/* dlltool.c -- tool to generate stuff for PE style DLLs
   Copyright (C) 1995, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GNU Binutils.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.  */

   This program allows you to build the files necessary to create
   DLLs to run on a system which understands PE format image files.
   (eg, Windows NT)

   See "Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable
   File Format", MSJ 1994, Volume 9 for more information.
   Also see "Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format,
   Specification 4.1" for more information.

   A DLL contains an export table which contains the information
   which the runtime loader needs to tie up references from a
   referencing program.

   The export table is generated by this program by reading
   in a .DEF file or scanning the .a and .o files which will be in the
   DLL.  A .o file can contain information in special  ".drectve" sections
   with export information.

   A DEF file contains any number of the following commands:

   NAME <name> [ , <base> ]
   The result is going to be <name>.EXE

   LIBRARY <name> [ , <base> ]
   The result is going to be <name>.DLL

   EXPORTS  ( <name1> [ = <name2> ] [ @ <integer> ] [ NONAME ] [CONSTANT] [DATA] ) *
   Declares name1 as an exported symbol from the
   DLL, with optional ordinal number <integer>

   IMPORTS  (  (   <internal-name> =   <module-name> . <integer> )
             | ( [ <internal-name> = ] <module-name> . <external-name> )) *
   Declares that <external-name> or the exported function whoes ordinal number
   is <integer> is to be imported from the file <module-name>.  If
   <internal-name> is specified then this is the name that the imported
   function will be refered to in the body of the DLL.

   DESCRIPTION <string>
   Puts <string> into output .exp file in the .rdata section

   [STACKSIZE|HEAPSIZE] <number-reserve> [ , <number-commit> ]
   Generates --stack|--heap <number-reserve>,<number-commit>
   in the output .drectve section.  The linker will
   see this and act upon it.

   [CODE|DATA] <attr>+
   SECTIONS ( <sectionname> <attr>+ )*
   Generates --attr <sectionname> <attr> in the output
   .drectve section.  The linker will see this and act
   upon it.

   A -export:<name> in a .drectve section in an input .o or .a
   file to this program is equivalent to a EXPORTS <name>
   in a .DEF file.

   The program generates output files with the prefix supplied
   on the command line, or in the def file, or taken from the first
   supplied argument.

   The .exp.s file contains the information necessary to export
   the routines in the DLL.  The .lib.s file contains the information
   necessary to use the DLL's routines from a referencing program.


   asm (".section .drectve");
   asm (".ascii \"-export:adef\"");

   void adef (char * s)
     printf ("hello from the dll %s\n", s);

   void bdef (char * s)
     printf ("hello from the dll and the other entry point %s\n", s);

   asm (".section .drectve");
   asm (".ascii \"-export:cdef\"");
   asm (".ascii \"-export:ddef\"");
   void cdef (char * s)
     printf ("hello from the dll %s\n", s);

   void ddef (char * s)
     printf ("hello from the dll and the other entry point %s\n", s);

   int printf (void)
     return 9;

   int main (void)
     cdef ();
     return 0;


   LIBRARY thedll
   HEAPSIZE 0x40000, 0x2000
   EXPORTS bdef @ 20
           cdef @ 30 NONAME

   aardvark EXECUTE

 # Compile up the parts of the dll and the program

   gcc -c file1.c file2.c themain.c

 # Optional: put the dll objects into a library
 # (you don't have to, you could name all the object
 # files on the dlltool line)

   ar  qcv thedll.in file1.o file2.o
   ranlib thedll.in

 # Run this tool over the DLL's .def file and generate an exports
 # file (thedll.o) and an imports file (thedll.a).
 # (You may have to use -S to tell dlltool where to find the assembler).
   dlltool --def thedll.def --output-exp thedll.o --output-lib thedll.a

 # Build the dll with the library and the export table
   ld -o thedll.dll thedll.o thedll.in

 # Link the executable with the import library
   gcc -o themain.exe themain.o thedll.a

 This example can be extended if relocations are needed in the DLL:

 # Compile up the parts of the dll and the program

   gcc -c file1.c file2.c themain.c

 # Run this tool over the DLL's .def file and generate an imports file.
   dlltool --def thedll.def --output-lib thedll.lib

 # Link the executable with the import library and generate a base file
 # at the same time
   gcc -o themain.exe themain.o thedll.lib -Wl,--base-file -Wl,themain.base

 # Run this tool over the DLL's .def file and generate an exports file
 # which includes the relocations from the base file.
   dlltool --def thedll.def --base-file themain.base --output-exp thedll.exp

 # Build the dll with file1.o, file2.o and the export table
   ld -o thedll.dll thedll.exp file1.o file2.o

/* .idata section description

   The .idata section is the import table.  It is a collection of several
   subsections used to keep the pieces for each dll together: .idata$[234567].
   IE: Each dll's .idata$2's are catenated together, each .idata$3's, etc.

   .idata$2 = Import Directory Table

	DWORD   Import Lookup Table;  - pointer to .idata$4
	DWORD   TimeDateStamp;        - currently always 0
	DWORD   ForwarderChain;       - currently always 0
	DWORD   Name;                 - pointer to dll's name
	PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA FirstThunk; - pointer to .idata$5

   .idata$3 = null terminating entry for .idata$2.

   .idata$4 = Import Lookup Table
   = array of array of pointers to hint name table.
   There is one for each dll being imported from, and each dll's set is
   terminated by a trailing NULL.

   .idata$5 = Import Address Table
   = array of array of pointers to hint name table.
   There is one for each dll being imported from, and each dll's set is
   terminated by a trailing NULL.
   Initially, this table is identical to the Import Lookup Table.  However,
   at load time, the loader overwrites the entries with the address of the

   .idata$6 = Hint Name Table
   = Array of { short, asciz } entries, one for each imported function.
   The `short' is the function's ordinal number.

   .idata$7 = dll name (eg: "kernel32.dll"). (.idata$6 for ppc)

/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file.  */
#ifndef __GNUC__
# ifdef _AIX
 #pragma alloca

#define show_allnames 0

#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#include "bfd.h"
#include "libiberty.h"
#include "bucomm.h"
#include "getopt.h"
#include "demangle.h"
#include "dyn-string.h"
#include "dlltool.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>

#include "coff/arm.h"
#include "coff/internal.h"

/* Forward references.  */
static char *look_for_prog PARAMS ((const char *, const char *, int));
static char *deduce_name PARAMS ((const char *));

static void mcore_elf_cache_filename (char *);
static void mcore_elf_gen_out_file (void);
#include <sys/wait.h>
#else /* ! HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H */
#if ! defined (_WIN32) || defined (__CYGWIN32__)
#define WIFEXITED(w)	(((w)&0377) == 0)
#define WIFSIGNALED(w)	(((w)&0377) != 0177 && ((w)&~0377) == 0)
#ifndef WTERMSIG
#define WTERMSIG(w)	((w) & 0177)
#define WEXITSTATUS(w)	(((w) >> 8) & 0377)
#else /* defined (_WIN32) && ! defined (__CYGWIN32__) */
#define WIFEXITED(w)	(((w) & 0xff) == 0)
#define WIFSIGNALED(w)	(((w) & 0xff) != 0 && ((w) & 0xff) != 0x7f)
#ifndef WTERMSIG
#define WTERMSIG(w)	((w) & 0x7f)
#define WEXITSTATUS(w)	(((w) & 0xff00) >> 8)
#endif /* defined (_WIN32) && ! defined (__CYGWIN32__) */
#endif /* ! HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H */

/* ifunc and ihead data structures: ttk@cygnus.com 1997

   When IMPORT declarations are encountered in a .def file the
   function import information is stored in a structure referenced by
   the global variable IMPORT_LIST.  The structure is a linked list
   containing the names of the dll files each function is imported
   from and a linked list of functions being imported from that dll
   file.  This roughly parallels the structure of the .idata section
   in the PE object file.

   The contents of .def file are interpreted from within the
   process_def_file function.  Every time an IMPORT declaration is
   encountered, it is broken up into its component parts and passed to
   def_import.  IMPORT_LIST is initialized to NULL in function main.  */

typedef struct ifunct
  char          *name;   /* name of function being imported */
  int            ord;    /* two-byte ordinal value associated with function */
  struct ifunct *next;
} ifunctype;

typedef struct iheadt
  char          *dllname;  /* name of dll file imported from */
  long           nfuncs;   /* number of functions in list */
  struct ifunct *funchead; /* first function in list */
  struct ifunct *functail; /* last  function in list */
  struct iheadt *next;     /* next dll file in list */
} iheadtype;

/* Structure containing all import information as defined in .def file
   (qv "ihead structure").  */

static iheadtype *import_list = NULL;

static char *as_name = NULL;
static char * as_flags = "";

static int no_idata4;
static int no_idata5;
static char *exp_name;
static char *imp_name;
static char *head_label;
static char *imp_name_lab;
static char *dll_name;

static int add_indirect = 0;
static int add_underscore = 0;
static int dontdeltemps = 0;

/* True if we should export all symbols.  Otherwise, we only export
   symbols listed in .drectve sections or in the def file.  */
static boolean export_all_symbols;

/* True if we should exclude the symbols in DEFAULT_EXCLUDES when
   exporting all symbols.  */
static boolean do_default_excludes;

/* Default symbols to exclude when exporting all the symbols.  */
static const char *default_excludes = "DllMain@12,DllEntryPoint@0,impure_ptr";

/* True if we should add __imp_<SYMBOL> to import libraries for backward 
   compatibility to old Cygwin releases.  */
static boolean create_compat_implib;

static char *def_file;

extern char * program_name;

static int machine;
static int killat;
static int add_stdcall_alias;
static int verbose;
static FILE *output_def;
static FILE *base_file;

static const char *mname = "arm";

#ifdef DLLTOOL_I386
static const char *mname = "i386";

static const char *mname = "ppc";

static const char * mname = "mcore-le";

static const char * mname = "mcore-elf";
static char * mcore_elf_out_file = NULL;
static char * mcore_elf_linker   = NULL;
static char * mcore_elf_linker_flags = NULL;

#define DRECTVE_SECTION_NAME ((machine == MMCORE_ELF || machine == MMCORE_ELF_LE) ? ".exports" : ".drectve")

#define DRECTVE_SECTION_NAME ".drectve"

#define PATHMAX 250		/* What's the right name for this ? */

#define TMP_ASM		"dc.s"
#define TMP_HEAD_S	"dh.s"
#define TMP_HEAD_O	"dh.o"
#define TMP_TAIL_S	"dt.s"
#define TMP_TAIL_O	"dt.o"
#define TMP_STUB	"ds"

