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3 files changed, 693 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/include/coff/ecoff-ext.h b/include/coff/ecoff-ext.h
index 8dfd22f..78ce4a0 100644
--- a/include/coff/ecoff-ext.h
+++ b/include/coff/ecoff-ext.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* `Extended (actually Mangled) COFF' symbol table external format.
+/* MIPS `ECOFF' symbol table external format.
Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation.
Contributed by Cygnus Support. Written by John Gilmore.
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* ECOFF uses COFF-like section structures, but its own symbol format.
+ This file defines the symbol format in fields whose size and alignment
+ will not vary on different host systems. The bfd module coff-msym.c
+ converts between external and internal forms of this information,
+ deals with byte order issues, etc. */
/* File header as a set of bytes */
struct hdr_ext {
@@ -175,6 +181,9 @@ struct ext_ext {
+#define EXT_BITS1_WEAKEXT_BIG 0x20
/* Type information external record */
struct tir_ext {
diff --git a/include/coff/sym.h b/include/coff/sym.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085ae7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/coff/sym.h
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Copyright (c) 1992, 1991, 1990 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.|
+ * | MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. grants reproduction and use |
+ * | rights to all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is |
+ * | maintained in the copy. |
+ * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+/* $Header$ */
+#ifndef _SYM_H
+#define _SYM_H
+/* (C) Copyright 1984 by Third Eye Software, Inc.
+ *
+ * Third Eye Software, Inc. grants reproduction and use rights to
+ * all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is maintained in the copy.
+ *
+ * Third Eye makes no claims about the applicability of this
+ * symbol table to a particular use.
+ */
+ * This file contains the definition of the Third Eye Symbol Table.
+ *
+ * Symbols are assumed to be in 'encounter order' - i.e. the order that
+ * the things they represent were encountered by the compiler/assembler/loader.
+ * EXCEPT for globals! These are assumed to be bunched together,
+ * probably right after the last 'normal' symbol. Globals ARE sorted
+ * in ascending order.
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * A brief word about Third Eye naming/use conventions:
+ *
+ * All arrays and index's are 0 based.
+ * All "ifooMax" values are the highest legal value PLUS ONE. This makes
+ * them good for allocating arrays, etc. All checks are "ifoo < ifooMax".
+ *
+ * "isym" Index into the SYMbol table.
+ * "ipd" Index into the Procedure Descriptor array.
+ * "ifd" Index into the File Descriptor array.
+ * "iss" Index into String Space.
+ * "cb" Count of Bytes.
+ * "rgPd" array whose domain is "0..ipdMax-1" and RanGe is PDR.
+ * "rgFd" array whose domain is "0..ifdMax-1" and RanGe is FDR.
+ */
+ * Symbolic Header (HDR) structure.
+ * As long as all the pointers are set correctly,
+ * we don't care WHAT order the various sections come out in!
+ *
+ * A file produced solely for the use of CDB will probably NOT have
+ * any instructions or data areas in it, as these are available
+ * in the original.
+ */
+#ifdef _LANGUAGE_C
+#ifdef __lint
+#include <exception.h> /* defines struct exception_info */
+typedef struct {
+ short magic; /* to verify validity of the table */
+ short vstamp; /* version stamp */
+ long ilineMax; /* number of line number entries */
+ long cbLine; /* number of bytes for line number entries */
+ long cbLineOffset; /* offset to start of line number entries*/
+ long idnMax; /* max index into dense number table */
+ long cbDnOffset; /* offset to start dense number table */
+ long ipdMax; /* number of procedures */
+ long cbPdOffset; /* offset to procedure descriptor table */
+ long isymMax; /* number of local symbols */
+ long cbSymOffset; /* offset to start of local symbols*/
+ long ioptMax; /* max index into optimization symbol entries */
+ long cbOptOffset; /* offset to optimization symbol entries */
+ long iauxMax; /* number of auxillary symbol entries */
+ long cbAuxOffset; /* offset to start of auxillary symbol entries*/
+ long issMax; /* max index into local strings */
+ long cbSsOffset; /* offset to start of local strings */
+ long issExtMax; /* max index into external strings */
+ long cbSsExtOffset; /* offset to start of external strings */
+ long ifdMax; /* number of file descriptor entries */
+ long cbFdOffset; /* offset to file descriptor table */
+ long crfd; /* number of relative file descriptor entries */
+ long cbRfdOffset; /* offset to relative file descriptor table */
+ long iextMax; /* max index into external symbols */
+ long cbExtOffset; /* offset to start of external symbol entries*/
+ /* If you add machine dependent fields, add them here */
+ } HDRR, *pHDRR;
+#define cbHDRR sizeof(HDRR)
+#define hdrNil ((pHDRR)0)
+ * The FDR and PDR structures speed mapping of address <-> name.
