path: root/gdb/rdi-share
diff options
authorJason Molenda <jmolenda@apple.com>1999-11-02 04:44:47 +0000
committerJason Molenda <jmolenda@apple.com>1999-11-02 04:44:47 +0000
commit5c44784c11ecc8febfff615b88496c56c9ad5274 (patch)
tree74f9079f5b0ddae1182abf087af8adc02103e149 /gdb/rdi-share
parent9503fd8735ec438fcb2fca34afa276e3e6ca94f5 (diff)
import gdb-1999-11-01 snapshot
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/rdi-share')
17 files changed, 457 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.am b/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.am
index 9d63d1c..4dd71d8 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.am
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.am
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = cygnus
noinst_LIBRARIES = libangsd.a
-libangsd_a_SOURCES = ardi.c bytesex.c crc.c devsw.c drivers.c etherdrv.c \
- hostchan.c hsys.c logging.c msgbuild.c params.c rx.c \
- serdrv.c serpardr.c tx.c unixcomm.c
+libangsd_a_SOURCES = ardi.c angel_bytesex.c crc.c devsw.c drivers.c etherdrv.c \
+ hostchan.c hsys.c logging.c msgbuild.c params.c rx.c \
+ serdrv.c serpardr.c tx.c unixcomm.c
-noinst_HEADERS = adp.h adperr.h angel.h ardi.h armdbg.h buffers.h bytesex.h \
+noinst_HEADERS = adp.h adperr.h angel.h ardi.h armdbg.h buffers.h \
chandefs.h channels.h chanpriv.h crc.h dbg_conf.h dbg_cp.h \
dbg_hif.h dbg_rdi.h devclnt.h devices.h devsw.h drivers.h \
- endian.h ethernet.h host.h hostchan.h hsys.h logging.h \
- msgbuild.h params.h rxtx.h sys.h unixcomm.h
+ angel_endian.h ethernet.h host.h hostchan.h hsys.h logging.h \
+ msgbuild.h params.h rxtx.h sys.h unixcomm.h angel_bytesex.h
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.in b/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.in
index 33274da..a24e1af 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.in
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/Makefile.in
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = cygnus
noinst_LIBRARIES = libangsd.a
-libangsd_a_SOURCES = ardi.c bytesex.c crc.c devsw.c drivers.c etherdrv.c \
- hostchan.c hsys.c logging.c msgbuild.c params.c rx.c \
- serdrv.c serpardr.c tx.c unixcomm.c
+libangsd_a_SOURCES = ardi.c angel_bytesex.c crc.c devsw.c drivers.c etherdrv.c \
+ hostchan.c hsys.c logging.c msgbuild.c params.c rx.c \
+ serdrv.c serpardr.c tx.c unixcomm.c
-noinst_HEADERS = adp.h adperr.h angel.h ardi.h armdbg.h buffers.h bytesex.h \
+noinst_HEADERS = adp.h adperr.h angel.h ardi.h armdbg.h buffers.h \
chandefs.h channels.h chanpriv.h crc.h dbg_conf.h dbg_cp.h \
dbg_hif.h dbg_rdi.h devclnt.h devices.h devsw.h drivers.h \
- endian.h ethernet.h host.h hostchan.h hsys.h logging.h \
- msgbuild.h params.h rxtx.h sys.h unixcomm.h
+ angel_endian.h ethernet.h host.h hostchan.h hsys.h logging.h \
+ msgbuild.h params.h rxtx.h sys.h unixcomm.h angel_bytesex.h
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.c b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..054f960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1995 Advanced RISC Machines Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software may be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed
+ * provided that the above copyright notice is preserved in all copies of the
+ * software.
+ */
+ * angel_bytesex.c - Code to support byte-sex independence
+ * Copyright: (C) 1991, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., Cambridge, England.
+ */
+ * RCS $Revision$
+ * Checkin $Date$
+ */
+#include "angel_bytesex.h"
+static int reversing_bytes = 0;
+void bytesex_reverse(yes_or_no)
+int yes_or_no;
+{ reversing_bytes = yes_or_no;
+int bytesex_reversing()
+ return reversing_bytes;
+int32 bytesex_hostval(v)
+int32 v;
+{ /* Return v with the same endian-ness as the host */
+ /* This mess generates better ARM code than the more obvious mess */
+ /* and may eventually peephole to optimal code... */
+ if (reversing_bytes)
+ { unsigned32 t;
+ /* t = v ^ (v ror 16) */
+ t = v ^ ((v << 16) | (((unsigned32)v) >> 16));
+ t &= ~0xff0000;
+ /* v = v ror 8 */
+ v = (v << 24) | (((unsigned32)v) >> 8);
+ v = v ^ (t >> 8);
+ }
+ return v;
+int32 bytesex_hostval_16(v)
+int32 v;
+ if (reversing_bytes) {
+ v = ((v >> 8) & 0xff) | ((v << 8) & 0xff00);
+ }
+ return v;
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.h b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb86af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_bytesex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1995 Advanced RISC Machines Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software may be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed
+ * provided that the above copyright notice is preserved in all copies of the
+ * software.
+ */
+ Title: Code to support byte-sex independence
+ Copyright: (C) 1991, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., Cambridge, England.
+ * RCS $Revision$
+ * Checkin $Date$
+ */
+#ifndef angel_bytesex_h
+#define angel_bytesex_h
+#include "host.h"
+void bytesex_reverse(int yes_or_no);
+ * Turn sex-reversal on or off - 0 means off, non-0 means on.
+ */
+int bytesex_reversing(void);
+ * Return non-0 if reversing the byte sex, else 0.
+ */
+int32 bytesex_hostval(int32 v);
+ * Return v or byte-reversed v, according to whether sex-reversval
+ * is on or off.
+ */
+int32 bytesex_hostval_16(int32 v);
+/* Return v or byte-reversed v for a 16 bit value */
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/angel_endian.h b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_endian.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e40dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/angel_endian.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1995 Advanced RISC Machines Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software may be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed
+ * provided that the above copyright notice is preserved in all copies of the
+ * software.
+ */
+/* -*-C-*-
+ *
+ * $Revision$
+ * $Date$
+ *
+ *
+ * angel_endian.h - target endianness independent read/write primitives.
+ */
+#ifndef angel_endian_h
+#define angel_endian_h
+ * The endianness of the data being processed needs to be known, but
+ * the host endianness is not required (since the data is constructed
+ * using bytes). At the moment these are provided as macros. This
+ * gives the compiler freedom in optimising individual calls. However,
+ * if space is at a premium then functions should be provided.
+ *
+ * NOTE: These macros assume that the data has been packed in the same format
+ * as the packing on the build host. If this is not the case then
+ * the wrong addresses could be used when dealing with structures.
+ *
+ */
+ * For all the following routines the target endianness is defined by the
+ * following boolean definitions.
+ */
+#define BE (1 == 1) /* TRUE : big-endian */
+#define LE (1 == 0) /* FALSE : little-endian */
+ * The following type definitions are used by the endianness converting
+ * macros.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char U8;
+typedef U8 *P_U8;
+typedef const U8 *CP_U8;
+typedef unsigned short U16;
+typedef U16 *P_U16;
+typedef unsigned int U32;
+typedef U32 *P_U32;
+ * If the endianness of the host and target are known (fixed) and the same
+ * then the following macro definitions can be used. These just directly copy
+ * the data.
+ *
+ * #define READ(e,a) (a)
+ * #define WRITE(e,a,v) ((a) = (v))
+ * #define PREAD(e,a) (a)
+ * #define PWRITE(e,a,v) (*(a) = (v))
+ */
+ * These macros assume that a byte (char) is 8bits in size, and that the
+ * endianness is not important when reading or writing bytes.
+ */
+#define PUT8(a,v) (*((P_U8)(a)) = (U8)(v))
+#define PUT16LE(a,v) (PUT8(a,((v) & 0xFF)), \
+ PUT8((((P_U8)(a)) + sizeof(char)),((v) >> 8)))
+#define PUT16BE(a,v) (PUT8(a,((v) >> 8)), \
+ PUT8((((P_U8)(a)) + sizeof(char)),((v) & 0xFF)))
+#define PUT32LE(a,v) (PUT16LE(a,v), \
+ PUT16LE((((P_U8)(a)) + sizeof(short)),((v) >> 16)))
+#define PUT32BE(a,v) (PUT16BE(a,((v) >> 16)), \
+ PUT16BE((((P_U8)(a)) + sizeof(short)),v))
+#define GET8(a) (*((CP_U8)(a)))
+#define GET16LE(a) (GET8(a) | (((U16)GET8(((CP_U8)(a)) + sizeof(char))) << 8))
+#define GET16BE(a) ((((U16)GET8(a)) << 8) | GET8(((CP_U8)(a)) + sizeof(char)))
+#define GET32LE(a) (GET16LE(a) | \
+ (((U32)GET16LE(((CP_U8)(a)) + sizeof(short))) << 16))
+#define GET32BE(a) ((((U32)GET16BE(a)) << 16) | \
+ GET16BE(((CP_U8)(a)) + sizeof(short)))
+ * These macros simplify the code in respect to reading and writing the
+ * correct size data when dealing with endianness. "e" is TRUE if we are
+ * dealing with big-endian data, FALSE if we are dealing with little-endian.
+ */
+/* void WRITE(int endianness, void *address, unsigned value); */
+#define WRITE16(e,a,v) ((e) ? PUT16BE(&(a),v) : PUT16LE(&(a),v))
+#define WRITE32(e,a,v) ((e) ? PUT32BE(&(a),v) : PUT32LE(&(a),v))
+#define WRITE(e,a,v) ((sizeof(v) == sizeof(char)) ? \
+ PUT8(&(a),v) : ((sizeof(v) == sizeof(short)) ? \
+ WRITE16(e,a,v) : WRITE32(e,a,v)))
+/* unsigned READ(int endianness, void *address) */
+#define READ16(e,a) ((e) ? GET16BE(&(a)) : GET16LE(&(a)))
+#define READ32(e,a) ((e) ? GET32BE(&(a)) : GET32LE(&(a)))
+#define READ(e,a) ((sizeof(a) == sizeof(char)) ? \
+ GET8((CP_U8)&(a)) : ((sizeof(a) == sizeof(short)) ? \
+ READ16(e,a) : READ32(e,a)))
+/* void PWRITE(int endianness, void *address, unsigned value); */
+#define PWRITE16(e,a,v) ((e) ? PUT16BE(a,v) : PUT16LE(a,v))
+#define PWRITE32(e,a,v) ((e) ? PUT32BE(a,v) : PUT32LE(a,v))
+#define PWRITE(e,a,v) ((sizeof(v) == sizeof(char)) ? \
+ PUT8(a,v) : ((sizeof(v) == sizeof(short)) ? \
+ PWRITE16(e,a,v) : PWRITE32(e,a,v)))
+/* unsigned PREAD(int endianness, void *address) */
+#define PREAD16(e,a) ((e) ? GET16BE(a) : GET16LE(a))
+#define PREAD32(e,a) ((e) ? GET32BE(a) : GET32LE(a))
+#define PREAD(e,a) ((sizeof(*(a)) == sizeof(char)) ? \
+ GET8((CP_U8)a) : ((sizeof(*(a)) == sizeof(short)) ? \
+ PREAD16(e,a) : PREAD32(e,a)))
+#endif /* !defined(angel_endian_h) */
+/* EOF angel_endian.h */
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c b/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c
index f61f724..f7a391e 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
#undef uint
-#include "endian.h"
+#include "angel_endian.h"
#include "ardi.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "hostchan.h"
#include "host.h"
-#include "bytesex.h"
+#include "angel_bytesex.h"
#include "dbg_cp.h"
#include "adp.h"
#include "hsys.h"
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ static int HandleStoppedMessage(Packet *packet, void *stateptr) {
stopped_info->stopped_status = RDIError_NoError;
- stopped_info->stopped_status = RDIError_NoError;
+ stopped_info->stopped_status = RDIError_Error;
return RDIError_NoError;
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.c b/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.c
index 7fa142b..51ac29e 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include "adp.h"
#include "hsys.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,172 @@
#include "hostchan.h"
#include "logging.h"
+static char *angelDebugFilename = NULL;
+static FILE *angelDebugLogFile = NULL;
+static int angelDebugLogEnable = 0;
+static void openLogFile ()
+ time_t t;
+ struct tm lt;
+ if (angelDebugFilename == NULL || *angelDebugFilename =='\0')
+ return;
+ angelDebugLogFile = fopen (angelDebugFilename,"a");
+ if (!angelDebugLogFile)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,"Error opening log file '%s'\n",angelDebugFilename);
+ perror ("fopen");
+ }
+ else
+ setlinebuf (angelDebugLogFile);
+ time (&t);
+ fprintf (angelDebugLogFile,"ADP log file opened at %s\n",asctime(localtime(&t)));
+static void closeLogFile (void)
+ time_t t;
+ struct tm lt;
+ if (!angelDebugLogFile)
+ return;
+ time (&t);
+ fprintf (angelDebugLogFile,"ADP log file closed at %s\n",asctime(localtime(&t)));
+ fclose (angelDebugLogFile);
+ angelDebugLogFile = NULL;
+void DevSW_SetLogEnable (int logEnableFlag)
+ if (logEnableFlag && !angelDebugLogFile)
+ openLogFile ();
+ else if (!logEnableFlag && angelDebugLogFile)
+ closeLogFile ();
+ angelDebugLogEnable = logEnableFlag;
+void DevSW_SetLogfile (const char *filename)
+ closeLogFile ();
+ if (angelDebugFilename)
+ {
+ free (angelDebugFilename);
+ angelDebugFilename = NULL;
+ }
+ if (filename && *filename)
+ {
+ angelDebugFilename = strdup (filename);
+ if (angelDebugLogEnable)
+ openLogFile ();
+ }
+#define WordAt(p) ((unsigned long) ((p)[0] | ((p)[1]<<8) | ((p)[2]<<16) | ((p)[3]<<24)))
+static void dumpPacket(FILE *fp, char *label, struct data_packet *p)
+ unsigned r;
+ int i;
+ if (!fp)
+ return;
+ fprintf(fp,"%s [T=%d L=%d] ",label,p->type,p->len);
+ for (i=0; i<p->len; ++i)
+ fprintf(fp,"%02x ",p->data[i]);
+ fprintf(fp,"\n");
+ r = WordAt(p->data+4);
+ fprintf(fp,"R=%08x ",r);
+ fprintf(fp,"%s ", r&0x80000000 ? "H<-T" : "H->T");
+ switch ((r>>16) & 0xff)
+ {
+ case CI_PRIVATE: fprintf(fp,"CI_PRIVATE: "); break;
+ case CI_HADP: fprintf(fp,"CI_HADP: "); break;
+ case CI_TADP: fprintf(fp,"CI_TADP: "); break;
+ case CI_HBOOT: fprintf(fp,"CI_HBOOT: "); break;
+ case CI_TBOOT: fprintf(fp,"CI_TBOOT: "); break;
+ case CI_CLIB: fprintf(fp,"CI_CLIB: "); break;
+ case CI_HUDBG: fprintf(fp,"CI_HUDBG: "); break;
+ case CI_TUDBG: fprintf(fp,"CI_TUDBG: "); break;
+ case CI_HTDCC: fprintf(fp,"CI_HTDCC: "); break;
+ case CI_TTDCC: fprintf(fp,"CI_TTDCC: "); break;
+ case CI_TLOG: fprintf(fp,"CI_TLOG: "); break;
+ default: fprintf(fp,"BadChan: "); break;
+ }
+ switch (r & 0xffffff)
+ {
+ case ADP_Booted: fprintf(fp," ADP_Booted "); break;
+#if defined(ADP_TargetResetIndication)
+ case ADP_TargetResetIndication: fprintf(fp," ADP_TargetResetIndication "); break;
+ case ADP_Reboot: fprintf(fp," ADP_Reboot "); break;
+ case ADP_Reset: fprintf(fp," ADP_Reset "); break;
+#if defined(ADP_HostResetIndication)
+ case ADP_HostResetIndication: fprintf(fp," ADP_HostResetIndication "); break;
+ case ADP_ParamNegotiate: fprintf(fp," ADP_ParamNegotiate "); break;
+ case ADP_LinkCheck: fprintf(fp," ADP_LinkCheck "); break;
+ case ADP_HADPUnrecognised: fprintf(fp," ADP_HADPUnrecognised "); break;
+ case ADP_Info: fprintf(fp," ADP_Info "); break;
+ case ADP_Control: fprintf(fp," ADP_Control "); break;
+ case ADP_Read: fprintf(fp," ADP_Read "); break;
+ case ADP_Write: fprintf(fp," ADP_Write "); break;
+ case ADP_CPUread: fprintf(fp," ADP_CPUread "); break;
+ case ADP_CPUwrite: fprintf(fp," ADP_CPUwrite "); break;
+ case ADP_CPread: fprintf(fp," ADP_CPread "); break;
+ case ADP_CPwrite: fprintf(fp," ADP_CPwrite "); break;
+ case ADP_SetBreak: fprintf(fp," ADP_SetBreak "); break;
+ case ADP_ClearBreak: fprintf(fp," ADP_ClearBreak "); break;
+ case ADP_SetWatch: fprintf(fp," ADP_SetWatch "); break;
+ case ADP_ClearWatch: fprintf(fp," ADP_ClearWatch "); break;
+ case ADP_Execute: fprintf(fp," ADP_Execute "); break;
+ case ADP_Step: fprintf(fp," ADP_Step "); break;
+ case ADP_InterruptRequest: fprintf(fp," ADP_InterruptRequest "); break;
+ case ADP_HW_Emulation: fprintf(fp," ADP_HW_Emulation "); break;
+ case ADP_ICEbreakerHADP: fprintf(fp," ADP_ICEbreakerHADP "); break;
+ case ADP_ICEman: fprintf(fp," ADP_ICEman "); break;
+ case ADP_Profile: fprintf(fp," ADP_Profile "); break;
+ case ADP_InitialiseApplication: fprintf(fp," ADP_InitialiseApplication "); break;
+ case ADP_End: fprintf(fp," ADP_End "); break;
+ case ADP_TADPUnrecognised: fprintf(fp," ADP_TADPUnrecognised "); break;
+ case ADP_Stopped: fprintf(fp," ADP_Stopped "); break;
+ case ADP_TDCC_ToHost: fprintf(fp," ADP_TDCC_ToHost "); break;
+ case ADP_TDCC_FromHost: fprintf(fp," ADP_TDCC_FromHost "); break;
+ default: fprintf(fp," BadReason "); break;
+ }
+ i = 20;
+ if (((r & 0xffffff) == ADP_CPUread ||
+ (r & 0xffffff) == ADP_CPUwrite) && (r&0x80000000)==0)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp,"%02x ", p->data[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ for (; i<p->len; i+=4)
+ fprintf(fp,"%08x ",WordAt(p->data+i));
+ fprintf(fp,"\n");
* TODO: this should be adjustable - it could be done by defining
* a reason code for DevSW_Ioctl. It could even be a
@@ -309,6 +476,10 @@ AdpErrs DevSW_Read(const DeviceDescr *device, const DevChanID type,
#ifdef RET_DEBUG
printf("got a complete packet\n");
+ if (angelDebugLogEnable)
+ dumpPacket(angelDebugLogFile,"rx:",&ds->ds_activeread.dc_packet);
*packet = Adp_removeFromQueue(&ds->ds_readqueue[type]);
return adp_ok;
@@ -380,6 +551,10 @@ AdpErrs DevSW_Write(const DeviceDescr *device, Packet *packet, DevChanID type)
* we can take this packet - set things up, then try to get rid of it
initialise_write(dc, packet, type);
+ if (angelDebugLogEnable)
+ dumpPacket(angelDebugLogFile,"tx:",&dc->dc_packet);
flush_packet(device, dc);
return adp_ok;
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.h b/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.h
index f561768..749e7e6 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.h
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/devsw.h
@@ -259,6 +259,13 @@ AdpErrs DevSW_Ioctl(const DeviceDescr *device, const int opcode, void *args);
bool DevSW_WriteFinished(const DeviceDescr *device);
+ * set filename and enable/disable logginf of ADP packets
+ */
+void DevSW_SetLogfile(const char *filename);
+void DevSW_SetLogEnable(int logEnableFlag);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/etherdrv.c b/gdb/rdi-share/etherdrv.c
index 58462d4..d9c5c0f 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/etherdrv.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/etherdrv.c
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
#include "hsys.h"
#include "devices.h"
-#include "endian.h"
+#include "angel_endian.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "hostchan.h"
#include "params.h"
@@ -282,6 +282,10 @@ static void fetch_ports(void)
* port on the remote target
ia->sin_port = htons(CTRL_PORT);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("CTLR_PORT=0x%04x sin_port=0x%04x\n");
if (sendto(sock, ctrlpacket, sizeof(ctrlpacket), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)ia, sizeof(*ia)) < 0)
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.c b/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.c
index 8e41da4..3114c52 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.c
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void Adp_addToQueue(Packet **head, Packet *newpkt)
ASSERT(&(((Packet *)0)->pk_next) == 0, "bad struct Packet layout");
-#if DEBUG && 0
+#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
printf("Adp_addToQueue(%p, %p)\n", head, newpkt);
@@ -265,6 +265,16 @@ Packet *Adp_removeFromQueue(Packet **head)
return pk;
+void Adp_SetLogEnable(int logEnableFlag)
+ DevSW_SetLogEnable(logEnableFlag);
+void Adp_SetLogfile(const char *filename)
+ DevSW_SetLogfile(filename);
AdpErrs Adp_OpenDevice(const char *name, const char *arg,
unsigned int heartbeat_on)
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h b/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h
