/* a.out object file format
   Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
   GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
   or (at your option) any later version.
   GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   the GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   License along with GAS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write
   to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */

/* Tag to validate a.out object file format processing */
#define OBJ_AOUT 1

#include "targ-cpu.h"

#ifndef		VMS
#include "a.out.gnu.h"		/* Needed to define struct nlist. Sigh. */
#include "a_out.h"

#endif /* AOUT_MACHTYPE */

extern const short seg_N_TYPE[];
extern const segT  N_TYPE_seg[];


/* Symbol table entry data type */

typedef struct nlist obj_symbol_type; /* Symbol table entry */

/* Symbol table macros and constants */

 *  Macros to extract information from a symbol table entry.
 *  This syntaxic indirection allows independence regarding a.out or coff.
 *  The argument (s) of all these macros is a pointer to a symbol table entry.

/* True if the symbol is external */
#define S_IS_EXTERNAL(s)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)

/* True if symbol has been defined, ie is in N_{TEXT,DATA,BSS,ABS} or N_EXT */
#define S_IS_DEFINED(s)		((S_GET_TYPE(s) != N_UNDF) || (S_GET_OTHER(s) != 0) || (S_GET_DESC(s) != 0))

#define S_IS_REGISTER(s)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_type == N_REGISTER)

/* True if a debug special symbol entry */
#define S_IS_DEBUG(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_STAB)
/* True if a symbol is local symbol name */
/* A symbol name whose name begin with ^A is a gas internal pseudo symbol
   nameless symbols come from .stab directives. */
#define S_IS_LOCAL(s)		(S_GET_NAME(s) && \
				 !S_IS_DEBUG(s) && \
				 (S_GET_NAME(s)[0] == '\001' || \
				  (S_LOCAL_NAME(s) && !flagseen['L'])))
/* True if a symbol is not defined in this file */
#define S_IS_EXTERN(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)
/* True if the symbol has been generated because of a .stabd directive */
#define S_IS_STABD(s)		(S_GET_NAME(s) == (char *)0)

/* Accessors */
/* The value of the symbol */
#define S_GET_VALUE(s)		(((s)->sy_symbol.n_value))
/* The name of the symbol */
#define S_GET_NAME(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name)
/* The pointer to the string table */
#define S_GET_OFFSET(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx)
/* The type of the symbol */
#define S_GET_TYPE(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_TYPE)
/* The numeric value of the segment */
#define S_GET_SEGMENT(s)	(N_TYPE_seg[S_GET_TYPE(s)])
/* The n_other expression value */
#define S_GET_OTHER(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_other)
/* The n_desc expression value */
#define S_GET_DESC(s)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc)

/* Modifiers */
/* Set the value of the symbol */
#define S_SET_VALUE(s,v)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_value = (unsigned long) (v))
/* Assume that a symbol cannot be simultaneously in more than on segment */
/* set segment */
#define S_SET_SEGMENT(s,seg)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_TYPE,(s)->sy_symbol.n_type|=SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE(seg))
/* The symbol is external */
#define S_SET_EXTERNAL(s)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_type |= N_EXT)
/* The symbol is not external */
#define S_CLEAR_EXTERNAL(s)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_EXT)
/* Set the name of the symbol */
#define S_SET_NAME(s,v)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name = (v))
/* Set the offset in the string table */
#define S_SET_OFFSET(s,v)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx = (v))
/* Set the n_other expression value */
#define S_SET_OTHER(s,v)	((s)->sy_symbol.n_other = (v))
/* Set the n_desc expression value */
#define S_SET_DESC(s,v)		((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc = (v))

/* File header macro and type definition */

				 + H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(h) \
				 + H_GET_DATA_SIZE(h) \
				 + H_GET_STRING_SIZE(h))

#define H_GET_HEADER_SIZE(h)		(sizeof(struct exec))
#define H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(h)		((h)->header.a_text)
#define H_GET_DATA_SIZE(h)		((h)->header.a_data)
#define H_GET_BSS_SIZE(h)		((h)->header.a_bss)
#define H_GET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h)	((h)->header.a_trsize)
#define H_GET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h)	((h)->header.a_drsize)
#define H_GET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h)	((h)->header.a_syms)
#define H_GET_ENTRY_POINT(h)		((h)->header.a_entry)
#define H_GET_STRING_SIZE(h)		((h)->string_table_size)
#define H_GET_LINENO_SIZE(h)		(0)

#define H_GET_DYNAMIC(h)		((h)->header.a_info >> 31)
#define H_GET_VERSION(h)		(((h)->header.a_info >> 24) & 0x7f)
#define H_GET_MACHTYPE(h)		(((h)->header.a_info >> 16) & 0xff)
#define H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h)		((h)->header.a_info & 0xffff)

#define H_SET_DYNAMIC(h,v)		((h)->header.a_info = (((v) << 31) \
							       | (H_GET_VERSION(h) << 24) \
							       | (H_GET_MACHTYPE(h) << 16) \
							       | (H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h))))

#define H_SET_VERSION(h,v)		((h)->header.a_info = ((H_GET_DYNAMIC(h) << 31) \
							       | ((v) << 24) \
							       | (H_GET_MACHTYPE(h) << 16) \
							       | (H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h))))

#define H_SET_MACHTYPE(h,v)		((h)->header.a_info = ((H_GET_DYNAMIC(h) << 31) \
							       | (H_GET_VERSION(h) << 24) \
							       | ((v) << 16) \
							       | (H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h))))

#define H_SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h,v)		((h)->header.a_info = ((H_GET_DYNAMIC(h) << 31) \
							       | (H_GET_VERSION(h) << 24) \
							       | (H_GET_MACHTYPE(h) << 16) \
							       | ((v))))

#define H_SET_TEXT_SIZE(h,v)		((h)->header.a_text = md_section_align(SEG_TEXT, (v)))
#define H_SET_DATA_SIZE(h,v)		((h)->header.a_data = md_section_align(SEG_DATA, (v)))
#define H_SET_BSS_SIZE(h,v)		((h)->header.a_bss = md_section_align(SEG_BSS, (v)))


#define H_SET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v)	((h)->header.a_trsize = (v))
#define H_SET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v)	((h)->header.a_drsize = (v))
#define H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h,v)	((h)->header.a_syms = (v) * \
					 sizeof(struct nlist))

#define H_SET_ENTRY_POINT(h,v)		((h)->header.a_entry = (v))
#define H_SET_STRING_SIZE(h,v)		((h)->string_table_size = (v))

 * Current means for getting the name of a segment.
 * This will change for infinite-segments support (e.g. COFF).
#define	segment_name(seg)  ( seg_name[(int)(seg)] )
extern char *const seg_name[];

typedef struct {
	struct exec	header;			/* a.out header */
	long	string_table_size;	/* names + '\0' + sizeof(int) */
} object_headers;

/* line numbering stuff. */
#define OBJ_EMIT_LINENO(a, b, c)	{;}

#define obj_symbol_new_hook(s)	{;}

#ifdef __STDC__
struct fix;
void tc_aout_fix_to_chars(char *where, struct fix *fixP, relax_addressT segment_address);
void tc_aout_fix_to_chars();
#endif /* __STDC__ */

 * Local Variables:
 * comment-column: 0
 * fill-column: 131
 * End:

/* end of obj-aout.h */