdb_test "break -pstap test:two" \
	"Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at $hex.*2 locations.*" \
	"set multi-location probe breakpoint (probe two)"

    # Reinit GDB, set a breakpoint on probe m4.
    if {[runto "-pstap test:m4"]} {
      pass "run to -pstap test:m4"
    } else {
      fail "run to -pstap test:m4"

    # Testing probe arguments.
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 3" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg0" " = 42" \
    "check \$_probe_arg0 for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print (const char *) \$_probe_arg1" \
    " = $hex .This is a test message.*" \
    "check \$_probe_arg1 for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg2 == v" " = 1" \
    "check \$_probe_arg2 for probe m4"

    # Reinit GDB, set a breakpoint on probe ps.
    if {[runto "-pstap test:ps"]} {
      pass "run to -pstap test:m4"
    } else {
      fail "run to -pstap test:m4"

    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 3" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe ps"
    gdb_test "print (const char *) \$_probe_arg1" \
    " = $hex .This is another test message.*" \
    "print \$_probe_arg1 for probe ps"

    return 0

proc stap_test_no_debuginfo {exec_name {arg ""}} {
    global testfile hex

    if {[prepare_for_testing ${testfile}.exp ${exec_name} ${testfile}.c \
	   {$arg nodebug optimize=-O2}]} {
	return -1

    if {[runto "-pstap test:user"]} {
	pass "run to -pstap test:user"
    } else {
	fail "run to -pstap test:user"

    # Test probe arguments.
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 1" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe user"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg0 == 23" " = 1" \
    "check \$_probe_arg0 for probe user"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg1" \
    	"Invalid probe argument 1 -- probe has 1 arguments available" \
    	"check \$_probe_arg1 for probe user"

    # Set a breakpoint with multiple probe locations.
    # In this scenario, we may expect more than 2 locations because of
    # the optimizations (inlining, loop unrolling, etc).
    gdb_test "break -pstap test:two" \
	"Breakpoint .* at $hex.*\[0-9\]+ locations.*" \
	"set multi-location probe breakpoint (probe two)"

    # Reinit GDB, set a breakpoint on probe m4.
    if {[runto "-pstap test:m4"]} {
      pass "run to -pstap test:m4"
    } else {
      fail "run to -pstap test:m4"

    # Testing probe arguments.
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 3" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg0" " = 42" \
    "check \$_probe_arg0 for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print (const char *) \$_probe_arg1" \
    " = $hex .This is a test message.*" \
    "check \$_probe_arg1 for probe m4"
    gdb_test "print \$_probe_arg2 == 0" " = 1" \
    "check \$_probe_arg2 for probe m4"

    # Reinit GDB, set a breakpoint on probe ps.
    if {[runto "-pstap test:ps"]} {
      pass "run to -pstap test:m4"
    } else {
      fail "run to -pstap test:m4"

    gdb_test "print \$_probe_argc" " = 3" \
    "print \$_probe_argc for probe ps"
    gdb_test "print (const char *) \$_probe_arg1" \
    " = $hex .This is another test message.*" \
    "print \$_probe_arg1 for probe ps"

    return 0

with_test_prefix "without semaphore, not optimized" {
    if {[stap_test "stap-probe-nosem-noopt"] == -1} {
	untested stap-probe.exp
	  return -1

with_test_prefix "with semaphore, not optimized" {
    stap_test "stap-probe-sem-noopt" "-DUSE_PROBES"

with_test_prefix "without semaphore, optimized" {
    stap_test_no_debuginfo "stap-probe-nosem-opt"

with_test_prefix "with semaphore, optimized" {
    stap_test_no_debuginfo "stap-probe-sem-opt" "-DUSE_PROBES"