index 44563a6..b9acb77 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h
@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ extern void Adp_addToQueue(Packet **head, Packet *newpkt);
extern Packet *Adp_removeFromQueue(Packet **head);
+ * Set log file and Enable/disable logging of ADP packets to file.
+ */
+void Adp_SetLogfile(const char *filename);
+void Adp_SetLogEnable(int logEnableFlag);
* Function: Adp_OpenDevice
* Purpose: Open a device to use for channels communication. This is a
* very thin veneer to the device drivers: what hostchan.c
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/hsys.c b/gdb/rdi-share/hsys.c
index ef42a30..3913756 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/hsys.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/hsys.c
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include "ardi.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "channels.h" /* Channel interface. */
-#include "endian.h"
+#include "angel_endian.h"
#include "logging.h" /* Angel support functions. */
#include "msgbuild.h"
#include "sys.h"
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/msgbuild.c b/gdb/rdi-share/msgbuild.c
index e2db2cc..63263e7 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/msgbuild.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/msgbuild.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include "channels.h"
#include "buffers.h"
-#include "endian.h" /* Endianness support macros */
+#include "angel_endian.h" /* Endianness support macros */
#include "msgbuild.h" /* Header file for this source code */
#ifndef UNUSED
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/params.c b/gdb/rdi-share/params.c
index 2c78188..55d9eb2 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/params.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/params.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include "params.h"
-#include "endian.h"
+#include "angel_endian.h"
#include "logging.h"
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/rx.c b/gdb/rdi-share/rx.c
index 4f434f0..caf833a 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/rx.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/rx.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <stdarg.h> /* ANSI varargs support */
#include "angel.h" /* Angel system definitions */
-#include "endian.h" /* Endian independant memory access macros */
+#include "angel_endian.h" /* Endian independant memory access macros */
#include "crc.h" /* crc generation definitions and headers */
#include "rxtx.h"
#include "channels.h"
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/tx.c b/gdb/rdi-share/tx.c
index a52286c..7d8d154 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/tx.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/tx.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include <stdarg.h> /* ANSI varargs support */
#include "angel.h" /* Angel system definitions */
-#include "endian.h" /* Endian independant memory access macros */
+#include "angel_endian.h" /* Endian independant memory access macros */
#include "crc.h" /* crc generation definitions and headers */
#include "rxtx.h"
#include "channels.h"
diff --git a/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c b/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c
index 61d84e3..86bffc0 100644
--- a/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c
+++ b/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c
@@ -287,7 +287,14 @@ extern int Unix_ReadSerial(unsigned char *buf, int n, bool block)
return -1;
else if (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(serpfd, &fdset))
- return read(serpfd, buf, n);
+ {
+ int s;
+ s = read(serpfd, buf, n);
+ if (s < 0)
+ perror("read:");
+ return s;
+ }
else /* err == 0 || FD_CLR(serpfd, &fdset) */