// Core algorithmic facilities -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see // . /** @file bits/ranges_algo.h * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. * Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{algorithm} */ #ifndef _RANGES_ALGO_H #define _RANGES_ALGO_H 1 #if __cplusplus > 201703L #if __cplusplus > 202002L #include #endif #include #include #include // concept uniform_random_bit_generator #if __glibcxx_concepts namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default) { _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION namespace ranges { namespace __detail { template constexpr auto __make_comp_proj(_Comp& __comp, _Proj& __proj) { return [&] (auto&& __lhs, auto&& __rhs) -> bool { using _TL = decltype(__lhs); using _TR = decltype(__rhs); return std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, std::forward<_TL>(__lhs)), std::__invoke(__proj, std::forward<_TR>(__rhs))); }; } template constexpr auto __make_pred_proj(_Pred& __pred, _Proj& __proj) { return [&] (_Tp&& __arg) -> bool { return std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, std::forward<_Tp>(__arg))); }; } } // namespace __detail struct __all_of_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (!(bool)std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) return false; return true; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __all_of_fn all_of{}; struct __any_of_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) return true; return false; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __any_of_fn any_of{}; struct __none_of_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) return false; return true; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __none_of_fn none_of{}; template struct in_fun_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Iter in; [[no_unique_address]] _Fp fun; template requires convertible_to && convertible_to constexpr operator in_fun_result<_Iter2, _F2p>() const & { return {in, fun}; } template requires convertible_to<_Iter, _Iter2> && convertible_to<_Fp, _F2p> constexpr operator in_fun_result<_Iter2, _F2p>() && { return {std::move(in), std::move(fun)}; } }; template using for_each_result = in_fun_result<_Iter, _Fp>; struct __for_each_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirectly_unary_invocable> _Fun> constexpr for_each_result<_Iter, _Fun> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Fun __f, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) std::__invoke(__f, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first)); return { std::move(__first), std::move(__f) }; } template, _Proj>> _Fun> constexpr for_each_result, _Fun> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Fun __f, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__f), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __for_each_fn for_each{}; template using for_each_n_result = in_fun_result<_Iter, _Fp>; struct __for_each_n_fn { template> _Fun> constexpr for_each_n_result<_Iter, _Fun> operator()(_Iter __first, iter_difference_t<_Iter> __n, _Fun __f, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if constexpr (random_access_iterator<_Iter>) { if (__n <= 0) return {std::move(__first), std::move(__f)}; auto __last = __first + __n; return ranges::for_each(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__f), std::move(__proj)); } else { while (__n-- > 0) { std::__invoke(__f, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first)); ++__first; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__f)}; } } }; inline constexpr __for_each_n_fn for_each_n{}; // find, find_if and find_if_not are defined in . struct __find_first_of_fn { template _Sent1, forward_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Pred = ranges::equal_to, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires indirectly_comparable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr _Iter1 operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1) for (auto __iter = __first2; __iter != __last2; ++__iter) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__iter))) return __first1; return __first1; } template requires indirectly_comparable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range1> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __find_first_of_fn find_first_of{}; struct __count_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp*> constexpr iter_difference_t<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { iter_difference_t<_Iter> __n = 0; for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__proj, *__first) == __value) ++__n; return __n; } template, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp*> constexpr range_difference_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __count_fn count{}; struct __count_if_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr iter_difference_t<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { iter_difference_t<_Iter> __n = 0; for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) ++__n; return __n; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr range_difference_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __count_if_fn count_if{}; // in_in_result, mismatch and search are defined in . struct __search_n_fn { template _Sent, typename _Pred = ranges::equal_to, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirectly_comparable<_Iter, const _Tp*, _Pred, _Proj> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, iter_difference_t<_Iter> __count, const _Tp& __value, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__count <= 0) return {__first, __first}; auto __value_comp = [&] (_Rp&& __arg) -> bool { return std::__invoke(__pred, std::forward<_Rp>(__arg), __value); }; if (__count == 1) { __first = ranges::find_if(std::move(__first), __last, std::move(__value_comp), std::move(__proj)); if (__first == __last) return {__first, __first}; else { auto __end = __first; return {__first, ++__end}; } } if constexpr (sized_sentinel_for<_Sent, _Iter> && random_access_iterator<_Iter>) { auto __tail_size = __last - __first; auto __remainder = __count; while (__remainder <= __tail_size) { __first += __remainder; __tail_size -= __remainder; auto __backtrack = __first; while (__value_comp(std::__invoke(__proj, *--__backtrack))) { if (--__remainder == 0) return {__first - __count, __first}; } __remainder = __count + 1 - (__first - __backtrack); } auto __i = __first + __tail_size; return {__i, __i}; } else { __first = ranges::find_if(__first, __last, __value_comp, __proj); while (__first != __last) { auto __n = __count; auto __i = __first; ++__i; while (__i != __last && __n != 1 && __value_comp(std::__invoke(__proj, *__i))) { ++__i; --__n; } if (__n == 1) return {__first, __i}; if (__i == __last) return {__i, __i}; __first = ranges::find_if(++__i, __last, __value_comp, __proj); } return {__first, __first}; } } template, _Proj)> requires indirectly_comparable, const _Tp*, _Pred, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, range_difference_t<_Range> __count, const _Tp& __value, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__count), __value, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __search_n_fn search_n{}; struct __find_end_fn { template _Sent1, forward_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Pred = ranges::equal_to, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires indirectly_comparable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr subrange<_Iter1> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { if constexpr (bidirectional_iterator<_Iter1> && bidirectional_iterator<_Iter2>) { auto __i1 = ranges::next(__first1, __last1); auto __i2 = ranges::next(__first2, __last2); auto __rresult = ranges::search(reverse_iterator<_Iter1>{__i1}, reverse_iterator<_Iter1>{__first1}, reverse_iterator<_Iter2>{__i2}, reverse_iterator<_Iter2>{__first2}, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); auto __result_first = ranges::end(__rresult).base(); auto __result_last = ranges::begin(__rresult).base(); if (__result_last == __first1) return {__i1, __i1}; else return {__result_first, __result_last}; } else { auto __i = ranges::next(__first1, __last1); if (__first2 == __last2) return {__i, __i}; auto __result_begin = __i; auto __result_end = __i; for (;;) { auto __new_range = ranges::search(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, __pred, __proj1, __proj2); auto __new_result_begin = ranges::begin(__new_range); auto __new_result_end = ranges::end(__new_range); if (__new_result_begin == __last1) return {__result_begin, __result_end}; else { __result_begin = __new_result_begin; __result_end = __new_result_end; __first1 = __result_begin; ++__first1; } } } } template requires indirectly_comparable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range1> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __find_end_fn find_end{}; // adjacent_find is defined in . struct __is_permutation_fn { template _Sent1, forward_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity, indirect_equivalence_relation, projected<_Iter2, _Proj2>> _Pred = ranges::equal_to> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { constexpr bool __sized_iters = (sized_sentinel_for<_Sent1, _Iter1> && sized_sentinel_for<_Sent2, _Iter2>); if constexpr (__sized_iters) { auto __d1 = ranges::distance(__first1, __last1); auto __d2 = ranges::distance(__first2, __last2); if (__d1 != __d2) return false; } // Efficiently compare identical prefixes: O(N) if sequences // have the same elements in the same order. for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2; ++__first1, (void)++__first2) if (!