# GDB GUI setup set cfile Blank set wins($cfile) .src.text set current_label {} set screen_height 0 set screen_top 0 set screen_bot 0 set current_output_win .cmd.text set cfunc NIL #option add *Foreground Black #option add *Background White #option add *Font -*-*-medium-r-normal--18-*-*-*-m-*-*-1 proc echo string {puts stdout $string} if [info exists env(EDITOR)] then { set editor $env(EDITOR) } else { set editor emacs } # GDB callbacks # # These functions are called by GDB (from C code) to do various things in # TK-land. All start with the prefix `gdbtk_tcl_' to make them easy to find. # # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_tcl_fputs (text) - Output text to the command window # # Description: # # GDB calls this to output TEXT to the GDB command window. The text is # placed at the end of the text widget. Note that output may not occur, # due to buffering. Use gdbtk_tcl_flush to cause an immediate update. # proc gdbtk_tcl_fputs {arg} { global current_output_win $current_output_win insert end "$arg" $current_output_win yview -pickplace end } # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_tcl_flush () - Flush output to the command window # # Description: # # GDB calls this to force all buffered text to the GDB command window. # proc gdbtk_tcl_flush {} { $current_output_win yview -pickplace end update idletasks } # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_tcl_query (message) - Create a yes/no query dialog box # # Description: # # GDB calls this to create a yes/no dialog box containing MESSAGE. GDB # is hung while the dialog box is active (ie: no commands will work), # however windows can still be refreshed in case of damage or exposure. # proc gdbtk_tcl_query {message} { tk_dialog .query "gdb : query" "$message" {} 1 "No" "Yes" } # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_start_variable_annotation (args ...) - # # Description: # # Not yet implemented. # proc gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation {valaddr ref_type stor_cl cum_expr field type_cast} { echo "gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation $valaddr $ref_type $stor_cl $cum_expr $field $type_cast" } # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_end_variable_annotation (args ...) - # # Description: # # Not yet implemented. # proc gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation {} { echo gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation } # # GDB Callback: # # gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint (action bpnum file line) - Notify the TK # interface of changes to breakpoints. # # Description: # # GDB calls this to notify TK of changes to breakpoints. ACTION is one # of: # create - Notify of breakpoint creation # delete - Notify of breakpoint deletion # enable - Notify of breakpoint enabling # disable - Notify of breakpoint disabling # # All actions take the same set of arguments: BPNUM is the breakpoint # number, FILE is the source file and LINE is the line number, and PC is # the pc of the affected breakpoint. # proc gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint {action bpnum file line pc} { ${action}_breakpoint $bpnum $file $line $pc } proc asm_win_name {funcname} { regsub -all {\.} $funcname _ temp return .asm.func_${temp} } # # Local procedure: # # create_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK # land of breakpoint creation. This consists of recording the file and # line number in the breakpoint_file and breakpoint_line arrays. Also, # if there is already a window associated with FILE, it is updated with # a breakpoint tag. # proc create_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} { global wins global breakpoint_file global breakpoint_line global pos_to_breakpoint global pos_to_bpcount global cfunc global pclist # Record breakpoint locations set breakpoint_file($bpnum) $file set breakpoint_line($bpnum) $line set pos_to_breakpoint($file:$line) $bpnum if ![info exists pos_to_bpcount($file:$line)] { set pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) 0 } incr pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) set pos_to_breakpoint($pc) $bpnum if ![info exists pos_to_bpcount($pc)] { set pos_to_bpcount($pc) 0 } incr pos_to_bpcount($pc) # If there's a window for this file, update it if [info exists wins($file)] { insert_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line } # If there's an assembly window, update that too set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] if [winfo exists $win] { insert_breakpoint_tag $win [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] } } # # Local procedure: # # delete_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Delete breakpoint info from TK land # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK # land of breakpoint destruction. This consists of removing the file and # line number from the breakpoint_file and breakpoint_line arrays. Also, # if there is already a window associated with FILE, the tags are removed # from it. # proc delete_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} { global wins global breakpoint_file global breakpoint_line global pos_to_breakpoint global pos_to_bpcount global cfunc pclist # Save line number and file for later set line $breakpoint_line($bpnum) set file $breakpoint_file($bpnum) # Reset breakpoint annotation info if {$pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) > 0} { decr pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) if {$pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) == 0} { catch "unset pos_to_breakpoint($file:$line)" unset breakpoint_file($bpnum) unset breakpoint_line($bpnum) # If there's a window for this file, update it if [info exists wins($file)] { delete_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line } } } # If there's an assembly window, update that too if {$pos_to_bpcount($pc) > 0} { decr pos_to_bpcount($pc) if {$pos_to_bpcount($pc) == 0} { catch "unset pos_to_breakpoint($pc)" set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] if [winfo exists $win] { delete_breakpoint_tag $win [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] } } } } # # Local procedure: # # enable_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK # land of a breakpoint being enabled. This consists of unstippling the # specified breakpoint indicator. # proc enable_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} { global wins global cfunc pclist if [info exists wins($file)] { $wins($file) tag configure $line -fgstipple {} } # If there's an assembly window, update that too set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] if [winfo exists $win] { $win tag configure [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] -fgstipple {} } } # # Local procedure: # # disable_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK # land of a breakpoint being disabled. This consists of stippling the # specified breakpoint indicator. # proc disable_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} { global wins global cfunc pclist if [info exists wins($file)] { $wins($file) tag configure $line -fgstipple gray50 } # If there's an assembly window, update that too set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] if [winfo exists $win] { $win tag configure [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] -fgstipple gray50 } } # # Local procedure: # # insert_breakpoint_tag (win line) - Insert a breakpoint tag in WIN. # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to insert a # breakpoint tag into window WIN at line LINE. # proc insert_breakpoint_tag {win line} { $win configure -state normal $win delete $line.0 $win insert $line.0 "B" $win tag add $line $line.0 $win tag add delete $line.0 "$line.0 lineend" $win tag add margin $line.0 "$line.0 lineend" $win configure -state disabled } # # Local procedure: # # delete_breakpoint_tag (win line) - Remove a breakpoint tag from WIN. # # Description: # # GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to remove a # breakpoint tag from window WIN at line LINE. # proc delete_breakpoint_tag {win line} { $win configure -state normal $win delete $line.0 $win insert $line.0 " " $win tag delete $line $win tag add delete $line.0 "$line.0 lineend" $win tag add margin $line.0 "$line.0 lineend" $win configure -state disabled } proc gdbtk_tcl_busy {} { .src.start configure -state disabled .src.stop configure -state normal .src.step configure -state disabled .src.next configure -state disabled .src.continue configure -state disabled .src.finish configure -state disabled .src.up configure -state disabled .src.down configure -state disabled .src.bottom configure -state disabled .asm.stepi configure -state disabled .asm.nexti configure -state disabled .asm.continue configure -state disabled .asm.finish configure -state disabled .asm.up configure -state disabled .asm.down configure -state disabled .asm.bottom configure -state disabled .asm.close configure -state disabled } proc gdbtk_tcl_idle {} { .src.start configure -state normal .src.stop configure -state disabled .src.step configure -state normal .src.next configure -state normal .src.continue configure -state normal .src.finish configure -state normal .src.up configure -state normal .src.down configure -state normal .src.bottom configure -state normal .asm.stepi configure -state normal .asm.nexti configure -state normal .asm.continue configure -state normal .asm.finish configure -state