/* THIS FILE HAS NOT HAD ITS COPYRIGHT CHECKED...FSF SHOULD NOT DISTRIBUTE IT UNTIL THIS HAPPENS. */ /* Memory-access and commands for inferior process, for GDB. */ #include <sys/errno.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "defs.h" #include "frame.h" #include "value.h" #include "inferior.h" #include "symtab.h" #undef WSTOPSIG #undef WTERMSIG #include "wait.h" #ifdef USG #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <termios.h> #define TERMINAL struct termios #define LONGTIMEOUT 5 #define SHORTTIMEOUT 1 #define KD_MINUTAE 1 #define KD_LINEDISCIPLINE 2 #define KD_RETRY 4 #define KD_BLOCKTRANSFER 8 #ifndef STDIN #define STDIN 0 #endif #define GL_READING 0 /* get line is reading data */ #define GL_OK 1 /* Getline saw the "ok" string */ #define GL_SUCCESS 2 /* Get line got data */ #define GL_TIMEOUT 3 /* Get line timed out */ #define GL_OVERRUN 4 /* Get line filled up the buffer */ #define GL_EXCEPTION 5 /* Get line saw "Exception" */ #define GL_PROMLINE 6 /* Get line saw prom specific info */ #define GL_BLANKLINE 7 /* Get line saw a blank line */ static int kiodebug /* = KD_RETRY | KD_BLOCKTRANSFER */; static CORE_ADDR remote_pc = 0; static CORE_ADDR remote_next_pc = 0; static CORE_ADDR remove_thisbp_next_pc = 0; static CORE_ADDR remove_thisbp_target = 0; enum showDrainage {DONTSHOW , SHOW} ; /* Descriptor for I/O to remote machine. Initialize it to -1 so that remote_open knows that we don't have a file open when the program starts. */ int remote_desc = -1; int dontskipcrs = 0; #define PBUFSIZ 400 unsigned char ignorebuf[PBUFSIZ]; #define IGNORE &ignorebuf[0] /* Maximum number of bytes to read/write at once. The value here is chosen to fill up a packet (the headers account for the 32). */ #define MAXBUFBYTES ((PBUFSIZ-32)/2) static void remote_send (); static void putpkt (); static int getpkt (); /* Open a connection to a remote debugger. NAME is the filename used for communication. */ CORE_ADDR breakpoint_regs_addr; void remote_open (name, from_tty) char *name; int from_tty; { extern int frame_file_full_name; unsigned char buf[PBUFSIZ]; TERMINAL sg; remote_debugging = 0; if (remote_desc >= 0) close (remote_desc); breakpoint_regs_addr = parse_and_eval_address("&breakpoint_regs"); dontskipcrs = !frame_file_full_name; /* if we are running inside of emacs, this will be true. then skip carriage returns */ remote_desc = open (name, O_RDWR); if (remote_desc < 0) perror_with_name (name); setup_remote(); if (from_tty) printf ("Remote debugging using %s\n", name); remote_debugging = 1; } static char *boot_cmd = 0; static print_boot_cmd() { fprintf(stderr, "boot command set to be \"%s\"\n", boot_cmd); } remote_start() { WAITTYPE ignoredWaitType; if (boot_cmd) { sendbreak(); remote_wait (&ignoredWaitType); putpkt ("reset"); sleep(10); sendbreak(); remote_wait (&ignoredWaitType); sleep(10); print_boot_cmd(); putpkt(boot_cmd); fprintf(stderr, "rgdb and nucleus synchronized, booting....\n"); } else { error("The boot command is null. Cannot start the remote kernel/nucleus"); } } /* Close the open connection to the remote debugger. Use this when you want to detach and do something else with your gdb. */ void remote_close (from_tty) int from_tty; { if (!remote_debugging) error ("Can't close remote connection: not debugging remotely."); close (remote_desc); /* This should never be called if there isn't something valid in remote_desc. */ /* Do not try to close remote_desc again, later in the program. */ remote_desc = -1; if (from_tty) printf ("Ending remote debugging\n"); remote_debugging = 0; } /* Convert hex digit A to a number. */ static int fromhex (a) int a; { if (a >= '0' && a <= '9') return a - '0'; else if (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f') return