path: root/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp b/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
index 8d4902a..112bb52 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
+++ b/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
@@ -23,17 +23,80 @@
proc gas_version {} {
global AS
- catch "exec $AS -version < /dev/null" tmp
+ if [is_remote host] then {
+ remote_exec host "$AS -version < /dev/null" "" "" "gas.version"
+ remote_exec host "which $AS" "" "" "gas.which"
+ remote_upload host "gas.version"
+ remote_upload host "gas.which"
+ set which_as [file_contents "gas.which"]
+ set tmp [file_contents "gas.version"]
+ remote_file build delete "gas.version"
+ remote_file build delete "gas.which"
+ remote_file host delete "gas.version"
+ remote_file host delete "gas.which"
+ } else {
+ set which_as [which $AS]
+ catch "exec $AS -version < /dev/null" tmp
+ }
# Should find a way to discard constant parts, keep whatever's
# left, so the version string could be almost anything at all...
regexp "\[^\n\]* (cygnus-|)(\[-0-9.a-zA-Z-\]+)\[\r\n\].*" $tmp version cyg number
if ![info exists number] then {
- return "[which $AS] (no version number)\n"
+ return "$which_as (no version number)\n"
- clone_output "[which $AS] $number\n"
+ clone_output "$which_as $number\n"
unset version
+proc gas_host_run { cmd redir } {
+ verbose "Executing $cmd $redir"
+ set return_contents_of ""
+ if [regexp ">& */dev/null" $redir] then {
+ set output_file ""
+ set command "$cmd $redir"
+ } elseif [regexp "> */dev/null" $redir] then {
+ set output_file ""
+ set command "$cmd 2>gas.stderr"
+ set return_contents_of "gas.stderr"
+ } elseif [regexp ">&.*" $redir] then {
+ set output_file [regsub ">&" $redir ""]
+ set command "$cmd 2>&1"
+ } elseif [regexp "2>.*" $redir] then {
+ set output_file "gas.out"
+ set command "$cmd $redir"
+ set return_contents_of "gas.out"
+ } elseif [regexp ">.*" $redir] then {
+ set output_file ""
+ set command "$cmd $redir 2>gas.stderr"
+ set return_contents_of "gas.stderr"
+ } elseif { "$redir" == "" } then {
+ set output_file "gas.out"
+ set command "$cmd 2>&1"
+ set return_contents_of "gas.out"
+ } else {
+ fail "gas_host_run: unknown form of redirection string"
+ }
+ set status [remote_exec host [concat sh -c [list $command]] "" "/dev/null" "$output_file"]
+ set to_return ""
+ if { "$return_contents_of" != "" } then {
+ remote_upload host "$return_contents_of"
+ set to_return [file_contents "$return_contents_of"]
+ regsub "\n$" $to_return "" to_return
+ }
+ if { [lindex $status 0] == 0 && "$output_file" != ""
+ && "$output_file" != "$return_contents_of" } then {
+ remote_upload host "$output_file"
+ }
+ return [list [lindex $status 0] "$to_return"]
proc gas_run { prog as_opts redir } {
global AS
global ASFLAGS
@@ -42,8 +105,11 @@ proc gas_run { prog as_opts redir } {
global subdir
global host_triplet
- verbose -log "Executing $srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog $redir"
- catch "exec $srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog $redir" comp_output
+ set status [gas_host_run "$AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog" "$redir"]
+ set comp_output [lindex $status 1]
+ if { [lindex $status 0] != 0 && [regexp "2>.*" $redir] } then {
+ append comp_output "child process exited abnormally"
+ }
set comp_output [prune_warnings $comp_output]
verbose "output was $comp_output"
return [list $comp_output ""]
@@ -71,12 +137,8 @@ proc gas_start { prog as_opts } {
set gas_started 1
verbose -log "Starting $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $prog" 2
- catch {
- spawn -noecho -nottycopy $srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog
- } foo
- if ![regexp {^[0-9]+} $foo] then {
- perror "Can't run $subdir/$prog: $foo"
- }
+ set status [gas_host_run "$AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog" ">&gas.out"]
+ spawn -noecho -nottycopy cat gas.out
proc gas_finish { } {
@@ -422,6 +484,9 @@ proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
unresolved $subdir/$name
+ if { $opt_name == "as" } {
+ set opt_val [subst $opt_val]
+ }
set opts($opt_name) $opt_val
@@ -554,10 +619,11 @@ proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
set sourcefile $srcdir/$subdir/$opts(source)
- set cmd "$srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $opts(as) -o dump.o $sourcefile"
+ set cmd "$AS $ASFLAGS $opts(as) -o dump.o $sourcefile"
send_log "$cmd\n"
- set cmdret [catch "exec $cmd" comp_output]
- set comp_output [prune_warnings $comp_output]
+ set status [gas_host_run $cmd ""]
+ set cmdret [lindex $status 0]
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [lindex $status 1]]
set expmsg $opts(error)
if { $opts(warning) != "" } {
@@ -632,7 +698,7 @@ proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
eval set progopts \$[string toupper $program]FLAGS
eval set binary \$[string toupper $program]
- if { [which $binary] == 0 } {
+ if { ![is_remote host] && [which $binary] == 0 } {
untested $testname
@@ -642,9 +708,11 @@ proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
# Objcopy, unlike the other two, won't send its output to stdout,
# so we have to run it specially.
- set cmd "$binary $progopts $progopts1 dump.o > dump.out"
+ set cmd "$binary $progopts $progopts1 dump.o"
+ set redir ">dump.out"
if { $program == "objcopy" } {
set cmd "$binary $progopts $progopts1 dump.o dump.out"
+ set redir ""
# Ensure consistent sorting of symbols
@@ -653,7 +721,8 @@ proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
set env(LC_ALL) "C"
send_log "$cmd\n"
- catch "exec $cmd" comp_output
+ set status [gas_host_run "$cmd" "$redir"]
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [lindex $status 1]]
if {[info exists old_lc_all]} {
set env(LC_ALL) $old_lc_all
} else {
@@ -708,8 +777,8 @@ proc objdump { opts } {
global comp_output
global host_triplet
- catch "exec $OBJDUMP $opts" comp_output
- set comp_output [prune_warnings $comp_output]
+ set status [gas_host_run "$OBJDUMP $opts" ""]
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [lindex $status 1]]
verbose "objdump output=$comp_output\n" 3
@@ -719,12 +788,8 @@ proc objdump_start_no_subdir { prog opts } {
global spawn_id
verbose "Starting $OBJDUMP $opts $prog" 2
- catch {
- spawn -noecho -nottyinit $srcdir/lib/run $OBJDUMP $opts $prog
- } foo
- if ![regexp {^[0-9]+} $foo] then {
- perror "Can't run $prog: $foo"
- }
+ set status [gas_host_run "$OBJDUMP $opts $prog" ">&gas.out"]
+ spawn -noecho -nottycopy cat gas.out
proc objdump_finish { } {