/* * Copyright (C) 1995 Advanced RISC Machines Limited. All rights reserved. * * This software may be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed * provided that the above copyright notice is preserved in all copies of the * software. */ /* -*-C-*- * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * * * serpardv.c - Serial/Parallel Driver for Angel. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "crc.h" #include "devices.h" #include "buffers.h" #include "rxtx.h" #include "hostchan.h" #include "params.h" #include "logging.h" #include "hsys.h" #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS # undef ERROR # undef IGNORE # include <windows.h> # include "angeldll.h" # include "comb_api.h" #else # ifdef __hpux # define _TERMIOS_INCLUDED # include <sys/termio.h> # undef _TERMIOS_INCLUDED # else # include <termios.h> # endif # include "unixcomm.h" #endif #ifndef UNUSED # define UNUSED(x) (x = x) /* Silence compiler warnings */ #endif #define MAXREADSIZE 512 #define MAXWRITESIZE 512 #define SERPAR_FC_SET ((1 << serial_XON) | (1 << serial_XOFF)) #define SERPAR_CTL_SET ((1 << serial_STX) | (1 << serial_ETX) | \ (1 << serial_ESC)) #define SERPAR_ESC_SET (SERPAR_FC_SET | SERPAR_CTL_SET) static const struct re_config config = { serial_STX, serial_ETX, serial_ESC, /* self-explanatory? */ SERPAR_FC_SET, /* set of flow-control characters */ SERPAR_ESC_SET, /* set of characters to be escaped */ NULL, /* serial_flow_control */ NULL, /* what to do with FC chars */ angel_DD_RxEng_BufferAlloc, NULL /* how to get a buffer */ }; static struct re_state rxstate; /* * structure used for manipulating transmit data */ typedef struct TxState { struct te_state state; unsigned int index; unsigned char writebuf[MAXWRITESIZE]; } TxState; /* * The set of parameter options supported by the device */ static unsigned int baud_options[] = { #ifdef __hpux 115200, 57600, #endif 38400, 19200, 9600 }; static ParameterList param_list[] = { { AP_BAUD_RATE, sizeof(baud_options) / sizeof(unsigned int), baud_options } }; static const ParameterOptions serpar_options = { sizeof(param_list) / sizeof(ParameterList), param_list }; /* * The default parameter config for the device */ static Parameter param_default[] = { { AP_BAUD_RATE, 9600 } }; static const ParameterConfig serpar_defaults = { sizeof(param_default)/sizeof(Parameter), param_default }; /* * The user-modified options for the device */ static unsigned int user_baud_options[sizeof(baud_options) / sizeof(unsigned int)]; static ParameterList param_user_list[] = { { AP_BAUD_RATE, sizeof(user_baud_options) / sizeof(unsigned), user_baud_options } }; static ParameterOptions user_options = { sizeof(param_user_list) / sizeof(ParameterList), param_user_list }; static bool user_options_set; /* forward declarations */ static int serpar_reset(void); static int serpar_set_params(const ParameterConfig *config); static int SerparMatch(const char *name, const char *arg); static void process_baud_rate(unsigned int target_baud_rate) { const ParameterList *full_list; ParameterList *user_list; /* create subset of full options */ full_list = Angel_FindParamList(&serpar_options, AP_BAUD_RATE); user_list = Angel_FindParamList(&user_options, AP_BAUD_RATE); if (full_list != NULL && user_list != NULL) { unsigned int i, j; unsigned int def_baud = 0; /* find lower or equal to */ for (i = 0; i < full_list->num_options; ++i) if (target_baud_rate >= full_list->option[i]) { /* copy remaining */ for (j = 0; j < (full_list->num_options - i); ++j) user_list->option[j] = full_list->option[i+j]; user_list->num_options = j; /* check this is not the default */ Angel_FindParam(AP_BAUD_RATE, &serpar_defaults, &def_baud); if ((j == 1) && (user_list->option[0] == def_baud)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("user selected default\n"); #endif } else { user_options_set = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG printf("user options are: "); for (j = 0; j < user_list->num_options; ++j) printf("%u ", user_list->option[j]); printf("\n"); #endif } break; /* out of i loop */ } #ifdef DEBUG if (i >= full_list->num_options) printf("couldn't match baud rate %u\n", target_baud_rate); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG else printf("failed to find lists\n"); #endif } static int SerparOpen(const char *name, const char *arg) { char *sername = NULL; char *parname = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG printf("SerparOpen: name %s arg %s\n", name, arg ? arg : "<NULL>"); #endif #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS if (IsOpenSerial() || IsOpenParallel()) return -1; #else if (Unix_IsSerialInUse() || Unix_IsParallelInUse()) return -1; #endif #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS if (SerparMatch(name, arg) == -1) return -1; #else Unix_IsValidParallelDevice(name,&sername,&parname); # ifdef DEBUG