a - 'a' + 10; else error ("Reply contains invalid hex digit"); } /* Convert number NIB to a hex digit. */ static int tohex (nib) int nib; { if (nib < 10) return '0'+nib; else return 'a'+nib-10; } /* Tell the remote machine to resume. */ extern int one_stepped; /* From machine dependent code */ static int remote_set_one_stepped; int remote_resume (step, signal) int step, signal; { if (step) { remote_single_step(); } remote_set_one_stepped = step; putpkt("go"); } /* Wait until the remote machine stops, then return, storing status in STATUS just as `wait' would. */ int remote_wait (status) WAITTYPE *status; { char last, this; int pend, saveTheOh = 0; user_terminal_raw(); WSETEXIT ((*status), 0177); last = this = 0; while (1) { char buf[PBUFSIZ]; int readUser, readProm, state; doselect(&readUser, &readProm); if (readProm) { switch (state = getline(buf, PBUFSIZ, SHORTTIMEOUT)) { case GL_BLANKLINE: if (remote_set_one_stepped) break; /* fall through */ default: case GL_READING: case GL_SUCCESS: case GL_OVERRUN: case GL_TIMEOUT: if (kiodebug & KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf(stderr, "%d<%s>\n", state, buf); else { fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf); fflush(stderr); } break; case GL_OK: remote_cleanup_after_stop(); WSETSTOP ((*status), SIGTRAP); return; case GL_PROMLINE: break; } } if (readUser) shuffleFromUserToProm(); } } static TERMINAL userterminal; user_terminal_restore() { #if 0 int in_desc = fileno (stdin); ioctl (in_desc, TCSETS, &userterminal); #endif } static void set_term_raw(); user_terminal_raw() { #if 0 TERMINAL tempterminal; int in_desc = fileno (stdin); ioctl (in_desc, TCGETS, &userterminal); tempterminal = userterminal; tempterminal.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN); tempterminal.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tempterminal.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tempterminal.c_iflag &= ~(INPCK|IXON|IXOFF); tempterminal.c_oflag = 0; ioctl (in_desc, TCSETS, &tempterminal); #endif } doselect(pReadUser, pReadProm) int *pReadUser, *pReadProm; { extern FILE *instream; int in_desc = fileno (stdin); int instreammask = 1 << in_desc; int remotemask = 1 << remote_desc; int rfds = instreammask | remotemask; select (32, &rfds, 0, 0, (struct timeval *) 0); /* 0 = Block indefinitely */ *pReadUser = (rfds & instreammask) == instreammask; *pReadProm = (rfds & remotemask) == remotemask; } /* Read the remote registers into the block pRegisters. implementation copied largely from fetch_inferior_registers () in sparc-dep.c */ void remote_fetch_registers(ignored) int *ignored; { struct regs inferior_registers; extern char registers[]; CORE_ADDR breakpoint_regs_target; if (breakpoint_regs_addr == 0) { error("no address for breakpoint_regs\n"); return; } remote_read_inferior_memory(breakpoint_regs_addr, &breakpoint_regs_target, sizeof(breakpoint_regs_target)); bzero(registers, REGISTER_BYTES); registers[REGISTER_BYTE (0)] = 0; if (breakpoint_regs_target) { remote_read_inferior_memory(breakpoint_regs_target, &inferior_registers, sizeof(inferior_registers)); registers[REGISTER_BYTE (0)] = 0; bcopy (&inferior_registers.r_g1, ®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (1)], 15 * 4); *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (PS_REGNUM)] = inferior_registers.r_ps; *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (PC_REGNUM)] = inferior_registers.r_pc; *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (NPC_REGNUM)] = inferior_registers.r_npc; *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (Y_REGNUM)] = inferior_registers.r_y; remote_pc = inferior_registers.r_pc; remote_next_pc = inferior_registers.r_npc; remote_read_inferior_memory (inferior_registers.r_sp, ®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (16)], 16*4); } else { error("breakpoint_regs == 0\n"); } } /* Write memory data directly to the remote machine. This does not inform the data cache; the data cache uses this. MEMADDR is the address in the remote memory space. MYADDR is the address of the buffer in our space. LEN is the number of bytes. */ int remote_write_bytes (memaddr, myaddr, len) CORE_ADDR memaddr; unsigned char *myaddr; int len; { char buf[PBUFSIZ]; int i; /* Command describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two hex characters. */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%x %x c!", myaddr[i], memaddr + i); remote_send (buf, buf); if (strstr(buf, "Exception")) { return EFAULT; } } return 0; } /* Copy LEN bytes of data from debugger memory at MYADDR to inferior's memory at MEMADDR. Returns errno value. */ int remote_write_inferior_memory (memaddr, myaddr, len) CORE_ADDR memaddr; char *myaddr; int len; { int xfersize; int retval; while (len > 0) { if (len > MAXBUFBYTES) xfersize = MAXBUFBYTES; else xfersize = len; retval = remote_write_bytes(memaddr, myaddr, xfersize); if (retval) return retval; /* error */ memaddr += xfersize; myaddr += xfersize; len -= xfersize; } return 0; /* no error */ } /* read a single character */ static int readCharFromProm () { char buf; buf = '\0'; /* termio does the timeout for us. */ read (remote_desc, &buf, 1); return buf & 0x7f; } /* Send the command in BUF to the remote machine, and read the reply into BUF. Report an error if we get an error reply. */ static void remote_send (buf, buf2) char *buf, *buf2; { putpkt (buf); getpkt (buf2); } /* Send a single character out over the wire */ static void putcharacter (ch) char ch; { while (1) { int i; write(remote_desc, &ch, 1); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { char nch = 0; if (read (remote_desc, &nch, 1) == 0) i++; if ((ch == nch) || (ch == '\n' && nch == '\r') || (ch == '\r' && nch == '\n')) return; if (kiodebug & KD_MINUTAE) fprintf (stderr, "Sent %c(%d) Received %c(%d)\n", ch, ch, nch, nch); } } } /* Send a packet to the remote machine, with error checking. The data of the packet is in BUF. */ static void putpkt (buf) char *buf; { int i; int cnt = strlen (buf); char ch; if (kiodebug & KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf(stderr, "putpkt(%s)\n", buf); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) putcharacter (buf[i]); putcharacter ('\n'); } jmp_buf getline_jmpbuf; /* Read a line from the remote machine, and store it in BUF. */ getline_timer() { alarm(0); if (kiodebug & KD_RETRY) fprintf(stderr, "getline timed out\n"); longjmp(getline_jmpbuf, 1); } static int getline (buf, size, timeout) char *buf; int size, timeout; { int cnt = 0; int state; int isspace_state = 1; if ((void (*)) signal (SIGALRM, getline_timer) == (void (*)) -1) perror ("remote_open: error in signal"); --size; /* back it up one so that we can read */ state = GL_READING; if (setjmp(getline_jmpbuf)) state = GL_TIMEOUT; else { alarm (timeout); do { char ch = readCharFromProm(); isspace_state = isspace_state && isspace(ch); if (ch && (dontskipcrs || ch != '\r')) { buf[cnt++] = ch; buf[cnt] = '\0'; } if (kiodebug & KD_MINUTAE) fprintf (stderr,"letter received :%c\n", buf[cnt - 1]); if (cnt >= 2 && buf[cnt - 2] == 'o' && buf[cnt - 1] == 'k') state = GL_OK; else if (buf[cnt - 1] == '\n' ) state = isspace_state ? GL_BLANKLINE : GL_SUCCESS; else if (cnt == size) state = GL_OVERRUN; else if (strstr(buf, "Type 'go' to resume")) state = GL_PROMLINE; else if (strstr(buf, "Type help for more information")) state = GL_PROMLINE; else if (strstr(buf, "Exception")) state = GL_EXCEPTION; } while (state == GL_READING); } alarm (0); if (kiodebug & KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf (stderr,"Line received :%s\n", buf); return state; } /* Read a packet from the remote machine, and store it in BUF. */ static int getpkt (buf) char *buf; { int cnt = 0; do { char ch = readCharFromProm(); if (ch) buf[cnt++] = ch; if (kiodebug & KD_MINUTAE) fprintf (stderr,"letter received :%c\n", buf[cnt - 1]); } while (cnt < 2 || buf[cnt - 2] != 'o' && buf[cnt - 1] != 'k'); buf[cnt] = '\0'; if (kiodebug& KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf (stderr,"Packet received :%s\n", buf); return cnt; } void remote_fetch_word (addr) CORE_ADDR addr; { error ("Internal error: remote_fetch_word is obsolete.\n"); } void remote_store_word (addr) CORE_ADDR addr; { error ("Internal error: remote_store_word is obsolete.\n"); } #include <termio.h> draininput(showit) enum showDrainage showit; { unsigned char buf[PBUFSIZ]; int cnt; while ((cnt = read(remote_desc, buf, PBUFSIZ)) > 0) { buf[cnt] = 0; if (kiodebug& KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf (stderr,"Draining :%s\n", buf); else if (showit == SHOW) fprintf (stderr,"%s", buf); } if (kiodebug& KD_LINEDISCIPLINE) fprintf (stderr,"Drained\n"); } sendbreak() { if (kiodebug & KD_RETRY) fprintf (stderr,"rgdb sending break to target...\n"); else { fprintf (stderr,"="); fflush(stderr); } ioctl (remote_desc, TCSBRK, 0); sleep(5); } /* shuffle a character from the user to remote debugger */ int shuffleFromUserToProm() { char ch; static int escape = 0; extern FILE *instream; ch = 0; if (read(STDIN, &ch , 1) != 1 || ch == 0) return; if (escape) { if (ch == '#') sendbreak(); else if (ch == '.') { while (ch != '\n') read(STDIN, &ch , 1); return 1; } else { static char tilde = '~'; putcharacter(tilde); putcharacter(ch); } escape = 0; } else /* not escape */ { if (ch == '~') escape = 1; else putcharacter(ch); } return 0; } /* Tell the Prom put a breakpoint at memaddr */ remote_insert_breakpoint(memaddr) CORE_ADDR memaddr; { char buf[PBUFSIZ]; /* Command describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two hex characters. */ sprintf(buf, "%x +bp", memaddr); remote_send(buf, buf); if (strstr(buf, "Exception")) { return EFAULT; } else { return 0; } } /* Tell the Prom remove the the breakpoint at memaddr */ remote_remove_breakpoint(memaddr) CORE_ADDR memaddr; { char buf[PBUFSIZ]; /* Command describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two hex characters. */ sprintf(buf, "%x -bp", memaddr); remote_send(buf, buf); if (strstr(buf, "Exception")) { return EFAULT; } else { return 0; } } /* Read memory data directly from the remote machine. This does not use the data cache; the data cache uses this. MEMADDR is the address in the remote memory space. MYADDR is the address of the buffer in our space. LEN is the number of words. */ long remote_read(memaddr, myaddr, len, increment, promcommand) CORE_ADDR memaddr; unsigned char *myaddr; int len, increment; char *promcommand; { char buf[PBUFSIZ]; char buf2[PBUFSIZ]; int i; unsigned long num; /* Command describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two hex characters. */ for (i = 0; i < len; i += increment) { sprintf(buf, promcommand, memaddr + i) ; remote_send(buf, buf2); remote_send(".", buf); if (strstr(buf2, "Exception")) { bzero(&myaddr[i], len - i); return -i; } else { char *pBuf; for (pBuf = &buf[0]; *pBuf == '\r' || *pBuf == '\n'; pBuf++) ; sscanf(pBuf, "%x\n", &num); switch (increment) { case 1: myaddr[i] = num; if (num > 255) fprintf(stderr, "number out of bounds %x truncating to %x\n", num, myaddr[i]); break; case 4: {unsigned long *p; p = (unsigned long *) &myaddr[i]; *p = num; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown increment\n"); break; } } } return i; } /* Read LEN bytes from inferior memory at MEMADDR. Put the result at debugger address MYADDR. Returns errno value. */ int remote_read_inferior_memory(memaddr, myaddr, len) CORE_ADDR memaddr; char *myaddr; int len; { int xfersize; while (len > 0) { int mod; if (len > MAXBUFBYTES) xfersize = MAXBUFBYTES; else xfersize = len; mod = memaddr % 4; if (mod == 0 && xfersize >= 4) if (mod == 0 && xfersize >= 16) { xfersize = remote_read_many(memaddr, myaddr, (len & ~3)); getpkt(IGNORE); } else xfersize = remote_read(memaddr, myaddr, 4, 4, "%x @"); else xfersize = remote_read(memaddr, myaddr, max(mod, 1), 1, "%x c@"); if (xfersize <= 0) return EFAULT; /* error */ memaddr += xfersize; myaddr += xfersize; len -= xfersize; } return 0; /* no error */ } static int baud_rate=B38400; static void set_term_raw(pTermio) TERMINAL *pTermio; { pTermio->c_cflag &= (CREAD|HUPCL|CLOCAL); pTermio->c_cflag |= baud_rate | CS8; pTermio->c_iflag = ISTRIP /* | IXON | IXOFF */; pTermio->c_oflag = 0; pTermio->c_lflag = 0; pTermio->c_cc[VMIN] = 0; pTermio->c_cc[VTIME] = 1; } /* setup the remote termio stream */ setup_remote() { TERMINAL temptempio; ioctl(remote_desc, TCGETS, &temptempio); set_term_raw(&temptempio); ioctl(remote_desc, TCSETS, &temptempio); } /* step one machine instruction */ remote_single_step () { CORE_ADDR next_pc, npc4, target, pc; typedef enum { Error, not_branch, bicc, bicca, ba, baa, ticc, ta } branch_type; branch_type br, isannulled(); npc4 = remote_next_pc + 4; /* branch not taken */ /* Always set breakpoint for NPC. */ remote_insert_breakpoint(remote_next_pc); remove_thisbp_next_pc = remote_next_pc; /* printf ("set break at %x\n",remote_next_pc); */ br = isannulled (remote_pc, &target); if (br == bicca) { /* Conditional annulled branch will either end up at npc (if taken) or at npc+4 (if not taken). Trap npc+4. */ remote_insert_breakpoint(npc4); remove_thisbp_target = npc4; } else if (br == baa && target != remote_next_pc) { /* Unconditional annulled branch will always end up at the target. */ remote_insert_breakpoint(target); remove_thisbp_target = target; } } /* read many words of memory */ long remote_read_many(memaddr, myaddr, len) CORE_ADDR memaddr; unsigned char *myaddr; int len; { #define BLOCKSIZE 1024 static int max_number_of_blocks = 24; char buf[PBUFSIZ]; char buf2[PBUFSIZ]; int i; unsigned long *p; /* Command describes registers byte by byte, each byte encoded as two hex characters. */ len = min(len, max_number_of_blocks * BLOCKSIZE); sprintf(buf, "%x %x do i @ . cr 4 +loop", memaddr + len, memaddr); putpkt(buf); getline(buf2, PBUFSIZ, LONGTIMEOUT); /* I don't care */ p = (unsigned long *) myaddr; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4, p++) { extern int InspectIt; if (!InspectIt && ((i % BLOCKSIZE) == 0)) fprintf(stderr, "+"); /* let 'em know that we are working */ switch (getline(buf2, PBUFSIZ, LONGTIMEOUT)) { default: case GL_PROMLINE: case GL_READING: case GL_OK: case GL_OVERRUN: case GL_TIMEOUT: case GL_BLANKLINE: /* resync and retry */ max_number_of_blocks = max(1, i / BLOCKSIZE); fprintf(stderr, "-"); /* let 'em know that we are working */ if (kiodebug & KD_BLOCKTRANSFER) fprintf(stderr, "failed read_many %d %d/%d (%s)\n", max_number_of_blocks, i, len, buf2); sendbreak(); return remote_read_many(memaddr, myaddr, len); case GL_EXCEPTION: return -i; case GL_SUCCESS: sscanf(buf2, "%x\n", p); break; } } if (kiodebug & KD_BLOCKTRANSFER) fprintf(stderr, "success read_many %d %d/%d (%s)\n", max_number_of_blocks, i, len, buf2); return i; } /* * allow the user to type directly to the prom ! */ prom_command() { int readUser, readProm; user_terminal_raw(); fprintf(stderr, "entering prom mode...