path: root/gdb/=xgdb.msg
diff options
authorgdb-2.4+.aux.coff <gdb@fsf.org>1988-01-16 04:39:57 +0000
committerPedro Alves <palves@redhat.com>2012-06-03 15:36:30 +0100
commit7b4ac7e1ed2c4616bce56d1760807798be87ac9e (patch)
tree777c9f6aba126e91e4a25d7b1fa34c2213d038da /gdb/=xgdb.msg
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/=xgdb.msg')
1 files changed, 997 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/=xgdb.msg b/gdb/=xgdb.msg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac32300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/=xgdb.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+From beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu Sat Jul 4 12:04:01 1987
+Received: by PREP.AI.MIT.EDU; Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:03:37 EDT
+Message-Id: <8707041603.AA08600@prep.ai.mit.edu>
+To: phr@prep.ai.mit.edu (Paul Rubin)
+Date: Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:03:01 EDT
+From: Derek Beatty <beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu>
+Subject: Re: gdb and X (msg 1 of 3)
+Status: R
+This is part 1 of 3 parts. It consists of the cursor I used, and a message
+I sent to Zalman Stern at Andrew regarding what I did, and why. The
+code and context diffs will follow in other messages.
+#define gdb_width 16
+#define gdb_height 16
+#define gdb_x_hot 7
+#define gdb_y_hot 0
+static short gdb_bits[] = {
+ 0x0000, 0x0140, 0x0220, 0x0220,
+ 0x23e2, 0x13e4, 0x09c8, 0x0ff8,
+ 0x0220, 0x3ffe, 0x0630, 0x03e0,
+ 0x0220, 0x1ffc, 0x2632, 0x01c0};
+#define gdb_mask_width 16
+#define gdb_mask_height 16
+#define gdb_mask_x_hot 7
+#define gdb_mask_y_hot 0
+static short gdb_mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x0360, 0x07f0, 0x07f0, 0x77f7,
+ 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x1ffc, 0x1ffc,
+ 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x0ff8,
+ 0x3ffe, 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff};
+> The X support I added is minimal; it was inspired by Suntools' dbxtool,
+> together with the availability of the V10 implementation of the X V11
+> toolkit specification. Design was guided by simplicity and the facilities
+> of the toolkit. The debugger window provides a view into the code
+> corresponding to the current stack frame, and several buttons for the
+> breakpoint, print, step, next, continue, finish, up, and down commands.
+> The standard gdb command interface remains available in the tty window from
+> which gdb was started. The breakpoint and print buttons make use of the
+> current selection, so you can do simple things like click at text in the
+> source window, then click the "Go 'til" button to continue until that
+> point.
+> Such an interface is simple to program ( ~ 20 hours, about 700 lines),
+> but it has some drawbacks. First, I didn't take the time to understand
+> the longjmp's in gdb, and I'm not exactly happy with the idea of them
+> jumping out of my callback procedures that were invoked by toolkit routines.
+> There's one core dump bug (it shows up when gdb can't find a source
+> file) that I haven't tracked down, and it may be related to this. Second,
+> selection in the text window is not particularly graceful: double-clicking
+> highlights one word of text, as the toolkit defines a word. It would
+> be much more graceful were double-clicking to highlight a C identifier.
+> Finally, and most seriously, most buttons operate by building textual
+> command lines and passing them to gdb's execute_command function. This
+> means that all selected expressions are evaluated and printed in the
+> lexical scope corresponding to the current stack frame, although the
+> selected text may be in a different lexical scope. This serious bug would
+> require work to fix.
+> I wrote the X support out of frustration at not having dbxtool available
+> when I work on a vax. The hope of portability to V11 via the toolkit
+> also helped motivate me to write V10 code at this late date. Finally,
+> I'd never written any nontrivial code that ran on a windowing system
+> (although that turns out still to be the case). Were I to make a more
+> serious effort at this project, I would probably add a general "define-button"
+> command akin to gdb's "define" command.
