BABYL OPTIONS: Version: 5 Labels: Note: This is the header of an rmail file. Note: If you are seeing it in rmail, Note: it means the file has no messages in it.  1,, Received: by PREP.AI.MIT.EDU; Mon, 25 May 87 04:03:20 EDT Message-Id: <> Received: by (5.54/3.15) id for; Mon, 25 May 87 04:02:41 EDT Received: via switchmail; Mon, 25 May 87 04:02:29 edt Received: FROM VIA qmail ID ; Mon, 25 May 87 04:01:27 edt Received: FROM VIA qmail ID ; Mon, 25 May 87 04:01:15 edt From: (Zalman Stern) Date: Mon, 25 May 87 04:01:13 edt To: Subject: Small diff to yesterdays gdb diffs. *** EOOH *** From: (Zalman Stern) Date: Mon, 25 May 87 04:01:13 edt To: Subject: Small diff to yesterdays gdb diffs. Richard, Here is another minor diff to the diassembler to get certain conditional branches instructions correct... Also, I noticed that gcc.tar.Z is out of date with respect to gcc.tar . When I go to get these files, should I go ahead and replace the compressed version with a newer one or should I leave it alone? Likewise, should I try and make a split version on prep? -Z- *** ibm032-pinsn.c.old Mon May 25 03:31:04 1987 --- ibm032-pinsn.c Mon May 25 03:47:12 1987 *************** *** 101,112 **** } } else { /* Conditional branches are hacked. */ ! switch (type & 0x0f) { int displacement; case ibm032_JI: ! fprintf(stream, ibm032_opcodes[opcodeIndex].mnemonic, mapCondition(type & ibm032_negative, buffer[0] & LOW4)); putc('\t', stream); print_address((buffer[1] << 1) + memaddr, stream); return 2; --- 101,112 ---- } } else { /* Conditional branches are hacked. */ ! switch (type & LOW4) { int displacement; case ibm032_JI: ! fprintf(stream, ibm032_opcodes[opcodeIndex].mnemonic, mapCondition(type & ibm032_negative, (buffer[0] & LOW3) + 8)); putc('\t', stream); print_address((buffer[1] << 1) + memaddr, stream); return 2; *** ibm032-opcode.h.old Mon May 25 03:33:19 1987 --- ibm032-opcode.h Mon May 25 03:33:24 1987 *************** *** 11,16 **** --- 11,17 ---- /* Various useful bit masks. */ #define ibm032_typeMask 0x0f /* Mask to get actual type info out of instruction type. */ + #define LOW3 0x07 #define LOW4 0x0f #define HIGH4 0xf0 #define LOW16 0x0000ffff