+ * They are sorted in ascending memory order and are kept in
+ * memory by CDB at runtime.
+ */
+ * File Descriptor
+ *
+ * There is one of these for EVERY FILE, whether compiled with
+ * full debugging symbols or not. The name of a file should be
+ * the path name given to the compiler. This allows the user
+ * to simply specify the names of the directories where the COMPILES
+ * were done, and we will be able to find their files.
+ * A field whose comment starts with "R - " indicates that it will be
+ * setup at runtime.
+ */
+typedef struct fdr {
+ unsigned long adr; /* memory address of beginning of file */
+ long rss; /* file name (of source, if known) */
+ long issBase; /* file's string space */
+ long cbSs; /* number of bytes in the ss */
+ long isymBase; /* beginning of symbols */
+ long csym; /* count file's of symbols */
+ long ilineBase; /* file's line symbols */
+ long cline; /* count of file's line symbols */
+ long ioptBase; /* file's optimization entries */
+ long copt; /* count of file's optimization entries */
+ unsigned short ipdFirst;/* start of procedures for this file */
+ short cpd; /* count of procedures for this file */
+ long iauxBase; /* file's auxiliary entries */
+ long caux; /* count of file's auxiliary entries */
+ long rfdBase; /* index into the file indirect table */
+ long crfd; /* count file indirect entries */
+ unsigned lang: 5; /* language for this file */
+ unsigned fMerge : 1; /* whether this file can be merged */
+ unsigned fReadin : 1; /* true if it was read in (not just created) */
+ unsigned fBigendian : 1;/* if set, was compiled on big endian machine */
+ /* aux's will be in compile host's sex */
+ unsigned glevel : 2; /* level this file was compiled with */
+ unsigned reserved : 22; /* reserved for future use */
+ long cbLineOffset; /* byte offset from header for this file ln's */
+ long cbLine; /* size of lines for this file */
+ } FDR, *pFDR;
+#define cbFDR sizeof(FDR)
+#define fdNil ((pFDR)0)
+#define ifdNil -1
+#define ifdTemp 0
+#define ilnNil -1
+ * Procedure Descriptor
+ *
+ * There is one of these for EVERY TEXT LABEL.
+ * If a procedure is in a file with full symbols, then isym
+ * will point to the PROC symbols, else it will point to the
+ * global symbol for the label.
+ */
+typedef struct pdr {
+ unsigned long adr; /* memory address of start of procedure */
+ long isym; /* start of local symbol entries */
+ long iline; /* start of line number entries*/
+ long regmask; /* save register mask */
+ long regoffset; /* save register offset */
+ long iopt; /* start of optimization symbol entries*/
+ long fregmask; /* save floating point register mask */
+ long fregoffset; /* save floating point register offset */
+ long frameoffset; /* frame size */
+ short framereg; /* frame pointer register */
+ short pcreg; /* offset or reg of return pc */
+ long lnLow; /* lowest line in the procedure */
+ long lnHigh; /* highest line in the procedure */
+ long cbLineOffset; /* byte offset for this procedure from the fd base */
+ } PDR, *pPDR;
+#define cbPDR sizeof(PDR)
+#define pdNil ((pPDR) 0)
+#define ipdNil -1
+ * The structure of the runtime procedure descriptor created by the loader
+ * for use by the static exception system.
+ */
+typedef struct runtime_pdr {
+ unsigned long adr; /* memory address of start of procedure */
+ long regmask; /* save register mask */
+ long regoffset; /* save register offset */
+ long fregmask; /* save floating point register mask */
+ long fregoffset; /* save floating point register offset */
+ long frameoffset; /* frame size */
+ short framereg; /* frame pointer register */
+ short pcreg; /* offset or reg of return pc */
+ long irpss; /* index into the runtime string table */
+ long reserved;
+ struct exception_info *exception_info;/* pointer to exception array */
+} RPDR, *pRPDR;
+#define cbRPDR sizeof(RPDR)
+#define rpdNil ((pRPDR) 0)
+ * Line Numbers
+ *
+ * Line Numbers are segregated from the normal symbols because they
+ * are [1] smaller , [2] are of no interest to your
+ * average loader, and [3] are never needed in the middle of normal
+ * scanning and therefore slow things down.
