path: root/gdb/gdb.ideas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/gdb.ideas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/gdb.ideas b/gdb/gdb.ideas
index 96ba662..1b3b12f 100644
--- a/gdb/gdb.ideas
+++ b/gdb/gdb.ideas
@@ -1031,247 +1031,4 @@ if the symbols proved not to be static,
and an auto-display should be disabled automatically when it is
not in the block where the results would be meaningful.
-Received: from ai.ai.mit.edu by wheaties.ai.mit.edu; Sun, 8 May 88 12:52:31 EDT
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- id AA05599; Sun, 8 May 88 02:33:41 PDT
-Date: Sun, 8 May 88 02:33:41 PDT
-From: phr%widow.Berkeley.EDU@lilac.berkeley.edu
-Message-Id: <8805080933.AA05599@web5h.berkeley.edu>
-To: bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: suggestion (gdb 2.4): print function names
-*** EOOH ***
-Date: Sun, 8 May 88 02:33:41 PDT
-From: phr%widow.Berkeley.EDU@lilac.berkeley.edu
-To: bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: suggestion (gdb 2.4): print function names
-If p is a pointer to function, "print p" should print the name
-of the function that p points to, as well as the numeric value.
-Dbx does this.
-Received: from lilac.berkeley.edu by wheaties.ai.mit.edu; Wed, 11 May 88 23:14:39 EDT
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- id AA06549; Wed, 11 May 88 20:11:44 PDT
-Date: Wed, 11 May 88 20:11:44 PDT
-From: phr%widow.Berkeley.EDU@lilac.berkeley.edu
-Message-Id: <8805120311.AA06549@web8e.berkeley.edu>
-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb suggestion
-*** EOOH ***
-Date: Wed, 11 May 88 20:11:44 PDT
-From: phr%widow.Berkeley.EDU@lilac.berkeley.edu
-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb suggestion
-If the process signal mask of a program is saved in the core dump,
-then gdb should have a way to read it. I have an xemacs that hangs
-in a blocking read from XCreateWindow when I run it from the csh,
-but works fine when run under gdb. (Does this mean a gdb bug?).
-1, answered,,
-Return-Path: <tmb@wheaties.ai.mit.edu>
-Received: by sugar-smacks.ai.mit.edu; Tue, 24 May 88 00:34:01 EDT
-Date: Tue, 24 May 88 00:34:01 EDT
-From: tmb@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel)
-Message-Id: <8805240434.AA02268@sugar-smacks.ai.mit.edu>
-To: rms
-Subject: problem with gdb...
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-Date: Tue, 24 May 88 00:34:01 EDT
-From: tmb@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel)
-To: rms
-Subject: problem with gdb...
-When tracing a program that forks, the breakpoints aren't removed in the
-child and it dies with a trace/bpt trap. Isn't there a more proper way to
-handle this?
- Thomas.
-1, forwarded, answered,,
-Received: from ATHENA (ATHENA.MIT.EDU) by wheaties.ai.mit.edu; Sat, 25 Jun 88 04:02:57 EDT
-From: jbs@athena.mit.edu
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-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 88 03:59:57 EDT
-Message-Id: <8806250759.AA13640@BRIDGETOWN.MIT.EDU>
-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb suggestion
-*** EOOH ***
-From: jbs@athena.mit.edu
-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 88 03:59:57 EDT
-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb suggestion
-Debugging X toolkit stuff involves looking at structures that fill up
-several screens. GDB would be a lot easier to use if it supported
-some sort of pretty-printing of these structures.
-1, forwarded,,
-Received: from prep.ai.mit.edu by wheaties.ai.mit.edu; Thu, 23 Jun 88 04:32:12 EDT
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- id AA02077; Thu, 23 Jun 88 01:28:08 PDT
-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 88 01:28:08 PDT
-From: faustus@ic.berkeley.edu (Wayne A. Christopher)
-Message-Id: <8806230828.AA02077@ic.berkeley.edu>
-To: rms@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb request
-*** EOOH ***
-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 88 01:28:08 PDT
-From: faustus@ic.berkeley.edu (Wayne A. Christopher)
-To: rms@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb request
-One suggestion for future versions of gdb -- the trace command of dbx is very
-useful, and a lot easier to use than the "commands" feature in gdb. Although
-it's not necessary, it would be nice to have it.
