path: root/gdb/29k-share
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/29k-share')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 3073 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/README b/gdb/29k-share/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e19715..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-The files in this directory are shared with other debuggers and
-debug interfaces that use Advanced Micro Devices' UDI (universal debug
-interface) protocol. The protocol provides a common interface among
-debuggers, logic analyzers, emulators, and embedded systems that use
-AMD 29000 family processors.
-Do not change these files without coordinating with Advanced Micro
-Devices, Embedded Processor Division, 5204 E. Ben White Blvd, Austin, TX 78741.
-Maybe postmaster@cayman.amd.com can direct you to the current maintainers.
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udi2go32.c b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udi2go32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d98ae..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udi2go32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-Interface from UDI calls in 32-bit mode to go32 in 16-bit mode.
-Communication is done through a single interrupt vector, which passes
-data through two linear buffers.
- AH = 0xfe
- AL = UDI function number
- ECX = IN length
- ESI = pointer to IN buffer
- EDI = pointer to OUT buffer
- EAX = return value of UDI function
- 0x21
-#ifdef __GO32__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "udiproc.h"
-#include "udisoc.h"
-char dfe_errmsg[500];
-static char in_buffer[4096];
-static char out_buffer[4096];
-static char *in_ptr;
-static char *out_ptr;
-#define IN_INIT() in_ptr = in_buffer
-#define IN_VAL(t,v) *((t *)in_ptr)++ = v
-#define IN_DATA(ptr, cnt) memcpy(in_ptr, ptr, cnt), in_ptr += cnt
-#define OUT_INIT() out_ptr = out_buffer
-#define OUT_VAL(t) (*((t *)out_ptr)++)
-#define OUT_DATA(ptr, cnt) memcpy(ptr, out_ptr, cnt), out_ptr += cnt
-static int DO_CALL(int function)
- asm("pushl %esi");
- asm("pushl %edi");
- asm("movb %0, %%al" : : "g" (function));
- asm("movl _in_ptr, %ecx");
- asm("movl $_in_buffer, %esi");
- asm("subl %esi, %ecx");
- asm("movl $_out_buffer, %edi");
- asm("movb $0xfe, %ah");
- asm("int $0x21");
- asm("popl %edi");
- asm("popl %esi");
-#ifdef TEST_UDI
-int main()
- int r;
- long p2;
- short p1;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(long, 11111111);
- IN_VAL(short, 2222);
- IN_DATA("Hello, world\n", 17);
- r = DO_CALL(42);
- p1 = OUT_VAL(short);
- p2 = OUT_VAL(long);
- printf("main: p1=%d p2=%d rv=%d\n", p1, p2, r);
- return r;
-unsupported(char *s)
- printf("unsupported UDI host call %s\n", s);
- abort();
-UDIError UDIConnect (
- char *Configuration, /* In */
- UDISessionId *Session /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- out_buffer[0] = 0; /* DJ - test */
- IN_INIT();
- IN_DATA(Configuration, strlen(Configuration)+1);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIConnect_c);
- *Session = OUT_VAL(UDISessionId);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIDisconnect (
- UDISessionId Session, /* In */
- UDIBool Terminate /* In */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDISessionId, Session);
- IN_VAL(UDIBool, Terminate);
- return DO_CALL(UDIDisconnect_c);
-UDIError UDISetCurrentConnection (
- UDISessionId Session /* In */
- )
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDISessionId, Session);
- return DO_CALL(UDISetCurrentConnection_c);
-UDIError UDICapabilities (
- UDIUInt32 *TIPId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *TargetId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 DFEId, /* In */
- UDIUInt32 DFE, /* In */
- UDIUInt32 *TIP, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *DFEIPCId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *TIPIPCId, /* Out */
- char *TIPString /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- r = DO_CALL(UDICapabilities_c);
- *TIPId = OUT_VAL(UDIUInt32);
- *TargetId = OUT_VAL(UDIUInt32);
- *TIP = OUT_VAL(UDIUInt32);
- strcpy(TIPString, out_ptr);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIEnumerateTIPs (
- UDIInt (*UDIETCallback) /* In */
- ( char *Configuration ) /* In to callback() */
- )
- UDIETCallback("montip.exe");
-UDIError UDIGetErrorMsg (
- UDIError ErrorCode, /* In */
- UDISizeT MsgSize, /* In */
- char *Msg, /* Out */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- if (MsgSize > 4000)
- MsgSize = 4000;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIError, ErrorCode);
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT, MsgSize);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIGetErrorMsg_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- OUT_DATA(Msg, *CountDone);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIGetTargetConfig (
- UDIMemoryRange KnownMemory[], /* Out */
- UDIInt *NumberOfRanges, /* In/Out */
- UDIUInt32 ChipVersions[], /* Out */
- UDIInt *NumberOfChips /* In/Out */
- )
- int r, i;
- int nr = *NumberOfRanges;
- int nc = *NumberOfChips;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIInt, *NumberOfRanges);
- IN_VAL(UDIInt, *NumberOfChips);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIGetTargetConfig_c);
- if (r == UDIErrorIncomplete)
- return r;
- *NumberOfRanges = OUT_VAL(UDIInt);
- *NumberOfChips = OUT_VAL(UDIInt);
- for (i=0; i<nr; i++)
- {
- KnownMemory[i].Space = OUT_VAL(short);
- KnownMemory[i].Offset = OUT_VAL(CPUOffset);
- KnownMemory[i].Size = OUT_VAL(CPUSizeT);
- }
- for (i=0; i<nc; i++)
- {
- ChipVersions[i] = OUT_VAL(UDIUInt32);
- }
- return r;
-UDIError UDICreateProcess (
- UDIPId *PId /* Out */
- )
- int r = DO_CALL(UDICreateProcess_c);
- return r;
-UDIError UDISetCurrentProcess (
- UDIPId PId /* In */
- )
- IN_INIT();
- return DO_CALL(UDISetCurrentProcess_c);
-UDIError UDIDestroyProcess (
- UDIPId PId /* In */
- )
- IN_INIT();
- return DO_CALL(UDIDestroyProcess_c);
-UDIError UDIInitializeProcess (
- UDIMemoryRange ProcessMemory[], /* In */
- UDIInt NumberOfRanges, /* In */
- UDIResource EntryPoint, /* In */
- CPUSizeT StackSizes[], /* In */
- UDIInt NumberOfStacks, /* In */
- char *ArgString /* In */
- )
- int i, r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIInt, NumberOfRanges);
- for (i=0; i<NumberOfRanges; i++)
- {
- IN_VAL(short, ProcessMemory[i].Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, ProcessMemory[i].Offset);
- IN_VAL(CPUSizeT, ProcessMemory[i].Size);
- }
- IN_VAL(short, EntryPoint.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, EntryPoint.Offset);
- IN_VAL(UDIInt, NumberOfStacks);
- for (i=0; i<NumberOfStacks; i++)
- IN_VAL(CPUSizeT, StackSizes[i]);
- IN_DATA(ArgString, strlen(ArgString)+1);
- return DO_CALL(UDIInitializeProcess_c);
-UDIError UDIRead (
- UDIResource From, /* In */
- UDIHostMemPtr To, /* Out */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool HostEndian /* In */
- )
- int cleft = Count, cthis, dthis;
- int cdone = 0, r, bsize=2048/Size;
- while (cleft)
- {
- cthis = (cleft<bsize) ? cleft : bsize;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(short, From.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, From.Offset);
- IN_VAL(UDICount, cthis);
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT, Size);
- IN_VAL(UDIBool, HostEndian);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIRead_c);
- dthis = OUT_VAL(UDICount);
- OUT_DATA(To, dthis*Size);
- cdone += dthis;
- To += dthis*Size;
- if (r != UDINoError)
- {
- *CountDone = cdone;
- return r;
- }
- cleft -= cthis;
- }
- *CountDone = cdone;
- return UDINoError;
-UDIError UDIWrite (
- UDIHostMemPtr From, /* In */
- UDIResource To, /* In */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool HostEndian /* In */
- )
- int cleft = Count, cthis, dthis;
- int cdone = 0, r, bsize=2048/Size;
- while (cleft)
- {
- cthis = (cleft<bsize) ? cleft : bsize;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(short, To.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, To.Offset);
- IN_VAL(UDICount, cthis);
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT, Size);
- IN_VAL(UDIBool, HostEndian);
- IN_DATA(From, cthis*Size);
- From += cthis*Size;
- r = DO_CALL(UDIWrite_c);
- cdone += OUT_VAL(UDICount);
- if (r != UDINoError)
- {
- *CountDone = cdone;
- return r;
- }
- cleft -= cthis;
- }
- *CountDone = cdone;
- return UDINoError;
-UDIError UDICopy (
- UDIResource From, /* In */
- UDIResource To, /* In */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool Direction /* In */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(short, From.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, From.Offset);
- IN_VAL(short, To.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, To.Offset);
- IN_VAL(UDICount, Count);
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT, Size);
- IN_VAL(UDIBool, Direction);
- r = DO_CALL(UDICopy_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDICount);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIExecute (
- void
- )
- return DO_CALL(UDIExecute_c);
-UDIError UDIStep (
- UDIUInt32 Steps, /* In */
- UDIStepType StepType, /* In */
- UDIRange Range /* In */
- )
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIUInt32, Steps);
- IN_VAL(UDIStepType, StepType);
- IN_VAL(UDIRange, Range);
- return DO_CALL(UDIStep_c);
-UDIVoid UDIStop (
- void
- )
- DO_CALL(UDIStop_c);
-UDIError UDIWait (
- UDIInt32 MaxTime, /* In */
- UDIPId *PId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *StopReason /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIInt32, MaxTime);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIWait_c);
- *StopReason = OUT_VAL(UDIUInt32);
- return r;
-UDIError UDISetBreakpoint (
- UDIResource Addr, /* In */
- UDIInt32 PassCount, /* In */
- UDIBreakType Type, /* In */
- UDIBreakId *BreakId /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(short, Addr.Space);
- IN_VAL(CPUOffset, Addr.Offset);
- IN_VAL(UDIInt32, PassCount);
- IN_VAL(UDIBreakType, Type);
- r = DO_CALL(UDISetBreakpoint_c);
- *BreakId = OUT_VAL(UDIBreakId);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIQueryBreakpoint (
- UDIBreakId BreakId, /* In */
- UDIResource *Addr, /* Out */
- UDIInt32 *PassCount, /* Out */
- UDIBreakType *Type, /* Out */
- UDIInt32 *CurrentCount /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIBreakId, BreakId);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIQueryBreakpoint_c);
- Addr->Space = OUT_VAL(short);
- Addr->Offset = OUT_VAL(CPUOffset);
- *PassCount = OUT_VAL(UDIInt32);
- *Type = OUT_VAL(UDIBreakType);
- *CurrentCount = OUT_VAL(UDIInt32);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIClearBreakpoint (
- UDIBreakId BreakId /* In */
- )
- IN_INIT();
- IN_VAL(UDIBreakId, BreakId);
- return DO_CALL(UDIClearBreakpoint_c);
-UDIError UDIGetStdout (
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- if (BufSize > 4000)
- BufSize = 4000;
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT,BufSize);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIGetStdout_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- if (*CountDone <= BufSize)
- OUT_DATA(Buf, *CountDone);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIGetStderr (
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- if (BufSize > 4000)
- BufSize = 4000;
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT,BufSize);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIGetStderr_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- OUT_DATA(Buf, *CountDone);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIPutStdin (
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* In */
- UDISizeT Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- if (Count > 4000)
- Count = 4000;
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT,Count);
- IN_DATA(Buf, Count);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIPutStdin_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIStdinMode (
- UDIMode *Mode /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- r = DO_CALL(UDIStdinMode_c);
- *Mode = OUT_VAL(UDIMode);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIPutTrans (
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* In */
- UDISizeT Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- if (Count > 4000)
- Count = 4000;
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT,Count);
- IN_DATA(Buf, Count);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIPutTrans_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- return r;
-UDIError UDIGetTrans (
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- if (BufSize > 4000)
- BufSize = 4000;
- IN_VAL(UDISizeT,BufSize);
- r = DO_CALL(UDIGetTrans_c);
- *CountDone = OUT_VAL(UDISizeT);
- OUT_DATA(Buf, *CountDone);
- return r;
-UDIError UDITransMode (
- UDIMode *Mode /* Out */
- )
- int r;
- IN_INIT();
- r = DO_CALL(UDITransMode_c);
- *Mode = OUT_VAL(UDIMode);
- return r;
-#define DFEIPCIdCompany 0x0001 /* Company ID AMD */
-#define DFEIPCIdProduct 0x1 /* Product ID 0 */
-#define DFEIPCIdVersion 0x125 /* 1.2.5 */
-unsigned UDIGetDFEIPCId ()
- return((((UDIUInt32)DFEIPCIdCompany) << 16) |(DFEIPCIdProduct << 12) | DFEIPCIdVersion);
-#endif /* __GO32__ */
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiids.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiids.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f805e4..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiids.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* This file contains the DFE and TIP IDs to be used by AMD products for
- the UDICapabilities call.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- /* Company Codes -- AMD assigns these */
-#define UDICompanyCode_AMD 1
- /* Build a UDIID given a CompanyProdCode and 3 version pieces */
-#define UDIID(CompanyProdCode, v1,v2,v3) ((((CompanyProdCode) & 0xfffff)<<12)+\
- (((v1)&0xf)<<8) + (((v2)&0xf)<<4) + ((v3)&0xf))
- /* Extract a CompanyProdCode or a Version from a UDIID */
-#define UDIID_CompanyProdCode(id) (((id)>>12) & 0xfffff)
-#define UDIID_Version(id) ((id)&0xfff)
-#define UDIAMDProduct(ProdCode) ((UDICompanyCode_AMD<<4) + (ProdCode&0xf))
- /* AMD DFE Product Codes */
-#define UDIProductCode_Mondfe UDIAMDProduct(0)
-#define UDIProductCode_XRAY UDIAMDProduct(1)
-#define UDIProductCode_TIPTester UDIAMDProduct(2)
- /* AMD TIP Product Codes (need not be distinct from DFE Product Codes) */
-#define UDIProductCode_Montip UDIAMDProduct(0)
-#define UDIProductCode_Isstip UDIAMDProduct(1)
-#define UDILatestVersion 0x120 /* UDI 1.2.0, can be used in DFE and TIP desired UDI params */
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c8af3fe..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udip2soc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1250 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1993, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-static char udip2soc_c[]="@(#)udip2soc.c 2.11 Daniel Mann";
-static char udip2soc_c_AMD[]="@(#)udip2soc.c 2.8, AMD";
-* This module converts UDI Procedural calls into
-* UDI socket messages for UNIX.
-* It is used by DFE client processes
-********************************************************************** HISTORY
-/* This is all unneeded on DOS machines. */
-#ifndef __GO32__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Before sys/file.h for Unixware. */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-/* This used to say sys/fcntl.h, but the only systems I know of that
- require that are old (pre-4.3, at least) BSD systems, which we
- probably don't need to worry about. */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/errno.h>
-#include "udiproc.h"
-#include "udisoc.h"
-extern int errno;
-extern int sys_nerr;
-extern int udr_errno;
-extern char* getenv();
-/* local type decs. and macro defs. not in a .h file ************* MACRO/TYPE
-#define version_c 0x121 /* DFE-IPC version id */
-#define TRUE -1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define PORT_NUM 7000
-#define MAX_SESSIONS 5 /* maximum DFE-TIP connections */
-#define SOC_BUF_SIZE 4* 1024 /* size of socket comms buffer */
-#define SBUF_SIZE 500 /* size of string buffer */
-#define ERRMSG_SIZE 500 /* size of error message buffer */
-typedef struct connection_str /* record of connect session */
- int in_use;
- char connect_id[20]; /* connection identifier */
- char domain_string[20]; /* dommaing for conection */
- char tip_string[30]; /* TIP host name for AF_INET */
- char tip_exe[80]; /* TIP exe name */
- int dfe_sd; /* associated DFE socket */
- int tip_pid; /* pid of TIP process */
- struct sockaddr_in dfe_sockaddr;
- struct sockaddr_in tip_sockaddr_in;
- struct sockaddr tip_sockaddr;
-} connection_t;
-typedef struct session_str
- int in_use;
- connection_t* soc_con_p; /* associated connection */
- UDISessionId tip_id; /* associated TIP session ID */
-} session_t;
-/* global dec/defs. which are not in a .h file ************* EXPORT DEC/DEFS
-UDIError dfe_errno;
-char dfe_errmsg[ERRMSG_SIZE];/* error string */
-/* local dec/defs. which are not in a .h file *************** LOCAL DEC/DEFS
-LOCAL connection_t soc_con[MAX_SESSIONS];
-LOCAL session_t session[MAX_SESSIONS];
-LOCAL UDR* udrs = &udr; /* UDR for current session */
-LOCAL int current; /* int-id for current session */
-LOCAL char sbuf[SBUF_SIZE]; /* String handler buffer */
-LOCAL char config_file[80]; /* path/name for config file */
-/***************************************************************** UDI_CONNECT
-* Establish a new FDE to TIP conection. The file "./udi_soc" or
-* "/etc/udi_soc" may be examined to obtain the conection information
-* if the "Config" parameter is not a completd "line entry".
-* NOTE: the Session string must not start whith white-space characters.
-* Format of string is:
-* <session> <domain> <soc_name|host_name> <tip_exe|port> <pass to UDIconnect>
-* soc2cayman AF_INET cayman 7000 <not supported>
-* soc2tip AF_UNIX astring tip.exe ...
