 * Copyright (C) 1995 Advanced RISC Machines Limited. All rights reserved.
 * This software may be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed
 * provided that the above copyright notice is preserved in all copies of the
 * software.

  Title:     Code to support byte-sex independence
  Copyright: (C) 1991, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., Cambridge, England.
 * RCS $Revision$
 * Checkin $Date$

#ifndef __bytesex_h
#define __bytesex_h

#include "host.h"

void bytesex_reverse(int yes_or_no);
 * Turn sex-reversal on or off - 0 means off, non-0 means on.

int bytesex_reversing(void);
 * Return non-0 if reversing the byte sex, else 0.

int32 bytesex_hostval(int32 v);
 * Return v or byte-reversed v, according to whether sex-reversval
 * is on or off.

int32 bytesex_hostval_16(int32 v);
/* Return v or byte-reversed v for a 16 bit value */
