/* Definitions and macros for support of AMD's remote debugger, MiniMON.
   Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GDB.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */

 * Some basic types.  FIXME, this should be done by declaring bitfield
 * sizes in the structs.  We can't portably depend on a "long int" being
 * 32 bits, etc.
typedef long int INT32;            /* 32 bit integer */
typedef unsigned long int UINT32;  /* 32 bit integer (unsigned) */
typedef unsigned long int ADDR32;  /* 32 bit address */
typedef unsigned long int INST32;  /* 32 bit instruction */
typedef long int BOOLEAN;          /* Boolean value (32 bit) */
typedef unsigned char BYTE;        /* byte (8 bit) */
typedef short int INT16;           /* 16 bit integer */
typedef unsigned short int UINT16; /* 16 bit integer (unsigned) */

/************************* Message Information ******************************/

 * Error codes 

/* General errors */
#define EMUSAGE     1  /* Bad args / flags               */
#define EMFAIL      2  /* Unrecoverable error            */
#define EMBADADDR   3  /* Illegal address                */
#define EMBADREG    4  /* Illegal register               */
#define EMSYNTAX    5  /* Illegal command syntax         */
#define EMACCESS    6  /* Could not access memory        */
#define EMALLOC     7  /* Could not allocate memory      */
#define EMTARGET    8  /* Unknown target type            */
#define EMHINIT     9  /* Could not initialize host      */
#define EMCOMM     10  /* Could not open communication channel */

/* Message errors */
#define EMBADMSG   11  /* Unknown message type           */
#define EMMSG2BIG  12  /* Message to large for buffer    */
#define EMNOSEND   13  /* Could not send message         */
#define EMNORECV   14  /* Could not receive message      */

#define EMRESET    15  /* Could not RESET target         */
#define EMCONFIG   16  /* Could not get target CONFIG    */
#define EMSTATUS   17  /* Could not get target STATUS    */
#define EMREAD     18  /* Could not READ target memory   */
#define EMWRITE    19  /* Could not WRITE target memory  */
#define EMBKPTSET  20  /* Could not set breakpoint       */
#define EMBKPTRM   21  /* Could not remove breakpoint    */
#define EMBKPTSTAT 22  /* Could not get breakpoint status */
#define EMBKPTNONE 23  /* All breakpoints in use         */
#define EMBKPTUSED 24  /* Breakpoints already in use     */
#define EMCOPY     25  /* Could not COPY target memory   */
#define EMFILL     26  /* Could not FILL target memory   */
#define EMINIT     27  /* Could not initialize target memory */
#define EMGO       28  /* Could not start execution      */
#define EMSTEP     29  /* Could not single step          */
#define EMBREAK    30  /* Could not BREAK                */
#define EMHIF      31  /* Could not perform HIF service  */
#define EMCHANNEL0 32  /* Could not read CHANNEL0        */
#define EMCHANNEL1 33  /* Could not write CHANNEL1       */

/* COFF file loader errors */
#define EMOPEN     34  /* Could not open COFF file       */
#define EMHDR      35  /* Could not read COFF header     */
#define EMMAGIC    36  /* Bad magic number               */
#define EMAOUT     37  /* Could not read COFF a.out header */
#define EMSCNHDR   38  /* Could not read COFF section header */
#define EMSCN      39  /* Could not read COFF section    */
#define EMCLOSE    40  /* Could not close COFF file      */

/* Log file errors */
#define EMLOGOPEN  41  /* Could not open log file        */
#define EMLOGREAD  42  /* Could not read log file        */
#define EMLOGWRITE 43  /* Could not write to log file    */
#define EMLOGCLOSE 44  /* Could not close log file       */

/* Command file errors */
#define EMCMDOPEN  45  /* Could not open command file    */
#define EMCMDREAD  46  /* Could not read command file    */
#define EMCMDWRITE 47  /* Could not write to command file */
#define EMCMDCLOSE 48  /* Could not close comand file    */