+> Look in /usr/beatty/gnu/gdb on vlsi.cs.cmu.edu. All files I have modified
+> are marked, and also have associated backups (.B extensions). Bennet
+> Yee has a copy of the toolkit library; see /usr/bsy/Xtlib on f.gp.cs.cmu.edu.
+> -- Derek
+ -- Derek Beatty
+From beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu Sat Jul 4 12:12:47 1987
+Received: by PREP.AI.MIT.EDU; Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:09:20 EDT
+Message-Id: <8707041609.AA08643@prep.ai.mit.edu>
+To: phr@PREP.AI.MIT.EDU (Paul Rubin)
+Date: Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:07:25 EDT
+From: Derek Beatty <beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu>
+Subject: Re: gdb and X (msg 2 of 3)
+In-Reply-To: Message from "Paul Rubin" of Jul 4, 87 at 1:22 am
+Status: R
+The following is "tool.c". I hereby grant permission to do anything you
+like with it.
+ -- Derek Beatty
+ * gdb tool for X V10R4 (using V11-compatible toolkit).
+ * Derek Beatty 30 June 87.
+ */
+#include <X/Xlib.h>
+#include <X/Xt/Xtlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "symtab.h"
+#include "gdb.cursor"
+#include "gdb_mask.cursor"
+/* forward refs */
+static Window createFileText();
+ * Windows manipulated by this package.
+ */
+static Window
+ icon,
+ frame,
+ srcLabelStrip,
+ srcText,
+ ctlPanel,
+ execLabelStrip;
+static Cursor curse;
+ * Source text display.
+ */
+static struct symtab *displayedSymtab= 0;
+extern struct symtab *current_source_symtab;
+extern int current_source_line;
+ char *fullName;
+ static Arg labelArgs[1];
+ int linenumbers_changed= 0;
+ static int newWidget= 1;
+ struct symtab_and_line get_selected_frame_sal();
+ struct symtab_and_line sal;
+ /* we could be called before we are initialized */
+ if (!frame) return;
+ sal= get_selected_frame_sal();
+ /* strictly this is wrong, but better than a blank display */
+ if (sal.symtab==NULL) {
+ sal.symtab= current_source_symtab;
+ /* current_source_line may be off by a small number like 4 */
+ sal.line= current_source_line;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Switch to a new file if necessary.
+ */
+ if (sal.symtab)
+ linenumbers_changed= get_filename_and_charpos(sal.symtab,
+ sal.line,
+ &fullName);
+ if (!fullName) sal.symtab= NULL;
+ /* if the display may be wrong, destroy it */
+ if (linenumbers_changed || displayedSymtab != sal.symtab) {
+ XtVPanedWindowDeletePane( srcText);
+ XtSendDestroyNotify( srcText);
+ XDestroyWindow( srcText);
+ srcText= 0;
+ }
+ /* if there's no display, create one */
+ if (!srcText) {
+ newWidget= 1;
+ /* if there's no valid display, create a dummy display */
+ if (!sal.symtab ) {
+ displayedSymtab= NULL;
+ srcText= createFileText(frame, "/dev/null");
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, srcText, 1, 20, 1000, 1);
+ /* create /dev/null text widget */
+ XtSetArg(labelArgs[0], XtNlabel, "No source displayed.");
+ XtLabelSetValues(srcLabelStrip, labelArgs, XtNumber(labelArgs));
+ } else {
+ displayedSymtab= sal.symtab;
+ srcText= createFileText(frame, fullName);
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, srcText, 1, 20, 1000, 1);
+ XtSetArg(labelArgs[0], XtNlabel, fullName);
+ XtLabelSetValues(srcLabelStrip, labelArgs, XtNumber(labelArgs));
+ /* free filename (maybe: check gdb code!) */
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Update display and cursor positions as necessary.
+ * Cursor should be placed on line sal.line.
