/* i386.c -- Assemble code for the Intel 80386
   Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
   2000, 2001
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.

   GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with GAS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Intel 80386 machine specific gas.
   Written by Eliot Dresselhaus (eliot@mgm.mit.edu).
   x86_64 support by Jan Hubicka (jh@suse.cz)
   Bugs & suggestions are completely welcome.  This is free software.
   Please help us make it better.  */

#include <ctype.h>

#include "as.h"
#include "subsegs.h"
#include "dwarf2dbg.h"
#include "opcode/i386.h"



/* Specifying a scale factor besides 1 when there is no index is
   futile.  eg. `mov (%ebx,2),%al' does exactly the same as
   `mov (%ebx),%al'.  To slavishly follow what the programmer
   specified, set SCALE1_WHEN_NO_INDEX to 0.  */

#define true 1
#define false 0

static unsigned int mode_from_disp_size PARAMS ((unsigned int));
static int fits_in_signed_byte PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int fits_in_unsigned_byte PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int fits_in_unsigned_word PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int fits_in_signed_word PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int fits_in_unsigned_long PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int fits_in_signed_long PARAMS ((offsetT));
static int smallest_imm_type PARAMS ((offsetT));
static offsetT offset_in_range PARAMS ((offsetT, int));
static int add_prefix PARAMS ((unsigned int));
static void set_code_flag PARAMS ((int));
static void set_16bit_gcc_code_flag PARAMS ((int));
static void set_intel_syntax PARAMS ((int));
static void set_cpu_arch PARAMS ((int));

static bfd_reloc_code_real_type reloc
  PARAMS ((int, int, int, bfd_reloc_code_real_type));
#define RELOC_ENUM enum bfd_reloc_code_real
#define RELOC_ENUM int

#define DEFAULT_ARCH "i386"
static char *default_arch = DEFAULT_ARCH;

/* 'md_assemble ()' gathers together information and puts it into a
   i386_insn.  */

union i386_op
    expressionS *disps;
    expressionS *imms;
    const reg_entry *regs;

struct _i386_insn
    /* TM holds the template for the insn were currently assembling.  */
    template tm;

    /* SUFFIX holds the instruction mnemonic suffix if given.
       (e.g. 'l' for 'movl')  */
    char suffix;

    /* OPERANDS gives the number of given operands.  */
    unsigned int operands;

       of given register, displacement, memory operands and immediate
       operands.  */
    unsigned int reg_operands, disp_operands, mem_operands, imm_operands;

    /* TYPES [i] is the type (see above #defines) which tells us how to
       use OP[i] for the corresponding operand.  */
    unsigned int types[MAX_OPERANDS];

    /* Displacement expression, immediate expression, or register for each
       operand.  */
    union i386_op op[MAX_OPERANDS];

    /* Flags for operands.  */
    unsigned int flags[MAX_OPERANDS];
#define Operand_PCrel 1

    /* Relocation type for operand */

    /* BASE_REG, INDEX_REG, and LOG2_SCALE_FACTOR are used to encode
       the base index byte below.  */
    const reg_entry *base_reg;
    const reg_entry *index_reg;
    unsigned int log2_scale_factor;

    /* SEG gives the seg_entries of this insn.  They are zero unless
       explicit segment overrides are given.  */
    const seg_entry *seg[2];

    /* PREFIX holds all the given prefix opcodes (usually null).
       PREFIXES is the number of prefix opcodes.  */
    unsigned int prefixes;
    unsigned char prefix[MAX_PREFIXES];

    /* RM and SIB are the modrm byte and the sib byte where the
       addressing modes of this insn are encoded.  */

    modrm_byte rm;
    rex_byte rex;
    sib_byte sib;

typedef struct _i386_insn i386_insn;

/* List of chars besides those in app.c:symbol_chars that can start an
   operand.  Used to prevent the scrubber eating vital white-space.  */
#ifdef LEX_AT
const char extra_symbol_chars[] = "*%-(@";
const char extra_symbol_chars[] = "*%-(";

/* This array holds the chars that always start a comment.  If the
   pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful.  */
#if defined (TE_I386AIX) || ((defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)) && ! defined (TE_LINUX) && !defined(TE_FreeBSD) && !defined(TE_NetBSD))
/* Putting '/' here makes it impossible to use the divide operator.
   However, we need it for compatibility with SVR4 systems.  */
const char comment_chars[] = "#/";
const char comment_chars[] = "#";

/* This array holds the chars that only start a comment at the beginning of
   a line.  If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
   .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output.
   Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
   first line of the input file.  This is because the compiler outputs
   #NO_APP at the beginning of its output.
   Also note that comments started like this one will always work if
   '/' isn't otherwise defined.  */
#if defined (TE_I386AIX) || ((defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)) && ! defined (TE_LINUX) && !defined(TE_FreeBSD) && !defined(TE_NetBSD))
const char line_comment_chars[] = "";
const char line_comment_chars[] = "/";

const char line_separator_chars[] = ";";

/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point
   nums.  */
const char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";

/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant
   As in 0f12.456
   or    0d1.2345e12.  */
const char FLT_CHARS[] = "fFdDxX";

/* Tables for lexical analysis.  */
static char mnemonic_chars[256];
static char register_chars[256];
static char operand_chars[256];
static char identifier_chars[256];
static char digit_chars[256];

/* Lexical macros.  */
#define is_mnemonic_char(x) (mnemonic_chars[(unsigned char) x])
#define is_operand_char(x) (operand_chars[(unsigned char) x])
#define is_register_char(x) (register_chars[(unsigned char) x])
#define is_space_char(x) ((x) == ' ')
#define is_identifier_char(x) (identifier_chars[(unsigned char) x])
#define is_digit_char(x) (digit_chars[(unsigned char) x])

/* All non-digit non-letter charcters that may occur in an operand.  */
static char operand_special_chars[] = "%$-+(,)*._~/<>|&^!:[@]";

/* md_assemble() always leaves the strings it's passed unaltered.  To
   effect this we maintain a stack of saved characters that we've smashed
   with '\0's (indicating end of strings for various sub-fields of the
   assembler instruction).  */
static char save_stack[32];
static char *save_stack_p;
#define END_STRING_AND_SAVE(s) \
	do { *save_stack_p++ = *(s); *(s) = '\0'; } while (0)
	do { *(s) = *--save_stack_p; } while (0)

/* The instruction we're assembling.  */
static i386_insn i;

/* Possible templates for current insn.  */
static const templates *current_templates;

/* Per instruction expressionS buffers: 2 displacements & 2 immediate max.  */
static expressionS disp_expressions[2], im_expressions[2];

/* Current operand we are working on.  */
static int this_operand;

/* We support four different modes.  FLAG_CODE variable is used to distinguish
   these.  */

enum flag_code {
	CODE_64BIT };
#define NUM_FLAG_CODE ((int) CODE_64BIT + 1)

static enum flag_code flag_code;
static int use_rela_relocations = 0;

/* The names used to print error messages.  */
static const char *flag_code_names[] =

/* 1 for intel syntax,
   0 if att syntax.  */
static int intel_syntax = 0;

/* 1 if register prefix % not required.  */
static int allow_naked_reg = 0;

/* Used in 16 bit gcc mode to add an l suffix to call, ret, enter,
   leave, push, and pop instructions so that gcc has the same stack
   frame as in 32 bit mode.  */
static char stackop_size = '\0';

/* Non-zero to quieten some warnings.  */
static int quiet_warnings = 0;

/* CPU name.  */
static const char *cpu_arch_name = NULL;

/* CPU feature flags.  */
static unsigned int cpu_arch_flags = CpuUnknownFlags|CpuNo64;

/* If set, conditional jumps are not automatically promoted to handle
   larger than a byte offset.  */
static unsigned int no_cond_jump_promotion = 0;

/* Interface to relax_segment.
   There are 3 major relax states for 386 jump insns because the
   different types of jumps add different sizes to frags when we're
   figuring out what sort of jump to choose to reach a given label.  */

/* Types.  */
#define UNCOND_JUMP 0
#define COND_JUMP 1
#define COND_JUMP86 2

/* Sizes.  */
#define CODE16	1
#define SMALL	0
#define SMALL16 (SMALL|CODE16)
#define BIG	2
#define BIG16	(BIG|CODE16)

#ifndef INLINE
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define INLINE __inline__
#define INLINE

#define ENCODE_RELAX_STATE(type, size) \
  ((relax_substateT) (((type) << 2) | (size)))
  ((s) >> 2)
    ((((s) & 3) == BIG ? 4 : (((s) & 3) == BIG16 ? 2 : 1)))

/* This table is used by relax_frag to promote short jumps to long
   ones where necessary.  SMALL (short) jumps may be promoted to BIG
   (32 bit long) ones, and SMALL16 jumps to BIG16 (16 bit long).  We
   don't allow a short jump in a 32 bit code segment to be promoted to
   a 16 bit offset jump because it's slower (requires data size
   prefix), and doesn't work, unless the destination is in the bottom
   64k of the code segment (The top 16 bits of eip are zeroed).  */

const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] =
  /* The fields are:
     1) most positive reach of this state,
     2) most negative reach of this state,
     3) how many bytes this mode will have in the variable part of the frag
     4) which index into the table to try if we can't fit into this one.  */

  /* UNCOND_JUMP states.  */
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (UNCOND_JUMP, BIG)},
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (UNCOND_JUMP, BIG16)},
  /* dword jmp adds 4 bytes to frag:
     0 extra opcode bytes, 4 displacement bytes.  */
  {0, 0, 4, 0},
  /* word jmp adds 2 byte2 to frag:
     0 extra opcode bytes, 2 displacement bytes.  */
  {0, 0, 2, 0},

  /* COND_JUMP states.  */
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (COND_JUMP, BIG)},
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (COND_JUMP, BIG16)},
  /* dword conditionals adds 5 bytes to frag:
     1 extra opcode byte, 4 displacement bytes.  */
  {0, 0, 5, 0},
  /* word conditionals add 3 bytes to frag:
     1 extra opcode byte, 2 displacement bytes.  */
  {0, 0, 3, 0},

  /* COND_JUMP86 states.  */
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (COND_JUMP86, BIG)},
  {127 + 1, -128 + 1, 1, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE (COND_JUMP86, BIG16)},
  /* dword conditionals adds 5 bytes to frag:
     1 extra opcode byte, 4 displacement bytes.  */
  {0, 0, 5, 0},
  /* word conditionals add 4 bytes to frag:
     1 displacement byte and a 3 byte long branch insn.  */
  {0, 0, 4, 0}

static const arch_entry cpu_arch[] = {
  {"i8086",	Cpu086 },
  {"i186",	Cpu086|Cpu186 },
  {"i286",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286 },
  {"i386",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386 },
  {"i486",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486 },
  {"i586",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|CpuMMX },
  {"i686",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|Cpu686|CpuMMX|CpuSSE },
  {"pentium",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|CpuMMX },
  {"pentiumpro",Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|Cpu686|CpuMMX|CpuSSE },
  {"pentium4",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|Cpu686|CpuP4|CpuMMX|CpuSSE|CpuSSE2 },
  {"k6",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|CpuK6|CpuMMX|Cpu3dnow },
  {"athlon",	Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|Cpu686|CpuK6|CpuAthlon|CpuMMX|Cpu3dnow },
  {"sledgehammer",Cpu086|Cpu186|Cpu286|Cpu386|Cpu486|Cpu586|Cpu686|CpuK6|CpuAthlon|CpuSledgehammer|CpuMMX|Cpu3dnow|CpuSSE|CpuSSE2 },
  {NULL, 0 }

i386_align_code (fragP, count)
     fragS *fragP;
     int count;
  /* Various efficient no-op patterns for aligning code labels.
     Note: Don't try to assemble the instructions in the comments.
     0L and 0w are not legal.  */
  static const char f32_1[] =
    {0x90};					/* nop			*/
  static const char f32_2[] =
    {0x89,0xf6};				/* movl %esi,%esi	*/
  static const char f32_3[] =
    {0x8d,0x76,0x00};				/* leal 0(%esi),%esi	*/
  static const char f32_4[] =
    {0x8d,0x74,0x26,0x00};			/* leal 0(%esi,1),%esi	*/
  static const char f32_5[] =
    {0x90,					/* nop			*/
     0x8d,0x74,0x26,0x00};			/* leal 0(%esi,1),%esi	*/
  static const char f32_6[] =
    {0x8d,0xb6,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};		/* leal 0L(%esi),%esi	*/
  static const char f32_7[] =
    {0x8d,0xb4,0x26,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%esi,1),%esi */
  static const char f32_8[] =
    {0x90,					/* nop			*/
     0x8d,0xb4,0x26,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%esi,1),%esi */
  static const char f32_9[] =
    {0x89,0xf6,					/* movl %esi,%esi	*/
     0x8d,0xbc,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%edi,1),%edi */
  static const char f32_10[] =
    {0x8d,0x76,0x00,				/* leal 0(%esi),%esi	*/
     0x8d,0xbc,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%edi,1),%edi */
  static const char f32_11[] =
    {0x8d,0x74,0x26,0x00,			/* leal 0(%esi,1),%esi	*/
     0x8d,0xbc,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%edi,1),%edi */
  static const char f32_12[] =
    {0x8d,0xb6,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,		/* leal 0L(%esi),%esi	*/
     0x8d,0xbf,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};		/* leal 0L(%edi),%edi	*/
  static const char f32_13[] =
    {0x8d,0xb6,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,		/* leal 0L(%esi),%esi	*/
     0x8d,0xbc,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%edi,1),%edi */
  static const char f32_14[] =
    {0x8d,0xb4,0x26,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,	/* leal 0L(%esi,1),%esi */
     0x8d,0xbc,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};	/* leal 0L(%edi,1),%edi */
  static const char f32_15[] =
    {0xeb,0x0d,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,	/* jmp .+15; lotsa nops	*/
  static const char f16_3[] =
    {0x8d,0x74,0x00};				/* lea 0(%esi),%esi	*/
  static const char f16_4[] =
    {0x8d,0xb4,0x00,0x00};			/* lea 0w(%si),%si	*/
  static const char f16_5[] =
    {0x90,					/* nop			*/
     0x8d,0xb4,0x00,0x00};			/* lea 0w(%si),%si	*/
  static const char f16_6[] =
    {0x89,0xf6,					/* mov %si,%si		*/
     0x8d,0xbd,0x00,0x00};			/* lea 0w(%di),%di	*/
  static const char f16_7[] =
    {0x8d,0x74,0x00,				/* lea 0(%si),%si	*/
     0x8d,0xbd,0x00,0x00};			/* lea 0w(%di),%di	*/
  static const char f16_8[] =
    {0x8d,0xb4,0x00,0x00,			/* lea 0w(%si),%si	*/
     0x8d,0xbd,0x00,0x00};			/* lea 0w(%di),%di	*/
  static const char *const f32_patt[] = {
    f32_1, f32_2, f32_3, f32_4, f32_5, f32_6, f32_7, f32_8,
    f32_9, f32_10, f32_11, f32_12, f32_13, f32_14, f32_15
  static const char *const f16_patt[] = {
    f32_1, f32_2, f16_3, f16_4, f16_5, f16_6, f16_7, f16_8,
    f32_15, f32_15, f32_15, f32_15, f32_15, f32_15, f32_15

  /* ??? We can't use these fillers for x86_64, since they often kills the
     upper halves.  Solve later.  */
  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
    count = 1;

  if (count > 0 && count <= 15)
      if (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)
	  memcpy (fragP->fr_literal + fragP->fr_fix,
		  f16_patt[count - 1], count);
	  if (count > 8)
	    /* Adjust jump offset.  */
	    fragP->fr_literal[fragP->fr_fix + 1] = count - 2;
	memcpy (fragP->fr_literal + fragP->fr_fix,
		f32_patt[count - 1], count);
      fragP->fr_var = count;

static char *output_invalid PARAMS ((int c));
static int i386_operand PARAMS ((char *operand_string));
static int i386_intel_operand PARAMS ((char *operand_string, int got_a_float));
static const reg_entry *parse_register PARAMS ((char *reg_string,
						char **end_op));

#ifndef I386COFF
static void s_bss PARAMS ((int));

symbolS *GOT_symbol;		/* Pre-defined "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_".  */

static INLINE unsigned int
mode_from_disp_size (t)
     unsigned int t;
  return (t & Disp8) ? 1 : (t & (Disp16 | Disp32 | Disp32S)) ? 2 : 0;

static INLINE int
fits_in_signed_byte (num)
     offsetT num;
  return (num >= -128) && (num <= 127);

static INLINE int
fits_in_unsigned_byte (num)
     offsetT num;
  return (num & 0xff) == num;

static INLINE int
fits_in_unsigned_word (num)
     offsetT num;
  return (num & 0xffff) == num;

static INLINE int
fits_in_signed_word (num)
     offsetT num;
  return (-32768 <= num) && (num <= 32767);
static INLINE int
fits_in_signed_long (num)
     offsetT num ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
#ifndef BFD64
  return 1;
  return (!(((offsetT) -1 << 31) & num)
	  || (((offsetT) -1 << 31) & num) == ((offsetT) -1 << 31));
}				/* fits_in_signed_long() */
static INLINE int
fits_in_unsigned_long (num)
     offsetT num ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
#ifndef BFD64
  return 1;
  return (num & (((offsetT) 2 << 31) - 1)) == num;
}				/* fits_in_unsigned_long() */

static int
smallest_imm_type (num)
     offsetT num;
  if (cpu_arch_flags != (Cpu086 | Cpu186 | Cpu286 | Cpu386 | Cpu486 | CpuNo64)
      && !(cpu_arch_flags & (CpuUnknown)))
      /* This code is disabled on the 486 because all the Imm1 forms
	 in the opcode table are slower on the i486.  They're the
	 versions with the implicitly specified single-position
	 displacement, which has another syntax if you really want to
	 use that form.  */
      if (num == 1)
	return Imm1 | Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64;
  return (fits_in_signed_byte (num)
	  ? (Imm8S | Imm8 | Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64)
	  : fits_in_unsigned_byte (num)
	  ? (Imm8 | Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64)
	  : (fits_in_signed_word (num) || fits_in_unsigned_word (num))
	  ? (Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64)
	  : fits_in_signed_long (num)
	  ? (Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64)
	  : fits_in_unsigned_long (num)
	  ? (Imm32 | Imm64)
	  : Imm64);

static offsetT
offset_in_range (val, size)
     offsetT val;
     int size;
  addressT mask;

  switch (size)
    case 1: mask = ((addressT) 1 <<  8) - 1; break;
    case 2: mask = ((addressT) 1 << 16) - 1; break;
    case 4: mask = ((addressT) 2 << 31) - 1; break;
#ifdef BFD64
    case 8: mask = ((addressT) 2 << 63) - 1; break;
    default: abort ();

  /* If BFD64, sign extend val.  */
  if (!use_rela_relocations)
    if ((val & ~(((addressT) 2 << 31) - 1)) == 0)
      val = (val ^ ((addressT) 1 << 31)) - ((addressT) 1 << 31);

  if ((val & ~mask) != 0 && (val & ~mask) != ~mask)
      char buf1[40], buf2[40];

      sprint_value (buf1, val);
      sprint_value (buf2, val & mask);
      as_warn (_("%s shortened to %s"), buf1, buf2);
  return val & mask;