(bool)std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) break; if constexpr (__sized_iters) { if (__first1 == __last1) return true; } else { auto __d1 = ranges::distance(__first1, __last1); auto __d2 = ranges::distance(__first2, __last2); if (__d1 == 0 && __d2 == 0) return true; if (__d1 != __d2) return false; } for (auto __scan = __first1; __scan != __last1; ++__scan) { auto&& __scan_deref = *__scan; auto&& __proj_scan = std::__invoke(__proj1, std::forward(__scan_deref)); auto __comp_scan = [&] (_Tp&& __arg) -> bool { return std::__invoke(__pred, std::forward(__proj_scan), std::forward<_Tp>(__arg)); }; if (__scan != ranges::find_if(__first1, __scan, __comp_scan, __proj1)) continue; // We've seen this one before. auto __matches = ranges::count_if(__first2, __last2, __comp_scan, __proj2); if (__matches == 0 || ranges::count_if(__scan, __last1, __comp_scan, __proj1) != __matches) return false; } return true; } template, _Proj1>, projected, _Proj2>> _Pred = ranges::equal_to> constexpr bool operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 3560. ranges::is_permutation should short-circuit for sized_ranges if constexpr (sized_range<_Range1>) if constexpr (sized_range<_Range2>) if (ranges::distance(__r1) != ranges::distance(__r2)) return false; return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __is_permutation_fn is_permutation{}; template using copy_if_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __copy_if_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> constexpr copy_if_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) { *__result = *__first; ++__result; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> constexpr copy_if_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __copy_if_fn copy_if{}; template using swap_ranges_result = in_in_result<_Iter1, _Iter2>; struct __swap_ranges_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2> requires indirectly_swappable<_Iter1, _Iter2> constexpr swap_ranges_result<_Iter1, _Iter2> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2) const { for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2; ++__first1, (void)++__first2) ranges::iter_swap(__first1, __first2); return {std::move(__first1), std::move(__first2)}; } template requires indirectly_swappable, iterator_t<_Range2>> constexpr swap_ranges_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2)); } }; inline constexpr __swap_ranges_fn swap_ranges{}; template using unary_transform_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; template struct in_in_out_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Iter1 in1; [[no_unique_address]] _Iter2 in2; [[no_unique_address]] _Out out; template requires convertible_to && convertible_to && convertible_to constexpr operator in_in_out_result<_IIter1, _IIter2, _OOut>() const & { return {in1, in2, out}; } template requires convertible_to<_Iter1, _IIter1> && convertible_to<_Iter2, _IIter2> && convertible_to<_Out, _OOut> constexpr operator in_in_out_result<_IIter1, _IIter2, _OOut>() && { return {std::move(in1), std::move(in2), std::move(out)}; } }; template using binary_transform_result = in_in_out_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out>; struct __transform_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, copy_constructible _Fp, typename _Proj = identity> requires indirectly_writable<_Out, indirect_result_t<_Fp&, projected<_Iter, _Proj>>> constexpr unary_transform_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first1, _Sent __last1, _Out __result, _Fp __op, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first1 != __last1; ++__first1, (void)++__result) *__result = std::__invoke(__op, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first1)); return {std::move(__first1), std::move(__result)}; } template requires indirectly_writable<_Out, indirect_result_t<_Fp&, projected, _Proj>>> constexpr unary_transform_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, _Fp __op, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), std::move(__op), std::move(__proj)); } template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, copy_constructible _Fp, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires indirectly_writable<_Out, indirect_result_t<_Fp&, projected<_Iter1, _Proj1>, projected<_Iter2, _Proj2>>> constexpr binary_transform_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Fp __binary_op, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2; ++__first1, (void)++__first2, ++__result) *__result = std::__invoke(__binary_op, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2)); return {std::move(__first1), std::move(__first2), std::move(__result)}; } template requires indirectly_writable<_Out, indirect_result_t<_Fp&, projected, _Proj1>, projected, _Proj2>>> constexpr binary_transform_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Fp __binary_op, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__binary_op), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __transform_fn transform{}; struct __replace_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp1 _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), typename _Tp2 _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(_Tp1)> requires indirectly_writable<_Iter, const _Tp2&> && indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp1*> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp1& __old_value, const _Tp2& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__proj, *__first) == __old_value) *__first = __new_value; return __first; } template, _Proj), typename _Tp2 _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(_Tp1)> requires indirectly_writable, const _Tp2&> && indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp1*> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp1& __old_value, const _Tp2& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __old_value, __new_value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __replace_fn replace{}; struct __replace_if_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires indirectly_writable<_Iter, const _Tp&> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, const _Tp& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) *__first = __new_value; return std::move(__first); } template, _Proj), indirect_unary_predicate, _Proj>> _Pred> requires indirectly_writable, const _Tp&> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, const _Tp& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), __new_value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __replace_if_fn replace_if{}; template using replace_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __replace_copy_fn { template _Sent, typename _Out, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp1 _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), typename _Tp2 _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Out>)> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> && indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp1*> && output_iterator<_Out, const _Tp2&> constexpr replace_copy_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, const _Tp1& __old_value, const _Tp2& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first, (void)++__result) if (std::__invoke(__proj, *__first) == __old_value) *__result = __new_value; else *__result = *__first; return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; } template, _Proj), typename _Tp2 _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Out>)> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> && indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp1*> && output_iterator<_Out, const _Tp2&> constexpr replace_copy_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, const _Tp1& __old_value, const _Tp2& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), __old_value, __new_value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __replace_copy_fn replace_copy{}; template using replace_copy_if_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __replace_copy_if_fn { template _Sent, typename _Out, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Out>), typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> && output_iterator<_Out, const _Tp&> constexpr replace_copy_if_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, const _Tp& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first, (void)++__result) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) *__result = __new_value; else *__result = *__first; return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; } template), typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate, _Proj>> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> && output_iterator<_Out, const _Tp&> constexpr replace_copy_if_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, const _Tp& __new_value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), std::move(__pred), __new_value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __replace_copy_if_fn replace_copy_if{}; struct __generate_n_fn { template requires invocable<_Fp&> && indirectly_writable<_Out, invoke_result_t<_Fp&>> constexpr _Out operator()(_Out __first, iter_difference_t<_Out> __n, _Fp __gen) const { for (; __n > 0; --__n, (void)++__first) *__first = std::__invoke(__gen); return __first; } }; inline constexpr __generate_n_fn generate_n{}; struct __generate_fn { template _Sent, copy_constructible _Fp> requires invocable<_Fp&> && indirectly_writable<_Out, invoke_result_t<_Fp&>> constexpr _Out operator()(_Out __first, _Sent __last, _Fp __gen) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) *__first = std::__invoke(__gen); return __first; } template requires invocable<_Fp&> && output_range<_Range, invoke_result_t<_Fp&>> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Fp __gen) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__gen)); } }; inline constexpr __generate_fn generate{}; struct __remove_if_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { __first = ranges::find_if(__first, __last, __pred, __proj); if (__first == __last) return {__first, __first}; auto __result = __first; ++__first; for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (!std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) { *__result = std::move(*__first); ++__result; } return {__result, __first}; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires permutable> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __remove_if_fn remove_if{}; struct __remove_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp*> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __pred = [&] (auto&& __arg) -> bool { return std::forward(__arg) == __value; }; return ranges::remove_if(__first, __last, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } template, _Proj)> requires permutable> && indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp*> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __remove_fn remove{}; template using remove_copy_if_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __remove_copy_if_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> constexpr remove_copy_if_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (!std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) { *__result = *__first; ++__result; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> constexpr remove_copy_if_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __remove_copy_if_fn remove_copy_if{}; template using remove_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __remove_copy_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> && indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp*> constexpr remove_copy_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (!(std::__invoke(__proj, *__first) == __value)) { *__result = *__first; ++__result; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; } template, _Proj)> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> && indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp*> constexpr remove_copy_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), __value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __remove_copy_fn remove_copy{}; struct __unique_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_equivalence_relation< projected<_Iter, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::equal_to> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { __first = ranges::adjacent_find(__first, __last, __comp, __proj); if (__first == __last) return {__first, __first}; auto __dest = __first; ++__first; while (++__first != __last) if (!std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__dest), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) *++__dest = std::move(*__first); return {++__dest, __first}; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::equal_to> requires permutable> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __unique_fn unique{}; namespace __detail { template concept __can_reread_output = input_iterator<_Out> && same_as<_Tp, iter_value_t<_Out>>; } template using unique_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __unique_copy_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_equivalence_relation< projected<_Iter, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::equal_to> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> && (forward_iterator<_Iter> || __detail::__can_reread_output<_Out, iter_value_t<_Iter>> || indirectly_copyable_storable<_Iter, _Out>) constexpr unique_copy_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)}; // TODO: perform a closer comparison with reference implementations if constexpr (forward_iterator<_Iter>) { auto __next = __first; *__result = *__next; while (++__next != __last) if (!std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first), std::__invoke(__proj, *__next))) { __first = __next; *++__result = *__first; } return {__next, std::move(++__result)}; } else if constexpr (__detail::__can_reread_output<_Out, iter_value_t<_Iter>>) { *__result = *__first; while (++__first != __last) if (!std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__result), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) *++__result = *__first; return {std::move(__first), std::move(++__result)}; } else // indirectly_copyable_storable<_Iter, _Out> { auto __value = *__first; *__result = __value; while (++__first != __last) { if (!(bool)std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first), std::__invoke(__proj, __value))) { __value = *__first; *++__result = __value; } } return {std::move(__first), std::move(++__result)}; } } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::equal_to> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> && (forward_iterator> || __detail::__can_reread_output<_Out, range_value_t<_Range>> || indirectly_copyable_storable, _Out>) constexpr unique_copy_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __unique_copy_fn unique_copy{}; struct __reverse_fn { template _Sent> requires permutable<_Iter> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last) const { auto __i = ranges::next(__first, __last); auto __tail = __i; if constexpr (random_access_iterator<_Iter>) { if (__first != __last) { --__tail; while (__first < __tail) { ranges::iter_swap(__first, __tail); ++__first; --__tail; } } return __i; } else { for (;;) if (__first == __tail || __first == --__tail) break; else { ranges::iter_swap(__first, __tail); ++__first; } return __i; } } template requires permutable> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r)); } }; inline constexpr __reverse_fn reverse{}; template using reverse_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __reverse_copy_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> constexpr reverse_copy_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __result) const { auto __i = ranges::next(__first, __last); auto __tail = __i; while (__first != __tail) { --__tail; *__result = *__tail; ++__result; } return {__i, std::move(__result)}; } template requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> constexpr reverse_copy_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __result) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result)); } }; inline constexpr __reverse_copy_fn reverse_copy{}; struct __rotate_fn { template _Sent> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Iter __middle, _Sent __last) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); if (__first == __middle) return {__lasti, __lasti}; if (__last == __middle) return {std::move(__first), std::move(__lasti)}; if constexpr (random_access_iterator<_Iter>) { auto __n = __lasti - __first; auto __k = __middle - __first; if (__k == __n - __k) { ranges::swap_ranges(__first, __middle, __middle, __middle + __k); return {std::move(__middle), std::move(__lasti)}; } auto __p = __first; auto __ret = __first + (__lasti - __middle); for (;;) { if (__k < __n - __k) { // TODO: is_pod is deprecated, but this condition is // consistent with the STL implementation. if constexpr (__is_pod(iter_value_t<_Iter>)) if (__k == 1) { auto __t = std::move(*__p); ranges::move(__p + 1, __p + __n, __p); *(__p + __n - 1) = std::move(__t); return {std::move(__ret), std::move(__lasti)}; } auto __q = __p + __k; for (decltype(__n) __i = 0; __i < __n - __k; ++ __i) { ranges::iter_swap(__p, __q); ++__p; ++__q; } __n %= __k; if (__n == 0) return {std::move(__ret), std::move(__lasti)}; ranges::swap(__n, __k); __k = __n - __k; } else { __k = __n - __k; // TODO: is_pod is deprecated, but this condition is // consistent with the STL implementation. if constexpr (__is_pod(iter_value_t<_Iter>)) if (__k == 1) { auto __t = std::move(*(__p + __n - 1)); ranges::move_backward(__p, __p + __n - 1, __p + __n); *__p = std::move(__t); return {std::move(__ret), std::move(__lasti)}; } auto __q = __p + __n; __p = __q - __k; for (decltype(__n) __i = 0; __i < __n - __k; ++ __i) { --__p; --__q; ranges::iter_swap(__p, __q); } __n %= __k; if (__n == 0) return {std::move(__ret), std::move(__lasti)}; std::swap(__n, __k); } } } else if constexpr (bidirectional_iterator<_Iter>) { auto __tail = __lasti; ranges::reverse(__first, __middle); ranges::reverse(__middle, __tail); while (__first != __middle && __middle != __tail) { ranges::iter_swap(__first, --__tail); ++__first; } if (__first == __middle) { ranges::reverse(__middle, __tail); return {std::move(__tail), std::move(__lasti)}; } else { ranges::reverse(__first, __middle); return {std::move(__first), std::move(__lasti)}; } } else { auto __first2 = __middle; do { ranges::iter_swap(__first, __first2); ++__first; ++__first2; if (__first == __middle) __middle = __first2; } while (__first2 != __last); auto __ret = __first; __first2 = __middle; while (__first2 != __last) { ranges::iter_swap(__first, __first2); ++__first; ++__first2; if (__first == __middle) __middle = __first2; else if (__first2 == __last) __first2 = __middle; } return {std::move(__ret), std::move(__lasti)}; } } template requires permutable> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, iterator_t<_Range> __middle) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), std::move(__middle), ranges::end(__r)); } }; inline constexpr __rotate_fn rotate{}; template using rotate_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __rotate_copy_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> constexpr rotate_copy_result<_Iter, _Out> operator()(_Iter __first, _Iter __middle, _Sent __last, _Out __result) const { auto __copy1 = ranges::copy(__middle, std::move(__last), std::move(__result)); auto __copy2 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first), std::move(__middle), std::move(__copy1.out)); return { std::move(__copy1.in), std::move(__copy2.out) }; } template requires indirectly_copyable, _Out> constexpr rotate_copy_result, _Out> operator()(_Range&& __r, iterator_t<_Range> __middle, _Out __result) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), std::move(__middle), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__result)); } }; inline constexpr __rotate_copy_fn rotate_copy{}; struct __sample_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Gen> requires (forward_iterator<_Iter> || random_access_iterator<_Out>) && indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out> && uniform_random_bit_generator> _Out operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out __out, iter_difference_t<_Iter> __n, _Gen&& __g) const { if constexpr (forward_iterator<_Iter>) { // FIXME: Forwarding to std::sample here requires computing __lasti // which may take linear time. auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); return _GLIBCXX_STD_A:: sample(std::move(__first), std::move(__lasti), std::move(__out), __n, std::forward<_Gen>(__g)); } else { using __distrib_type = uniform_int_distribution>; using __param_type = typename __distrib_type::param_type; __distrib_type __d{}; iter_difference_t<_Iter> __sample_sz = 0; while (__first != __last && __sample_sz != __n) { __out[__sample_sz++] = *__first; ++__first; } for (auto __pop_sz = __sample_sz; __first != __last; ++__first, (void) ++__pop_sz) { const auto __k = __d(__g, __param_type{0, __pop_sz}); if (__k < __n) __out[__k] = *__first; } return __out + __sample_sz; } } template requires (forward_range<_Range> || random_access_iterator<_Out>) && indirectly_copyable, _Out> && uniform_random_bit_generator> _Out operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out __out, range_difference_t<_Range> __n, _Gen&& __g) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__out), __n, std::forward<_Gen>(__g)); } }; inline constexpr __sample_fn sample{}; struct __shuffle_fn { template _Sent, typename _Gen> requires permutable<_Iter> && uniform_random_bit_generator> _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Gen&& __g) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::shuffle(std::move(__first), __lasti, std::forward<_Gen>(__g)); return __lasti; } template requires permutable> && uniform_random_bit_generator> borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Gen&& __g) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::forward<_Gen>(__g)); } }; inline constexpr __shuffle_fn shuffle{}; struct __push_heap_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::push_heap(__first, __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __push_heap_fn push_heap{}; struct __pop_heap_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::pop_heap(__first, __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __pop_heap_fn pop_heap{}; struct __make_heap_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::make_heap(__first, __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __make_heap_fn make_heap{}; struct __sort_heap_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::sort_heap(__first, __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __sort_heap_fn sort_heap{}; struct __is_heap_until_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { iter_difference_t<_Iter> __n = ranges::distance(__first, __last); iter_difference_t<_Iter> __parent = 0, __child = 1; for (; __child < __n; ++__child) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *(__first + __parent)), std::__invoke(__proj, *(__first + __child)))) return __first + __child; else if ((__child & 1) == 0) ++__parent; return __first + __n; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __is_heap_until_fn is_heap_until{}; struct __is_heap_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (__last == ranges::is_heap_until(__first, __last, std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj))); } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __is_heap_fn is_heap{}; struct __sort_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); _GLIBCXX_STD_A::sort(std::move(__first), __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __sort_fn sort{}; struct __stable_sort_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> _GLIBCXX26_CONSTEXPR _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::stable_sort(std::move(__first), __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> _GLIBCXX26_CONSTEXPR borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __stable_sort_fn stable_sort{}; struct __partial_sort_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Iter __middle, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __middle) return ranges::next(__first, __last); ranges::make_heap(__first, __middle, __comp, __proj); auto __i = __middle; for (; __i != __last; ++__i) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__i), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) { ranges::pop_heap(__first, __middle, __comp, __proj); ranges::iter_swap(__middle-1, __i); ranges::push_heap(__first, __middle, __comp, __proj); } ranges::sort_heap(__first, __middle, __comp, __proj); return __i; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, iterator_t<_Range> __middle, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), std::move(__middle), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __partial_sort_fn partial_sort{}; template using partial_sort_copy_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __partial_sort_copy_fn { template _Sent1, random_access_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter1, _Iter2> && sortable<_Iter2, _Comp, _Proj2> && indirect_strict_weak_order<_Comp, projected<_Iter1, _Proj1>, projected<_Iter2, _Proj2>> constexpr partial_sort_copy_result<_Iter1, _Iter2> operator()(_Iter1 __first, _Sent1 __last, _Iter2 __result_first, _Sent2 __result_last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { if (__result_first == __result_last) { // TODO: Eliminating the variable __lasti triggers an ICE. auto __lasti = ranges::next(std::move(__first), std::move(__last)); return {std::move(__lasti), std::move(__result_first)}; } auto __result_real_last = __result_first; while (__first != __last && __result_real_last != __result_last) { *__result_real_last = *__first; ++__result_real_last; ++__first; } ranges::make_heap(__result_first, __result_real_last, __comp, __proj2); for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__result_first))) { ranges::pop_heap(__result_first, __result_real_last, __comp, __proj2); *(__result_real_last-1) = *__first; ranges::push_heap(__result_first, __result_real_last, __comp, __proj2); } ranges::sort_heap(__result_first, __result_real_last, __comp, __proj2); return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result_real_last)}; } template requires indirectly_copyable, iterator_t<_Range2>> && sortable, _Comp, _Proj2> && indirect_strict_weak_order<_Comp, projected, _Proj1>, projected, _Proj2>> constexpr partial_sort_copy_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>> operator()(_Range1&& __r, _Range2&& __out, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), ranges::begin(__out), ranges::end(__out), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __partial_sort_copy_fn partial_sort_copy{}; struct __is_sorted_until_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return __first; auto __next = __first; for (++__next; __next != __last; __first = __next, (void)++__next) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__next), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) return __next; return __next; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __is_sorted_until_fn is_sorted_until{}; struct __is_sorted_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return true; auto __next = __first; for (++__next; __next != __last; __first = __next, (void)++__next) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__next), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) return false; return true; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __is_sorted_fn is_sorted{}; struct __nth_element_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Iter __nth, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); _GLIBCXX_STD_A::nth_element(std::move(__first), std::move(__nth), __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, iterator_t<_Range> __nth, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), std::move(__nth), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __nth_element_fn nth_element{}; struct __lower_bound_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __len = ranges::distance(__first, __last); while (__len > 0) { auto __half = __len / 2; auto __middle = __first; ranges::advance(__middle, __half); if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__middle), __value)) { __first = __middle; ++__first; __len = __len - __half - 1; } else __len = __half; } return __first; } template, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __lower_bound_fn lower_bound{}; struct __upper_bound_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __len = ranges::distance(__first, __last); while (__len > 0) { auto __half = __len / 2; auto __middle = __first; ranges::advance(__middle, __half); if (std::__invoke(__comp, __value, std::__invoke(__proj, *__middle))) __len = __half; else { __first = __middle; ++__first; __len = __len - __half - 1; } } return __first; } template, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __upper_bound_fn upper_bound{}; struct __equal_range_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __len = ranges::distance(__first, __last); while (__len > 0) { auto __half = __len / 2; auto __middle = __first; ranges::advance(__middle, __half); if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__middle), __value)) { __first = __middle; ++__first; __len = __len - __half - 1; } else if (std::__invoke(__comp, __value, std::__invoke(__proj, *__middle))) __len = __half; else { auto __left = ranges::lower_bound(__first, __middle, __value, __comp, __proj); ranges::advance(__first, __len); auto __right = ranges::upper_bound(++__middle, __first, __value, __comp, __proj); return {__left, __right}; } } return {__first, __first}; } template, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __equal_range_fn equal_range{}; struct __binary_search_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __i = ranges::lower_bound(__first, __last, __value, __comp, __proj); if (__i == __last) return false; return !(bool)std::__invoke(__comp, __value, std::__invoke(__proj, *__i)); } template, _Proj), indirect_strict_weak_order, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __binary_search_fn binary_search{}; struct __is_partitioned_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { __first = ranges::find_if_not(std::move(__first), __last, __pred, __proj); if (__first == __last) return true; ++__first; return ranges::none_of(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __is_partitioned_fn is_partitioned{}; struct __partition_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if constexpr (bidirectional_iterator<_Iter>) { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); auto __tail = __lasti; for (;;) { for (;;) if (__first == __tail) return {std::move(__first), std::move(__lasti)}; else if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) ++__first; else break; --__tail; for (;;) if (__first == __tail) return {std::move(__first), std::move(__lasti)}; else if (!(bool)std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__tail))) --__tail; else break; ranges::iter_swap(__first, __tail); ++__first; } } else { if (__first == __last) return {__first, __first}; while (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) if (++__first == __last) return {__first, __first}; auto __next = __first; while (++__next != __last) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__next))) { ranges::iter_swap(__first, __next); ++__first; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__next)}; } } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires permutable> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __partition_fn partition{}; #if _GLIBCXX_HOSTED struct __stable_partition_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires permutable<_Iter> subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); auto __middle = std::stable_partition(std::move(__first), __lasti, __detail::__make_pred_proj(__pred, __proj)); return {std::move(__middle), std::move(__lasti)}; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires permutable> borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __stable_partition_fn stable_partition{}; #endif template struct in_out_out_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Iter in; [[no_unique_address]] _Out1 out1; [[no_unique_address]] _Out2 out2; template requires convertible_to && convertible_to && convertible_to constexpr operator in_out_out_result<_IIter, _OOut1, _OOut2>() const & { return {in, out1, out2}; } template requires convertible_to<_Iter, _IIter> && convertible_to<_Out1, _OOut1> && convertible_to<_Out2, _OOut2> constexpr operator in_out_out_result<_IIter, _OOut1, _OOut2>() && { return {std::move(in), std::move(out1), std::move(out2)}; } }; template using partition_copy_result = in_out_out_result<_Iter, _Out1, _Out2>; struct __partition_copy_fn { template _Sent, weakly_incrementable _Out1, weakly_incrementable _Out2, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out1> && indirectly_copyable<_Iter, _Out2> constexpr partition_copy_result<_Iter, _Out1, _Out2> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Out1 __out_true, _Out2 __out_false, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { for (; __first != __last; ++__first) if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) { *__out_true = *__first; ++__out_true; } else { *__out_false = *__first; ++__out_false; } return {std::move(__first), std::move(__out_true), std::move(__out_false)}; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> requires indirectly_copyable, _Out1> && indirectly_copyable, _Out2> constexpr partition_copy_result, _Out1, _Out2> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Out1 __out_true, _Out2 __out_false, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__out_true), std::move(__out_false), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __partition_copy_fn partition_copy{}; struct __partition_point_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __len = ranges::distance(__first, __last); while (__len > 0) { auto __half = __len / 2; auto __middle = __first; ranges::advance(__middle, __half); if (std::__invoke(__pred, std::__invoke(__proj, *__middle))) { __first = __middle; ++__first; __len = __len - __half - 1; } else __len = __half; } return __first; } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __partition_point_fn partition_point{}; template using merge_result = in_in_out_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out>; struct __merge_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires mergeable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr merge_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) { *__result = *__first2; ++__first2; } else { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; } ++__result; } auto __copy1 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1), std::move(__result)); auto __copy2 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first2), std::move(__last2), std::move(__copy1.out)); return { std::move(__copy1.in), std::move(__copy2.in), std::move(__copy2.out) }; } template requires mergeable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr merge_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __merge_fn merge{}; struct __inplace_merge_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Iter __middle, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); std::inplace_merge(std::move(__first), std::move(__middle), __lasti, __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj)); return __lasti; } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, iterator_t<_Range> __middle, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), std::move(__middle), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __inplace_merge_fn inplace_merge{}; struct __includes_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order, projected<_Iter2, _Proj2>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) return false; else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) ++__first1; else { ++__first1; ++__first2; } return __first2 == __last2; } template, _Proj1>, projected, _Proj2>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __includes_fn includes{}; template using set_union_result = in_in_out_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out>; struct __set_union_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires mergeable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_union_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; } else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) { *__result = *__first2; ++__first2; } else { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; ++__first2; } ++__result; } auto __copy1 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1), std::move(__result)); auto __copy2 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first2), std::move(__last2), std::move(__copy1.out)); return {std::move(__copy1.in), std::move(__copy2.in), std::move(__copy2.out)}; } template requires mergeable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_union_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __set_union_fn set_union{}; template using set_intersection_result = in_in_out_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out>; struct __set_intersection_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires mergeable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_intersection_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) ++__first1; else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) ++__first2; else { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; ++__first2; ++__result; } // TODO: Eliminating these variables triggers an ICE. auto __last1i = ranges::next(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1)); auto __last2i = ranges::next(std::move(__first2), std::move(__last2)); return {std::move(__last1i), std::move(__last2i), std::move(__result)}; } template requires mergeable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_intersection_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __set_intersection_fn set_intersection{}; template using set_difference_result = in_out_result<_Iter, _Out>; struct __set_difference_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires mergeable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_difference_result<_Iter1, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; ++__result; } else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) ++__first2; else { ++__first1; ++__first2; } return ranges::copy(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1), std::move(__result)); } template requires mergeable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_difference_result, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __set_difference_fn set_difference{}; template using set_symmetric_difference_result = in_in_out_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out>; struct __set_symmetric_difference_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, weakly_incrementable _Out, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires mergeable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_symmetric_difference_result<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Out> operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2) if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) { *__result = *__first1; ++__first1; ++__result; } else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) { *__result = *__first2; ++__first2; ++__result; } else { ++__first1; ++__first2; } auto __copy1 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1), std::move(__result)); auto __copy2 = ranges::copy(std::move(__first2), std::move(__last2), std::move(__copy1.out)); return {std::move(__copy1.in), std::move(__copy2.in), std::move(__copy2.out)}; } template requires mergeable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out, _Comp, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr set_symmetric_difference_result, borrowed_iterator_t<_Range2>, _Out> operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Out __result, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__result), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __set_symmetric_difference_fn set_symmetric_difference{}; // min is defined in . struct __max_fn { template> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr const _Tp& operator()(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, __a), std::__invoke(__proj, __b))) return __b; else return __a; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> requires indirectly_copyable_storable, range_value_t<_Range>*> constexpr range_value_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __first = ranges::begin(__r); auto __last = ranges::end(__r); __glibcxx_assert(__first != __last); auto __result = *__first; while (++__first != __last) { auto&& __tmp = *__first; if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, __result), std::__invoke(__proj, __tmp))) __result = std::forward(__tmp); } return __result; } template> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Tp operator()(initializer_list<_Tp> __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::subrange(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __max_fn max{}; struct __clamp_fn { template> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr const _Tp& operator()(const _Tp& __val, const _Tp& __lo, const _Tp& __hi, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { __glibcxx_assert(!(std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, __hi), std::__invoke(__proj, __lo)))); auto&& __proj_val = std::__invoke(__proj, __val); if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::forward(__proj_val), std::__invoke(__proj, __lo))) return __lo; else if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, __hi), std::forward(__proj_val))) return __hi; else return __val; } }; inline constexpr __clamp_fn clamp{}; template struct min_max_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Tp min; [[no_unique_address]] _Tp max; template requires convertible_to constexpr operator min_max_result<_Tp2>() const & { return {min, max}; } template requires convertible_to<_Tp, _Tp2> constexpr operator min_max_result<_Tp2>() && { return {std::move(min), std::move(max)}; } }; template using minmax_result = min_max_result<_Tp>; struct __minmax_fn { template> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr minmax_result operator()(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, __b), std::__invoke(__proj, __a))) return {__b, __a}; else return {__a, __b}; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> requires indirectly_copyable_storable, range_value_t<_Range>*> constexpr minmax_result> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __first = ranges::begin(__r); auto __last = ranges::end(__r); __glibcxx_assert(__first != __last); auto __comp_proj = __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj); minmax_result> __result = {*__first, __result.min}; if (++__first == __last) return __result; else { // At this point __result.min == __result.max, so a single // comparison with the next element suffices. auto&& __val = *__first; if (__comp_proj(__val, __result.min)) __result.min = std::forward(__val); else __result.max = std::forward(__val); } while (++__first != __last) { // Now process two elements at a time so that we perform at most // 1 + 3*(N-2)/2 comparisons in total (each of the (N-2)/2 // iterations of this loop performs three comparisons). range_value_t<_Range> __val1 = *__first; if (++__first == __last) { // N is odd; in this final iteration, we perform at most two // comparisons, for a total of 1 + 3*(N-3)/2 + 2 comparisons, // which is not more than 3*N/2, as required. if (__comp_proj(__val1, __result.min)) __result.min = std::move(__val1); else if (!__comp_proj(__val1, __result.max)) __result.max = std::move(__val1); break; } auto&& __val2 = *__first; if (!__comp_proj(__val2, __val1)) { if (__comp_proj(__val1, __result.min)) __result.min = std::move(__val1); if (!__comp_proj(__val2, __result.max)) __result.max = std::forward(__val2); } else { if (__comp_proj(__val2, __result.min)) __result.min = std::forward(__val2); if (!__comp_proj(__val1, __result.max)) __result.max = std::move(__val1); } } return __result; } template> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr minmax_result<_Tp> operator()(initializer_list<_Tp> __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::subrange(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __minmax_fn minmax{}; struct __min_element_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return __first; auto __i = __first; while (++__i != __last) { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__i), std::__invoke(__proj, *__first))) __first = __i; } return __first; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __min_element_fn min_element{}; struct __max_element_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr _Iter operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return __first; auto __i = __first; while (++__i != __last) { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__first), std::__invoke(__proj, *__i))) __first = __i; } return __first; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __max_element_fn max_element{}; template using minmax_element_result = min_max_result<_Iter>; struct __minmax_element_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr minmax_element_result<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { auto __comp_proj = __detail::__make_comp_proj(__comp, __proj); minmax_element_result<_Iter> __result = {__first, __first}; if (__first == __last || ++__first == __last) return __result; else { // At this point __result.min == __result.max, so a single // comparison with the next element suffices. if (__comp_proj(*__first, *__result.min)) __result.min = __first; else __result.max = __first; } while (++__first != __last) { // Now process two elements at a time so that we perform at most // 1 + 3*(N-2)/2 comparisons in total (each of the (N-2)/2 // iterations of this loop performs three comparisons). auto __prev = __first; if (++__first == __last) { // N is odd; in this final iteration, we perform at most two // comparisons, for a total of 1 + 3*(N-3)/2 + 2 comparisons, // which is not more than 3*N/2, as required. if (__comp_proj(*__prev, *__result.min)) __result.min = __prev; else if (!__comp_proj(*__prev, *__result.max)) __result.max = __prev; break; } if (!__comp_proj(*__first, *__prev)) { if (__comp_proj(*__prev, *__result.min)) __result.min = __prev; if (!__comp_proj(*__first, *__result.max)) __result.max = __first; } else { if (__comp_proj(*__first, *__result.min)) __result.min = __first; if (!