+ */
+ {
+ static int prevTop= 0, highWaterMark= 0;
+ int currentTop;
+ Arg textArgs[1];
+ /* get positions of start of display, and caret */
+ XtSetArg(textArgs[0], XtNdisplayPosition, NULL);
+ XtTextGetValues(srcText, textArgs, XtNumber(textArgs));
+ currentTop= cvtCharToLine(displayedSymtab,
+ (int) textArgs[0].value);
+ highWaterMark += currentTop - prevTop;
+ if ( sal.line < currentTop
+ || sal.line > highWaterMark
+ || newWidget) {
+ /* warp the display */
+ newWidget= 0;
+ /* yes, these magic numbers are ugly, but I don't know how
+ * to get the height of a text widget in a V11-portable way
+ */
+ currentTop= (sal.line > 15) ? sal.line - 15 : 0;
+ highWaterMark= currentTop + 35;
+ XtSetArg(textArgs[0], XtNdisplayPosition,
+ cvtLineToChar(displayedSymtab, currentTop));
+ XtTextSetValues(srcText, textArgs, XtNumber(textArgs));
+ }
+ XtSetArg(textArgs[0], XtNinsertPosition,
+ cvtLineToChar(displayedSymtab, sal.line));
+ XtTextSetValues(srcText, textArgs, XtNumber(textArgs));
+ prevTop= currentTop;
+ }
+/* return the character position of a line */
+cvtLineToChar( s, line)
+ struct symtab *s;
+ int line;
+ if (!s) return 0;
+ if (!s->line_charpos) return 0;
+ if (line < 0) line= 0;
+ if (line > s->nlines) line= s->nlines;
+ return *(s->line_charpos + line-1);
+/* return the line position of a character */
+cvtCharToLine( s, chr)
+ register struct symtab *s;
+ register int chr;
+ register int lineNumber= 0;
+ register int *lnp;
+ if (!s) return 0;
+ lnp= s->line_charpos;
+ /* files are usually short, so sequential search is Ok */
+ while ( lineNumber < s->nlines && *lnp <= chr) {
+ lineNumber++;
+ lnp++;
+ }
+ if (lineNumber >= s->nlines)
+ lineNumber= s->nlines;
+ return lineNumber;
+ * title bar at bottom
+ */
+static char *execFileName;
+ char *s;
+ execFileName= s;
+ if (execLabelStrip) {
+ static Arg labelArgs[1];
+ XtSetArg(labelArgs[0], XtNlabel, execFileName);
+ XtLabelSetValues(execLabelStrip, labelArgs, XtNumber(labelArgs));
+ }
+ * Command line into which command are placed for execution.
+ * There's some ugly interaction between this and readline in main.c.
+ */
+extern char *line;
+extern int linesize;
+ * Do any necessary prompting, etc.
+ */
+static char *gdbPrompt;
+static void
+ if (gdbPrompt) {
+ printf("%s", gdbPrompt);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ * Callback procedures for control panel.
+ */
+/* used by "print" and "print*" buttons */
+static void printButnProc_1( starflag)
+ int starflag;
+ int selnLen;
+ char *seln;
+ char *cmd= starflag ? "print * " : "print ";
+ register int cmdlen= strlen(cmd);
+ seln= XFetchBytes(&selnLen);
+ if (selnLen) {
+ if (selnLen+cmdlen >= linesize-1) {
+ linesize= (selnLen+cmdlen > linesize*2-1) ? selnLen+cmdlen+1 : linesize*2;
+ line= (char *) xrealloc(line, linesize);
+ }
+ strcpy(line, cmd);
+ strncpy(line+cmdlen, seln, selnLen);
+ *(line+cmdlen+selnLen)= '\0';
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ free(seln);
+ }
+ printPrompt();
+static void printButnProc()
+ printButnProc_1( 0);
+static void printStarButnProc()
+ printButnProc_1( 1);
+static void nextButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "next");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+static void stepButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "step");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+static void contButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "cont");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+static void finButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "finish");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+/* used by "stop at" and "go till" buttons */
+static void stopAtButnProc_1( gotillFlag)