/* This bit of assemly does jmp * .... */
static const unsigned char i386_jtab[] =
  0xff, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, 0x90

static const unsigned char arm_jtab[] =
  0x00, 0xc0, 0x9f, 0xe5,	/* ldr  ip, [pc] */
  0x00, 0xf0, 0x9c, 0xe5,	/* ldr  pc, [ip] */
  0,    0,    0,    0

static const unsigned char arm_interwork_jtab[] =
  0x04, 0xc0, 0x9f, 0xe5,	/* ldr  ip, [pc] */
  0x00, 0xc0, 0x9c, 0xe5,	/* ldr  ip, [ip] */
  0x1c, 0xff, 0x2f, 0xe1,	/* bx   ip       */
  0,    0,    0,    0

static const unsigned char thumb_jtab[] =
  0x40, 0xb4,           /* push {r6}         */
  0x02, 0x4e,           /* ldr  r6, [pc, #8] */
  0x36, 0x68,           /* ldr  r6, [r6]     */
  0xb4, 0x46,           /* mov  ip, r6       */
  0x40, 0xbc,           /* pop  {r6}         */
  0x60, 0x47,           /* bx   ip           */
  0,    0,    0,    0

static const unsigned char mcore_be_jtab[] =
  0x71, 0x02,            /* lrw r1,2       */
  0x81, 0x01,            /* ld.w r1,(r1,0) */  
  0x00, 0xC1,            /* jmp r1         */
  0x12, 0x00,            /* nop            */
  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* <address>      */  

static const unsigned char mcore_le_jtab[] =
  0x02, 0x71,            /* lrw r1,2       */
  0x01, 0x81,            /* ld.w r1,(r1,0) */  
  0xC1, 0x00,            /* jmp r1         */
  0x00, 0x12,            /* nop            */
  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* <address>      */  

/* This is the glue sequence for PowerPC PE. There is a  */
/* tocrel16-tocdefn reloc against the first instruction. */
/* We also need a IMGLUE reloc against the glue function */
/* to restore the toc saved by the third instruction in  */
/* the glue. */
static const unsigned char ppc_jtab[] =
  0x00, 0x00, 0x62, 0x81, /* lwz r11,0(r2)               */
                          /*   Reloc TOCREL16 __imp_xxx  */
  0x00, 0x00, 0x8B, 0x81, /* lwz r12,0(r11)              */
  0x04, 0x00, 0x41, 0x90, /* stw r2,4(r1)                */
  0xA6, 0x03, 0x89, 0x7D, /* mtctr r12                   */
  0x04, 0x00, 0x4B, 0x80, /* lwz r2,4(r11)               */
  0x20, 0x04, 0x80, 0x4E  /* bctr                        */

/* the glue instruction, picks up the toc from the stw in */
/* the above code: "lwz r2,4(r1)"                         */
static bfd_vma ppc_glue_insn = 0x80410004;

struct mac
    const char *type;
    const char *how_byte;
    const char *how_short;
    const char *how_long;
    const char *how_asciz;
    const char *how_comment;
    const char *how_jump;
    const char *how_global;
    const char *how_space;
    const char *how_align_short;
    const char *how_align_long;
    const char *how_default_as_switches;
    const char *how_bfd_target;
    enum bfd_architecture how_bfd_arch;
    const unsigned char *how_jtab;
    int how_jtab_size; /* size of the jtab entry */
    int how_jtab_roff; /* offset into it for the ind 32 reloc into idata 5 */

static const struct mac
mtable[] =
#define MARM 0
    "arm", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "@",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "-mapcs-32",
    "pe-arm-little", bfd_arch_arm,
    arm_jtab, sizeof (arm_jtab), 8
#define M386 1
    "i386", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "#",
    "jmp *", ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "",
    i386_jtab, sizeof (i386_jtab), 2
#define MPPC 2
    "ppc", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "#",
    "jmp *", ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "",
    ppc_jtab, sizeof (ppc_jtab), 0
#define MTHUMB 3
    "thumb", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "@",
    "push\t{r6}\n\tldr\tr6, [pc, #8]\n\tldr\tr6, [r6]\n\tmov\tip, r6\n\tpop\t{r6}\n\tbx\tip",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "-mthumb-interwork",
    "pe-arm-little", bfd_arch_arm,
    thumb_jtab, sizeof (thumb_jtab), 12
    "arm_interwork", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "@",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "-mthumb-interwork",
    "pe-arm-little", bfd_arch_arm,
    arm_interwork_jtab, sizeof (arm_interwork_jtab), 12
#define MMCORE_BE 5
    "mcore-be", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "//",
    "lrw r1,[1f]\n\tld.w r1,(r1,0)\n\tjmp r1\n\tnop\n1:.long",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "",
    "pe-mcore-big", bfd_arch_mcore,
    mcore_be_jtab, sizeof (mcore_be_jtab), 8
#define MMCORE_LE 6
    "mcore-le", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "//",
    "lrw r1,[1f]\n\tld.w r1,(r1,0)\n\tjmp r1\n\tnop\n1:.long",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "-EL",
    "pe-mcore-little", bfd_arch_mcore,
    mcore_le_jtab, sizeof (mcore_le_jtab), 8
#define MMCORE_ELF 7
    "mcore-elf-be", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "//",
    "lrw r1,[1f]\n\tld.w r1,(r1,0)\n\tjmp r1\n\tnop\n1:.long",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "",
    "elf32-mcore-big", bfd_arch_mcore,
    mcore_be_jtab, sizeof (mcore_be_jtab), 8
#define MMCORE_ELF_LE 8
    "mcore-elf-le", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "//",
    "lrw r1,[1f]\n\tld.w r1,(r1,0)\n\tjmp r1\n\tnop\n1:.long",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "-EL",
    "elf32-mcore-little", bfd_arch_mcore,
    mcore_le_jtab, sizeof (mcore_le_jtab), 8
#define MARM_EPOC 9
    "arm", ".byte", ".short", ".long", ".asciz", "@",
    ".global", ".space", ".align\t2",".align\t4", "",
    "epoc-pe-arm-little", bfd_arch_arm,
    arm_jtab, sizeof (arm_jtab), 8
  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

typedef struct dlist
  char *text;
  struct dlist *next;

typedef struct export
    const char *name;
    const char *internal_name;
    int ordinal;
    int constant;
    int noname;
    int data;
    int hint;
    struct export *next;

/* A list of symbols which we should not export.  */
struct string_list
  struct string_list *next;
  char *string;

static struct string_list *excludes;

static const char *rvaafter PARAMS ((int));
static const char *rvabefore PARAMS ((int));
static const char *asm_prefix PARAMS ((int));
static void append_import PARAMS ((const char *, const char *, int));
static void run PARAMS ((const char *, char *));
static void scan_drectve_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
static void scan_filtered_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, long, unsigned int));
static void add_excludes PARAMS ((const char *));
static boolean match_exclude PARAMS ((const char *));
static void set_default_excludes PARAMS ((void));
static long filter_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR, long, unsigned int));
static void scan_all_symbols PARAMS ((bfd *));
static void scan_open_obj_file PARAMS ((bfd *));
static void scan_obj_file PARAMS ((const char *));
static void dump_def_info PARAMS ((FILE *));
static int sfunc PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
static void flush_page PARAMS ((FILE *, long *, int, int));
static void gen_def_file PARAMS ((void));
static void generate_idata_ofile PARAMS ((FILE *));
static void gen_exp_file PARAMS ((void));
static const char *xlate PARAMS ((const char *));
#if 0
static void dump_iat PARAMS ((FILE *, export_type *));
static char *make_label PARAMS ((const char *, const char *));
static bfd *make_one_lib_file PARAMS ((export_type *, int));
static bfd *make_head PARAMS ((void));
static bfd *make_tail PARAMS ((void));
static void gen_lib_file PARAMS ((void));
static int pfunc PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
static int nfunc PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
static void remove_null_names PARAMS ((export_type **));
static void dtab PARAMS ((export_type **));
static void process_duplicates PARAMS ((export_type **));
static void fill_ordinals PARAMS ((export_type **));
static int alphafunc PARAMS ((const void *, const void *));
static void mangle_defs PARAMS ((void));
static void usage PARAMS ((FILE *, int));
static void display PARAMS ((const char *, va_list));
static void inform PARAMS ((const char *, ...));
static void warn PARAMS ((const char *, ...));

static void
display (message, args)
     const char * message;
     va_list      args;
  if (program_name != NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", program_name);

  vfprintf (stderr, message, args);

  if (message [strlen (message) - 1] != '\n')
    fputc ('\n', stderr);

static void
#ifdef __STDC__
inform (const char * message, ...)
inform (message, va_alist)
     const char * message;
  va_list args;
  if (!verbose)

#ifdef __STDC__
  va_start (args, message);
  va_start (args);

  display (message, args);
  va_end (args);

static void
#ifdef __STDC__
warn (const char * message, ...)
warn (message, va_alist)
     const char * message;
  va_list args;
#ifdef __STDC__
  va_start (args, message);
  va_start (args);
  display (message, args);

  va_end (args);

static const char *
rvaafter (machine)
     int machine;
  switch (machine)
    case MARM:
    case M386:
    case MPPC:
    case MTHUMB:
    case MMCORE_BE:
    case MMCORE_LE:
    case MMCORE_ELF:
    case MMCORE_ELF_LE:
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      fatal (_("Internal error: Unknown machine type: %d\n"), machine);
  return "";

static const char *
rvabefore (machine)
     int machine;
  switch (machine)
    case MARM:
    case M386:
    case MPPC:
    case MTHUMB:
    case MMCORE_BE:
    case MMCORE_LE:
    case MMCORE_ELF:
    case MMCORE_ELF_LE:
      return ".rva\t";
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      fatal (_("Internal error: Unknown machine type: %d\n"), machine);
  return "";

static const char *
asm_prefix (machine)
     int machine;
  switch (machine)
    case MARM:
    case MPPC:
    case MTHUMB:
    case MMCORE_BE:
    case MMCORE_LE:
    case MMCORE_ELF:
    case MMCORE_ELF_LE:
    case M386:
      return "_";
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      fatal (_("Internal error: Unknown machine type: %d\n"), machine);
  return "";

#define ASM_BYTE 	mtable[machine].how_byte
#define ASM_SHORT 	mtable[machine].how_short
#define ASM_LONG	mtable[machine].how_long
#define ASM_TEXT	mtable[machine].how_asciz
#define ASM_C 		mtable[machine].how_comment
#define ASM_JUMP 	mtable[machine].how_jump
#define ASM_GLOBAL	mtable[machine].how_global
#define ASM_SPACE	mtable[machine].how_space
#define ASM_ALIGN_SHORT mtable[machine].how_align_short
#define ASM_RVA_BEFORE 	rvabefore(machine)
#define ASM_RVA_AFTER  	rvaafter(machine)
#define ASM_PREFIX	asm_prefix(machine)
#define ASM_ALIGN_LONG  mtable[machine].how_align_long
#define HOW_BFD_READ_TARGET  0  /* always default*/
#define HOW_BFD_WRITE_TARGET mtable[machine].how_bfd_target
#define HOW_BFD_ARCH    mtable[machine].how_bfd_arch
#define HOW_JTAB        mtable[machine].how_jtab
#define HOW_JTAB_SIZE   mtable[machine].how_jtab_size
#define HOW_JTAB_ROFF   mtable[machine].how_jtab_roff
#define ASM_SWITCHES    mtable[machine].how_default_as_switches

static char **oav;

process_def_file (name)
     const char *name;
  FILE *f = fopen (name, FOPEN_RT);
  if (!f)
    /* xgettext:c-format */
    fatal (_("Can't open def file: %s"), name);

  yyin = f;

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Processing def file: %s"), name);
  yyparse ();

  inform (_("Processed def file"));