#define EMTIMEOUT  49  /* Host timed out waiting for a message */
#define EMCOMMTYPE 50  /* A '-t' flag must be specified  */
#define EMCOMMERR  51  /* Communication error            */
#define EMBAUD     52  /* Invalid baud rate specified    */
 * Memory Spaces
#define LOCAL_REG    0  /* Local processor register     */
#define GLOBAL_REG   1  /* Global processor register    */
#define SPECIAL_REG  2  /* Special processor register   */
#define TLB_REG      3  /* Translation Lookaside Buffer */
#define COPROC_REG   4  /* Coprocessor register         */
#define I_MEM        5  /* Instruction Memory           */
#define D_MEM        6  /* Data Memory                  */
#define I_ROM        7  /* Instruction ROM              */
#define D_ROM        8  /* Data ROM                     */
#define I_O          9  /* Input/Output                 */
#define I_CACHE     10  /* Instruction Cache            */
#define D_CACHE     11  /* Data Cache                   */

/* To supress warnings for zero length array definitions */
#define DUMMY 1

** Host to target definitions

#define RESET          0
#define CONFIG_REQ     1
#define STATUS_REQ     2
#define READ_REQ       3
#define WRITE_REQ      4
#define BKPT_SET       5
#define BKPT_RM        6
#define BKPT_STAT      7
#define COPY           8
#define FILL           9
#define INIT          10
#define GO            11
#define STEP          12
#define BREAK         13

#define HIF_CALL_RTN  64
#define CHANNEL0      65
#define CHANNEL1_ACK  66

** Target to host definitions

#define RESET_ACK     32
#define CONFIG        33
#define STATUS        34
#define READ_ACK      35
#define WRITE_ACK     36
#define BKPT_SET_ACK  37
#define BKPT_RM_ACK   38
#define BKPT_STAT_ACK 39
#define COPY_ACK      40
#define FILL_ACK      41
#define INIT_ACK      42
#define HALT          43

#define ERROR         63

#define HIF_CALL      96
#define CHANNEL0_ACK  97
#define CHANNEL1      98

/* A "generic" message */
struct generic_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* generic */
          INT32    length;
          BYTE     byte[DUMMY];

/* A "generic" message (with an INT32 array) */
struct generic_int32_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* generic */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    int32[DUMMY];

** Host to target messages

struct reset_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 0 */
          INT32    length;

struct config_req_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 1 */
          INT32    length;

struct status_req_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 2 */
          INT32    length;

struct read_req_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 3 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;

struct write_req_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 4 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;
          BYTE     data[DUMMY];

struct write_r_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 4 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;
          INT32    data[DUMMY];

struct bkpt_set_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 5 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   bkpt_addr;
          INT32    pass_count;
          INT32    bkpt_type;

struct bkpt_rm_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 6 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   bkpt_addr;

struct bkpt_stat_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 7 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   bkpt_addr;

struct copy_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 8 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    source_space;
          ADDR32   source_addr;
          INT32    dest_space;
          ADDR32   dest_addr;
          INT32    byte_count;

struct fill_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 9 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   start_addr;
          INT32    fill_count;
          INT32    byte_count;
          BYTE     fill_data[DUMMY];

struct init_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 10 */
          INT32    length;
          ADDR32   text_start;
          ADDR32   text_end;
          ADDR32   data_start;
          ADDR32   data_end;
          ADDR32   entry_point;
          INT32    mem_stack_size;
          INT32    reg_stack_size;
          ADDR32   arg_start;
          INT32    os_control;

struct go_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 11 */
          INT32    length;

struct step_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 12 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    count;

struct break_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 13 */
          INT32    length;

struct hif_call_rtn_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 64 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    service_number;
          INT32    gr121;
          INT32    gr96;
          INT32    gr97;

struct channel0_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 65 */
          INT32    length;
          BYTE     data;

struct channel1_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 66 */
          INT32    length;

