path: root/gdb/doc/gdb.info-5
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authorStan Shebs <shebs@codesourcery.com>1999-04-16 01:34:49 +0000
committerStan Shebs <shebs@codesourcery.com>1999-04-16 01:34:49 +0000
commit9733ab3f56072534b447188f48d3d5bc9911189e (patch)
tree26640d911c16263ab87ed1f12b60700a2cd390c2 /gdb/doc/gdb.info-5
parent071ea11e85eb9d529cc5eb3d35f6247466a21b99 (diff)
Initial creation of sourceware repository
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/doc/gdb.info-5')
1 files changed, 1185 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854e34f
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+This is Info file ./gdb.info, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from
+the input file gdb.texinfo.
+* Gdb: (gdb). The GNU debugger.
+ This file documents the GNU debugger GDB.
+ This is the Seventh Edition, February 1999, of `Debugging with GDB:
+the GNU Source-Level Debugger' for GDB Version 4.18.
+ Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
+that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
+of a permission notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+File: gdb.info, Node: C Operators, Next: C Constants, Up: C
+C and C++ operators
+ Operators must be defined on values of specific types. For instance,
+`+' is defined on numbers, but not on structures. Operators are often
+defined on groups of types.
+ For the purposes of C and C++, the following definitions hold:
+ * *Integral types* include `int' with any of its storage-class
+ specifiers; `char'; and `enum'.
+ * *Floating-point types* include `float' and `double'.
+ * *Pointer types* include all types defined as `(TYPE *)'.
+ * *Scalar types* include all of the above.
+The following operators are supported. They are listed here in order
+of increasing precedence:
+ The comma or sequencing operator. Expressions in a
+ comma-separated list are evaluated from left to right, with the
+ result of the entire expression being the last expression
+ evaluated.
+ Assignment. The value of an assignment expression is the value
+ assigned. Defined on scalar types.
+ Used in an expression of the form `A OP= B', and translated to
+ `A = A OP B'. `OP=' and `=' have the same precendence. OP is any
+ one of the operators `|', `^', `&', `<<', `>>', `+', `-', `*',
+ `/', `%'.
+ The ternary operator. `A ? B : C' can be thought of as: if A
+ then B else C. A should be of an integral type.
+ Logical OR. Defined on integral types.
+ Logical AND. Defined on integral types.
+ Bitwise OR. Defined on integral types.
+ Bitwise exclusive-OR. Defined on integral types.
+ Bitwise AND. Defined on integral types.
+`==, !='
+ Equality and inequality. Defined on scalar types. The value of
+ these expressions is 0 for false and non-zero for true.
+`<, >, <=, >='
+ Less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater than or equal.
+ Defined on scalar types. The value of these expressions is 0 for
+ false and non-zero for true.
+`<<, >>'
+ left shift, and right shift. Defined on integral types.
+ The GDB "artificial array" operator (*note Expressions:
+ Expressions.).
+`+, -'
+ Addition and subtraction. Defined on integral types,
+ floating-point types and pointer types.
+`*, /, %'
+ Multiplication, division, and modulus. Multiplication and
+ division are defined on integral and floating-point types.
+ Modulus is defined on integral types.
+`++, --'
+ Increment and decrement. When appearing before a variable, the
+ operation is performed before the variable is used in an
+ expression; when appearing after it, the variable's value is used
+ before the operation takes place.
+ Pointer dereferencing. Defined on pointer types. Same precedence
+ as `++'.
+ Address operator. Defined on variables. Same precedence as `++'.
+ For debugging C++, GDB implements a use of `&' beyond what is
+ allowed in the C++ language itself: you can use `&(&REF)' (or, if
+ you prefer, simply `&&REF') to examine the address where a C++
+ reference variable (declared with `&REF') is stored.
+ Negative. Defined on integral and floating-point types. Same
+ precedence as `++'.
+ Logical negation. Defined on integral types. Same precedence as
+ `++'.
+ Bitwise complement operator. Defined on integral types. Same
+ precedence as `++'.
+`., ->'
+ Structure member, and pointer-to-structure member. For
+ convenience, GDB regards the two as equivalent, choosing whether
+ to dereference a pointer based on the stored type information.
+ Defined on `struct' and `union' data.
+ Array indexing. `A[I]' is defined as `*(A+I)'. Same precedence
+ as `->'.
+ Function parameter list. Same precedence as `->'.
+ C++ scope resolution operator. Defined on `struct', `union', and
+ `class' types.
+ Doubled colons also represent the GDB scope operator (*note
+ Expressions: Expressions.). Same precedence as `::', above.
