path: root/sim/txvu/vpe.h
diff options
authorIan Carmichael <iancarm@cygnus>1998-01-28 02:04:32 +0000
committerIan Carmichael <iancarm@cygnus>1998-01-28 02:04:32 +0000
commit8ae6b5cd79abca4e12987dc7dd46e20418712d5c (patch)
treef39729536b47c287e308838638960077a3012082 /sim/txvu/vpe.h
parent4b95e9a13ddec5ea161db5624a0ea7451d94237d (diff)
* Very, very early support for vu1 based on sce code.
* Modified Files: * ChangeLog Makefile.in hardware.c vu1.c vu1.h * Added Files: * libvpe.c libvpe.h vpe.h vu.h
Diffstat (limited to 'sim/txvu/vpe.h')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sim/txvu/vpe.h b/sim/txvu/vpe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8895e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sim/txvu/vpe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* */
+/* Sony Computer Entertainment CONFIDENTIAL */
+/* (C) 1997 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved */
+/* */
+/* VU simulator global definitions */
+/* */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <math.h>
+typedef struct {
+ int no; /* destination register number VF:0-31 VI:32-47*/
+ int mask; /* specify which units calculate */
+ float vf[4]; /* calculated value */
+ int flag; /*0: empty in this pipeline stage,
+ 1: write value to reg,
+ 2: store value from reg,
+ 3: write value to I-reg ( not used ),
+ 4: write only status to statusflag,
+ 5: write only clip value to clipflag,
+ 6: move value from EFU reg */
+ u_long status; /* calculation unit status */
+ u_long addr; /* store address ( store operation )*/
+ char code[32]; /* instruction */
+} PIPELINE; /* pipeline stage specification for FMAC, Ld/St, RANDU, FDIV */
+typedef struct {
+ int no; /* destination register number VI:0-15 */
+ short vi; /* calculated value */
+ int flag; /* 0: empty in this pipeline stage,
+ 1: write value to reg */
+ char code[32]; /* instruction */
+} IPIPELINE; /* pipeline stage specification for IALU */
+typedef struct {
+ int flag; /* 0: empty in this pipeline stage,
+ 1: write value to I-reg */
+ float val; /* calculated value */
+} LOIPIPELINE; /* pipeline stage specification for I bit */
+typedef struct {
+ int mask; /* specify which units calculate */
+ float acc[4]; /* calculated value */
+ int flag; /* 0: empty in this pipeline stage,
+ 1: write value to ACC */
+} APIPELINE; /* accumulator pipeline stage specification */
+typedef struct {
+ int no; /* left stage count of pipeline */
+ float vn; /* calculated value */
+ int flag; /* 0: move to VN[4]
+ 1: move to VN[0] (not used)*/
+u_long instbuf[2]; /* instruction buffer. instbuf[0]:Upper, instbuf[1]:Lower*/
+u_long pc, opc; /* pc is next PC, opc is executed PC. see fetch_inst() */
+u_long jaddr; /* branch address */
+float VF[32][4]; /* VF registers */
+ /* VF[?][0] = x, VF[?][1] = y, VF[?][2] = z, VF[?][3] = w */
+short VI[16]; /* VI registers */
+float ACC[4]; /* accumulator registers */
+float Q; /* FDIV register */
+float I; /* I register */
+u_long R; /* RANDU register */
+float VN[32]; /* EFU registers */
+u_long MACflag;
+u_long statusflag;
+u_long clipflag;
+u_long MEM[4096][4]; /* VU (data) memory */
+u_long uMEM[1024][2]; /* Micro (instruction) memory */
+PIPELINE pipe[4][2]; /* FMAC, Ld/St, RANDU piepline */
+PIPELINE qpipe[7]; /* FDIV(DIV,DQRT) pipeline */
+PIPELINE rqpipe[13]; /*FDIV(RSQRT) pipeline */
+IPIPELINE ipipe[2]; /* IALU pipeline */
+APIPELINE apipe; /* ACC pipeline stage */
+SUPIPELINE spipe; /* EFU pipeline stage */
+LOIPIPELINE Ipipe; /* I-bit pipeline stage */
+int eflag, jflag, peflag, sflag;
+ /* eflag: E-bit detect flag
+ 0: not detect, 1: detect, -1: fetch stage terminate
+ jflag: branch detect flag
+ 0: not detect, 1: detect
+ peflag: end delay slot execute flag
+ 0: not execute, 1: execute, -1: finished ececution
+ sflag: data hazard stall flag
+ 0: not stall, 1: stall */
+u_long bp; /* break point address */
+u_long ecount; /* end counter */
+int intr_mode; /* interactive mode enable */
+int verb_mode; /* verbose mode enable */
+int dpr_mode; /* PRT (debug print) instruction enable */
+u_long all_count; /* amount of executed cycles */
+u_long hc_count; /* amount of hazard stall cycles */
+extern int _GIF_SIM_OFF; /* internal GPUIF simulator disable */
+extern int _GIF_BUSY; /* external GPUIF simulator is BUSY flag,
+ this flag uses when _GIF_SIM_OFF = 1 */
+extern int _GIF_VUCALL; /* XGKICK instruction detect flag,
+ this flag uses when _GIF_SIM_OFF = 1 */
+extern int _GIF_VUADDR; /* appointed address by XGKICK instruction,
+ this flag uses when _GIF_SIM_OFF = 1 */
+#define DEST_X 0x8
+#define DEST_Y 0x4
+#define DEST_Z 0x2
+#define DEST_W 0x1