path: root/gdb
diff options
authorStan Shebs <shebs@codesourcery.com>1994-12-31 00:00:53 +0000
committerStan Shebs <shebs@codesourcery.com>1994-12-31 00:00:53 +0000
commite12533e3e9b498fdd0702d5c1719eaf0bf05e5a6 (patch)
treebf196b501836d12da790c32dd3d6edd333550d6f /gdb
parentd5f41403173618982e278818d274c350120f0f2a (diff)
* gdbtk.tcl (FSBox): New proc, File Selection Box code from exmh.
(not_implemented_yet): New proc. (build_framework): Add various file commands to file menu.
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb')
2 files changed, 711 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/ChangeLog b/gdb/ChangeLog
index 97f3045..2f7ee7e 100644
--- a/gdb/ChangeLog
+++ b/gdb/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+Fri Dec 30 15:49:00 1994 Stan Shebs <shebs@andros.cygnus.com>
+ * gdbtk.tcl (FSBox): New proc, File Selection Box code from exmh.
+ (not_implemented_yet): New proc.
+ (build_framework): Add various file commands to file menu.
Thu Dec 29 22:40:00 1994 Jeff Law (law@snake.cs.utah.edu)
* Allow up to 10 whitespace separated arguments to user defined
diff --git a/gdb/gdbtk.tcl b/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
index 8e88005..25804de 100644
--- a/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
+++ b/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ proc asm_window_button_1 {win x y xrel yrel} {
# Local procedure:
-# do_nothing - Does absoultely nothing.
+# do_nothing - Does absolutely nothing.
# Description:
@@ -692,6 +692,21 @@ proc do_nothing {} {}
# Local procedure:
+# not_implemented_yet - warn that a feature is unavailable
+# Description:
+# This procedure warns that something doesn't actually work yet.
+proc not_implemented_yet {message} {
+ tk_dialog .unimpl "gdb : unimpl" "$message: not implemented yet" \
+ {} 1 "OK"
+# Local procedure:
# create_expr_win - Creat expression display window
# Description:
@@ -723,7 +738,7 @@ proc create_expr_win {} {
# Description:
-# Display EXPRESSION and it's value in the expression display window.
+# Display EXPRESSION and its value in the expression display window.
proc display_expression {expression} {
@@ -1557,12 +1572,43 @@ proc build_framework {win {title GDBtk} {label {}}} {
-menu ${win}.menubar.file.menu -underline 0
menu ${win}.menubar.file.menu
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label File... \
+ -command {
+ set filename [FSBox "File" "a.out"]
+ gdb_cmd "file $filename"
+ update_ptr
+ }
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Target... \
+ -command { gdb_cmd not_implemented_yet "target" }
${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Edit \
-command {exec $editor +[expr ($screen_top + $screen_bot)/2] $cfile &}
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add separator
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Exec File..." \
+ -command {
+ set filename [FSBox "Exec File" "a.out"]
+ gdb_cmd "exec-file $filename"
+ update_ptr
+ }
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Symbol File..." \
+ -command {
+ set filename [FSBox "Symbol File" "a.out"]
+ gdb_cmd "symbol-file $filename"
+ update_ptr
+ }
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Add Symbol File..." \
+ -command { not_implemented_yet "menu item, add symbol file" }
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Core File..." \
+ -command {
+ set filename [FSBox "Core File" "core"]
+ gdb_cmd "core-file $filename"
+ update_ptr
+ }
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add separator
${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Close \
-command "destroy ${win}"
+ ${win}.menubar.file.menu add separator
${win}.menubar.file.menu add command -label Quit \
- -command {catch {gdb_cmd quit}}
+ -command { catch { gdb_cmd quit } }
menubutton ${win}.menubar.view -padx 12 -text View \
-menu ${win}.menubar.view.menu -underline 0
@@ -1741,6 +1787,660 @@ proc create_command_window {} {
+# fileselect.tcl --
+# simple file selector.
+# Mario Jorge Silva msilva@cs.Berkeley.EDU
+# University of California Berkeley Ph: +1(510)642-8248
+# Computer Science Division, 571 Evans Hall Fax: +1(510)642-5775
+# Berkeley CA 94720
+# Copyright 1993 Regents of the University of California
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
+# fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
+# notice appears in all copies. The University of California
+# makes no representations about the suitability of this
+# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
+# express or implied warranty.
+# names starting with "fileselect" are reserved by this module
+# no other names used.
