// Debugging mode support code -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2003 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace __gnu_debug { const char* _S_debug_messages[] = { "function requires a valid iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;)", "attempt to insert into container with a singular iterator", "attempt to insert into container with an iterator" " from a different container", "attempt to erase from container with a %2.state; iterator", "attempt to erase from container with an iterator" " from a different container", "attempt to subscript container with out-of-bounds index %2;," " but container only holds %3; elements", "attempt to access an element in an empty container", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;)" " are not partitioned by the value %3;", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;)" " are not partitioned by the predicate %3; and value %4;", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;) are not sorted", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;)" " are not sorted according to the predicate %3;", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;) do not form a heap", "elements in iterator range [%1.name;, %2.name;)" " do not form a heap with respect to the predicate %3;", "attempt to write through a singular bitset reference", "attempt to read from a singular bitset reference", "attempt to flip a singular bitset reference", "attempt to splice a list into itself", "attempt to splice lists with inequal allocators", "attempt to splice elements referenced by a %1.state; iterator", "attempt to splice an iterator from a different container", "splice destination %1.name;" " occurs within source range [%2.name;, %3.name;)", "attempt to initialize an iterator that will immediately become singular", "attempt to copy-construct an iterator from a singular iterator", "attempt to construct a constant iterator" " from a singular mutable iterator", "attempt to copy from a singular iterator", "attempt to dereference a %1.state; iterator", "attempt to increment a %1.state; iterator", "attempt to decrement a %1.state; iterator", "attempt to subscript a %1.state; iterator %2; step from" " its current position, which falls outside its dereferenceable range", "attempt to advance a %1.state; iterator %2; steps," " which falls outside its valid range", "attempt to retreat a %1.state; iterator %2; steps," " which falls outside its valid range", "attempt to compare a %1.state; iterator to a %2.state; iterator", "attempt to compare iterators from different sequences", "attempt to order a %1.state; iterator to a %2.state; iterator", "attempt to order iterators from different sequences", "attempt to compute the difference between a %1.state;" " iterator to a %2.state; iterator", "attempt to compute the different between two iterators" " from different sequences", "attempt to dereference an end-of-stream istream_iterator", "attempt to increment an end-of-stream istream_iterator", "attempt to output via an ostream_iterator with no associated stream", "attempt to dereference an end-of-stream istreambuf_iterator" " (this is a GNU extension)", "attempt to increment an end-of-stream istreambuf_iterator" }; void _Safe_sequence_base:: _M_detach_all() { for (_Safe_iterator_base* iter = _M_iterators; iter; ) { _Safe_iterator_base* old = iter; iter = iter->_M_next; old->_M_attach(0, false); } for (_Safe_iterator_base* iter = _M_const_iterators; iter; ) { _Safe_iterator_base* old = iter; iter = iter->_M_next; old->_M_attach(0, true); } } void _Safe_sequence_base:: _M_detach_singular() { for (_Safe_iterator_base* iter = _M_iterators; iter; ) { _Safe_iterator_base* old = iter; iter = iter->_M_next; if (old->_M_singular()) old->_M_attach(0, false); } for (_Safe_iterator_base* iter = _M_const_iterators; iter; ) { _Safe_iterator_base* old = iter; iter = iter->_M_next; if (old->_M_singular()) old->_M_attach(0, true); } } void _Safe_sequence_base:: _M_revalidate_singular() { _Safe_iterator_base* iter; for (iter = _M_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) { iter->_M_version = _M_version; iter = iter->_M_next; } for (iter = _M_const_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) { iter->_M_version = _M_version; iter = iter->_M_next; } } void _Safe_sequence_base:: _M_swap(_Safe_sequence_base& __x) { swap(_M_iterators, __x._M_iterators); swap(_M_const_iterators, __x._M_const_iterators); swap(_M_version, __x._M_version); _Safe_iterator_base* iter; for (iter = _M_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) iter->_M_sequence = this; for (iter = __x._M_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) iter->_M_sequence = &__x; for (iter = _M_const_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) iter->_M_sequence = this; for (iter = __x._M_const_iterators; iter; iter = iter->_M_next) iter->_M_sequence = &__x; } void _Safe_iterator_base:: _M_attach(_Safe_sequence_base* __seq, bool __constant) { _M_detach(); // Attach to the new sequence (if there is one) if (__seq) { _M_sequence = __seq; _M_version = _M_sequence->_M_version; _M_prior = 0; if (__constant) { _M_next = _M_sequence->_M_const_iterators; if (_M_next) _M_next->_M_prior = this; _M_sequence->_M_const_iterators = this; } else { _M_next = _M_sequence->_M_iterators; if (_M_next) _M_next->_M_prior = this; _M_sequence->_M_iterators = this; } } } void _Safe_iterator_base:: _M_detach() { if (_M_sequence) { // Remove us from this sequence's list if (_M_prior) _M_prior->_M_next = _M_next; if (_M_next) _M_next->_M_prior = _M_prior; if (_M_sequence->_M_const_iterators == this) _M_sequence->_M_const_iterators = _M_next; if (_M_sequence->_M_iterators == this) _M_sequence->_M_iterators = _M_next; } _M_sequence = 0; _M_version = 0; _M_prior = 0; _M_next = 0; } bool _Safe_iterator_base:: _M_singular() const { return !_M_sequence || _M_version != _M_sequence->_M_version; } bool _Safe_iterator_base:: _M_can_compare(const _Safe_iterator_base& __x) const { return (!_M_singular() && !__x._M_singular() && _M_sequence == __x._M_sequence); } void _Error_formatter::_Parameter:: _M_print_field(const _Error_formatter* __formatter, const char* __name) const { assert(this->_M_kind != _Parameter::__unused_param); const int bufsize = 64; char buf[bufsize]; if (_M_kind == __iterator) { if (strcmp(__name, "name") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_name); } else if (strcmp(__name, "address") == 0) { __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%p", _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } else if (strcmp(__name, "type") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_type); // TBD: demangle! __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_type->name()); } else if (strcmp(__name, "constness") == 0) { static const char* __constness_names[__last_constness] = { "", "constant", "mutable" }; __formatter->_M_print_word(__constness_names[_M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness]); } else if (strcmp(__name, "state") == 0) { static const char* __state_names[__last_state] = { "", "singular", "dereferenceable (start-of-sequence)", "dereferenceable", "past-the-end" }; __formatter->_M_print_word(__state_names[_M_variant._M_iterator._M_state]); } else if (strcmp(__name, "sequence") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence); __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%p", _M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } else if (strcmp(__name, "seq_type") == 0) { // TBD: demangle! assert(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type->name()); } else assert(false); } else if (_M_kind == __sequence) { if (strcmp(__name, "name") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_sequence._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_sequence._M_name); } else if (strcmp(__name, "address") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_sequence._M_address); __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%p", _M_variant._M_sequence._M_address); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } else if (strcmp(__name, "type") == 0) { // TBD: demangle! assert(_M_variant._M_sequence._M_type); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_sequence._M_type->name()); } else assert(false); } else if (_M_kind == __integer) { if (strcmp(__name, "name") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_integer._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_integer._M_name); } else assert(false); } else if (_M_kind == __string) { if (strcmp(__name, "name") == 0) { assert(_M_variant._M_string._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(_M_variant._M_string._M_name); } else assert(false); } else { assert(false); } } void _Error_formatter::_Parameter:: _M_print_description(const _Error_formatter* __formatter) const { const int bufsize = 128; char buf[bufsize]; if (_M_kind == __iterator) { __formatter->_M_print_word("iterator "); if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_name) { __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "\"%s\" ", _M_variant._M_iterator._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "@ 0x%p {\n", _M_variant._M_iterator._M_address); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_type) { __formatter->_M_print_word("type = "); _M_print_field(__formatter, "type"); if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_constness != __unknown_constness) { __formatter->_M_print_word(" ("); _M_print_field(__formatter, "constness"); __formatter->_M_print_word(" iterator)"); } __formatter->_M_print_word(";\n"); } if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_state != __unknown_state) { __formatter->_M_print_word(" state = "); _M_print_field(__formatter, "state"); __formatter->_M_print_word(";\n"); } if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_sequence) { __formatter->_M_print_word(" references sequence "); if (_M_variant._M_iterator._M_seq_type) { __formatter->_M_print_word("with type `"); _M_print_field(__formatter, "seq_type"); __formatter->_M_print_word("' "); } __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "@ 