# Copyright 1997-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# display.exp Test display commands
# Also do some printing stuff for coverage's sake.
if {[prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile \
{debug nowarnings}]} {
return -1
# Preserve the old timeout, and set a new one that should be
# sufficient to avoid timing out during this test.
set oldtimeout $timeout
set timeout [expr "$timeout + 60"]
verbose "Timeout is now $timeout seconds" 2
# use this to debug:
#log_user 1
# Some coverage stuff
if !$use_gdb_stub {
gdb_test "kill" ".*The program is not being run.*"
gdb_test "detach" ".*"
gdb_test "run" ".*"
gdb_load ${binfile}
gdb_test "kill" ".*" "kill again"
gdb_test "detach" ".*" "detach again"
gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
gdb_load ${binfile}
# Ok, on to real life
if ![runto_main] then {
fail "could not run to main - other tests will fail."
# Disable hardware watchpoints if necessary.
if [target_info exists gdb,no_hardware_watchpoints] {
gdb_test_no_output "set can-use-hw-watchpoints 0" ""
set bp_location1 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 1 here"]
gdb_test "break $bp_location1" ".*Breakpoint 2.*" "break do_loops"
gdb_test "cont" ".*Breakpoint 2, do_loops.*" "get to do_loops"
# Create stopping points.
gdb_test "watch sum" ".*\[Ww\]atchpoint 3: sum.*" "set watch"
set bp_location2 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 2 here"]
gdb_test "break $bp_location2" ".*Breakpoint 4.*" "break loop end"
# Create displays for those points
gdb_test "info disp" ".*There are no auto-display expressions now..*" "inf disp"
gdb_test "disp i" ".*1: i = 0.*" "display i"
gdb_test "disp/x j" ".*2: /x j = 0x0.*" "display j"
gdb_test "disp/i &k" ".*3: x/i &k(\r\n| ) $hex:.*" "display &k"
gdb_test "disp/f f" ".*4: /f f = 3.1415*" "display/f f"
gdb_test "disp/s &sum" ".*5: x/s &sum $hex.*sum.:.*" "display/s &sum"
# Hit the displays
gdb_test "cont" [multi_line \
".*\[Ww\]atchpoint 3: sum.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: i = 0.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: /x j = 0x0" \
"\[1-9\]*: x/i &k.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: /f f = 3.1415" \
"\[1-9\]*: x/s &sum.*" \
] "first disp"
gdb_test "cont" [multi_line \
".*\[Ww\]atchpoint 3: sum.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: i = 0.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: /x j = 0x0.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: x/i &k.*" \
"\[1-9\]*: /f f = 4.1415" \
"\[1-9\]*: x/s &sum.*" \
] "second disp"
gdb_test "enab disp 6" ".*No display number 6..*" "catch err"
gdb_test_no_output "disab disp 1" "disab disp 1"
gdb_test_no_output "disab disp 2" "disab disp 2"
gdb_test_no_output "enab disp 1" "re-enab"
gdb_test_no_output "enab disp 1" "re-enab of enab"
gdb_test_no_output "undisp 5" "undisp"
gdb_test "info disp" [multi_line \
"Auto-display expressions now in effect.*" \
".*y i" \
".*n /x j" \
".*y /1bi &k" \
".*y /f f" \
gdb_test "cont" [multi_line \
".*\[Ww\]atch.*" \
".*i = 0" \
".*5.1415" \
] "next hit"
gdb_test "undisp" \
"" \
"undisp all" \
".*Delete all auto-display expressions.*y or n. $" \
# Test displaying a variable that is temporarily at a bad address.
# But if we can examine what's at memory address 0, then we'll also be
# able to display it without error. Don't run the test in that case.
set can_read_0 [is_address_zero_readable]
if { !$can_read_0 } {
gdb_test "disp *p_i" ".*: \\*p_i = 0"
gdb_test "p p_i = 0x0" " = \\(int \\*\\) 0x0"
gdb_test "display" ".*: \\*p_i = " "display bad address"
gdb_test "p p_i = &i" " = \\(int \\*\\) $hex"
gdb_test "display" ".*: \\*p_i = 0" "display good address"
gdb_test "undisp" \
"" \
"undisp all again" \
".*Delete all auto-display expressions.*y or n. $" \
gdb_test "disab 3" ".*.*"
gdb_test "cont" ".*Breakpoint 4.*" "watch off"
# Now the printf tests
# The "finish" command may leave us mid-line in the caller on some
# targets, including but not limited to the m68k, i386 & PA. So we
# have to arrange to step until we hit the line with the call to
# "do_vars".
gdb_test_multiple "finish" "finish" {
-re ".*do_loops\\(\\);.*$gdb_prompt $" {
send_gdb "step\n"
-re ".*do_vars.*$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "finish"
gdb_test "step" ".*do_vars.*.*i = 9.*"
set bp_location3 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 3 here"]
gdb_test "tbreak $bp_location3" ".*breakpoint 5 a.*" "tbreak in do_vars"
gdb_test "cont" ".*do_vars.*$bp_location3.*$bp_location3.*"
# Beat on printf a bit
gdb_test "printf" ".*Argument required.*"
gdb_test "printf %d" ".*Bad format string, missing.*"
gdb_test "printf \"%d" ".*Bad format string, non-terminated.*"
gdb_test "printf \"%d%d\",i" ".*Wrong number of arguments.*"
gdb_test "printf \"\\\\!\\a\\f\\r\\t\\v\\b\\n\"" ".*!.*"
gdb_test_no_output "printf \"\"" "re-set term"
gdb_test "printf \"\\w\"" ".*Unrecognized escape character.*"
gdb_test "printf \"%d\" j" ".*Invalid argument syntax.*"
gdb_test "printf \"%p\\n\", 0" "\\(nil\\)"
gdb_test "printf \"%p\\n\", 1" "0x1"
# play with "print", too
gdb_test "print/k j" ".*Undefined output format.*"
gdb_test "print/d j" " = 0\[\\r\\n\]+" "debug test output 1"
gdb_test "print/r j" " = 0\[\\r\\n\]+" "debug test output 1a"
gdb_test "print/x j" " = 0x0\[\\r\\n\]+" "debug test output 2"
gdb_test "print/r j" " = 0x0\[\\r\\n\]+" "debug test output 2a"
gdb_test "print j" " = 0\[\\r\\n\]+" "debug test output 3"
# x/0 j doesn't produce any output and terminates PA64 process when testing
gdb_test_no_output "x/0 j"
# For when the test is built in C++ mode.
gdb_test_no_output "set print asm-demangle on"
gdb_test "print/0 j" ".*Item count other than 1 is meaningless.*"
gdb_test "print/s sum" " = 1000" "ignored s"
gdb_test "print/i sum" ".*Format letter.*is meaningless.*.*" "no i"
gdb_test "print/a &sum" ".*= $hex.*.*"
# If the constant below is larger than the length of main, then
# this test will (incorrectly) fail. So use a small number.
gdb_test "print/a main+4" ".*= $hex.*<.*>.*"
gdb_test "print/a \$pc" ".*= $hex.*.*"
gdb_test "print/a &&j" ".*A .* error in expression.*"
# Done!
# Restore the preserved old timeout value.
set timeout $oldtimeout
verbose "Timeout is now $timeout seconds" 2
return 0