+ *
+ * By definition, the first LINER for any given procedure will have
+ * the first line of a procedure and represent the first address.
+ */
+typedef long LINER, *pLINER;
+#define lineNil ((pLINER)0)
+#define cbLINER sizeof(LINER)
+#define ilineNil -1
+ * The Symbol Structure (GFW, to those who Know!)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ long iss; /* index into String Space of name */
+ long value; /* value of symbol */
+ unsigned st : 6; /* symbol type */
+ unsigned sc : 5; /* storage class - text, data, etc */
+ unsigned reserved : 1; /* reserved */
+ unsigned index : 20; /* index into sym/aux table */
+ } SYMR, *pSYMR;
+#define symNil ((pSYMR)0)
+#define cbSYMR sizeof(SYMR)
+#define isymNil -1
+#define indexNil 0xfffff
+#define issNil -1
+#define issNull 0
+/* The following converts a memory resident string to an iss.
+ * This hack is recognized in SbFIss, in sym.c of the debugger.
+ */
+#define IssFSb(sb) (0x80000000 | ((unsigned long)(sb)))
+/* E X T E R N A L S Y M B O L R E C O R D
+ *
+ * Same as the SYMR except it contains file context to determine where
+ * the index is.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned jmptbl:1; /* symbol is a jump table entry for shlibs */
+ unsigned cobol_main:1; /* symbol is a cobol main procedure */
+ unsigned weakext:1; /* symbol is weak external */
+ unsigned reserved:13; /* reserved for future use */
+ short ifd; /* where the iss and index fields point into */
+ SYMR asym; /* symbol for the external */
+ } EXTR, *pEXTR;
+#define extNil ((pEXTR)0)
+#define cbEXTR sizeof(EXTR)
+/* A U X I L L A R Y T Y P E I N F O R M A T I O N */
+ * Type Information Record
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned fBitfield : 1; /* set if bit width is specified */
+ unsigned continued : 1; /* indicates additional TQ info in next AUX */
+ unsigned bt : 6; /* basic type */
+ unsigned tq4 : 4;
+ unsigned tq5 : 4;
+ /* ---- 16 bit boundary ---- */
+ unsigned tq0 : 4;
+ unsigned tq1 : 4; /* 6 type qualifiers - tqPtr, etc. */
+ unsigned tq2 : 4;
+ unsigned tq3 : 4;
+ } TIR, *pTIR;
+#define cbTIR sizeof(TIR)
+#define tiNil ((pTIR)0)
+#define itqMax 6
+ * Relative symbol record
+ *
+ * If the rfd field is 4095, the index field indexes into the global symbol
+ * table.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned rfd : 12; /* index into the file indirect table */
+ unsigned index : 20; /* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
+#define cbRNDXR sizeof(RNDXR)
+#define rndxNil ((pRNDXR)0)
+/* dense numbers or sometimes called block numbers are stored in this type,
+ * a rfd of 0xffffffff is an index into the global table.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long rfd; /* index into the file table */
+ unsigned long index; /* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
+ } DNR, *pDNR;
+#define cbDNR sizeof(DNR)
+#define dnNil ((pDNR)0)
+ * Auxillary information occurs only if needed.
+ * It ALWAYS occurs in this order when present.
+ isymMac used by stProc only
+ TIR type info
+ TIR additional TQ info (if first TIR was not enough)
+ rndx if (bt == btStruct,btUnion,btEnum,btSet,btRange,
+ btTypedef):
+ rsym.index == iaux for btSet or btRange
+ else rsym.index == isym
+ dimLow btRange, btSet
+ dimMac btRange, btSet
+ rndx0 As many as there are tq arrays
+ dimLow0
+ dimHigh0
+ ...
+ rndxMax-1
+ dimLowMax-1
+ dimHighMax-1
+ width in bits if (bit field), width in bits.
+ */
+#define cAuxMax (6 + (idimMax*3))
+/* a union of all possible info in the AUX universe */
+typedef union {
+ TIR ti; /* type information record */
+ RNDXR rndx; /* relative index into symbol table */
+ long dnLow; /* low dimension */
+ long dnHigh; /* high dimension */
+ long isym; /* symbol table index (end of proc) */
+ long iss; /* index into string space (not used) */
+ long width; /* width for non-default sized struc fields */
+ long count; /* count of ranges for variant arm */
+ } AUXU, *pAUXU;
+#define cbAUXU sizeof(AUXU)
+#define auxNil ((pAUXU)0)
+#define iauxNil -1
+ * Optimization symbols
+ *
+ * Optimization symbols contain some overlap information with the normal
+ * symbol table. In particular, the proc information
+ * is somewhat redundant but necessary to easily find the other information
+ * present.
+ *
+ * All of the offsets are relative to the beginning of the last otProc
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned ot: 8; /* optimization type */
+ unsigned value: 24; /* address where we are moving it to */
+ RNDXR rndx; /* points to a symbol or opt entry */
+ unsigned long offset; /* relative offset this occured */
+ } OPTR, *pOPTR;
+#define optNil ((pOPTR) 0)
+#define cbOPTR sizeof(OPTR)
+#define ioptNil -1
+ * File Indirect
+ *
+ * When a symbol is referenced across files the following procedure is used:
+ * 1) use the file index to get the File indirect entry.
+ * 2) use the file indirect entry to get the File descriptor.
+ * 3) add the sym index to the base of that file's sym table
+ *
+ */
+typedef long RFDT, *pRFDT;
+#define cbRFDT sizeof(RFDT)
+#define rfdNil -1
+ * The file indirect table in the mips loader is known as an array of FITs.
+ * This is done to keep the code in the loader readable in the area where
+ * these tables are merged. Note this is only a name change.
+ */
+typedef long FIT, *pFIT;
+#define cbFIT sizeof(FIT)
+#define ifiNil -1
+#define fiNil ((pFIT) 0)
+#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */
+#define ifdNil -1
+#define ilnNil -1
+#define ipdNil -1
+#define ilineNil -1
+#define isymNil -1
+#define indexNil 16#fffff
+#define issNil -1
+#define issNull 0
+#define itqMax 6
+#define iauxNil -1
+#define ioptNil -1
+#define rfdNil -1
+#define ifiNil -1
+#endif /* _LANGUAGE_PASCAL */
+/* Dense numbers
+ *
+ * Rather than use file index, symbol index pairs to represent symbols
+ * and globals, we use dense number so that they can be easily embeded
+ * in intermediate code and the programs that process them can
+ * use direct access tabls instead of hash table (which would be
+ * necesary otherwise because of the sparse name space caused by
+ * file index, symbol index pairs. Dense number are represented
+ * by RNDXRs.
+ */
+ * The following table defines the meaning of each SYM field as
+ * a function of the "st". (scD/B == scData OR scBss)
+ *
+ * Note: the value "isymMac" is used by symbols that have the concept
+ * of enclosing a block of related information. This value is the
+ * isym of the first symbol AFTER the end associated with the primary
+ * symbol. For example if a procedure was at isym==90 and had an
+ * isymMac==155, the associated end would be at isym==154, and the
+ * symbol at 155 would probably (although not necessarily) be the
+ * symbol for the next procedure. This allows rapid skipping over
+ * internal information of various sorts. "stEnd"s ALWAYS have the
+ * isym of the primary symbol that started the block.
+ *
+-------- ------ -------- ------
+stFile scText address isymMac
+stLabel scText address ---
+stGlobal scD/B address iaux
+stStatic scD/B address iaux
+stParam scAbs offset iaux
+stLocal scAbs offset iaux
+stProc scText address iaux (isymMac is first AUX)
+stStaticProc scText address iaux (isymMac is first AUX)
+stMember scNil ordinal --- (if member of enum)
+stMember scNil byte offset iaux (if member of struct/union)
+stMember scBits bit offset iaux (bit field spec)
+stBlock scText address isymMac (text block)
+stBlock scNil cb isymMac (struct/union member define)
+stBlock scNil cMembers isymMac (enum member define)
+stEnd scText address isymStart
+stEnd scNil ------- isymStart (struct/union/enum)
+stTypedef scNil ------- iaux
+stRegReloc sc??? value old register number
+stForward sc??? new address isym to original symbol
+stConstant scInfo value --- (scalar)
+stConstant scInfo iss --- (complex, e.g. string)
+ *
+ */
+/* $Log$
+/* Revision 1.1 1992/04/03 04:01:32 gnu
+/* Date: Thu, 2 Apr 92 15:48:13 -0800
+/* From: wu@mips.com (Alex Wu)
+/* Message-Id: <9204022348.AA20058@goofy.mips.com>
+/* To: gnu@cygnus.com
+/* Subject: sym.h & symconst.h
+/* John,
+/* I finally get our lawyer's approval. Here is the symconst.h and
+/* the sym.h. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help.