/* Communications with the parser */

static const char *d_name;	/* Arg to NAME or LIBRARY */
static int d_nfuncs;		/* Number of functions exported */
static int d_named_nfuncs;	/* Number of named functions exported */
static int d_low_ord;		/* Lowest ordinal index */
static int d_high_ord;		/* Highest ordinal index */
static export_type *d_exports;	/*list of exported functions */
static export_type **d_exports_lexically;	/* vector of exported functions in alpha order */
static dlist_type *d_list;	/* Descriptions */
static dlist_type *a_list;	/* Stuff to go in directives */

static int d_is_dll;
static int d_is_exe;

yyerror (err)
     const char * err ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
  /* xgettext:c-format */
  warn (_("Syntax error in def file %s:%d\n"), def_file, linenumber);
  return 0;

def_exports (name, internal_name, ordinal, noname, constant, data)
     const char *name;
     const char *internal_name;
     int ordinal;
     int noname;
     int constant;
     int data;
  struct export *p = (struct export *) xmalloc (sizeof (*p));

  p->name = name;
  p->internal_name = internal_name ? internal_name : name;
  p->ordinal = ordinal;
  p->constant = constant;
  p->noname = noname;
  p->data = data;
  p->next = d_exports;
  d_exports = p;

def_name (name, base)
     const char *name;
     int base;
  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("NAME: %s base: %x"), name, base);
  if (d_is_dll)
    warn (_("Can't have LIBRARY and NAME\n"));
  d_name = name;
  /* if --dllname not provided, use the one in the DEF file.
     FIXME: Is this appropriate for executables? */
  if (! dll_name)
    dll_name = xstrdup (name);
  d_is_exe = 1;

def_library (name, base)
     const char *name;
     int base;
  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("LIBRARY: %s base: %x"), name, base);
  if (d_is_exe)
    warn (_("%s: Can't have LIBRARY and NAME\n"), program_name);
  d_name = name;
  /* if --dllname not provided, use the one in the DEF file. */
  if (! dll_name)
    dll_name = xstrdup (name);
  d_is_dll = 1;

def_description (desc)
     const char *desc;
  dlist_type *d = (dlist_type *) xmalloc (sizeof (dlist_type));
  d->text = xstrdup (desc);
  d->next = d_list;
  d_list = d;

new_directive (dir)
     char *dir;
  dlist_type *d = (dlist_type *) xmalloc (sizeof (dlist_type));
  d->text = xstrdup (dir);
  d->next = a_list;
  a_list = d;

def_heapsize (reserve, commit)
     int reserve;
     int commit;
  char b[200];
  if (commit > 0)
    sprintf (b, "-heap 0x%x,0x%x ", reserve, commit);
    sprintf (b, "-heap 0x%x ", reserve);
  new_directive (xstrdup (b));

def_stacksize (reserve, commit)
     int reserve;
     int commit;
  char b[200];
  if (commit > 0)
    sprintf (b, "-stack 0x%x,0x%x ", reserve, commit);
    sprintf (b, "-stack 0x%x ", reserve);
  new_directive (xstrdup (b));

/* append_import simply adds the given import definition to the global
   import_list.  It is used by def_import.  */

static void
append_import (symbol_name, dll_name, func_ordinal)
     const char *symbol_name;
     const char *dll_name;
     int func_ordinal;
  iheadtype **pq;
  iheadtype *q;

  for (pq = &import_list; *pq != NULL; pq = &(*pq)->next)
      if (strcmp ((*pq)->dllname, dll_name) == 0)
	  q = *pq;
	  q->functail->next = xmalloc (sizeof (ifunctype));
	  q->functail = q->functail->next;
	  q->functail->ord  = func_ordinal;
	  q->functail->name = xstrdup (symbol_name);
	  q->functail->next = NULL;

  q = xmalloc (sizeof (iheadtype));
  q->dllname = xstrdup (dll_name);
  q->nfuncs = 1;
  q->funchead = xmalloc (sizeof (ifunctype));
  q->functail = q->funchead;
  q->next = NULL;
  q->functail->name = xstrdup (symbol_name);
  q->functail->ord  = func_ordinal;
  q->functail->next = NULL;

  *pq = q;

/* def_import is called from within defparse.y when an IMPORT
   declaration is encountered.  Depending on the form of the
   declaration, the module name may or may not need ".dll" to be
   appended to it, the name of the function may be stored in internal
   or entry, and there may or may not be an ordinal value associated
   with it.  */

/* A note regarding the parse modes:
   In defparse.y we have to accept import declarations which follow
   any one of the following forms:
     <func_name_in_app> = <dll_name>.<func_name_in_dll>
     <func_name_in_app> = <dll_name>.<number>
   Furthermore, the dll's name may or may not end with ".dll", which
   complicates the parsing a little.  Normally the dll's name is
   passed to def_import() in the "module" parameter, but when it ends
   with ".dll" it gets passed in "module" sans ".dll" and that needs
   to be reappended.

  def_import gets five parameters:
  APP_NAME - the name of the function in the application, if
             present, or NULL if not present.
  MODULE   - the name of the dll, possibly sans extension (ie, '.dll').
  DLLEXT   - the extension of the dll, if present, NULL if not present.
  ENTRY    - the name of the function in the dll, if present, or NULL.
  ORD_VAL  - the numerical tag of the function in the dll, if present,
             or NULL.  Exactly one of <entry> or <ord_val> must be
             present (i.e., not NULL).  */

def_import (app_name, module, dllext, entry, ord_val)
     const char *app_name;
     const char *module;
     const char *dllext;
     const char *entry;
     int ord_val;
  const char *application_name;
  char *buf;

  if (entry != NULL)
    application_name = entry;
      if (app_name != NULL)
	application_name = app_name;
	application_name = "";
  if (dllext != NULL)
      buf = (char *) alloca (strlen (module) + strlen (dllext) + 2);
      sprintf (buf, "%s.%s", module, dllext);
      module = buf;

  append_import (application_name, module, ord_val);

def_version (major, minor)
     int major;
     int minor;
  printf ("VERSION %d.%d\n", major, minor);

def_section (name, attr)
     const char *name;
     int attr;
  char buf[200];
  char atts[5];
  char *d = atts;
  if (attr & 1)
    *d++ = 'R';

  if (attr & 2)
    *d++ = 'W';
  if (attr & 4)
    *d++ = 'X';
  if (attr & 8)
    *d++ = 'S';
  *d++ = 0;
  sprintf (buf, "-attr %s %s", name, atts);
  new_directive (xstrdup (buf));

def_code (attr)
     int attr;

  def_section ("CODE", attr);

def_data (attr)
     int attr;
  def_section ("DATA", attr);


static void
run (what, args)
     const char *what;
     char *args;
  char *s;
  int pid, wait_status;
  int i;
  const char **argv;
  char *errmsg_fmt, *errmsg_arg;
  char *temp_base = choose_temp_base ();

  inform ("run: %s %s\n", what, args);

  /* Count the args */
  i = 0;
  for (s = args; *s; s++)
    if (*s == ' ')
  argv = alloca (sizeof (char *) * (i + 3));
  i = 0;
  argv[i++] = what;
  s = args;
  while (1)
      while (*s == ' ')
      argv[i++] = s;
      while (*s != ' ' && *s != 0)
      if (*s == 0)
      *s++ = 0;
  argv[i++] = NULL;

  pid = pexecute (argv[0], (char * const *) argv, program_name, temp_base,
		  &errmsg_fmt, &errmsg_arg, PEXECUTE_ONE | PEXECUTE_SEARCH);

  if (pid == -1)
      inform (strerror (errno));
      fatal (errmsg_fmt, errmsg_arg);

  pid = pwait (pid, & wait_status, 0);
  if (pid == -1)
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      fatal (_("wait: %s"), strerror (errno));
  else if (WIFSIGNALED (wait_status))
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      fatal (_("subprocess got fatal signal %d"), WTERMSIG (wait_status));
  else if (WIFEXITED (wait_status))
      if (WEXITSTATUS (wait_status) != 0)
	/* xgettext:c-format */
	warn (_("%s exited with status %d\n"),
	      what, WEXITSTATUS (wait_status));
    abort ();

/* Look for a list of symbols to export in the .drectve section of
   ABFD.  Pass each one to def_exports.  */

static void
scan_drectve_symbols (abfd)
     bfd *abfd;
  asection * s;
  int        size;
  char *     buf;
  char *     p;
  char *     e;

  /* Look for .drectve's */
  s = bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, DRECTVE_SECTION_NAME);
  if (s == NULL)
  size = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc (s);
  buf  = xmalloc (size);

  bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, s, buf, 0, size);
  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Sucking in info from %s section in %s\n"),
	  DRECTVE_SECTION_NAME, bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  /* Search for -export: strings. The exported symbols can optionally
     have type tags (eg., -export:foo,data), so handle those as well.
     Currently only data tag is supported.  */
  p = buf;
  e = buf + size;
  while (p < e)
      if (p[0] == '-'
	  && strncmp (p, "-export:", 8) == 0)
	  char * name;
	  char * c;
	  flagword flags = BSF_FUNCTION;
	  p += 8;
	  name = p;
	  while (p < e && *p != ',' && *p != ' ' && *p != '-')
	  c = xmalloc (p - name + 1);
	  memcpy (c, name, p - name);
	  c[p - name] = 0;
	  if (p < e && *p == ',')       /* found type tag. */
	      char *tag_start = ++p;
	      while (p < e && *p != ' ' && *p != '-')
	      if (strncmp (tag_start, "data", 4) == 0)
		flags &= ~BSF_FUNCTION;

	  /* FIXME: The 5th arg is for the `constant' field.
	     What should it be?  Not that it matters since it's not
	     currently useful.  */
	  def_exports (c, 0, -1, 0, 0, ! (flags & BSF_FUNCTION));

	  if (add_stdcall_alias && strchr (c, '@'))
	      char *exported_name = xstrdup (c);
	      char *atsym = strchr (exported_name, '@');
	      *atsym = '\0';
	      /* Note: stdcall alias symbols can never be data.  */
	      def_exports (exported_name, xstrdup (c), -1, 0, 0, 0);
  free (buf);

/* Look through the symbols in MINISYMS, and add each one to list of
   symbols to export.  */

static void
scan_filtered_symbols (abfd, minisyms, symcount, size)
     bfd *abfd;
     PTR minisyms;
     long symcount;
     unsigned int size;
  asymbol *store;
  bfd_byte *from, *fromend;

  store = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
  if (store == NULL)
    bfd_fatal (bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  from = (bfd_byte *) minisyms;
  fromend = from + symcount * size;
  for (; from < fromend; from += size)
      asymbol *sym;
      const char *symbol_name;

      sym = bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol (abfd, false, from, store);
      if (sym == NULL)
	bfd_fatal (bfd_get_filename (abfd));

      symbol_name = bfd_asymbol_name (sym);
      if (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char (abfd) == symbol_name[0])

      def_exports (xstrdup (symbol_name) , 0, -1, 0, 0,
		   ! (sym->flags & BSF_FUNCTION));

      if (add_stdcall_alias && strchr (symbol_name, '@'))
	  char *exported_name = xstrdup (symbol_name);
	  char *atsym = strchr (exported_name, '@');
	  *atsym = '\0';
	  /* Note: stdcall alias symbols can never be data. */
	  def_exports (exported_name, xstrdup (symbol_name), -1, 0, 0, 0);

/* Add a list of symbols to exclude.  */

static void
add_excludes (new_excludes)
     const char *new_excludes;
  char *local_copy;
  char *exclude_string;

  local_copy = xstrdup (new_excludes);

  exclude_string = strtok (local_copy, ",:");
  for (; exclude_string; exclude_string = strtok (NULL, ",:"))
      struct string_list *new_exclude;
      new_exclude = ((struct string_list *)
		     xmalloc (sizeof (struct string_list)));
      new_exclude->string = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (exclude_string) + 2);
      /* FIXME: Is it always right to add a leading underscore?  */
      sprintf (new_exclude->string, "_%s", exclude_string);
      new_exclude->next = excludes;
      excludes = new_exclude;

      /* xgettext:c-format */
      inform (_("Excluding symbol: %s\n"), exclude_string);

  free (local_copy);

/* See if STRING is on the list of symbols to exclude.  */

static boolean
match_exclude (string)
     const char *string;
  struct string_list *excl_item;

  for (excl_item = excludes; excl_item; excl_item = excl_item->next)
    if (strcmp (string, excl_item->string) == 0)
      return true;
  return false;

/* Add the default list of symbols to exclude.  */

static void
set_default_excludes (void)
  add_excludes (default_excludes);

/* Choose which symbols to export.  */

static long
filter_symbols (abfd, minisyms, symcount, size)
     bfd *abfd;
     PTR minisyms;
     long symcount;
     unsigned int size;
  bfd_byte *from, *fromend, *to;
  asymbol *store;

  store = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
  if (store == NULL)
    bfd_fatal (bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  from = (bfd_byte *) minisyms;
  fromend = from + symcount * size;
  to = (bfd_byte *) minisyms;

  for (; from < fromend; from += size)
      int keep = 0;
      asymbol *sym;

      sym = bfd_minisymbol_to_symbol (abfd, false, (const PTR) from, store);
      if (sym == NULL)
	bfd_fatal (bfd_get_filename (abfd));

      /* Check for external and defined only symbols.  */
      keep = (((sym->flags & BSF_GLOBAL) != 0
	       || (sym->flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0
	       || bfd_is_com_section (sym->section))
	      && ! bfd_is_und_section (sym->section));
      keep = keep && ! match_exclude (sym->name);

      if (keep)
	  memcpy (to, from, size);
	  to += size;

  return (to - (bfd_byte *) minisyms) / size;

/* Export all symbols in ABFD, except for ones we were told not to
   export.  */

static void
scan_all_symbols (abfd)
     bfd *abfd;
  long symcount;
  PTR minisyms;
  unsigned int size;

  /* Ignore bfds with an import descriptor table.  We assume that any
     such BFD contains symbols which are exported from another DLL,
     and we don't want to reexport them from here.  */
  if (bfd_get_section_by_name (abfd, ".idata$4"))

  if (! (bfd_get_file_flags (abfd) & HAS_SYMS))
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      warn (_("%s: no symbols\n"), bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  symcount = bfd_read_minisymbols (abfd, false, &minisyms, &size);
  if (symcount < 0)
    bfd_fatal (bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  if (symcount == 0)
      /* xgettext:c-format */
      warn (_("%s: no symbols\n"), bfd_get_filename (abfd));

  /* Discard the symbols we don't want to export.  It's OK to do this
     in place; we'll free the storage anyway.  */

  symcount = filter_symbols (abfd, minisyms, symcount, size);
  scan_filtered_symbols (abfd, minisyms, symcount, size);

  free (minisyms);

/* Look at the object file to decide which symbols to export.  */

static void
scan_open_obj_file (abfd)
     bfd *abfd;
  if (export_all_symbols)
    scan_all_symbols (abfd);
    scan_drectve_symbols (abfd);
  /* FIXME: we ought to read in and block out the base relocations */

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Done reading %s\n"), bfd_get_filename (abfd));

static void
scan_obj_file (filename)
     const char *filename;
  bfd * f = bfd_openr (filename, 0);

  if (!f)
    /* xgettext:c-format */
    fatal (_("Unable to open object file: %s"), filename);

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Scanning object file %s"), filename);
  if (bfd_check_format (f, bfd_archive))
      bfd *arfile = bfd_openr_next_archived_file (f, 0);
      while (arfile)
	  if (bfd_check_format (arfile, bfd_object))
	    scan_open_obj_file (arfile);
	  bfd_close (arfile);
	  arfile = bfd_openr_next_archived_file (f, arfile);
      if (mcore_elf_out_file)
	inform (_("Cannot produce mcore-elf dll from archive file: %s"), filename);
  else if (bfd_check_format (f, bfd_object))
      scan_open_obj_file (f);

      if (mcore_elf_out_file)
	mcore_elf_cache_filename ((char *) filename);

  bfd_close (f);


static void
dump_def_info (f)
     FILE *f;
  int i;
  export_type *exp;
  fprintf (f, "%s ", ASM_C);
  for (i = 0; oav[i]; i++)
    fprintf (f, "%s ", oav[i]);
  fprintf (f, "\n");
  for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
      fprintf (f, "%s  %d = %s %s @ %d %s%s%s\n",
	       exp->noname ? "NONAME " : "",
	       exp->constant ? "CONSTANT" : "",
	       exp->data ? "DATA" : "");

/* Generate the .exp file */

static int
sfunc (a, b)
     const void *a;
     const void *b;
  return *(const long *) a - *(const long *) b;

static void
flush_page (f, need, page_addr, on_page)
     FILE *f;
     long *need;
     int page_addr;
     int on_page;
  int i;

  /* Flush this page */
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0x%08x\t%s Starting RVA for chunk\n",
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0x%x\t%s Size of block\n",
	   (on_page * 2) + (on_page & 1) * 2 + 8,
  for (i = 0; i < on_page; i++)
      long needed = need[i];
      if (needed)
	needed = ((needed - page_addr) | 0x3000) & 0xffff;
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0x%lx\n", ASM_SHORT, needed);
  /* And padding */
  if (on_page & 1)
    fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0x%x\n", ASM_SHORT, 0 | 0x0000);

static void
gen_def_file ()
  int i;
  export_type *exp;

  inform (_("Adding exports to output file"));
  fprintf (output_def, ";");
  for (i = 0; oav[i]; i++)
    fprintf (output_def, " %s", oav[i]);

  fprintf (output_def, "\nEXPORTS\n");

  for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
      char *quote = strchr (exp->name, '.') ? "\"" : "";
      char *res = cplus_demangle (exp->internal_name, DMGL_ANSI | DMGL_PARAMS);

      if (strcmp (exp->name, exp->internal_name) == 0)

	  fprintf (output_def, "\t%s%s%s @ %d%s%s ; %s\n",
		   exp->noname ? " NONAME" : "",
		   exp->data ? " DATA" : "",
		   res ? res : "");
          char *quote1 = strchr (exp->internal_name, '.') ? "\"" : "";
	  /* char *alias =  */
	  fprintf (output_def, "\t%s%s%s = %s%s%s @ %d%s%s ; %s\n",
		   exp->noname ? " NONAME" : "",
		   exp->data ? " DATA" : "",
		   res ? res : "");
      if (res)
        free (res);
  inform (_("Added exports to output file"));

/* generate_idata_ofile generates the portable assembly source code
   for the idata sections.  It appends the source code to the end of
   the file.  */

static void
generate_idata_ofile (filvar)
     FILE *filvar;
  iheadtype *headptr;
  ifunctype *funcptr;
  int        headindex;
  int        funcindex;
  int	     nheads;

  if (import_list == NULL)

  fprintf (filvar, "%s Import data sections\n", ASM_C);
  fprintf (filvar, "\n\t.section\t.idata$2\n");
  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\tdoi_idata\n", ASM_GLOBAL);
  fprintf (filvar, "doi_idata:\n");

  nheads = 0;
  for (headptr = import_list; headptr != NULL; headptr = headptr->next)
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%slistone%d%s\t%s %s\n",
	       ASM_RVA_BEFORE, nheads, ASM_RVA_AFTER,
	       ASM_C, headptr->dllname);
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%sdllname%d%s\n",
	       ASM_RVA_BEFORE, nheads, ASM_RVA_AFTER);
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%slisttwo%d%s\n\n",
	       ASM_RVA_BEFORE, nheads, ASM_RVA_AFTER);

  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG); /* NULL record at */
  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG); /* end of idata$2 */
  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG); /* section        */
  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);

  fprintf (filvar, "\n\t.section\t.idata$4\n");
  headindex = 0;
  for (headptr = import_list; headptr != NULL; headptr = headptr->next)
      fprintf (filvar, "listone%d:\n", headindex);
      for ( funcindex = 0; funcindex < headptr->nfuncs; funcindex++ )
	fprintf (filvar, "\t%sfuncptr%d_%d%s\n",
		 ASM_RVA_BEFORE, headindex, funcindex, ASM_RVA_AFTER);
      fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG); /* NULL terminating list */

  fprintf (filvar, "\n\t.section\t.idata$5\n");
  headindex = 0;
  for (headptr = import_list; headptr != NULL; headptr = headptr->next)
      fprintf (filvar, "listtwo%d:\n", headindex);
      for ( funcindex = 0; funcindex < headptr->nfuncs; funcindex++ )
	fprintf (filvar, "\t%sfuncptr%d_%d%s\n",
		 ASM_RVA_BEFORE, headindex, funcindex, ASM_RVA_AFTER);
      fprintf (filvar, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG); /* NULL terminating list */

  fprintf (filvar, "\n\t.section\t.idata$6\n");
  headindex = 0;
  for (headptr = import_list; headptr != NULL; headptr = headptr->next)
      funcindex = 0;
      for (funcptr = headptr->funchead; funcptr != NULL;
	   funcptr = funcptr->next)
	  fprintf (filvar,"funcptr%d_%d:\n", headindex, funcindex);
	  fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t%d\n", ASM_SHORT,
		   ((funcptr->ord) & 0xFFFF));
	  fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", ASM_TEXT, funcptr->name);
	  fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t0\n", ASM_BYTE);

  fprintf (filvar, "\n\t.section\t.idata$7\n");
  headindex = 0;
  for (headptr = import_list; headptr != NULL; headptr = headptr->next)
      fprintf (filvar,"dllname%d:\n", headindex);
      fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", ASM_TEXT, headptr->dllname);
      fprintf (filvar,"\t%s\t0\n", ASM_BYTE);

/* Assemble the specified file. */
static void
assemble_file (source, dest)
     const char * source;
     const char * dest;
  char * cmd;
  cmd = (char *) alloca (strlen (ASM_SWITCHES) + strlen (as_flags)
			 + strlen (source) + strlen (dest) + 50);

  sprintf (cmd, "%s %s -o %s %s", ASM_SWITCHES, as_flags, dest, source);

  run (as_name, cmd);

static void
gen_exp_file ()
  FILE *f;
  int i;
  export_type *exp;
  dlist_type *dl;

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Generating export file: %s\n"), exp_name);
  f = fopen (TMP_ASM, FOPEN_WT);
  if (!f)
    /* xgettext:c-format */
    fatal (_("Unable to open temporary assembler file: %s"), TMP_ASM);
  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Opened temporary file: %s"), TMP_ASM);

  dump_def_info (f);
  if (d_exports)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.edata\n\n");
      fprintf (f, "\t%s	0	%s Allways 0\n", ASM_LONG, ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t%s	0x%lx	%s Time and date\n", ASM_LONG, (long) time(0),
      fprintf (f, "\t%s	0	%s Major and Minor version\n", ASM_LONG, ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t%sname%s	%s Ptr to name of dll\n", ASM_RVA_BEFORE, ASM_RVA_AFTER, ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t%s	%d	%s Starting ordinal of exports\n", ASM_LONG, d_low_ord, ASM_C);

      fprintf (f, "\t%s	%d	%s Number of functions\n", ASM_LONG, d_high_ord - d_low_ord + 1, ASM_C);
      fprintf(f,"\t%s named funcs %d, low ord %d, high ord %d\n",
	      d_named_nfuncs, d_low_ord, d_high_ord);
      fprintf (f, "\t%s	%d	%s Number of names\n", ASM_LONG,
	       show_allnames ? d_high_ord - d_low_ord + 1 : d_named_nfuncs, ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t%safuncs%s  %s Address of functions\n", ASM_RVA_BEFORE, ASM_RVA_AFTER, ASM_C);

      fprintf (f, "\t%sanames%s	%s Address of Name Pointer Table\n",

      fprintf (f, "\t%sanords%s	%s Address of ordinals\n", ASM_RVA_BEFORE, ASM_RVA_AFTER, ASM_C);

      fprintf (f, "name:	%s	\"%s\"\n", ASM_TEXT, dll_name);

      fprintf(f,"%s Export address Table\n", ASM_C);
      fprintf(f,"\t%s\n", ASM_ALIGN_LONG);
      fprintf (f, "afuncs:\n");
      i = d_low_ord;

      for (exp = d_exports; exp; exp = exp->next)
	  if (exp->ordinal != i)
#if 0
	      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t%d\t%s %d..%d missing\n",
		       (exp->ordinal - i) * 4,
		       i, exp->ordinal - 1);
	      i = exp->ordinal;
	      while (i < exp->ordinal)
		  fprintf(f,"\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
	  fprintf (f, "\t%s%s%s%s\t%s %d\n", ASM_RVA_BEFORE,
                   exp->internal_name, ASM_RVA_AFTER, ASM_C, exp->ordinal);

      fprintf (f,"%s Export Name Pointer Table\n", ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "anames:\n");

      for (i = 0; (exp = d_exports_lexically[i]); i++)
	  if (!exp->noname || show_allnames)
	    fprintf (f, "\t%sn%d%s\n",
		     ASM_RVA_BEFORE, exp->ordinal, ASM_RVA_AFTER);

      fprintf (f,"%s Export Oridinal Table\n", ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "anords:\n");
      for (i = 0; (exp = d_exports_lexically[i]); i++)
	  if (!exp->noname || show_allnames)
	    fprintf (f, "\t%s	%d\n", ASM_SHORT, exp->ordinal - d_low_ord);

      fprintf(f,"%s Export Name Table\n", ASM_C);
      for (i = 0; (exp = d_exports_lexically[i]); i++)
	if (!exp->noname || show_allnames)
	  fprintf (f, "n%d:	%s	\"%s\"\n",
		   exp->ordinal, ASM_TEXT, exp->name);

      if (a_list)
	  fprintf (f, "\t.section %s\n", DRECTVE_SECTION_NAME);
	  for (dl = a_list; dl; dl = dl->next)
	      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", ASM_TEXT, dl->text);
      if (d_list)
	  fprintf (f, "\t.section .rdata\n");
	  for (dl = d_list; dl; dl = dl->next)
	      char *p;
	      int l;
	      /* We don't output as ascii because there can
	         be quote characters in the string.  */
	      l = 0;
	      for (p = dl->text; *p; p++)
		  if (l == 0)
		    fprintf (f, "\t%s\t", ASM_BYTE);
		    fprintf (f, ",");
		  fprintf (f, "%d", *p);
		  if (p[1] == 0)
		      fprintf (f, ",0\n");
		  if (++l == 10)
		      fprintf (f, "\n");
		      l = 0;

  /* Add to the output file a way of getting to the exported names
     without using the import library.  */
  if (add_indirect)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.rdata\n");
      for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
	if (!exp->noname || show_allnames)
	    /* We use a single underscore for MS compatibility, and a
               double underscore for backward compatibility with old
               cygwin releases.  */
	    if (create_compat_implib)
	      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t__imp_%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL, exp->name);
	    fprintf (f, "\t%s\t_imp__%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL, exp->name);
	    if (create_compat_implib)
	      fprintf (f, "__imp_%s:\n", exp->name);
	    fprintf (f, "_imp__%s:\n", exp->name);
	    fprintf (f, "\t%s\t%s\n", ASM_LONG, exp->name);

  /* Dump the reloc section if a base file is provided */
  if (base_file)
      int addr;
      long need[PAGE_SIZE];
      long page_addr;
      int numbytes;
      int num_entries;
      long *copy;
      int j;
      int on_page;
      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.init\n");
      fprintf (f, "lab:\n");

      fseek (base_file, 0, SEEK_END);
      numbytes = ftell (base_file);
      fseek (base_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
      copy = xmalloc (numbytes);
      fread (copy, 1, numbytes, base_file);
      num_entries = numbytes / sizeof (long);

      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.reloc\n");
      if (num_entries)
	  int src;
	  int dst = 0;
	  int last = -1;
	  qsort (copy, num_entries, sizeof (long), sfunc);
	  /* Delete duplcates */
	  for (src = 0; src < num_entries; src++)
	      if (last != copy[src])
		last = copy[dst++] = copy[src];
	  num_entries = dst;
	  addr = copy[0];
	  page_addr = addr & PAGE_MASK;		/* work out the page addr */
	  on_page = 0;
	  for (j = 0; j < num_entries; j++)
	      addr = copy[j];
	      if ((addr & PAGE_MASK) != page_addr)
		  flush_page (f, need, page_addr, on_page);
		  on_page = 0;
		  page_addr = addr & PAGE_MASK;
	      need[on_page++] = addr;
	  flush_page (f, need, page_addr, on_page);

/*	  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0,0\t%s End\n", ASM_LONG, ASM_C);*/

  generate_idata_ofile (f);

  fclose (f);

  /* assemble the file */
  assemble_file (TMP_ASM, exp_name);

  if (dontdeltemps == 0)
    unlink (TMP_ASM);
  inform (_("Generated exports file"));

static const char *
xlate (name)
     const char *name;
  if (add_underscore)
      char *copy = xmalloc (strlen (name) + 2);
      copy[0] = '_';
      strcpy (copy + 1, name);
      name = copy;

  if (killat)
      char *p;
      p = strchr (name, '@');
      if (p)
	*p = 0;
  return name;


#if 0

static void
dump_iat (f, exp)
     FILE *f;
     export_type *exp;
  if (exp->noname && !show_allnames )
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0x%08x\n",
	       exp->ordinal | 0x80000000); /* hint or orindal ?? */
      fprintf (f, "\t%sID%d%s\n", ASM_RVA_BEFORE,


typedef struct
  int id;
  const char *name;
  int flags;
  int align;
  asection *sec;
  asymbol *sym;
  asymbol **sympp;
  int size;
  unsigned   char *data;
} sinfo;


#define TEXT 0
#define DATA 1
#define BSS 2
#define IDATA7 3
#define IDATA5 4
#define IDATA4 5
#define IDATA6 6

#define NSECS 7

#define INIT_SEC_DATA(id, name, flags, align) { id, name, flags, align, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
static sinfo secdata[NSECS] =
  INIT_SEC_DATA (DATA,   ".data",    SEC_DATA,                    2),
  INIT_SEC_DATA (BSS,    ".bss",     0,                           2),
  INIT_SEC_DATA (IDATA7, ".idata$7", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2),
  INIT_SEC_DATA (IDATA5, ".idata$5", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2),
  INIT_SEC_DATA (IDATA4, ".idata$4", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2),
  INIT_SEC_DATA (IDATA6, ".idata$6", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            1)


/* Sections numbered to make the order the same as other PowerPC NT    */
/* compilers. This also keeps funny alignment thingies from happening. */
#define TEXT   0
#define PDATA  1
#define RDATA  2
#define IDATA5 3
#define IDATA4 4
#define IDATA6 5
#define IDATA7 6
#define DATA   7
#define BSS    8

#define NSECS 9

static sinfo secdata[NSECS] =
  { TEXT,   ".text",    SEC_CODE | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS, 3},
  { PDATA,  ".pdata",   SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2},
  { RDATA,  ".reldata", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2},
  { IDATA5, ".idata$5", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2},
  { IDATA4, ".idata$4", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2},
  { IDATA6, ".idata$6", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            1},
  { IDATA7, ".idata$7", SEC_HAS_CONTENTS,            2},
  { DATA,   ".data",    SEC_DATA,                    2},
  { BSS,    ".bss",     0,                           2}


This is what we're trying to make.  We generate the imp symbols with
both single and double underscores, for compatibility.

	.global	_GetFileVersionInfoSizeW@8
	.global	__imp_GetFileVersionInfoSizeW@8
	jmp *	__imp_GetFileVersionInfoSizeW@8
	.section	.idata$7	# To force loading of head
	.long	__version_a_head
# Import Address Table
	.section	.idata$5
	.rva	ID2

# Import Lookup Table
	.section	.idata$4
	.rva	ID2
# Hint/Name table
	.section	.idata$6
ID2:	.short	2
	.asciz	"GetFileVersionInfoSizeW"

For the PowerPC, here's the variation on the above scheme:

# Rather than a simple "jmp *", the code to get to the dll function
# looks like:
         lwz	r11,[tocv]__imp_function_name(r2)
#		   RELOC: 00000000 TOCREL16,TOCDEFN __imp_function_name
         lwz	r12,0(r11)
	 stw	r2,4(r1)
	 mtctr	r12
	 lwz	r2,4(r11)

static char *
make_label (prefix, name)
     const char *prefix;
     const char *name;
  int len = strlen (ASM_PREFIX) + strlen (prefix) + strlen (name);
  char *copy = xmalloc (len +1 );
  strcpy (copy, ASM_PREFIX);
  strcat (copy, prefix);
  strcat (copy, name);
  return copy;

static bfd *
make_one_lib_file (exp, i)
     export_type *exp;
     int i;
#if 0
      char *name;
      FILE *f;
      const char *prefix = "d";
      char *dest;

      name = (char *) alloca (strlen (prefix) + 10);
      sprintf (name, "%ss%05d.s", prefix, i);
      f = fopen (name, FOPEN_WT);
      fprintf (f, "\t.text\n");
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t%s%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL, ASM_PREFIX, exp->name);
      if (create_compat_implib)
	fprintf (f, "\t%s\t__imp_%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL, exp->name);
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t_imp__%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL, exp->name);
      if (create_compat_implib)
	fprintf (f, "%s%s:\n\t%s\t__imp_%s\n", ASM_PREFIX,
		 exp->name, ASM_JUMP, exp->name);

      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.idata$7\t%s To force loading of head\n", ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t%s\n", ASM_LONG, head_label);

      fprintf (f,"%s Import Address Table\n", ASM_C);

      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$5\n");
      if (create_compat_implib)
	fprintf (f, "__imp_%s:\n", exp->name);
      fprintf (f, "_imp__%s:\n", exp->name);

      dump_iat (f, exp);

      fprintf (f, "\n%s Import Lookup Table\n", ASM_C);
      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$4\n");

      dump_iat (f, exp);

      if(!exp->noname || show_allnames)
	  fprintf (f, "%s Hint/Name table\n", ASM_C);
	  fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$6\n");
	  fprintf (f, "ID%d:\t%s\t%d\n", exp->ordinal, ASM_SHORT, exp->hint);
	  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", ASM_TEXT, xlate (exp->name));

      fclose (f);

      dest = (char *) alloca (strlen (prefix) + 10);
      sprintf (dest, "%ss%05d.o", prefix, i);
      assemble_file (name, dest);
#else /* if 0 */
      bfd *      abfd;
      asymbol *  exp_label;
      asymbol *  iname;
      asymbol *  iname2;
      asymbol *  iname_lab;
      asymbol ** iname_lab_pp;
      asymbol ** iname_pp;
      asymbol ** fn_pp;
      asymbol ** toc_pp;
#define EXTRA	 2
#ifndef EXTRA
#define EXTRA    0
      asymbol *  ptrs[NSECS + 4 + EXTRA + 1];

      char *     outname = xmalloc (10);
      int        oidx = 0;

      sprintf (outname, "%s%05d.o", TMP_STUB, i);
      abfd = bfd_openw (outname, HOW_BFD_WRITE_TARGET);
      if (!abfd)
	/* xgettext:c-format */
	fatal (_("bfd_open failed open stub file: %s"), outname);

      /* xgettext:c-format */
      inform (_("Creating stub file: %s"), outname);
      bfd_set_format (abfd, bfd_object);
      bfd_set_arch_mach (abfd, HOW_BFD_ARCH, 0);

      if (machine == MARM_INTERWORK || machine == MTHUMB)
	bfd_set_private_flags (abfd, F_INTERWORK);
      /* First make symbols for the sections */
      for (i = 0; i < NSECS; i++)
	  sinfo *si = secdata + i;
	  if (si->id != i)
	  si->sec = bfd_make_section_old_way (abfd, si->name);
	  bfd_set_section_flags (abfd,

	  bfd_set_section_alignment(abfd, si->sec, si->align);
	  si->sec->output_section = si->sec;
	  si->sym = bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd);
	  si->sym->name = si->sec->name;
	  si->sym->section = si->sec;
	  si->sym->flags = BSF_LOCAL;
	  si->sym->value = 0;
	  ptrs[oidx] = si->sym;
	  si->sympp = ptrs + oidx;
	  si->size = 0;
	  si->data = NULL;


      if (! exp->data)
	  exp_label = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
	  exp_label->name = make_label ("", exp->name);

	  /* On PowerPC, the function name points to a descriptor in
	     the rdata section, the first element of which is a
	     pointer to the code (..function_name), and the second
	     points to the .toc */
	  if (machine == MPPC)
	    exp_label->section = secdata[RDATA].sec;
	    exp_label->section = secdata[TEXT].sec;

	  exp_label->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
	  exp_label->value = 0;

	  if (machine == MTHUMB)
	    bfd_coff_set_symbol_class (abfd, exp_label, C_THUMBEXTFUNC);
	  ptrs[oidx++] = exp_label;

      /* Generate imp symbols with one underscore for Microsoft
         compatibility, and with two underscores for backward
         compatibility with old versions of cygwin.  */
      if (create_compat_implib)
	  iname = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
	  iname->name = make_label ("__imp_", exp->name);
	  iname->section = secdata[IDATA5].sec;
	  iname->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
	  iname->value = 0;

      iname2 = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
      iname2->name = make_label ("_imp__", exp->name);
      iname2->section = secdata[IDATA5].sec;
      iname2->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
      iname2->value = 0;

      iname_lab = bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd);

      iname_lab->name = head_label;
      iname_lab->section = (asection *)&bfd_und_section;
      iname_lab->flags = 0;
      iname_lab->value = 0;

      iname_pp = ptrs + oidx;
      if (create_compat_implib)
	ptrs[oidx++] = iname;
      ptrs[oidx++] = iname2;

      iname_lab_pp = ptrs + oidx;
      ptrs[oidx++] = iname_lab;

      /* The symbol refering to the code (.text) */
	asymbol *function_name;

	function_name = bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd);
	function_name->name = make_label ("..", exp->name);
	function_name->section = secdata[TEXT].sec;
	function_name->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
	function_name->value = 0;

	fn_pp = ptrs + oidx;
	ptrs[oidx++] = function_name;

      /* The .toc symbol */
	asymbol *toc_symbol;    /* The .toc symbol */

	toc_symbol = bfd_make_empty_symbol (abfd);
	toc_symbol->name = make_label (".", "toc");
	toc_symbol->section = (asection *)&bfd_und_section;
	toc_symbol->flags = BSF_GLOBAL;
	toc_symbol->value = 0;

	toc_pp = ptrs + oidx;
	ptrs[oidx++] = toc_symbol;
      ptrs[oidx] = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < NSECS; i++)
	  sinfo *si = secdata + i;
	  asection *sec = si->sec;
	  arelent *rel;
	  arelent **rpp;

	  switch (i)
	    case TEXT:
	      if (! exp->data)
		  si->size = HOW_JTAB_SIZE;
		  si->data = xmalloc (HOW_JTAB_SIZE);
		  memcpy (si->data, HOW_JTAB, HOW_JTAB_SIZE);

		  /* add the reloc into idata$5 */
		  rel = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		  rpp = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent *) * 2);
		  rpp[0] = rel;
		  rpp[1] = 0;
		  rel->address = HOW_JTAB_ROFF;
		  rel->addend = 0;

		  if (machine == MPPC)
		      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd,
		      rel->sym_ptr_ptr = iname_pp;
		      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
		      rel->sym_ptr_ptr = secdata[IDATA5].sympp;
		  sec->orelocation = rpp;
		  sec->reloc_count = 1;
	    case IDATA4:
	    case IDATA5:
	      /* An idata$4 or idata$5 is one word long, and has an
		 rva to idata$6 */

	      si->data = xmalloc (4);
	      si->size = 4;

	      if (exp->noname)
		  si->data[0] = exp->ordinal ;
		  si->data[1] = exp->ordinal >> 8;
		  si->data[2] = exp->ordinal >> 16;
		  si->data[3] = 0x80;
		  sec->reloc_count = 1;
		  memset (si->data, 0, si->size);
		  rel = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		  rpp = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent *) * 2);
		  rpp[0] = rel;
		  rpp[1] = 0;
		  rel->address = 0;
		  rel->addend = 0;
		  rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_RVA);
		  rel->sym_ptr_ptr = secdata[IDATA6].sympp;
		  sec->orelocation = rpp;


	    case IDATA6:
	      if (!exp->noname)
		  /* This used to add 1 to exp->hint.  I don't know
                     why it did that, and it does not match what I see
                     in programs compiled with the MS tools.  */
		  int idx = exp->hint;
		  si->size = strlen (xlate (exp->name)) + 3;
		  si->data = xmalloc (si->size);
		  si->data[0] = idx & 0xff;
		  si->data[1] = idx >> 8;
		  strcpy (si->data + 2, xlate (exp->name));
	    case IDATA7:
	      si->size = 4;
	      si->data =xmalloc(4);
	      memset (si->data, 0, si->size);
	      rel = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
	      rpp = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent *) * 2);
	      rpp[0] = rel;
	      rel->address = 0;
	      rel->addend = 0;
	      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_RVA);
	      rel->sym_ptr_ptr = iname_lab_pp;
	      sec->orelocation = rpp;
	      sec->reloc_count = 1;

	    case PDATA:
		/* The .pdata section is 5 words long. */
		/* Think of it as:                     */
		/* struct                              */
		/* {                                   */
		/*   bfd_vma BeginAddress,     [0x00]  */
		/*           EndAddress,       [0x04]  */
		/*	     ExceptionHandler, [0x08]  */
		/*	     HandlerData,      [0x0c]  */
		/*	     PrologEndAddress; [0x10]  */
		/* };                                  */

		/* So this pdata section setups up this as a glue linkage to
		   a dll routine. There are a number of house keeping things
		   we need to do:

		   1. In the name of glue trickery, the ADDR32 relocs for 0,
		      4, and 0x10 are set to point to the same place:
		   2. There is one more reloc needed in the pdata section.
		      The actual glue instruction to restore the toc on
		      return is saved as the offset in an IMGLUE reloc.
		      So we need a total of four relocs for this section.

		   3. Lastly, the HandlerData field is set to 0x03, to indicate
		      that this is a glue routine.
		arelent *imglue, *ba_rel, *ea_rel, *pea_rel;

		/* alignment must be set to 2**2 or you get extra stuff */
		bfd_set_section_alignment(abfd, sec, 2);

		si->size = 4 * 5;
		si->data =xmalloc(4 * 5);
		memset (si->data, 0, si->size);
		rpp = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent *) * 5);
		rpp[0] = imglue  = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		rpp[1] = ba_rel  = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		rpp[2] = ea_rel  = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		rpp[3] = pea_rel = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
		rpp[4] = 0;

		/* stick the toc reload instruction in the glue reloc */
		bfd_put_32(abfd, ppc_glue_insn, (char *) &imglue->address);

		imglue->addend = 0;
		imglue->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd,
		imglue->sym_ptr_ptr = fn_pp;

		ba_rel->address = 0;
		ba_rel->addend = 0;
		ba_rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
		ba_rel->sym_ptr_ptr = fn_pp;

		bfd_put_32(abfd, 0x18, si->data + 0x04);
		ea_rel->address = 4;
		ea_rel->addend = 0;
		ea_rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
		ea_rel->sym_ptr_ptr = fn_pp;

		/* mark it as glue */
		bfd_put_32(abfd, 0x03, si->data + 0x0c);

		/* mark the prolog end address */
		bfd_put_32(abfd, 0x0D, si->data + 0x10);
		pea_rel->address = 0x10;
		pea_rel->addend = 0;
		pea_rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
		pea_rel->sym_ptr_ptr = fn_pp;

		sec->orelocation = rpp;
		sec->reloc_count = 4;
	    case RDATA:
	      /* Each external function in a PowerPC PE file has a two word
		 descriptor consisting of:
		 1. The address of the code.
		 2. The address of the appropriate .toc
	         We use relocs to build this.

	      si->size = 8;
	      si->data = xmalloc (8);
	      memset (si->data, 0, si->size);

	      rpp = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent *) * 3);
	      rpp[0] = rel = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
	      rpp[1] = xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
	      rpp[2] = 0;

	      rel->address = 0;
	      rel->addend = 0;
	      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
	      rel->sym_ptr_ptr = fn_pp;

	      rel = rpp[1];

	      rel->address = 4;
	      rel->addend = 0;
	      rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (abfd, BFD_RELOC_32);
	      rel->sym_ptr_ptr = toc_pp;

	      sec->orelocation = rpp;
	      sec->reloc_count = 2;
#endif /* DLLTOOL_PPC */

	bfd_vma vma = 0;
	/* Size up all the sections */
	for (i = 0; i < NSECS; i++)
	    sinfo *si = secdata + i;

	    bfd_set_section_size (abfd, si->sec, si->size);
	    bfd_set_section_vma (abfd, si->sec, vma);

/*	    vma += si->size;*/
      /* Write them out */
      for (i = 0; i < NSECS; i++)
	  sinfo *si = secdata + i;

	  if (i == IDATA5 && no_idata5)

	  if (i == IDATA4 && no_idata4)

	  bfd_set_section_contents (abfd, si->sec,
				    si->data, 0,

      bfd_set_symtab (abfd, ptrs, oidx);
      bfd_close (abfd);
      abfd = bfd_openr (outname, HOW_BFD_READ_TARGET);
      return abfd;

static bfd *
make_head ()
  FILE *f = fopen (TMP_HEAD_S, FOPEN_WT);

  if (f == NULL)
      fatal (_("failed to open temporary head file: %s"), TMP_HEAD_S);
      return NULL;
  fprintf (f, "%s IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR\n", ASM_C);
  fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$2\n");

  fprintf(f,"\t%s\t%s\n", ASM_GLOBAL,head_label);

  fprintf (f, "%s:\n", head_label);

  fprintf (f, "\t%shname%s\t%sPtr to image import by name list\n",

  fprintf (f, "\t%sthis should be the timestamp, but NT sometimes\n", ASM_C);
  fprintf (f, "\t%sdoesn't load DLLs when this is set.\n", ASM_C);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\t%s loaded time\n", ASM_LONG, ASM_C);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\t%s Forwarder chain\n", ASM_LONG, ASM_C);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s__%s_iname%s\t%s imported dll's name\n",
  fprintf (f, "\t%sfthunk%s\t%s pointer to firstthunk\n",

  fprintf (f, "%sStuff for compatibility\n", ASM_C);

  if (!no_idata5)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.idata$5\n");
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
      fprintf (f, "fthunk:\n");
  if (!no_idata4)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section\t.idata$4\n");

      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$4\n");
      fprintf (f, "hname:\n");
  fclose (f);

  assemble_file (TMP_HEAD_S, TMP_HEAD_O);

  return bfd_openr (TMP_HEAD_O, HOW_BFD_READ_TARGET);

static bfd *
make_tail ()
  FILE *f = fopen (TMP_TAIL_S, FOPEN_WT);

  if (f == NULL)
      fatal (_("failed to open temporary tail file: %s"), TMP_TAIL_S);
      return NULL;
  if (!no_idata4)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$4\n");
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  if (!no_idata5)
      fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$5\n");
      fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);

  /* Normally, we need to see a null descriptor built in idata$3 to
     act as the terminator for the list. The ideal way, I suppose,
     would be to mark this section as a comdat type 2 section, so
     only one would appear in the final .exe (if our linker supported
     comdat, that is) or cause it to be inserted by something else (say

  fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$3\n");
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);
  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t0\n", ASM_LONG);

  /* Other PowerPC NT compilers use idata$6 for the dllname, so I
     do too. Original, huh? */
  fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$6\n");
  fprintf (f, "\t.section	.idata$7\n");

  fprintf (f, "\t%s\t__%s_iname\n", ASM_GLOBAL, imp_name_lab);
  fprintf (f, "__%s_iname:\t%s\t\"%s\"\n",
	   imp_name_lab, ASM_TEXT, dll_name);

  fclose (f);

  assemble_file (TMP_TAIL_S, TMP_TAIL_O);
  return  bfd_openr (TMP_TAIL_O, HOW_BFD_READ_TARGET);

static void
gen_lib_file ()
  int i;
  export_type *exp;
  bfd *ar_head;
  bfd *ar_tail;
  bfd *outarch;
  bfd * head  = 0;

  unlink (imp_name);

  outarch = bfd_openw (imp_name, HOW_BFD_WRITE_TARGET);

  if (!outarch)
    /* xgettext:c-format */
    fatal (_("Can't open .lib file: %s"), imp_name);

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Creating library file: %s\n"), imp_name);
  bfd_set_format (outarch, bfd_archive);
  outarch->has_armap = 1;

  /* Work out a reasonable size of things to put onto one line. */

  ar_head = make_head ();
  ar_tail = make_tail();

  if (ar_head == NULL || ar_tail == NULL)
  for (i = 0; (exp = d_exports_lexically[i]); i++)
      bfd *n = make_one_lib_file (exp, i);
      n->next = head;
      head = n;

  /* Now stick them all into the archive */

  ar_head->next = head;
  ar_tail->next = ar_head;
  head = ar_tail;

  if (! bfd_set_archive_head (outarch, head))
    bfd_fatal ("bfd_set_archive_head");
  if (! bfd_close (outarch))
    bfd_fatal (imp_name);

  while (head != NULL)
      bfd *n = head->next;
      bfd_close (head);
      head = n;

  /* Delete all the temp files */

  if (dontdeltemps == 0)
      unlink (TMP_HEAD_O);
      unlink (TMP_HEAD_S);
      unlink (TMP_TAIL_O);
      unlink (TMP_TAIL_S);

  if (dontdeltemps < 2)
      char *name;

      name = (char *) alloca (sizeof TMP_STUB + 10);
      for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
	  sprintf (name, "%s%05d.o", TMP_STUB, i);
	  if (unlink (name) < 0)
	    /* xgettext:c-format */
	    warn (_("cannot delete %s: %s\n"), name, strerror (errno));
  inform (_("Created lib file"));


/* Run through the information gathered from the .o files and the
   .def file and work out the best stuff */
static int
pfunc (a, b)
     const void *a;
     const void *b;
  export_type *ap = *(export_type **) a;
  export_type *bp = *(export_type **) b;
  if (ap->ordinal == bp->ordinal)
    return 0;

  /* unset ordinals go to the bottom */
  if (ap->ordinal == -1)
    return 1;
  if (bp->ordinal == -1)
    return -1;
  return (ap->ordinal - bp->ordinal);

static int
nfunc (a, b)
     const void *a;
     const void *b;
  export_type *ap = *(export_type **) a;
  export_type *bp = *(export_type **) b;

  return (strcmp (ap->name, bp->name));

static void
remove_null_names (ptr)
     export_type **ptr;
  int src;
  int dst;
  for (dst = src = 0; src < d_nfuncs; src++)
      if (ptr[src])
	  ptr[dst] = ptr[src];
  d_nfuncs = dst;

static void
dtab (ptr)
     export_type ** ptr
#ifndef SACDEBUG
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs; i++)
      if (ptr[i])
	  printf ("%d %s @ %d %s%s%s\n",
		  i, ptr[i]->name, ptr[i]->ordinal,
		  ptr[i]->noname ? "NONAME " : "",
		  ptr[i]->constant ? "CONSTANT" : "",
		  ptr[i]->data ? "DATA" : "");
	printf ("empty\n");

static void
process_duplicates (d_export_vec)
     export_type **d_export_vec;
  int more = 1;
  int i;
  while (more)

      more = 0;
      /* Remove duplicates */
      qsort (d_export_vec, d_nfuncs, sizeof (export_type *), nfunc);

      dtab (d_export_vec);
      for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs - 1; i++)
	  if (strcmp (d_export_vec[i]->name,
		      d_export_vec[i + 1]->name) == 0)

	      export_type *a = d_export_vec[i];
	      export_type *b = d_export_vec[i + 1];

	      more = 1;
	      /* xgettext:c-format */
	      inform (_("Warning, ignoring duplicate EXPORT %s %d,%d\n"),
		      a->name, a->ordinal, b->ordinal);
	      if (a->ordinal != -1
		  && b->ordinal != -1)
		/* xgettext:c-format */
		fatal (_("Error, duplicate EXPORT with oridinals: %s"),

	      /* Merge attributes */
	      b->ordinal = a->ordinal > 0 ? a->ordinal : b->ordinal;
	      b->constant |= a->constant;
	      b->noname |= a->noname;
	      b->data |= a->data;
	      d_export_vec[i] = 0;

	  dtab (d_export_vec);
	  remove_null_names (d_export_vec);
	  dtab (d_export_vec);

  /* Count the names */
  for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs; i++)
      if (!d_export_vec[i]->noname)

static void
fill_ordinals (d_export_vec)
     export_type **d_export_vec;
  int lowest = -1;
  int i;
  char *ptr;
  int size = 65536;

  qsort (d_export_vec, d_nfuncs, sizeof (export_type *), pfunc);

  /* fill in the unset ordinals with ones from our range */

  ptr = (char *) xmalloc (size);

  memset (ptr, 0, size);

  /* Mark in our large vector all the numbers that are taken */
  for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs; i++)
      if (d_export_vec[i]->ordinal != -1)
	  ptr[d_export_vec[i]->ordinal] = 1;
	  if (lowest == -1 || d_export_vec[i]->ordinal < lowest)
	      lowest = d_export_vec[i]->ordinal;

  /* Start at 1 for compatibility with MS toolchain.  */
  if (lowest == -1)
    lowest = 1;

  /* Now fill in ordinals where the user wants us to choose. */
  for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs; i++)
      if (d_export_vec[i]->ordinal == -1)
	  register int j;

	  /* First try within or after any user supplied range. */
	  for (j = lowest; j < size; j++)
	    if (ptr[j] == 0)
		ptr[j] = 1;
		d_export_vec[i]->ordinal = j;
		goto done;

	  /* Then try before the range. */
	  for (j = lowest; j >0; j--)
	    if (ptr[j] == 0)
		ptr[j] = 1;
		d_export_vec[i]->ordinal = j;
		goto done;

  free (ptr);

  /* And resort */

  qsort (d_export_vec, d_nfuncs, sizeof (export_type *), pfunc);

  /* Work out the lowest and highest ordinal numbers.  */
  if (d_nfuncs)
      if (d_export_vec[0])
	d_low_ord = d_export_vec[0]->ordinal;
      if (d_export_vec[d_nfuncs-1])
	d_high_ord = d_export_vec[d_nfuncs-1]->ordinal;

static int
alphafunc (av,bv)
     const void *av;
     const void *bv;
  const export_type **a = (const export_type **) av;
  const export_type **b = (const export_type **) bv;

  return strcmp ((*a)->name, (*b)->name);

static void
mangle_defs ()
  /* First work out the minimum ordinal chosen */

  export_type *exp;

  int i;
  int hint = 0;
  export_type **d_export_vec
  = (export_type **) xmalloc (sizeof (export_type *) * d_nfuncs);

  inform (_("Processing definitions"));
  for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
      d_export_vec[i] = exp;

  process_duplicates (d_export_vec);
  fill_ordinals (d_export_vec);

  /* Put back the list in the new order */
  d_exports = 0;
  for (i = d_nfuncs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      d_export_vec[i]->next = d_exports;
      d_exports = d_export_vec[i];

  /* Build list in alpha order */
  d_exports_lexically = (export_type **)
    xmalloc (sizeof (export_type *) * (d_nfuncs + 1));

  for (i = 0, exp = d_exports; exp; i++, exp = exp->next)
      d_exports_lexically[i] = exp;
  d_exports_lexically[i] = 0;

  qsort (d_exports_lexically, i, sizeof (export_type *), alphafunc);

