/* Serial interface for local (hardwired) serial ports on Windows systems Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GDB. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "defs.h" #include "serial.h" #include "ser-base.h" #include "ser-tcp.h" #include <windows.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "gdb_assert.h" #include "gdb_string.h" void _initialize_ser_windows (void); struct ser_windows_state { int in_progress; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD lastCommMask; HANDLE except_event; }; /* Open up a real live device for serial I/O. */ static int ser_windows_open (struct serial *scb, const char *name) { HANDLE h; struct ser_windows_state *state; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; /* Only allow COM ports. */ if (strncmp (name, "COM", 3) != 0) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } h = CreateFile (name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } scb->fd = _open_osfhandle ((long) h, O_RDWR); if (scb->fd < 0) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } if (!SetCommMask (h, EV_RXCHAR)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; if (!SetCommTimeouts (h, &timeouts)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } state = xmalloc (sizeof (struct ser_windows_state)); memset (state, 0, sizeof (struct ser_windows_state)); scb->state = state; /* Create a manual reset event to watch the input buffer. */ state->ov.hEvent = CreateEvent (0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); /* Create a (currently unused) handle to record exceptions. */ state->except_event = CreateEvent (0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); return 0; } /* Wait for the output to drain away, as opposed to flushing (discarding) it. */ static int ser_windows_drain_output (struct serial *scb) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); return (FlushFileBuffers (h) != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static int ser_windows_flush_output (struct serial *scb) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); return (PurgeComm (h, PURGE_TXCLEAR) != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static int ser_windows_flush_input (struct serial *scb) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); return (PurgeComm (h, PURGE_RXCLEAR) != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static int ser_windows_send_break (struct serial *scb) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); if (SetCommBreak (h) == 0) return -1; /* Delay for 250 milliseconds. */ Sleep (250); if (ClearCommBreak (h)) return -1; return 0; } static void ser_windows_raw (struct serial *scb) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); DCB state; if (GetCommState (h, &state) == 0) return; state.fParity = FALSE; state.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; state.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; state.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; state.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; state.fOutX = FALSE; state.fInX = FALSE; state.fNull = FALSE; state.fAbortOnError = FALSE; state.ByteSize = 8; state.Parity = NOPARITY; scb->current_timeout = 0; if (SetCommState (h, &state) == 0) warning (_("SetCommState failed\n")); } static int ser_windows_setstopbits (struct serial *scb, int num) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); DCB state; if (GetCommState (h, &state) == 0) return -1; switch (num) { case SERIAL_1_STOPBITS: state.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; break; case SERIAL_1_AND_A_HALF_STOPBITS: state.StopBits = ONE5STOPBITS; break; case SERIAL_2_STOPBITS: state.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; break; default: return 1; } return (SetCommState (h, &state) != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static int ser_windows_setbaudrate (struct serial *scb, int rate) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); DCB state; if (GetCommState (h, &state) == 0) return -1; state.BaudRate = rate; return (SetCommState (h, &state) != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static void ser_windows_close (struct serial *scb) { struct ser_windows_state *state; /* Stop any pending selects. */ CancelIo ((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd)); state = scb->state; CloseHandle (state->ov.hEvent); CloseHandle (state->except_event); if (scb->fd < 0) return; close (scb->fd); scb->fd = -1; xfree (scb->state); } static void ser_windows_wait_handle (struct serial *scb, HANDLE *read, HANDLE *except) { struct ser_windows_state *state; COMSTAT status; DWORD errors; HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); state = scb->state; *except = state->except_event; *read = state->ov.hEvent; if (state->in_progress) return; /* Reset the mask - we are only interested in any characters which arrive after this point, not characters which might have arrived and already been read. */ /* This really, really shouldn't be necessary - just the second one. But otherwise an internal flag for EV_RXCHAR does not get cleared, and we get a duplicated event, if the last batch of characters included at least two arriving close together. */ if (!SetCommMask (h, 0)) warning (_("ser_windows_wait_handle: reseting mask failed")); if (!SetCommMask (h, EV_RXCHAR)) warning (_("ser_windows_wait_handle: reseting mask failed (2)")); /* There's a potential race condition here; we must check cbInQue and not wait if that's nonzero. */ ClearCommError (h, &errors, &status); if (status.cbInQue > 0) { SetEvent (state->ov.hEvent); return; } state->in_progress = 1; ResetEvent (state->ov.hEvent); state->lastCommMask = -2; if (WaitCommEvent (h, &state->lastCommMask, &state->ov)) { gdb_assert (state->lastCommMask & EV_RXCHAR); SetEvent (state->ov.hEvent); } else gdb_assert (GetLastError () == ERROR_IO_PENDING); } static int ser_windows_read_prim (struct serial *scb, size_t count) { struct ser_windows_state *state; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD bytes_read, bytes_read_tmp; HANDLE h; gdb_byte *p; state = scb->state; if (state->in_progress) { WaitForSingleObject (state->ov.hEvent, INFINITE); state->in_progress = 0; ResetEvent (state->ov.hEvent); } memset (&ov, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)); ov.hEvent = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); if (!ReadFile (h, scb->buf, /* count */ 1, &bytes_read, &ov)) { if (GetLastError () != ERROR_IO_PENDING || !GetOverlappedResult (h, &ov, &bytes_read, TRUE)) bytes_read = -1; } CloseHandle (ov.hEvent); return bytes_read; } static int ser_windows_write_prim (struct serial *scb, const void *buf, size_t len) { struct ser_windows_state *state; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD bytes_written; HANDLE h; memset (&ov, 0, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)); ov.hEvent = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (scb->fd); if (!WriteFile (h, buf, len, &bytes_written, &ov)) { if (GetLastError () != ERROR_IO_PENDING || !GetOverlappedResult (h, &ov, &bytes_written, TRUE)) bytes_written = -1; } CloseHandle (ov.hEvent); return bytes_written; } struct ser_console_state { HANDLE read_event; HANDLE except_event; HANDLE start_select; HANDLE stop_select; }; static DWORD WINAPI console_select_thread (void *arg) { struct serial *scb = arg; struct ser_console_state *state, state_copy; int event_index, fd; HANDLE h; /* Copy useful information out of the control block, to make sure that we do not race with freeing it. */ state_copy = *(struct ser_console_state *) scb->state; state = &state_copy; fd = scb->fd; h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd); while (1) { HANDLE wait_events[2]; INPUT_RECORD record; DWORD n_records; wait_events[0] = state->start_select; wait_events[1] = state->stop_select; if (WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_events, FALSE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } retry: wait_events[0] = state->stop_select; wait_events[1] = h; event_index = WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_events, FALSE, INFINITE); if (event_index == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || WaitForSingleObject (state->stop_select, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } if (event_index != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { /* Wait must have failed; assume an error has occured, e.g. the handle has been closed. */ SetEvent (state->except_event); continue; } /* We've got a pending event on the console. See if it's of interest. */ if (!PeekConsoleInput (h, &record, 1, &n_records) || n_records != 1) { /* Something went wrong. Maybe the console is gone. */ SetEvent (state->except_event); continue; } if (record.EventType == KEY_EVENT && record.