+# Hack - FSBox is defined instead of fileselect for backwards compatibility
+# this is the proc that creates the file selector box
+# purpose - comment string
+# defaultName - initial value for name
+# cmd - command to eval upon OK
+# errorHandler - command to eval upon Cancel
+# If neither cmd or errorHandler are specified, the return value
+# of the FSBox procedure is the selected file name.
+proc FSBox {{purpose "Select file:"} {defaultName ""} {cmd ""} {errorHandler
+""}} {
+ global fileselect
+ set w .fileSelect
+ if [Exwin_Toplevel $w "Select File" FileSelect] {
+ # path independent names for the widgets
+ set fileselect(list) $w.file.sframe.list
+ set fileselect(scroll) $w.file.sframe.scroll
+ set fileselect(direntry) $w.file.f1.direntry
+ set fileselect(entry) $w.file.f2.entry
+ set fileselect(ok) $w.but.ok
+ set fileselect(cancel) $w.but.cancel
+ set fileselect(msg) $w.label
+ set fileselect(result) "" ;# value to return if no callback procedures
+ # widgets
+ Widget_Label $w label {top fillx pady 10 padx 20} -anchor w -width 24
+ Widget_Frame $w file Dialog {left expand fill} -bd 10
+ Widget_Frame $w.file f1 Exmh {top fillx}
+ Widget_Label $w.file.f1 label {left} -text "Dir"
+ Widget_Entry $w.file.f1 direntry {right fillx expand} -width 30
+ Widget_Frame $w.file sframe
+ scrollbar $w.file.sframe.yscroll -relief sunken \
+ -command [list $w.file.sframe.list yview]
+ listbox $w.file.sframe.list -relief sunken \
+ -yscroll [list $w.file.sframe.yscroll set] -setgrid 1
+ pack append $w.file.sframe \
+ $w.file.sframe.yscroll {right filly} \
+ $w.file.sframe.list {left expand fill}
+ Widget_Frame $w.file f2 Exmh {top fillx}
+ Widget_Label $w.file.f2 label {left} -text Name
+ Widget_Entry $w.file.f2 entry {right fillx expand}
+ # buttons
+ $w.but.quit configure -text Cancel \
+ -command [list fileselect.cancel.cmd $w]
+ Widget_AddBut $w.but ok OK \
+ [list fileselect.ok.cmd $w $cmd $errorHandler] {left padx 1}
+ Widget_AddBut $w.but list List \
+ [list fileselect.list.cmd $w] {left padx 1}
+ Widget_CheckBut $w.but listall "List all" fileselect(pattern)
+ $w.but.listall configure -onvalue "{*,.*}" -offvalue "*" \
+ -command {fileselect.list.cmd $fileselect(direntry)}
+ $w.but.listall deselect
+ # Set up bindings for the browser.
+ foreach ww [list $w $fileselect(entry)] {
+ bind $ww <Return> [list $fileselect(ok) invoke]
+ bind $ww <Control-c> [list $fileselect(cancel) invoke]
+ }
+ bind $fileselect(direntry) <Return> [list fileselect.list.cmd %W]
+ bind $fileselect(direntry) <Tab> [list fileselect.tab.dircmd]
+ bind $fileselect(entry) <Tab> [list fileselect.tab.filecmd]
+ tk_listboxSingleSelect $fileselect(list)
+ bind $fileselect(list) <Button-1> {
+ # puts stderr "button 1 release"
+ %W select from [%W nearest %y]
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
+ }
+ bind $fileselect(list) <Key> {
+ %W select from [%W nearest %y]
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
+ }
+ bind $fileselect(list) <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
+ # puts stderr "double button 1"
+ %W select from [%W nearest %y]
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
+ $fileselect(ok) invoke
+ }
+ bind $fileselect(list) <Return> {
+ %W select from [%W nearest %y]
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
+ $fileselect(ok) invoke
+ }
+ }
+ set fileselect(text) $purpose
+ $fileselect(msg) configure -text $purpose
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [file tail $defaultName]
+ if {[info exists fileselect(lastDir)] && ![string length $defaultName]} {
+ set dir $fileselect(lastDir)
+ } else {
+ set dir [file dirname $defaultName]
+ }
+ set fileselect(pwd) [pwd]
+ fileselect.cd $dir
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [pwd]/
+ $fileselect(list) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(list) insert 0 "Big directory:"
+ $fileselect(list) insert 1 $dir
+ $fileselect(list) insert 2 "Press Return for Listing"
+ fileselect.list.cmd $fileselect(direntry) startup
+ # set kbd focus to entry widget
+# Exwin_ToplevelFocus $w $fileselect(entry)
+ # Wait for button hits if no callbacks are defined
+ if {"$cmd" == "" && "$errorHandler" == ""} {
+ # wait for the box to be destroyed