/* Returns 0 if attempting to add a prefix where one from the same
   class already exists, 1 if non rep/repne added, 2 if rep/repne
   added.  */
static int
add_prefix (prefix)
     unsigned int prefix;
  int ret = 1;
  int q;

  if (prefix >= 0x40 && prefix < 0x50 && flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
    q = REX_PREFIX;
    switch (prefix)
	abort ();

      case CS_PREFIX_OPCODE:
      case DS_PREFIX_OPCODE:
      case ES_PREFIX_OPCODE:
      case FS_PREFIX_OPCODE:
      case GS_PREFIX_OPCODE:
      case SS_PREFIX_OPCODE:

	ret = 2;
	/* fall thru */

      case FWAIT_OPCODE:



  if (i.prefix[q])
      as_bad (_("same type of prefix used twice"));
      return 0;

  i.prefixes += 1;
  i.prefix[q] = prefix;
  return ret;

static void
set_code_flag (value)
     int value;
  flag_code = value;
  cpu_arch_flags &= ~(Cpu64 | CpuNo64);
  cpu_arch_flags |= (flag_code == CODE_64BIT ? Cpu64 : CpuNo64);
  if (value == CODE_64BIT && !(cpu_arch_flags & CpuSledgehammer))
      as_bad (_("64bit mode not supported on this CPU."));
  if (value == CODE_32BIT && !(cpu_arch_flags & Cpu386))
      as_bad (_("32bit mode not supported on this CPU."));
  stackop_size = '\0';

static void
set_16bit_gcc_code_flag (new_code_flag)
     int new_code_flag;
  flag_code = new_code_flag;
  cpu_arch_flags &= ~(Cpu64 | CpuNo64);
  cpu_arch_flags |= (flag_code == CODE_64BIT ? Cpu64 : CpuNo64);
  stackop_size = 'l';

static void
set_intel_syntax (syntax_flag)
     int syntax_flag;
  /* Find out if register prefixing is specified.  */
  int ask_naked_reg = 0;

  if (! is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) *input_line_pointer])
      char *string = input_line_pointer;
      int e = get_symbol_end ();

      if (strcmp (string, "prefix") == 0)
	ask_naked_reg = 1;
      else if (strcmp (string, "noprefix") == 0)
	ask_naked_reg = -1;
	as_bad (_("bad argument to syntax directive."));
      *input_line_pointer = e;
  demand_empty_rest_of_line ();

  intel_syntax = syntax_flag;

  if (ask_naked_reg == 0)
      allow_naked_reg = (intel_syntax
			 && (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (stdoutput) != '\0'));
      /* Conservative default.  */
      allow_naked_reg = 0;
    allow_naked_reg = (ask_naked_reg < 0);

static void
set_cpu_arch (dummy)
     int dummy ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;

  if (! is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) *input_line_pointer])
      char *string = input_line_pointer;
      int e = get_symbol_end ();
      int i;

      for (i = 0; cpu_arch[i].name; i++)
	  if (strcmp (string, cpu_arch[i].name) == 0)
	      cpu_arch_name = cpu_arch[i].name;
	      cpu_arch_flags = (cpu_arch[i].flags
				| (flag_code == CODE_64BIT ? Cpu64 : CpuNo64));
      if (!cpu_arch[i].name)
	as_bad (_("no such architecture: `%s'"), string);

      *input_line_pointer = e;
    as_bad (_("missing cpu architecture"));

  no_cond_jump_promotion = 0;
  if (*input_line_pointer == ','
      && ! is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) input_line_pointer[1]])
      char *string = ++input_line_pointer;
      int e = get_symbol_end ();

      if (strcmp (string, "nojumps") == 0)
	no_cond_jump_promotion = 1;
      else if (strcmp (string, "jumps") == 0)
	as_bad (_("no such architecture modifier: `%s'"), string);

      *input_line_pointer = e;

  demand_empty_rest_of_line ();

const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] =
#if !defined(OBJ_AOUT) && !defined(USE_ALIGN_PTWO)
  {"align", s_align_bytes, 0},
  {"align", s_align_ptwo, 0},
  {"arch", set_cpu_arch, 0},
#ifndef I386COFF
  {"bss", s_bss, 0},
  {"ffloat", float_cons, 'f'},
  {"dfloat", float_cons, 'd'},
  {"tfloat", float_cons, 'x'},
  {"value", cons, 2},
  {"noopt", s_ignore, 0},
  {"optim", s_ignore, 0},
  {"code16gcc", set_16bit_gcc_code_flag, CODE_16BIT},
  {"code16", set_code_flag, CODE_16BIT},
  {"code32", set_code_flag, CODE_32BIT},
  {"code64", set_code_flag, CODE_64BIT},
  {"intel_syntax", set_intel_syntax, 1},
  {"att_syntax", set_intel_syntax, 0},
  {"file", dwarf2_directive_file, 0},
  {"loc", dwarf2_directive_loc, 0},
  {0, 0, 0}

/* For interface with expression ().  */
extern char *input_line_pointer;

/* Hash table for instruction mnemonic lookup.  */
static struct hash_control *op_hash;

/* Hash table for register lookup.  */
static struct hash_control *reg_hash;
unsigned long
i386_mach ()
  if (!strcmp (default_arch, "x86_64"))
    return bfd_mach_x86_64;
  else if (!strcmp (default_arch, "i386"))
    return bfd_mach_i386_i386;
    as_fatal (_("Unknown architecture"));
md_begin ()
  const char *hash_err;

  /* Initialize op_hash hash table.  */
  op_hash = hash_new ();

    register const template *optab;
    register templates *core_optab;

    /* Setup for loop.  */
    optab = i386_optab;
    core_optab = (templates *) xmalloc (sizeof (templates));
    core_optab->start = optab;

    while (1)
	if (optab->name == NULL
	    || strcmp (optab->name, (optab - 1)->name) != 0)
	    /* different name --> ship out current template list;
	       add to hash table; & begin anew.  */
	    core_optab->end = optab;
	    hash_err = hash_insert (op_hash,
				    (optab - 1)->name,
				    (PTR) core_optab);
	    if (hash_err)
		as_fatal (_("Internal Error:  Can't hash %s: %s"),
			  (optab - 1)->name,
	    if (optab->name == NULL)
	    core_optab = (templates *) xmalloc (sizeof (templates));
	    core_optab->start = optab;

  /* Initialize reg_hash hash table.  */
  reg_hash = hash_new ();
    register const reg_entry *regtab;

    for (regtab = i386_regtab;
	 regtab < i386_regtab + sizeof (i386_regtab) / sizeof (i386_regtab[0]);
	hash_err = hash_insert (reg_hash, regtab->reg_name, (PTR) regtab);
	if (hash_err)
	  as_fatal (_("Internal Error:  Can't hash %s: %s"),

  /* Fill in lexical tables:  mnemonic_chars, operand_chars.  */
    register int c;
    register char *p;

    for (c = 0; c < 256; c++)
	if (isdigit (c))
	    digit_chars[c] = c;
	    mnemonic_chars[c] = c;
	    register_chars[c] = c;
	    operand_chars[c] = c;
	else if (islower (c))
	    mnemonic_chars[c] = c;
	    register_chars[c] = c;
	    operand_chars[c] = c;
	else if (isupper (c))
	    mnemonic_chars[c] = tolower (c);
	    register_chars[c] = mnemonic_chars[c];
	    operand_chars[c] = c;

	if (isalpha (c) || isdigit (c))
	  identifier_chars[c] = c;
	else if (c >= 128)
	    identifier_chars[c] = c;
	    operand_chars[c] = c;

#ifdef LEX_AT
    identifier_chars['@'] = '@';
    digit_chars['-'] = '-';
    identifier_chars['_'] = '_';
    identifier_chars['.'] = '.';

    for (p = operand_special_chars; *p != '\0'; p++)
      operand_chars[(unsigned char) *p] = *p;

#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
  if (OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
      record_alignment (text_section, 2);
      record_alignment (data_section, 2);
      record_alignment (bss_section, 2);

i386_print_statistics (file)
     FILE *file;
  hash_print_statistics (file, "i386 opcode", op_hash);
  hash_print_statistics (file, "i386 register", reg_hash);
#ifdef DEBUG386

/* Debugging routines for md_assemble.  */
static void pi PARAMS ((char *, i386_insn *));
static void pte PARAMS ((template *));
static void pt PARAMS ((unsigned int));
static void pe PARAMS ((expressionS *));
static void ps PARAMS ((symbolS *));

static void
pi (line, x)
     char *line;
     i386_insn *x;
  unsigned int i;

  fprintf (stdout, "%s: template ", line);
  pte (&x->tm);
  fprintf (stdout, "  address: base %s  index %s  scale %x\n",
	   x->base_reg ? x->base_reg->reg_name : "none",
	   x->index_reg ? x->index_reg->reg_name : "none",
  fprintf (stdout, "  modrm:  mode %x  reg %x  reg/mem %x\n",
	   x->rm.mode, x->rm.reg, x->rm.regmem);
  fprintf (stdout, "  sib:  base %x  index %x  scale %x\n",
	   x->sib.base, x->sib.index, x->sib.scale);
  fprintf (stdout, "  rex: 64bit %x  extX %x  extY %x  extZ %x\n",
	   x->rex.mode64, x->rex.extX, x->rex.extY, x->rex.extZ);
  for (i = 0; i < x->operands; i++)
      fprintf (stdout, "    #%d:  ", i + 1);
      pt (x->types[i]);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n");
      if (x->types[i]
	  & (Reg | SReg2 | SReg3 | Control | Debug | Test | RegMMX | RegXMM))
	fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", x->op[i].regs->reg_name);
      if (x->types[i] & Imm)
	pe (x->op[i].imms);
      if (x->types[i] & Disp)
	pe (x->op[i].disps);

static void
pte (t)
     template *t;
  unsigned int i;
  fprintf (stdout, " %d operands ", t->operands);
  fprintf (stdout, "opcode %x ", t->base_opcode);
  if (t->extension_opcode != None)
    fprintf (stdout, "ext %x ", t->extension_opcode);
  if (t->opcode_modifier & D)
    fprintf (stdout, "D");
  if (t->opcode_modifier & W)
    fprintf (stdout, "W");
  fprintf (stdout, "\n");
  for (i = 0; i < t->operands; i++)
      fprintf (stdout, "    #%d type ", i + 1);
      pt (t->operand_types[i]);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n");

static void
pe (e)
     expressionS *e;
  fprintf (stdout, "    operation     %d\n", e->X_op);
  fprintf (stdout, "    add_number    %ld (%lx)\n",
	   (long) e->X_add_number, (long) e->X_add_number);
  if (e->X_add_symbol)
      fprintf (stdout, "    add_symbol    ");
      ps (e->X_add_symbol);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n");
  if (e->X_op_symbol)
      fprintf (stdout, "    op_symbol    ");
      ps (e->X_op_symbol);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n");

static void
ps (s)
     symbolS *s;
  fprintf (stdout, "%s type %s%s",
	   S_GET_NAME (s),
	   S_IS_EXTERNAL (s) ? "EXTERNAL " : "",
	   segment_name (S_GET_SEGMENT (s)));

struct type_name
    unsigned int mask;
    char *tname;

type_names[] =
  { Reg8, "r8" },
  { Reg16, "r16" },
  { Reg32, "r32" },
  { Reg64, "r64" },
  { Imm8, "i8" },
  { Imm8S, "i8s" },
  { Imm16, "i16" },
  { Imm32, "i32" },
  { Imm32S, "i32s" },
  { Imm64, "i64" },
  { Imm1, "i1" },
  { BaseIndex, "BaseIndex" },
  { Disp8, "d8" },
  { Disp16, "d16" },
  { Disp32, "d32" },
  { Disp32S, "d32s" },
  { Disp64, "d64" },
  { InOutPortReg, "InOutPortReg" },
  { ShiftCount, "ShiftCount" },
  { Control, "control reg" },
  { Test, "test reg" },
  { Debug, "debug reg" },
  { FloatReg, "FReg" },
  { FloatAcc, "FAcc" },
  { SReg2, "SReg2" },
  { SReg3, "SReg3" },
  { Acc, "Acc" },
  { JumpAbsolute, "Jump Absolute" },
  { RegMMX, "rMMX" },
  { RegXMM, "rXMM" },
  { EsSeg, "es" },
  { 0, "" }

static void
pt (t)
     unsigned int t;
  register struct type_name *ty;

  for (ty = type_names; ty->mask; ty++)
    if (t & ty->mask)
      fprintf (stdout, "%s, ", ty->tname);
  fflush (stdout);

#endif /* DEBUG386 */
tc_i386_force_relocation (fixp)
     struct fix *fixp;
  if (fixp->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_VTABLE_INHERIT
      || fixp->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_VTABLE_ENTRY)
    return 1;
  return 0;
  /* For COFF.  */
  return fixp->fx_r_type == 7;


static bfd_reloc_code_real_type
reloc (size, pcrel, sign, other)
     int size;
     int pcrel;
     int sign;
     bfd_reloc_code_real_type other;
  if (other != NO_RELOC)
    return other;

  if (pcrel)
      if (!sign)
	as_bad (_("There are no unsigned pc-relative relocations"));
      switch (size)
	case 1: return BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL;
	case 2: return BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL;
	case 4: return BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;
      as_bad (_("can not do %d byte pc-relative relocation"), size);
      if (sign)
	switch (size)
	  case 4: return BFD_RELOC_X86_64_32S;
	switch (size)
	  case 1: return BFD_RELOC_8;
	  case 2: return BFD_RELOC_16;
	  case 4: return BFD_RELOC_32;
	  case 8: return BFD_RELOC_64;
      as_bad (_("can not do %s %d byte relocation"),
	      sign ? "signed" : "unsigned", size);

  abort ();
  return BFD_RELOC_NONE;

/* Here we decide which fixups can be adjusted to make them relative to
   the beginning of the section instead of the symbol.  Basically we need
   to make sure that the dynamic relocations are done correctly, so in
   some cases we force the original symbol to be used.  */

tc_i386_fix_adjustable (fixP)
     fixS *fixP;
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
  /* Prevent all adjustments to global symbols, or else dynamic
     linking will not work correctly.  */
  if (S_IS_EXTERNAL (fixP->fx_addsy)
      || S_IS_WEAK (fixP->fx_addsy))
    return 0;
  /* adjust_reloc_syms doesn't know about the GOT.  */
  if (fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_PLT32
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOT32
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_VTABLE_INHERIT
      || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_VTABLE_ENTRY)
    return 0;
  return 1;
#define reloc(SIZE,PCREL,SIGN,OTHER)	0
#define BFD_RELOC_16			0
#define BFD_RELOC_32			0
#define BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL		0
#define BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL		0
#define BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32		0
#define BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32		0
#define BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF		0
#define BFD_RELOC_X86_64_PLT32		0
#define BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOT32		0
#define BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL	0

static int intel_float_operand PARAMS ((char *mnemonic));

static int
intel_float_operand (mnemonic)
     char *mnemonic;
  if (mnemonic[0] == 'f' && mnemonic[1] == 'i')
    return 2;

  if (mnemonic[0] == 'f')
    return 1;

  return 0;

/* This is the guts of the machine-dependent assembler.  LINE points to a
   machine dependent instruction.  This function is supposed to emit
   the frags/bytes it assembles to.  */

md_assemble (line)
     char *line;
  /* Points to template once we've found it.  */
  const template *t;

  int j;

  char mnemonic[MAX_MNEM_SIZE];

  /* Initialize globals.  */
  memset (&i, '\0', sizeof (i));
  for (j = 0; j < MAX_OPERANDS; j++)
    i.reloc[j] = NO_RELOC;
  memset (disp_expressions, '\0', sizeof (disp_expressions));
  memset (im_expressions, '\0', sizeof (im_expressions));
  save_stack_p = save_stack;

  /* First parse an instruction mnemonic & call i386_operand for the operands.
     We assume that the scrubber has arranged it so that line[0] is the valid
     start of a (possibly prefixed) mnemonic.  */
    char *l = line;
    char *token_start = l;
    char *mnem_p;

    /* Non-zero if we found a prefix only acceptable with string insns.  */
    const char *expecting_string_instruction = NULL;

    while (1)
	mnem_p = mnemonic;
	while ((*mnem_p = mnemonic_chars[(unsigned char) *l]) != 0)
	    if (mnem_p >= mnemonic + sizeof (mnemonic))
		as_bad (_("no such instruction: `%s'"), token_start);
	if (!is_space_char (*l)
	    && *l != END_OF_INSN
	    && *l != PREFIX_SEPARATOR
	    && *l != ',')
	    as_bad (_("invalid character %s in mnemonic"),
		    output_invalid (*l));
	if (token_start == l)
	    if (*l == PREFIX_SEPARATOR)
	      as_bad (_("expecting prefix; got nothing"));
	      as_bad (_("expecting mnemonic; got nothing"));

	/* Look up instruction (or prefix) via hash table.  */
	current_templates = hash_find (op_hash, mnemonic);

	if (*l != END_OF_INSN
	    && (! is_space_char (*l) || l[1] != END_OF_INSN)
	    && current_templates
	    && (current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & IsPrefix))
	    /* If we are in 16-bit mode, do not allow addr16 or data16.
	       Similarly, in 32-bit mode, do not allow addr32 or data32.  */
	    if ((current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & (Size16 | Size32))
		&& (((current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & Size32) != 0)
		    ^ (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)))
		as_bad (_("redundant %s prefix"),
	    /* Add prefix, checking for repeated prefixes.  */
	    switch (add_prefix (current_templates->start->base_opcode))
	      case 0:
	      case 2:
		expecting_string_instruction = current_templates->start->name;
	    /* Skip past PREFIX_SEPARATOR and reset token_start.  */
	    token_start = ++l;

    if (!current_templates)
	/* See if we can get a match by trimming off a suffix.  */
	switch (mnem_p[-1])
	    i.suffix = mnem_p[-1];
	    mnem_p[-1] = '\0';
	    current_templates = hash_find (op_hash, mnemonic);
	    if (!intel_syntax)
		i.suffix = mnem_p[-1];
		mnem_p[-1] = '\0';
		current_templates = hash_find (op_hash, mnemonic);

	  /* Intel Syntax.  */
	  case 'd':
	    if (intel_syntax)
		if (intel_float_operand (mnemonic))
		  i.suffix = SHORT_MNEM_SUFFIX;
		  i.suffix = LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX;
		mnem_p[-1] = '\0';
		current_templates = hash_find (op_hash, mnemonic);
	if (!current_templates)
	    as_bad (_("no such instruction: `%s'"), token_start);

    if (current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & (Jump | JumpByte))
	/* Check for a branch hint.  We allow ",pt" and ",pn" for
	   predict taken and predict not taken respectively.
	   I'm not sure that branch hints actually do anything on loop
	   and jcxz insns (JumpByte) for current Pentium4 chips.  They
	   may work in the future and it doesn't hurt to accept them
	   now.  */
	if (l[0] == ',' && l[1] == 'p')
	    if (l[2] == 't')
		if (! add_prefix (DS_PREFIX_OPCODE))
		l += 3;
	    else if (l[2] == 'n')
		if (! add_prefix (CS_PREFIX_OPCODE))
		l += 3;
    /* Any other comma loses.  */
    if (*l == ',')
	as_bad (_("invalid character %s in mnemonic"),
		output_invalid (*l));