printf("translated %s to serial %s and parallel %s\n", name==0 ? "NULL" : name, sername==0 ? "NULL" : sername, parname==0 ? "NULL" : parname); # endif if (sername==NULL || parname==NULL) return -1; #endif user_options_set = FALSE; /* interpret and store the arguments */ if (arg != NULL) { unsigned int target_baud_rate; target_baud_rate = (unsigned int)strtoul(arg, NULL, 10); if (target_baud_rate > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("user selected baud rate %u\n", target_baud_rate); #endif process_baud_rate(target_baud_rate); } #ifdef DEBUG else printf("could not understand baud rate %s\n", arg); #endif } #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS { /* * The serial port number is in name[0] followed by * the parallel port number in name[1] */ int sport = name[0] - '0'; int pport = name[1] - '0'; if (OpenParallel(pport) != COM_OK) return -1; if (OpenSerial(sport, FALSE) != COM_OK) { CloseParallel(); return -1; } } #else Unix_OpenParallel(parname); Unix_OpenSerial(sername); #endif serpar_reset(); #if defined(__unix) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) Unix_ioctlNonBlocking(); #endif Angel_RxEngineInit(&config, &rxstate); return 0; } #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS static int SerparMatch(const char *name, const char *arg) { char sername[2]; char parname[2]; UNUSED(arg); sername[0] = name[0]; parname[0] = name[1]; sername[1] = parname[1] = 0; if (IsValidDevice(sername) == COM_DEVICENOTVALID || IsValidDevice(parname) == COM_DEVICENOTVALID) return -1; else return 0; } #else static int SerparMatch(const char *portstring, const char *arg) { char *sername=NULL, *parname=NULL; UNUSED(arg); Unix_IsValidParallelDevice(portstring,&sername,&parname); /* Match failed if either sername or parname are still NULL */ if (sername==NULL || parname==NULL) return -1; return 0; } #endif static void SerparClose(void) { #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS CloseParallel(); CloseSerial(); #else Unix_CloseParallel(); Unix_CloseSerial(); #endif } static int SerparRead(DriverCall *dc, bool block) { static unsigned char readbuf[MAXREADSIZE]; static int rbindex = 0; int nread; int read_errno; int c = 0; re_status restatus; int ret_code = -1; /* assume bad packet or error */ /* * we must not overflow buffer, and must start after * the existing data */ #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS { BOOL dummy = FALSE; nread = BytesInRXBufferSerial(); if (nread > MAXREADSIZE - rbindex) nread = MAXREADSIZE - rbindex; read_errno = ReadSerial(readbuf+rbindex, nread, &dummy); if (pfnProgressCallback != NULL && read_errno == COM_OK) { progressInfo.nRead += nread; (*pfnProgressCallback)(&progressInfo); } } #else nread = Unix_ReadSerial(readbuf+rbindex, MAXREADSIZE-rbindex, block); read_errno = errno; #endif if ((nread > 0) || (rbindex > 0)) { #ifdef DO_TRACE printf("[%d@%d] ", nread, rbindex); #endif if (nread > 0) rbindex = rbindex + nread; do { restatus = Angel_RxEngine(readbuf[c], &(dc->dc_packet), &rxstate); #ifdef DO_TRACE printf("<%02X ",readbuf[c]); #endif c++; } while (c < rbindex && ((restatus == RS_IN_PKT) || (restatus == RS_WAIT_PKT))); #ifdef DO_TRACE printf("\n"); #endif switch(restatus) { case RS_GOOD_PKT: ret_code = 1; /* fall through to: */ case RS_BAD_PKT: /* * We now need to shuffle any left over data down to the * beginning of our private buffer ready to be used *for the next packet */ #ifdef DO_TRACE printf("SerparRead() processed %d, moving down %d\n", c, rbindex - c); #endif if (c != rbindex) memmove((char *) readbuf, (char *) (readbuf + c), rbindex - c); rbindex -= c; break; case RS_IN_PKT: case RS_WAIT_PKT: rbindex = 0; /* will have processed all we had */ ret_code = 0; break; default: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Bad re_status in SerparRead()\n"); #endif break; } } else if (nread == 0) /* nothing to read */ ret_code = 0; else if (read_errno == ERRNO_FOR_BLOCKED_IO) /* nread < 0 */ ret_code = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nread < 0) && (read_errno != ERRNO_FOR_BLOCKED_IO)) perror("read() error in SerparRead()"); #endif return ret_code; } /* * Function: send_packet * Purpose: Send a stream of bytes to Angel through the parallel port * * Algorithm: We need to present the data in a form that all boards can * swallow. With the PID board, this is a problem: for reasons * described in the driver (angel/pid/st16c552.c), data are * sent a nybble at a time on D0-D2 and D4; D3 is wired to ACK, * which generates an interrupt when it goes low. This routine * fills in an array of nybbles, with ACK clear in all but the * last one. If, for whatever reason, the write fails, then * ACK is forced high (thereby enabling the next write a chance * to be noticed when the falling edge of ACK generates an * interrupt (hopefully). * * Params: * Input: txstate Contains the packet to be sent * * Returns: Number of *complete* bytes written */ static int SerparWrite(DriverCall *dc) { te_status status; int nwritten = 0; static TxState txstate; /* * is this a new packet? */ if (dc->dc_context == NULL) { /* * yes - initialise TxEngine */ Angel_TxEngineInit(&config, &dc->dc_packet, &txstate.state); txstate.index = 0; dc->dc_context = &txstate; } /* * fill the buffer using the Tx Engine */ do { status = Angel_TxEngine(&dc->dc_packet, &txstate.state, &txstate.writebuf[txstate.index]); if (status != TS_IDLE) txstate.index++; } while (status == TS_IN_PKT && txstate.index < MAXWRITESIZE); #ifdef DO_TRACE { unsigned int i = 0; while (i < txstate.index) { printf(">%02X ", txstate.writebuf[i]); if (!(++i % 16)) putc('\n', stdout); } if (i % 16) putc('\n', stdout); } #endif /* * the data are ready, all we need now is to send them out * in a form that Angel can swallow. */ #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS if (WriteParallel(txstate.writebuf, txstate.index) == COM_OK) { nwritten = txstate.index; if (pfnProgressCallback != NULL) { progressInfo.nWritten += nwritten; (*pfnProgressCallback)(&progressInfo); } } else { MessageBox(GetFocus(), "Write error\n", "Angel", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return -1; /* SJ - This really needs to return a value, which is picked up in */ /* DevSW_Read as meaning stop debugger but don't kill. */ } #else nwritten = Unix_WriteParallel(txstate.writebuf, txstate.index); #endif if (nwritten < 0) nwritten = 0; #ifdef DO_TRACE printf("SerparWrite: wrote %d out of %d bytes\n", nwritten, txstate.index); #endif /* * has the whole packet gone? */ if (nwritten == (int)txstate.index && (status == TS_DONE_PKT || status == TS_IDLE)) /* * yes it has */ return 1; else { /* * if some data are left, shuffle them * to the start of the buffer */ if (nwritten != (int)txstate.index && nwritten != 0) { txstate.index -= nwritten; (void)memmove((char *) txstate.writebuf, (char *) (txstate.writebuf + nwritten), txstate.index); } else if (nwritten == (int)txstate.index) txstate.index = 0; return 0; } } static int serpar_reset(void) { #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS FlushParallel(); FlushSerial(); #else Unix_ResetParallel(); Unix_ResetSerial(); #endif return serpar_set_params(&serpar_defaults); } static int find_baud_rate(unsigned int *speed) { static struct { unsigned int baud; int termiosValue; } possibleBaudRates[] = { #if defined(__hpux) {115200, _B115200}, {57600, _B57600}, #endif #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS {38400, CBR_38400}, {19200, CBR_19200}, {9600, CBR_9600}, {0, 0} #else {38400, B38400}, {19200, B19200}, {9600, B9600}, {0, 0} #endif }; unsigned int i; /* look for lower or matching -- will always terminate at 0 end marker */ for (i = 0; possibleBaudRates[i].baud > *speed; ++i) /* do nothing */ ; if (possibleBaudRates[i].baud > 0) *speed = possibleBaudRates[i].baud; return possibleBaudRates[i].termiosValue; } static int serpar_set_params(const ParameterConfig *config) { unsigned int speed; int termios_value; #ifdef DEBUG printf("serpar_set_params\n"); #endif if (!Angel_FindParam(AP_BAUD_RATE, config, &speed)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("speed not found in config\n"); #endif return DE_OKAY; } termios_value = find_baud_rate(&speed); if (termios_value == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("speed not valid: %u\n", speed); #endif return DE_OKAY; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("setting speed to %u\n", speed); #endif #ifdef COMPILING_ON_WINDOWS SetBaudRate((WORD)termios_value); #else Unix_SetSerialBaudRate(termios_value); #endif return DE_OKAY; } static int serpar_get_user_params(ParameterOptions **p_options) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("serpar_get_user_params\n"); #endif if (user_options_set) { *p_options = &user_options; } else { *p_options = NULL; } return DE_OKAY; } static int serial_get_default_params( const ParameterConfig **p_config ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf( "serial_get_default_params\n" ); #endif *p_config = &serpar_defaults; return DE_OKAY; } static int SerparIoctl(const int opcode, void *args) { int ret_code; #ifdef DEBUG printf("SerparIoctl: op %d arg %p\n", opcode, args ? args : "<NULL>"); #endif switch (opcode) { case DC_RESET: ret_code = serpar_reset(); break; case DC_SET_PARAMS: ret_code = serpar_set_params((const ParameterConfig *)args); break; case DC_GET_USER_PARAMS: ret_code = serpar_get_user_params((ParameterOptions **)args); break; case DC_GET_DEFAULT_PARAMS: ret_code = serial_get_default_params((const ParameterConfig **)args); break; default: ret_code = DE_BAD_OP; break; } return ret_code; } DeviceDescr angel_SerparDevice = { "SERPAR", SerparOpen, SerparMatch, SerparClose, SerparRead, SerparWrite, SerparIoctl }; /* EOF serpardr.c */