-UDIConnect(Config, Session)
- char *Config; /* in -- identification string */
- UDISessionId *Session; /* out -- session ID */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIConnect_c;
- int domain;
- int cnt=0;
- int rcnt, pos, params_pos=0;
- char *tip_main_string;
- char *env_p;
- struct hostent *tip_info_p;
- FILE *fd;
-#if 0
- FILE *f_p;
-#if 0 /* This is crap. It assumes that udi_soc is executable! */
- sprintf(sbuf, "which udi_soc");
- f_p = popen(sbuf, "r");
- if(f_p)
- { while( (sbuf[cnt++]=getc(f_p)) != EOF);
- sbuf[cnt-2]=0;
- }
- pclose(f_p);
- for (rcnt=0;
- rcnt < MAX_SESSIONS && session[rcnt].in_use;
- rcnt++);
- if (rcnt >= MAX_SESSIONS)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR: Too many sessions already open");
- return UDIErrorIPCLimitation;
- }
- /* One connection can be multiplexed between several sessions. */
- for (cnt=0;
- cnt < MAX_SESSIONS && soc_con[cnt].in_use;
- cnt++);
- if (cnt >= MAX_SESSIONS)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg,
- "DFE-ipc ERROR: Too many connections already open");
- return UDIErrorIPCLimitation;
- }
- *Session = rcnt;
- session[rcnt].soc_con_p = &soc_con[cnt];
- if (strchr(Config, ' ')) /* test if file entry given */
- {
- soc_con[cnt].in_use = TRUE;
- sscanf(Config, "%s %s %s %s %n",
- soc_con[cnt].connect_id,
- soc_con[cnt].domain_string,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_string,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_exe,
- &params_pos);
- tip_main_string = Config + params_pos;
- }
- else /* here if need to read udi_soc file */
- {
- strcpy(config_file, "udi_soc");
- env_p = getenv("UDICONF");
- if (env_p)
- strcpy(config_file, env_p);
- fd = fopen(config_file, "r");
- if (!fd)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "UDIConnect, can't open udi_soc file:\n%s ",
- strerror(errno));
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorCantOpenConfigFile;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- if (fscanf(fd, "%s %s %s %s %[^\n]\n",
- soc_con[cnt].connect_id,
- soc_con[cnt].domain_string,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_string,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_exe,
- sbuf) == EOF)
- break;
- if (strcmp(Config, soc_con[cnt].connect_id) != 0)
- continue;
- soc_con[cnt].in_use = TRUE; /* here if entry found */
- tip_main_string = sbuf;
- break;
- }
- fclose(fd);
- if (!soc_con[cnt].in_use)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg,
- "UDIConnect, can't find `%s' entry in udi_soc file",
- Config);
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorNoSuchConfiguration;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- }
-/*----------------------------------------------------------- SELECT DOMAIN */
- if (strcmp(soc_con[cnt].domain_string, "AF_UNIX") == 0)
- domain = AF_UNIX;
- else if (strcmp(soc_con[cnt].domain_string, "AF_INET") == 0)
- domain = AF_INET;
- else
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR: socket address family not known");
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorBadConfigFileEntry;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
-/*---------------------------------------------------- MULTIPLEXED SOCKET ? */
-/* If the requested session requires communication with
- a TIP which already has a socket connection established,
- then we do not create a new socket but multiplex the
- existing one. A TIP is said to use the same socket if
- socket-name/host-name and the domain are the same.
- */
- for (rcnt=0; rcnt < MAX_SESSIONS; rcnt++)
- {
- if (soc_con[rcnt].in_use
- && rcnt != cnt
- && strcmp(soc_con[cnt].domain_string,
- soc_con[rcnt].domain_string) == 0
- && strcmp(soc_con[cnt].tip_string,
- soc_con[rcnt].tip_string) == 0)
- {
- session[*Session].soc_con_p = &soc_con[rcnt];
- soc_con[cnt].in_use = FALSE; /* don't need new connect */
- goto tip_connect;
- }
- }
-/*------------------------------------------------------------------ SOCKET */
- soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd == -1)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR, socket() call failed %s ",
- strerror (errno));
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorUnknownError;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
-/*--------------------------------------------------------- AF_UNIX CONNECT */
- if (domain == AF_UNIX)
- {
- if (strcmp(soc_con[cnt].tip_string, "*") == 0)
- {
- for (pos = 0; pos < 20; pos++)
- {
- int f;
- sprintf(soc_con[cnt].tip_string,"/tmp/U%d", getpid() + pos);
- f = open(soc_con[cnt].tip_string, O_CREAT);
- if (f == -1)
- continue;
- close(f);
- unlink(soc_con[cnt].tip_string);
- break;
- }
- if (pos >= 20)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg,
- "DFE-ipc ERROR, can't create random socket name");
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorCantConnect;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- }
- soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr.sa_family = domain;
- memcpy(soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr.sa_data,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_string,
- sizeof(soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr.sa_data));
- if (connect(soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd,
- &soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr,
- sizeof(soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr)))
- { /* if connect() fails assume TIP not yet started */
-/*------------------------------------------------------------ AF_UNIX EXEC */
- int pid;
- int statusp;
- char *arg0;
- arg0 = strrchr(soc_con[cnt].tip_exe,'/');
- if (arg0)
- arg0++;
- else
- arg0 = soc_con[cnt].tip_exe;
- pid = vfork();
- if (pid == 0) /* Child */
- {
- execlp(soc_con[cnt].tip_exe,
- arg0,
- soc_con[cnt].domain_string,
- soc_con[cnt].tip_string,
- NULL);
- _exit(1);
- }
- if (waitpid(pid, &statusp, WNOHANG))
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR: can't exec the TIP");
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorCantStartTIP;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- pos = 3;
- for (pos = 3; pos > 0; pos--)
- {
- if (!connect(soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd,
- &soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr,
- sizeof(soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr)))
- break;
- sleep(1);
- }
- if (pos == 0)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR, connect() call failed: %s",
- strerror (errno));
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorCantConnect;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- }
- }
-/*--------------------------------------------------------- AF_INET CONNECT */
- else if (domain == AF_INET)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "DFE-ipc WARNING, need to have first started remote TIP");
- soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in.sin_family = domain;
- soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr =
- inet_addr(soc_con[cnt].tip_string);
- if (soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr == -1)
- {
- tip_info_p = gethostbyname(soc_con[cnt].tip_string);
- if (tip_info_p == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg,"DFE-ipc ERROR, No such host %s",
- soc_con[cnt].tip_string);
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorNoSuchConnection;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- memcpy((char *)&soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in.sin_addr,
- tip_info_p->h_addr,
- tip_info_p->h_length);
- }
- soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in.sin_port
- = htons(atoi(soc_con[cnt].tip_exe));
- if (connect(soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd,
- (struct sockaddr *) &soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in,
- sizeof(soc_con[cnt].tip_sockaddr_in)))
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc ERROR, connect() call failed %s ",
- strerror (errno));
- dfe_errno = UDIErrorCantConnect;
- goto tip_failure;
- }
- }
-/*------------------------------------------------------------- TIP CONNECT */
- if (cnt == 0) udr_create(udrs, soc_con[cnt].dfe_sd, SOC_BUF_SIZE);
- current = cnt;
- session[*Session].in_use = TRUE; /* session id is now in use */
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- DFEIPCId = (company_c << 16) + (product_c << 12) + version_c;
- udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, &DFEIPCId);
- udr_string(udrs, tip_main_string);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* recv all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, &TIPIPCId);
- if ((TIPIPCId & 0xfff) < version_c)
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc: Obsolete TIP Specified");
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &soc_con[cnt].tip_pid);
- udr_UDISessionId(udrs, &session[*Session].tip_id);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno);
- if (dfe_errno > 0) UDIKill(*Session, 0);
- return dfe_errno;
- soc_con[cnt].in_use = FALSE;
- session[*Session].in_use = FALSE;
-/* XXX - Should also close dfe_sd, but not sure what to do if muxed */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************** UDI_Disconnect
-* UDIDisconnect() should be called before exiting the
-* DFE to ensure proper shut down of the TIP.
-UDIError UDIDisconnect(Session, Terminate)
-UDISessionId Session;
-UDIBool Terminate;
- int cnt;
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIDisconnect_c;
- if(Session < 0 || Session > MAX_SESSIONS)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg," SessionId not valid (%d)", Session);
- return UDIErrorNoSuchConfiguration;
- }
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISessionId(udrs, &session[Session].tip_id);
- udr_UDIBool(udrs, &Terminate);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- session[Session].in_use = FALSE; /* session id is now free */
- for (cnt=0; cnt < MAX_SESSIONS; cnt++)
- if(session[cnt].in_use
- && session[cnt].soc_con_p == session[Session].soc_con_p
- ) break;
- if(cnt >= MAX_SESSIONS) /* test if socket not multiplexed */
- if(shutdown(session[Session].soc_con_p->dfe_sd, 2))
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc WARNING: socket shutdown failed");
- return UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- }
- else
- session[Session].soc_con_p->in_use = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_KILL
-* UDIKill() is used to send a signal to the TIP.
