path: root/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
diff options
authorStu Grossman <grossman@cygnus>1994-07-28 22:07:02 +0000
committerStu Grossman <grossman@cygnus>1994-07-28 22:07:02 +0000
commit754e5da26e5fb9374d6768188944fbca8d49d37c (patch)
treeb875074ed1ccedc6d761f8dab2eb4b47091bc0f4 /gdb/gdbtk.tcl
parentb98612f1fd9f751389044d28cfa5e66fbf2f1a7f (diff)
* Makefile.in (INSTALLED_LIBS, CLIBS, DEPFILES): Add support for
--enable-xxx configure option by adding ENABLE_{CLIBS DEPFILES} where appropriate. * General hackery to support alternate user-interface. * breakpoint.c (mention, delete_breakpoint, enable_breakpoint, disable_breakpoint): Call hooks for alternate user-interface. * defs.h: Add declarations for alternate user-interface hooks. * main.c (main): Add --nw (and --nowindows) options to disable the GUI. * (near call to command_loop): Call command_loop_hook if set. * (fputs_unfiltered): Call fputs_unfiltered_hook if set. * stack.c: Call print_frame_info_listing_hook if set. * top.c (gdb_init): Initialize targets.c and utils.c prior to other files to make sure that calls to error and warning will work. Call init_ui_hook after everything else. * utils.c (query): Call query_hook if set. * (gdb_flush): Call flush_hook if set. * Change _initialize_utils to initialize_utils cuz we don't use automatic initialization of utils.c anymore. * Support for TK GUI. * Makefile.in: Add rule for gdbtk.o. * configure.in: Add support for --enable-gdbtk. * gdbtk.c: New file. Contains support routines for TK interface. * gdbtk.tcl: New file. Implements GUI policy. * remote.c: Get rid of #ifdef DONT_USE_REMOTE. It's no longer necessary.
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/gdbtk.tcl')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/gdbtk.tcl b/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..425041e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/gdbtk.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# GDB GUI setup
+set cfile Blank
+set wins($cfile) .text
+set current_label {}
+set screen_height 0
+set screen_top 0
+set screen_bot 0
+proc test {} {
+ update_listing {termcap.c foo /etc/termcap 200}
+proc echo string {puts stdout $string}
+proc gdbtk_tcl_fputs {arg} {
+ .command.text insert end "$arg"
+ .command.text yview -pickplace end
+proc gdbtk_tcl_flush {} {update idletasks}
+proc gdbtk_tcl_query {message} {
+ tk_dialog .query "gdb : query" "$message" {} 1 "No" "Yes"
+ }
+if [info exists env(EDITOR)] then {
+ set editor $env(EDITOR)
+ } else {
+ set editor emacs
+proc gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation {valaddr ref_type stor_cl cum_expr field type_cast} {
+ echo "gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation $valaddr $ref_type $stor_cl $cum_expr $field $type_cast"
+proc gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation {} {
+ echo gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation
+proc insert_breakpoint_tag {win line} {
+ $win configure -state normal
+ $win delete $line.0
+ $win insert $line.0 "B"
+ $win tag add $line $line.0
+ $win tag bind $line <1> {
+# echo "tag %W %X %Y %x"
+# echo "tag names [$wins($cfile) tag names]"
+ }
+ $win configure -state disabled
+proc delete_breakpoint_tag {win line} {
+ $win configure -state normal
+ $win delete $line.0
+ $win insert $line.0 " "
+ $win tag delete $line
+ $win configure -state disabled
+# Callback from GDB to notify us of breakpoint creation.
+proc create_breakpoint {bpnum file line} {
+ global wins
+ global breakpoint_file
+ global breakpoint_line
+# Record breakpoint locations
+ set breakpoint_file($bpnum) $file
+ set breakpoint_line($bpnum) $line
+# If there isn't a window for this file, don't try to update it
+ if [info exists wins($file)] {
+ insert_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line
+ }
+proc delete_breakpoint {bpnum file line} {
+ global wins
+ global breakpoint_file
+ global breakpoint_line
+# Save line number for later
+ set line $breakpoint_line($bpnum)
+# Reset breakpoint annotation info
+ unset breakpoint_file($bpnum)
+ unset breakpoint_line($bpnum)
+# If there isn't a window for this file, don't try to update it
+ if [info exists wins($file)] {
+ delete_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line
+ }
+# This is a callback from C code to notify us of breakpoint changes. ACTION
+# can be one of create, delete, enable, or disable.
+proc gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint {action bpnum file line} {
+ ${action}_breakpoint $bpnum $file $line
+# Create the popup listing window menu
+menu .breakpoint -cursor hand2
+.breakpoint add command -label Break
+.breakpoint add separator
+.breakpoint add command -label "Edit" -command {exec $editor +$selected_line $selected_file &}
+.breakpoint add command -label "Set breakpoint" -command {gdb_cmd "break $selected_file:$selected_line"}
+#.breakpoint add command -label "Clear breakpoint" -command {echo "Clear"}
+#.breakpoint add command -label "Enable breakpoint" -command {echo "Enable"}
+#.breakpoint add command -label "Disable breakpoint" -command {echo "Disable"}
+# Come here when button is released in the popup menu
+bind .breakpoint <Any-ButtonRelease-1> {
+ global selected_win
+# First, remove the menu, and release the pointer
+ .breakpoint unpost
+ grab release .breakpoint
+# Unhighlight the selected line
+ $selected_win tag delete breaktag
+# echo "after deleting $selected_win [$selected_win tag names]"
+# echo "grab [grab current]"
+# Actually invoke the menubutton here!
+ tk_invokeMenu %W
+# destroy .breakpoint
+ grab release $selected_win
+# Button 1 has been pressed in a listing window. Pop up a menu.
+proc breakpoint_menu {win x y xrel yrel} {
+ global wins
+ global win_to_file
+ global file_to_debug_file
+ global highlight
+ global selected_line
+ global selected_file
+ global selected_win
+ grab $win
+# echo "bpm grab current [grab current]"
+# Map TK window name back to file name.
+ set file $win_to_file($win)
+ set pos [$win index @$xrel,$yrel]
+# Record selected file and line for menu button actions
+ set selected_file $file_to_debug_file($file)
+ set selected_line [lindex [split $pos .] 0]
+ set selected_win $win
+# Highlight the selected line
+ eval $win tag config breaktag $highlight
+ $win tag add breaktag "$pos linestart" "$pos linestart + 1l"
+# Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it)
+ .breakpoint post [expr $x-[winfo width .breakpoint]/2] [expr $y-10]
+ grab .breakpoint
+# echo "after grab [grab current]"
+proc do_nothing {} {}
+proc create_file_win {filename} {
+ global breakpoint_file
+ global breakpoint_line
+ regsub -all {\.|/} $filename {} temp
+ set win .text$temp
+ text $win -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2
+ bind $win <Enter> {focus %W}
+# bind $win <1> {breakpoint_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ bind $win <B1-Motion> do_nothing
+ bind $win n {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr}
+ bind $win s {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr}
+ bind $win c {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
+ bind $win f {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
+ bind $win u {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
+ bind $win d {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
+ set fh [open $filename]
+ $win delete 0.0 end
+ $win insert 0.0 [read $fh]
+ close $fh
+ set numlines [$win index end]
+ set numlines [lindex [split $numlines .] 0]
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= $numlines} {incr i} {
+ $win insert $i.0 [format " %4d " $i]
+ }
+ $win tag add wholebuf 0.0 end
+ $win tag bind wholebuf <1> {breakpoint_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ foreach bpnum [array names breakpoint_file] {
+ if {$breakpoint_file($bpnum) == $filename} {
+ insert_breakpoint_tag $win $breakpoint_line($bpnum)
+ }
+ }
+ $win configure -state disabled
+ return $win
+proc update_listing {linespec} {
+ global pointers
+ global screen_height
+ global screen_top
+ global screen_bot
+ global wins cfile
+ global current_label
+ global win_to_file
+ global file_to_debug_file
+ set line [lindex $linespec 3]
+ set filename [lindex $linespec 2]
+ set funcname [lindex $linespec 1]
+ set debug_file [lindex $linespec 0]
+ if {$filename == ""} {set filename Blank}
+ if {$filename != $cfile} then {
+ pack forget $wins($cfile)
+ set cfile $filename
+ if ![info exists wins($cfile)] then {
+ set wins($cfile) [create_file_win $cfile]
+ set win_to_file($wins($cfile)) $cfile
+ set file_to_debug_file($cfile) $debug_file
+ set pointers($cfile) 1.1
+ }
+ pack $wins($cfile) -side left -expand yes -in .listing -fill both -after .label
+ $wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2]
+ }
+ if {$current_label != "$filename.$funcname"} then {
+ set tail [expr [string last / $filename] + 1]
+ .label configure -text "[string range $filename $tail end] : ${funcname}()"
+ set current_label $filename.$funcname
+ }
+ if [info exists pointers($cfile)] then {