    /* Check if instruction is supported on specified architecture.  */
    if (cpu_arch_flags != 0)
	if ((current_templates->start->cpu_flags & ~(Cpu64 | CpuNo64))
	    & ~(cpu_arch_flags & ~(Cpu64 | CpuNo64)))
	    as_warn (_("`%s' is not supported on `%s'"),
		     current_templates->start->name, cpu_arch_name);
	else if ((Cpu386 & ~cpu_arch_flags) && (flag_code != CODE_16BIT))
	    as_warn (_("use .code16 to ensure correct addressing mode"));

    /* Check for rep/repne without a string instruction.  */
    if (expecting_string_instruction
	&& !(current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & IsString))
	as_bad (_("expecting string instruction after `%s'"),

    /* There may be operands to parse.  */
    if (*l != END_OF_INSN)
	/* 1 if operand is pending after ','.  */
	unsigned int expecting_operand = 0;

	/* Non-zero if operand parens not balanced.  */
	unsigned int paren_not_balanced;

	    /* Skip optional white space before operand.  */
	    if (is_space_char (*l))
	    if (!is_operand_char (*l) && *l != END_OF_INSN)
		as_bad (_("invalid character %s before operand %d"),
			output_invalid (*l),
			i.operands + 1);
	    token_start = l;	/* after white space */
	    paren_not_balanced = 0;
	    while (paren_not_balanced || *l != ',')
		if (*l == END_OF_INSN)
		    if (paren_not_balanced)
			if (!intel_syntax)
			  as_bad (_("unbalanced parenthesis in operand %d."),
				  i.operands + 1);
			  as_bad (_("unbalanced brackets in operand %d."),
				  i.operands + 1);
		      break;	/* we are done */
		else if (!is_operand_char (*l) && !is_space_char (*l))
		    as_bad (_("invalid character %s in operand %d"),
			    output_invalid (*l),
			    i.operands + 1);
		if (!intel_syntax)
		    if (*l == '(')
		    if (*l == ')')
		    if (*l == '[')
		    if (*l == ']')
	    if (l != token_start)
	      {			/* Yes, we've read in another operand.  */
		unsigned int operand_ok;
		this_operand = i.operands++;
		if (i.operands > MAX_OPERANDS)
		    as_bad (_("spurious operands; (%d operands/instruction max)"),
		/* Now parse operand adding info to 'i' as we go along.  */

		if (intel_syntax)
		  operand_ok =
		    i386_intel_operand (token_start,
					intel_float_operand (mnemonic));
		  operand_ok = i386_operand (token_start);

		if (!operand_ok)
		if (expecting_operand)
		    as_bad (_("expecting operand after ','; got nothing"));
		if (*l == ',')
		    as_bad (_("expecting operand before ','; got nothing"));

	    /* Now *l must be either ',' or END_OF_INSN.  */
	    if (*l == ',')
		if (*++l == END_OF_INSN)
		    /* Just skip it, if it's \n complain.  */
		    goto expecting_operand_after_comma;
		expecting_operand = 1;
	while (*l != END_OF_INSN);

  /* Now we've parsed the mnemonic into a set of templates, and have the
     operands at hand.

     Next, we find a template that matches the given insn,
     making sure the overlap of the given operands types is consistent
     with the template operand types.  */

#define MATCH(overlap, given, template) \
  ((overlap & ~JumpAbsolute) \
   && ((given) & (BaseIndex|JumpAbsolute)) == ((overlap) & (BaseIndex|JumpAbsolute)))

  /* If given types r0 and r1 are registers they must be of the same type
     unless the expected operand type register overlap is null.
     Note that Acc in a template matches every size of reg.  */
#define CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH(m0, g0, t0, m1, g1, t1) \
  ( ((g0) & Reg) == 0 || ((g1) & Reg) == 0 || \
    ((g0) & Reg) == ((g1) & Reg) || \
    ((((m0) & Acc) ? Reg : (t0)) & (((m1) & Acc) ? Reg : (t1)) & Reg) == 0 )

    register unsigned int overlap0, overlap1;
    unsigned int overlap2;
    unsigned int found_reverse_match;
    int suffix_check;

    /* All intel opcodes have reversed operands except for "bound" and
       "enter".  We also don't reverse intersegment "jmp" and "call"
       instructions with 2 immediate operands so that the immediate segment
       precedes the offset, as it does when in AT&T mode.  "enter" and the
       intersegment "jmp" and "call" instructions are the only ones that
       have two immediate operands.  */
    if (intel_syntax && i.operands > 1
	&& (strcmp (mnemonic, "bound") != 0)
	&& !((i.types[0] & Imm) && (i.types[1] & Imm)))
	union i386_op temp_op;
	unsigned int temp_type;
	RELOC_ENUM temp_reloc;
	int xchg1 = 0;
	int xchg2 = 0;

	if (i.operands == 2)
	    xchg1 = 0;
	    xchg2 = 1;
	else if (i.operands == 3)
	    xchg1 = 0;
	    xchg2 = 2;
	temp_type = i.types[xchg2];
	i.types[xchg2] = i.types[xchg1];
	i.types[xchg1] = temp_type;
	temp_op = i.op[xchg2];
	i.op[xchg2] = i.op[xchg1];
	i.op[xchg1] = temp_op;
	temp_reloc = i.reloc[xchg2];
	i.reloc[xchg2] = i.reloc[xchg1];
	i.reloc[xchg1] = temp_reloc;

	if (i.mem_operands == 2)
	    const seg_entry *temp_seg;
	    temp_seg = i.seg[0];
	    i.seg[0] = i.seg[1];
	    i.seg[1] = temp_seg;

    if (i.imm_operands)
	/* Try to ensure constant immediates are represented in the smallest
	   opcode possible.  */
	char guess_suffix = 0;
	int op;

	if (i.suffix)
	  guess_suffix = i.suffix;
	else if (i.reg_operands)
	    /* Figure out a suffix from the last register operand specified.
	       We can't do this properly yet, ie. excluding InOutPortReg,
	       but the following works for instructions with immediates.
	       In any case, we can't set i.suffix yet.  */
	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	      if (i.types[op] & Reg)
		  if (i.types[op] & Reg8)
		    guess_suffix = BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX;
		  else if (i.types[op] & Reg16)
		    guess_suffix = WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;
		  else if (i.types[op] & Reg32)
		    guess_suffix = LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX;
		  else if (i.types[op] & Reg64)
		    guess_suffix = QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	else if ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX] != 0))
	  guess_suffix = WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;

	for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	  if (i.types[op] & Imm)
	      switch (i.op[op].imms->X_op)
		  case O_constant:
		    /* If a suffix is given, this operand may be shortened.  */
		    switch (guess_suffix)
		      case LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			i.types[op] |= Imm32 | Imm64;
		      case WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			i.types[op] |= Imm16 | Imm32S | Imm32 | Imm64;
		      case BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			i.types[op] |= Imm16 | Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm32S | Imm32 | Imm64;

		    /* If this operand is at most 16 bits, convert it
		       to a signed 16 bit number before trying to see
		       whether it will fit in an even smaller size.
		       This allows a 16-bit operand such as $0xffe0 to
		       be recognised as within Imm8S range.  */
		    if ((i.types[op] & Imm16)
			&& (i.op[op].imms->X_add_number & ~(offsetT) 0xffff) == 0)
			i.op[op].imms->X_add_number =
			  (((i.op[op].imms->X_add_number & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000);
		    if ((i.types[op] & Imm32)
			&& (i.op[op].imms->X_add_number & ~(((offsetT) 2 << 31) - 1)) == 0)
			i.op[op].imms->X_add_number =
			  (i.op[op].imms->X_add_number ^ ((offsetT) 1 << 31)) - ((addressT) 1 << 31);
		    i.types[op] |= smallest_imm_type (i.op[op].imms->X_add_number);
		    /* We must avoid matching of Imm32 templates when 64bit only immediate is available.  */
		    if (guess_suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX)
		      i.types[op] &= ~Imm32;
		  case O_absent:
		  case O_register:
		    abort ();
		  /* Symbols and expressions.  */
		    /* Convert symbolic operand to proper sizes for matching.  */
		    switch (guess_suffix)
		        case QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			  i.types[op] = Imm64 | Imm32S;
		        case LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			  i.types[op] = Imm32 | Imm64;
		        case WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			  i.types[op] = Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm64;
		        case BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX:
			  i.types[op] = Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm32S | Imm32;

    if (i.disp_operands)
	/* Try to use the smallest displacement type too.  */
	int op;

	for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	  if ((i.types[op] & Disp)
	      && i.op[op].disps->X_op == O_constant)
	      offsetT disp = i.op[op].disps->X_add_number;

	      if (i.types[op] & Disp16)
		  /* We know this operand is at most 16 bits, so
		     convert to a signed 16 bit number before trying
		     to see whether it will fit in an even smaller
		     size.  */

		  disp = (((disp & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000);
	      else if (i.types[op] & Disp32)
		  /* We know this operand is at most 32 bits, so convert to a
		     signed 32 bit number before trying to see whether it will
		     fit in an even smaller size.  */
		  disp &= (((offsetT) 2 << 31) - 1);
		  disp = (disp ^ ((offsetT) 1 << 31)) - ((addressT) 1 << 31);
	      if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
		  if (fits_in_signed_long (disp))
		    i.types[op] |= Disp32S;
		  if (fits_in_unsigned_long (disp))
		    i.types[op] |= Disp32;
	      if ((i.types[op] & (Disp32 | Disp32S | Disp16))
		  && fits_in_signed_byte (disp))
		i.types[op] |= Disp8;

    overlap0 = 0;
    overlap1 = 0;
    overlap2 = 0;
    found_reverse_match = 0;
    suffix_check = (i.suffix == BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX
		    ? No_bSuf
		    : (i.suffix == WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX
		       ? No_wSuf
		       : (i.suffix == SHORT_MNEM_SUFFIX
			  ? No_sSuf
			  : (i.suffix == LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX
			     ? No_lSuf
			     : (i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX
				? No_qSuf
				: (i.suffix == LONG_DOUBLE_MNEM_SUFFIX ? No_xSuf : 0))))));

    for (t = current_templates->start;
	 t < current_templates->end;
	/* Must have right number of operands.  */
	if (i.operands != t->operands)

	/* Check the suffix, except for some instructions in intel mode.  */
	if ((t->opcode_modifier & suffix_check)
	    && !(intel_syntax
		 && (t->opcode_modifier & IgnoreSize))
	    && !(intel_syntax
		 && t->base_opcode == 0xd9
		 && (t->extension_opcode == 5	     /* 0xd9,5 "fldcw"  */
		     || t->extension_opcode == 7)))  /* 0xd9,7 "f{n}stcw"  */

	/* Do not verify operands when there are none.  */
	else if (!t->operands)
	    if (t->cpu_flags & ~cpu_arch_flags)
	    /* We've found a match; break out of loop.  */

	overlap0 = i.types[0] & t->operand_types[0];
	switch (t->operands)
	  case 1:
	    if (!MATCH (overlap0, i.types[0], t->operand_types[0]))
	  case 2:
	  case 3:
	    overlap1 = i.types[1] & t->operand_types[1];
	    if (!MATCH (overlap0, i.types[0], t->operand_types[0])
		|| !MATCH (overlap1, i.types[1], t->operand_types[1])
		|| !CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap0, i.types[0],
					       overlap1, i.types[1],
		/* Check if other direction is valid ...  */
		if ((t->opcode_modifier & (D|FloatD)) == 0)

		/* Try reversing direction of operands.  */
		overlap0 = i.types[0] & t->operand_types[1];
		overlap1 = i.types[1] & t->operand_types[0];
		if (!MATCH (overlap0, i.types[0], t->operand_types[1])
		    || !MATCH (overlap1, i.types[1], t->operand_types[0])
		    || !CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap0, i.types[0],
						   overlap1, i.types[1],
		    /* Does not match either direction.  */
		/* found_reverse_match holds which of D or FloatDR
		   we've found.  */
		found_reverse_match = t->opcode_modifier & (D|FloatDR);
	    /* Found a forward 2 operand match here.  */
	    else if (t->operands == 3)
		/* Here we make use of the fact that there are no
		   reverse match 3 operand instructions, and all 3
		   operand instructions only need to be checked for
		   register consistency between operands 2 and 3.  */
		overlap2 = i.types[2] & t->operand_types[2];
		if (!MATCH (overlap2, i.types[2], t->operand_types[2])
		    || !CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap1, i.types[1],
						   overlap2, i.types[2],

	    /* Found either forward/reverse 2 or 3 operand match here:
	       slip through to break.  */
	if (t->cpu_flags & ~cpu_arch_flags)
	    found_reverse_match = 0;
	/* We've found a match; break out of loop.  */
    if (t == current_templates->end)
	/* We found no match.  */
	as_bad (_("suffix or operands invalid for `%s'"),

    if (!quiet_warnings)
	if (!intel_syntax
	    && ((i.types[0] & JumpAbsolute)
		!= (t->operand_types[0] & JumpAbsolute)))
	    as_warn (_("indirect %s without `*'"), t->name);

	if ((t->opcode_modifier & (IsPrefix|IgnoreSize))
	    == (IsPrefix|IgnoreSize))
	    /* Warn them that a data or address size prefix doesn't
	       affect assembly of the next line of code.  */
	    as_warn (_("stand-alone `%s' prefix"), t->name);

    /* Copy the template we found.  */
    i.tm = *t;
    if (found_reverse_match)
	/* If we found a reverse match we must alter the opcode
	   direction bit.  found_reverse_match holds bits to change
	   (different for int & float insns).  */

	i.tm.base_opcode ^= found_reverse_match;

	i.tm.operand_types[0] = t->operand_types[1];
	i.tm.operand_types[1] = t->operand_types[0];

    /* Undo SYSV386_COMPAT brokenness when in Intel mode.  See i386.h  */
    if (SYSV386_COMPAT
	&& intel_syntax
	&& (i.tm.base_opcode & 0xfffffde0) == 0xdce0)
      i.tm.base_opcode ^= FloatR;

    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & FWait)
      if (! add_prefix (FWAIT_OPCODE))

    /* Check string instruction segment overrides.  */
    if ((i.tm.opcode_modifier & IsString) != 0 && i.mem_operands != 0)
	int mem_op = (i.types[0] & AnyMem) ? 0 : 1;
	if ((i.tm.operand_types[mem_op] & EsSeg) != 0)
	    if (i.seg[0] != NULL && i.seg[0] != &es)
		as_bad (_("`%s' operand %d must use `%%es' segment"),
			mem_op + 1);
	    /* There's only ever one segment override allowed per instruction.
	       This instruction possibly has a legal segment override on the
	       second operand, so copy the segment to where non-string
	       instructions store it, allowing common code.  */
	    i.seg[0] = i.seg[1];
	else if ((i.tm.operand_types[mem_op + 1] & EsSeg) != 0)
	    if (i.seg[1] != NULL && i.seg[1] != &es)
		as_bad (_("`%s' operand %d must use `%%es' segment"),
			mem_op + 2);

    if (i.reg_operands && flag_code < CODE_64BIT)
	int op;
	for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	  if ((i.types[op] & Reg)
	      && (i.op[op].regs->reg_flags & (RegRex64|RegRex)))
	      as_bad (_("Extended register `%%%s' available only in 64bit mode."),

    /* If matched instruction specifies an explicit instruction mnemonic
       suffix, use it.  */
    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & (Size16 | Size32 | Size64))
	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Size16)
	  i.suffix = WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	else if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Size64)
	  i.suffix = QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	  i.suffix = LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX;
    else if (i.reg_operands)
	/* If there's no instruction mnemonic suffix we try to invent one
	   based on register operands.  */
	if (!i.suffix)
	    /* We take i.suffix from the last register operand specified,
	       Destination register type is more significant than source
	       register type.  */
	    int op;
	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	      if ((i.types[op] & Reg)
		  && !(i.tm.operand_types[op] & InOutPortReg))
		  i.suffix = ((i.types[op] & Reg8) ? BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX :
			      (i.types[op] & Reg16) ? WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX :
			      (i.types[op] & Reg64) ? QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX :
	else if (i.suffix == BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	    int op;
	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
		/* If this is an eight bit register, it's OK.  If it's
		   the 16 or 32 bit version of an eight bit register,
		   we will just use the low portion, and that's OK too.  */
		if (i.types[op] & Reg8)

		/* movzx and movsx should not generate this warning.  */
		if (intel_syntax
		    && (i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfb7
			|| i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfb6
			|| i.tm.base_opcode == 0x63
			|| i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfbe
			|| i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfbf))

		if ((i.types[op] & WordReg) && i.op[op].regs->reg_num < 4
#if 0
		    /* Check that the template allows eight bit regs
		       This kills insns such as `orb $1,%edx', which
		       maybe should be allowed.  */
		    && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg8|InOutPortReg))
		    /* Prohibit these changes in the 64bit mode, since
		       the lowering is more complicated.  */
		    if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT
			&& (i.tm.operand_types[op] & InOutPortReg) == 0)
		      as_bad (_("Incorrect register `%%%s' used with`%c' suffix"),
		    if (!quiet_warnings
			&& (i.tm.operand_types[op] & InOutPortReg) == 0)
		      as_warn (_("using `%%%s' instead of `%%%s' due to `%c' suffix"),
				+ (i.types[op] & Reg16
				   : REGNAM_AL - REGNAM_EAX))->reg_name,
		/* Any other register is bad.  */
		if (i.types[op] & (Reg | RegMMX | RegXMM
				   | SReg2 | SReg3
				   | Control | Debug | Test
				   | FloatReg | FloatAcc))
		    as_bad (_("`%%%s' not allowed with `%s%c'"),
	else if (i.suffix == LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	    int op;

	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	      /* Reject eight bit registers, except where the template
		 requires them. (eg. movzb)  */
	      if ((i.types[op] & Reg8) != 0
		  && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg16 | Reg32 | Acc)) != 0)
		  as_bad (_("`%%%s' not allowed with `%s%c'"),
	      /* Warn if the e prefix on a general reg is missing.  */
	      else if ((!quiet_warnings || flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
		       && (i.types[op] & Reg16) != 0
		       && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg32|Acc)) != 0)
		  /* Prohibit these changes in the 64bit mode, since
		     the lowering is more complicated.  */
		  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
		    as_bad (_("Incorrect register `%%%s' used with`%c' suffix"),
		    as_warn (_("using `%%%s' instead of `%%%s' due to `%c' suffix"),
			     (i.op[op].regs + REGNAM_EAX - REGNAM_AX)->reg_name,
	      /* Warn if the r prefix on a general reg is missing.  */
	      else if ((i.types[op] & Reg64) != 0
		       && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg32|Acc)) != 0)
		  as_bad (_("Incorrect register `%%%s' used with`%c' suffix"),
	else if (i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	    int op;