+ int gotillFlag;
+ XtTextPosition start, finish;
+ static int lineNumber;
+ XtTextGetSelectionPos(srcText, &start, &finish);
+ if (!displayedSymtab)
+ printf("No source file displayed.\n");
+ else {
+ break_command_for_tool( displayedSymtab,
+ cvtCharToLine(displayedSymtab, start),
+ gotillFlag);
+ if (gotillFlag) {
+ strcpy(line, "cont");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ }
+ }
+ printPrompt();
+static void stopAtButnProc()
+ stopAtButnProc_1( 0);
+static void untilButnProc()
+ stopAtButnProc_1( 1);
+/* decide if a character is trash */
+static int
+ char c;
+ if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return 0;
+ if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') return 0;
+ if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return 0;
+ if (c == '_') return 0;
+ return 1;
+static void stopInButnProc()
+ static int selnLen;
+ static char *seln;
+ char *sp, *selnp;
+ seln= XFetchBytes(&selnLen);
+ if (selnLen) {
+ if (selnLen+6 >= linesize-1) {
+ linesize= (selnLen+6 > linesize*2-1) ? selnLen+7 : linesize*2;
+ line= (char *) xrealloc(line, linesize);
+ }
+ strcpy(line, "break ");
+ /* copy selection but not garbage */
+ selnp= seln;
+ sp= line+strlen(line);
+ while (garbage(*selnp) && selnLen) selnp++, selnLen--;
+ while (!garbage(*selnp) && selnLen) {
+ *sp++= *selnp++;
+ selnLen--;
+ }
+ *sp= '\0';
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ free(seln);
+ }
+ printPrompt();
+static void deIconifyButnProc()
+ XUnmapWindow(icon);
+ XMapWindow(frame);
+static void iconifyButnProc()
+ static Arg iconArgs[1];
+ XtSetArg(iconArgs[0], XtNlabel, gdbPrompt);
+ XtCommandSetValues(icon, iconArgs, XtNumber(iconArgs));
+ XUnmapWindow(frame);
+ XMapWindow(icon);
+static void upButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "up");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+static void downButnProc()
+ strcpy(line, "down");
+ execute_command(line, 0);
+ toolDisplaySource();
+ printPrompt();
+#define addbutton(w) XtSetArg(buttons[buttoncount], XtNwindow, w); \
+ buttoncount++;
+static Arg buttons[20];
+static int buttoncount= 0;
+ * Create control panel buttons.
+ */
+static createButtons(parent)
+ Window parent;
+ static Window button;
+ static Arg commandArgs[2];
+#define crButn(label,fn) \
+ XtSetArg(commandArgs[0], XtNlabel, label);\
+ XtSetArg(commandArgs[1], XtNfunction, fn);\
+ button= XtCommandCreate(parent, commandArgs, XtNumber(commandArgs));\
+ addbutton(button);
+ crButn("Brk At", stopAtButnProc);
+ crButn("Brk In", stopInButnProc);
+ crButn("Go 'til", untilButnProc);
+ crButn("Print", printButnProc);
+ crButn("Print*", printStarButnProc);
+ crButn("Next", nextButnProc);
+ crButn("Step", stepButnProc);
+ crButn("Cont", contButnProc);
+ crButn("Finish", finButnProc);
+ crButn("Up", upButnProc);
+ crButn("Down", downButnProc);
+ crButn("Iconify", iconifyButnProc);
+#undef crButn
+static Window createLabel(parent, name, label)
+ Window parent;
+ char *name, *label;
+ static Arg labelArgs[2];
+ XtSetArg(labelArgs[0], XtNname, name);
+ XtSetArg(labelArgs[1], XtNlabel, label);
+ return XtLabelCreate(frame, labelArgs, XtNumber(labelArgs));
+static Window createFileText( parent, filename)
+ Window parent;
+ char *filename;
+ static Arg fileArgs[2];
+ XtSetArg(fileArgs[0], XtNfile, filename);
+ XtSetArg(fileArgs[1], XtNtextOptions, scrollVertical);
+ return XtTextDiskCreate(parent, fileArgs, XtNumber(fileArgs));
+/***************** Externally referenced routine **************/
+int createTool()
+ static Arg frameArgs[]= {
+ {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 600},
+ {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 700},
+ };
+ ResourceDataBase db;
+ FILE *rdbFile;
+ /*