-* This is a private IPC call.
-UDIError UDIKill(Session, Signal)
-UDISessionId Session;
-UDIInt32 Signal;
- int cnt;
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIKill_c;
- if(Session < 0 || Session > MAX_SESSIONS)
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg," SessionId not valid (%d)", Session);
- return UDIErrorNoSuchConfiguration;
- }
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISessionId(udrs, &session[Session].tip_id);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &Signal);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- session[Session].in_use = FALSE; /* session id is now free */
- for (cnt=0; cnt < MAX_SESSIONS; cnt++)
- if(session[cnt].in_use
- && session[cnt].soc_con_p == session[Session].soc_con_p
- ) break;
- if(cnt < MAX_SESSIONS) /* test if socket not multiplexed */
- if(shutdown(session[Session].soc_con_p->dfe_sd, 2))
- {
- sprintf(dfe_errmsg, "DFE-ipc WARNING: socket shutdown failed");
- return UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- }
- else
- session[Session].soc_con_p->in_use = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************** UDI_Set_Current_Connection
-* If you are connected to multiple TIPs, you can change
-* TIPs using UDISetCurrentConnection().
-UDIError UDISetCurrentConnection(Session)
-UDISessionId Session;
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDISetCurrentConnection_c;
- if(Session < 0 || Session > MAX_SESSIONS)
- return UDIErrorNoSuchConfiguration;
- if(!session[Session].in_use) /* test if not in use yet */
- return UDIErrorNoSuchConnection;
- current = Session;
- /* change socket or multiplex the same socket */
- udrs->sd = session[Session].soc_con_p->dfe_sd;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISessionId(udrs, &session[Session].tip_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************ UDI_Capabilities
-* The DFE uses UDICapabilities() to both inform the TIP
-* of what services the DFE offers and to inquire of the
-* TIP what services the TIP offers.
-UDIError UDICapabilities(TIPId, TargetId, DFEId, DFE, TIP, DFEIPCId,
- TIPIPCId, TIPString)
-UDIUInt32 *TIPId; /* out */
-UDIUInt32 *TargetId; /* out */
-UDIUInt32 DFEId; /* in */
-UDIUInt32 DFE; /* in */
-UDIUInt32 *TIP; /* out */
-UDIUInt32 *DFEIPCId; /* out */
-UDIUInt32 *TIPIPCId; /* out */
-char *TIPString; /* out */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDICapabilities_c;
- int size;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &DFEId);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &DFE);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" paramters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, TIPId);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, TargetId);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, TIP);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, DFEIPCId);
- *DFEIPCId = (company_c << 16) + (product_c << 12) + version_c;
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, TIPIPCId);
- udr_string(udrs, sbuf);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- size = strlen(sbuf);
- if(size +1 > 80) return -1; /* test if sufficient space */
- strcpy(TIPString, sbuf);
- return dfe_errno;
-/********************************************************** UDI_Enumerate_TIPs
-* Used by the DFE to enquire about available TIP
-* connections.
-UDIError UDIEnumerateTIPs(UDIETCallback)
- int (*UDIETCallback)(); /* In -- function to callback */
- FILE *fp;
- fp = fopen(config_file, "r");
- if(fp == NULL)
- return UDIErrorCantOpenConfigFile;
- while(fgets( sbuf, SBUF_SIZE, fp))
- if(UDIETCallback( sbuf) == UDITerminateEnumeration)
- break;
- fclose( fp);
- return UDINoError; /* return success */
-/*********************************************************** UDI_GET_ERROR_MSG
-* Some errors are target specific. They are indicated
-* by a negative error return value. The DFE uses
-* UDIGetErrorMsg() to get the descriptive text for
-* the error message which can then be displayed to
-* the user.
-UDIError UDIGetErrorMsg(error_code, msg_len, msg, CountDone)
-UDIError error_code; /* In */
-UDISizeT msg_len; /* In -- allowed message space */
-char* msg; /* Out -- length of message*/
-UDISizeT *CountDone; /* Out -- number of characters */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIGetErrorMsg_c;
- int size;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &error_code);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &msg_len);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_string(udrs, sbuf);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, CountDone);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- size = strlen(sbuf);
- if(size +1 > msg_len) return -1; /* test if sufficient space */
- strcpy(msg, sbuf);
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************* UDI_GET_TARGET_CONFIG
-* UDIGetTargetConfig() gets information about the target.
-UDIError UDIGetTargetConfig(KnownMemory, NumberOfRanges, ChipVersions,
- NumberOfChips)
-UDIMemoryRange KnownMemory[]; /* Out */
-UDIInt *NumberOfRanges; /* In and Out */
-UDIUInt32 ChipVersions[]; /* Out */
-UDIInt *NumberOfChips; /* In and Out */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIGetTargetConfig_c;
- int cnt;
- int MaxOfRanges = *NumberOfRanges;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, NumberOfRanges);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, NumberOfChips);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" paramters */
- for(cnt=1; cnt <= MaxOfRanges; cnt++)
- udr_UDIMemoryRange(udrs, &KnownMemory[cnt-1]);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, NumberOfRanges);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, NumberOfChips);
- for(cnt=1; cnt <= *NumberOfChips; cnt++)
- udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, &ChipVersions[cnt -1]);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/********************************************************** UDI_CREATE_PRCOESS
-* UDICreateProcess() tells the target OS that a
-* process is to be created and gets a PID back unless
-* there is some error.
-UDIError UDICreateProcess(pid)
-UDIPId *pid; /* out */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDICreateProcess_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIPId(udrs, pid);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/***************************************************** UDI_Set_Current_Process
-* UDISetCurrentProcess uses a pid supplied by
-* UDICreateProcess and sets it as the default for all
-* udi calls until a new one is set. A user of a
-UDIError UDISetCurrentProcess (pid)
-UDIPId pid; /* In */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDISetCurrentProcess_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIPId(udrs, &pid);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/****************************************************** UDI_INITIALISE_PROCESS
-* UDIInitializeProcess() prepare process for
-* execution. (Reset processor if process os processor).
-UDIError UDIInitializeProcess( ProcessMemory, NumberOfRanges, EntryPoint,
- StackSizes, NumberOfStacks, ArgString)
-UDIMemoryRange ProcessMemory[]; /* In */
-UDIInt NumberOfRanges; /* In */
-UDIResource EntryPoint; /* In */
-CPUSizeT *StackSizes; /* In */
-UDIInt NumberOfStacks; /* In */
-char *ArgString; /* In */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIInitializeProcess_c;
- int cnt;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, &NumberOfRanges);
- for(cnt = 0; cnt < NumberOfRanges; cnt++)
- udr_UDIMemoryRange(udrs, &ProcessMemory[cnt] );
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &EntryPoint);
- udr_UDIInt(udrs, &NumberOfStacks);
- for(cnt = 0; cnt < NumberOfStacks; cnt++)
- udr_CPUSizeT(udrs, &StackSizes[cnt]);
- udr_string(udrs, ArgString);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/********************************************************* UDI_DESTROY_PROCESS
-* UDIDestroyProcess() frees a process resource
-* previously created by UDICreateProcess().
-UDIError UDIDestroyProcess(pid)
-UDIPId pid; /* in */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIDestroyProcess_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIPId(udrs, &pid);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/****************************************************************** UDI_READ
-* UDIRead() reads a block of objects from a target
-* address space to host space.
-UDIError UDIRead (from, to, count, size, count_done, host_endian)
-UDIResource from; /* in - source address on target */
-UDIHostMemPtr to; /* out - destination address on host */
-UDICount count; /* in -- count of objects to be transferred */
-UDISizeT size; /* in -- size of each object */
-UDICount *count_done; /* out - count actually transferred */
-UDIBool host_endian; /* in -- flag for endian information */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIRead_c;
- int byte_count;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &from);
- udr_UDICount(udrs, &count);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &size);
- udr_UDIBool(udrs, &host_endian);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" paramters */
- udr_UDICount(udrs, count_done);
- byte_count = (*count_done) * size;
- if(*count_done > 0 && *count_done <= count)
- udr_bytes(udrs, to, byte_count);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/****************************************************************** UDI_WRITE
-* UDIWrite() writes a block of objects from host
-* space to a target address+space.
-UDIError UDIWrite( from, to, count, size, count_done, host_endian )
-UDIHostMemPtr from; /* in -- source address on host */
-UDIResource to; /* in -- destination address on target */
-UDICount count; /* in -- count of objects to be transferred */
-UDISizeT size; /* in -- size of each object */
-UDICount *count_done; /* out - count actually transferred */
-UDIBool host_endian; /* in -- flag for endian information */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIWrite_c;
- int byte_count = count * size;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &to);
- udr_UDICount(udrs, &count);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &size);
- udr_UDIBool(udrs, &host_endian);
- udr_bytes(udrs, from, byte_count);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" paramters */
- udr_UDICount(udrs, count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_COPY
-* UDICopy() copies a block of objects from one target
-* get address/space to another target address/space.