__comp_proj(*__prev, *__result.max)) __result.max = __prev; } } return __result; } template, _Proj>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr minmax_element_result> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __minmax_element_fn minmax_element{}; struct __lexicographical_compare_fn { template _Sent1, input_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity, indirect_strict_weak_order, projected<_Iter2, _Proj2>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { if constexpr (__detail::__is_normal_iterator<_Iter1> && same_as<_Iter1, _Sent1>) return (*this)(__first1.base(), __last1.base(), std::move(__first2), std::move(__last2), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); else if constexpr (__detail::__is_normal_iterator<_Iter2> && same_as<_Iter2, _Sent2>) return (*this)(std::move(__first1), std::move(__last1), __first2.base(), __last2.base(), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); else { constexpr bool __sized_iters = (sized_sentinel_for<_Sent1, _Iter1> && sized_sentinel_for<_Sent2, _Iter2>); if constexpr (__sized_iters) { using _ValueType1 = iter_value_t<_Iter1>; using _ValueType2 = iter_value_t<_Iter2>; // This condition is consistent with the one in // __lexicographical_compare_aux in . constexpr bool __use_memcmp = (__is_memcmp_ordered_with<_ValueType1, _ValueType2>::__value && __ptr_to_nonvolatile<_Iter1> && __ptr_to_nonvolatile<_Iter2> && (is_same_v<_Comp, ranges::less> || is_same_v<_Comp, ranges::greater>) && is_same_v<_Proj1, identity> && is_same_v<_Proj2, identity>); if constexpr (__use_memcmp) { const auto __d1 = __last1 - __first1; const auto __d2 = __last2 - __first2; if (const auto __len = std::min(__d1, __d2)) { const auto __c = std::__memcmp(__first1, __first2, __len); if constexpr (is_same_v<_Comp, ranges::less>) { if (__c < 0) return true; if (__c > 0) return false; } else if constexpr (is_same_v<_Comp, ranges::greater>) { if (__c > 0) return true; if (__c < 0) return false; } } return __d1 < __d2; } } for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2; ++__first1, (void) ++__first2) { if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1), std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2))) return true; if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj2, *__first2), std::__invoke(__proj1, *__first1))) return false; } return __first1 == __last1 && __first2 != __last2; } } template, _Proj1>, projected, _Proj2>> _Comp = ranges::less> constexpr bool operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } private: template> static constexpr bool __ptr_to_nonvolatile = is_pointer_v<_Iter> && !is_volatile_v>; }; inline constexpr __lexicographical_compare_fn lexicographical_compare; template struct in_found_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Iter in; bool found; template requires convertible_to constexpr operator in_found_result<_Iter2>() const & { return {in, found}; } template requires convertible_to<_Iter, _Iter2> constexpr operator in_found_result<_Iter2>() && { return {std::move(in), found}; } }; template using next_permutation_result = in_found_result<_Iter>; struct __next_permutation_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr next_permutation_result<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return {std::move(__first), false}; auto __i = __first; ++__i; if (__i == __last) return {std::move(__i), false}; auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); __i = __lasti; --__i; for (;;) { auto __ii = __i; --__i; if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__i), std::__invoke(__proj, *__ii))) { auto __j = __lasti; while (!(bool)std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__i), std::__invoke(__proj, *--__j))) ; ranges::iter_swap(__i, __j); ranges::reverse(__ii, __last); return {std::move(__lasti), true}; } if (__i == __first) { ranges::reverse(__first, __last); return {std::move(__lasti), false}; } } } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr next_permutation_result> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __next_permutation_fn next_permutation{}; template using prev_permutation_result = in_found_result<_Iter>; struct __prev_permutation_fn { template _Sent, typename _Comp = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> requires sortable<_Iter, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr prev_permutation_result<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if (__first == __last) return {std::move(__first), false}; auto __i = __first; ++__i; if (__i == __last) return {std::move(__i), false}; auto __lasti = ranges::next(__first, __last); __i = __lasti; --__i; for (;;) { auto __ii = __i; --__i; if (std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *__ii), std::__invoke(__proj, *__i))) { auto __j = __lasti; while (!(bool)std::__invoke(__comp, std::__invoke(__proj, *--__j), std::__invoke(__proj, *__i))) ; ranges::iter_swap(__i, __j); ranges::reverse(__ii, __last); return {std::move(__lasti), true}; } if (__i == __first) { ranges::reverse(__first, __last); return {std::move(__lasti), false}; } } } template requires sortable, _Comp, _Proj> constexpr prev_permutation_result> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Comp __comp = {}, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__comp), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __prev_permutation_fn prev_permutation{}; #if __glibcxx_ranges_contains >= 202207L // C++ >= 23 struct __contains_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp*> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return ranges::find(std::move(__first), __last, __value, std::move(__proj)) != __last; } template, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp*> constexpr bool operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __contains_fn contains{}; struct __contains_subrange_fn { template _Sent1, forward_iterator _Iter2, sentinel_for<_Iter2> _Sent2, typename _Pred = ranges::equal_to, typename _Proj1 = identity, typename _Proj2 = identity> requires indirectly_comparable<_Iter1, _Iter2, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr bool operator()(_Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2, _Sent2 __last2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return __first2 == __last2 || !ranges::search(__first1, __last1, __first2, __last2, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)).empty(); } template requires indirectly_comparable, iterator_t<_Range2>, _Pred, _Proj1, _Proj2> constexpr bool operator()(_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2, _Pred __pred = {}, _Proj1 __proj1 = {}, _Proj2 __proj2 = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r1), ranges::end(__r1), ranges::begin(__r2), ranges::end(__r2), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj1), std::move(__proj2)); } }; inline constexpr __contains_subrange_fn contains_subrange{}; #endif // __glibcxx_ranges_contains #if __glibcxx_ranges_find_last >= 202207L // C++ >= 23 struct __find_last_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_RANGE_ALGO_DEF_VAL_T(_Iter, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, const _Tp*> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if constexpr (same_as<_Iter, _Sent> && bidirectional_iterator<_Iter>) { _Iter __found = ranges::find(reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__last}, reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__first}, __value, std::move(__proj)).base(); if (__found == __first) return {__last, __last}; else return {ranges::prev(__found), __last}; } else { _Iter __found = ranges::find(__first, __last, __value, __proj); if (__found == __last) return {__found, __found}; __first = __found; for (;;) { __first = ranges::find(ranges::next(__first), __last, __value, __proj); if (__first == __last) return {__found, __first}; __found = __first; } } } template, _Proj)> requires indirect_binary_predicate, _Proj>, const _Tp*> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, const _Tp& __value, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), __value, std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __find_last_fn find_last{}; struct __find_last_if_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if constexpr (same_as<_Iter, _Sent> && bidirectional_iterator<_Iter>) { _Iter __found = ranges::find_if(reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__last}, reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__first}, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)).base(); if (__found == __first) return {__last, __last}; else return {ranges::prev(__found), __last}; } else { _Iter __found = ranges::find_if(__first, __last, __pred, __proj); if (__found == __last) return {__found, __found}; __first = __found; for (;;) { __first = ranges::find_if(ranges::next(__first), __last, __pred, __proj); if (__first == __last) return {__found, __first}; __found = __first; } } } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __find_last_if_fn find_last_if{}; struct __find_last_if_not_fn { template _Sent, typename _Proj = identity, indirect_unary_predicate> _Pred> constexpr subrange<_Iter> operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { if constexpr (same_as<_Iter, _Sent> && bidirectional_iterator<_Iter>) { _Iter __found = ranges::find_if_not(reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__last}, reverse_iterator<_Iter>{__first}, std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)).base(); if (__found == __first) return {__last, __last}; else return {ranges::prev(__found), __last}; } else { _Iter __found = ranges::find_if_not(__first, __last, __pred, __proj); if (__found == __last) return {__found, __found}; __first = __found; for (;;) { __first = ranges::find_if_not(ranges::next(__first), __last, __pred, __proj); if (__first == __last) return {__found, __first}; __found = __first; } } } template, _Proj>> _Pred> constexpr borrowed_subrange_t<_Range> operator()(_Range&& __r, _Pred __pred, _Proj __proj = {}) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__pred), std::move(__proj)); } }; inline constexpr __find_last_if_not_fn find_last_if_not{}; #endif // __glibcxx_ranges_find_last #if __glibcxx_ranges_fold >= 202207L // C++ >= 23 template struct in_value_result { [[no_unique_address]] _Iter in; [[no_unique_address]] _Tp value; template requires convertible_to && convertible_to constexpr operator in_value_result<_Iter2, _Tp2>() const & { return {in, value}; } template requires convertible_to<_Iter, _Iter2> && convertible_to<_Tp, _Tp2> constexpr operator in_value_result<_Iter2, _Tp2>() && { return {std::move(in), std::move(value)}; } }; namespace __detail { template class __flipped { _Fp _M_f; public: template requires invocable<_Fp&, _Up, _Tp> invoke_result_t<_Fp&, _Up, _Tp> operator()(_Tp&&, _Up&&); // not defined }; template concept __indirectly_binary_left_foldable_impl = movable<_Tp> && movable<_Up> && convertible_to<_Tp, _Up> && invocable<_Fp&, _Up, iter_reference_t<_Iter>> && assignable_from<_Up&, invoke_result_t<_Fp&, _Up, iter_reference_t<_Iter>>>; template concept __indirectly_binary_left_foldable = copy_constructible<_Fp> && indirectly_readable<_Iter> && invocable<_Fp&, _Tp, iter_reference_t<_Iter>> && convertible_to>, decay_t>>> && __indirectly_binary_left_foldable_impl <_Fp, _Tp, _Iter, decay_t>>>; template concept __indirectly_binary_right_foldable = __indirectly_binary_left_foldable<__flipped<_Fp>, _Tp, _Iter>; } // namespace __detail template using fold_left_with_iter_result = in_value_result<_Iter, _Tp>; struct __fold_left_with_iter_fn { template static constexpr auto _S_impl(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) { using _Up = decay_t>>; using _Ret = fold_left_with_iter_result<_Ret_iter, _Up>; if (__first == __last) return _Ret{std::move(__first), _Up(std::move(__init))}; _Up __accum = std::__invoke(__f, std::move(__init), *__first); for (++__first; __first != __last; ++__first) __accum = std::__invoke(__f, std::move(__accum), *__first); return _Ret{std::move(__first), std::move(__accum)}; } template _Sent, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Iter>), __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable<_Tp, _Iter> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { using _Ret_iter = _Iter; return _S_impl<_Ret_iter>(std::move(__first), __last, std::move(__init), std::move(__f)); } template), __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable<_Tp, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { using _Ret_iter = borrowed_iterator_t<_Range>; return _S_impl<_Ret_iter>(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__init), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_left_with_iter_fn fold_left_with_iter{}; struct __fold_left_fn { template _Sent, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Iter>), __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable<_Tp, _Iter> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { return ranges::fold_left_with_iter(std::move(__first), __last, std::move(__init), std::move(__f)).value; } template), __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable<_Tp, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__init), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_left_fn fold_left{}; template using fold_left_first_with_iter_result = in_value_result<_Iter, _Tp>; struct __fold_left_first_with_iter_fn { template static constexpr auto _S_impl(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Fp __f) { using _Up = decltype(ranges::fold_left(std::move(__first), __last, iter_value_t<_Iter>(*__first), __f)); using _Ret = fold_left_first_with_iter_result<_Ret_iter, optional<_Up>>; if (__first == __last) return _Ret{std::move(__first), optional<_Up>()}; optional<_Up> __init(in_place, *__first); for (++__first; __first != __last; ++__first) *__init = std::__invoke(__f, std::move(*__init), *__first); return _Ret{std::move(__first), std::move(__init)}; } template _Sent, __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable, _Iter> _Fp> requires constructible_from, iter_reference_t<_Iter>> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Fp __f) const { using _Ret_iter = _Iter; return _S_impl<_Ret_iter>(std::move(__first), __last, std::move(__f)); } template, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> requires constructible_from, range_reference_t<_Range>> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Fp __f) const { using _Ret_iter = borrowed_iterator_t<_Range>; return _S_impl<_Ret_iter>(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_left_first_with_iter_fn fold_left_first_with_iter{}; struct __fold_left_first_fn { template _Sent, __detail::__indirectly_binary_left_foldable, _Iter> _Fp> requires constructible_from, iter_reference_t<_Iter>> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Fp __f) const { return ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter(std::move(__first), __last, std::move(__f)).value; } template, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> requires constructible_from, range_reference_t<_Range>> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Fp __f) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_left_first_fn fold_left_first{}; struct __fold_right_fn { template _Sent, typename _Tp _GLIBCXX26_DEF_VAL_T(iter_value_t<_Iter>), __detail::__indirectly_binary_right_foldable<_Tp, _Iter> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { using _Up = decay_t, _Tp>>; if (__first == __last) return _Up(std::move(__init)); _Iter __tail = ranges::next(__first, __last); _Up __accum = std::__invoke(__f, *--__tail, std::move(__init)); while (__first != __tail) __accum = std::__invoke(__f, *--__tail, std::move(__accum)); return __accum; } template), __detail::__indirectly_binary_right_foldable<_Tp, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Tp __init, _Fp __f) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__init), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_right_fn fold_right{}; struct __fold_right_last_fn { template _Sent, __detail::__indirectly_binary_right_foldable, _Iter> _Fp> requires constructible_from, iter_reference_t<_Iter>> constexpr auto operator()(_Iter __first, _Sent __last, _Fp __f) const { using _Up = decltype(ranges::fold_right(__first, __last, iter_value_t<_Iter>(*__first), __f)); if (__first == __last) return optional<_Up>(); _Iter __tail = ranges::prev(ranges::next(__first, std::move(__last))); return optional<_Up>(in_place, ranges::fold_right(std::move(__first), __tail, iter_value_t<_Iter>(*__tail), std::move(__f))); } template, iterator_t<_Range>> _Fp> requires constructible_from, range_reference_t<_Range>> constexpr auto operator()(_Range&& __r, _Fp __f) const { return (*this)(ranges::begin(__r), ranges::end(__r), std::move(__f)); } }; inline constexpr __fold_right_last_fn fold_right_last{}; #endif // __glibcxx_ranges_fold } // namespace ranges template constexpr _ForwardIterator shift_left(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type __n) { __glibcxx_assert(__n >= 0); if (__n == 0) return __last; auto __mid = ranges::next(__first, __n, __last); if (__mid == __last) return __first; return std::move(std::move(__mid), std::move(__last), std::move(__first)); } template constexpr _ForwardIterator shift_right(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type __n) { __glibcxx_assert(__n >= 0); if (__n == 0) return __first; using _Cat = typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::iterator_category; if constexpr (derived_from<_Cat, bidirectional_iterator_tag>) { auto __mid = ranges::next(__last, -__n, __first); if (__mid == __first) return __last; return std::move_backward(std::move(__first), std::move(__mid), std::move(__last)); } else { auto __result = ranges::next(__first, __n, __last); if (__result == __last) return __last; auto __dest_head = __first, __dest_tail = __result; while (__dest_head != __result) { if (__dest_tail == __last) { // If we get here, then we must have // 2*n >= distance(__first, __last) // i.e. we are shifting out at least half of the range. In // this case we can safely perform the shift with a single // move. std::move(std::move(__first), std::move(__dest_head), __result); return __result; } ++__dest_head; ++__dest_tail; } for (;;) { // At the start of each iteration of this outer loop, the range // [__first, __result) contains those elements that after shifting // the whole range right by __n, should end up in // [__dest_head, __dest_tail) in order. // The below inner loop swaps the elements of [__first, __result) // and [__dest_head, __dest_tail), while simultaneously shifting // the latter range by __n. auto __cursor = __first; while (__cursor != __result) { if (__dest_tail == __last) { // At this point the ranges [__first, result) and // [__dest_head, dest_tail) are disjoint, so we can safely // move the remaining elements. __dest_head = std::move(__cursor, __result, std::move(__dest_head)); std::move(std::move(__first), std::move(__cursor), std::move(__dest_head)); return __result; } std::iter_swap(__cursor, __dest_head); ++__dest_head; ++__dest_tail; ++__cursor; } } } } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE_VERSION } // namespace std #endif // concepts #endif // C++20 #endif // _RANGES_ALGO_H