+ update idletask
+ grab $w
+ tkwait variable fileselect(result)
+ grab release $w
+ set path $fileselect(result)
+ set fileselect(lastDir) [pwd]
+ fileselect.cd $fileselect(pwd)
+ return [string trimright [string trim $path] /]
+ }
+ fileselect.cd $fileselect(pwd)
+ return ""
+proc fileselect.cd { dir } {
+ global fileselect
+ if [catch {cd $dir} err] {
+ fileselect.yck $dir
+ cd
+ }
+# auxiliary button procedures
+proc fileselect.yck { {tag {}} } {
+ global fileselect
+ $fileselect(msg) configure -text "Yck! $tag"
+proc fileselect.ok {} {
+ global fileselect
+ $fileselect(msg) configure -text $fileselect(text)
+proc fileselect.cancel.cmd {w} {
+ global fileselect
+ set fileselect(result) {}
+proc fileselect.list.cmd {w {state normal}} {
+ global fileselect
+ set seldir [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ if {[catch {glob $seldir} dir]} {
+ fileselect.yck "glob failed"
+ return
+ }
+ if {[llength $dir] > 1} {
+ set dir [file dirname $seldir]
+ set pat [file tail $seldir]
+ } else {
+ set pat $fileselect(pattern)
+ }
+ fileselect.ok
+ update idletasks
+ if [file isdirectory $dir] {
+ fileselect.getfiles $dir $pat $state
+ focus $fileselect(entry)
+ } else {
+ fileselect.yck "not a dir"
+ }
+proc fileselect.ok.cmd {w cmd errorHandler} {
+ global fileselect
+ set selname [$fileselect(entry) get]
+ set seldir [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ if [string match /* $selname] {
+ set selected $selname
+ } else {
+ if [string match ~* $selname] {
+ set selected $selname
+ } else {
+ set selected $seldir/$selname
+ }
+ }
+ # some nasty file names may cause "file isdirectory" to return an error
+ if [catch {file isdirectory $selected} isdir] {
+ fileselect.yck "isdirectory failed"
+ return
+ }
+ if [catch {glob $selected} globlist] {
+ if ![file isdirectory [file dirname $selected]] {
+ fileselect.yck "bad pathname"
+ return
+ }
+ set globlist $selected
+ }
+ fileselect.ok
+ update idletasks
+ if {[llength $globlist] > 1} {
+ set dir [file dirname $selected]
+ set pat [file tail $selected]
+ fileselect.getfiles $dir $pat
+ return
+ } else {
+ set selected $globlist
+ }
+ if [file isdirectory $selected] {
+ fileselect.getfiles $selected $fileselect(pattern)
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ return
+ }
+ if {$cmd != {}} {
+ $cmd $selected
+ } else {
+ set fileselect(result) $selected
+ }
+proc fileselect.getfiles { dir {pat *} {state normal} } {
+ global fileselect
+ $fileselect(msg) configure -text Listing...
+ update idletasks
+ set currentDir [pwd]
+ fileselect.cd $dir
+ if [catch {set files [lsort [glob -nocomplain $pat]]} err] {
+ $fileselect(msg) configure -text $err
+ $fileselect(list) delete 0 end
+ update idletasks
+ return
+ }
+ switch -- $state {
+ normal {
+ # Normal case - show current directory
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [pwd]/
+ }
+ opt {
+ # Directory already OK (tab related)
+ }
+ newdir {
+ # Changing directory (tab related)
+ fileselect.cd $currentDir
+ }
+ startup {
+ # Avoid listing huge directories upon startup.
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [pwd]/
+ if {[llength $files] > 32} {
+ fileselect.ok
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # build a reordered list of the files: directories are displayed first
+ # and marked with a trailing "/"
+ if [string compare $dir /] {
+ fileselect.putfiles $files [expr {($pat == "*") ? 1 : 0}]
+ } else {
+ fileselect.putfiles $files
+ }
+ fileselect.ok
+proc fileselect.putfiles {files {dotdot 0} } {
+ global fileselect
+ $fileselect(list) delete 0 end
+ if {$dotdot} {
+ $fileselect(list) insert end "../"
+ }
+ foreach i $files {
+ if {[file isdirectory $i]} {
+ $fileselect(list) insert end $i/
+ } else {
+ $fileselect(list) insert end $i
+ }
+ }
+proc FileExistsDialog { name } {
+ set w .fileExists
+ global fileExists
+ set fileExists(ok) 0
+ {
+ message $w.msg -aspect 1000
+ pack $w.msg -side top -fill both -padx 20 -pady 20
+ $w.but.quit config -text Cancel -command {FileExistsCancel}
+ button $w.but.ok -text OK -command {FileExistsOK}
+ pack $w.but.ok -side left
+ bind $w.msg <Return> {FileExistsOK}
+ }
+ $w.msg config -text "Warning: file exists
+OK to overwrite it?"