+* Menu:
+* C Constants::
+File: gdb.info, Node: C Constants, Next: Cplus expressions, Prev: C Operators, Up: C
+C and C++ constants
+ GDB allows you to express the constants of C and C++ in the
+following ways:
+ * Integer constants are a sequence of digits. Octal constants are
+ specified by a leading `0' (i.e. zero), and hexadecimal constants
+ by a leading `0x' or `0X'. Constants may also end with a letter
+ `l', specifying that the constant should be treated as a `long'
+ value.
+ * Floating point constants are a sequence of digits, followed by a
+ decimal point, followed by a sequence of digits, and optionally
+ followed by an exponent. An exponent is of the form:
+ `e[[+]|-]NNN', where NNN is another sequence of digits. The `+'
+ is optional for positive exponents.
+ * Enumerated constants consist of enumerated identifiers, or their
+ integral equivalents.
+ * Character constants are a single character surrounded by single
+ quotes (`''), or a number--the ordinal value of the corresponding
+ character (usually its ASCII value). Within quotes, the single
+ character may be represented by a letter or by "escape sequences",
+ which are of the form `\NNN', where NNN is the octal representation
+ of the character's ordinal value; or of the form `\X', where `X'
+ is a predefined special character--for example, `\n' for newline.
+ * String constants are a sequence of character constants surrounded
+ by double quotes (`"').
+ * Pointer constants are an integral value. You can also write
+ pointers to constants using the C operator `&'.
+ * Array constants are comma-separated lists surrounded by braces `{'
+ and `}'; for example, `{1,2,3}' is a three-element array of
+ integers, `{{1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6}}' is a three-by-two array, and
+ `{&"hi", &"there", &"fred"}' is a three-element array of pointers.
+* Menu:
+* Cplus expressions::
+* C Defaults::
+* C Checks::
+* Debugging C::
+File: gdb.info, Node: Cplus expressions, Next: C Defaults, Prev: C Constants, Up: C
+C++ expressions
+ GDB expression handling can interpret most C++ expressions.
+ *Warning:* GDB can only debug C++ code if you use the proper
+ compiler. Typically, C++ debugging depends on the use of
+ additional debugging information in the symbol table, and thus
+ requires special support. In particular, if your compiler
+ generates a.out, MIPS ECOFF, RS/6000 XCOFF, or ELF with stabs
+ extensions to the symbol table, these facilities are all
+ available. (With GNU CC, you can use the `-gstabs' option to
+ request stabs debugging extensions explicitly.) Where the object
+ code format is standard COFF or DWARF in ELF, on the other hand,
+ most of the C++ support in GDB does *not* work.
+ 1. Member function calls are allowed; you can use expressions like
+ count = aml->GetOriginal(x, y)
+ 2. While a member function is active (in the selected stack frame),
+ your expressions have the same namespace available as the member
+ function; that is, GDB allows implicit references to the class
+ instance pointer `this' following the same rules as C++.
+ 3. You can call overloaded functions; GDB resolves the function call
+ to the right definition, with one restriction--you must use
+ arguments of the type required by the function that you want to
+ call. GDB does not perform conversions requiring constructors or
+ user-defined type operators.
+ 4. GDB understands variables declared as C++ references; you can use
+ them in expressions just as you do in C++ source--they are
+ automatically dereferenced.
+ In the parameter list shown when GDB displays a frame, the values
+ of reference variables are not displayed (unlike other variables);
+ this avoids clutter, since references are often used for large
+ structures. The *address* of a reference variable is always
+ shown, unless you have specified `set print address off'.
+ 5. GDB supports the C++ name resolution operator `::'--your
+ expressions can use it just as expressions in your program do.
+ Since one scope may be defined in another, you can use `::'
+ repeatedly if necessary, for example in an expression like
+ `SCOPE1::SCOPE2::NAME'. GDB also allows resolving name scope by
+ reference to source files, in both C and C++ debugging (*note
+ Program variables: Variables.).
+File: gdb.info, Node: C Defaults, Next: C Checks, Prev: Cplus expressions, Up: C
+C and C++ defaults
+ If you allow GDB to set type and range checking automatically, they
+both default to `off' whenever the working language changes to C or
+C++. This happens regardless of whether you or GDB selects the working
+ If you allow GDB to set the language automatically, it recognizes
+source files whose names end with `.c', `.C', or `.cc', etc, and when
+GDB enters code compiled from one of these files, it sets the working
+language to C or C++. *Note Having GDB infer the source language:
+Automatically, for further details.