0x%p\n", _M_variant._M_sequence._M_address); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } __formatter->_M_print_word("}\n"); } else if (_M_kind == __sequence) { __formatter->_M_print_word("sequence "); if (_M_variant._M_sequence._M_name) { __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "\"%s\" ", _M_variant._M_sequence._M_name); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); } __formatter->_M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "@ 0x%p {\n", _M_variant._M_sequence._M_address); __formatter->_M_print_word(buf); if (_M_variant._M_sequence._M_type) { __formatter->_M_print_word(" type = "); _M_print_field(__formatter, "type"); __formatter->_M_print_word(";\n"); } __formatter->_M_print_word("}\n"); } } const _Error_formatter& _Error_formatter::_M_message(_Debug_msg_id __id) const { return this->_M_message(_S_debug_messages[__id]); } void _Error_formatter::_M_error() const { const int bufsize = 128; char buf[bufsize]; // Emit file & line number information _M_column = 1; _M_wordwrap = false; if (_M_file) { _M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%s:", _M_file); _M_print_word(buf); _M_column += strlen(buf); } if (_M_line > 0) { _M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%u:", _M_line); _M_print_word(buf); _M_column += strlen(buf); } _M_wordwrap = true; _M_print_word("error: "); // Print the error message assert(_M_text); _M_print_string(_M_text); _M_print_word(".\n"); // Emit descriptions of the objects involved in the operation _M_wordwrap = false; bool has_noninteger_parameters = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _M_num_parameters; ++i) { if (_M_parameters[i]._M_kind == _Parameter::__iterator || _M_parameters[i]._M_kind == _Parameter::__sequence) { if (!has_noninteger_parameters) { _M_first_line = true; _M_print_word("\nObjects involved in the operation:\n"); has_noninteger_parameters = true; } _M_parameters[i]._M_print_description(this); } } abort(); } template void _Error_formatter::_M_format_word(char* __buf, int __n __attribute__((__unused__)), const char* __fmt, _Tp __s) const { #ifdef _GLIBCXX_USE_C99 std::snprintf(__buf, __n, __fmt, __s); #else std::sprintf(__buf, __fmt, __s); #endif } void _Error_formatter::_M_print_word(const char* __word) const { if (!_M_wordwrap) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", __word); return; } size_t __length = strlen(__word); if (__length == 0) return; if ((_M_column + __length < _M_max_length) || (__length >= _M_max_length && _M_column == 1)) { // If this isn't the first line, indent if (_M_column == 1 && !_M_first_line) { char spacing[_M_indent + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < _M_indent; ++i) spacing[i] = ' '; spacing[_M_indent] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "%s", spacing); _M_column += _M_indent; } fprintf(stderr, "%s", __word); _M_column += __length; if (__word[__length - 1] == '\n') { _M_first_line = false; _M_column = 1; } } else { _M_column = 1; _M_print_word("\n"); _M_print_word(__word); } } void _Error_formatter:: _M_print_string(const char* __string) const { const char* __start = __string; const char* __end = __start; const int bufsize = 128; char buf[bufsize]; while (*__start) { if (*__start != '%') { // [__start, __end) denotes the next word __end = __start; while (isalnum(*__end)) ++__end; if (__start == __end) ++__end; if (isspace(*__end)) ++__end; assert(__end - __start + 1< bufsize); _M_format_word(buf, __end - __start + 1, "%s", __start); _M_print_word(buf); __start = __end; // Skip extra whitespace while (*__start == ' ') ++__start; continue; } ++__start; assert(*__start); if (*__start == '%') { _M_print_word("%"); ++__start; continue; } // Get the parameter number assert(*__start >= '1' && *__start <= '9'); size_t param = *__start - '0'; --param; assert(param < _M_num_parameters); // '.' separates the parameter number from the field // name, if there is one. ++__start; if (*__start != '.') { assert(*__start == ';'); ++__start; buf[0] = '\0'; if (_M_parameters[param]._M_kind == _Parameter::__integer) { _M_format_word(buf, bufsize, "%ld", _M_parameters[param]._M_variant._M_integer._M_value); _M_print_word(buf); } else if (_M_parameters[param]._M_kind == _Parameter::__string) _M_print_string(_M_parameters[param]._M_variant._M_string._M_value); continue; } // Extract the field name we want enum { max_field_len = 16 }; char field[max_field_len]; int field_idx = 0; ++__start; while (*__start != ';') { assert(*__start); assert(field_idx < max_field_len-1); field[field_idx++] = *__start++; } ++__start; field[field_idx] = 0; _M_parameters[param]._M_print_field(this, field); } } // Instantiations. template void _Error_formatter::_M_format_word(char* __buf, int __n, const char* __fmt, const void* __s) const; template void _Error_formatter::_M_format_word(char* __buf, int __n, const char* __fmt, long __s) const; template void _Error_formatter::_M_format_word(char* __buf, int __n, const char* __fmt, std::size_t __s) const; template void _Error_formatter::_M_format_word(char* __buf, int __n, const char* __fmt, const char* __s) const; } // namespace __gnu_debug