+ $wins($cfile) configure -state normal
+ set pointer_pos $pointers($cfile)
+ $wins($cfile) configure -state normal
+ $wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos
+ $wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos " "
+ set pointer_pos [$wins($cfile) index $line.1]
+ set pointers($cfile) $pointer_pos
+ $wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos
+ $wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos "\xbb"
+ if {$line < $screen_top + 1
+ || $line > $screen_bot} then {
+ $wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2]
+ }
+ $wins($cfile) configure -state disabled
+ }
+proc update_ptr {} {update_listing [gdb_loc]}
+# Setup listing window
+frame .listing
+wm minsize . 1 1
+label .label -text "*No file*" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
+text $wins($cfile) -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2
+scrollbar .scroll -orient vertical -command {$wins($cfile) yview}
+if {[tk colormodel .text] == "color"} {
+ set highlight "-background red2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunk"
+} else {
+ set fg [lindex [.text config -foreground] 4]
+ set bg [lindex [.text config -background] 4]
+ set highlight "-foreground $bg -background $fg -borderwidth 0"
+proc textscrollproc {args} {global screen_height screen_top screen_bot
+ eval ".scroll set $args"
+ set screen_height [lindex $args 1]
+ set screen_top [lindex $args 2]
+ set screen_bot [lindex $args 3]}
+$wins($cfile) insert 0.0 " This page intentionally left blank."
+$wins($cfile) configure -state disabled
+pack .label -side bottom -fill x -in .listing
+pack $wins($cfile) -side left -expand yes -in .listing -fill both
+pack .scroll -side left -fill y -in .listing
+button .start -text Start -command \
+ {gdb_cmd {break main}
+ gdb_cmd {enable delete $bpnum}
+ gdb_cmd run
+ update_ptr }
+button .step -text Step -command {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr}
+button .next -text Next -command {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr}
+button .continue -text Continue -command {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
+button .finish -text Finish -command {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
+#button .test -text Test -command {echo [info var]}
+button .exit -text Exit -command {gdb_cmd quit}
+button .up -text Up -command {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
+button .down -text Down -command {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
+button .bottom -text "Bottom" -command {gdb_cmd {frame 0} ; update_ptr}
+proc files_command {} {
+ toplevel .files_window
+ wm minsize .files_window 1 1
+# wm overrideredirect .files_window true
+ listbox .files_window.list -geometry 30x20 -setgrid true
+ button .files_window.close -text Close -command {destroy .files_window}
+ tk_listboxSingleSelect .files_window.list
+ eval .files_window.list insert 0 [lsort [gdb_listfiles]]
+ pack .files_window.list -side top -fill both -expand yes
+ pack .files_window.close -side bottom -fill x -expand no -anchor s
+ bind .files_window.list <Any-ButtonRelease-1> {
+ set file [%W get [%W curselection]]
+ gdb_cmd "list $file:1,0"
+ update_listing [gdb_loc $file:1]
+ destroy .files_window}
+button .files -text Files -command files_command
+pack .listing -side bottom -fill both -expand yes
+#pack .test -side bottom -fill x
+pack .start .step .next .continue .finish .up .down .bottom .files .exit -side left
+toplevel .command
+# Setup command window
+label .command.label -text "* Command Buffer *" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
+text .command.text -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -cursor hand2
+pack .command.label -side top -fill x
+pack .command.text -side top -expand yes -fill both
+set command_line {}
+gdb_cmd {set language c}
+gdb_cmd {set height 0}
+gdb_cmd {set width 0}
+bind .command.text <Any-Key> {
+ global command_line
+ %W insert end %A
+ %W yview -pickplace end
+ append command_line %A
+ }
+bind .command.text <Key-Return> {
+ global command_line
+ %W insert end \n
+ %W yview -pickplace end
+ gdb_cmd $command_line
+ set command_line {}
+ update_ptr
+ %W insert end "(gdb) "
+ %W yview -pickplace end
+ }
+bind .command.text <Enter> {focus %W}
+bind .command.text <Delete> {delete_char %W}
+bind .command.text <BackSpace> {delete_char %W}
+proc delete_char {win} {
+ global command_line
+ tk_textBackspace $win
+ $win yview -pickplace insert
+ set tmp [expr [string length $command_line] - 2]
+ set command_line [string range $command_line 0 $tmp]
+wm minsize .command 1 1