normal .asm.up configure -state normal .asm.down configure -state normal .asm.bottom configure -state normal .asm.close configure -state normal } # # Local procedure: # # decr (var val) - compliment to incr # # Description: # # proc decr {var {val 1}} { upvar $var num set num [expr $num - $val] return $num } # # Local procedure: # # pc_to_line (pclist pc) - convert PC to a line number. # # Description: # # Convert PC to a line number from PCLIST. If exact line isn't found, # we return the first line that starts before PC. # proc pc_to_line {pclist pc} { set line [lsearch -exact $pclist $pc] if {$line >= 1} { return $line } set line 1 foreach linepc [lrange $pclist 1 end] { if {$pc < $linepc} { decr line ; return $line } incr line } return [expr $line - 1] } # # Menu: # # file popup menu - Define the file popup menu. # # Description: # # This menu just contains a bunch of buttons that do various things to # the line under the cursor. # # Items: # # Edit - Run the editor (specified by the environment variable EDITOR) on # this file, at the current line. # Breakpoint - Set a breakpoint at the current line. This just shoves # a `break' command at GDB with the appropriate file and line # number. Eventually, GDB calls us back (at gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) # to notify us of where the breakpoint needs to show up. # menu .file_popup -cursor hand2 .file_popup add command -label "Not yet set" -state disabled .file_popup add separator .file_popup add command -label "Edit" -command {exec $editor +$selected_line $selected_file &} .file_popup add command -label "Set breakpoint" -command {gdb_cmd "break $selected_file:$selected_line"} # # Bindings: # # file popup menu - Define the file popup menu bindings. # # Description: # # This defines the binding for the file popup menu. Currently, there is # only one, which is activated when Button-1 is released. This causes # the menu to be unposted, releases the grab for the menu, and then # unhighlights the line under the cursor. After that, the selected menu # item is invoked. # bind .file_popup <Any-ButtonRelease-1> { global selected_win # First, remove the menu, and release the pointer .file_popup unpost grab release .file_popup # Unhighlight the selected line $selected_win tag delete breaktag # Actually invoke the menubutton here! tk_invokeMenu %W } # # Local procedure: # # file_popup_menu (win x y xrel yrel) - Popup the file popup menu. # # Description: # # This procedure is invoked as a result of a command binding in the # listing window. It does several things: # o - It highlights the line under the cursor. # o - It pops up the file popup menu which is intended to do # various things to the aforementioned line. # o - Grabs the mouse for the file popup menu. # # Button 1 has been pressed in a listing window. Pop up a menu. proc file_popup_menu {win x y xrel yrel} { global wins global win_to_file global file_to_debug_file global highlight global selected_line global selected_file global selected_win # Map TK window name back to file name. set file $win_to_file($win) set pos [$win index @$xrel,$yrel] # Record selected file and line for menu button actions set selected_file $file_to_debug_file($file) set selected_line [lindex [split $pos .] 0] set selected_win $win # Highlight the selected line eval $win tag config breaktag $highlight $win tag add breaktag "$pos linestart" "$pos linestart + 1l" # Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it) .file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line" .file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10] grab .file_popup } # # Local procedure: # # listing_window_button_1 (win x y xrel yrel) - Handle button 1 in listing window # # Description: # # This procedure is invoked as a result of holding down button 1 in the # listing window. The action taken depends upon where the button was # pressed. If it was in the left margin (the breakpoint column), it # sets or clears a breakpoint. In the main text area, it will pop up a # menu. # proc listing_window_button_1 {win x y xrel yrel} { global wins global win_to_file global file_to_debug_file global highlight global selected_line global selected_file global selected_win global pos_to_breakpoint # Map TK window name back to file name. set file $win_to_file($win) set pos [split [$win index @$xrel,$yrel] .] # Record selected file and line for menu button actions set selected_file $file_to_debug_file($file) set selected_line [lindex $pos 0] set selected_col [lindex $pos 1] set selected_win $win # If we're in the margin, then toggle the breakpoint if {$selected_col < 8} { set pos_break $selected_file:$selected_line set pos $file:$selected_line set tmp pos_to_breakpoint($pos) if [info exists $tmp] { set bpnum [set $tmp] gdb_cmd "delete $bpnum" } else { gdb_cmd "break $pos_break" } return } # Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it) .file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line" .file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10] grab .file_popup } # # Local procedure: # # asm_window_button_1 (win x y xrel yrel) - Handle button 1 in asm window # # Description: # # This procedure is invoked as a result of holding down button 1 in the # assembly window. The action taken depends upon where the button was # pressed. If it was in the left margin (the breakpoint column), it # sets or clears a breakpoint. In the main text area, it will pop up a # menu. # proc asm_window_button_1 {win x y xrel yrel} { global wins global win_to_file global file_to_debug_file global highlight global selected_line global selected_file global selected_win global pos_to_breakpoint global pclist global cfunc set pos [split [$win index @$xrel,$yrel] .] # Record selected file and line for menu button actions set selected_line [lindex $pos 0] set selected_col [lindex $pos 1] set selected_win $win # Figure out the PC set pc [lindex $pclist($cfunc) $selected_line] # If we're in the margin, then toggle the breakpoint if {$selected_col < 8} { set tmp pos_to_breakpoint($pc) if [info exists $tmp] { set bpnum [set $tmp] gdb_cmd "delete $bpnum" } else { gdb_cmd "break *$pc" } return } # Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it) # .file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line" # .file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10] # grab .file_popup } # # Local procedure: # # do_nothing - Does absoultely nothing. # # Description: # # This procedure does nothing. It is used as a placeholder to allow # the disabling of bindings that would normally be inherited from the # parent widget. I can't think of any other way to do this. # proc do_nothing {} {} # # Local procedure: # # create_expr_win - Creat expression display window # # Description: # # Create the expression display window. # proc create_expr_win {} { toplevel .expr wm minsize .expr 1 1 wm title .expr Expression canvas .expr.c -yscrollcommand {.expr.scroll set} -cursor hand2 \ -borderwidth 2 -relief groove scrollbar .expr.scroll -orient vertical -command {.expr.c yview} entry .expr.entry -borderwidth 2 -relief groove pack .expr.entry -side bottom -fill x pack .expr.c -side left -fill both -expand yes pack .expr.scroll -side right -fill y .expr.c create text 100 0 -text "Text string" .expr.c create rectangle 245 195 255 205 -outline black -fill white } # # Local procedure: # # display_expression (expression) - Display EXPRESSION in display window # # Description: # # Display EXPRESSION and it's value in the expression display window. # proc display_expression {expression} { if ![winfo exists .expr] {create_expr_win} } # # Local procedure: # # create_file_win (filename) - Create a win for FILENAME. # # Return value: # # The new text widget. # # Description: # # This procedure creates a text widget for FILENAME. It returns the # newly created widget. First, a text widget is created, and given basic # configuration info. Second, all the bindings are setup. Third, the # file FILENAME is read into the text widget. Fourth, margins and line # numbers are added. # proc create_file_win {filename} { global breakpoint_file global breakpoint_line # Replace all the dirty characters in $filename with clean ones, and generate # a unique name for the text widget. regsub -all {\.|/} $filename {} temp set win .src.text$temp # Open the file, and read it into the text widget if [catch "open $filename" fh] { # File can't be read. Put error message into .nofile window and return. catch {destroy .nofile} text .nofile -height 25 -width 88 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2 .nofile insert 0.0 $fh .nofile configure -state disabled bind .nofile <1> do_nothing bind .nofile <B1-Motion> do_nothing return .nofile } # Actually create and do basic configuration on the text widget. text $win -height 25 -width 88 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2 # Setup all the bindings bind $win <Enter> {focus %W} # bind $win <1> {listing_window_button_1 %W %X %Y %x %y} bind $win <1> do_nothing bind $win <B1-Motion> do_nothing bind $win n {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr} bind $win s {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr} bind $win c {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr} bind $win f {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr} bind $win u {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr} bind $win d {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr} $win delete 0.0 end $win insert 0.0 [read $fh] close $fh # Add margins (for annotations) and a line number to each line set numlines [$win index end] set numlines [lindex [split $numlines .] 