+ set fileExists(focus) [focus]
+ focus $w.msg
+ grab $w
+ tkwait variable fileExists(ok)
+ grab release $w
+ return $fileExists(ok)
+proc FileExistsCancel {} {
+ global fileExists
+ set fileExists(ok) 0
+proc FileExistsOK {} {
+ global fileExists
+ set fileExists(ok) 1
+proc fileselect.getfiledir { dir {basedir [pwd]} } {
+ global fileselect
+ set path [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ set returnList {}
+ if {$dir != 0} {
+ if {[string index $path 0] == "~"} {
+ set path $path/
+ }
+ } else {
+ set path [$fileselect(entry) get]
+ }
+ if [catch {set listFile [glob -nocomplain $path*]}] {
+ return $returnList
+ }
+ foreach el $listFile {
+ if {$dir != 0} {
+ if [file isdirectory $el] {
+ lappend returnList [file tail $el]
+ }
+ } elseif ![file isdirectory $el] {
+ lappend returnList [file tail $el]
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnList
+proc fileselect.gethead { list } {
+ set returnHead ""
+ for {set i 0} {[string length [lindex $list 0]] > $i}\
+ {incr i; set returnHead $returnHead$thisChar} {
+ set thisChar [string index [lindex $list 0] $i]
+ foreach el $list {
+ if {[string length $el] < $i} {
+ return $returnHead
+ }
+ if {$thisChar != [string index $el $i]} {
+ return $returnHead
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnHead
+proc fileselect.expand.tilde { } {
+ global fileselect
+ set entry [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ set dir [string range $entry 1 [string length $entry]]
+ if {$dir == ""} {
+ return
+ }
+ set listmatch {}
+ ## look in /etc/passwd
+ if [file exists /etc/passwd] {
+ if [catch {set users [exec cat /etc/passwd | sed s/:.*//]} err] {
+ puts "Error\#1 $err"
+ return
+ }
+ set list [split $users "\n"]
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $list "+"] != -1} {
+ if [catch {set users [exec ypcat passwd | sed s/:.*//]} err] {
+ puts "Error\#2 $err"
+ return
+ }
+ set list [concat $list [split $users "\n"]]
+ }
+ $fileselect(list) delete 0 end
+ foreach el $list {
+ if [string match $dir* $el] {
+ lappend listmatch $el
+ $fileselect(list) insert end $el
+ }
+ }
+ set addings [fileselect.gethead $listmatch]
+ if {$addings == ""} {
+ return
+ }
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ if {[llength $listmatch] == 1} {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [file dirname ~$addings/]
+ fileselect.getfiles [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ } else {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 ~$addings
+ }
+proc fileselect.tab.dircmd { } {
+ global fileselect
+ set dir [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ if {$dir == ""} {
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [pwd]
+ if [string compare [pwd] "/"] {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert end /
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if [catch {set tmp [file isdirectory [file dirname $dir]]}] {
+ if {[string index $dir 0] == "~"} {
+ fileselect.expand.tilde
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if {!$tmp} {
+ return
+ }
+ set dirFile [fileselect.getfiledir 1 $dir]
+ if ![llength $dirFile] {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[llength $dirFile] == 1} {
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [file dirname $dir]
+ if [string compare [file dirname $dir] /] {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert end /[lindex $dirFile 0]/
+ } else {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert end [lindex $dirFile 0]/
+ }
+ fileselect.getfiles [$fileselect(direntry) get] \
+ "[file tail [$fileselect(direntry) get]]$fileselect(pattern)" opt
+ return
+ }
+ set headFile [fileselect.gethead $dirFile]
+ $fileselect(direntry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert 0 [file dirname $dir]
+ if [string compare [file dirname $dir] /] {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert end /$headFile
+ } else {
+ $fileselect(direntry) insert end $headFile
+ }
+ if {$headFile == "" && [file isdirectory $dir]} {