-UDIError UDICopy(from, to, count, size, count_done, direction )
-UDIResource from; /* in -- destination address on target */
-UDIResource to; /* in -- source address on target */
-UDICount count; /* in -- count of objects to be transferred */
-UDISizeT size; /* in -- size of each object */
-UDICount *count_done; /* out - count actually transferred */
-UDIBool direction; /* in -- high-to-low or reverse */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDICopy_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &from);
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &to);
- udr_UDICount(udrs, &count);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &size);
- udr_UDIBool(udrs, &direction);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDICount(udrs, count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/***************************************************************** UDI_EXECUTE
-* UDIExecute() continues execution of the default
-* process from the current PC.
-UDIError UDIExecute()
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIExecute_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_STEP
-* UDIStep() specifies a number of "instruction"
-* steps to make.
-UDIError UDIStep(steps, steptype, range)
-UDIUInt32 steps; /* in -- number of steps */
-UDIStepType steptype; /* in -- type of stepping to be done */
-UDIRange range; /* in -- range if StepInRange is TRUE */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIStep_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &steps);
- udr_UDIStepType(udrs, &steptype);
- udr_UDIRange(udrs, &range);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_STOP
-* UDIStop() stops the default process
-UDIVoid UDIStop()
- if (strcmp(session[current].soc_con_p->domain_string, "AF_UNIX") == 0)
- kill(session[current].soc_con_p->tip_pid, SIGINT);
- else
- udr_signal(udrs);
-/* XXX - should clean up session[] and soc_con[] structs here as well... */
- return;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_WAIT
-* UDIWait() returns the state of the target procesor.
-UDIError UDIWait(maxtime, pid, stop_reason)
-UDIInt32 maxtime; /* in -- maximum time to wait for completion */
-UDIPId *pid; /* out -- pid of process which stopped if any */
-UDIUInt32 *stop_reason; /* out -- PC where process stopped */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIWait_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &maxtime);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIPId(udrs, pid);
- udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, stop_reason);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/********************************************************** UDI_SET_BREAKPOINT
-* UDISetBreakpoint() sets a breakpoint at an adress
-* and uses the passcount to state how many
-* times that instruction should be hit before the
-* break occurs.
-UDIError UDISetBreakpoint (addr, passcount, type, break_id)
-UDIResource addr; /* in -- where breakpoint gets set */
-UDIInt32 passcount; /* in -- passcount for breakpoint */
-UDIBreakType type; /* in -- breakpoint type */
-UDIBreakId *break_id; /* out - assigned break id */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDISetBreakpoint_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, &addr);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &passcount);
- udr_UDIBreakType(udrs, &type);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIBreakId(udrs, break_id);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************** UDI_QUERY_BREAKPOINT
-UDIError UDIQueryBreakpoint (break_id, addr, passcount, type, current_count)
-UDIBreakId break_id; /* in -- assigned break id */
-UDIResource *addr; /* out - where breakpoint was set */
-UDIInt32 *passcount; /* out - trigger passcount for breakpoint */
-UDIBreakType *type; /* out - breakpoint type */
-UDIInt32 *current_count; /* out - current count for breakpoint */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIQueryBreakpoint_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIBreakId(udrs, &break_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIResource(udrs, addr);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, passcount);
- udr_UDIBreakType(udrs, type);
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, current_count);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************** UDI_CLEAR_BREAKPOINT
-* UDIClearBreakpoint() is used to clear a breakpoint.
-UDIError UDIClearBreakpoint (break_id)
-UDIBreakId break_id; /* in -- assigned break id */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIClearBreakpoint_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIBreakId(udrs, &break_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************** UDI_GET_STDOUT
-* UDIGetStdout() is called when a call to
-* UDIWait() indicates there is STD output data ready.
-UDIError UDIGetStdout(buf, bufsize, count_done)
-UDIHostMemPtr buf; /* out -- buffer to be filled */
-UDISizeT bufsize; /* in -- buffer size in bytes */
-UDISizeT *count_done; /* out -- number of bytes written to buf */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIGetStdout_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &bufsize);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, count_done);
- udr_bytes(udrs, buf, *count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************** UDI_GET_STDERR
-* UDIGetStderr() is called when a call to
-* UDIWait() indicates there is STDERR output data ready
-UDIError UDIGetStderr(buf, bufsize, count_done)
-UDIHostMemPtr buf; /* out -- buffer to be filled */
-UDISizeT bufsize; /* in -- buffer size in bytes */
-UDISizeT *count_done; /* out -- number of bytes written to buf */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIGetStderr_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &bufsize);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, count_done);
- udr_bytes(udrs, buf, *count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/*************************************************************** UDI_PUT_STDIN
-* UDIPutStdin() is called whenever the DFE wants to
-* deliver an input character to the TIP.
-UDIError UDIPutStdin (buf, count, count_done)
-UDIHostMemPtr buf; /* in -- buffer to be filled */
-UDISizeT count; /* in -- buffer size in bytes */
-UDISizeT *count_done; /* out - number of bytes written to buf */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIPutStdin_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &count);
- udr_bytes(udrs, buf, count);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************** UDI_STDIN_MODE
-* UDIStdinMode() is used to change the mode that chazcters
-* are fetched from the user.
-UDIError UDIStdinMode(mode)
-UDIMode *mode; /* out - */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIStdinMode_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIMode(udrs, mode);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/*************************************************************** UDI_PUT_TRANS
-* UDIPutTrans() is used to feed input to the passthru mode.
-UDIError UDIPutTrans (buf, count, count_done)
-UDIHostMemPtr buf; /* in -- buffer address containing input data */
-UDISizeT count; /* in -- number of bytes in buf */
-UDISizeT *count_done; /* out-- number of bytes transfered */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIPutTrans_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &count);
- udr_bytes(udrs, buf, count);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/*************************************************************** UDI_GET_TRANS
-* UDIGetTrans() is used to get output lines from the
-* passthru mode.
-UDIError UDIGetTrans (buf, bufsize, count_done)
-UDIHostMemPtr buf; /* out -- buffer to be filled */
-UDISizeT bufsize; /* in -- size of buf */
-UDISizeT *count_done; /* out -- number of bytes in buf */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDIGetTrans_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &bufsize);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, count_done);
- udr_bytes(udrs, buf, *count_done);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno); /* get any TIP error */
- return dfe_errno;
-/************************************************************** UDI_Trans_Mode
-* UDITransMode() is used to change the mode that the
-* transparent routines operate in.
-UDIError UDITransMode(mode)
-UDIMode *mode; /* out -- selected mode */
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDITransMode_c;
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- udr_UDIMode(udrs, mode);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno) return udr_errno;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno);
- return dfe_errno;
-/******************************************************************** UDI_TEST
-UDIError UDITest( cnt, str_p, array)
-UDISizeT cnt;
-UDIHostMemPtr str_p;
-UDIInt32 array[];
- UDIInt32 service_id = UDITest_c;
- UDIInt16 scnt = cnt;
- UDISizeT r_cnt;
- char buf[256];
- udr_errno = 0;
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_ENCODE; /* send all "in" parameters */
- udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &service_id);
- printf("send cnt=%d scnt=%d\n", cnt, scnt);
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &cnt);
- udr_UDIInt16(udrs, &scnt);
- printf(" array[0]=0x%x array[1]=0x%x array[2]=0x%x array[3]=0x%x\n",
- array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
- udr_bytes(udrs, (char*)array, 4*sizeof(UDIInt32));
- printf(" string=%s\n", str_p);
- udr_string(udrs, str_p);
- udr_sendnow(udrs);
- if(udr_errno)
- { fprintf(stderr, " DFE-ipc Send ERROR\n");
- return udr_errno;
- }
- udrs->udr_op = UDR_DECODE; /* receive all "out" parameters */
- printf("recv ");
- udr_UDISizeT(udrs, &r_cnt);
- udr_UDIInt16(udrs, &scnt);
- printf(" rcnt=%d scnt=%d\n", r_cnt, scnt);
- udr_bytes(udrs, (char*)array, 4*sizeof(UDIInt32));
- printf(" array[0]=0x%x array[1]=0x%x array[2]=0x%x array[3]=0x%x\n",
- array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
- udr_string(udrs, str_p);
- printf(" string=%s\n", str_p);
- udr_UDIError(udrs, &dfe_errno);
- return dfe_errno;
- return ((company_c << 16) + (product_c << 12) + version_c);
-#endif /* __GO32__ */
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphcfg.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphcfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9eff0a..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphcfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* This file just picks the correct udiphxxx.h depending on the host.
- The two hosts that are now defined are UNIX and MSDOS.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
- * For the moment, we will default to BSD_IPC; this might change if/when
- * another type of IPC (Mach? SysV?) is implemented.
- */
-#if 0
-/* We don't seem to have a copy of udiphdos.h. Furthermore, all the
- things in udiphunix.h are pretty much generic 32-bit machine defines
- which don't have anything to do with IPC. */
-#ifdef DOS_IPC
-#include "udiphdos.h"
-/*#ifdef BSD_IPC */
-#include "udiphunix.h"
-#include "udiphunix.h"
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphunix.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphunix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 172fbbf..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiphunix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* Originally called "udiphsun.h", however it was not very
- Sun-specific; now it is used for generic-unix-with-bsd-ipc.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file is to be used to reconfigure the UDI Procedural interface
- for a given host. This file should be placed so that it will be
- included from udiproc.h. Everything in here may need to be changed
- when you change either the host CPU or its compiler. Nothing in
- here should change to support different targets. There are multiple
- versions of this file, one for each of the different host/compiler
- combinations in use.
-#define UDIStruct struct /* _packed not needed on unix */
-/* First, we need some types */
-/* Types with at least the specified number of bits */
-typedef double UDIReal64; /* 64-bit real value */
-typedef float UDIReal32; /* 32-bit real value */
-typedef unsigned long UDIUInt32; /* unsigned integers */
-typedef unsigned short UDIUInt16;
-typedef unsigned char UDIUInt8;
-typedef long UDIInt32; /* 32-bit integer */
-typedef short UDIInt16; /* 16-bit integer */
-typedef char UDIInt8; /* unreliable signedness */
-/* To aid in supporting environments where the DFE and TIP use
-different compilers or hosts (like DOS 386 on one side, 286 on the
-other, or different Unix machines connected by sockets), we define
-two abstract types - UDIInt and UDISizeT.
-UDIInt should be defined to be int except for host/compiler combinations
-that are intended to talk to existing UDI components that have a different
-sized int. Similarly for UDISizeT.
-typedef int UDIInt;
-typedef unsigned int UDIUInt;
-typedef unsigned int UDISizeT;
-/* Now two void types. The first is for function return types,
-the other for pointers to no particular type. Since these types
-are used solely for documentational clarity, if your host/compiler
-doesn't support either one, replace them with int and char *
-typedef void UDIVoid; /* void type */
-typedef void * UDIVoidPtr; /* void pointer type */
-typedef void * UDIHostMemPtr; /* Arbitrary memory pointer */
-/* Now we want a type optimized for boolean values. Normally this
- would be int, but on some machines (Z80s, 8051s, etc) it might
- be better to map it onto a char
-typedef int UDIBool;
-/* Now indicate whether your compiler support full ANSI style
- prototypes. If so, use #if 1. If not use #if 0.
-#if 0
-#define UDIParams(x) x
-#define UDIParams(x) ()
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiproc.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiproc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc1c20..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiproc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-/* local type decs. and macro defs.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "udiphcfg.h" /* Get host specific configuration */
-#include "udiptcfg.h" /* Get target specific configuration */
-/* Here are all of the CPU Families for which UDI is currently defined */
-#define Am29K 1 /* AMD's Am290xx and Am292xx parts */
-typedef UDIInt UDIError;
-typedef UDIInt UDISessionId;
-typedef UDIInt UDIPId;
-typedef UDIInt UDIStepType;
-typedef UDIInt UDIBreakType;
-typedef UDIUInt UDIBreakId;
-typedef UDIUInt UDIMode;
-typedef UDIStruct
- CPUSpace Space;
- CPUOffset Offset;
-} UDIResource;
-typedef UDIStruct
- CPUOffset Low;
- CPUOffset High;
-} UDIRange;
-typedef UDIStruct
- CPUSpace Space;
- CPUOffset Offset;
- CPUSizeT Size;
- } UDIMemoryRange;
-/* Values for UDIStepType parameters */
-#define UDIStepNatural 0x0000
-#define UDIStepOverTraps 0x0001
-#define UDIStepOverCalls 0x0002
-#define UDIStepInRange 0x0004
-#define UDIStepNatural 0x0000
-/* Values for UDIBreakType parameters */
-#define UDIBreakFlagExecute 0x0001
-#define UDIBreakFlagRead 0x0002
-#define UDIBreakFlagWrite 0x0004
-#define UDIBreakFlagFetch 0x0008
-/* Special values for UDIWait MaxTime parameter */
-#define UDIWaitForever (UDIInt32) -1 /* Infinite time delay */
-/* Special values for PId */
-#define UDIProcessProcessor -1 /* Raw Hardware, if possible */
-/* Values for UDIWait StopReason */
-#define UDIGrossState 0xff
-#define UDITrapped 0 /* Fine state - which trap */
-#define UDINotExecuting 1
-#define UDIRunning 2
-#define UDIStopped 3
-#define UDIWarned 4
-#define UDIStepped 5
-#define UDIWaiting 6
-#define UDIHalted 7
-#define UDIStdoutReady 8 /* fine state - size */
-#define UDIStderrReady 9 /* fine state - size */
-#define UDIStdinNeeded 10 /* fine state - size */
-#define UDIStdinModeX 11 /* fine state - mode */
-#define UDIBreak 12 /* Fine state - Breakpoint Id */
-#define UDIExited 13 /* Fine state - exit code */
-/* Enumerate the return values from the callback function
- for UDIEnumerateTIPs.
-#define UDITerminateEnumeration 0
-#define UDIContinueEnumeration 1
-/* Enumerate values for Terminate parameter to UDIDisconnect */
-#define UDITerminateSession 1
-#define UDIContinueSession 0
-/* Error codes */
-#define UDINoError 0 /* No error occured */
-#define UDIErrorNoSuchConfiguration 1
-#define UDIErrorCantHappen 2
-#define UDIErrorCantConnect 3
-#define UDIErrorNoSuchConnection 4
-#define UDIErrorNoConnection 5
-#define UDIErrorCantOpenConfigFile 6
-#define UDIErrorCantStartTIP 7
-#define UDIErrorConnectionUnavailable 8
-#define UDIErrorTryAnotherTIP 9
-#define UDIErrorExecutableNotTIP 10
-#define UDIErrorInvalidTIPOption 11
-#define UDIErrorCantDisconnect 12
-#define UDIErrorUnknownError 13
-#define UDIErrorCantCreateProcess 14
-#define UDIErrorNoSuchProcess 15
-#define UDIErrorUnknownResourceSpace 16
-#define UDIErrorInvalidResource 17
-#define UDIErrorUnsupportedStepType 18
-#define UDIErrorCantSetBreakpoint 19
-#define UDIErrorTooManyBreakpoints 20
-#define UDIErrorInvalidBreakId 21
-#define UDIErrorNoMoreBreakIds 22
-#define UDIErrorUnsupportedService 23
-#define UDIErrorTryAgain 24
-#define UDIErrorIPCLimitation 25
-#define UDIErrorIncomplete 26
-#define UDIErrorAborted 27
-#define UDIErrorTransDone 28
-#define UDIErrorCantAccept 29
-#define UDIErrorTransInputNeeded 30
-#define UDIErrorTransModeX 31
-#define UDIErrorInvalidSize 32
-#define UDIErrorBadConfigFileEntry 33
-#define UDIErrorIPCInternal 34
-/* TBD */
-/****************************************************************** PROCEDURES
-UDIError UDIConnect UDIParams((
- char *Configuration, /* In */
- UDISessionId *Session /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIDisconnect UDIParams((
- UDISessionId Session, /* In */
- UDIBool Terminate /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDISetCurrentConnection UDIParams((
- UDISessionId Session /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDICapabilities UDIParams((
- UDIUInt32 *TIPId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *TargetId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 DFEId, /* In */
- UDIUInt32 DFE, /* In */
- UDIUInt32 *TIP, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *DFEIPCId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *TIPIPCId, /* Out */
- char *TIPString /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIEnumerateTIPs UDIParams((
- UDIInt (*UDIETCallback) /* In */
- UDIParams(( char *Configuration )) /* In to callback() */
- ));
-UDIError UDIGetErrorMsg UDIParams((
- UDIError ErrorCode, /* In */
- UDISizeT MsgSize, /* In */
- char *Msg, /* Out */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIGetTargetConfig UDIParams((
- UDIMemoryRange KnownMemory[], /* Out */
- UDIInt *NumberOfRanges, /* In/Out */
- UDIUInt32 ChipVersions[], /* Out */
- UDIInt *NumberOfChips /* In/Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDICreateProcess UDIParams((
- UDIPId *PId /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDISetCurrentProcess UDIParams((
- UDIPId PId /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIDestroyProcess UDIParams((
- UDIPId PId /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIInitializeProcess UDIParams((
- UDIMemoryRange ProcessMemory[], /* In */
- UDIInt NumberOfRanges, /* In */
- UDIResource EntryPoint, /* In */
- CPUSizeT StackSizes[], /* In */
- UDIInt NumberOfStacks, /* In */
- char *ArgString /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIRead UDIParams((
- UDIResource From, /* In */
- UDIHostMemPtr To, /* Out */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool HostEndian /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIWrite UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr From, /* In */
- UDIResource To, /* In */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool HostEndian /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDICopy UDIParams((
- UDIResource From, /* In */
- UDIResource To, /* In */
- UDICount Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT Size, /* In */
- UDICount *CountDone, /* Out */
- UDIBool Direction /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIExecute UDIParams((
- void
- ));
-UDIError UDIStep UDIParams((
- UDIUInt32 Steps, /* In */
- UDIStepType StepType, /* In */
- UDIRange Range /* In */
- ));
-UDIVoid UDIStop UDIParams((
- void
- ));
-UDIError UDIWait UDIParams((
- UDIInt32 MaxTime, /* In */
- UDIPId *PId, /* Out */
- UDIUInt32 *StopReason /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDISetBreakpoint UDIParams((
- UDIResource Addr, /* In */
- UDIInt32 PassCount, /* In */
- UDIBreakType Type, /* In */
- UDIBreakId *BreakId /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIQueryBreakpoint UDIParams((
- UDIBreakId BreakId, /* In */
- UDIResource *Addr, /* Out */
- UDIInt32 *PassCount, /* Out */
- UDIBreakType *Type, /* Out */
- UDIInt32 *CurrentCount /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIClearBreakpoint UDIParams((
- UDIBreakId BreakId /* In */
- ));
-UDIError UDIGetStdout UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIGetStderr UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIPutStdin UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* In */
- UDISizeT Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIStdinMode UDIParams((
- UDIMode *Mode /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIPutTrans UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* In */
- UDISizeT Count, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDIGetTrans UDIParams((
- UDIHostMemPtr Buf, /* Out */
- UDISizeT BufSize, /* In */
- UDISizeT *CountDone /* Out */
- ));
-UDIError UDITransMode UDIParams((
- UDIMode *Mode /* Out */
- ));
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udipt29k.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udipt29k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5de2f3f..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udipt29k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is to be used to reconfigure the UDI Procedural interface
- for a given target.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file should be placed so that it will be
- included from udiproc.h. Everything in here will probably need to
- be changed when you change the target processor. Nothing in here
- should need to change when you change hosts or compilers.
-/* Select a target CPU Family */
-#define TargetCPUFamily Am29K
-/* Enumerate the processor specific values for Space in a resource */
-#define UDI29KDRAMSpace 0
-#define UDI29KIOSpace 1
-#define UDI29KCPSpace0 2
-#define UDI29KCPSpace1 3
-#define UDI29KIROMSpace 4
-#define UDI29KIRAMSpace 5
-#define UDI29KLocalRegs 8
-#define UDI29KGlobalRegs 9
-#define UDI29KRealRegs 10
-#define UDI29KSpecialRegs 11
-#define UDI29KTLBRegs 12 /* Not Am29005 */
-#define UDI29KACCRegs 13 /* Am29050 only */
-#define UDI29KICacheSpace 14 /* Am2903x only */
-#define UDI29KAm29027Regs 15 /* When available */
-#define UDI29KPC 16
-#define UDI29KDCacheSpace 17 /* When available */
-/* Enumerate the Co-processor registers */
-#define UDI29KCP_F 0
-#define UDI29KCP_Flag 8
-#define UDI29KCP_I 12
-#define UDI29KCP_ITmp 16
-#define UDI29KCP_R 20
-#define UDI29KCP_S 28
-#define UDI29KCP_RTmp 36
-#define UDI29KCP_STmp 44
-#define UDI29KCP_Stat 52
-#define UDI29KCP_Prec 56
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg0 60
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg1 68
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg2 76
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg3 84
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg4 92
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg5 100
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg6 108
-#define UDI29KCP_Reg7 116
-#define UDI29KCP_Mode 124
-/* Enumerate the stacks in StackSizes array */
-#define UDI29KMemoryStack 0
-#define UDI29KRegisterStack 1
-/* Enumerate the chips for ChipVersions array */
-#define UDI29K29KVersion 0
-#define UDI29K29027Version 1
-/* Define special value for elements of ChipVersions array for
- * chips not present */
-#define UDI29KChipNotPresent -1
-typedef UDIInt32 UDICount;
-typedef UDIUInt32 UDISize;
-typedef UDIInt CPUSpace;
-typedef UDIUInt32 CPUOffset;
-typedef UDIUInt32 CPUSizeT;
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiptcfg.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiptcfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1641a53..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udiptcfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "udipt29k.h"
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udisoc.h b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udisoc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc68b39..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udisoc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-/* This module defines constants used in the UDI IPC modules.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-static char udisoc_h[]="@(#)udisoc.h 2.6 Daniel Mann";
-static char udisoc_h_AMD[]="@(#)udisoc.h 2.4, AMD";
-#define LOCAL static
-#define company_c 1 /* AMD Company id */
-#define product_c 1 /* socket IPC id */
-/* Enumerate the UDI procedure services
-#define UDIConnect_c 0
-#define UDIDisconnect_c 1
-#define UDISetCurrentConnection_c 2
-#define UDICapabilities_c 3
-#define UDIEnumerateTIPs_c 4
-#define UDIGetErrorMsg_c 5
-#define UDIGetTargetConfig_c 6
-#define UDICreateProcess_c 7
-#define UDISetCurrentProcess_c 8
-#define UDIDestroyProcess_c 9
-#define UDIInitializeProcess_c 10
-#define UDIRead_c 11
-#define UDIWrite_c 12
-#define UDICopy_c 13
-#define UDIExecute_c 14
-#define UDIStep_c 15
-#define UDIStop_c 16
-#define UDIWait_c 17
-#define UDISetBreakpoint_c 18
-#define UDIQueryBreakpoint_c 19
-#define UDIClearBreakpoint_c 20
-#define UDIGetStdout_c 21
-#define UDIGetStderr_c 22
-#define UDIPutStdin_c 23
-#define UDIStdinMode_c 24
-#define UDIPutTrans_c 25
-#define UDIGetTrans_c 26
-#define UDITransMode_c 27
-#define UDITest_c 28
-#define UDIKill_c 29
-#define udr_UDIInt8(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 1)
-#define udr_UDIInt16(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 2)
-#define udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 4)
-#define udr_UDIInt(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 4)
-#define udr_UDIUInt8(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 1)
-#define udr_UDIUInt16(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 2)
-#define udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 4)
-#define udr_UDIUInt(udrs, obj) udr_work(udrs, obj, 4)
-#define udr_UDIBool(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDICount(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDISize(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_CPUSpace(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_CPUOffset(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_CPUSizeT(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIBreakId(udrs,obj) udr_UDIUInt(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDISizeT(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIMode(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIHostMemPtr(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIVoidPtr(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIPId(udrs, obj) udr_UDIUInt(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDISessionId(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIError(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIStepType(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define udr_UDIBreakType(udrs, obj) udr_UDIInt32(udrs, obj)
-#define UDR_ENCODE 1
-#define UDR_DECODE 2
-typedef struct UDR_str
- int udr_op; /* UDR operation */
- int previous_op;
- int sd;
- int bufsize;
- char* buff;
- char* getbytes;
- char* putbytes;
- char* putend;
- int domain;
- char* soc_name;
-} UDR;
-/******************************************* Declare UDR suport functions */
-int udr_create UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- int sd,
- int size
- ));
-int udr_free UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- ));
-int udr_signal UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- ));
-int udr_sendnow UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs
- ));
-int udr_work UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- void* object_p,
- int size
- ));
-int udr_UDIResource UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- UDIResource* object_p
- ));
-int udr_UDIRange UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- UDIRange* object_p
- ));
-int udr_UDIMemoryRange UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- UDIMemoryRange* object_p
- ));
-int udr_UDIMemoryRange UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- UDIMemoryRange* object_p
- ));
-int udr_int UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- int* int_p
- ));
-int udr_bytes UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- char* ptr,
- int len
- ));
-char* udr_inline UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- int size
- ));
-char* udr_getpos UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs
- ));
-int udr_setpos UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- char* pos
- ));
-int udr_readnow UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- int size
- ));
-int udr_align UDIParams((
- UDR* udrs,
- int size,
- ));
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udr.c b/gdb/29k-share/udi/udr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a9f38..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi/udr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-/* This module supports sending and receiving data objects over a
- socket conection.
- Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GDB.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-static char udr_c[]="@(#)udr.c 2.8 Daniel Mann";
-static char udr_c_AMD[]="@(#)udr.c 2.3, AMD";
-* All data is serialised into a character stream,
-* and de-serialised back into the approproiate objects.
-********************************************************************** HISTORY
-/* This is all unneeded on DOS machines. */
-#ifndef __GO32__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-/* This used to say sys/fcntl.h, but the only systems I know of that
- require that are old (pre-4.3, at least) BSD systems, which we
- probably don't need to worry about. */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include "udiproc.h"
-#include "udisoc.h"
-extern int errno;
-extern char* malloc();
-/* local type decs. and macro defs. not in a .h file ************* MACRO/TYPE
-/* global dec/defs. which are not in a .h file ************* EXPORT DEC/DEFS
-int udr_errno; /* error occurs during UDR service */
-/* local dec/defs. which are not in a .h file *************** LOCAL DEC/DEFS
-/****************************************************************** UDR_CREATE
-* Build UDR structure for character stream processing.
