path: root/gas/testsuite
diff options
authorRob Savoye <rob@cygnus>1994-01-20 23:30:51 +0000
committerRob Savoye <rob@cygnus>1994-01-20 23:30:51 +0000
commitfd9b8885e15eb48b73964dddfb110bf22074c5c6 (patch)
treeefe0c3cd13bacde7e5bb344dc6fe41c25d8d52e2 /gas/testsuite
parent6caa29338bb1c5d3d456847d70f2c379a6377bb2 (diff)
Tweak to work with either version of expect. Use the verbose function, fix
Diffstat (limited to 'gas/testsuite')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp b/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
index 9669ee1..ad04a99 100644
--- a/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
+++ b/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
proc gas_version {} {
global AS
- set tmp [exec $AS -version < /dev/null]
+ catch "exec $AS -version < /dev/null" tmp
# Should find a way to discard constant parts, keep whatever's
# left, so the version string could be almost anything at all...
regexp " \[0-9\]\[0-9\.a-zA-Z-\]+" $tmp version
@@ -32,38 +32,176 @@ proc gas_version {} {
unset version
-proc gas_start { prog } {
- global verbose
+proc gas_run { prog as_opts redir } {
global AS
global ASFLAGS
global comp_output
+ global srcdir
+ global subdir
- if $verbose>1 then {
- send_user "Executing $AS $ASFLAGS $prog\n"
+ verbose "Executing $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $prog $redir"
+ catch "exec $srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog $redir" comp_output
+proc all_ones { args } {
+ foreach x $args { if [expr $x!=1] { return 0 } }
+ return 1
+proc gas_start { prog as_opts } {
+ global AS
+ global ASFLAGS
+ global srcdir
+ global subdir
+ global spawn_id
+ verbose "Starting $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $prog" 2
+ catch {
+ spawn -noecho -nottyinit $srcdir/lib/run $AS $ASFLAGS $as_opts $srcdir/$subdir/$prog
+ } foo
+ if ![regexp {^[0-9]+} $foo] then {
+ error "Can't run $subdir/$prog: $foo"
- catch "exec $AS $ASFLAGS $prog" comp_output
+proc gas_finish { } {
+ global spawn_id
+# Don't need to do anything?
+proc want_no_output { testname } {
+ global comp_output
if ![string match "" $comp_output] then {
send_log "$comp_output\n"
- if $verbose>1 then {
- send_user "$comp_output\n"
+ verbose "$comp_output" 3
+ }
+ if [string match "" $comp_output] then {
+ pass "$testname"
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ fail "$testname"
+ return 0
+ }
+proc gas_test_old { file as_opts testname } {
+ gas_run $file $as_opts ""
+ return [want_no_output $testname]
+proc gas_test { file as_opts var_opts testname } {
+ global comp_output
+ set i 0
+ foreach word $var_opts {
+ set ignore_stdout($i) [string match "*>" $word]
+ set opt($i) [string trim $word {>}]
+ incr i
+ }
+ set max [expr 1<<$i]
+ for {set i 0} {[expr $i<$max]} {incr i} {
+ set maybe_ignore_stdout ""
+ set extra_opts ""
+ for {set bit 0} {(1<<$bit)<$max} {incr bit} {
+ set num [expr 1<<$bit]
+ if [expr $i&$num] then {
+ set extra_opts "$extra_opts $opt($bit)"
+ if $ignore_stdout($bit) then {
+ set maybe_ignore_stdout "1>/dev/null"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set extra_opts [string trim $extra_opts]
+ gas_run $file "$as_opts $extra_opts" $maybe_ignore_stdout
+ # Should I be able to use a conditional expression here?
+ if [string match "" $extra_opts] then {
+ want_no_output $testname
+ } else {
+ want_no_output "$testname ($extra_opts)"
-proc gas_test { arg testname } {
- global verbose
+proc gas_test_ignore_stdout { file as_opts testname } {
global comp_output
- gas_start $arg
+ gas_run $file $as_opts "2>&1 1>/dev/null"
+ want_no_output $testname
+proc gas_test_error { file as_opts testname } {
+ global comp_output
+ gas_run $file $as_opts "2>&1 1>/dev/null"
if ![string match "" $comp_output] then {
send_log "$comp_output\n"
- if $verbose>3 then {
- send_user "|$comp_output|\n"
- }
+ verbose "$comp_output" 3
if [string match "" $comp_output] then {
- pass "$testname"
- } else {
fail "$testname"
+ } else {
+ pass "$testname"
+ }
+proc gas_exit {} {}
+proc gas_init {} {
+ global target_cpu
+ global target_cpu_family
+ global target_family
+ global target_vendor
+ global target_os
+ global stdoptlist
+ case "$target_cpu" in {
+ "m68???" { set target_cpu_family m68k }
+ "i[34]86" { set target_cpu_family i386 }
+ default { set target_cpu_family $target_cpu }
+ set target_family "$target_cpu_family-$target_vendor-$target_os"
+ set stdoptlist "-a>"
+ # Need to return an empty string.
+ return
+proc objdump_start_common { prog objdump_opts prefix } {
+ global OBJDUMP
+ global srcdir
+ global spawn_id
+ verbose "Starting $OBJDUMP $objdump_opts $prog" 2
+ catch {
+ spawn -noecho -nottyinit $srcdir/lib/run $OBJDUMP $objdump_opts $prefix$prog
+ } foo
+ if ![regexp {^[0-9]+} $foo] then {
+ error "Can't run $prog: $foo"
+ }
+proc objdump_start { prog opts } {
+ global subdir
+ global objdir
+ objdump_start_common $prog $opts "$objdir/$subdir/"
+proc objdump_start_no_subdir { prog opts } {
+ objdump_start_common $prog $opts ""
+proc objdump_finish { } {
+ global spawn_id
+# Don't need to do anything?
+expect_after {
+ timeout { error "timeout" }
+ "virtual memory exhausted" { error "virtual memory exhausted" }
+ buffer_full { error "buffer full" }
+ eof { error "eof" }