	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0; )
	      /* Reject eight bit registers, except where the template
		 requires them. (eg. movzb)  */
	      if ((i.types[op] & Reg8) != 0
		  && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg16|Reg32|Acc)) != 0)
		  as_bad (_("`%%%s' not allowed with `%s%c'"),
	      /* Warn if the e prefix on a general reg is missing.  */
	      else if (((i.types[op] & Reg16) != 0
		        || (i.types[op] & Reg32) != 0)
		       && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg32|Acc)) != 0)
		  /* Prohibit these changes in the 64bit mode, since
		     the lowering is more complicated.  */
		  as_bad (_("Incorrect register `%%%s' used with`%c' suffix"),
	else if (i.suffix == WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	    int op;
	    for (op = i.operands; --op >= 0;)
	      /* Reject eight bit registers, except where the template
		 requires them. (eg. movzb)  */
	      if ((i.types[op] & Reg8) != 0
		  && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg16|Reg32|Acc)) != 0)
		  as_bad (_("`%%%s' not allowed with `%s%c'"),
	      /* Warn if the e prefix on a general reg is present.  */
	      else if ((!quiet_warnings || flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
		       && (i.types[op] & Reg32) != 0
		       && (i.tm.operand_types[op] & (Reg16|Acc)) != 0)
		  /* Prohibit these changes in the 64bit mode, since
		     the lowering is more complicated.  */
		  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
		    as_bad (_("Incorrect register `%%%s' used with`%c' suffix"),
		    as_warn (_("using `%%%s' instead of `%%%s' due to `%c' suffix"),
			     (i.op[op].regs + REGNAM_AX - REGNAM_EAX)->reg_name,
	else if (intel_syntax && (i.tm.opcode_modifier & IgnoreSize))
	  /* Do nothing if the instruction is going to ignore the prefix.  */
	  abort ();
    else if ((i.tm.opcode_modifier & DefaultSize) && !i.suffix)
	i.suffix = stackop_size;
    /* Make still unresolved immediate matches conform to size of immediate
       given in i.suffix.  Note: overlap2 cannot be an immediate!  */
    if ((overlap0 & (Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S))
	&& overlap0 != Imm8 && overlap0 != Imm8S
	&& overlap0 != Imm16 && overlap0 != Imm32S
	&& overlap0 != Imm32 && overlap0 != Imm64)
	if (i.suffix)
	    overlap0 &= (i.suffix == BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX ? (Imm8 | Imm8S) :
			(i.suffix == WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX ? Imm16 :
			(i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX ? Imm64 | Imm32S : Imm32)));
	else if (overlap0 == (Imm16 | Imm32S | Imm32)
		 || overlap0 == (Imm16 | Imm32)
		 || overlap0 == (Imm16 | Imm32S))
	    overlap0 =
	      ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX] != 0)) ? Imm16 : Imm32S;
	if (overlap0 != Imm8 && overlap0 != Imm8S
	    && overlap0 != Imm16 && overlap0 != Imm32S
	    && overlap0 != Imm32 && overlap0 != Imm64)
	    as_bad (_("no instruction mnemonic suffix given; can't determine immediate size"));
    if ((overlap1 & (Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm32S | Imm32))
	&& overlap1 != Imm8 && overlap1 != Imm8S
	&& overlap1 != Imm16 && overlap1 != Imm32S
	&& overlap1 != Imm32 && overlap1 != Imm64)
	if (i.suffix)
	    overlap1 &= (i.suffix == BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX ? (Imm8 | Imm8S) :
			(i.suffix == WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX ? Imm16 :
			(i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX ? Imm64 | Imm32S : Imm32)));
	else if (overlap1 == (Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S)
		 || overlap1 == (Imm16 | Imm32)
		 || overlap1 == (Imm16 | Imm32S))
	    overlap1 =
	      ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX] != 0)) ? Imm16 : Imm32S;
	if (overlap1 != Imm8 && overlap1 != Imm8S
	    && overlap1 != Imm16 && overlap1 != Imm32S
	    && overlap1 != Imm32 && overlap1 != Imm64)
	    as_bad (_("no instruction mnemonic suffix given; can't determine immediate size %x %c"),overlap1, i.suffix);
    assert ((overlap2 & Imm) == 0);

    i.types[0] = overlap0;
    if (overlap0 & ImplicitRegister)
    if (overlap0 & Imm1)
      i.imm_operands = 0;	/* kludge for shift insns.  */

    i.types[1] = overlap1;
    if (overlap1 & ImplicitRegister)

    i.types[2] = overlap2;
    if (overlap2 & ImplicitRegister)

    /* Finalize opcode.  First, we change the opcode based on the operand
       size given by i.suffix:  We need not change things for byte insns.  */

    if (!i.suffix && (i.tm.opcode_modifier & W))
	as_bad (_("no instruction mnemonic suffix given and no register operands; can't size instruction"));

    /* For movzx and movsx, need to check the register type.  */
    if (intel_syntax
	&& (i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfb6 || i.tm.base_opcode == 0xfbe))
      if (i.suffix && i.suffix == BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	  unsigned int prefix = DATA_PREFIX_OPCODE;

	  if ((i.op[1].regs->reg_type & Reg16) != 0)
	    if (!add_prefix (prefix))

    if (i.suffix && i.suffix != BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	/* It's not a byte, select word/dword operation.  */
	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & W)
	    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & ShortForm)
	      i.tm.base_opcode |= 8;
	      i.tm.base_opcode |= 1;
	/* Now select between word & dword operations via the operand
	   size prefix, except for instructions that will ignore this
	   prefix anyway.  */
	if (i.suffix != QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX
	    && (i.suffix == LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX) == (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)
	    && !(i.tm.opcode_modifier & IgnoreSize))
	    unsigned int prefix = DATA_PREFIX_OPCODE;
	    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & JumpByte) /* jcxz, loop */
	      prefix = ADDR_PREFIX_OPCODE;

	    if (! add_prefix (prefix))

	/* Set mode64 for an operand.  */
	if (i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX
	    && !(i.tm.opcode_modifier & NoRex64))
	    i.rex.mode64 = 1;
	    if (flag_code < CODE_64BIT)
		as_bad (_("64bit operations available only in 64bit modes."));

	/* Size floating point instruction.  */
	if (i.suffix == LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX)
	    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & FloatMF)
	      i.tm.base_opcode ^= 4;

    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & ImmExt)
	/* These AMD 3DNow! and Intel Katmai New Instructions have an
	   opcode suffix which is coded in the same place as an 8-bit
	   immediate field would be.  Here we fake an 8-bit immediate
	   operand from the opcode suffix stored in tm.extension_opcode.  */

	expressionS *exp;

	assert (i.imm_operands == 0 && i.operands <= 2 && 2 < MAX_OPERANDS);

	exp = &im_expressions[i.imm_operands++];
	i.op[i.operands].imms = exp;
	i.types[i.operands++] = Imm8;
	exp->X_op = O_constant;
	exp->X_add_number = i.tm.extension_opcode;
	i.tm.extension_opcode = None;

    /* For insns with operands there are more diddles to do to the opcode.  */
    if (i.operands)
	/* Default segment register this instruction will use
	   for memory accesses.  0 means unknown.
	   This is only for optimizing out unnecessary segment overrides.  */
	const seg_entry *default_seg = 0;

	/* The imul $imm, %reg instruction is converted into
	   imul $imm, %reg, %reg, and the clr %reg instruction
	   is converted into xor %reg, %reg.  */
	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & regKludge)
	    unsigned int first_reg_op = (i.types[0] & Reg) ? 0 : 1;
	    /* Pretend we saw the extra register operand.  */
	    assert (i.op[first_reg_op + 1].regs == 0);
	    i.op[first_reg_op + 1].regs = i.op[first_reg_op].regs;
	    i.types[first_reg_op + 1] = i.types[first_reg_op];
	    i.reg_operands = 2;

	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & ShortForm)
	    /* The register or float register operand is in operand 0 or 1.  */
	    unsigned int op = (i.types[0] & (Reg | FloatReg)) ? 0 : 1;
	    /* Register goes in low 3 bits of opcode.  */
	    i.tm.base_opcode |= i.op[op].regs->reg_num;
	    if (i.op[op].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
	      i.rex.extZ = 1;
	    if (!quiet_warnings && (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Ugh) != 0)
		/* Warn about some common errors, but press on regardless.
		   The first case can be generated by gcc (<= 2.8.1).  */
		if (i.operands == 2)
		    /* Reversed arguments on faddp, fsubp, etc.  */
		    as_warn (_("translating to `%s %%%s,%%%s'"), i.tm.name,
		    /* Extraneous `l' suffix on fp insn.  */
		    as_warn (_("translating to `%s %%%s'"), i.tm.name,
	else if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Modrm)
	    /* The opcode is completed (modulo i.tm.extension_opcode which
	       must be put into the modrm byte).
	       Now, we make the modrm & index base bytes based on all the
	       info we've collected.  */

	    /* i.reg_operands MUST be the number of real register operands;
	       implicit registers do not count.  */
	    if (i.reg_operands == 2)
		unsigned int source, dest;
		source = ((i.types[0]
			   & (Reg | RegMMX | RegXMM
			      | SReg2 | SReg3
			      | Control | Debug | Test))
			  ? 0 : 1);
		dest = source + 1;

		i.rm.mode = 3;
		/* One of the register operands will be encoded in the
		   i.tm.reg field, the other in the combined i.tm.mode
		   and i.tm.regmem fields.  If no form of this
		   instruction supports a memory destination operand,
		   then we assume the source operand may sometimes be
		   a memory operand and so we need to store the
		   destination in the i.rm.reg field.  */
		if ((i.tm.operand_types[dest] & AnyMem) == 0)
		    i.rm.reg = i.op[dest].regs->reg_num;
		    i.rm.regmem = i.op[source].regs->reg_num;
		    if (i.op[dest].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
		      i.rex.extX = 1;
		    if (i.op[source].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
		      i.rex.extZ = 1;
		    i.rm.reg = i.op[source].regs->reg_num;
		    i.rm.regmem = i.op[dest].regs->reg_num;
		    if (i.op[dest].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
		      i.rex.extZ = 1;
		    if (i.op[source].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
		      i.rex.extX = 1;
	      {			/* If it's not 2 reg operands...  */
		if (i.mem_operands)
		    unsigned int fake_zero_displacement = 0;
		    unsigned int op = ((i.types[0] & AnyMem)
				       ? 0
				       : (i.types[1] & AnyMem) ? 1 : 2);

		    default_seg = &ds;

		    if (! i.base_reg)
			i.rm.mode = 0;
			if (! i.disp_operands)
			  fake_zero_displacement = 1;
			if (! i.index_reg)
			    /* Operand is just <disp>  */
			    if ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[ADDR_PREFIX] != 0))
				i.rm.regmem = NO_BASE_REGISTER_16;
				i.types[op] &= ~Disp;
				i.types[op] |= Disp16;
			    else if (flag_code != CODE_64BIT)
				i.rm.regmem = NO_BASE_REGISTER;
				i.types[op] &= ~Disp;
				i.types[op] |= Disp32;
			        /* 64bit mode overwrites the 32bit
				   absolute addressing by RIP relative
				   addressing and absolute addressing
				   is encoded by one of the redundant
				   SIB forms.  */

				i.sib.base = NO_BASE_REGISTER;
				i.sib.index = NO_INDEX_REGISTER;
				i.types[op] &= ~Disp;
				i.types[op] |= Disp32S;
			else /* ! i.base_reg && i.index_reg  */
			    i.sib.index = i.index_reg->reg_num;
			    i.sib.base = NO_BASE_REGISTER;
			    i.sib.scale = i.log2_scale_factor;
			    i.rm.regmem = ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING;
			    i.types[op] &= ~Disp;
			    if (flag_code != CODE_64BIT)
			      i.types[op] |= Disp32;	/* Must be 32 bit */
			      i.types[op] |= Disp32S;
			    if (i.index_reg->reg_flags & RegRex)
			      i.rex.extY = 1;
		    /* RIP addressing for 64bit mode.  */
		    else if (i.base_reg->reg_type == BaseIndex)
			i.rm.regmem = NO_BASE_REGISTER;
			i.types[op] &= ~Disp;
			i.types[op] |= Disp32S;
			i.flags[op] = Operand_PCrel;
		    else if (i.base_reg->reg_type & Reg16)
			switch (i.base_reg->reg_num)
			  case 3: /* (%bx)  */
			    if (! i.index_reg)
			      i.rm.regmem = 7;
			    else /* (%bx,%si) -> 0, or (%bx,%di) -> 1  */
			      i.rm.regmem = i.index_reg->reg_num - 6;
			  case 5: /* (%bp)  */
			    default_seg = &ss;
			    if (! i.index_reg)
				i.rm.regmem = 6;
				if ((i.types[op] & Disp) == 0)
				    /* fake (%bp) into 0(%bp)  */
				    i.types[op] |= Disp8;
				    fake_zero_displacement = 1;
			    else /* (%bp,%si) -> 2, or (%bp,%di) -> 3  */
			      i.rm.regmem = i.index_reg->reg_num - 6 + 2;
			  default: /* (%si) -> 4 or (%di) -> 5  */
			    i.rm.regmem = i.base_reg->reg_num - 6 + 4;
			i.rm.mode = mode_from_disp_size (i.types[op]);
		    else /* i.base_reg and 32/64 bit mode  */
			if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT
			    && (i.types[op] & Disp))
			    if (i.types[op] & Disp8)
			      i.types[op] = Disp8 | Disp32S;
			      i.types[op] = Disp32S;
			i.rm.regmem = i.base_reg->reg_num;
			if (i.base_reg->reg_flags & RegRex)
			  i.rex.extZ = 1;
			i.sib.base = i.base_reg->reg_num;
			/* x86-64 ignores REX prefix bit here to avoid
			   decoder complications.  */
			if ((i.base_reg->reg_num & 7) == EBP_REG_NUM)
			    default_seg = &ss;
			    if (i.disp_operands == 0)
				fake_zero_displacement = 1;
				i.types[op] |= Disp8;
			else if (i.base_reg->reg_num == ESP_REG_NUM)
			    default_seg = &ss;
			i.sib.scale = i.log2_scale_factor;
			if (! i.index_reg)
			    /* <disp>(%esp) becomes two byte modrm
			       with no index register.  We've already
			       stored the code for esp in i.rm.regmem
			       base register besides %esp will not use
			       the extra modrm byte.  */
			    i.sib.index = NO_INDEX_REGISTER;
			    /* Another case where we force the second
			       modrm byte.  */
			    if (i.log2_scale_factor)
			      i.rm.regmem = ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING;
			    i.sib.index = i.index_reg->reg_num;
			    i.rm.regmem = ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING;
			    if (i.index_reg->reg_flags & RegRex)
			      i.rex.extY = 1;
			i.rm.mode = mode_from_disp_size (i.types[op]);

		    if (fake_zero_displacement)
			/* Fakes a zero displacement assuming that i.types[op]
			   holds the correct displacement size.  */
			expressionS *exp;

			assert (i.op[op].disps == 0);
			exp = &disp_expressions[i.disp_operands++];
			i.op[op].disps = exp;
			exp->X_op = O_constant;
			exp->X_add_number = 0;
			exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
			exp->X_op_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;

		/* Fill in i.rm.reg or i.rm.regmem field with register
		   operand (if any) based on i.tm.extension_opcode.
		   Again, we must be careful to make sure that
		   segment/control/debug/test/MMX registers are coded
		   into the i.rm.reg field.  */
		if (i.reg_operands)
		    unsigned int op =
			& (Reg | RegMMX | RegXMM
			   | SReg2 | SReg3
			   | Control | Debug | Test))
		       ? 0
		       : ((i.types[1]
			   & (Reg | RegMMX | RegXMM
			      | SReg2 | SReg3
			      | Control | Debug | Test))
			  ? 1
			  : 2));
		    /* If there is an extension opcode to put here, the
		       register number must be put into the regmem field.  */
		    if (i.tm.extension_opcode != None)
			i.rm.regmem = i.op[op].regs->reg_num;
			if (i.op[op].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
			  i.rex.extZ = 1;
			i.rm.reg = i.op[op].regs->reg_num;
			if (i.op[op].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
			  i.rex.extX = 1;

		    /* Now, if no memory operand has set i.rm.mode = 0, 1, 2
		       we must set it to 3 to indicate this is a register
		       operand in the regmem field.  */
		    if (!i.mem_operands)
		      i.rm.mode = 3;

		/* Fill in i.rm.reg field with extension opcode (if any).  */
		if (i.tm.extension_opcode != None)
		  i.rm.reg = i.tm.extension_opcode;
	else if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & (Seg2ShortForm | Seg3ShortForm))
	    if (i.tm.base_opcode == POP_SEG_SHORT
		&& i.op[0].regs->reg_num == 1)
		as_bad (_("you can't `pop %%cs'"));
	    i.tm.base_opcode |= (i.op[0].regs->reg_num << 3);
	    if (i.op[0].regs->reg_flags & RegRex)
	      i.rex.extZ = 1;
	else if ((i.tm.base_opcode & ~(D|W)) == MOV_AX_DISP32)
	    default_seg = &ds;
	else if ((i.tm.opcode_modifier & IsString) != 0)
	    /* For the string instructions that allow a segment override
	       on one of their operands, the default segment is ds.  */
	    default_seg = &ds;

	/* If a segment was explicitly specified,
	   and the specified segment is not the default,
	   use an opcode prefix to select it.
	   If we never figured out what the default segment is,
	   then default_seg will be zero at this point,
	   and the specified segment prefix will always be used.  */
	if ((i.seg[0]) && (i.seg[0] != default_seg))
	    if (! add_prefix (i.seg[0]->seg_prefix))
    else if (!quiet_warnings && (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Ugh) != 0)
	/* UnixWare fsub no args is alias for fsubp, fadd -> faddp, etc.  */
	as_warn (_("translating to `%sp'"), i.tm.name);

  /* Handle conversion of 'int $3' --> special int3 insn.  */
  if (i.tm.base_opcode == INT_OPCODE && i.op[0].imms->X_add_number == 3)
      i.tm.base_opcode = INT3_OPCODE;
      i.imm_operands = 0;

  if ((i.tm.opcode_modifier & (Jump | JumpByte | JumpDword))
      && i.op[0].disps->X_op == O_constant)
      /* Convert "jmp constant" (and "call constant") to a jump (call) to
	 the absolute address given by the constant.  Since ix86 jumps and
	 calls are pc relative, we need to generate a reloc.  */
      i.op[0].disps->X_add_symbol = &abs_symbol;
      i.op[0].disps->X_op = O_symbol;

  if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Rex64)
    i.rex.mode64 = 1;

  /* For 8bit registers we would need an empty rex prefix.
     Also in the case instruction is already having prefix,
     we need to convert old registers to new ones.  */

  if (((i.types[0] & Reg8) && (i.op[0].regs->reg_flags & RegRex64))
      || ((i.types[1] & Reg8) && (i.op[1].regs->reg_flags & RegRex64))
      || ((i.rex.mode64 || i.rex.extX || i.rex.extY || i.rex.extZ || i.rex.empty)
	  && ((i.types[0] & Reg8) || (i.types[1] & Reg8))))
      int x;
      i.rex.empty = 1;
      for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
	  /* Look for 8bit operand that does use old registers.  */
	  if (i.types[x] & Reg8
	      && !(i.op[x].regs->reg_flags & RegRex64))
	      /* In case it is "hi" register, give up.  */
	      if (i.op[x].regs->reg_num > 3)
		as_bad (_("Can't encode registers '%%%s' in the instruction requiring REX prefix.\n"),