  /* Fill exp entries with their hint values */

  for (i = 0; i < d_nfuncs; i++)
      if (!d_exports_lexically[i]->noname || show_allnames)
	d_exports_lexically[i]->hint = hint++;
  inform (_("Processed definitions"));


static void
usage (file, status)
     FILE *file;
     int status;
  /* xgetext:c-format */
  fprintf (file, _("Usage %s <options> <object-files>\n"), program_name);
  /* xgetext:c-format */
  fprintf (file, _("   -m --machine <machine>    Create as DLL for <machine>.  [default: %s]\n"), mname);
  fprintf (file, _("        possible <machine>: arm[_interwork], i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, ppc, thumb\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -e --output-exp <outname> Generate an export file.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -l --output-lib <outname> Generate an interface library.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -a --add-indirect         Add dll indirects to export file.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -D --dllname <name>       Name of input dll to put into interface lib.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -d --input-def <deffile>  Name of .def file to be read in.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -z --output-def <deffile> Name of .def file to be created.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("      --export-all-symbols   Export all symbols to .def\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("      --no-export-all-symbols  Only export listed symbols\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("      --exclude-symbols <list> Don't export <list>\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("      --no-default-excludes  Clear default exclude symbols\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -b --base-file <basefile> Read linker generated base file.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -x --no-idata4            Don't generate idata$4 section.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -c --no-idata5            Don't generate idata$5 section.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -U --add-underscore       Add underscores to symbols in interface library.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -k --kill-at              Kill @<n> from exported names.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -A --add-stdcall-alias    Add aliases without @<n>.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -S --as <name>            Use <name> for assembler.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -f --as-flags <flags>     Pass <flags> to the assembler.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -C --compat-implib        Create backward compatible import library.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -n --no-delete            Keep temp files (repeat for extra preservation).\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -v --verbose              Be verbose.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -V --version              Display the program version.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -h --help                 Display this information.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -M --mcore-elf <outname>  Process mcore-elf object files into <outname>.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -L --linker <name>        Use <name> as the linker.\n"));
  fprintf (file, _("   -F --linker-flags <flags> Pass <flags> to the linker.\n"));
  exit (status);


static const struct option long_options[] =
  {"no-delete", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
  {"dllname", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
  {"no-idata4", no_argument, NULL, 'x'},
  {"no-idata5", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
  {"output-exp", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
  {"output-def", required_argument, NULL, 'z'},
  {"export-all-symbols", no_argument, NULL, OPTION_EXPORT_ALL_SYMS},
  {"no-export-all-symbols", no_argument, NULL, OPTION_NO_EXPORT_ALL_SYMS},
  {"exclude-symbols", required_argument, NULL, OPTION_EXCLUDE_SYMS},
  {"no-default-excludes", no_argument, NULL, OPTION_NO_DEFAULT_EXCLUDES},
  {"output-lib", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
  {"def", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, /* for compatiblity with older versions */
  {"input-def", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
  {"add-underscore", no_argument, NULL, 'U'},
  {"kill-at", no_argument, NULL, 'k'},
  {"add-stdcall-alias", no_argument, NULL, 'A'},
  {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
  {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
  {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
  {"machine", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
  {"add-indirect", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
  {"base-file", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
  {"as", required_argument, NULL, 'S'},
  {"as-flags", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
  {"mcore-elf", required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
  {"compat-implib", no_argument, NULL, 'C'},

main (ac, av)
     int ac;
     char **av;
  int c;
  int i;
  char *firstarg = 0;
  program_name = av[0];
  oav = av;

#if defined (HAVE_SETLOCALE) && defined (HAVE_LC_MESSAGES)
  setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  while ((c = getopt_long (ac, av,
#ifdef DLLTOOL_MCORE_ELF			   
			   long_options, 0))
	 != EOF)
      switch (c)
	  export_all_symbols = true;
	  export_all_symbols = false;
	  add_excludes (optarg);
	  do_default_excludes = false;
	case 'x':
	  no_idata4 = 1;
	case 'c':
	  no_idata5 = 1;
	case 'S':
	  as_name = optarg;
	case 'f':
	  as_flags = optarg;

	  /* ignored for compatibility */
	case 'u':
	case 'a':
	  add_indirect = 1;
	case 'z':
	  output_def = fopen (optarg, FOPEN_WT);
	case 'D':
	  dll_name = optarg;
	case 'l':
	  imp_name = optarg;
	case 'e':
	  exp_name = optarg;
	case 'h':
	  usage (stdout, 0);
	case 'm':
	  mname = optarg;
	case 'v':
	  verbose = 1;
	case 'V':
	  print_version (program_name);
	case 'U':
	  add_underscore = 1;
	case 'k':
	  killat = 1;
	case 'A':
	  add_stdcall_alias = 1;
	case 'd':
	  def_file = optarg;
	case 'n':
	case 'b':
	  base_file = fopen (optarg, FOPEN_RB);
	  if (!base_file)
	    /* xgettext:c-format */
	    fatal (_("Unable to open base-file: %s"), optarg);

	case 'M':
	  mcore_elf_out_file = optarg;
	case 'L':
	  mcore_elf_linker = optarg;
	case 'F':
	  mcore_elf_linker_flags = optarg;
	case 'C':
	  create_compat_implib = 1;
	  usage (stderr, 1);

  for (i = 0; mtable[i].type; i++)
    if (strcmp (mtable[i].type, mname) == 0)

  if (!mtable[i].type)
    /* xgettext:c-format */
    fatal (_("Machine '%s' not supported"), mname);

  machine = i;

  if (!dll_name && exp_name)
      int len = strlen (exp_name) + 5;
      dll_name = xmalloc (len);
      strcpy (dll_name, exp_name);
      strcat (dll_name, ".dll");

  if (as_name == NULL)
    as_name = deduce_name ("as");
  /* Don't use the default exclude list if we're reading only the
     symbols in the .drectve section.  The default excludes are meant
     to avoid exporting DLL entry point and Cygwin32 impure_ptr.  */
  if (! export_all_symbols)
    do_default_excludes = false;
  if (do_default_excludes)
    set_default_excludes ();

  if (def_file)
    process_def_file (def_file);

  while (optind < ac)
      if (!firstarg)
	firstarg = av[optind];
      scan_obj_file (av[optind]);

  mangle_defs ();

  if (exp_name)
    gen_exp_file ();
  if (imp_name)
      /* Make imp_name safe for use as a label. */
      char *p;

      imp_name_lab = xstrdup (imp_name);
      for (p = imp_name_lab; *p; p++)
	  if (!isalpha ((unsigned char) *p) && !isdigit ((unsigned char) *p))
	    *p = '_';
      head_label = make_label("_head_", imp_name_lab);
      gen_lib_file ();
  if (output_def)
    gen_def_file ();
  if (mcore_elf_out_file)
    mcore_elf_gen_out_file ();
  return 0;

/* Look for the program formed by concatenating PROG_NAME and the
   string running from PREFIX to END_PREFIX.  If the concatenated
   string contains a '/', try appending EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX if it is
   appropriate.  */

static char *
look_for_prog (prog_name, prefix, end_prefix)
     const char *prog_name;
     const char *prefix;
     int end_prefix;
  struct stat s;
  char *cmd;

  cmd = xmalloc (strlen (prefix) 
                 + strlen (prog_name) 
                 + strlen (EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) 
		 + 10);
  strcpy (cmd, prefix);

  sprintf (cmd + end_prefix, "%s", prog_name);

  if (strchr (cmd, '/') != NULL)
      int found;

      found = (stat (cmd, &s) == 0
               || stat (strcat (cmd, EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX), &s) == 0

      if (! found)
	  /* xgettext:c-format */
	  inform (_("Tried file: %s"), cmd);
	  free (cmd);
	  return NULL;

  /* xgettext:c-format */
  inform (_("Using file: %s"), cmd);

  return cmd;

/* Deduce the name of the program we are want to invoke.
   PROG_NAME is the basic name of the program we want to run,
   eg "as" or "ld".  The catch is that we might want actually
   run "i386-pe-as" or "ppc-pe-ld".  

   If argv[0] contains the full path, then try to find the program
   in the same place, with and then without a target-like prefix.

   Given, argv[0] = /usr/local/bin/i586-cygwin32-dlltool,
   deduce_name("as") uses the following search order: 

   If there's an EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX, it'll use that as well; for each
   name, it'll try without and then with EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX.

   Given, argv[0] = i586-cygwin32-dlltool, it will not even try "as"
   as the fallback, but rather return i586-cygwin32-as.
   Oh, and given, argv[0] = dlltool, it'll return "as".

   Returns a dynamically allocated string.  */

static char *
deduce_name (prog_name)
     const char *prog_name;
  char *cmd;
  char *dash, *slash, *cp;

  dash = NULL;
  slash = NULL;
  for (cp = program_name; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
      if (*cp == '-')
	dash = cp;
      if (
#if defined(__DJGPP__) || defined (__CYGWIN__) || defined(__WIN32__)
	  *cp == ':' || *cp == '\\' ||
	  *cp == '/')
	  slash = cp;
	  dash = NULL;

  cmd = NULL;

  if (dash != NULL)
      /* First, try looking for a prefixed PROG_NAME in the
         PROGRAM_NAME directory, with the same prefix as PROGRAM_NAME.  */
      cmd = look_for_prog (prog_name, program_name, dash - program_name + 1);

  if (slash != NULL && cmd == NULL)
      /* Next, try looking for a PROG_NAME in the same directory as
         that of this program.  */
      cmd = look_for_prog (prog_name, program_name, slash - program_name + 1);

  if (cmd == NULL)
      /* Just return PROG_NAME as is.  */
      cmd = xstrdup (prog_name);

  return cmd;

typedef struct fname_cache
  char *               filename;
  struct fname_cache * next;

static fname_cache fnames;

static void
mcore_elf_cache_filename (char * filename)
  fname_cache * ptr;

  ptr = & fnames;

  while (ptr->next != NULL)
    ptr = ptr->next;

  ptr->filename = filename;
  ptr->next     = (fname_cache *) malloc (sizeof (fname_cache));
  if (ptr->next != NULL)
    ptr->next->next = NULL;

#define MCORE_ELF_TMP_OBJ "mcoreelf.o"
#define MCORE_ELF_TMP_EXP "mcoreelf.exp"
#define MCORE_ELF_TMP_LIB "mcoreelf.lib"

static void
mcore_elf_gen_out_file (void)
  fname_cache * ptr;
  dyn_string_t ds;

  /* Step one.  Run 'ld -r' on the input object files in order to resolve
     any internal references and to generate a single .exports section.  */
  ptr = & fnames;

  ds = dyn_string_new (100);
  dyn_string_append (ds, "-r ");

  if (mcore_elf_linker_flags != NULL)
    dyn_string_append (ds, mcore_elf_linker_flags);
  while (ptr->next != NULL)
      dyn_string_append (ds, ptr->filename);
      dyn_string_append (ds, " ");

      ptr = ptr->next;

  dyn_string_append (ds, "-o ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_OBJ);

  if (mcore_elf_linker == NULL)
    mcore_elf_linker = deduce_name ("ld");
  run (mcore_elf_linker, ds->s);

  dyn_string_delete (ds);

  /* Step two. Create a .exp file and a .lib file from the temporary file. 
     Do this by recursively invoking dlltool....*/
  ds = dyn_string_new (100);

  dyn_string_append (ds, "-S ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, as_name);
  dyn_string_append (ds, " -e ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_EXP);
  dyn_string_append (ds, " -l ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_LIB);
  dyn_string_append (ds, " " );
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_OBJ);

  if (verbose)
    dyn_string_append (ds, " -v");
  if (dontdeltemps)
      dyn_string_append (ds, " -n");
      if (dontdeltemps > 1)
	dyn_string_append (ds, " -n");

  /* XXX - FIME: ought to check/copy other command line options as well.  */
  run (program_name, ds->s);

  dyn_string_delete (ds);

  /* Step four. Feed the .exp and object files to ld -shared to create the dll.  */
  ds = dyn_string_new (100);

  dyn_string_append (ds, "-shared ");

  if (mcore_elf_linker_flags)
    dyn_string_append (ds, mcore_elf_linker_flags);

  dyn_string_append (ds, " ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_EXP);
  dyn_string_append (ds, " ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, MCORE_ELF_TMP_OBJ);
  dyn_string_append (ds, " -o ");
  dyn_string_append (ds, mcore_elf_out_file);

  run (mcore_elf_linker, ds->s);

  dyn_string_delete (ds);

  if (dontdeltemps == 0)
    unlink (MCORE_ELF_TMP_EXP);

  if (dontdeltemps < 2)
    unlink (MCORE_ELF_TMP_OBJ);
#endif /* DLLTOOL_MCORE_ELF */