+File: gdb.info, Node: C Checks, Next: Debugging C, Prev: C Defaults, Up: C Constants
+C and C++ type and range checks
+ By default, when GDB parses C or C++ expressions, type checking is
+not used. However, if you turn type checking on, GDB considers two
+variables type equivalent if:
+ * The two variables are structured and have the same structure,
+ union, or enumerated tag.
+ * The two variables have the same type name, or types that have been
+ declared equivalent through `typedef'.
+ Range checking, if turned on, is done on mathematical operations.
+Array indices are not checked, since they are often used to index a
+pointer that is not itself an array.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Debugging C, Next: Debugging C plus plus, Prev: C Checks, Up: C
+GDB and C
+ The `set print union' and `show print union' commands apply to the
+`union' type. When set to `on', any `union' that is inside a `struct'
+or `class' is also printed. Otherwise, it appears as `{...}'.
+ The `@' operator aids in the debugging of dynamic arrays, formed
+with pointers and a memory allocation function. *Note Expressions:
+* Menu:
+* Debugging C plus plus::
+File: gdb.info, Node: Debugging C plus plus, Prev: Debugging C, Up: C
+GDB features for C++
+ Some GDB commands are particularly useful with C++, and some are
+designed specifically for use with C++. Here is a summary:
+`breakpoint menus'
+ When you want a breakpoint in a function whose name is overloaded,
+ GDB breakpoint menus help you specify which function definition
+ you want. *Note Breakpoint menus: Breakpoint Menus.
+`rbreak REGEX'
+ Setting breakpoints using regular expressions is helpful for
+ setting breakpoints on overloaded functions that are not members
+ of any special classes. *Note Setting breakpoints: Set Breaks.
+`catch throw'
+`catch catch'
+ Debug C++ exception handling using these commands. *Note Setting
+ catchpoints: Set Catchpoints.
+`ptype TYPENAME'
+ Print inheritance relationships as well as other information for
+ type TYPENAME. *Note Examining the Symbol Table: Symbols.
+`set print demangle'
+`show print demangle'
+`set print asm-demangle'
+`show print asm-demangle'
+ Control whether C++ symbols display in their source form, both when
+ displaying code as C++ source and when displaying disassemblies.
+ *Note Print settings: Print Settings.
+`set print object'
+`show print object'
+ Choose whether to print derived (actual) or declared types of
+ objects. *Note Print settings: Print Settings.
+`set print vtbl'
+`show print vtbl'
+ Control the format for printing virtual function tables. *Note
+ Print settings: Print Settings.
+`Overloaded symbol names'
+ You can specify a particular definition of an overloaded symbol,
+ using the same notation that is used to declare such symbols in
+ C++: type `SYMBOL(TYPES)' rather than just SYMBOL. You can also
+ use the GDB command-line word completion facilities to list the
+ available choices, or to finish the type list for you. *Note
+ Command completion: Completion, for details on how to do this.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Modula-2, Prev: C, Up: Support
+ The extensions made to GDB to support Modula-2 only support output
+from the GNU Modula-2 compiler (which is currently being developed).
+Other Modula-2 compilers are not currently supported, and attempting to
+debug executables produced by them is most likely to give an error as
+GDB reads in the executable's symbol table.
+* Menu:
+* M2 Operators:: Built-in operators
+* Built-In Func/Proc:: Built-in functions and procedures
+* M2 Constants:: Modula-2 constants
+* M2 Defaults:: Default settings for Modula-2
+* Deviations:: Deviations from standard Modula-2
+* M2 Checks:: Modula-2 type and range checks
+* M2 Scope:: The scope operators `::' and `.'
+* GDB/M2:: GDB and Modula-2
+File: gdb.info, Node: M2 Operators, Next: Built-In Func/Proc, Prev: Modula-2, Up: Modula-2
+ Operators must be defined on values of specific types. For instance,
+`+' is defined on numbers, but not on structures. Operators are often
+defined on groups of types. For the purposes of Modula-2, the
+following definitions hold:
+ * *Integral types* consist of `INTEGER', `CARDINAL', and their
+ subranges.
+ * *Character types* consist of `CHAR' and its subranges.
+ * *Floating-point types* consist of `REAL'.
+ * *Pointer types* consist of anything declared as `POINTER TO TYPE'.
+ * *Scalar types* consist of all of the above.
+ * *Set types* consist of `SET' and `BITSET' types.
+ * *Boolean types* consist of `BOOLEAN'.
+The following operators are supported, and appear in order of
+increasing precedence:
+ Function argument or array index separator.
+ Assignment. The value of VAR `:=' VALUE is VALUE.
+`<, >'
+ Less than, greater than on integral, floating-point, or enumerated
+ types.
+`<=, >='
+ Less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or
+ equal to on integral, floating-point and enumerated types, or set
+ inclusion on set types. Same precedence as `<'.
+`=, <>, #'
+ Equality and two ways of expressing inequality, valid on scalar
+ types. Same precedence as `<'. In GDB scripts, only `<>' is
+ available for inequality, since `#' conflicts with the script
+ comment character.
+ Set membership. Defined on set types and the types of their
+ members. Same precedence as `<'.
+ Boolean disjunction. Defined on boolean types.
+`AND, &'
+ Boolean conjuction. Defined on boolean types.
+ The GDB "artificial array" operator (*note Expressions:
+ Expressions.).
+`+, -'
+ Addition and subtraction on integral and floating-point types, or
+ union and difference on set types.
+ Multiplication on integral and floating-point types, or set
+ intersection on set types.
+ Division on floating-point types, or symmetric set difference on
+ set types. Same precedence as `*'.
+ Integer division and remainder. Defined on integral types. Same
+ precedence as `*'.
+ Negative. Defined on `INTEGER' and `REAL' data.
+ Pointer dereferencing. Defined on pointer types.
+ Boolean negation. Defined on boolean types. Same precedence as
+ `^'.
+ `RECORD' field selector. Defined on `RECORD' data. Same
+ precedence as `^'.
+ Array indexing. Defined on `ARRAY' data. Same precedence as `^'.
+ Procedure argument list. Defined on `PROCEDURE' objects. Same
+ precedence as `^'.
+`::, .'
+ GDB and Modula-2 scope operators.
+ *Warning:* Sets and their operations are not yet supported, so GDB
+ treats the use of the operator `IN', or the use of operators `+',
+ `-', `*', `/', `=', , `<>', `#', `<=', and `>=' on sets as an
+ error.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Built-In Func/Proc, Next: M2 Constants, Prev: M2 Operators, Up: Modula-2
+Built-in functions and procedures
+ Modula-2 also makes available several built-in procedures and
+functions. In describing these, the following metavariables are used:
+ represents an `ARRAY' variable.
+ represents a `CHAR' constant or variable.
+ represents a variable or constant of integral type.
+ represents an identifier that belongs to a set. Generally used in
+ the same function with the metavariable S. The type of S should
+ be `SET OF MTYPE' (where MTYPE is the type of M).
+ represents a variable or constant of integral or floating-point
+ type.
+ represents a variable or constant of floating-point type.
+ represents a type.
+ represents a variable.
+ represents a variable or constant of one of many types. See the
+ explanation of the function for details.
+ All Modula-2 built-in procedures also return a result, described
+ Returns the absolute value of N.
+ If C is a lower case letter, it returns its upper case equivalent,
+ otherwise it returns its argument
+ Returns the character whose ordinal value is I.
+ Decrements the value in the variable V. Returns the new value.
+ Decrements the value in the variable V by I. Returns the new
+ value.
+ Removes the element M from the set S. Returns the new set.
+ Returns the floating point equivalent of the integer I.
+ Returns the index of the last member of A.
+ Increments the value in the variable V. Returns the new value.
+ Increments the value in the variable V by I. Returns the new
+ value.
+ Adds the element M to the set S if it is not already there.
+ Returns the new set.
+ Returns the maximum value of the type T.
+ Returns the minimum value of the type T.
+ Returns boolean TRUE if I is an odd number.
+ Returns the ordinal value of its argument. For example, the
+ ordinal value of a character is its ASCII value (on machines
+ supporting the ASCII character set). X must be of an ordered
+ type, which include integral, character and enumerated types.
+ Returns the size of its argument. X can be a variable or a type.
+ Returns the integral part of R.
+ Returns the member of the type T whose ordinal value is I.
+ *Warning:* Sets and their operations are not yet supported, so
+ GDB treats the use of procedures `INCL' and `EXCL' as an error.
+File: gdb.info, Node: M2 Constants, Next: M2 Defaults, Prev: Built-In Func/Proc, Up: Modula-2
+ GDB allows you to express the constants of Modula-2 in the following
+ * Integer constants are simply a sequence of digits. When used in an
+ expression, a constant is interpreted to be type-compatible with
+ the rest of the expression. Hexadecimal integers are specified by
+ a trailing `H', and octal integers by a trailing `B'.
+ * Floating point constants appear as a sequence of digits, followed
+ by a decimal point and another sequence of digits. An optional
+ exponent can then be specified, in the form `E[+|-]NNN', where
+ `[+|-]NNN' is the desired exponent. All of the digits of the
+ floating point constant must be valid decimal (base 10) digits.
+ * Character constants consist of a single character enclosed by a
+ pair of like quotes, either single (`'') or double (`"'). They may
+ also be expressed by their ordinal value (their ASCII value,
+ usually) followed by a `C'.
+ * String constants consist of a sequence of characters enclosed by a
+ pair of like quotes, either single (`'') or double (`"'). Escape
+ sequences in the style of C are also allowed. *Note C and C++
+ constants: C Constants, for a brief explanation of escape
+ sequences.
+ * Enumerated constants consist of an enumerated identifier.
+ * Boolean constants consist of the identifiers `TRUE' and `FALSE'.
+ * Pointer constants consist of integral values only.
+ * Set constants are not yet supported.
+File: gdb.info, Node: M2 Defaults, Next: Deviations, Prev: M2 Constants, Up: Modula-2
+Modula-2 defaults
+ If type and range checking are set automatically by GDB, they both
+default to `on' whenever the working language changes to Modula-2.
+This happens regardless of whether you, or GDB, selected the working
+ If you allow GDB to set the language automatically, then entering
+code compiled from a file whose name ends with `.mod' sets the working
+language to Modula-2. *Note Having GDB set the language automatically:
+Automatically, for further details.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Deviations, Next: M2 Checks, Prev: M2 Defaults, Up: Modula-2
+Deviations from standard Modula-2
+ A few changes have been made to make Modula-2 programs easier to
+debug. This is done primarily via loosening its type strictness:
+ * Unlike in standard Modula-2, pointer constants can be formed by
+ integers. This allows you to modify pointer variables during
+ debugging. (In standard Modula-2, the actual address contained in
+ a pointer variable is hidden from you; it can only be modified
+ through direct assignment to another pointer variable or
+ expression that returned a pointer.)
+ * C escape sequences can be used in strings and characters to
+ represent non-printable characters. GDB prints out strings with
+ these escape sequences embedded. Single non-printable characters
+ are printed using the `CHR(NNN)' format.
+ * The assignment operator (`:=') returns the value of its right-hand
+ argument.
+ * All built-in procedures both modify *and* return their argument.
+File: gdb.info, Node: M2 Checks, Next: M2 Scope, Prev: Deviations, Up: Modula-2
+Modula-2 type and range checks
+ *Warning:* in this release, GDB does not yet perform type or range
+ checking.
+ GDB considers two Modula-2 variables type equivalent if:
+ * They are of types that have been declared equivalent via a `TYPE
+ T1 = T2' statement
+ * They have been declared on the same line. (Note: This is true of
+ the GNU Modula-2 compiler, but it may not be true of other
+ compilers.)
+ As long as type checking is enabled, any attempt to combine variables
+whose types are not equivalent is an error.
+ Range checking is done on all mathematical operations, assignment,
+array index bounds, and all built-in functions and procedures.
+File: gdb.info, Node: M2 Scope, Next: GDB/M2, Prev: M2 Checks, Up: Modula-2
+The scope operators `::' and `.'
+ There are a few subtle differences between the Modula-2 scope
+operator (`.') and the GDB scope operator (`::'). The two have similar
+where SCOPE is the name of a module or a procedure, MODULE the name of
+a module, and ID is any declared identifier within your program, except
+another module.
+ Using the `::' operator makes GDB search the scope specified by
+SCOPE for the identifier ID. If it is not found in the specified
+scope, then GDB searches all scopes enclosing the one specified by
+ Using the `.' operator makes GDB search the current scope for the
+identifier specified by ID that was imported from the definition module
+specified by MODULE. With this operator, it is an error if the
+identifier ID was not imported from definition module MODULE, or if ID
+is not an identifier in MODULE.
+File: gdb.info, Node: GDB/M2, Prev: M2 Scope, Up: Modula-2
+GDB and Modula-2
+ Some GDB commands have little use when debugging Modula-2 programs.
+Five subcommands of `set print' and `show print' apply specifically to
+C and C++: `vtbl', `demangle', `asm-demangle', `object', and `union'.
+The first four apply to C++, and the last to the C `union' type, which
+has no direct analogue in Modula-2.
+ The `@' operator (*note Expressions: Expressions.), while available
+while using any language, is not useful with Modula-2. Its intent is
+to aid the debugging of "dynamic arrays", which cannot be created in
+Modula-2 as they can in C or C++. However, because an address can be
+specified by an integral constant, the construct `{TYPE}ADREXP' is
+still useful. (*note Expressions: Expressions.)
+ In GDB scripts, the Modula-2 inequality operator `#' is interpreted
+as the beginning of a comment. Use `<>' instead.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Symbols, Next: Altering, Prev: Languages, Up: Top
+Examining the Symbol Table
+ The commands described in this section allow you to inquire about the
+symbols (names of variables, functions and types) defined in your
+program. This information is inherent in the text of your program and
+does not change as your program executes. GDB finds it in your
+program's symbol table, in the file indicated when you started GDB
+(*note Choosing files: File Options.), or by one of the file-management
+commands (*note Commands to specify files: Files.).
+ Occasionally, you may need to refer to symbols that contain unusual
+characters, which GDB ordinarily treats as word delimiters. The most
+frequent case is in referring to static variables in other source files
+(*note Program variables: Variables.). File names are recorded in
+object files as debugging symbols, but GDB would ordinarily parse a
+typical file name, like `foo.c', as the three words `foo' `.' `c'. To
+allow GDB to recognize `foo.c' as a single symbol, enclose it in single
+quotes; for example,
+ p 'foo.c'::x
+looks up the value of `x' in the scope of the file `foo.c'.
+`info address SYMBOL'
+ Describe where the data for SYMBOL is stored. For a register
+ variable, this says which register it is kept in. For a
+ non-register local variable, this prints the stack-frame offset at
+ which the variable is always stored.
+ Note the contrast with `print &SYMBOL', which does not work at all
+ for a register variable, and for a stack local variable prints the
+ exact address of the current instantiation of the variable.
+`whatis EXP'
+ Print the data type of expression EXP. EXP is not actually
+ evaluated, and any side-effecting operations (such as assignments
+ or function calls) inside it do not take place. *Note
+ Expressions: Expressions.
+ Print the data type of `$', the last value in the value history.
+`ptype TYPENAME'
+ Print a description of data type TYPENAME. TYPENAME may be the
+ name of a type, or for C code it may have the form `class
+ CLASS-NAME', `struct STRUCT-TAG', `union UNION-TAG' or `enum
+`ptype EXP'
+ Print a description of the type of expression EXP. `ptype'
+ differs from `whatis' by printing a detailed description, instead
+ of just the name of the type.
+ For example, for this variable declaration:
+ struct complex {double real; double imag;} v;
+ the two commands give this output:
+ (gdb) whatis v
+ type = struct complex
+ (gdb) ptype v
+ type = struct complex {
+ double real;
+ double imag;
+ }
+ As with `whatis', using `ptype' without an argument refers to the
+ type of `$', the last value in the value history.
+`info types REGEXP'
+`info types'
+ Print a brief description of all types whose name matches REGEXP
+ (or all types in your program, if you supply no argument). Each
+ complete typename is matched as though it were a complete line;
+ thus, `i type value' gives information on all types in your
+ program whose name includes the string `value', but `i type
+ ^value$' gives information only on types whose complete name is
+ `value'.
+ This command differs from `ptype' in two ways: first, like
+ `whatis', it does not print a detailed description; second, it
+ lists all source files where a type is defined.
+`info source'
+ Show the name of the current source file--that is, the source file
+ for the function containing the current point of execution--and
+ the language it was written in.
+`info sources'
+ Print the names of all source files in your program for which
+ there is debugging information, organized into two lists: files
+ whose symbols have already been read, and files whose symbols will
+ be read when needed.
+`info functions'
+ Print the names and data types of all defined functions.
+`info functions REGEXP'
+ Print the names and data types of all defined functions whose
+ names contain a match for regular expression REGEXP. Thus, `info
+ fun step' finds all functions whose names include `step'; `info
+ fun ^step' finds those whose names start with `step'.
+`info variables'
+ Print the names and data types of all variables that are declared
+ outside of functions (i.e., excluding local variables).
+`info variables REGEXP'
+ Print the names and data types of all variables (except for local
+ variables) whose names contain a match for regular expression
+ Some systems allow individual object files that make up your
+ program to be replaced without stopping and restarting your
+ program. For example, in VxWorks you can simply recompile a
+ defective object file and keep on running. If you are running on
+ one of these systems, you can allow GDB to reload the symbols for
+ automatically relinked modules:
+ `set symbol-reloading on'
+ Replace symbol definitions for the corresponding source file
+ when an object file with a particular name is seen again.
+ `set symbol-reloading off'
+ Do not replace symbol definitions when re-encountering object
+ files of the same name. This is the default state; if you
+ are not running on a system that permits automatically
+ relinking modules, you should leave `symbol-reloading' off,
+ since otherwise GDB may discard symbols when linking large
+ programs, that may contain several modules (from different
+ directories or libraries) with the same name.