-int udr_create(udrs, sd, size)
-UDR* udrs;
-int sd;
-int size;
- udrs->sd = sd;
- if(!udrs->buff) udrs->buff = malloc(size);
- udrs->getbytes = udrs->buff; /* set the buffer to the start */
- udrs->putbytes = udrs->buff;
- udrs->putend = udrs->buff;
- udrs->udr_op = -1; /* don't know the direction */
- udrs->previous_op = -1; /* don't know the direction */
- udrs->bufsize = size;
- return 0;
-/******************************************************************** UDR_FREE
-* Free USR structure and close socket.
-int udr_free(udrs)
-UDR* udrs;
- close(udrs->sd);
- free(udrs->buff);
- return 0;
-/****************************************************************** UDR_SIGNAL
-* Send a signal to the process at the other end of the socket,
-* indicating that it should expect to recieve a new message shortly.
-int udr_signal(udrs)
-UDR* udrs;
- if(send(udrs->sd, "I", 1, MSG_OOB) == -1)
- { perror("ERROR, udr_signal(), send(...MSG_OOB)");
- udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1; /* return error code */
- }
- return 0;
-/***************************************************************** UDR_SENDNOW
-* used to flush the current character stream buffer to
-* the associated socket. */
-int udr_sendnow(udrs)
-UDR* udrs;
- int size = (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putend) - (UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff);
- if(udrs->previous_op == 0)
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- udrs->putbytes = udrs->buff;
- udrs->putend = udrs->buff;
- if (write(udrs->sd, udrs->buff, size) == -1)
- { perror("ERROR, udr_sendnow(), write() call: ");
- udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1; /* return error code */
- }
- return 0;
-/******************************************************************** UDR_WORK
-* Function to send or recieve data from the buffers supporting
-* socket communication. The buffer contains serialised objects
-* sent/recieved over a socket connection.
-int udr_work(udrs, object_p, size)
-UDR* udrs;
-void* object_p;
-int size;
- int cnt, remain;
- if(udrs->udr_op != udrs->previous_op)
- { if(udrs->previous_op == 0)
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- udrs->previous_op= udrs->udr_op;
- udrs->putbytes = udrs->buff;
- udrs->getbytes = udrs->buff;
- }
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- { /* write data into character stream buffer */
- if( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes) + size >
- (UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff) + (UDIUInt32)(udrs->bufsize) )
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(udrs->putbytes, (char*)object_p, size);
- udrs->putbytes += size;
- if(udrs->putbytes > udrs->putend) udrs->putend = udrs->putbytes;
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- if( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->getbytes) < size )
- { /* need more data in character stream buffer */
- remain = (UDIUInt32)(udrs->bufsize) -
- ( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff) );
- if( ((UDIUInt32)(udrs->bufsize) + (UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff)
- - (UDIUInt32)(udrs->getbytes)) < size)
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- cnt = read(udrs->sd, (char*)udrs->putbytes, remain);
- if(cnt == -1) perror("ERROR udr_work(), read() failure: ");
- udrs->putbytes += cnt;
- if( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->getbytes) < size )
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1; /* return error code */
- }
- } /* read data from character stream buffer */
- memcpy((char*)object_p, udrs->getbytes, size);
- udrs->getbytes += size;
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-/************************************************************* UDR_UDIResource
-int udr_UDIResource(udrs, object_p)
-UDR* udrs;
-UDIResource* object_p;
- int retval;
- retval = udr_CPUSpace(udrs, &object_p->Space);
- retval = retval | udr_CPUOffset(udrs, &object_p->Offset);
- return retval;
-/**************************************************************** UDR_UDIRange
-int udr_UDIRange(udrs, object_p)
-UDR* udrs;
-UDIRange* object_p;
- int retval;
- retval = udr_CPUOffset(udrs, &object_p->Low);
- retval = retval | udr_CPUOffset(udrs, &object_p->High);
- return retval;
-/********************************************************** UDR_UDIMemoryRange
-int udr_UDIMemoryRange(udrs, object_p)
-UDR* udrs;
-UDIMemoryRange* object_p;
- int retval;
- retval = udr_CPUSpace(udrs, &object_p->Space);
- retval = retval | udr_CPUOffset(udrs, &object_p->Offset);
- retval = retval | udr_CPUSizeT(udrs, &object_p->Size);
- return retval;
-/****************************************************************** UDR_string
-int udr_string(udrs, sp)
-UDR* udrs;
-char* sp;
- int len, retval;
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- if(sp)
- { len = strlen(sp) + 1;
- retval = udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &len);
- retval = retval | udr_work(udrs, sp, len);
- }
- else /* deal with NULL pointer */
- { len = 0;
- retval = udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &len);
- }
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- retval = udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &len);
- if(len)
- retval = retval | udr_work(udrs, sp, len);
- else *sp = '\0'; /* terminate string */
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- return retval;
-/******************************************************************* UDR_BYTES
-int udr_bytes(udrs, ptr, len)
-UDR* udrs;
-char* ptr;
-int len;
- return udr_work(udrs, ptr, len);
-/********************************************************************* UDR_INT
-int udr_int(udrs, int_p)
-UDR* udrs;
-int* int_p;
- int ret_val;
- UDIInt32 udr_obj; /* object of know size */
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- udr_obj = *int_p; /* copy into know object size */
- return udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &udr_obj);
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- ret_val = udr_UDIInt32(udrs, &udr_obj); /* get object of known size */
- *int_p = udr_obj;
- return ret_val;
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
-/****************************************************************** UDR_INLINE
-char* udr_inline(udrs, size)
-UDR* udrs;
-int size;
- if(udrs->udr_op != udrs->previous_op)
- { if(udrs->previous_op == 0)
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return 0;
- }
- udrs->previous_op= udrs->udr_op;
- udrs->putbytes = udrs->buff;
- udrs->getbytes = udrs->buff;
- }
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- if(udrs->putbytes + size > udrs->bufsize + udrs->buff)
- return 0;
- udrs->putbytes += size;
- return udrs->putbytes - size;
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- if(udrs->getbytes + size > udrs->bufsize + udrs->buff)
- return 0;
- udrs->getbytes += size;
- return udrs->getbytes - size;
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return 0;
- }
-/****************************************************************** UDR_GETPOS
-char* udr_getpos(udrs)
-UDR* udrs;
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- return udrs->putbytes;
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- return udrs->getbytes;
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return 0;
- }
-/****************************************************************** UDR_SETPOS
-int udr_setpos(udrs, pos)
-UDR* udrs;
-char* pos;
- if( ((UDIUInt32)pos > (UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff) + (UDIUInt32)(udrs->bufsize))
- || ((UDIUInt32)pos < (UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff) ) )
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return 0;
- }
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- udrs->putbytes = pos;
- return 1;
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- udrs->getbytes = pos;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return 0;
- }
-/***************************************************************** UDR_READNOW
-* Try and ensure "size" bytes are available in the
-* receive buffer character stream.
-int udr_readnow(udrs, size)
-UDR* udrs;
-int size;
- int cnt, remain;
- if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_ENCODE)
- {
- udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- else if(udrs->udr_op == UDR_DECODE)
- {
- if( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->getbytes) < size )
- { /* need more data in character stream buffer */
- remain = (UDIUInt32)(udrs->bufsize) -
- ( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->buff) );
- cnt = read(udrs->sd, (char*)udrs->putbytes, remain);
- if(cnt == -1) perror("ERROR udr_work(), read() failure: ");
- udrs->putbytes += cnt;
- if( (UDIUInt32)(udrs->putbytes)-(UDIUInt32)(udrs->getbytes) < size )
- { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, udr_readnow() too few bytes in stream\n");
- return -1; /* return error code */
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { udr_errno = UDIErrorIPCInternal;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-/******************************************************************* UDR_ALIGN
-int udr_align(udrs, size)
-UDR* udrs;
-int size;
- char* align;
- int offset;
- align = udr_getpos(udrs);
- offset = size - ((int)align & (size -1));
- offset = offset & (size -1);
- if(offset) udr_setpos(udrs, align + offset);
-#endif /* __GO32__ */
diff --git a/gdb/29k-share/udi_soc b/gdb/29k-share/udi_soc
deleted file mode 100644
index 343317f..0000000
--- a/gdb/29k-share/udi_soc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)udi_soc 2.1 Daniel Mann
-# NOTE: the Session string must not start whith white-space characters.
-# Format of string is:
-# <session> <domain> <soc_name|host_name> <tip_exe> <pass to UDIconnect>
-soc2cayman AF_INET cayman /bin/udi_tip ...
-soc2tip AF_UNIX astring tip.exe ...
-cuba AF_UNIX soc_name ../bin.68020/udi_tip stuff to pass
-cayman AF_INET cayman this_entry_not_matter stuff to pass
-iss AF_UNIX * sun4/isstip -r osboot