+ * Revision 3000.5.1.2 91/05/31 18:27:22 bettina
+ * fix DFARS in copyright
+ *
+ * Revision 3000.5.1.1 91/04/15 20:51:26 bettina
+ * fix copyright
+ *
+ * Revision 3000.5 91/04/09 13:39:51 keithm
+ * Added DEC specific changes.
+ *
+ * Revision 3000.3 91/03/13 18:55:54 karen
+ * changed __SYM_H to _SYM_H
+ *
+ * Revision 3000.2 90/12/10 13:53:26 zaineb
+ * Ansi Changes
+ *
+ * Revision 2020.2.1.1 90/10/30 12:31:15 shin
+ * copy from 2.21 for weakext flag
+ *
+ * Revision 2021.2 90/10/19 10:55:23 shin
+ * added weakext flag in EXTR structure
+ *
+ * Revision 2021.1 90/06/07 23:09:19 bettina
+ * 2.21 - branching off 2.20 for ansi C
+ *
+ * Revision 2020.2 90/05/17 18:17:57 chan
+ * *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ * Revision 2010.7.1.6 90/02/22 19:53:48 bettina
+ * 2.10 F1
+ *
+ * Revision 2010.7.1.5 89/11/29 22:41:00 bettina
+ * 2.10 BETA2
+ *
+ * Revision 2010.3 89/10/05 10:44:44 lai
+ * added lint wrapper
+ *
+ * Revision 2010.2 89/09/26 23:40:45 lai
+ * added #include exception.h
+ *
+ * Revision 2010.1 89/09/26 20:47:45 lai
+ * updated to 2.10
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3 89/09/26 20:08:54 lai
+ * added wrapper and $LOG
+ * updated for 2.10
+ *
diff --git a/include/coff/symconst.h b/include/coff/symconst.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecd7835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/coff/symconst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Copyright (c) 1992, 1991, 1990 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.|
+ * | MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. grants reproduction and use |
+ * | rights to all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is |
+ * | maintained in the copy. |
+ * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+/* $Header$ */
+/* (C) Copyright 1984 by Third Eye Software, Inc.
+ *
+ * Third Eye Software, Inc. grants reproduction and use rights to
+ * all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is maintained in the copy.
+ *
+ * Third Eye makes no claims about the applicability of this
+ * symbol table to a particular use.
+ */
+/* glevels for field in FDR */
+#define GLEVEL_0 2
+#define GLEVEL_1 1
+#define GLEVEL_2 0 /* for upward compat reasons. */
+#define GLEVEL_3 3
+/* magic number fo symheader */
+#define magicSym 0x7009
+/* Language codes */
+#define langC 0
+#define langPascal 1
+#define langFortran 2
+#define langAssembler 3 /* one Assembley inst might map to many mach */
+#define langMachine 4
+#define langNil 5
+#define langAda 6
+#define langPl1 7
+#define langCobol 8
+#define langStdc 9
+#define langMax 10 /* maximun allowed 32 -- 5 bits */
+/* The following are value definitions for the fields in the SYMR */
+ * Storage Classes
+ */
+#define scNil 0
+#define scText 1 /* text symbol */
+#define scData 2 /* initialized data symbol */
+#define scBss 3 /* un-initialized data symbol */
+#define scRegister 4 /* value of symbol is register number */
+#define scAbs 5 /* value of symbol is absolute */
+#define scUndefined 6 /* who knows? */
+#define scCdbLocal 7 /* variable's value is IN se->va.?? */
+#define scBits 8 /* this is a bit field */
+#define scCdbSystem 9 /* variable's value is IN CDB's address space */
+#define scDbx 9 /* overlap dbx internal use */
+#define scRegImage 10 /* register value saved on stack */
+#define scInfo 11 /* symbol contains debugger information */
+#define scUserStruct 12 /* address in struct user for current process */
+#define scSData 13 /* load time only small data */
+#define scSBss 14 /* load time only small common */
