# Makefile.in generated automatically by automake 1.4 from Makefile.am # Copyright (C) 1994, 1995-8, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, # with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SHELL = @SHELL@ srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ bindir = @bindir@ sbindir = @sbindir@ libexecdir = @libexecdir@ datadir = @datadir@ sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ localstatedir = @localstatedir@ libdir = @libdir@ infodir = @infodir@ mandir = @mandir@ includedir = @includedir@ oldincludedir = /usr/include DESTDIR = pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ top_builddir = .. ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ $(AM_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS) INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ transform = @program_transform_name@ NORMAL_INSTALL = : PRE_INSTALL = : POST_INSTALL = : NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : PRE_UNINSTALL = : POST_UNINSTALL = : build_alias = @build_alias@ build_triplet = @build@ host_alias = @host_alias@ host_triplet = @host@ target_alias = @target_alias@ target_triplet = @target@ AR = @AR@ AS = @AS@ CC = @CC@ CPP = @CPP@ CSHADOWFLAGS = @CSHADOWFLAGS@ CXX = @CXX@ CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ DEBUG_FLAGS = @DEBUG_FLAGS@ DLLTOOL = @DLLTOOL@ EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS = @EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS@ GCC_OBJDIR = @GCC_OBJDIR@ GCJ = @GCJ@ GCJFLAGS = @GCJFLAGS@ GLIBCPP_CFLAGS = @GLIBCPP_CFLAGS@ GLIBCPP_CXXFLAGS = @GLIBCPP_CXXFLAGS@ LIBMATHOBJS = @LIBMATHOBJS@ LIBSTRINGOBJS = @LIBSTRINGOBJS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LN_S = @LN_S@ MAINT = @MAINT@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ OBJDUMP = @OBJDUMP@ OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ OPT_LDFLAGS = @OPT_LDFLAGS@ PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ SECTION_FLAGS = @SECTION_FLAGS@ SECTION_LDFLAGS = @SECTION_LDFLAGS@ STRIP = @STRIP@ USE_COMPLEX_LONG_DOUBLE = @USE_COMPLEX_LONG_DOUBLE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ WERROR = @WERROR@ WFMT_FLAGS = @WFMT_FLAGS@ glibcpp_basedir = @glibcpp_basedir@ ifGNUmake = @ifGNUmake@ libinst_wstring_la = @libinst_wstring_la@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.3 gnits MAINT_CHARSET = latin1 @USE_LIBDIR_TRUE@toolexeclibdir = $(libdir)$(MULTISUBDIR) @USE_LIBDIR_FALSE@toolexeclibdir = $(toolexecdir)/lib$(MULTISUBDIR) @USE_LIBDIR_FALSE@toolexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target_alias) toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES = libstdc++.la EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES = libinst-string.la libinst-wstring.la # AM_CXXFLAGS needs to be in each subdirectory so that it can be # modified in a per-library or per-sub-library way. # Need to manually set this option because CONFIG_CXXFLAGS has to be at # the end of the compile line so that -O2 can be overridden as the # occasion call for it. (ie, --enable-debug) AM_CXXFLAGS = -fno-implicit-templates $(WARN_CXXFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE_CXXFLAGS) $(CONFIG_CXXFLAGS) # Need to explicitly set this so that AM_CXXFLAGS is last. In # addition, we don't use $(DEFS), which tries to set $(top_srcdir) as # an include diretory, which screws up shadow headers. (That way, # things like -O2 passed down from the toplevel can be overridden by # --enable-debug.) CXXCOMPILE = $(CXX) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) LTCXXCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CXX) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) # We have a problem when building the shared libstdc++ object if the # rules automake generates would be used. We cannot allow CXX to be used # in libtool since this would add -lstdc++ to the link line which of # course is impossible. CXXLINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link "$(CC)" @OPT_LDFLAGS@ @SECTION_LDFLAGS@ $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ # Root level of the include sources. glibcpp_includedir = $(top_srcdir)/include # Passed down for cross compilers, canadian crosses. TOPLEVEL_INCLUDES = -I$(includedir) LIBMATH_INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/libmath @GLIBCPP_NEED_LIBIO_TRUE@LIBIO_INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/libio -I$(top_srcdir)/libio @GLIBCPP_NEED_LIBIO_FALSE@LIBIO_INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/libio @GLIBCPP_USE_CSHADOW_TRUE@CSHADOW_INCLUDES = -I$(glibcpp_includedir)/std -I$(top_srcdir)/shadow @GLIBCPP_USE_CSHADOW_FALSE@CSHADOW_INCLUDES = INCLUDES = -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_ISOC99_SOURCE -nostdinc++ $(CSHADOW_INCLUDES) -I$(top_builddir) -I$(glibcpp_includedir) $(LIBIO_INCLUDES) $(LIBMATH_INCLUDES) $(TOPLEVEL_INCLUDES) headers = bits/std_cctype.h bits/cpp_type_traits.h bits/char_traits.h bits/codecvt.h bits/basic_string.h bits/std_string.h bits/string.tcc bits/generic_shadow.h bits/std_utility.h bits/std_complex.h bits/valarray_array.h bits/valarray_array.tcc bits/valarray_meta.h bits/std_valarray.h bits/mask_array.h bits/slice.h bits/slice_array.h bits/gslice.h bits/gslice_array.h bits/indirect_array.h bits/std_cassert.h bits/std_cwctype.h bits/std_cerrno.h bits/std_cfloat.h bits/std_climits.h bits/std_clocale.h bits/std_cmath.h bits/std_csetjmp.h bits/std_csignal.h bits/std_cstdarg.h bits/std_cstddef.h bits/std_cstdio.h bits/std_cstdlib.h bits/std_cstring.h bits/std_ctime.h bits/std_cwchar.h bits/std_typeinfo.h bits/std_new.h bits/std_exception.h bits/exception_support.h bits/std_fstream.h bits/std_iomanip.h bits/ios_base.h bits/fpos.h bits/basic_ios.h bits/basic_ios.tcc bits/std_ios.h bits/std_iosfwd.h bits/std_iostream.h bits/std_istream.h bits/istream.tcc bits/std_locale.h bits/fstream.tcc bits/ostream.tcc bits/sbuf_iter.h bits/sstream.tcc bits/std_ostream.h bits/std_sstream.h bits/std_streambuf.h bits/streambuf.tcc bits/basic_file.h bits/locale_facets.h bits/locale_facets.tcc bits/localefwd.h bits/stl_pthread_alloc.h bits/pthread_allocimpl.h bits/stl_threads.h bits/stl_iterator_base.h backward/algo.h backward/algobase.h backward/alloc.h backward/bvector.h backward/defalloc.h backward/deque.h backward/function.h backward/hash_map.h backward/hash_set.h backward/hashtable.h backward/heap.h backward/iterator.h backward/list.h backward/map.h backward/multimap.h backward/new.h backward/multiset.h backward/pair.h backward/iostream.h backward/rope.h backward/set.h backward/slist.h backward/stack.h backward/tempbuf.h backward/tree.h backward/vector.h backward/fstream.h bits/std_bitset.h bits/std_deque.h bits/std_functional.h bits/std_iterator.h bits/std_list.h bits/std_map.h bits/std_memory.h bits/std_numeric.h bits/std_queue.h bits/std_set.h bits/std_stack.h bits/std_stdexcept.h bits/std_vector.h bits/stl_algo.h bits/stl_algobase.h bits/stl_alloc.h bits/stl_deque.h bits/stl_function.h bits/stl_heap.h bits/stl_iterator.h bits/stl_list.h bits/stl_map.h bits/stl_multimap.h bits/stl_multiset.h bits/stl_numeric.h bits/stl_pair.h bits/stl_queue.h bits/stl_raw_storage_iter.h bits/stl_relops.h bits/stl_set.h bits/stl_stack.h bits/stl_string_fwd.h bits/stl_tempbuf.h bits/stl_tree.h bits/stl_uninitialized.h bits/stl_vector.h bits/type_traits.h bits/stl_range_errors.h bits/std_algorithm.h bits/concept_checks.h bits/container_concepts.h bits/sequence_concepts.h bits/std_strstream.h ext/ropeimpl.h ext/stl_rope.h ext/stl_bvector.h bits/stl_config.h bits/stl_construct.h ext/stl_hashtable.h ext/stl_hash_fun.h ext/hash_map ext/hash_set ext/rope ext/slist ext/tree ext/bvector shadow/assert.h shadow/ctype.h shadow/errno.h shadow/float.h shadow/fcntl.h shadow/libio.h shadow/iolibio.h shadow/libioP.h shadow/limits.h shadow/locale.h shadow/math.h shadow/setjmp.h shadow/signal.h shadow/stdarg.h shadow/stddef.h shadow/stdio.h shadow/stdlib.h shadow/string.h shadow/time.h shadow/pthread.h shadow/iconv.h shadow/wchar.h shadow/wctype.h shadow/bits/std_cassert.h shadow/bits/std_cctype.h shadow/bits/std_cerrno.h shadow/bits/std_cfloat.h shadow/bits/std_climits.h shadow/bits/std_clocale.h shadow/bits/std_cmath.h shadow/bits/std_csetjmp.h shadow/bits/std_csignal.h shadow/bits/std_cstdarg.h shadow/bits/std_cstddef.h shadow/bits/std_cstdio.h shadow/bits/std_cstdlib.h shadow/bits/std_cstring.h shadow/bits/std_ctime.h shadow/bits/std_cwchar.h shadow/bits/std_cwctype.h shadow/bits/wrap_libio.h shadow/bits/wrap_iolibio.h shadow/bits/wrap_libioP.h shadow/bits/wrap_iconv.h shadow/bits/wrap_fcntl.h