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { /* This is really a keypress. */ SetEvent (state->read_event); continue; } /* Otherwise discard it and wait again. */ ReadConsoleInput (h, &record, 1, &n_records); goto retry; } } static int fd_is_pipe (int fd) { if (PeekNamedPipe ((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 1; else return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI pipe_select_thread (void *arg) { struct serial *scb = arg; struct ser_console_state *state, state_copy; int event_index, fd; HANDLE h; /* Copy useful information out of the control block, to make sure that we do not race with freeing it. */ state_copy = *(struct ser_console_state *) scb->state; state = &state_copy; fd = scb->fd; h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd); while (1) { HANDLE wait_events[2]; DWORD n_avail; wait_events[0] = state->start_select; wait_events[1] = state->stop_select; if (WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_events, FALSE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } retry: if (!PeekNamedPipe (h, NULL, 0, NULL, &n_avail, NULL)) { SetEvent (state->except_event); continue; } if (n_avail > 0) { SetEvent (state->read_event); continue; } if (WaitForSingleObject (state->stop_select, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } Sleep (10); goto retry; } } static void ser_console_wait_handle (struct serial *scb, HANDLE *read, HANDLE *except) { struct ser_console_state *state = scb->state; if (state == NULL) { DWORD threadId; int is_tty; is_tty = isatty (scb->fd); if (!is_tty && !fd_is_pipe (scb->fd)) { *read = NULL; *except = NULL; return; } state = xmalloc (sizeof (struct ser_console_state)); memset (state, 0, sizeof (struct ser_console_state)); scb->state = state; /* Create auto reset events to wake and terminate the select thread. */ state->start_select = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); state->stop_select = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* Create our own events to report read and exceptions separately. The exception event is currently never used. */ state->read_event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); state->except_event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* And finally start the select thread. */ if (is_tty) CreateThread (NULL, 0, console_select_thread, scb, 0, &threadId); else CreateThread (NULL, 0, pipe_select_thread, scb, 0, &threadId); } ResetEvent (state->read_event); ResetEvent (state->except_event); SetEvent (state->start_select); *read = state->read_event; *except = state->except_event; } static void ser_console_close (struct serial *scb) { struct ser_console_state *state = scb->state; if (scb->state) { SetEvent (state->stop_select); CloseHandle (state->read_event); CloseHandle (state->except_event); xfree (scb->state); } } struct ser_console_ttystate { int is_a_tty; }; static serial_ttystate ser_console_get_tty_state (struct serial *scb) { if (isatty (scb->fd)) { struct ser_console_ttystate *state; state = (struct ser_console_ttystate *) xmalloc (sizeof *state); state->is_a_tty = 1; return state; } else return NULL; } struct net_windows_state { HANDLE read_event; HANDLE except_event; HANDLE start_select; HANDLE stop_select; HANDLE sock_event; }; static DWORD WINAPI net_windows_select_thread (void *arg) { struct serial *scb = arg; struct net_windows_state *state, state_copy; int event_index, fd; /* Copy useful information out of the control block, to make sure that we do not race with freeing it. */ state_copy = *(struct net_windows_state *) scb->state; state = &state_copy; fd = scb->fd; while (1) { HANDLE wait_events[2]; WSANETWORKEVENTS events; wait_events[0] = state->start_select; wait_events[1] = state->stop_select; if (WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_events, FALSE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } wait_events[0] = state->stop_select; wait_events[1] = state->sock_event; event_index = WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_events, FALSE, INFINITE); if (event_index == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || WaitForSingleObject (state->stop_select, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (state->stop_select); return 0; } if (event_index != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { /* Some error has occured. Assume that this is an error condition. */ SetEvent (state->except_event); continue; } /* Enumerate the internal network events, and reset the object that signalled us to catch the next event. */ WSAEnumNetworkEvents (fd, state->sock_event, &events); if (events.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ) SetEvent (state->read_event); if (events.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE) SetEvent (state->except_event); } } static void net_windows_wait_handle (struct serial *scb, HANDLE *read, HANDLE *except) { struct net_windows_state *state = scb->state; ResetEvent (state->read_event); ResetEvent (state->except_event); SetEvent (state->start_select); *read = state->read_event; *except = state->except_event; } static int net_windows_open (struct serial *scb, const char *name) { struct net_windows_state *state; int ret; DWORD threadId; ret = net_open (scb, name); if (ret != 0) return ret; state = xmalloc (sizeof (struct net_windows_state)); memset (state, 0, sizeof (struct net_windows_state)); scb->state = state; /* Create auto reset events to wake and terminate the select thread. */ state->start_select = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); state->stop_select = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* Associate an event with the socket. */ state->sock_event = CreateEvent (0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); WSAEventSelect (scb->fd, state->sock_event, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE); /* Create our own events to report read and close separately. */ state->read_event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); state->except_event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* And finally start the select thread. */ CreateThread (NULL, 0, net_windows_select_thread, scb, 0, &threadId); return 0; } static void net_windows_close (struct serial *scb) { struct net_windows_state *state = scb->state; SetEvent (state->stop_select); CloseHandle (state->read_event); CloseHandle (state->except_event); CloseHandle (state->start_select); CloseHandle (state->sock_event); xfree (scb->state); net_close (scb); } void _initialize_ser_windows (void) { WSADATA wsa_data; struct serial_ops *ops; /* First register the serial port driver. */ ops = XMALLOC (struct serial_ops); memset (ops, 0, sizeof (struct serial_ops)); ops->name = "hardwire"; ops->next = 0; ops->open = ser_windows_open; ops->close = ser_windows_close; ops->flush_output = ser_windows_flush_output; ops->flush_input = ser_windows_flush_input; ops->send_break = ser_windows_send_break; /* These are only used for stdin; we do not need them for serial ports, so supply the standard dummies. */ ops->get_tty_state = ser_base_get_tty_state; ops->set_tty_state = ser_base_set_tty_state; ops->print_tty_state = ser_base_print_tty_state; ops->noflush_set_tty_state = ser_base_noflush_set_tty_state; ops->go_raw = ser_windows_raw; ops->setbaudrate = ser_windows_setbaudrate; ops->setstopbits = ser_windows_setstopbits; ops->drain_output = ser_windows_drain_output; ops->readchar = ser_base_readchar; ops->write = ser_base_write; ops->async = ser_base_async; ops->read_prim = ser_windows_read_prim; ops->write_prim = ser_windows_write_prim; ops->wait_handle = ser_windows_wait_handle; serial_add_interface (ops); /* Next create the dummy serial driver used for terminals. We only provide the TTY-related methods. */ ops = XMALLOC (struct serial_ops); memset (ops, 0, sizeof (struct serial_ops)); ops->name = "terminal"; ops->next = 0; ops->close = ser_console_close; ops->get_tty_state = ser_console_get_tty_state; ops->set_tty_state = ser_base_set_tty_state; ops->print_tty_state = ser_base_print_tty_state; ops->noflush_set_tty_state = ser_base_noflush_set_tty_state; ops->drain_output = ser_base_drain_output; ops->wait_handle = ser_console_wait_handle; serial_add_interface (ops); /* If WinSock works, register the TCP/UDP socket driver. */ if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (1, 0), &wsa_data) != 0) /* WinSock is unavailable. */ return; ops = XMALLOC (struct serial_ops); memset (ops, 0, sizeof (struct serial_ops)); ops->name = "tcp"; ops->next = 0; ops->open = net_windows_open; ops->close = net_windows_close; ops->readchar = ser_base_readchar; ops->write = ser_base_write; ops->flush_output = ser_base_flush_output; ops->flush_input = ser_base_flush_input; ops->send_break = ser_base_send_break; ops->go_raw = ser_base_raw; ops->get_tty_state = ser_base_get_tty_state; ops->set_tty_state = ser_base_set_tty_state; ops->print_tty_state = ser_base_print_tty_state; ops->noflush_set_tty_state = ser_base_noflush_set_tty_state; ops->setbaudrate = ser_base_setbaudrate; ops->setstopbits = ser_base_setstopbits; ops->drain_output = ser_base_drain_output; ops->async = ser_base_async; ops->read_prim = net_read_prim; ops->write_prim = net_write_prim; ops->wait_handle = net_windows_wait_handle; serial_add_interface (ops); }