\n"); while (1) { doselect(&readUser, &readProm); if (readUser) if (shuffleFromUserToProm()) { fprintf(stderr, "exiting prom mode\n"); user_terminal_restore(); return; } if (readProm) fprintf(stderr, "%c", readCharFromProm ()); } } static char *boot_set_msg = "boot needs a string in quotes of the form \"boot vmunix\" "; static char *baud_set_msg = "baud rate should be of the form \"set baud=9600\""; static void set_boot (arg, from_tty) char *arg; int from_tty; { int h, i; if (!arg) { print_boot_cmd(); error_no_arg (boot_set_msg); } arg = tilde_expand (arg); make_cleanup (free, arg); i = strlen (arg) - 1; free (boot_cmd); h = 0; while (*arg && h < i && (arg[h] == ' ' || arg[h] == '\t')) { h++; arg++; } while (i > 0 && (arg[i] == ' ' || arg[i] == '\t')) i--; if (h >= i || !*arg || arg[h] != '"' || arg[i] != '"') error (boot_set_msg); else { boot_cmd = savestring (++arg, i); boot_cmd[i - 1] = '\0'; } if (from_tty) print_boot_cmd(); } static int bauds[] = { 0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, -1 }; static int convert_to_baud_B(n) int n; { register int *p; for (p = bauds; *p != -1; p++) if (*p != 0 && *p == n) return (p - bauds); return (NULL); } static void print_acceptable_bauds() { register int *p; for (p = bauds; *p != -1; p++) if (*p != 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", *p); } static void print_baud() { fprintf(stderr, "the baud rate is now %d\n", bauds[baud_rate]); } static void set_baud (arg, from_tty) char *arg; int from_tty; { int temp_baud_rate; if (!arg) { print_baud(); print_acceptable_bauds(); error_no_arg (baud_set_msg); return; } while (*arg && !isdigit(*arg)) arg++; if (*arg && (temp_baud_rate = convert_to_baud_B(atoi(arg))) != NULL) { baud_rate = temp_baud_rate; if (remote_debugging) setup_remote(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "bad baud rate %s, acceptable values are\n", arg); print_acceptable_bauds(); } print_baud(); } void _initialize_remote() { /* Chain containing all defined set subcommands */ extern struct cmd_list_element *setlist; add_com ("prom", class_obscure, prom_command, "Conduct a dialogue directly with the prom. \ only useful after an attach\n\ Terminate by typing ~."); add_cmd ("boot_cmd", class_support, set_boot, boot_set_msg, &setlist); add_cmd ("baud", class_support, set_baud, baud_set_msg, &setlist); set_boot ("\"boot nucleus -d\"", 0); } /* Store the remote registers from the contents of the block REGS. */ void remote_store_registers (registers) char *registers; { CORE_ADDR core; struct regs inferior_registers; core = parse_and_eval_address("breakpoint_regs"); bcopy (®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (1)], &inferior_registers.r_g1, 15 * 4); inferior_registers.r_ps = *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (PS_REGNUM)]; inferior_registers.r_pc = *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (PC_REGNUM)]; inferior_registers.r_npc = *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (NPC_REGNUM)]; inferior_registers.r_y = *(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (Y_REGNUM)]; remote_write_inferior_memory (*(int *)®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (SP_REGNUM)], ®isters[REGISTER_BYTE (16)], 16*4); remote_write_inferior_memory (core, &inferior_registers, sizeof(inferior_registers)); } /* we have stopped. do some cleanup */ remote_cleanup_after_stop() { if (remove_thisbp_next_pc) { remote_remove_breakpoint (remove_thisbp_next_pc); remove_thisbp_next_pc = 0; } if (remove_thisbp_target) { remote_remove_breakpoint (remove_thisbp_target); remove_thisbp_target = 0; } user_terminal_restore(); one_stepped = remote_set_one_stepped; }