shadow/bits/wrap_pthread.h shadow/sys/cdefs.h std_headers = algorithm bitset cassert cctype cerrno cfloat climits clocale ciso646 cmath complex csetjmp csignal cstdarg cstddef cstdio cstdlib cstring ctime cwchar cwctype deque exception fstream functional iomanip ios iosfwd iostream istream iterator limits list locale map memory new numeric ostream queue set sstream stack stdexcept streambuf string strstream typeinfo utility valarray vector @GLIBCPP_NEED_LIBIO_TRUE@libio_headers = $(top_srcdir)/libio/_G_config.h $(top_srcdir)/libio/libio.h @GLIBCPP_NEED_LIBIO_FALSE@libio_headers = build_headers = $(top_builddir)/bits/std_limits.h $(top_builddir)/bits/c++config.h $(top_builddir)/bits/c++io.h $(top_builddir)/bits/c++threads.h $(top_builddir)/bits/atomicity.h $(top_builddir)/bits/ctype_base.h $(top_builddir)/bits/ctype_noninline.h $(top_builddir)/bits/ctype_inline.h sources = limitsMEMBERS.cc cmath.cc complex.cc complexf.cc complexl.cc complex_io.cc stdexcept.cc c++io.cc ios.cc stdstreams.cc strstream.cc locale.cc localename.cc codecvt.cc locale-inst.cc stl-inst.cc misc-inst.cc valarray-inst.cc string-inst.cc wstring_sources = wstring-inst.cc VPATH = $(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/src $(glibcpp_includedir) $(top_srcdir)/std # Actual sources for the distro, but don't build these. #EXTRA_sources = string-inst.cc libstdc___la_SOURCES = $(sources) libinst_wstring_la_SOURCES = $(wstring_sources) libstdc___la_LIBADD = ../libmath/libmath.la ../libio/libio.la ../libsupc++/libsupc++convenience.la @libinst_wstring_la@ libstdc___la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 3:0:0 -lm libstdc___la_DEPENDENCIES = $(libstdc___la_LIBADD) @GLIBCPP_USE_CSHADOW_TRUE@CSHADOW_H = $(top_builddir)/stamp-cshadow @GLIBCPP_USE_CSHADOW_FALSE@CSHADOW_H = # We cannot use the default rules to install headers since we cannot # statically decide which headers to install. So we have our own special # installation routine here. myincludep = $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/g++-v3/ mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/../mkinstalldirs CONFIG_HEADER = ../config.h CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = LTLIBRARIES = $(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES) DEFS = @DEFS@ -I. -I$(srcdir) -I.. CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ libinst_string_la_LDFLAGS = libinst_string_la_LIBADD = libinst_string_la_SOURCES = libinst-string.la.c libinst_string_la_OBJECTS = libinst-string.la.lo libinst_wstring_la_LDFLAGS = libinst_wstring_la_LIBADD = libinst_wstring_la_OBJECTS = wstring-inst.lo libstdc___la_OBJECTS = limitsMEMBERS.lo cmath.lo complex.lo complexf.lo \ complexl.lo complex_io.lo stdexcept.lo c++io.lo ios.lo stdstreams.lo \ strstream.lo locale.lo localename.lo codecvt.lo locale-inst.lo \ stl-inst.lo misc-inst.lo valarray-inst.lo string-inst.lo CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ CXXLD = $(CXX) CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) CCLD = $(CC) LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ DIST_COMMON = Makefile.am Makefile.in DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) TAR = gtar GZIP_ENV = --best SOURCES = libinst-string.la.c $(libinst_wstring_la_SOURCES) $(libstdc___la_SOURCES) OBJECTS = libinst-string.la.lo $(libinst_wstring_la_OBJECTS) $(libstdc___la_OBJECTS) all: all-redirect .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .S .c .cc .lo .o .obj .s $(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/configure.in $(ACLOCAL_M4) cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --cygnus src/Makefile Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status cd $(top_builddir) \ && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status mostlyclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: -test -z "$(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES) distclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: maintainer-clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: install-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: $(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES) @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(toolexeclibdir) @list='$(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ if test -f $$p; then \ echo "$(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(toolexeclibdir)/$$p"; \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(toolexeclibdir)/$$p; \ else :; fi; \ done uninstall-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES: @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) list='$(toolexeclib_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(toolexeclibdir)/$$p; \ done .c.o: $(COMPILE) -c $< # FIXME: We should only use cygpath when building on Windows, # and only if it is available. .c.obj: $(COMPILE) -c `cygpath -w $<` .s.o: $(COMPILE) -c $< .S.o: $(COMPILE) -c $< mostlyclean-compile: -rm -f *.o core *.core -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) clean-compile: distclean-compile: -rm -f *.tab.c maintainer-clean-compile: .c.lo: $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) -c $< .s.lo: $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) -c $< .S.lo: $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) -c $< mostlyclean-libtool: -rm -f *.lo clean-libtool: -rm -rf .libs _libs distclean-libtool: maintainer-clean-libtool: libinst-string.la: $(libinst_string_la_OBJECTS) $(libinst_string_la_DEPENDENCIES) $(LINK) $(libinst_string_la_LDFLAGS) $(libinst_string_la_OBJECTS) $(libinst_string_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) libinst-wstring.la: $(libinst_wstring_la_OBJECTS) $(libinst_wstring_la_DEPENDENCIES) $(CXXLINK) $(libinst_wstring_la_LDFLAGS) $(libinst_wstring_la_OBJECTS) $(libinst_wstring_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) libstdc++.la: $(libstdc___la_OBJECTS) $(libstdc___la_DEPENDENCIES) $(CXXLINK) -rpath $(toolexeclibdir) $(libstdc___la_LDFLAGS) $(libstdc___la_OBJECTS) $(libstdc___la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) .cc.o: $(CXXCOMPILE) -c $< .cc.obj: $(CXXCOMPILE) -c `cygpath -w $<` .cc.lo: $(LTCXXCOMPILE) -c $< tags: TAGS ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)'; \ unique=`for i in $$list; do echo $$i; done | \ awk ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ here=`pwd` && cd $(srcdir) \ && mkid -f$$here/ID $$unique $(LISP) mostlyclean-tags: clean-tags: distclean-tags: -rm -f TAGS ID maintainer-clean-tags: distdir = $(top_builddir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir) subdir = src distdir: $(DISTFILES) @for file in $(DISTFILES); do \ if test -f $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ cp -pr $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file; \ else \ test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ || ln $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file 2> /dev/null \ || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file || :; \ fi; \ done info-am: info: info-am dvi-am: dvi: dvi-am check-am: check: check-am installcheck-am: installcheck: installcheck-am install-info-am: install-info: install-info-am install-exec-am: install-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES install-exec: install-exec-am install-data-am: install-data: install-data-am install-am: all-am @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am install: install-am uninstall-am: uninstall-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES uninstall: uninstall-am all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) all-redirect: all-am install-strip: $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) AM_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS=-s install installdirs: $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(toolexeclibdir) mostlyclean-generic: clean-generic: distclean-generic: -rm -f Makefile $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) -rm -f config.cache config.log stamp-h stamp-h[0-9]* maintainer-clean-generic: mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES mostlyclean-compile \ mostlyclean-libtool mostlyclean-tags \ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am clean-am: clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES clean-compile clean-libtool \ clean-tags clean-generic mostlyclean-am clean: clean-am distclean-am: distclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES distclean-compile \ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distclean-generic \ clean-am -rm -f libtool distclean: distclean-am maintainer-clean-am: maintainer-clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES \ maintainer-clean-compile maintainer-clean-libtool \ maintainer-clean-tags maintainer-clean-generic \ distclean-am @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am .PHONY: mostlyclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES \ distclean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES \ maintainer-clean-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES \ uninstall-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES install-toolexeclibLTLIBRARIES \ mostlyclean-compile distclean-compile clean-compile \ maintainer-clean-compile mostlyclean-libtool distclean-libtool \ clean-libtool maintainer-clean-libtool tags mostlyclean-tags \ distclean-tags clean-tags maintainer-clean-tags distdir info-am info \ dvi-am dvi check check-am installcheck-am installcheck install-info-am \ install-info install-exec-am install-exec install-data-am install-data \ install-am install uninstall-am uninstall all-redirect all-am all \ installdirs mostlyclean-generic distclean-generic clean-generic \ maintainer-clean-generic clean mostlyclean distclean maintainer-clean # Specify that all *.o's depend on this. $(libstdc___la_OBJECTS): $(CSHADOW_H) $(top_builddir)/stamp-cshadow: $(top_srcdir)/mkinclosure \ $(top_srcdir)/mkcshadow $(top_srcdir)/mkinclosure \ "-I $(top_builddir)/../../gcc/include -I /usr/include -G fcntl.h unistd.h" | $(top_srcdir)/mkcshadow; rm -f $(top_builddir)/stamp-cshadow echo "done" > $(top_builddir)/stamp-cshadow install: myinstallheaders # NB: As libio_headers may be empty, need this to make sure bash doesn't # choke on an empty for... loop by using libio_headers_install myinstallheaders: $(headers:%=$(myincludep)%) if test -z "$(MULTISUBDIR)"; then \ for i in $(std_headers); do \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $(glibcpp_includedir)/std/$$i $(myincludep)"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(glibcpp_includedir)/std/$$i $(myincludep); \ done; \ for i in $(build_headers); do \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(myincludep)bits/"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(myincludep)bits/; \ done; \ libio_headers_install='$(libio_headers)'; \ for i in $$libio_headers_install; do \ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(myincludep)"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(myincludep); \ done; \ fi; $(headers:%=$(myincludep)%): $(myincludep)%: % if test -z "$(MULTISUBDIR)"; then \ $(mkinstalldirs) $(@D); \ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $^ $@"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $^ $@; \ fi; # All the (now removed) machinations with string instantiations messes up the # automake-generated TAGS rule. Make a simple one here. TAGS: $(build_headers) $(cpu_headers) etags -C $(top_srcdir)/bits/*.h $(top_srcdir)/bits/*.tcc \ $(build_headers) $(libio_headers) \ $(top_srcdir)/src/*.cc \ $(top_builddir)/src/limitsMEMBERS.cc $(top_builddir)/src/c++io.cc \ -o $(top_builddir)/TAGS # We have to handle misc-inst.cc and locale-inst.cc in a special way # since we cannot instantiate all classes due to missing definitions # for things like vptrs, type_info bits, etc. when using # -fno-implicit-templates. misc-inst.o: misc-inst.cc $(CXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c $< misc-inst.lo: misc-inst.cc $(LTCXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c $< locale-inst.o: locale-inst.cc $(CXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c $< locale-inst.lo: locale-inst.cc $(LTCXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c $< # We have to instantiate wstring bits too. . . wstring-inst.o: string-inst.cc $(CXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c -DC=wchar_t $< -o $@ wstring-inst.lo: string-inst.cc $(LTCXXCOMPILE) -fimplicit-templates -c -DC=wchar_t $< -o $@ # Alexandre put this in here for some libtool-related reason. all: libstdc++.INC libstdc++.INC: Makefile $(MAKE) \ top_builddir=`CDPATH=:. && cd $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ top_srcdir=`CDPATH=:. && cd $(top_srcdir) && pwd` \ tmp-$@ -rm -f $@ mv tmp-$@ $@ tmp-libstdc++.INC: Makefile echo -I$(top_builddir) $(INCLUDES) > $@ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. .NOEXPORT: