#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GDB. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Usage: # make-target-delegates.py import re from typing import Dict, List, TextIO import gdbcopyright # The line we search for in target.h that marks where we should start # looking for methods. TRIGGER = re.compile(r"^struct target_ops$") # The end of the methods part. ENDER = re.compile(r"^\s*};$") # Match a C symbol. SYMBOL = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" # Match the name part of a method in struct target_ops. NAME_PART = r"(?P<name>" + SYMBOL + r")\s" # Match the arguments to a method. ARGS_PART = r"(?P<args>\(.*\))" # We strip the indentation so here we only need the caret. INTRO_PART = r"^" POINTER_PART = r"\s*(\*|\&)?\s*" # Match a C++ symbol, including scope operators and template # parameters. E.g., 'std::vector<something>'. CP_SYMBOL = r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_<>:]*" # Match the return type when it is "ordinary". SIMPLE_RETURN_PART = r"((struct|class|enum|union)\s+)?" + CP_SYMBOL # Match a return type. RETURN_PART = r"((const|volatile)\s+)?(" + SIMPLE_RETURN_PART + ")" + POINTER_PART # Match "virtual". VIRTUAL_PART = r"virtual\s" # Match the TARGET_DEFAULT_* attribute for a method. TARGET_DEFAULT_PART = r"TARGET_DEFAULT_(?P<style>[A-Z_]+)\s*\((?P<default_arg>.*)\)" # Match the arguments and trailing attribute of a method definition. # Note we don't match the trailing ";". METHOD_TRAILER = r"\s*" + TARGET_DEFAULT_PART + "$" # Match an entire method definition. METHOD = re.compile( INTRO_PART + VIRTUAL_PART + "(?P<return_type>" + RETURN_PART + ")" + NAME_PART + ARGS_PART + METHOD_TRAILER ) # Space-separated symbols. CP_SYMBOLS = CP_SYMBOL + r"(\s+" + CP_SYMBOL + r")*" # Regular expression used to dissect argument types. ARGTYPES = re.compile( "^(" + r"(?P<E>enum\s+" + SYMBOL + r")" + r"|(?P<T>" + CP_SYMBOLS + r"(\s|\*|&)+)" + SYMBOL + ")$" ) # Match TARGET_DEBUG_PRINTER in an argument type. # This must match the whole "sub-expression" including the parens. TARGET_DEBUG_PRINTER = r"\s*TARGET_DEBUG_PRINTER\s*\((?P<arg>[^)]*)\)\s*" class Entry: def __init__( self, argtypes: List[str], return_type: str, style: str, default_arg: str ): self.argtypes = argtypes self.return_type = return_type self.style = style self.default_arg = default_arg def scan_target_h(): found_trigger = False all_the_text = "" with open("target.h", "r") as target_h: for line in target_h: line = line.strip() if not found_trigger: if TRIGGER.match(line): found_trigger = True elif "{" in line: # Skip the open brace. pass elif ENDER.match(line): break else: # Strip // comments. line = re.split("//", line)[0] all_the_text = all_the_text + " " + line if not found_trigger: raise RuntimeError("Could not find trigger line") # Now strip out the C comments. all_the_text = re.sub(r"/\*(.*?)\*/", "", all_the_text) # Replace sequences whitespace with a single space character. # We need the space because the method may have been split # between multiple lines, like e.g.: # # virtual std::vector<long_type_name> # my_long_method_name () # TARGET_DEFAULT_IGNORE (); # # If we didn't preserve the space, then we'd end up with: # # virtual std::vector<long_type_name>my_long_method_name ()TARGET_DEFAULT_IGNORE () # # ... which wouldn't later be parsed correctly. all_the_text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", all_the_text) return all_the_text.split(";") # Parse arguments into a list. def parse_argtypes(typestr: str): # Remove the outer parens. typestr = re.sub(r"^\((.*)\)$", r"\1", typestr) result: list[str] = [] for item in re.split(r",\s*", typestr): if item == "": continue m = ARGTYPES.match(item) if m: if m.group("E"): onetype = m.group("E") else: onetype = m.group("T") else: onetype = item result.append(onetype.strip()) return result # Write function header given name, return type, and argtypes. # Returns a list of actual argument names. def write_function_header( f: TextIO, decl: bool, name: str, return_type: str, argtypes: List[str] ): print(return_type, file=f, end="") if decl: if not return_type.endswith("*"): print(" ", file=f, end="") else: print("", file=f) print(name + " (", file=f, end="") argdecls: list[str] = [] actuals: list[str] = [] for i in range(len(argtypes)): val = re.sub(TARGET_DEBUG_PRINTER, "", argtypes[i]) if not val.endswith("*") and not val.endswith("&"): val = val + " " vname = "arg" + str(i) val = val + vname argdecls.append(val) actuals.append(vname) print(", ".join(argdecls) + ")", file=f, end="") if decl: print(" override;", file=f) else: print("\n{", file=f) return actuals # Write out a declaration. def write_declaration(f: TextIO, name: str, return_type: str, argtypes: List[str]): write_function_header(f, True, name, return_type, argtypes) # Write out a delegation function. def write_delegator(f: TextIO, name: str, return_type: str, argtypes: List[str]): print("", file=f) names = write_function_header( f, False, "target_ops::" + name, return_type, argtypes ) print(" ", file=f, end="") if return_type != "void": print("return ", file=f, end="") print("this->beneath ()->" + name + " (", file=f, end="") print(", ".join(names), file=f, end="") print(");", file=f) print("}", file=f) # Write out a default function. def write_tdefault( f: TextIO, content: str, style: str, name: str, return_type: str, argtypes: List[str], ): print("", file=f) name = "dummy_target::" + name names = write_function_header(f, False, name, return_type, argtypes) if style == "FUNC": print(" ", file=f, end="") if return_type != "void": print("return ", file=f, end="") print(content + " (", file=f, end="") names.insert(0, "this") print(", ".join(names) + ");", file=f) elif style == "RETURN": print(" return " + content + ";", file=f) elif style == "NORETURN": print(" " + content + ";", file=f) elif style == "IGNORE": # Nothing. pass else: raise RuntimeError("unrecognized style: " + style) print("}", file=f) def munge_type(typename: str): m = re.search(TARGET_DEBUG_PRINTER, typename) if m: return m.group("arg") typename = typename.rstrip() # There's no reason to have these keywords in the name, and their # presence makes it harder to change styles. typename = re.sub("\\b(struct|enum|class|union) ", "", typename) typename = re.sub("[ ()<>:]", "_", typename) typename = re.sub("[*]", "p", typename) typename = re.sub("&", "r", typename) # Identifiers with double underscores are reserved to the C++ # implementation. typename = re.sub("_+", "_", typename) # Avoid ending the function name with underscore, for # cosmetics. Trailing underscores appear after munging types # with template parameters, like e.g. "foo<int>". typename = re.sub("_+$", "", typename) return "target_debug_print_" + typename # Write out a debug method. def write_debugmethod( f: TextIO, content: str, name: str, return_type: str, argtypes: List[str] ): print("", file=f) debugname = "debug_target::" + name names = write_function_header(f, False, debugname, return_type, argtypes) print( f' target_debug_printf_nofunc ("-> %s->{name} (...)", this->beneath ()->shortname ());', file=f, ) # Delegate to the beneath target. if return_type != "void": print(" " + return_type + " result", file=f) print(" = ", file=f, end="") else: print(" ", file=f, end="") print("this->beneath ()->" + name + " (", file=f, end="") print(", ".join(names), file=f, end="") print(");", file=f) # Generate the debug printf call. args_fmt = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(argtypes)) args = "".join( [ (",\n\t {printer} (arg{i}).c_str ()").format( printer=munge_type(t), i=i ) for i, t in enumerate(argtypes) ] ) if return_type != "void": ret_fmt = " = %s" ret = ",\n\t {printer} (result).c_str ()".format( printer=munge_type(return_type) ) else: ret_fmt = "" ret = "" print( f' target_debug_printf_nofunc ("<- %s->{name} ({args_fmt}){ret_fmt}",\n' f"\t this->beneath ()->shortname (){args}{ret});", file=f, ) if return_type != "void": print(" return result;", file=f) print("}", file=f) def print_class( f: TextIO, class_name: str, delegators: List[str], entries: Dict[str, Entry], ): print("", file=f) print("struct " + class_name + " : public target_ops", file=f) print("{", file=f) print(" const target_info &info () const override;", file=f) print("", file=f) print(" strata stratum () const override;", file=f) print("", file=f) for name in delegators: print(" ", file=f, end="") entry = entries[name] write_declaration(f, name, entry.return_type, entry.argtypes) print("};", file=f) delegators: List[str] = [] entries: Dict[str, Entry] = {} for current_line in scan_target_h(): # See comments in scan_target_h. Here we strip away the leading # and trailing whitespace. current_line = current_line.strip() m = METHOD.match(current_line) if not m: continue data = m.groupdict() name = data["name"] argtypes = parse_argtypes(data["args"]) return_type = data["return_type"].strip() style = data["style"] default_arg = data["default_arg"] entries[name] = Entry(argtypes, return_type, style, default_arg) delegators.append(name) with open("target-delegates-gen.c", "w") as f: print( gdbcopyright.copyright( "make-target-delegates.py", "Boilerplate target methods for GDB" ), file=f, ) print_class(f, "dummy_target", delegators, entries) print_class(f, "debug_target", delegators, entries) for name in delegators: entry = entries[name] write_delegator(f, name, entry.return_type, entry.argtypes) write_tdefault( f, entry.default_arg, entry.style, name, entry.return_type, entry.argtypes, ) write_debugmethod( f, entry.default_arg, name, entry.return_type, entry.argtypes, )