+#define scRData 15 /* load time only read only data */
+#define scVar 16 /* Var parameter (fortran,pascal) */
+#define scCommon 17 /* common variable */
+#define scSCommon 18 /* small common */
+#define scVarRegister 19 /* Var parameter in a register */
+#define scVariant 20 /* Variant record */
+#define scSUndefined 21 /* small undefined(external) data */
+#define scInit 22 /* .init section symbol */
+#define scBasedVar 23 /* Fortran or PL/1 ptr based var */
+#define scXData 24 /* exception handling data */
+#define scPData 25 /* Procedure section */
+#define scFini 26 /* .fini section */
+#define scMax 32
+ * Symbol Types
+ */
+#define stNil 0 /* Nuthin' special */
+#define stGlobal 1 /* external symbol */
+#define stStatic 2 /* static */
+#define stParam 3 /* procedure argument */
+#define stLocal 4 /* local variable */
+#define stLabel 5 /* label */
+#define stProc 6 /* " " Procedure */
+#define stBlock 7 /* beginnning of block */
+#define stEnd 8 /* end (of anything) */
+#define stMember 9 /* member (of anything - struct/union/enum */
+#define stTypedef 10 /* type definition */
+#define stFile 11 /* file name */
+#define stRegReloc 12 /* register relocation */
+#define stForward 13 /* forwarding address */
+#define stStaticProc 14 /* load time only static procs */
+#define stConstant 15 /* const */
+#define stStaParam 16 /* Fortran static parameters */
+ /* Psuedo-symbols - internal to debugger */
+#define stStr 60 /* string */
+#define stNumber 61 /* pure number (ie. 4 NOR 2+2) */
+#define stExpr 62 /* 2+2 vs. 4 */
+#define stType 63 /* post-coersion SER */
+#define stMax 64
+/* definitions for fields in TIR */
+/* type qualifiers for ti.tq0 -> ti.(itqMax-1) */
+#define tqNil 0 /* bt is what you see */
+#define tqPtr 1 /* pointer */
+#define tqProc 2 /* procedure */
+#define tqArray 3 /* duh */
+#define tqFar 4 /* longer addressing - 8086/8 land */
+#define tqVol 5 /* volatile */
+#define tqConst 6 /* const */
+#define tqMax 8
+/* basic types as seen in ti.bt */
+#define btNil 0 /* undefined */
+#define btAdr 1 /* address - integer same size as pointer */
+#define btChar 2 /* character */
+#define btUChar 3 /* unsigned character */
+#define btShort 4 /* short */
+#define btUShort 5 /* unsigned short */
+#define btInt 6 /* int */
+#define btUInt 7 /* unsigned int */
+#define btLong 8 /* long */
+#define btULong 9 /* unsigned long */
+#define btFloat 10 /* float (real) */
+#define btDouble 11 /* Double (real) */
+#define btStruct 12 /* Structure (Record) */
+#define btUnion 13 /* Union (variant) */
+#define btEnum 14 /* Enumerated */
+#define btTypedef 15 /* defined via a typedef, isymRef points */
+#define btRange 16 /* subrange of int */
+#define btSet 17 /* pascal sets */
+#define btComplex 18 /* fortran complex */
+#define btDComplex 19 /* fortran double complex */
+#define btIndirect 20 /* forward or unnamed typedef */
+#define btFixedDec 21 /* Fixed Decimal */
+#define btFloatDec 22 /* Float Decimal */
+#define btString 23 /* Varying Length Character String */
+#define btBit 24 /* Aligned Bit String */
+#define btPicture 25 /* Picture */
+#define btVoid 26 /* void */
+#define btLongLong 27 /* long long */
+#define btULongLong 28 /* unsigned long long */
+#define btMax 64
+#if (_MFG == _MIPS)
+/* optimization type codes */
+#define otNil 0
+#define otReg 1 /* move var to reg */
+#define otBlock 2 /* begin basic block */
+#define otProc 3 /* procedure */
+#define otInline 4 /* inline procedure */
+#define otEnd 5 /* whatever you started */
+#define otMax 6 /* KEEP UP TO DATE */
+#endif (_MFG == _MIPS)