0] for {set i 1} {$i <= $numlines} {incr i} { $win insert $i.0 [format " %4d " $i] $win tag add margin $i.0 $i.8 $win tag add source $i.8 "$i.0 lineend" } $win tag bind margin <1> {listing_window_button_1 %W %X %Y %x %y} $win tag bind source <1> { %W mark set anchor "@%x,%y wordstart" set last [%W index "@%x,%y wordend"] %W tag remove sel 0.0 anchor %W tag remove sel $last end %W tag add sel anchor $last } # $win tag bind source <Double-Button-1> { # %W mark set anchor "@%x,%y wordstart" # set last [%W index "@%x,%y wordend"] # %W tag remove sel 0.0 anchor # %W tag remove sel $last end # %W tag add sel anchor $last # echo "Selected [selection get]" # } $win tag bind source <B1-Motion> { %W tag remove sel 0.0 anchor %W tag remove sel $last end %W tag add sel anchor @%x,%y } $win tag bind sel <1> do_nothing $win tag bind sel <Double-Button-1> {display_expression [selection get]} $win tag raise sel # Scan though the breakpoint data base and install any destined for this file foreach bpnum [array names breakpoint_file] { if {$breakpoint_file($bpnum) == $filename} { insert_breakpoint_tag $win $breakpoint_line($bpnum) } } # Disable the text widget to prevent user modifications $win configure -state disabled return $win } # # Local procedure: # # create_asm_win (funcname pc) - Create an assembly win for FUNCNAME. # # Return value: # # The new text widget. # # Description: # # This procedure creates a text widget for FUNCNAME. It returns the # newly created widget. First, a text widget is created, and given basic # configuration info. Second, all the bindings are setup. Third, the # function FUNCNAME is read into the text widget. # proc create_asm_win {funcname pc} { global breakpoint_file global breakpoint_line global current_output_win global pclist # Replace all the dirty characters in $filename with clean ones, and generate # a unique name for the text widget. set win [asm_win_name $funcname] # Actually create and do basic configuration on the text widget. text $win -height 25 -width 88 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -setgrid true -cursor hand2 -yscrollcommand asmscrollproc # Setup all the bindings bind $win <Enter> {focus %W} bind $win <1> {asm_window_button_1 %W %X %Y %x %y} bind $win <B1-Motion> do_nothing bind $win n {gdb_cmd nexti ; update_ptr} bind $win s {gdb_cmd stepi ; update_ptr} bind $win c {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr} bind $win f {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr} bind $win u {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr} bind $win d {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr} # Disassemble the code, and read it into the new text widget set temp $current_output_win set current_output_win $win gdb_cmd "disassemble $pc" set current_output_win $temp set numlines [$win index end] set numlines [lindex [split $numlines .] 0] decr numlines # Delete the first and last lines, cuz these contain useless info $win delete 1.0 2.0 $win delete {end - 1 lines} end decr numlines 2 # Add margins (for annotations) and note the PC for each line catch "unset pclist($funcname)" lappend pclist($funcname) Unused for {set i 1} {$i <= $numlines} {incr i} { scan [$win get $i.0 "$i.0 lineend"] "%s " pc lappend pclist($funcname) $pc $win insert $i.0 " " } # Scan though the breakpoint data base and install any destined for this file # foreach bpnum [array names breakpoint_file] { # if {$breakpoint_file($bpnum) == $filename} { # insert_breakpoint_tag $win $breakpoint_line($bpnum) # } # } # Disable the text widget to prevent user modifications $win configure -state disabled return $win } # # Local procedure: # # asmscrollproc (WINHEIGHT SCREENHEIGHT SCREENTOP SCREENBOT) - Update the # asm window scrollbar. # # Description: # # This procedure is called to update the assembler window's scrollbar. # proc asmscrollproc {args} { global asm_screen_height asm_screen_top asm_screen_bot eval ".asm.scroll set $args" set asm_screen_height [lindex $args 1] set asm_screen_top [lindex $args 2] set asm_screen_bot [lindex $args 3] } # # Local procedure: # # update_listing (linespec) - Update the listing window according to # LINESPEC. # # Description: # # This procedure is called from various places to update the listing # window based on LINESPEC. It is usually invoked with the result of # gdb_loc. # # It will move the cursor, and scroll the text widget if necessary. # Also, it will switch to another text widget if necessary, and update # the label widget too. # # LINESPEC is a list of the form: # # { DEBUG_FILE FUNCNAME FILENAME LINE }, where: # # DEBUG_FILE - is the abbreviated form of the file name. This is usually # the file name string given to the cc command. This is # primarily needed for breakpoint commands, and when an # abbreviated for of the filename is desired. # FUNCNAME - is the name of the function. # FILENAME - is the fully qualified (absolute) file name. It is usually # the same as $PWD/$DEBUG_FILE, where PWD is the working dir # at the time the cc command was given. This is used to # actually locate the file to be displayed. # LINE - The line number to be displayed. # # Usually, this procedure will just move the cursor one line down to the # next line to be executed. However, if the cursor moves out of range # or into another file, it will scroll the text widget so that the line # of interest is in the middle of the viewable portion of the widget. # proc update_listing {linespec} { global pointers global screen_height global screen_top global screen_bot global wins cfile global current_label global win_to_file global file_to_debug_file # Rip the linespec apart set line [lindex $linespec 3] set filename [lindex $linespec 2] set funcname [lindex $linespec 1] set debug_file [lindex $linespec 0] # Sometimes there's no source file for this location if {$filename == ""} {set filename Blank} # If we want to switch files, we need to unpack the current text widget, and # stick in the new one. if {$filename != $cfile} then { pack forget $wins($cfile) set cfile $filename # Create a text widget for this file if necessary if ![info exists wins($cfile)] then { set wins($cfile) [create_file_win $cfile] if {$wins($cfile) != ".nofile"} { set win_to_file($wins($cfile)) $cfile set file_to_debug_file($cfile) $debug_file set pointers($cfile) 1.1 } } # Pack the text widget into the listing widget, and scroll to the right place pack $wins($cfile) -side left -expand yes -in .src.info -fill both -after .src.scroll $wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2] } # Update the label widget in case the filename or function name has changed if {$current_label != "$filename.$funcname"} then { set tail [expr [string last / $filename] + 1] .src.label configure -text "[string range $filename $tail end] : ${funcname}()" set current_label $filename.$funcname } # Update the pointer, scrolling the text widget if necessary to keep the # pointer in an acceptable part of the screen. if [info exists pointers($cfile)] then { $wins($cfile) configure -state normal set pointer_pos $pointers($cfile) $wins($cfile) configure -state normal $wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos $wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos " " set pointer_pos [$wins($cfile) index $line.1] set pointers($cfile) $pointer_pos $wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos $wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos "\xbb" if {$line < $screen_top + 1 || $line > $screen_bot} then { $wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2] } $wins($cfile) configure -state disabled } } # # Local procedure: # # asm_command - Open up the assembly window. # # Description: # # Create an assembly window if it doesn't exist. # proc asm_command {} { global cfunc if ![winfo exists .asm] { set cfunc *None* set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] build_framework .asm Assembly "*NIL*" .asm.text configure -yscrollcommand asmscrollproc frame .asm.row1 frame .asm.row2 button .asm.stepi -width 6 -text Stepi \ -command {gdb_cmd stepi ; update_ptr} button .asm.nexti -width 6 -text Nexti \ -command {gdb_cmd nexti ; update_ptr} button .asm.continue -width 6 -text Cont \ -command {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr} button .asm.finish -width 6 -text Finish \ -command {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr} button .asm.up -width 6 -text Up -command {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr} button .asm.down -width 6 -text Down \ -command {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr} button .asm.bottom -width 6 -text Bottom \ -command {gdb_cmd {frame 0} ; update_ptr} pack .asm.stepi .asm.continue .asm.up .asm.bottom -side left -padx 3 -pady 5 -in .asm.row1 pack .asm.nexti .asm.finish .asm.down -side left -padx 3 -pady 5 -in .asm.row2 pack .asm.row1 .asm.row2 -side top -anchor w update pack forget .asm.text update_assembly [gdb_loc] } } # # Local procedure: # # registers_command - Open up the register display window. # # Description: # # Create the register display window, with automatic updates. # proc registers_command {} { global cfunc if ![winfo exists .reg] { build_framework .reg Registers .reg.text configure -height 40 -width 45 destroy .reg.label } } # # Local procedure: # # update_registers - Update the registers window. # # Description: # # This procedure updates the registers window. # proc update_registers {} { global current_output_win set win .reg.text $win configure -state normal $win delete 0.0 end set temp $current_output_win set current_output_win $win gdb_cmd "info registers" set current_output_win $temp $win yview 0 $win configure -state disabled } # # Local procedure: # # update_assembly - Update the assembly window. # # Description: # # This procedure updates the assembly window. # proc update_assembly {linespec} { global asm_pointers global screen_height global screen_top global screen_bot global wins cfunc global current_label global win_to_file global file_to_debug_file global current_asm_label global pclist global asm_screen_height asm_screen_top asm_screen_bot # Rip the linespec apart set pc [lindex $linespec 4] set line [lindex $linespec 3] set filename [lindex $linespec 2] set funcname [lindex $linespec 1] set debug_file [lindex $linespec 0] set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] # Sometimes there's no source file for this location if {$filename == ""} {set filename Blank} # If we want to switch funcs, we need to unpack the current text widget, and # stick in the new one. if {$funcname != $cfunc } { pack forget $win set cfunc $funcname set win [asm_win_name $cfunc] # Create a text widget for this func if necessary if {![winfo exists $win]} { create_asm_win $cfunc $pc set asm_pointers($cfunc) 1.1 set current_asm_label NIL } # Pack the text widget, and scroll to the right place pack $win -side left -expand yes -fill both \ -after .asm.scroll set line [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] $win yview [expr $line - $asm_screen_height / 2] } # Update the label widget in case the filename or function name has changed if {$current_asm_label != "$pc $funcname"} then { .asm.label configure -text "$pc $funcname" set current_asm_label "$pc $funcname" } # Update the pointer, scrolling the text widget if necessary to keep the # pointer in an acceptable part of the screen. if [info exists asm_pointers($cfunc)] then { $win configure -state normal set pointer_pos $asm_pointers($cfunc) $win configure -state normal $win delete $pointer_pos $win insert $pointer_pos " " # Map the PC back to a line in the window set line [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] if {$line == -1} { echo "Can't find PC $pc" return } set pointer_pos [$win index $line.1] set asm_pointers($cfunc) $pointer_pos $win delete $pointer_pos $win insert $pointer_pos "\xbb" if {$line < $asm_screen_top + 1 || $line > $asm_screen_bot} then { $win yview [expr $line - $asm_screen_height / 2] } # echo "Picking line $line" # $win yview -pickplace $line $win configure -state disabled } } # # Local procedure: # # update_ptr - Update the listing window. # # Description: # # This routine will update the listing window using the result of # gdb_loc. # proc update_ptr {} { update_listing [gdb_loc] if [winfo exists .asm] { update_assembly [gdb_loc] } if [winfo exists .reg] { update_registers } } # # Window: # # listing window - Define the listing window. # # Description: # # # Make toplevel window disappear wm withdraw . # Setup listing window #if {[tk colormodel .text] == "color"} { # set highlight "-background red2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunk" #} else { # set fg [lindex [.text config -foreground] 4] # set bg [lindex [.text config -background] 4] # set highlight "-foreground $bg -background $fg -borderwidth 0" #} proc files_command {} { toplevel .files_window wm minsize .files_window 1 1 # wm overrideredirect .files_window true listbox .files_window.list -geometry 30x20 -setgrid true button .files_window.close -text Close -command {destroy .files_window} tk_listboxSingleSelect .files_window.list eval .files_window.list insert 0 [lsort [gdb_listfiles]] pack .files_window.list -side top -fill both -expand yes pack .files_window.close -side bottom -fill x -expand no -anchor s bind .files_window.list <Any-ButtonRelease-1> { set file [%W get [%W curselection]] gdb_cmd "list $file:1,0" update_listing [gdb_loc $file:1] destroy .files_window} } button .files -text Files -command files_command # Setup command window proc build_framework {win {title GDBtk} {label {}}} { toplevel ${win} wm title ${win} $title wm minsize ${win} 1 1 frame ${win}.menubar menubutton ${win}.menubar.file -padx 12 -text File \ -menu ${win}.menubar.file.menu -underline 0 menu ${win}.menubar.file.menu ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Edit \ -command {exec $editor +[expr ($screen_top + $screen_bot)/2] $cfile &} ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Close \ -command "destroy ${win}" ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Quit \ -command {gdb_cmd quit} menubutton ${win}.menubar.view -padx 12 -text View \ -menu ${win}.menubar.view.menu -underline 0 menu ${win}.menubar.view.menu ${win}.menubar.view.menu add command -label Hex -command {echo Hex} ${win}.menubar.view.menu add command -label Decimal \ -command {echo Decimal} ${win}.menubar.view.menu add command -label Octal -command {echo Octal} menubutton ${win}.menubar.window -padx 12 -text Window \ -menu ${win}.menubar.window.menu -underline 0 menu ${win}.menubar.window.menu ${win}.menubar.window.menu add command -label Source \ -command {echo Source} ${win}.menubar.window.menu add command -label Command \ -command {echo Command} ${win}.menubar.window.menu add command -label Assembly \ -command {asm_command ; update_ptr} ${win}.menubar.window.menu add command -label Register \ -command {registers_command ; update_ptr} menubutton ${win}.menubar.help -padx 12 -text Help \ -menu ${win}.menubar.help.menu -underline 0 menu ${win}.menubar.help.menu ${win}.menubar.help.menu add command -label "with GDBtk" \ -command {echo "with GDBtk"} ${win}.menubar.help.menu add command -label "with this window" \ -command {echo "with this window"} ${win}.menubar.help.menu add command -label "Report bug" \ -command {exec send-pr} tk_menuBar ${win}.menubar ${win}.menubar.file ${win}.menubar.view \ ${win}.menubar.window ${win}.menubar.help pack ${win}.menubar.file ${win}.menubar.view ${win}.menubar.window \ -side left pack ${win}.menubar.help -side right frame ${win}.info text ${win}.text -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -setgrid true -cursor hand2 -yscrollcommand "${win}.scroll set" label ${win}.label -text $label -borderwidth 2 -relief raised scrollbar ${win}.scroll -orient vertical -command "${win}.text yview" pack ${win}.label -side bottom -fill x -in ${win}.info pack ${win}.scroll -side right -fill y -in ${win}.info pack ${win}.text -side left -expand yes -fill both -in ${win}.info pack ${win}.menubar -side top -fill x pack ${win}.info -side top -fill both -expand yes } build_framework .src Source "*No file*" frame .src.row1 frame .src.row2 button .src.start -width 6 -text Start -command \ {gdb_cmd {break main} gdb_cmd {enable delete $bpnum} gdb_cmd run update_ptr } button .src.stop -width 6 -text Stop -fg red -activeforeground red \ -state disabled -command gdb_stop button .src.step -width 6 -text Step -command {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr} button .src.next -width 6 -text Next -command {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr} button .src.continue -width 6 -text Cont \ -command {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr} button .src.finish -width 6 -text Finish -command {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr} button .src.up -width 6 -text Up -command {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr} button .src.down -width 6 -text Down -command {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr} button .src.bottom -width 6 -text Bottom \ -command {gdb_cmd {frame 0} ; update_ptr} pack .src.start .src.step .src.continue .src.up .src.bottom -side left \ -padx 3 -pady 5 -in .src.row1 pack .src.stop .src.next .src.finish .src.down -side left -padx 3 -pady 5 -in .src.row2 pack .src.row1 .src.row2 -side top -anchor w $wins($cfile) insert 0.0 " This page intentionally left blank." $wins($cfile) configure -width 88 -state disabled -yscrollcommand textscrollproc proc textscrollproc {args} {global screen_height screen_top screen_bot eval ".src.scroll set $args" set screen_height [lindex $args 1] set screen_top [lindex $args 2] set screen_bot [lindex $args 3]} #.src.label configure -text "*No file*" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised build_framework .cmd Command "* Command Buffer *" set command_line {} gdb_cmd {set language c} gdb_cmd {set height 0} gdb_cmd {set width 0} bind .cmd.text <Enter> {focus %W} bind .cmd.text <Delete> {delete_char %W} bind .cmd.text <BackSpace> {delete_char %W} bind .cmd.text <Control-u> {delete_line %W} bind .cmd.text <Any-Key> { global command_line %W insert end %A %W yview -pickplace end append command_line %A } bind .cmd.text <Key-Return> { global command_line %W insert end \n %W yview -pickplace end gdb_cmd $command_line set command_line {} update_ptr %W insert end "(gdb) " %W yview -pickplace end } proc delete_char {win} { global command_line tk_textBackspace $win $win yview -pickplace insert set tmp [expr [string length $command_line] - 2] set command_line [string range $command_line 0 $tmp] } proc delete_line {win} { global command_line $win delete {end linestart + 6 chars} end $win yview -pickplace insert set command_line {} }