+ * init and database stuff... this is wrong but what the heck
+ */
+ if (XOpenDisplay("") == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ printf("Initializing tool..."); fflush(stdout);
+ XtInitialize();
+ /* should be checking .Xdefaults in $HOME */
+ if ((rdbFile= fopen(".Xresources", "r")) != NULL) {
+ XtGetDataBase(rdbFile, &db);
+ XtSetCurrentDataBase(db);
+ fclose(rdbFile);
+ }
+ /*
+ * create the frame
+ */
+ frame= XtVPanedWindowCreate(RootWindow, frameArgs, XtNumber(frameArgs));
+ /* create source label strip and add to frame */
+ srcLabelStrip= createLabel(frame, "Source File", "No source file yet.");
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, srcLabelStrip, 0, 15, 15, 0);
+ /* create text widget and add to frame */
+ srcText= createFileText(frame, "/dev/null");
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, srcText, 1, 20, 1000, 1);
+ /* create button box */
+ ctlPanel= XtButtonBoxCreate(frame, NULL, 0);
+ createButtons( ctlPanel);
+ XtButtonBoxAddButton(ctlPanel, buttons, buttoncount);
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, ctlPanel, 2, 30, 30, 0);
+ /* create exec label strip and add */
+ execLabelStrip= createLabel(frame, "Executable",
+ execFileName ? execFileName : "No executable specified.");
+ XtVPanedWindowAddPane(frame, execLabelStrip, 3, 15, 15, 0);
+ /* create icon */
+ {
+ static Arg iconArgs[2];
+ XtSetArg(iconArgs[0], XtNlabel, "(gdb)");
+ XtSetArg(iconArgs[1], XtNfunction, deIconifyButnProc);
+ icon= XtCommandCreate(RootWindow, iconArgs, XtNumber(iconArgs));
+ XMoveWindow(icon, 100, 100); /* HACK */
+ XSetIconWindow(frame, icon);
+ }
+ /* throw it onto the display */
+ curse= XCreateCursor(gdb_width, gdb_height, gdb_bits, gdb_mask_bits,
+ gdb_x_hot, gdb_y_hot,
+ BlackPixel, WhitePixel, GXcopy);
+ XDefineCursor(frame, curse);
+ XDefineCursor(icon, curse);
+ XMapWindow(frame);
+ XMapSubwindows(frame);
+ XFlush();
+ printf("done\n");
+ return 1;
+/**************** Externally referenced routine. ***********/
+/* toolDispatcher -- dispatch events until data is available on fp */
+toolDispatcher(fp, prompt)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *prompt;
+ int inMask= 1 << fileno(fp);
+ int xMask= 1 << dpyno();
+ int rfds= 0;
+ int nfds;
+ XEvent ev;
+ int pend;
+ gdbPrompt= prompt;
+ while (! (rfds & inMask)) {
+ pend= XPending();
+ if (!pend) {
+ rfds= inMask | xMask;
+ /* this isn't right for 4.3 but it works 'cuz of 4.2 compatibility */
+ nfds= select( 32, &rfds, 0, 0, (struct timeval *) 0);
+ }
+ if (pend || rfds & xMask) {
+ XNextEvent(&ev);
+ XtDispatchEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ }
+From beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu Sat Jul 4 12:17:44 1987
+Received: by PREP.AI.MIT.EDU; Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:15:18 EDT
+Message-Id: <8707041615.AA08691@prep.ai.mit.edu>
+To: phr@PREP.AI.MIT.EDU (Paul Rubin)
+Date: Sat, 4 Jul 87 12:14:08 EDT
+From: Derek Beatty <beatty@unh.cs.cmu.edu>
+Subject: Re: gdb and X (msg 3 of 3)
+In-Reply-To: Message from "Paul Rubin" of Jul 4, 87 at 1:22 am
+Status: R
+Context diffs follow. The original files are from GDB 2.1 (emacs distribution
+ -- Derek Beatty
+*** /usr/misc/.gdb/src/core.c Fri Mar 27 12:20:14 1987
+--- core.c Sat Jul 4 11:12:16 1987
+*** 1,3
+ /* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+--- 1,5 -----
++ /* modified by Beatty 1 Jul 87 for gdb tool. */
+ /* Work with core dump and executable files, for GDB.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+*** 257,262
+ }
+ else if (from_tty)
+ printf ("No exec file now.\n");
+ }
+ /* If we have both a core file and an exec file,
+--- 259,267 -----
+ }
+ else if (from_tty)
+ printf ("No exec file now.\n");
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ toolSetExecFile( filename ? filename : "No executable specified.\n");
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ }
+ /* If we have both a core file and an exec file,
+*** /usr/misc/.gdb/src/breakpoint.c Fri Mar 27 12:20:11 1987
+--- breakpoint.c Wed Jul 1 11:27:31 1987
+*** 1,3
+ /* Everything about breakpoints, for GDB.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+--- 1,5 -----
++ /* modified by Beatty 1 Jul 87 for gdbtool */
+ /* Everything about breakpoints, for GDB.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+*** 513,518
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set a breakpoint according to ARG (function, linenum or *address)
+ and make it temporary if TEMPFLAG is nonzero. */
+--- 515,571 -----
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ /* set a breakpoint from a symtab and line */
++ void break_command_for_tool( s, line, tempflag)
++ struct symtab *s;
++ int line;
++ int tempflag;
++ {
++ register struct breakpoint *b;
++ struct symtab_and_line sal;
++ sal.symtab= s;
++ sal.line= line;
++ sal.pc= find_line_pc( sal.symtab, sal.line);
++ if (sal.pc==0) {
++ error("No line %d in file \"%s\".\n", sal.line, sal.symtab->filename);
++ } else {
++ b= set_raw_breakpoint( sal);
++ b->number= ++breakpoint_count;
++ b->cond= 0;
++ if (tempflag)
++ b->enable= temporary;
++ printf ("Breakpoint %d at 0x%x", b->number, b->address);
++ if (b->symtab)
++ printf (": file %s, line %d.", b->symtab->filename, b->line_number);
++ printf ("\n");
++ {
++ int others = 0;
++ if (b->address == sal.pc && b->number != breakpoint_count)
++ others++;
++ if (others > 0)
++ {
++ printf ("Note: breakpoint%s ", (others > 1) ? "s" : "");
++ if (b->address == sal.pc && b->number != breakpoint_count)
++ {
++ others--;
++ printf ("%d%s%s ",
++ b->number,
++ (b->enable == disabled) ? " (disabled)" : "",
++ (others > 1) ? "," : ((others == 1) ? " and" : ""));
++ }
++ printf (" also set at pc 0x%x\n", sal.pc);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ /* Set a breakpoint according to ARG (function, linenum or *address)
+ and make it temporary if TEMPFLAG is nonzero. */
+*** /usr/misc/.gdb/src/main.c Fri Mar 27 12:20:45 1987
+--- main.c Sat Jul 4 11:13:32 1987
+*** 1,3
+ /* Top level for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+--- 1,5 -----
++ /* modified by Beatty 30 june 87 for gdb tool */
+ /* Top level for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+*** 42,47
+ FILE *instream;
+ void free_command_lines ();
+ char *read_line ();
+ static void initialize_main ();
+--- 44,54 -----
+ FILE *instream;
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ /* flag indicating whether we are running in a window system */
++ int isaTool= 0;
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ void free_command_lines ();
+ char *read_line ();
+ static void initialize_main ();
+*** 214,219
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (!setjmp (to_top_level))
+ command_loop ();
+ clearerr (stdin); /* Don't get hung if C-d is typed. */
+--- 221,232 -----
+ while (1)
+ {
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ if (!isaTool)
++ isaTool= createTool();
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ if (!setjmp (to_top_level))
+ command_loop ();
+ clearerr (stdin); /* Don't get hung if C-d is typed. */
+*** 270,275
+ printf ("%s", prompt);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ quit_flag = 0;
+ execute_command (read_line (instream == stdin), instream == stdin);
+ /* Do any commands attached to breakpoint we stopped at. */
+--- 283,294 -----
+ printf ("%s", prompt);
+ fflush (stdout);
