// File based streams -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. // // ISO C++ 14882: 27.8 File-based streams // #ifndef _CPP_BITS_FSTREAM_TCC #define _CPP_BITS_FSTREAM_TCC 1 #pragma GCC system_header namespace std { template void basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_allocate_internal_buffer() { if (!_M_buf && _M_buf_size_opt) { _M_buf_size = _M_buf_size_opt; // Allocate internal buffer. _M_buf = new char_type[_M_buf_size]; _M_buf_allocated = true; } } // Both close and setbuf need to deallocate internal buffers, if it exists. template void basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_destroy_internal_buffer() { if (_M_buf_allocated) { delete [] _M_buf; _M_buf = NULL; _M_buf_allocated = false; this->setg(NULL, NULL, NULL); this->setp(NULL, NULL); } } template basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: basic_filebuf() : __streambuf_type(), _M_file(&_M_lock), _M_state_cur(__state_type()), _M_state_beg(__state_type()), _M_buf_allocated(false), _M_last_overflowed(false) { _M_buf_unified = true; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::__filebuf_type* basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: open(const char* __s, ios_base::openmode __mode) { __filebuf_type *__ret = NULL; if (!this->is_open()) { _M_file.open(__s, __mode); if (this->is_open()) { _M_allocate_internal_buffer(); _M_mode = __mode; // For time being, set both (in/out) sets of pointers. _M_set_indeterminate(); if ((__mode & ios_base::ate) && this->seekoff(0, ios_base::end, __mode) < 0) this->close(); __ret = this; } } return __ret; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::__filebuf_type* basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: close() { __filebuf_type *__ret = NULL; if (this->is_open()) { const int_type __eof = traits_type::eof(); bool __testput = _M_out_cur && _M_out_beg < _M_out_end; if (__testput && traits_type::eq_int_type(_M_really_overflow(__eof), __eof)) return __ret; // NB: Do this here so that re-opened filebufs will be cool... _M_mode = ios_base::openmode(0); _M_destroy_internal_buffer(); _M_pback_destroy(); #if 0 // XXX not done if (_M_last_overflowed) { _M_output_unshift(); _M_really_overflow(__eof); } #endif if (_M_file.close()) __ret = this; } _M_last_overflowed = false; return __ret; } template streamsize basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: showmanyc() { streamsize __ret = -1; bool __testin = _M_mode & ios_base::in; if (__testin && this->is_open()) { if (_M_in_cur < _M_in_end) __ret = _M_in_end - _M_in_cur; else __ret = 0; } _M_last_overflowed = false; return __ret; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: pbackfail(int_type __i) { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); bool __testin = _M_mode & ios_base::in; if (__testin) { bool __testpb = _M_in_beg < _M_in_cur; char_type __c = traits_type::to_char_type(__i); bool __testeof = traits_type::eq_int_type(__i, __ret); if (__testpb) { bool __testout = _M_mode & ios_base::out; bool __testeq = traits_type::eq(__c, this->gptr()[-1]); // Try to put back __c into input sequence in one of three ways. // Order these tests done in is unspecified by the standard. if (!__testeof && __testeq) { --_M_in_cur; if (__testout) --_M_out_cur; __ret = __i; } else if (__testeof) { --_M_in_cur; if (__testout) --_M_out_cur; __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__i); } else if (!__testeof) { --_M_in_cur; if (__testout) --_M_out_cur; _M_pback_create(); *_M_in_cur = __c; __ret = __i; } } else { // At the beginning of the buffer, need to make a // putback position available. this->seekoff(-1, ios_base::cur); this->underflow(); if (!__testeof) { if (!traits_type::eq(__c, *_M_in_cur)) { _M_pback_create(); *_M_in_cur = __c; } __ret = __i; } else __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__i); } } _M_last_overflowed = false; return __ret; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: overflow(int_type __c) { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); bool __testput = _M_out_cur && _M_out_cur < _M_buf + _M_buf_size; bool __testout = _M_mode & ios_base::out; if (__testout) { if (__testput) { *_M_out_cur = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); _M_out_cur_move(1); __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__c); } else __ret = this->_M_really_overflow(__c); } _M_last_overflowed = false; // Set in _M_really_overflow, below. return __ret; } template void basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_convert_to_external(_CharT* __ibuf, streamsize __ilen, streamsize& __elen, streamsize& __plen) { const locale __loc = this->getloc(); const __codecvt_type& __cvt = use_facet<__codecvt_type>(__loc); if (__cvt.always_noconv() && __ilen) { __elen += _M_file.xsputn(reinterpret_cast(__ibuf), __ilen); __plen += __ilen; } else { // Worst-case number of external bytes needed. int __ext_multiplier = __cvt.encoding(); if (__ext_multiplier == -1 || __ext_multiplier == 0) __ext_multiplier = sizeof(char_type); streamsize __blen = __ilen * __ext_multiplier; char* __buf = static_cast(__builtin_alloca(__blen)); char* __bend; const char_type* __iend; __res_type __r = __cvt.out(_M_state_cur, __ibuf, __ibuf + __ilen, __iend, __buf, __buf + __blen, __bend); // Result == ok, partial, noconv if (__r != codecvt_base::error) __blen = __bend - __buf; // Result == error else __blen = 0; if (__blen) { __elen += _M_file.xsputn(__buf, __blen); __plen += __blen; } // Try once more for partial conversions. if (__r == codecvt_base::partial) { const char_type* __iresume = __iend; streamsize __rlen = _M_out_end - __iend; __r = __cvt.out(_M_state_cur, __iresume, __iresume + __rlen, __iend, __buf, __buf + __blen, __bend); if (__r != codecvt_base::error) __rlen = __bend - __buf; else __rlen = 0; if (__rlen) { __elen += _M_file.xsputn(__buf, __rlen); __plen += __rlen; } } } } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_really_overflow(int_type __c) { int_type __ret = traits_type::eof(); bool __testput = _M_out_cur && _M_out_beg < _M_out_end; bool __testunbuffered = _M_file.is_open() && !