- Wayne
-1, forwarded,,
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-Received: from prep.ai.mit.edu by life.ai.mit.edu; Sun, 24 Jul 88 03:40:33 EDT
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- id AA19389; Sun, 24 Jul 88 00:35:41 PDT
-Date: Sun, 24 Jul 88 00:35:41 PDT
-From: faustus@scruff.berkeley.edu (Wayne A. Christopher)
-Message-Id: <8807240735.AA19389@scruff.berkeley.edu>
-To: rms@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb feature
-*** EOOH ***
-Return-Path: <faustus@scruff.berkeley.edu>
-Date: Sun, 24 Jul 88 00:35:41 PDT
-From: faustus@scruff.berkeley.edu (Wayne A. Christopher)
-To: rms@prep.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: gdb feature
-It would be nice if I could stop and background a process running under
-gdb. Now gdb lets the process get the ^Z and gives me a prompt, instead
-of stopping also.
- Wayne
-Return-Path: <wesommer@athena.mit.edu>
-Received: from prep.ai.mit.edu by life.ai.mit.edu; Tue, 30 Aug 88 23:18:51 EDT
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- id AA10004; Tue, 30 Aug 88 23:15:58 EDT
-Date: Tue, 30 Aug 88 23:15:58 EDT
-From: Bill Sommerfeld <wesommer@athena.mit.edu>
-Message-Id: <8808310315.AA10004@E40-342A-3>
-To: bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
-*** EOOH ***
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-Date: Tue, 30 Aug 88 23:15:58 EDT
-From: Bill Sommerfeld <wesommer@athena.mit.edu>
-To: bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
-I just had the pleasure of figuring out why a program which worked
-under GDB failed (with a segv) when run under the shell. It turns out
-that it was allocating too much space in the stack, and dying with a
-segmentation violation when it overran the stack.
-I note that gdb/main.c unlimits the stack, presumably to allow gdb to
-use alloca to its heart's content. This is well and good, but in the
-interests of making the execution and debugging environments
-functionally identical, could it at least set the limit back down to
-what it used to be when it starts the child process?
- - Bill
-1, answered,,
-Return-Path: <randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu>
-Received: from hobbes.ai.mit.edu by wheaties.ai.mit.edu; Thu, 1 Sep 88 23:13:03 EDT
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-Message-Id: <8809020408.AA09913@hobbes.ai.mit.edu>
-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
-Cc: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: Re: GDB work that needs to be done
-In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 01 Sep 88 19:23:47 -0400.
- <8809012323.AA01639@sugar-bombs.ai.mit.edu>
-Date: Thu, 01 Sep 88 23:08:39 +0900
-From: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-*** EOOH ***
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-To: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
-Cc: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Subject: Re: GDB work that needs to be done
-In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 01 Sep 88 19:23:47 -0400.
- <8809012323.AA01639@sugar-bombs.ai.mit.edu>
-Date: Thu, 01 Sep 88 23:08:39 +0900
-From: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-5. Step until past current line or out of stack frame.
-Return-Path: <rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu>
-Received: by sugar-bombs.ai.mit.edu; Fri, 2 Sep 88 12:43:28 EDT
-Date: Fri, 2 Sep 88 12:43:28 EDT
-From: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
-Message-Id: <8809021643.AA00263@sugar-bombs.ai.mit.edu>
-To: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Cc: rms
-In-Reply-To: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu's message of Thu, 01 Sep 88 23:08:39 +0900 <8809020408.AA09913@hobbes.ai.mit.edu>
-Subject: GDB work that needs to be done
-*** EOOH ***
-Return-Path: <rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu>
-Date: Fri, 2 Sep 88 12:43:28 EDT
-From: rms@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
-To: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
-Cc: rms
-In-Reply-To: randy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu's message of Thu, 01 Sep 88 23:08:39 +0900 <8809020408.AA09913@hobbes.ai.mit.edu>
-Subject: GDB work that needs to be done
- Step until past current line or out of stack frame.
-I think this should be a command called `until':
- until LINE run until line LINE.
- until run until reach the following line.
-It can work by setting a temporary (delete when hit) breakpoint
-at the specified destination and then doing `finish'.
 \ No newline at end of file