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ toolDisplaySource();
++ if (isaTool) toolDispatcher(instream,
++ instream==stdin ? prompt : NULL);
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ quit_flag = 0;
+ execute_command (read_line (instream == stdin), instream == stdin);
+ /* Do any commands attached to breakpoint we stopped at. */
+*** 320,325
+ while (1)
+ {
+ c = fgetc (instream);
+ if (c == -1 || c == '\n')
+ break;
+--- 339,345 -----
+ while (1)
+ {
+ c = fgetc (instream);
+ if (c == -1 || c == '\n')
+ break;
+*** 765,770
+ GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it\n\
+ under certain conditions; type \"info copying\" to see the conditions.\n",
+ version);
+ }
+ static void
+--- 785,793 -----
+ GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it\n\
+ under certain conditions; type \"info copying\" to see the conditions.\n",
+ version);
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ printf( "(CMU X support is available in this version.)\n");
++ #endif
+ }
+ static void
+*** /usr/misc/.gdb/src/source.c Fri Mar 27 12:20:50 1987
+--- source.c Wed Jul 1 17:56:58 1987
+*** 1,3
+ /* List lines of source files for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+--- 1,5 -----
++ /* modified 1 July 87 by Beatty for gdbtool */
+ /* List lines of source files for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+*** 295,300
+ s->nlines = nlines;
+ s->line_charpos = (int *) xrealloc (line_charpos, nlines * sizeof (int));
+ }
+ /* Print source lines from the file of symtab S,
+ starting with line number LINE and stopping before line number STOPLINE. */
+--- 297,328 -----
+ s->nlines = nlines;
+ s->line_charpos = (int *) xrealloc (line_charpos, nlines * sizeof (int));
+ }
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ /* Get full pathname and line number positions for a symtab
++ * return nonzero if line numbers may have changed
++ * set full pathname to NULL if no file found
++ */
++ int
++ get_filename_and_charpos(s, line, fullname)
++ struct symtab *s;
++ int line;
++ char **fullname;
++ {
++ register int desc, linenums_changed= 0;
++ desc= openp(source_path, 0, s->filename, O_RDONLY, 0, fullname);
++ if (desc < 0) {
++ *fullname= NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (s->line_charpos==0) linenums_changed= 1;
++ if (linenums_changed) find_source_lines(s, desc);
++ close(desc);
++ return linenums_changed;
++ }
++ #endif /* def TOOL */
+ /* Print source lines from the file of symtab S,
+ starting with line number LINE and stopping before line number STOPLINE. */
+*** /usr/misc/.gdb/src/stack.c Fri Mar 27 12:20:51 1987
+--- stack.c Wed Jul 1 17:27:34 1987
+*** 1,3
+ /* Print and select stack frames for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+--- 1,5 -----
++ /* modified by Beatty 1 Jul 87 for gdbtool */
+ /* Print and select stack frames for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+*** 42,47
+ static void select_calling_frame ();
+ void print_frame_info ();
+ /* Print a stack frame briefly. FRAME should be the frame address
+ and LEVEL should be its level in the stack (or -1 for level not defined).
+--- 44,62 -----
+ static void select_calling_frame ();
+ void print_frame_info ();
++ #ifdef TOOL
++ /* get symtab and line of selected frame, for tool display */
++ struct symtab_and_line
++ get_selected_frame_sal()
++ {
++ struct frame_info fi;
++ fi= get_frame_info( selected_frame);
++ return find_pc_line(fi.pc, fi.next_frame);
++ }
++ #endif /* TOOL */
+ /* Print a stack frame briefly. FRAME should be the frame address
+ and LEVEL should be its level in the stack (or -1 for level not defined).
+End of context diffs. The presence of this line verifies that this message
+has not been truncated.