_M_buf_size; if (__testput || __testunbuffered) { // Sizes of external and pending output. streamsize __elen = 0; streamsize __plen = 0; // Need to restore current position. The position of the external // byte sequence (_M_file) corresponds to _M_filepos, and we need // to move it to _M_out_beg for the write. if (_M_filepos && _M_filepos != _M_out_beg) { off_type __off = _M_out_beg - _M_filepos; _M_file.seekoff(__off, ios_base::cur); } // Convert internal buffer to external representation, output. // NB: In the unbuffered case, no internal buffer exists. if (!__testunbuffered) _M_convert_to_external(_M_out_beg, _M_out_end - _M_out_beg, __elen, __plen); // Convert pending sequence to external representation, output. // If eof, then just attempt sync. if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof())) { char_type __pending = traits_type::to_char_type(__c); _M_convert_to_external(&__pending, 1, __elen, __plen); // User code must flush when switching modes (thus don't sync). if (__elen == __plen) { _M_set_indeterminate(); __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__c); } } else if (!_M_file.sync()) { _M_set_indeterminate(); __ret = traits_type::not_eof(__c); } } _M_last_overflowed = true; return __ret; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::__streambuf_type* basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: setbuf(char_type* __s, streamsize __n) { if (!this->is_open() && __s == 0 && __n == 0) _M_buf_size_opt = 0; else if (__s && __n) { // This is implementation-defined behavior, and assumes // that an external char_type array of length (__s + __n) // exists and has been pre-allocated. If this is not the // case, things will quickly blow up. // Step 1: Destroy the current internal array. _M_destroy_internal_buffer(); // Step 2: Use the external array. _M_buf = __s; _M_buf_size_opt = _M_buf_size = __n; _M_set_indeterminate(); } _M_last_overflowed = false; return this; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekoff(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __way, ios_base::openmode __mode) { pos_type __ret = pos_type(off_type(-1)); bool __testin = (ios_base::in & _M_mode & __mode) != 0; bool __testout = (ios_base::out & _M_mode & __mode) != 0; // Should probably do has_facet checks here. int __width = use_facet<__codecvt_type>(_M_buf_locale).encoding(); if (__width < 0) __width = 0; bool __testfail = __off != 0 && __width <= 0; if (this->is_open() && !__testfail && (__testin || __testout)) { // Ditch any pback buffers to avoid confusion. _M_pback_destroy(); if (__way != ios_base::cur || __off != 0) { off_type __computed_off = __width * __off; bool __testget = _M_in_cur && _M_in_beg < _M_in_end; bool __testput = _M_out_cur && _M_out_beg < _M_out_end; // Sync the internal and external streams. // out if (__testput || _M_last_overflowed) { // Part one: update the output sequence. this->sync(); // Part two: output unshift sequence. _M_output_unshift(); } //in else if (__testget && __way == ios_base::cur) __computed_off += _M_in_cur - _M_filepos; __ret = _M_file.seekoff(__computed_off, __way, __mode); _M_set_indeterminate(); } // NB: Need to do this in case _M_file in indeterminate // state, ie _M_file._offset == -1 else { __ret = _M_file.seekoff(__off, ios_base::cur, __mode); __ret += max(_M_out_cur, _M_in_cur) - _M_filepos; } } _M_last_overflowed = false; return __ret; } template typename basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: seekpos(pos_type __pos, ios_base::openmode __mode) { #ifdef _GLIBCPP_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 171. Strange seekpos() semantics due to joint position return this->seekoff(off_type(__pos), ios_base::beg, __mode); #endif } template void basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: _M_output_unshift() { } template void basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>:: imbue(const locale& __loc) { bool __testbeg = gptr() == eback() && pptr() == pbase(); if (__testbeg && _M_buf_locale != __loc) { _M_buf_locale = __loc; _M_buf_locale_init = true; } // NB this may require the reconversion of previously // converted chars. This in turn may cause the reconstruction // of the original file. YIKES!! // XXX The part in the above comment is not done. _M_last_overflowed = false; } // Inhibit implicit instantiations for required instantiations, // which are defined via explicit instantiations elsewhere. // NB: This syntax is a GNU extension. extern template class basic_filebuf; extern template class basic_filebuf; extern template class basic_ifstream; extern template class basic_ifstream; extern template class basic_ofstream; extern template class basic_ofstream; extern template class basic_fstream; extern template class basic_fstream; } // namespace std #endif