+ fileselect.getfiles $dir\
+ "[file tail [$fileselect(direntry) get]]$fileselect(pattern)" opt
+ } else {
+ fileselect.getfiles [file dirname $dir]\
+ "[file tail [$fileselect(direntry) get]]*" newdir
+ }
+proc fileselect.tab.filecmd { } {
+ global fileselect
+ set dir [$fileselect(direntry) get]
+ if {$dir == ""} {
+ set dir [pwd]
+ }
+ if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
+ error "dir $dir doesn't exist"
+ }
+ set listFile [fileselect.getfiledir 0 $dir]
+ puts $listFile
+ if ![llength $listFile] {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[llength $listFile] == 1} {
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [lindex $listFile 0]
+ return
+ }
+ set headFile [fileselect.gethead $listFile]
+ $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
+ $fileselect(entry) insert 0 $headFile
+ fileselect.getfiles $dir "[$fileselect(entry) get]$fileselect(pattern)" opt
+proc Exwin_Toplevel { path name {class Dialog} {dismiss yes}} {
+ global exwin
+ if [catch {wm state $path} state] {
+ set t [Widget_Toplevel $path $name $class]
+ if ![info exists exwin(toplevels)] {
+ set exwin(toplevels) [option get . exwinPaths {}]
+ }
+ set ix [lsearch $exwin(toplevels) $t]
+ if {$ix < 0} {
+ lappend exwin(toplevels) $t
+ }
+ if {$dismiss == "yes"} {
+ set f [Widget_Frame $t but Menubar {top fill}]
+ Widget_AddBut $f quit "Dismiss" [list Exwin_Dismiss $path]
+ }
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ if {$state != "normal"} {
+ catch {
+ wm geometry $path $exwin(geometry,$path)
+# Exmh_Debug Exwin_Toplevel $path $exwin(geometry,$path)
+ }
+ wm deiconify $path
+ } else {
+ catch {raise $path}
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+proc Exwin_Dismiss { path {geo ok} } {
+ global exwin
+ case $geo {
+ "ok" {
+ set exwin(geometry,$path) [wm geometry $path]
+ }
+ "nosize" {
+ set exwin(geometry,$path) [string trimleft [wm geometry $path] 0123456789x]
+ }
+ default {
+ catch {unset exwin(geometry,$path)}
+ }
+ }
+ wm withdraw $path
+proc Widget_Toplevel { path name {class Dialog} {x {}} {y {}} } {
+ set self [toplevel $path -class $class]
+ set usergeo [option get $path position Position]
+ if {$usergeo != {}} {
+ if [catch {wm geometry $self $usergeo} err] {
+# Exmh_Debug Widget_Toplevel $self $usergeo => $err
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {($x != {}) && ($y != {})} {
+# Exmh_Debug Event position $self +$x+$y
+ wm geometry $self +$x+$y
+ }
+ }
+ wm title $self $name
+ wm group $self .
+ return $self
+proc Widget_Frame {par child {class GDB} {where {top expand fill}} args } {
+ if {$par == "."} {
+ set self .$child
+ } else {
+ set self $par.$child
+ }
+ eval {frame $self -class $class} $args
+ pack append $par $self $where
+ return $self
+proc Widget_AddBut {par but txt cmd {where {right padx 1}} } {
+ # Create a Packed button. Return the button pathname
+ set cmd2 [list button $par.$but -text $txt -command $cmd]
+ if [catch $cmd2 t] {
+ puts stderr "Widget_AddBut (warning) $t"
+ eval $cmd2 {-font fixed}
+ }
+ pack append $par $par.$but $where
+ return $par.$but
+proc Widget_CheckBut {par but txt var {where {right padx 1}} } {
+ # Create a check button. Return the button pathname
+ set cmd [list checkbutton $par.$but -text $txt -variable $var]
+ if [catch $cmd t] {
+ puts stderr "Widget_CheckBut (warning) $t"
+ eval $cmd {-font fixed}
+ }
+ pack append $par $par.$but $where
+ return $par.$but
+proc Widget_Label { frame {name label} {where {left fill}} args} {
+ set cmd [list label $frame.$name ]
+ if [catch [concat $cmd $args] t] {
+ puts stderr "Widget_Label (warning) $t"
+ eval $cmd $args {-font fixed}
+ }
+ pack append $frame $frame.$name $where
+ return $frame.$name
+proc Widget_Entry { frame {name entry} {where {left fill}} args} {
+ set cmd [list entry $frame.$name ]
+ if [catch [concat $cmd $args] t] {
+ puts stderr "Widget_Entry (warning) $t"
+ eval $cmd $args {-font fixed}
+ }
+ pack append $frame $frame.$name $where
+ return $frame.$name
+# End of fileselect.tcl.
# Setup the initial windows