	      /* Otherwise it is equivalent to the extended register.
	         Since the encoding don't change this is merely cosmetical
	         cleanup for debug output.  */

	      i.op[x].regs = i.op[x].regs + 8;

  if (i.rex.mode64 || i.rex.extX || i.rex.extY || i.rex.extZ || i.rex.empty)
    add_prefix (0x40
		| (i.rex.mode64 ? 8 : 0)
		| (i.rex.extX ? 4 : 0)
		| (i.rex.extY ? 2 : 0)
		| (i.rex.extZ ? 1 : 0));

  /* We are ready to output the insn.  */
    register char *p;

    /* Tie dwarf2 debug info to the address at the start of the insn.
       We can't do this after the insn has been output as the current
       frag may have been closed off.  eg. by frag_var.  */
    dwarf2_emit_insn (0);

    /* Output jumps.  */
    if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Jump)
	int code16;
	int prefix;
	relax_substateT subtype;
	symbolS *sym;
	offsetT off;

	code16 = 0;
	if (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)
	  code16 = CODE16;

	prefix = 0;
	if (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX])
	    prefix = 1;
	    i.prefixes -= 1;
	    code16 ^= CODE16;
	/* Pentium4 branch hints.  */
	if (i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX] == CS_PREFIX_OPCODE /* not taken */
	    || i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX] == DS_PREFIX_OPCODE /* taken */)
	if (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX])

	if (i.prefixes != 0 && !intel_syntax)
	  as_warn (_("skipping prefixes on this instruction"));

	/* It's always a symbol;  End frag & setup for relax.
	   Make sure there is enough room in this frag for the largest
	   instruction we may generate in md_convert_frag.  This is 2
	   bytes for the opcode and room for the prefix and largest
	   displacement.  */
	frag_grow (prefix + 2 + 4);
	/* Prefix and 1 opcode byte go in fr_fix.  */
	p = frag_more (prefix + 1);
	if (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX])
	    || i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX] == DS_PREFIX_OPCODE)
	  *p++ = i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX];
	if (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX])
	  *p++ = i.prefix[REX_PREFIX];
	*p = i.tm.base_opcode;

	if ((unsigned char) *p == JUMP_PC_RELATIVE)
	else if ((cpu_arch_flags & Cpu386) != 0)
	subtype |= code16;

	sym = i.op[0].disps->X_add_symbol;
	off = i.op[0].disps->X_add_number;

	if (i.op[0].disps->X_op != O_constant
	    && i.op[0].disps->X_op != O_symbol)
	    /* Handle complex expressions.  */
	    sym = make_expr_symbol (i.op[0].disps);
	    off = 0;

	/* 1 possible extra opcode + 4 byte displacement go in var part.
	   Pass reloc in fr_var.  */
	frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 5, i.reloc[0], subtype, sym, off, p);
    else if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & (JumpByte | JumpDword))
	int size;

	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & JumpByte)
	    /* This is a loop or jecxz type instruction.  */
	    size = 1;
	    if (i.prefix[ADDR_PREFIX])
		i.prefixes -= 1;
	    /* Pentium4 branch hints.  */
	    if (i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX] == CS_PREFIX_OPCODE /* not taken */
		|| i.prefix[SEG_PREFIX] == DS_PREFIX_OPCODE /* taken */)
	    int code16;

	    code16 = 0;
	    if (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)
	      code16 = CODE16;

	    if (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX])
		i.prefixes -= 1;
		code16 ^= CODE16;

	    size = 4;
	    if (code16)
	      size = 2;

	if (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX])
	    FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX]);
	    i.prefixes -= 1;

	if (i.prefixes != 0 && !intel_syntax)
	  as_warn (_("skipping prefixes on this instruction"));

	p = frag_more (1 + size);
	*p++ = i.tm.base_opcode;

	fix_new_exp (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
		     i.op[0].disps, 1, reloc (size, 1, 1, i.reloc[0]));
    else if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & JumpInterSegment)
	int size;
	int prefix;
	int code16;

	code16 = 0;
	if (flag_code == CODE_16BIT)
	  code16 = CODE16;

	prefix = 0;
	if (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX])
	    prefix = 1;
	    i.prefixes -= 1;
	    code16 ^= CODE16;
	if (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX])
	    i.prefixes -= 1;

	size = 4;
	if (code16)
	  size = 2;

	if (i.prefixes != 0 && !intel_syntax)
	  as_warn (_("skipping prefixes on this instruction"));

	/* 1 opcode; 2 segment; offset  */
	p = frag_more (prefix + 1 + 2 + size);

	if (i.prefix[DATA_PREFIX])

	if (i.prefix[REX_PREFIX])
	  *p++ = i.prefix[REX_PREFIX];

	*p++ = i.tm.base_opcode;
	if (i.op[1].imms->X_op == O_constant)
	    offsetT n = i.op[1].imms->X_add_number;

	    if (size == 2
		&& !fits_in_unsigned_word (n)
		&& !fits_in_signed_word (n))
		as_bad (_("16-bit jump out of range"));
	    md_number_to_chars (p, n, size);
	  fix_new_exp (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
		       i.op[1].imms, 0, reloc (size, 0, 0, i.reloc[1]));
	if (i.op[0].imms->X_op != O_constant)
	  as_bad (_("can't handle non absolute segment in `%s'"),
	md_number_to_chars (p + size, (valueT) i.op[0].imms->X_add_number, 2);
	/* Output normal instructions here.  */
	unsigned char *q;

	/* All opcodes on i386 have eighter 1 or 2 bytes.  We may use third
	   byte for the SSE instructions to specify prefix they require.  */
	if (i.tm.base_opcode & 0xff0000)
	  add_prefix ((i.tm.base_opcode >> 16) & 0xff);

	/* The prefix bytes.  */
	for (q = i.prefix;
	     q < i.prefix + sizeof (i.prefix) / sizeof (i.prefix[0]);
	    if (*q)
		p = frag_more (1);
		md_number_to_chars (p, (valueT) *q, 1);

	/* Now the opcode; be careful about word order here!  */
	if (fits_in_unsigned_byte (i.tm.base_opcode))
	    FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (i.tm.base_opcode);
	    p = frag_more (2);
	    /* Put out high byte first: can't use md_number_to_chars!  */
	    *p++ = (i.tm.base_opcode >> 8) & 0xff;
	    *p = i.tm.base_opcode & 0xff;

	/* Now the modrm byte and sib byte (if present).  */
	if (i.tm.opcode_modifier & Modrm)
	    p = frag_more (1);
	    md_number_to_chars (p,
				(valueT) (i.rm.regmem << 0
					  | i.rm.reg << 3
					  | i.rm.mode << 6),
	    /* If i.rm.regmem == ESP (4)
	       && i.rm.mode != (Register mode)
	       && not 16 bit
	       ==> need second modrm byte.  */
	    if (i.rm.regmem == ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING
		&& i.rm.mode != 3
		&& !(i.base_reg && (i.base_reg->reg_type & Reg16) != 0))
		p = frag_more (1);
		md_number_to_chars (p,
				    (valueT) (i.sib.base << 0
					      | i.sib.index << 3
					      | i.sib.scale << 6),

	if (i.disp_operands)
	    register unsigned int n;

	    for (n = 0; n < i.operands; n++)
		if (i.types[n] & Disp)
		    if (i.op[n].disps->X_op == O_constant)
			int size;
			offsetT val;

			size = 4;
			if (i.types[n] & (Disp8 | Disp16 | Disp64))
			    size = 2;
			    if (i.types[n] & Disp8)
			      size = 1;
			    if (i.types[n] & Disp64)
			      size = 8;
			val = offset_in_range (i.op[n].disps->X_add_number,
			p = frag_more (size);
			md_number_to_chars (p, val, size);
			int size = 4;
			int sign = 0;
			int pcrel = (i.flags[n] & Operand_PCrel) != 0;

			/* The PC relative address is computed relative
			   to the instruction boundary, so in case immediate
			   fields follows, we need to adjust the value.  */
			if (pcrel && i.imm_operands)
			    int imm_size = 4;
			    register unsigned int n1;

			    for (n1 = 0; n1 < i.operands; n1++)
			      if (i.types[n1] & Imm)
				  if (i.types[n1] & (Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm64))
				      imm_size = 2;
				      if (i.types[n1] & (Imm8 | Imm8S))
					imm_size = 1;
				      if (i.types[n1] & Imm64)
					imm_size = 8;
			    /* We should find the immediate.  */
			    if (n1 == i.operands)
			      abort ();
			    i.op[n].disps->X_add_number -= imm_size;

			if (i.types[n] & Disp32S)
			  sign = 1;

			if (i.types[n] & (Disp16 | Disp64))
			    size = 2;
			    if (i.types[n] & Disp64)
			      size = 8;

			p = frag_more (size);
			fix_new_exp (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
				     i.op[n].disps, pcrel,
				     reloc (size, pcrel, sign, i.reloc[n]));

	/* Output immediate.  */
	if (i.imm_operands)
	    register unsigned int n;

	    for (n = 0; n < i.operands; n++)
		if (i.types[n] & Imm)
		    if (i.op[n].imms->X_op == O_constant)
			int size;
			offsetT val;

			size = 4;
			if (i.types[n] & (Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm64))
			    size = 2;
			    if (i.types[n] & (Imm8 | Imm8S))
			      size = 1;
			    else if (i.types[n] & Imm64)
			      size = 8;
			val = offset_in_range (i.op[n].imms->X_add_number,
			p = frag_more (size);
			md_number_to_chars (p, val, size);
			/* Not absolute_section.
			   Need a 32-bit fixup (don't support 8bit
			   non-absolute imms).  Try to support other
			   sizes ...  */
			RELOC_ENUM reloc_type;
			int size = 4;
			int sign = 0;

			if ((i.types[n] & (Imm32S))
			    && i.suffix == QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX)
			  sign = 1;
			if (i.types[n] & (Imm8 | Imm8S | Imm16 | Imm64))
			    size = 2;
			    if (i.types[n] & (Imm8 | Imm8S))
			      size = 1;
			    if (i.types[n] & Imm64)
			      size = 8;

			p = frag_more (size);
			reloc_type = reloc (size, 0, sign, i.reloc[n]);
			if (reloc_type == BFD_RELOC_32
			    && GOT_symbol
			    && GOT_symbol == i.op[n].imms->X_add_symbol
			    && (i.op[n].imms->X_op == O_symbol
				|| (i.op[n].imms->X_op == O_add
				    && ((symbol_get_value_expression
					== O_subtract))))
			    /* We don't support dynamic linking on x86-64 yet.  */
			    if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
			      abort ();
			    reloc_type = BFD_RELOC_386_GOTPC;
			    i.op[n].imms->X_add_number += 3;
			fix_new_exp (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
				     i.op[n].imms, 0, reloc_type);

#ifdef DEBUG386
    if (flag_debug)
	pi (line, &i);
#endif /* DEBUG386  */
#ifndef LEX_AT
static char *lex_got PARAMS ((RELOC_ENUM *, int *));

/* Parse operands of the form
   and similar .plt or .got references.

   If we find one, set up the correct relocation in RELOC and copy the
   input string, minus the `@GOTOFF' into a malloc'd buffer for
   parsing by the calling routine.  Return this buffer, and if ADJUST
   is non-null set it to the length of the string we removed from the
   input line.  Otherwise return NULL.  */
static char *
lex_got (reloc, adjust)
     RELOC_ENUM *reloc;
     int *adjust;
  static const char * const mode_name[NUM_FLAG_CODE] = { "32", "16", "64" };
  static const struct {
    const char *str;
    const RELOC_ENUM rel[NUM_FLAG_CODE];
  } gotrel[] = {
    { "PLT",      { BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32,  0, BFD_RELOC_X86_64_PLT32    } },
    { "GOTOFF",   { BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF, 0, 0                         } },
    { "GOTPCREL", { 0,                    0, BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL } },
    { "GOT",      { BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32,  0, BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOT32    } }
  char *cp;
  unsigned int j;

  for (cp = input_line_pointer; *cp != '@'; cp++)
    if (is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) *cp])
      return NULL;

  for (j = 0; j < sizeof (gotrel) / sizeof (gotrel[0]); j++)
      int len;

      len = strlen (gotrel[j].str);
      if (strncasecmp (cp + 1, gotrel[j].str, len) == 0)
	  if (gotrel[j].rel[(unsigned int) flag_code] != 0)
	      int first, second;
	      char *tmpbuf, *past_reloc;

	      *reloc = gotrel[j].rel[(unsigned int) flag_code];
	      if (adjust)
		*adjust = len;

	      if (GOT_symbol == NULL)
		GOT_symbol = symbol_find_or_make (GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME);

	      /* Replace the relocation token with ' ', so that
		 errors like foo@GOTOFF1 will be detected.  */

	      /* The length of the first part of our input line.  */
	      first = cp - input_line_pointer;

	      /* The second part goes from after the reloc token until
		 (and including) an end_of_line char.  Don't use strlen
		 here as the end_of_line char may not be a NUL.  */
	      past_reloc = cp + 1 + len;
	      for (cp = past_reloc; !is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) *cp++]; )
	      second = cp - past_reloc;

	      /* Allocate and copy string.  The trailing NUL shouldn't
		 be necessary, but be safe.  */
	      tmpbuf = xmalloc (first + second + 2);
	      memcpy (tmpbuf, input_line_pointer, first);
	      tmpbuf[first] = ' ';
	      memcpy (tmpbuf + first + 1, past_reloc, second);
	      tmpbuf[first + second + 1] = '\0';
	      return tmpbuf;

	  as_bad (_("@%s reloc is not supported in %s bit mode"),
		  gotrel[j].str, mode_name[(unsigned int) flag_code]);
	  return NULL;

  /* Might be a symbol version string.  Don't as_bad here.  */
  return NULL;

/* x86_cons_fix_new is called via the expression parsing code when a
   reloc is needed.  We use this hook to get the correct .got reloc.  */
static RELOC_ENUM got_reloc = NO_RELOC;

x86_cons_fix_new (frag, off, len, exp)
     fragS *frag;
     unsigned int off;
     unsigned int len;
     expressionS *exp;
  RELOC_ENUM r = reloc (len, 0, 0, got_reloc);
  got_reloc = NO_RELOC;
  fix_new_exp (frag, off, len, exp, 0, r);

x86_cons (exp, size)
     expressionS *exp;
     int size;
  if (size == 4)
      /* Handle @GOTOFF and the like in an expression.  */
      char *save;
      char *gotfree_input_line;
      int adjust;

      save = input_line_pointer;
      gotfree_input_line = lex_got (&got_reloc, &adjust);
      if (gotfree_input_line)
	input_line_pointer = gotfree_input_line;

      expression (exp);

      if (gotfree_input_line)
	  /* expression () has merrily parsed up to the end of line,
	     or a comma - in the wrong buffer.  Transfer how far
	     input_line_pointer has moved to the right buffer.  */
	  input_line_pointer = (save
				+ (input_line_pointer - gotfree_input_line)
				+ adjust);
	  free (gotfree_input_line);
    expression (exp);

static int i386_immediate PARAMS ((char *));

static int
i386_immediate (imm_start)
     char *imm_start;
  char *save_input_line_pointer;
#ifndef LEX_AT
  char *gotfree_input_line;
  segT exp_seg = 0;
  expressionS *exp;

  if (i.imm_operands == MAX_IMMEDIATE_OPERANDS)
      as_bad (_("only 1 or 2 immediate operands are allowed"));
      return 0;

  exp = &im_expressions[i.imm_operands++];
  i.op[this_operand].imms = exp;

  if (is_space_char (*imm_start))

  save_input_line_pointer = input_line_pointer;
  input_line_pointer = imm_start;

#ifndef LEX_AT
  gotfree_input_line = lex_got (&i.reloc[this_operand], NULL);
  if (gotfree_input_line)
    input_line_pointer = gotfree_input_line;

  exp_seg = expression (exp);

  if (*input_line_pointer)
    as_bad (_("junk `%s' after expression"), input_line_pointer);

  input_line_pointer = save_input_line_pointer;
#ifndef LEX_AT
  if (gotfree_input_line)
    free (gotfree_input_line);

  if (exp->X_op == O_absent || exp->X_op == O_big)
      /* Missing or bad expr becomes absolute 0.  */
      as_bad (_("missing or invalid immediate expression `%s' taken as 0"),
      exp->X_op = O_constant;
      exp->X_add_number = 0;
      exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
      exp->X_op_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
  else if (exp->X_op == O_constant)
      /* Size it properly later.  */
      i.types[this_operand] |= Imm64;
      /* If BFD64, sign extend val.  */
      if (!use_rela_relocations)
	if ((exp->X_add_number & ~(((addressT) 2 << 31) - 1)) == 0)
	  exp->X_add_number = (exp->X_add_number ^ ((addressT) 1 << 31)) - ((addressT) 1 << 31);
#if (defined (OBJ_AOUT) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_AOUT))
  else if (1
	   && OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_aout_flavour
	   && exp_seg != text_section
	   && exp_seg != data_section
	   && exp_seg != bss_section
	   && exp_seg != undefined_section
	   && !bfd_is_com_section (exp_seg)
      as_bad (_("unimplemented segment %s in operand"), exp_seg->name);
      as_bad (_("unimplemented segment type %d in operand"), exp_seg);
      return 0;
      /* This is an address.  The size of the address will be
	 determined later, depending on destination register,
	 suffix, or the default for the section.  */
      i.types[this_operand] |= Imm8 | Imm16 | Imm32 | Imm32S | Imm64;

  return 1;

static char *i386_scale PARAMS ((char *));

static char *
i386_scale (scale)
     char *scale;
  offsetT val;
  char *save = input_line_pointer;

  input_line_pointer = scale;
  val = get_absolute_expression ();

  switch (val)
    case 0:
    case 1:
      i.log2_scale_factor = 0;
    case 2:
      i.log2_scale_factor = 1;
    case 4:
      i.log2_scale_factor = 2;
    case 8:
      i.log2_scale_factor = 3;
      as_bad (_("expecting scale factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8: got `%s'"),
      input_line_pointer = save;
      return NULL;
  if (i.log2_scale_factor != 0 && ! i.index_reg)
      as_warn (_("scale factor of %d without an index register"),
	       1 << i.log2_scale_factor);
      i.log2_scale_factor = 0;
  scale = input_line_pointer;
  input_line_pointer = save;
  return scale;

static int i386_displacement PARAMS ((char *, char *));

static int
i386_displacement (disp_start, disp_end)
     char *disp_start;
     char *disp_end;
  register expressionS *exp;
  segT exp_seg = 0;
  char *save_input_line_pointer;
#ifndef LEX_AT
  char *gotfree_input_line;
  int bigdisp = Disp32;

  if ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[ADDR_PREFIX] != 0))
    bigdisp = Disp16;
  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
    bigdisp = Disp64;
  i.types[this_operand] |= bigdisp;

  exp = &disp_expressions[i.disp_operands];
  i.op[this_operand].disps = exp;
  save_input_line_pointer = input_line_pointer;
  input_line_pointer = disp_start;
  END_STRING_AND_SAVE (disp_end);

#ifndef GCC_ASM_O_HACK
#define GCC_ASM_O_HACK 0
  END_STRING_AND_SAVE (disp_end + 1);
  if ((i.types[this_operand] & BaseIndex) != 0
      && displacement_string_end[-1] == '+')
      /* This hack is to avoid a warning when using the "o"
	 constraint within gcc asm statements.
	 For instance:

	 #define _set_tssldt_desc(n,addr,limit,type) \
	 __asm__ __volatile__ ( \
	 "movw %w2,%0\n\t" \
	 "movw %w1,2+%0\n\t" \
	 "rorl $16,%1\n\t" \
	 "movb %b1,4+%0\n\t" \
	 "movb %4,5+%0\n\t" \
	 "movb $0,6+%0\n\t" \
	 "movb %h1,7+%0\n\t" \
	 "rorl $16,%1" \
	 : "=o"(*(n)) : "q" (addr), "ri"(limit), "i"(type))

	 This works great except that the output assembler ends
	 up looking a bit weird if it turns out that there is
	 no offset.  You end up producing code that looks like:

	 movw $235,(%eax)
	 movw %dx,2+(%eax)
	 rorl $16,%edx
	 movb %dl,4+(%eax)
	 movb $137,5+(%eax)
	 movb $0,6+(%eax)
	 movb %dh,7+(%eax)
	 rorl $16,%edx

	 So here we provide the missing zero.  */

      *displacement_string_end = '0';
#ifndef LEX_AT
  gotfree_input_line = lex_got (&i.reloc[this_operand], NULL);
  if (gotfree_input_line)
    input_line_pointer = gotfree_input_line;

  exp_seg = expression (exp);

  if (*input_line_pointer)
    as_bad (_("junk `%s' after expression"), input_line_pointer);
  RESTORE_END_STRING (disp_end + 1);
  RESTORE_END_STRING (disp_end);
  input_line_pointer = save_input_line_pointer;
#ifndef LEX_AT
  if (gotfree_input_line)
    free (gotfree_input_line);

  /* We do this to make sure that the section symbol is in
     the symbol table.  We will ultimately change the relocation
     to be relative to the beginning of the section.  */
  if (i.reloc[this_operand] == BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF
      || i.reloc[this_operand] == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL)
      if (exp->X_op != O_symbol)
	  as_bad (_("bad expression used with @%s"),
		  (i.reloc[this_operand] == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL
		   ? "GOTPCREL"
		   : "GOTOFF"));
	  return 0;

      if (S_IS_LOCAL (exp->X_add_symbol)
	  && S_GET_SEGMENT (exp->X_add_symbol) != undefined_section)
	section_symbol (S_GET_SEGMENT (exp->X_add_symbol));
      exp->X_op = O_subtract;
      exp->X_op_symbol = GOT_symbol;
      if (i.reloc[this_operand] == BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL)
        i.reloc[this_operand] = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;
        i.reloc[this_operand] = BFD_RELOC_32;

  if (exp->X_op == O_absent || exp->X_op == O_big)
      /* Missing or bad expr becomes absolute 0.  */
      as_bad (_("missing or invalid displacement expression `%s' taken as 0"),
      exp->X_op = O_constant;
      exp->X_add_number = 0;
      exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
      exp->X_op_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;

#if (defined (OBJ_AOUT) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_AOUT))
  if (exp->X_op != O_constant
      && OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_aout_flavour
      && exp_seg != text_section
      && exp_seg != data_section
      && exp_seg != bss_section
      && exp_seg != undefined_section)
      as_bad (_("unimplemented segment %s in operand"), exp_seg->name);
      as_bad (_("unimplemented segment type %d in operand"), exp_seg);
      return 0;
  else if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
    i.types[this_operand] |= Disp32S | Disp32;
  return 1;

static int i386_index_check PARAMS ((const char *));

/* Make sure the memory operand we've been dealt is valid.
   Return 1 on success, 0 on a failure.  */

static int
i386_index_check (operand_string)
     const char *operand_string;
  int ok;
  int fudged = 0;

  ok = 1;
  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
      /* 64bit checks.  */
      if ((i.base_reg
	   && ((i.base_reg->reg_type & Reg64) == 0)
	       && (i.base_reg->reg_type != BaseIndex
		   || i.index_reg))
	  || (i.index_reg
	      && ((i.index_reg->reg_type & (Reg64|BaseIndex))
		  != (Reg64|BaseIndex))))
	ok = 0;
      if ((flag_code == CODE_16BIT) ^ (i.prefix[ADDR_PREFIX] != 0))
	  /* 16bit checks.  */
	  if ((i.base_reg
	       && ((i.base_reg->reg_type & (Reg16|BaseIndex|RegRex))
		   != (Reg16|BaseIndex)))
	      || (i.index_reg
		  && (((i.index_reg->reg_type & (Reg16|BaseIndex))
		       != (Reg16|BaseIndex))
		      || ! (i.base_reg
			    && i.base_reg->reg_num < 6
			    && i.index_reg->reg_num >= 6
			    && i.log2_scale_factor == 0))))
	    ok = 0;
	  /* 32bit checks.  */
	  if ((i.base_reg
	       && (i.base_reg->reg_type & (Reg32 | RegRex)) != Reg32)
	      || (i.index_reg
		  && ((i.index_reg->reg_type & (Reg32|BaseIndex|RegRex))
		      != (Reg32|BaseIndex))))
	    ok = 0;
  if (!ok)
      if (flag_code != CODE_64BIT
	  && i.prefix[ADDR_PREFIX] == 0 && stackop_size != '\0')
	  i.prefixes += 1;
	  /* Change the size of any displacement too.  At most one of
	     Disp16 or Disp32 is set.
	     FIXME.  There doesn't seem to be any real need for separate
	     Disp16 and Disp32 flags.  The same goes for Imm16 and Imm32.
	     Removing them would probably clean up the code quite a lot.  */
	  if (i.types[this_operand] & (Disp16|Disp32))
	     i.types[this_operand] ^= (Disp16|Disp32);
	  fudged = 1;
	  goto tryprefix;
      if (fudged)
	as_bad (_("`%s' is not a valid base/index expression"),
	as_bad (_("`%s' is not a valid %s bit base/index expression"),
      return 0;
  return 1;

/* Parse OPERAND_STRING into the i386_insn structure I.  Returns non-zero
   on error.  */

static int
i386_operand (operand_string)
     char *operand_string;
  const reg_entry *r;
  char *end_op;
  char *op_string = operand_string;

  if (is_space_char (*op_string))

  /* We check for an absolute prefix (differentiating,
     for example, 'jmp pc_relative_label' from 'jmp *absolute_label'.  */
  if (*op_string == ABSOLUTE_PREFIX)
      if (is_space_char (*op_string))
      i.types[this_operand] |= JumpAbsolute;

  /* Check if operand is a register.  */
  if ((*op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || allow_naked_reg)
      && (r = parse_register (op_string, &end_op)) != NULL)
      /* Check for a segment override by searching for ':' after a
	 segment register.  */
      op_string = end_op;
      if (is_space_char (*op_string))
      if (*op_string == ':' && (r->reg_type & (SReg2 | SReg3)))
	  switch (r->reg_num)
	    case 0:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &es;
	    case 1:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &cs;
	    case 2:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &ss;
	    case 3:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &ds;
	    case 4:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &fs;
	    case 5:
	      i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &gs;

	  /* Skip the ':' and whitespace.  */
	  if (is_space_char (*op_string))

	  if (!is_digit_char (*op_string)
	      && !is_identifier_char (*op_string)
	      && *op_string != '('
	      && *op_string != ABSOLUTE_PREFIX)
	      as_bad (_("bad memory operand `%s'"), op_string);
	      return 0;
	  /* Handle case of %es:*foo.  */
	  if (*op_string == ABSOLUTE_PREFIX)
	      if (is_space_char (*op_string))
	      i.types[this_operand] |= JumpAbsolute;
	  goto do_memory_reference;
      if (*op_string)
	  as_bad (_("junk `%s' after register"), op_string);
	  return 0;
      i.types[this_operand] |= r->reg_type & ~BaseIndex;
      i.op[this_operand].regs = r;
  else if (*op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX)
      as_bad (_("bad register name `%s'"), op_string);
      return 0;
  else if (*op_string == IMMEDIATE_PREFIX)
      if (i.types[this_operand] & JumpAbsolute)
	  as_bad (_("immediate operand illegal with absolute jump"));
	  return 0;
      if (!i386_immediate (op_string))
	return 0;
  else if (is_digit_char (*op_string)
	   || is_identifier_char (*op_string)
	   || *op_string == '(')
      /* This is a memory reference of some sort.  */
      char *base_string;

      /* Start and end of displacement string expression (if found).  */
      char *displacement_string_start;
      char *displacement_string_end;

      if ((i.mem_operands == 1
	   && (current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & IsString) == 0)
	  || i.mem_operands == 2)
	  as_bad (_("too many memory references for `%s'"),
	  return 0;

      /* Check for base index form.  We detect the base index form by
	 looking for an ')' at the end of the operand, searching
	 for the '(' matching it, and finding a REGISTER_PREFIX or ','
	 after the '('.  */
      base_string = op_string + strlen (op_string);

      if (is_space_char (*base_string))

      /* If we only have a displacement, set-up for it to be parsed later.  */
      displacement_string_start = op_string;
      displacement_string_end = base_string + 1;

      if (*base_string == ')')
	  char *temp_string;
	  unsigned int parens_balanced = 1;
	  /* We've already checked that the number of left & right ()'s are
	     equal, so this loop will not be infinite.  */
	      if (*base_string == ')')
	      if (*base_string == '(')
	  while (parens_balanced);

	  temp_string = base_string;

	  /* Skip past '(' and whitespace.  */
	  if (is_space_char (*base_string))

	  if (*base_string == ','
	      || ((*base_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || allow_naked_reg)
		  && (i.base_reg = parse_register (base_string, &end_op)) != NULL))
	      displacement_string_end = temp_string;

	      i.types[this_operand] |= BaseIndex;

	      if (i.base_reg)
		  base_string = end_op;
		  if (is_space_char (*base_string))

	      /* There may be an index reg or scale factor here.  */
	      if (*base_string == ',')
		  if (is_space_char (*base_string))

		  if ((*base_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || allow_naked_reg)
		      && (i.index_reg = parse_register (base_string, &end_op)) != NULL)
		      base_string = end_op;
		      if (is_space_char (*base_string))
		      if (*base_string == ',')
			  if (is_space_char (*base_string))
		      else if (*base_string != ')')
			  as_bad (_("expecting `,' or `)' after index register in `%s'"),
			  return 0;
		  else if (*base_string == REGISTER_PREFIX)
		      as_bad (_("bad register name `%s'"), base_string);
		      return 0;

		  /* Check for scale factor.  */
		  if (*base_string != ')')
		      char *end_scale = i386_scale (base_string);

		      if (!end_scale)
			return 0;

		      base_string = end_scale;
		      if (is_space_char (*base_string))
		      if (*base_string != ')')
			  as_bad (_("expecting `)' after scale factor in `%s'"),
			  return 0;
		  else if (!i.index_reg)
		      as_bad (_("expecting index register or scale factor after `,'; got '%c'"),
		      return 0;
	      else if (*base_string != ')')
		  as_bad (_("expecting `,' or `)' after base register in `%s'"),
		  return 0;
	  else if (*base_string == REGISTER_PREFIX)
	      as_bad (_("bad register name `%s'"), base_string);
	      return 0;

      /* If there's an expression beginning the operand, parse it,
	 assuming displacement_string_start and
	 displacement_string_end are meaningful.  */
      if (displacement_string_start != displacement_string_end)
	  if (!i386_displacement (displacement_string_start,
	    return 0;

      /* Special case for (%dx) while doing input/output op.  */
      if (i.base_reg
	  && i.base_reg->reg_type == (Reg16 | InOutPortReg)
	  && i.index_reg == 0
	  && i.log2_scale_factor == 0
	  && i.seg[i.mem_operands] == 0
	  && (i.types[this_operand] & Disp) == 0)
	  i.types[this_operand] = InOutPortReg;
	  return 1;

      if (i386_index_check (operand_string) == 0)
	return 0;
      /* It's not a memory operand; argh!  */
      as_bad (_("invalid char %s beginning operand %d `%s'"),
	      output_invalid (*op_string),
	      this_operand + 1,
      return 0;
  return 1;			/* Normal return.  */
/* md_estimate_size_before_relax()

   Called just before relax() for rs_machine_dependent frags.  The x86
   assembler uses these frags to handle variable size jump

   Any symbol that is now undefined will not become defined.
   Return the correct fr_subtype in the frag.
   Return the initial "guess for variable size of frag" to caller.
   The guess is actually the growth beyond the fixed part.  Whatever
   we do to grow the fixed or variable part contributes to our
   returned value.  */

md_estimate_size_before_relax (fragP, segment)
     register fragS *fragP;
     register segT segment;
  /* We've already got fragP->fr_subtype right;  all we have to do is
     check for un-relaxable symbols.  On an ELF system, we can't relax
     an externally visible symbol, because it may be overridden by a
     shared library.  */
  if (S_GET_SEGMENT (fragP->fr_symbol) != segment
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
      || S_IS_EXTERNAL (fragP->fr_symbol)
      || S_IS_WEAK (fragP->fr_symbol)
      /* Symbol is undefined in this segment, or we need to keep a
	 reloc so that weak symbols can be overridden.  */
      int size = (fragP->fr_subtype & CODE16) ? 2 : 4;
      RELOC_ENUM reloc_type;
      unsigned char *opcode;
      int old_fr_fix;

      if (fragP->fr_var != NO_RELOC)
	reloc_type = fragP->fr_var;
      else if (size == 2)
	reloc_type = BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL;
	reloc_type = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;

      old_fr_fix = fragP->fr_fix;
      opcode = (unsigned char *) fragP->fr_opcode;

      switch (TYPE_FROM_RELAX_STATE (fragP->fr_subtype))
	  /* Make jmp (0xeb) a (d)word displacement jump.  */
	  opcode[0] = 0xe9;
	  fragP->fr_fix += size;
	  fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix, size,
		   fragP->fr_offset, 1,

	case COND_JUMP86:
	  if (no_cond_jump_promotion)
	    goto relax_guess;

	  if (size == 2)
	      /* Negate the condition, and branch past an
		 unconditional jump.  */
	      opcode[0] ^= 1;
	      opcode[1] = 3;
	      /* Insert an unconditional jump.  */
	      opcode[2] = 0xe9;
	      /* We added two extra opcode bytes, and have a two byte
		 offset.  */
	      fragP->fr_fix += 2 + 2;
	      fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 2, 2,
		       fragP->fr_offset, 1,
	  /* Fall through.  */

	case COND_JUMP:
	  if (no_cond_jump_promotion)
	    goto relax_guess;

	  /* This changes the byte-displacement jump 0x7N
	     to the (d)word-displacement jump 0x0f,0x8N.  */
	  opcode[1] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
	  opcode[0] = TWO_BYTE_OPCODE_ESCAPE;
	  /* We've added an opcode byte.  */
	  fragP->fr_fix += 1 + size;
	  fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 1, size,
		   fragP->fr_offset, 1,

	  BAD_CASE (fragP->fr_subtype);
      frag_wane (fragP);
      return fragP->fr_fix - old_fr_fix;

  /* Guess size depending on current relax state.  Initially the relax
     state will correspond to a short jump and we return 1, because
     the variable part of the frag (the branch offset) is one byte
     long.  However, we can relax a section more than once and in that
     case we must either set fr_subtype back to the unrelaxed state,
     or return the value for the appropriate branch.  */
  return md_relax_table[fragP->fr_subtype].rlx_length;

/* Called after relax() is finished.

   In:	Address of frag.
	fr_type == rs_machine_dependent.
	fr_subtype is what the address relaxed to.

   Out:	Any fixSs and constants are set up.
	Caller will turn frag into a ".space 0".  */

md_convert_frag (headers, sec, fragP)
     object_headers *headers ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     register fragS *fragP;
md_convert_frag (abfd, sec, fragP)
     bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     register fragS *fragP;
  register unsigned char *opcode;
  unsigned char *where_to_put_displacement = NULL;
  offsetT target_address;
  offsetT opcode_address;
  unsigned int extension = 0;
  offsetT displacement_from_opcode_start;

  opcode = (unsigned char *) fragP->fr_opcode;

  /* Address we want to reach in file space.  */
  target_address = S_GET_VALUE (fragP->fr_symbol) + fragP->fr_offset;

  /* Address opcode resides at in file space.  */
  opcode_address = fragP->fr_address + fragP->fr_fix;

  /* Displacement from opcode start to fill into instruction.  */
  displacement_from_opcode_start = target_address - opcode_address;

  if ((fragP->fr_subtype & BIG) == 0)
      /* Don't have to change opcode.  */
      extension = 1;		/* 1 opcode + 1 displacement  */
      where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[1];
      if (no_cond_jump_promotion
	  && TYPE_FROM_RELAX_STATE (fragP->fr_subtype) != UNCOND_JUMP)
	as_warn_where (fragP->fr_file, fragP->fr_line, _("long jump required"));

      switch (fragP->fr_subtype)
	  extension = 4;		/* 1 opcode + 4 displacement  */
	  opcode[0] = 0xe9;
	  where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[1];

	  extension = 2;		/* 1 opcode + 2 displacement  */
	  opcode[0] = 0xe9;
	  where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[1];

	  extension = 5;		/* 2 opcode + 4 displacement  */
	  opcode[1] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
	  opcode[0] = TWO_BYTE_OPCODE_ESCAPE;
	  where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[2];

	  extension = 3;		/* 2 opcode + 2 displacement  */
	  opcode[1] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
	  opcode[0] = TWO_BYTE_OPCODE_ESCAPE;
	  where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[2];

	  extension = 4;
	  opcode[0] ^= 1;
	  opcode[1] = 3;
	  opcode[2] = 0xe9;
	  where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[3];

	  BAD_CASE (fragP->fr_subtype);

  /* Now put displacement after opcode.  */
  md_number_to_chars ((char *) where_to_put_displacement,
		      (valueT) (displacement_from_opcode_start - extension),
		      DISP_SIZE_FROM_RELAX_STATE (fragP->fr_subtype));
  fragP->fr_fix += extension;
/* Size of byte displacement jmp.  */
int md_short_jump_size = 2;

/* Size of dword displacement jmp.  */
int md_long_jump_size = 5;

/* Size of relocation record.  */
const int md_reloc_size = 8;

md_create_short_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
     char *ptr;
     addressT from_addr, to_addr;
     fragS *frag ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     symbolS *to_symbol ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
  offsetT offset;

  offset = to_addr - (from_addr + 2);
  /* Opcode for byte-disp jump.  */
  md_number_to_chars (ptr, (valueT) 0xeb, 1);
  md_number_to_chars (ptr + 1, (valueT) offset, 1);

md_create_long_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
     char *ptr;
     addressT from_addr, to_addr;
     fragS *frag ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     symbolS *to_symbol ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
  offsetT offset;

  offset = to_addr - (from_addr + 5);
  md_number_to_chars (ptr, (valueT) 0xe9, 1);
  md_number_to_chars (ptr + 1, (valueT) offset, 4);
/* Apply a fixup (fixS) to segment data, once it has been determined
   by our caller that we have all the info we need to fix it up.