+ `show symbol-reloading'
+ Show the current `on' or `off' setting.
+`maint print symbols FILENAME'
+`maint print psymbols FILENAME'
+`maint print msymbols FILENAME'
+ Write a dump of debugging symbol data into the file FILENAME.
+ These commands are used to debug the GDB symbol-reading code. Only
+ symbols with debugging data are included. If you use `maint print
+ symbols', GDB includes all the symbols for which it has already
+ collected full details: that is, FILENAME reflects symbols for
+ only those files whose symbols GDB has read. You can use the
+ command `info sources' to find out which files these are. If you
+ use `maint print psymbols' instead, the dump shows information
+ about symbols that GDB only knows partially--that is, symbols
+ defined in files that GDB has skimmed, but not yet read
+ completely. Finally, `maint print msymbols' dumps just the
+ minimal symbol information required for each object file from
+ which GDB has read some symbols. *Note Commands to specify files:
+ Files, for a discussion of how GDB reads symbols (in the
+ description of `symbol-file').
+File: gdb.info, Node: Altering, Next: GDB Files, Prev: Symbols, Up: Top
+Altering Execution
+ Once you think you have found an error in your program, you might
+want to find out for certain whether correcting the apparent error
+would lead to correct results in the rest of the run. You can find the
+answer by experiment, using the GDB features for altering execution of
+the program.
+ For example, you can store new values into variables or memory
+locations, give your program a signal, restart it at a different
+address, or even return prematurely from a function.
+* Menu:
+* Assignment:: Assignment to variables
+* Jumping:: Continuing at a different address
+* Signaling:: Giving your program a signal
+* Returning:: Returning from a function
+* Calling:: Calling your program's functions
+* Patching:: Patching your program
+File: gdb.info, Node: Assignment, Next: Jumping, Prev: Altering, Up: Altering
+Assignment to variables
+ To alter the value of a variable, evaluate an assignment expression.
+*Note Expressions: Expressions. For example,
+ print x=4
+stores the value 4 into the variable `x', and then prints the value of
+the assignment expression (which is 4). *Note Using GDB with Different
+Languages: Languages, for more information on operators in supported
+ If you are not interested in seeing the value of the assignment, use
+the `set' command instead of the `print' command. `set' is really the
+same as `print' except that the expression's value is not printed and
+is not put in the value history (*note Value history: Value History.).
+The expression is evaluated only for its effects.
+ If the beginning of the argument string of the `set' command appears
+identical to a `set' subcommand, use the `set variable' command instead
+of just `set'. This command is identical to `set' except for its lack
+of subcommands. For example, if your program has a variable `width',
+you get an error if you try to set a new value with just `set
+width=13', because GDB has the command `set width':
+ (gdb) whatis width
+ type = double
+ (gdb) p width
+ $4 = 13
+ (gdb) set width=47
+ Invalid syntax in expression.
+The invalid expression, of course, is `=47'. In order to actually set
+the program's variable `width', use
+ (gdb) set var width=47
+ GDB allows more implicit conversions in assignments than C; you can
+freely store an integer value into a pointer variable or vice versa,
+and you can convert any structure to any other structure that is the
+same length or shorter.
+ To store values into arbitrary places in memory, use the `{...}'
+construct to generate a value of specified type at a specified address
+(*note Expressions: Expressions.). For example, `{int}0x83040' refers
+to memory location `0x83040' as an integer (which implies a certain size
+and representation in memory), and
+ set {int}0x83040 = 4
+stores the value 4 into that memory location.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Jumping, Next: Signaling, Prev: Assignment, Up: Altering
+Continuing at a different address
+ Ordinarily, when you continue your program, you do so at the place
+where it stopped, with the `continue' command. You can instead
+continue at an address of your own choosing, with the following
+`jump LINESPEC'
+ Resume execution at line LINESPEC. Execution stops again
+ immediately if there is a breakpoint there. *Note Printing source
+ lines: List, for a description of the different forms of LINESPEC.
+ It is common practice to use the `tbreak' command in conjunction
+ with `jump'. *Note Setting breakpoints: Set Breaks.
+ The `jump' command does not change the current stack frame, or the
+ stack pointer, or the contents of any memory location or any
+ register other than the program counter. If line LINESPEC is in a
+ different function from the one currently executing, the results
+ may be bizarre if the two functions expect different patterns of
+ arguments or of local variables. For this reason, the `jump'
+ command requests confirmation if the specified line is not in the
+ function currently executing. However, even bizarre results are
+ predictable if you are well acquainted with the machine-language
+ code of your program.