** Target to host messages

struct reset_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 32 */
          INT32    length;

struct config_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 33 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    processor_id;
          INT32    version;
          ADDR32   I_mem_start;
          INT32    I_mem_size;
          ADDR32   D_mem_start;
          INT32    D_mem_size;
          ADDR32   ROM_start;
          INT32    ROM_size;
          INT32    max_msg_size;
          INT32    max_bkpts;
          INT32    coprocessor;
          INT32    reserved;

struct status_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 34 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    msgs_sent;
          INT32    msgs_received;
          INT32    errors;
          INT32    bkpts_hit;
          INT32    bkpts_free;
          INT32    traps;
          INT32    fills;
          INT32    spills;
          INT32    cycles;
          INT32    reserved;

struct read_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 35 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;
          BYTE     data[DUMMY];

struct read_r_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 35 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;
          INT32    data[DUMMY];

struct write_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 36 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    byte_count;

struct bkpt_set_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 37 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    pass_count;
          INT32    bkpt_type;

struct bkpt_rm_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 38 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;

struct bkpt_stat_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 39 */
          INT32    length; 
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;
          INT32    pass_count;
          INT32    bkpt_type;

struct copy_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 40 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    source_space;
          ADDR32   source_addr;
          INT32    dest_space;
          ADDR32   dest_addr;
          INT32    byte_count;

struct fill_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 41 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   start_addr;
          INT32    fill_count;
          INT32    byte_count;

struct init_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 42 */
          INT32    length;

struct halt_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 43 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   pc0;
          ADDR32   pc1;
          INT32    trap_number;

struct error_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 63 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    error_code;
          INT32    memory_space;
          ADDR32   address;

struct hif_call_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 96 */
          INT32    length;
          INT32    service_number;
          INT32    lr2;
          INT32    lr3;
          INT32    lr4;

struct channel0_ack_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 97 */
          INT32    length;

struct channel1_msg_t {
          INT32    code;  /* 98 */
          INT32    length;
          BYTE     data[DUMMY];

** Union all of the message types together

union msg_t {
         struct generic_msg_t        generic_msg;
         struct generic_int32_msg_t  generic_int32_msg;

         struct reset_msg_t          reset_msg;
         struct config_req_msg_t     config_req_msg;
         struct status_req_msg_t     status_req_msg;
         struct read_req_msg_t       read_req_msg;
         struct write_req_msg_t      write_req_msg;
         struct write_r_msg_t        write_r_msg;
         struct bkpt_set_msg_t       bkpt_set_msg;
         struct bkpt_rm_msg_t        bkpt_rm_msg;
         struct bkpt_stat_msg_t      bkpt_stat_msg;
         struct copy_msg_t           copy_msg;
         struct fill_msg_t           fill_msg;
         struct init_msg_t           init_msg;
         struct go_msg_t             go_msg;
         struct step_msg_t           step_msg;
         struct break_msg_t          break_msg;

         struct hif_call_rtn_msg_t   hif_call_rtn_msg;
         struct channel0_msg_t       channel0_msg;
         struct channel1_ack_msg_t   channel1_ack_msg;

         struct reset_ack_msg_t      reset_ack_msg;
         struct config_msg_t         config_msg;
         struct status_msg_t         status_msg;
         struct read_ack_msg_t       read_ack_msg;
         struct read_r_ack_msg_t     read_r_ack_msg;
         struct write_ack_msg_t      write_ack_msg;
         struct bkpt_set_ack_msg_t   bkpt_set_ack_msg;
         struct bkpt_rm_ack_msg_t    bkpt_rm_ack_msg;
         struct bkpt_stat_ack_msg_t  bkpt_stat_ack_msg;
         struct copy_ack_msg_t       copy_ack_msg;
         struct fill_ack_msg_t       fill_ack_msg;
         struct init_ack_msg_t       init_ack_msg;
         struct halt_msg_t           halt_msg;

         struct error_msg_t          error_msg;

         struct hif_call_msg_t       hif_call_msg;
         struct channel0_ack_msg_t   channel0_ack_msg;
         struct channel1_msg_t       channel1_msg;