   On the 386, immediates, displacements, and data pointers are all in
   the same (little-endian) format, so we don't need to care about which
   we are handling.  */

md_apply_fix3 (fixP, valp, seg)
     /* The fix we're to put in.  */
     fixS *fixP;

     /* Pointer to the value of the bits.  */
     valueT *valp;

     /* Segment fix is from.  */
  register char *p = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
  valueT value = *valp;

#if defined (BFD_ASSEMBLER) && !defined (TE_Mach)
  if (fixP->fx_pcrel)
      switch (fixP->fx_r_type)

	case BFD_RELOC_32:
	  fixP->fx_r_type = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;
	case BFD_RELOC_16:
	  fixP->fx_r_type = BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL;
	case BFD_RELOC_8:
	  fixP->fx_r_type = BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL;

  /* This is a hack.  There should be a better way to handle this.
     This covers for the fact that bfd_install_relocation will
     subtract the current location (for partial_inplace, PC relative
     relocations); see more below.  */
  if ((fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL
       || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL
       || fixP->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL)
      && fixP->fx_addsy && !use_rela_relocations)
#ifndef OBJ_AOUT
      if (OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_elf_flavour
#ifdef TE_PE
	  || OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_coff_flavour
	value += fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
      if (OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_elf_flavour)
	  segT fseg = S_GET_SEGMENT (fixP->fx_addsy);

	  if ((fseg == seg
	       || (symbol_section_p (fixP->fx_addsy)
		   && fseg != absolute_section))
	      && ! S_IS_EXTERNAL (fixP->fx_addsy)
	      && ! S_IS_WEAK (fixP->fx_addsy)
	      && S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)
	      && ! S_IS_COMMON (fixP->fx_addsy))
	      /* Yes, we add the values in twice.  This is because
		 bfd_perform_relocation subtracts them out again.  I think
		 bfd_perform_relocation is broken, but I don't dare change
		 it.  FIXME.  */
	      value += fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
#if defined (OBJ_COFF) && defined (TE_PE)
      /* For some reason, the PE format does not store a section
	 address offset for a PC relative symbol.  */
      if (S_GET_SEGMENT (fixP->fx_addsy) != seg)
	value += md_pcrel_from (fixP);

  /* Fix a few things - the dynamic linker expects certain values here,
     and we must not dissappoint it.  */
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
  if (OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_elf_flavour
      && fixP->fx_addsy)
    switch (fixP->fx_r_type)
      case BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32:
      case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_PLT32:
	/* Make the jump instruction point to the address of the operand.  At
	   runtime we merely add the offset to the actual PLT entry.  */
	value = -4;
      case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTPC:

/*   This is tough to explain.  We end up with this one if we have
 * operands that look like "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L284]".  The goal
 * here is to obtain the absolute address of the GOT, and it is strongly
 * preferable from a performance point of view to avoid using a runtime
 * relocation for this.  The actual sequence of instructions often look
 * something like:
 *	call	.L66
 * .L66:
 *	popl	%ebx
 *	addl	$_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L66],%ebx
 *   The call and pop essentially return the absolute address of
 * the label .L66 and store it in %ebx.  The linker itself will
 * ultimately change the first operand of the addl so that %ebx points to
 * the GOT, but to keep things simple, the .o file must have this operand
 * set so that it generates not the absolute address of .L66, but the
 * absolute address of itself.  This allows the linker itself simply
 * treat a GOTPC relocation as asking for a pcrel offset to the GOT to be
 * added in, and the addend of the relocation is stored in the operand
 * field for the instruction itself.
 *   Our job here is to fix the operand so that it would add the correct
 * offset so that %ebx would point to itself.  The thing that is tricky is
 * that .-.L66 will point to the beginning of the instruction, so we need
 * to further modify the operand so that it will point to itself.
 * There are other cases where you have something like:
 *	.long	$_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L66]
 * and here no correction would be required.  Internally in the assembler
 * we treat operands of this form as not being pcrel since the '.' is
 * explicitly mentioned, and I wonder whether it would simplify matters
 * to do it this way.  Who knows.  In earlier versions of the PIC patches,
 * the pcrel_adjust field was used to store the correction, but since the
 * expression is not pcrel, I felt it would be confusing to do it this
 * way.  */

	value -= 1;
      case BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32:
      case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOT32:
	value = 0; /* Fully resolved at runtime.  No addend.  */
      case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF:
      case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL:

	fixP->fx_done = 0;
	return 1;

#endif /* defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)  */
  *valp = value;
#endif /* defined (BFD_ASSEMBLER) && !defined (TE_Mach)  */

  md_number_to_chars (p, value, fixP->fx_size);
  /* Are we finished with this relocation now?  */
  if (fixP->fx_addsy == 0 && fixP->fx_pcrel == 0)
    fixP->fx_done = 1;
  else if (use_rela_relocations)
      fixP->fx_no_overflow = 1;
      value = 0;
  md_number_to_chars (p, value, fixP->fx_size);

  return 1;

/* Turn the string pointed to by litP into a floating point constant
   of type TYPE, and emit the appropriate bytes.  The number of
   LITTLENUMS emitted is stored in *SIZEP.  An error message is
   returned, or NULL on OK.  */

char *
md_atof (type, litP, sizeP)
     int type;
     char *litP;
     int *sizeP;
  int prec;
  char *t;

  switch (type)
    case 'f':
    case 'F':
      prec = 2;

    case 'd':
    case 'D':
      prec = 4;

    case 'x':
    case 'X':
      prec = 5;

      *sizeP = 0;
      return _("Bad call to md_atof ()");
  t = atof_ieee (input_line_pointer, type, words);
  if (t)
    input_line_pointer = t;

  *sizeP = prec * sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE);
  /* This loops outputs the LITTLENUMs in REVERSE order; in accord with
     the bigendian 386.  */
  for (wordP = words + prec - 1; prec--;)
      md_number_to_chars (litP, (valueT) (*wordP--), sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
      litP += sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE);
  return 0;
char output_invalid_buf[8];

static char *
output_invalid (c)
     int c;
  if (isprint (c))
    sprintf (output_invalid_buf, "'%c'", c);
    sprintf (output_invalid_buf, "(0x%x)", (unsigned) c);
  return output_invalid_buf;

/* REG_STRING starts *before* REGISTER_PREFIX.  */

static const reg_entry *
parse_register (reg_string, end_op)
     char *reg_string;
     char **end_op;
  char *s = reg_string;
  char *p;
  char reg_name_given[MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE + 1];
  const reg_entry *r;

  /* Skip possible REGISTER_PREFIX and possible whitespace.  */
  if (*s == REGISTER_PREFIX)

  if (is_space_char (*s))

  p = reg_name_given;
  while ((*p++ = register_chars[(unsigned char) *s]) != '\0')
      if (p >= reg_name_given + MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE)
	return (const reg_entry *) NULL;

  /* For naked regs, make sure that we are not dealing with an identifier.
     This prevents confusing an identifier like `eax_var' with register
     `eax'.  */
  if (allow_naked_reg && identifier_chars[(unsigned char) *s])
    return (const reg_entry *) NULL;

  *end_op = s;

  r = (const reg_entry *) hash_find (reg_hash, reg_name_given);

  /* Handle floating point regs, allowing spaces in the (i) part.  */
  if (r == i386_regtab /* %st is first entry of table  */)
      if (is_space_char (*s))
      if (*s == '(')
	  if (is_space_char (*s))
	  if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '7')
	      r = &i386_float_regtab[*s - '0'];
	      if (is_space_char (*s))
	      if (*s == ')')
		  *end_op = s + 1;
		  return r;
	  /* We have "%st(" then garbage.  */
	  return (const reg_entry *) NULL;

  return r;
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
const char *md_shortopts = "kVQ:sq";
const char *md_shortopts = "q";

struct option md_longopts[] = {
#define OPTION_32 (OPTION_MD_BASE + 0)
  {"32", no_argument, NULL, OPTION_32},
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
#define OPTION_64 (OPTION_MD_BASE + 1)
  {"64", no_argument, NULL, OPTION_64},
  {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}
size_t md_longopts_size = sizeof (md_longopts);

md_parse_option (c, arg)
     int c;
     char *arg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
  switch (c)
    case 'q':
      quiet_warnings = 1;

#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
      /* -Qy, -Qn: SVR4 arguments controlling whether a .comment section
	 should be emitted or not.  FIXME: Not implemented.  */
    case 'Q':

      /* -V: SVR4 argument to print version ID.  */
    case 'V':
      print_version_id ();

      /* -k: Ignore for FreeBSD compatibility.  */
    case 'k':

    case 's':
      /* -s: On i386 Solaris, this tells the native assembler to use
         .stab instead of .stab.excl.  We always use .stab anyhow.  */

    case OPTION_64:
	const char **list, **l;

	list = bfd_target_list ();
	for (l = list; *l != NULL; l++)
	  if (strcmp (*l, "elf64-x86-64") == 0)
	      default_arch = "x86_64";
	if (*l == NULL)
	  as_fatal (_("No compiled in support for x86_64"));
	free (list);

    case OPTION_32:
      default_arch = "i386";

      return 0;
  return 1;

md_show_usage (stream)
     FILE *stream;
#if defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF)
  fprintf (stream, _("\
  -Q                      ignored\n\
  -V                      print assembler version number\n\
  -k                      ignored\n\
  -q                      quieten some warnings\n\
  -s                      ignored\n"));
  fprintf (stream, _("\
  -q                      quieten some warnings\n"));

#if ((defined (OBJ_MAYBE_COFF) && defined (OBJ_MAYBE_AOUT)) \
     || defined (OBJ_ELF) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF))

/* Pick the target format to use.  */

const char *
i386_target_format ()
  if (!strcmp (default_arch, "x86_64"))
    set_code_flag (CODE_64BIT);
  else if (!strcmp (default_arch, "i386"))
    set_code_flag (CODE_32BIT);
    as_fatal (_("Unknown architecture"));
  switch (OUTPUT_FLAVOR)
    case bfd_target_aout_flavour:
      return AOUT_TARGET_FORMAT;
    case bfd_target_coff_flavour:
      return "coff-i386";
#if defined (OBJ_MAYBE_ELF) || defined (OBJ_ELF)
    case bfd_target_elf_flavour:
	if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
	  use_rela_relocations = 1;
	return flag_code == CODE_64BIT ? "elf64-x86-64" : "elf32-i386";
      abort ();
      return NULL;

#endif /* OBJ_MAYBE_ more than one  */
#endif /* BFD_ASSEMBLER  */
symbolS *
md_undefined_symbol (name)
     char *name;
  if (name[0] == GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME[0]
      && name[1] == GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME[1]
      && name[2] == GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME[2]
      && strcmp (name, GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME) == 0)
      if (!GOT_symbol)
	  if (symbol_find (name))
	    as_bad (_("GOT already in symbol table"));
	  GOT_symbol = symbol_new (name, undefined_section,
				   (valueT) 0, &zero_address_frag);
      return GOT_symbol;
  return 0;

/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary.  */

md_section_align (segment, size)
     segT segment ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     valueT size;
#if (defined (OBJ_AOUT) || defined (OBJ_MAYBE_AOUT))
  if (OUTPUT_FLAVOR == bfd_target_aout_flavour)
      /* For a.out, force the section size to be aligned.  If we don't do
	 this, BFD will align it for us, but it will not write out the
	 final bytes of the section.  This may be a bug in BFD, but it is
	 easier to fix it here since that is how the other a.out targets
	 work.  */
      int align;

      align = bfd_get_section_alignment (stdoutput, segment);
      size = ((size + (1 << align) - 1) & ((valueT) -1 << align));

  return size;

/* On the i386, PC-relative offsets are relative to the start of the
   next instruction.  That is, the address of the offset, plus its
   size, since the offset is always the last part of the insn.  */

md_pcrel_from (fixP)
     fixS *fixP;
  return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;

#ifndef I386COFF

static void
s_bss (ignore)
     int ignore ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
  register int temp;

  temp = get_absolute_expression ();
  subseg_set (bss_section, (subsegT) temp);
  demand_empty_rest_of_line ();



i386_validate_fix (fixp)
     fixS *fixp;
  if (fixp->fx_subsy && fixp->fx_subsy == GOT_symbol)
      /* GOTOFF relocation are nonsense in 64bit mode.  */
      if (fixp->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL)
	  if (flag_code != CODE_64BIT)
	    abort ();
	  fixp->fx_r_type = BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL;
	  if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
	    abort ();
	  fixp->fx_r_type = BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF;
      fixp->fx_subsy = 0;

arelent *
tc_gen_reloc (section, fixp)
     asection *section ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
     fixS *fixp;
  arelent *rel;
  bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;

  switch (fixp->fx_r_type)
    case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_PLT32:
    case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOT32:
    case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_GOTPCREL:
    case BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32:
    case BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32:
    case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTOFF:
    case BFD_RELOC_386_GOTPC:
    case BFD_RELOC_X86_64_32S:
    case BFD_RELOC_RVA:
      code = fixp->fx_r_type;
      if (fixp->fx_pcrel)
	  switch (fixp->fx_size)
	      as_bad_where (fixp->fx_file, fixp->fx_line,
			    _("can not do %d byte pc-relative relocation"),
	      code = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL;
	    case 1: code = BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL;  break;
	    case 2: code = BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL; break;
	    case 4: code = BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL; break;
	  switch (fixp->fx_size)
	      as_bad_where (fixp->fx_file, fixp->fx_line,
			    _("can not do %d byte relocation"),
	      code = BFD_RELOC_32;
	    case 1: code = BFD_RELOC_8;  break;
	    case 2: code = BFD_RELOC_16; break;
	    case 4: code = BFD_RELOC_32; break;
	    case 8: code = BFD_RELOC_64; break;

  if (code == BFD_RELOC_32
      && GOT_symbol
      && fixp->fx_addsy == GOT_symbol)
      /* We don't support GOTPC on 64bit targets.  */
      if (flag_code == CODE_64BIT)
	abort ();
      code = BFD_RELOC_386_GOTPC;

  rel = (arelent *) xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
  rel->sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) xmalloc (sizeof (asymbol *));
  *rel->sym_ptr_ptr = symbol_get_bfdsym (fixp->fx_addsy);

  rel->address = fixp->fx_frag->fr_address + fixp->fx_where;
  if (!use_rela_relocations)
      /* HACK: Since i386 ELF uses Rel instead of Rela, encode the
	 vtable entry to be used in the relocation's section offset.  */
      if (fixp->fx_r_type == BFD_RELOC_VTABLE_ENTRY)
	rel->address = fixp->fx_offset;

      if (fixp->fx_pcrel)
	rel->addend = fixp->fx_addnumber;
	rel->addend = 0;
  /* Use the rela in 64bit mode.  */
      rel->addend = fixp->fx_offset;
      if (fixp->fx_pcrel)
	rel->addend -= fixp->fx_size;

  rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (stdoutput, code);
  if (rel->howto == NULL)
      as_bad_where (fixp->fx_file, fixp->fx_line,
		    _("cannot represent relocation type %s"),
		    bfd_get_reloc_code_name (code));
      /* Set howto to a garbage value so that we can keep going.  */
      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (stdoutput, BFD_RELOC_32);
      assert (rel->howto != NULL);

  return rel;

#else /* ! BFD_ASSEMBLER  */

#if (defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT))
tc_aout_fix_to_chars (where, fixP, segment_address_in_file)
     char *where;
     fixS *fixP;
     relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
  /* In:  length of relocation (or of address) in chars: 1, 2 or 4.
     Out: GNU LD relocation length code: 0, 1, or 2.  */

  static const unsigned char nbytes_r_length[] = { 42, 0, 1, 42, 2 };
  long r_symbolnum;

  know (fixP->fx_addsy != NULL);

  md_number_to_chars (where,
		      (valueT) (fixP->fx_frag->fr_address
				+ fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file),

  r_symbolnum = (S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)
		 ? S_GET_TYPE (fixP->fx_addsy)
		 : fixP->fx_addsy->sy_number);

  where[6] = (r_symbolnum >> 16) & 0x0ff;
  where[5] = (r_symbolnum >> 8) & 0x0ff;
  where[4] = r_symbolnum & 0x0ff;
  where[7] = ((((!S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)) << 3) & 0x08)
	      | ((nbytes_r_length[fixP->fx_size] << 1) & 0x06)
	      | (((fixP->fx_pcrel << 0) & 0x01) & 0x0f));

#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT.  */

#if defined (I386COFF)

tc_coff_fix2rtype (fixP)
     fixS *fixP;
  if (fixP->fx_r_type == R_IMAGEBASE)
    return R_IMAGEBASE;

  return (fixP->fx_pcrel ?
	  (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_PCRBYTE :
	   fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_PCRWORD :
	   R_PCRLONG) :
	  (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_RELBYTE :
	   fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_RELWORD :

tc_coff_sizemachdep (frag)
     fragS *frag;
  if (frag->fr_next)
    return (frag->fr_next->fr_address - frag->fr_address);
    return 0;

#endif /* I386COFF  */

#endif /* ! BFD_ASSEMBLER  */
/* Parse operands using Intel syntax. This implements a recursive descent
   parser based on the BNF grammar published in Appendix B of the MASM 6.1
   Programmer's Guide.

   FIXME: We do not recognize the full operand grammar defined in the MASM
	  documentation.  In particular, all the structure/union and
	  high-level macro operands are missing.

   Uppercase words are terminals, lower case words are non-terminals.
   Objects surrounded by double brackets '[[' ']]' are optional. Vertical
   bars '|' denote choices. Most grammar productions are implemented in
   functions called 'intel_<production>'.

