/* Code dealing with "using" directives for GDB.
   Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GDB.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */


#include "vec.h"
#include "gdb_vecs.h"
#include "gdb_obstack.h"

/* This struct is designed to store data from using directives.  It
   says that names from namespace IMPORT_SRC should be visible within
   namespace IMPORT_DEST.  These form a linked list; NEXT is the next
   element of the list.  If the imported namespace or declaration has
   been aliased within the IMPORT_DEST namespace, ALIAS is set to a
   string representing the alias.  Otherwise, ALIAS is NULL.
   DECLARATION is the name of the imported declaration, if this import
   statement represents one.  Otherwise DECLARATION is NULL and this
   import statement represents a namespace.

   C++:      using namespace A;
   Fortran:  use A
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = NULL
   declaration = NULL
   excludes = NULL

   C++:      using A::x;
   Fortran:  use A, only: x
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = NULL
   declaration = "x"
   excludes = NULL
   The declaration will get imported as import_dest::x.

   C++ has no way to import all names except those listed ones.
   Fortran:  use A, localname => x
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = "localname"
   declaration = "x"
   excludes = NULL
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = NULL
   declaration = NULL
   excludes = ["x"]
   All the entries of A get imported except of "x".  "x" gets imported as
   "localname".  "x" is not defined as a local name by this statement.

   C++:      namespace LOCALNS = A;
   Fortran has no way to address non-local namespace/module.
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = "LOCALNS"
   declaration = NULL
   excludes = NULL
   The namespace will get imported as the import_dest::LOCALNS

   C++ cannot express it, it would be something like: using localname
   = A::x;
   Fortran:  use A, only localname => x
   import_src = "A"
   import_dest = local scope of the import statement even such as ""
   alias = "localname"
   declaration = "x"
   excludes = NULL
   The declaration will get imported as localname or
   `import_dest`localname.  */

struct using_direct
  const char *import_src;
  const char *import_dest;

  const char *alias;
  const char *declaration;

  struct using_direct *next;

  /* Used during import search to temporarily mark this node as
     searched.  */
  int searched;

  /* USING_DIRECT has variable allocation size according to the number of
     EXCLUDES entries, the last entry is NULL.  */
  const char *excludes[1];

extern void add_using_directive (struct using_direct **using_directives,
				 const char *dest,
				 const char *src,
				 const char *alias,
				 const char *declaration,
				 const std::vector<const char *> &excludes,
				 int copy_names,
                                 struct obstack *obstack);

#endif /* NAMESPACE_H */