+`jump *ADDRESS'
+ Resume execution at the instruction at address ADDRESS.
+ You can get much the same effect as the `jump' command by storing a
+new value into the register `$pc'. The difference is that this does
+not start your program running; it only changes the address of where it
+*will* run when you continue. For example,
+ set $pc = 0x485
+makes the next `continue' command or stepping command execute at
+address `0x485', rather than at the address where your program stopped.
+*Note Continuing and stepping: Continuing and Stepping.
+ The most common occasion to use the `jump' command is to back
+up--perhaps with more breakpoints set--over a portion of a program that
+has already executed, in order to examine its execution in more detail.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Signaling, Next: Returning, Prev: Jumping, Up: Altering
+Giving your program a signal
+`signal SIGNAL'
+ Resume execution where your program stopped, but immediately give
+ it the signal SIGNAL. SIGNAL can be the name or the number of a
+ signal. For example, on many systems `signal 2' and `signal
+ SIGINT' are both ways of sending an interrupt signal.
+ Alternatively, if SIGNAL is zero, continue execution without
+ giving a signal. This is useful when your program stopped on
+ account of a signal and would ordinary see the signal when resumed
+ with the `continue' command; `signal 0' causes it to resume
+ without a signal.
+ `signal' does not repeat when you press <RET> a second time after
+ executing the command.
+ Invoking the `signal' command is not the same as invoking the `kill'
+utility from the shell. Sending a signal with `kill' causes GDB to
+decide what to do with the signal depending on the signal handling
+tables (*note Signals::.). The `signal' command passes the signal
+directly to your program.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Returning, Next: Calling, Prev: Signaling, Up: Altering
+Returning from a function
+`return EXPRESSION'
+ You can cancel execution of a function call with the `return'
+ command. If you give an EXPRESSION argument, its value is used as
+ the function's return value.
+ When you use `return', GDB discards the selected stack frame (and
+all frames within it). You can think of this as making the discarded
+frame return prematurely. If you wish to specify a value to be
+returned, give that value as the argument to `return'.
+ This pops the selected stack frame (*note Selecting a frame:
+Selection.), and any other frames inside of it, leaving its caller as
+the innermost remaining frame. That frame becomes selected. The
+specified value is stored in the registers used for returning values of
+ The `return' command does not resume execution; it leaves the
+program stopped in the state that would exist if the function had just
+returned. In contrast, the `finish' command (*note Continuing and
+stepping: Continuing and Stepping.) resumes execution until the
+selected stack frame returns naturally.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Calling, Next: Patching, Prev: Returning, Up: Altering
+Calling program functions
+`call EXPR'
+ Evaluate the expression EXPR without displaying `void' returned
+ values.
+ You can use this variant of the `print' command if you want to
+execute a function from your program, but without cluttering the output
+with `void' returned values. If the result is not void, it is printed
+and saved in the value history.
+ For the A29K, a user-controlled variable `call_scratch_address',
+specifies the location of a scratch area to be used when GDB calls a
+function in the target. This is necessary because the usual method of
+putting the scratch area on the stack does not work in systems that
+have separate instruction and data spaces.
+File: gdb.info, Node: Patching, Prev: Calling, Up: Altering
+Patching programs
+ By default, GDB opens the file containing your program's executable
+code (or the corefile) read-only. This prevents accidental alterations
+to machine code; but it also prevents you from intentionally patching
+your program's binary.
+ If you'd like to be able to patch the binary, you can specify that
+explicitly with the `set write' command. For example, you might want
+to turn on internal debugging flags, or even to make emergency repairs.
+`set write on'
+`set write off'
+ If you specify `set write on', GDB opens executable and core files
+ for both reading and writing; if you specify `set write off' (the
+ default), GDB opens them read-only.
+ If you have already loaded a file, you must load it again (using
+ the `exec-file' or `core-file' command) after changing `set
+ write', for your new setting to take effect.
+`show write'
+ Display whether executable files and core files are opened for
+ writing as well as reading.
+File: gdb.info, Node: GDB Files, Next: Targets, Prev: Altering, Up: Top
+GDB Files
+ GDB needs to know the file name of the program to be debugged, both
+in order to read its symbol table and in order to start your program.
+To debug a core dump of a previous run, you must also tell GDB the name
+of the core dump file.
+* Menu:
+* Files:: Commands to specify files
+* Symbol Errors:: Errors reading symbol files