   Initial production is 'expr'.

    addOp		+ | -

    alpha		[a-zA-Z]

    byteRegister	AL | AH | BL | BH | CL | CH | DL | DH

    constant		digits [[ radixOverride ]]

    dataType		BYTE | WORD | DWORD | QWORD | XWORD

    digits		decdigit
			| digits decdigit
			| digits hexdigit

    decdigit		[0-9]

    e05			e05 addOp e06
			| e06

    e06			e06 mulOp e09
			| e09

    e09			OFFSET e10
			| e09 PTR e10
			| e09 : e10
			| e10

    e10			e10 [ expr ]
			| e11

    e11			( expr )
			| [ expr ]
			| constant
			| dataType
			| id
			| $
			| register

 => expr		SHORT e05
			| e05

    gpRegister		AX | EAX | BX | EBX | CX | ECX | DX | EDX
			| BP | EBP | SP | ESP | DI | EDI | SI | ESI

    hexdigit		a | b | c | d | e | f
			| A | B | C | D | E | F

    id			alpha
			| id alpha
			| id decdigit

    mulOp		* | / | MOD

    quote		" | '

    register		specialRegister
			| gpRegister
			| byteRegister

    segmentRegister	CS | DS | ES | FS | GS | SS

    specialRegister	CR0 | CR2 | CR3
			| DR0 | DR1 | DR2 | DR3 | DR6 | DR7
			| TR3 | TR4 | TR5 | TR6 | TR7

    We simplify the grammar in obvious places (e.g., register parsing is
    done by calling parse_register) and eliminate immediate left recursion
    to implement a recursive-descent parser.

    expr	SHORT e05
		| e05

    e05		e06 e05'

    e05'	addOp e06 e05'
		| Empty

    e06		e09 e06'

    e06'	mulOp e09 e06'
		| Empty

    e09		OFFSET e10 e09'
		| e10 e09'

    e09'	PTR e10 e09'
		| : e10 e09'
		| Empty

    e10		e11 e10'

    e10'	[ expr ] e10'
		| Empty

    e11		( expr )
		| [ expr ]
		| BYTE
		| WORD
		| .
		| $
		| register
		| id
		| constant  */

/* Parsing structure for the intel syntax parser. Used to implement the
   semantic actions for the operand grammar.  */
struct intel_parser_s
    char *op_string;		/* The string being parsed.  */
    int got_a_float;		/* Whether the operand is a float.  */
    int op_modifier;		/* Operand modifier.  */
    int is_mem;			/* 1 if operand is memory reference.  */
    const reg_entry *reg;	/* Last register reference found.  */
    char *disp;			/* Displacement string being built.  */

static struct intel_parser_s intel_parser;

/* Token structure for parsing intel syntax.  */
struct intel_token
    int code;			/* Token code.  */
    const reg_entry *reg;	/* Register entry for register tokens.  */
    char *str;			/* String representation.  */

static struct intel_token cur_token, prev_token;

/* Token codes for the intel parser. Since T_SHORT is already used
   by COFF, undefine it first to prevent a warning.  */
#define T_NIL		-1
#define T_CONST		1
#define T_REG		2
#define T_BYTE		3
#define T_WORD		4
#define	T_DWORD		5
#define T_QWORD		6
#define T_XWORD		7
#undef  T_SHORT
#define T_SHORT		8
#define T_OFFSET	9
#define T_PTR		10
#define T_ID		11

/* Prototypes for intel parser functions.  */
static int intel_match_token	PARAMS ((int code));
static void intel_get_token	PARAMS ((void));
static void intel_putback_token	PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_expr		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e05		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e05_1		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e06		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e06_1		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e09		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e09_1		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e10		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e10_1		PARAMS ((void));
static int intel_e11		PARAMS ((void));

static int
i386_intel_operand (operand_string, got_a_float)
     char *operand_string;
     int got_a_float;
  int ret;
  char *p;

  /* Initialize token holders.  */
  cur_token.code = prev_token.code = T_NIL;
  cur_token.reg = prev_token.reg = NULL;
  cur_token.str = prev_token.str = NULL;

  /* Initialize parser structure.  */
  p = intel_parser.op_string = (char *) malloc (strlen (operand_string) + 1);
  if (p == NULL)
    abort ();
  strcpy (intel_parser.op_string, operand_string);
  intel_parser.got_a_float = got_a_float;
  intel_parser.op_modifier = -1;
  intel_parser.is_mem = 0;
  intel_parser.reg = NULL;
  intel_parser.disp = (char *) malloc (strlen (operand_string) + 1);
  if (intel_parser.disp == NULL)
    abort ();
  intel_parser.disp[0] = '\0';

  /* Read the first token and start the parser.  */
  intel_get_token ();
  ret = intel_expr ();

  if (ret)
      /* If we found a memory reference, hand it over to i386_displacement
	 to fill in the rest of the operand fields.  */
      if (intel_parser.is_mem)
	  if ((i.mem_operands == 1
	       && (current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & IsString) == 0)
	      || i.mem_operands == 2)
	      as_bad (_("too many memory references for '%s'"),
	      ret = 0;
	      char *s = intel_parser.disp;

	      /* Add the displacement expression.  */
	      if (*s != '\0')
		ret = i386_displacement (s, s + strlen (s))
		      && i386_index_check (s);

      /* Constant and OFFSET expressions are handled by i386_immediate.  */
      else if (intel_parser.op_modifier == OFFSET_FLAT
	       || intel_parser.reg == NULL)
	ret = i386_immediate (intel_parser.disp);

  free (p);
  free (intel_parser.disp);

  return ret;

/* expr	SHORT e05
	| e05  */
static int
intel_expr ()
  /* expr  SHORT e05  */
  if (cur_token.code == T_SHORT)
      intel_parser.op_modifier = SHORT;
      intel_match_token (T_SHORT);

      return (intel_e05 ());

  /* expr  e05  */
    return intel_e05 ();

/* e05	e06 e05'

   e05'	addOp e06 e05'
	| Empty  */
static int
intel_e05 ()
  return (intel_e06 () && intel_e05_1 ());

static int
intel_e05_1 ()
  /* e05'  addOp e06 e05'  */
  if (cur_token.code == '+' || cur_token.code == '-')
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, cur_token.str);
      intel_match_token (cur_token.code);

      return (intel_e06 () && intel_e05_1 ());

  /* e05'  Empty  */
    return 1;

/* e06	e09 e06'

   e06'	mulOp e09 e06'
	| Empty  */
static int
intel_e06 ()
  return (intel_e09 () && intel_e06_1 ());

static int
intel_e06_1 ()
  /* e06'  mulOp e09 e06'  */
  if (cur_token.code == '*' || cur_token.code == '/')
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, cur_token.str);
      intel_match_token (cur_token.code);

      return (intel_e09 () && intel_e06_1 ());

  /* e06'  Empty  */
    return 1;

/* e09	OFFSET e10 e09'
	| e10 e09'

   e09'	PTR e10 e09'
	| : e10 e09'
	| Empty */
static int
intel_e09 ()
  /* e09  OFFSET e10 e09'  */
  if (cur_token.code == T_OFFSET)
      intel_parser.is_mem = 0;
      intel_parser.op_modifier = OFFSET_FLAT;
      intel_match_token (T_OFFSET);

      return (intel_e10 () && intel_e09_1 ());

  /* e09  e10 e09'  */
    return (intel_e10 () && intel_e09_1 ());

static int
intel_e09_1 ()
  /* e09'  PTR e10 e09' */
  if (cur_token.code == T_PTR)
      if (prev_token.code == T_BYTE)
	i.suffix = BYTE_MNEM_SUFFIX;

      else if (prev_token.code == T_WORD)
	  if (intel_parser.got_a_float == 2)	/* "fi..." */
	    i.suffix = SHORT_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	    i.suffix = WORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;

      else if (prev_token.code == T_DWORD)
	  if (intel_parser.got_a_float == 1)	/* "f..." */
	    i.suffix = SHORT_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	    i.suffix = LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX;

      else if (prev_token.code == T_QWORD)
	  if (intel_parser.got_a_float == 1)	/* "f..." */
	    i.suffix = LONG_MNEM_SUFFIX;
	    i.suffix = QWORD_MNEM_SUFFIX;

      else if (prev_token.code == T_XWORD)

	  as_bad (_("Unknown operand modifier `%s'\n"), prev_token.str);
	  return 0;

      intel_match_token (T_PTR);

      return (intel_e10 () && intel_e09_1 ());

  /* e09  : e10 e09'  */
  else if (cur_token.code == ':')
      /* Mark as a memory operand only if it's not already known to be an
	 offset expression.  */
      if (intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	intel_parser.is_mem = 1;

      return (intel_match_token (':') && intel_e10 () && intel_e09_1 ());

  /* e09'  Empty  */
    return 1;

/* e10	e11 e10'

   e10'	[ expr ] e10'
	| Empty  */
static int
intel_e10 ()
  return (intel_e11 () && intel_e10_1 ());

static int
intel_e10_1 ()
  /* e10'  [ expr ]  e10'  */
  if (cur_token.code == '[')
      intel_match_token ('[');

      /* Mark as a memory operand only if it's not already known to be an
	 offset expression.  If it's an offset expression, we need to keep
	 the brace in.  */
      if (intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	intel_parser.is_mem = 1;
	strcat (intel_parser.disp, "[");

      /* Add a '+' to the displacement string if necessary.  */
      if (*intel_parser.disp != '\0'
	  && *(intel_parser.disp + strlen (intel_parser.disp) - 1) != '+')
	strcat (intel_parser.disp, "+");

      if (intel_expr () && intel_match_token (']'))
	  /* Preserve brackets when the operand is an offset expression.  */
	  if (intel_parser.op_modifier == OFFSET_FLAT)
	    strcat (intel_parser.disp, "]");

	  return intel_e10_1 ();
	return 0;

  /* e10'  Empty  */
    return 1;

/* e11	( expr )
	| [ expr ]
	| $
	| .
	| register
	| id
	| constant  */
static int
intel_e11 ()
  /* e11  ( expr ) */
  if (cur_token.code == '(')
      intel_match_token ('(');
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, "(");

      if (intel_expr () && intel_match_token (')'))
	  strcat (intel_parser.disp, ")");
	  return 1;
	return 0;

  /* e11  [ expr ] */
  else if (cur_token.code == '[')
      intel_match_token ('[');

      /* Mark as a memory operand only if it's not already known to be an
	 offset expression.  If it's an offset expression, we need to keep
	 the brace in.  */
      if (intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	intel_parser.is_mem = 1;
	strcat (intel_parser.disp, "[");

      /* Operands for jump/call inside brackets denote absolute addresses.  */
      if (current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & Jump
	  || current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & JumpDword
	  || current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & JumpByte
	  || current_templates->start->opcode_modifier & JumpInterSegment)
	i.types[this_operand] |= JumpAbsolute;

      /* Add a '+' to the displacement string if necessary.  */
      if (*intel_parser.disp != '\0'
	  && *(intel_parser.disp + strlen (intel_parser.disp) - 1) != '+')
	strcat (intel_parser.disp, "+");

      if (intel_expr () && intel_match_token (']'))
	  /* Preserve brackets when the operand is an offset expression.  */
	  if (intel_parser.op_modifier == OFFSET_FLAT)
	    strcat (intel_parser.disp, "]");

	  return 1;
	return 0;

  /* e11  BYTE
	  | WORD
	  | DWORD
	  | QWORD
	  | XWORD  */
  else if (cur_token.code == T_BYTE
	   || cur_token.code == T_WORD
	   || cur_token.code == T_DWORD
	   || cur_token.code == T_QWORD
	   || cur_token.code == T_XWORD)
      intel_match_token (cur_token.code);

      return 1;

  /* e11  $
	  | .  */
  else if (cur_token.code == '$' || cur_token.code == '.')
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, cur_token.str);
      intel_match_token (cur_token.code);

      /* Mark as a memory operand only if it's not already known to be an
	 offset expression.  */
      if (intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	intel_parser.is_mem = 1;

      return 1;

  /* e11  register  */
  else if (cur_token.code == T_REG)
      const reg_entry *reg = intel_parser.reg = cur_token.reg;

      intel_match_token (T_REG);

      /* Check for segment change.  */
      if (cur_token.code == ':')
	  if (reg->reg_type & (SReg2 | SReg3))
	      switch (reg->reg_num)
		case 0:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &es;
		case 1:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &cs;
		case 2:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &ss;
		case 3:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &ds;
		case 4:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &fs;
		case 5:
		  i.seg[i.mem_operands] = &gs;
	      as_bad (_("`%s' is not a valid segment register"), reg->reg_name);
	      return 0;

      /* Not a segment register. Check for register scaling.  */
      else if (cur_token.code == '*')
	  if (!intel_parser.is_mem)
	      as_bad (_("Register scaling only allowed in memory operands."));
	      return 0;

	  /* What follows must be a valid scale.  */
	  if (intel_match_token ('*')
	      && strchr ("01248", *cur_token.str))
	      i.index_reg = reg;
	      i.types[this_operand] |= BaseIndex;

	      /* Set the scale after setting the register (otherwise,
		 i386_scale will complain)  */
	      i386_scale (cur_token.str);
	      intel_match_token (T_CONST);
	      as_bad (_("expecting scale factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8: got `%s'"),
	      return 0;

      /* No scaling. If this is a memory operand, the register is either a
	 base register (first occurrence) or an index register (second
	 occurrence).  */
      else if (intel_parser.is_mem && !(reg->reg_type & (SReg2 | SReg3)))
	  if (i.base_reg && i.index_reg)
	      as_bad (_("Too many register references in memory operand.\n"));
	      return 0;

	  if (i.base_reg == NULL)
	    i.base_reg = reg;
	    i.index_reg = reg;

	  i.types[this_operand] |= BaseIndex;

      /* Offset modifier. Add the register to the displacement string to be
	 parsed as an immediate expression after we're done.  */
      else if (intel_parser.op_modifier == OFFSET_FLAT)
	strcat (intel_parser.disp, reg->reg_name);

      /* It's neither base nor index nor offset.  */
	  i.types[this_operand] |= reg->reg_type & ~BaseIndex;
	  i.op[this_operand].regs = reg;

      /* Since registers are not part of the displacement string (except
	 when we're parsing offset operands), we may need to remove any
	 preceding '+' from the displacement string.  */
      if (*intel_parser.disp != '\0'
	  && intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	  char *s = intel_parser.disp;
	  s += strlen (s) - 1;
	  if (*s == '+')
	    *s = '\0';

      return 1;

  /* e11  id  */
  else if (cur_token.code == T_ID)
      /* Add the identifier to the displacement string.  */
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, cur_token.str);
      intel_match_token (T_ID);

      /* The identifier represents a memory reference only if it's not
	 preceded by an offset modifier.  */
      if (intel_parser.op_modifier != OFFSET_FLAT)
	intel_parser.is_mem = 1;

      return 1;

  /* e11  constant  */
  else if (cur_token.code == T_CONST
	   || cur_token.code == '-'
	   || cur_token.code == '+')
      char *save_str;

      /* Allow constants that start with `+' or `-'.  */
      if (cur_token.code == '-' || cur_token.code == '+')
	  strcat (intel_parser.disp, cur_token.str);
	  intel_match_token (cur_token.code);
	  if (cur_token.code != T_CONST)
	      as_bad (_("Syntax error. Expecting a constant. Got `%s'.\n"),
	      return 0;

      save_str = (char *) malloc (strlen (cur_token.str) + 1);
      if (save_str == NULL)
	abort ();
      strcpy (save_str, cur_token.str);

      /* Get the next token to check for register scaling.  */
      intel_match_token (cur_token.code);

      /* Check if this constant is a scaling factor for an index register.  */
      if (cur_token.code == '*')
	  if (intel_match_token ('*') && cur_token.code == T_REG)
	      if (!intel_parser.is_mem)
		  as_bad (_("Register scaling only allowed in memory operands."));
		  return 0;

	      /* The constant is followed by `* reg', so it must be
		 a valid scale.  */
	      if (strchr ("01248", *save_str))
		  i.index_reg = cur_token.reg;
		  i.types[this_operand] |= BaseIndex;

		  /* Set the scale after setting the register (otherwise,
		     i386_scale will complain)  */
		  i386_scale (save_str);
		  intel_match_token (T_REG);

		  /* Since registers are not part of the displacement
		     string, we may need to remove any preceding '+' from
		     the displacement string.  */
		  if (*intel_parser.disp != '\0')
		      char *s = intel_parser.disp;
		      s += strlen (s) - 1;
		      if (*s == '+')
			*s = '\0';

		  free (save_str);

		  return 1;
		return 0;

	  /* The constant was not used for register scaling. Since we have
	     already consumed the token following `*' we now need to put it
	     back in the stream.  */
	    intel_putback_token ();

      /* Add the constant to the displacement string.  */
      strcat (intel_parser.disp, save_str);
      free (save_str);

      return 1;

  as_bad (_("Unrecognized token '%s'"), cur_token.str);
  return 0;

/* Match the given token against cur_token. If they match, read the next
   token from the operand string.  */
static int
intel_match_token (code)
     int code;
  if (cur_token.code == code)
      intel_get_token ();
      return 1;
      as_bad (_("Unexpected token `%s'\n"), cur_token.str);
      return 0;

/* Read a new token from intel_parser.op_string and store it in cur_token.  */
static void
intel_get_token ()
  char *end_op;
  const reg_entry *reg;
  struct intel_token new_token;

  new_token.code = T_NIL;
  new_token.reg = NULL;
  new_token.str = NULL;

  /* Free the memory allocated to the previous token and move
     cur_token to prev_token.  */
  if (prev_token.str)
    free (prev_token.str);

  prev_token = cur_token;

  /* Skip whitespace.  */
  while (is_space_char (*intel_parser.op_string))

  /* Return an empty token if we find nothing else on the line.  */
  if (*intel_parser.op_string == '\0')
      cur_token = new_token;

  /* The new token cannot be larger than the remainder of the operand
     string.  */
  new_token.str = (char *) malloc (strlen (intel_parser.op_string) + 1);
  if (new_token.str == NULL)
    abort ();
  new_token.str[0] = '\0';

  if (strchr ("0123456789", *intel_parser.op_string))
      char *p = new_token.str;
      char *q = intel_parser.op_string;
      new_token.code = T_CONST;

      /* Allow any kind of identifier char to encompass floating point and
	 hexadecimal numbers.  */
      while (is_identifier_char (*q))
	*p++ = *q++;
      *p = '\0';

      /* Recognize special symbol names [0-9][bf].  */
      if (strlen (intel_parser.op_string) == 2
	  && (intel_parser.op_string[1] == 'b'
	      || intel_parser.op_string[1] == 'f'))
	new_token.code = T_ID;

  else if (strchr ("+-/*:[]()", *intel_parser.op_string))
      new_token.code = *intel_parser.op_string;
      new_token.str[0] = *intel_parser.op_string;
      new_token.str[1] = '\0';

  else if ((*intel_parser.op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || allow_naked_reg)
	   && ((reg = parse_register (intel_parser.op_string, &end_op)) != NULL))
      new_token.code = T_REG;
      new_token.reg = reg;

      if (*intel_parser.op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX)
	  new_token.str[0] = REGISTER_PREFIX;
	  new_token.str[1] = '\0';

      strcat (new_token.str, reg->reg_name);

  else if (is_identifier_char (*intel_parser.op_string))
      char *p = new_token.str;
      char *q = intel_parser.op_string;

      /* A '.' or '$' followed by an identifier char is an identifier.
	 Otherwise, it's operator '.' followed by an expression.  */
      if ((*q == '.' || *q == '$') && !is_identifier_char (*(q + 1)))
	  new_token.code = *q;
	  new_token.str[0] = *q;
	  new_token.str[1] = '\0';
	  while (is_identifier_char (*q) || *q == '@')
	    *p++ = *q++;
	  *p = '\0';

	  if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "BYTE") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_BYTE;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "WORD") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_WORD;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "DWORD") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_DWORD;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "QWORD") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_QWORD;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "XWORD") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_XWORD;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "PTR") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_PTR;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "SHORT") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_SHORT;

	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "OFFSET") == 0)
	      new_token.code = T_OFFSET;

	      /* ??? This is not mentioned in the MASM grammar but gcc
		     makes use of it with -mintel-syntax.  OFFSET may be
		     followed by FLAT:  */
	      if (strncasecmp (q, " FLAT:", 6) == 0)
		strcat (new_token.str, " FLAT:");

	  /* ??? This is not mentioned in the MASM grammar.  */
	  else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "FLAT") == 0)
	    new_token.code = T_OFFSET;

	    new_token.code = T_ID;

    as_bad (_("Unrecognized token `%s'\n"), intel_parser.op_string);

  intel_parser.op_string += strlen (new_token.str);
  cur_token = new_token;

/* Put cur_token back into the token stream and make cur_token point to
   prev_token.  */
static void
intel_putback_token ()
  intel_parser.op_string -= strlen (cur_token.str);
  free (cur_token.str);
  cur_token = prev_token;

  /* Forget prev_token.  */
  prev_token.code = T_NIL;
  prev_token.reg = NULL;
  prev_token.str = NULL;