//===-- tsan_rtl_access.cpp -----------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer (TSan), a race detector. // // Definitions of memory access and function entry/exit entry points. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "tsan_rtl.h" namespace __tsan { ALWAYS_INLINE USED bool TryTraceMemoryAccess(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { DCHECK(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 4 || size == 8); if (!kCollectHistory) return true; EventAccess* ev; if (UNLIKELY(!TraceAcquire(thr, &ev))) return false; u64 size_log = size == 1 ? 0 : size == 2 ? 1 : size == 4 ? 2 : 3; uptr pc_delta = pc - thr->trace_prev_pc + (1 << (EventAccess::kPCBits - 1)); thr->trace_prev_pc = pc; if (LIKELY(pc_delta < (1 << EventAccess::kPCBits))) { ev->is_access = 1; ev->is_read = !!(typ & kAccessRead); ev->is_atomic = !!(typ & kAccessAtomic); ev->size_log = size_log; ev->pc_delta = pc_delta; DCHECK_EQ(ev->pc_delta, pc_delta); ev->addr = CompressAddr(addr); TraceRelease(thr, ev); return true; } auto* evex = reinterpret_cast<EventAccessExt*>(ev); evex->is_access = 0; evex->is_func = 0; evex->type = EventType::kAccessExt; evex->is_read = !!(typ & kAccessRead); evex->is_atomic = !!(typ & kAccessAtomic); evex->size_log = size_log; // Note: this is important, see comment in EventAccessExt. evex->_ = 0; evex->addr = CompressAddr(addr); evex->pc = pc; TraceRelease(thr, evex); return true; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { if (!kCollectHistory) return true; EventAccessRange* ev; if (UNLIKELY(!TraceAcquire(thr, &ev))) return false; thr->trace_prev_pc = pc; ev->is_access = 0; ev->is_func = 0; ev->type = EventType::kAccessRange; ev->is_read = !!(typ & kAccessRead); ev->is_free = !!(typ & kAccessFree); ev->size_lo = size; ev->pc = CompressAddr(pc); ev->addr = CompressAddr(addr); ev->size_hi = size >> EventAccessRange::kSizeLoBits; TraceRelease(thr, ev); return true; } void TraceMemoryAccessRange(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { if (LIKELY(TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ))) return; TraceSwitchPart(thr); UNUSED bool res = TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); DCHECK(res); } void TraceFunc(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc) { if (LIKELY(TryTraceFunc(thr, pc))) return; TraceSwitchPart(thr); UNUSED bool res = TryTraceFunc(thr, pc); DCHECK(res); } NOINLINE void TraceRestartFuncEntry(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); FuncEntry(thr, pc); } NOINLINE void TraceRestartFuncExit(ThreadState* thr) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); FuncExit(thr); } void TraceMutexLock(ThreadState* thr, EventType type, uptr pc, uptr addr, StackID stk) { DCHECK(type == EventType::kLock || type == EventType::kRLock); if (!kCollectHistory) return; EventLock ev; ev.is_access = 0; ev.is_func = 0; ev.type = type; ev.pc = CompressAddr(pc); ev.stack_lo = stk; ev.stack_hi = stk >> EventLock::kStackIDLoBits; ev._ = 0; ev.addr = CompressAddr(addr); TraceEvent(thr, ev); } void TraceMutexUnlock(ThreadState* thr, uptr addr) { if (!kCollectHistory) return; EventUnlock ev; ev.is_access = 0; ev.is_func = 0; ev.type = EventType::kUnlock; ev._ = 0; ev.addr = CompressAddr(addr); TraceEvent(thr, ev); } void TraceTime(ThreadState* thr) { if (!kCollectHistory) return; FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state; EventTime ev; ev.is_access = 0; ev.is_func = 0; ev.type = EventType::kTime; ev.sid = static_cast<u64>(fast_state.sid()); ev.epoch = static_cast<u64>(fast_state.epoch()); ev._ = 0; TraceEvent(thr, ev); } NOINLINE void DoReportRace(ThreadState* thr, RawShadow* shadow_mem, Shadow cur, Shadow old, AccessType typ) SANITIZER_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { // For the free shadow markers the first element (that contains kFreeSid) // triggers the race, but the second element contains info about the freeing // thread, take it. if (old.sid() == kFreeSid) old = Shadow(LoadShadow(&shadow_mem[1])); // This prevents trapping on this address in future. for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowCnt; i++) StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[i], i == 0 ? Shadow::kRodata : Shadow::kEmpty); // See the comment in MemoryRangeFreed as to why the slot is locked // for free memory accesses. ReportRace must not be called with // the slot locked because of the fork. But MemoryRangeFreed is not // called during fork because fork sets ignore_reads_and_writes, // so simply unlocking the slot should be fine. if (typ & kAccessSlotLocked) SlotUnlock(thr); ReportRace(thr, shadow_mem, cur, Shadow(old), typ); if (typ & kAccessSlotLocked) SlotLock(thr); } #if !TSAN_VECTORIZE ALWAYS_INLINE bool ContainsSameAccess(RawShadow* s, Shadow cur, int unused0, int unused1, AccessType typ) { for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowCnt; i++) { auto old = LoadShadow(&s[i]); if (!(typ & kAccessRead)) { if (old == cur.raw()) return true; continue; } auto masked = static_cast<RawShadow>(static_cast<u32>(old) | static_cast<u32>(Shadow::kRodata)); if (masked == cur.raw()) return true; if (!(typ & kAccessNoRodata) && !SANITIZER_GO) { if (old == Shadow::kRodata) return true; } } return false; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool CheckRaces(ThreadState* thr, RawShadow* shadow_mem, Shadow cur, int unused0, int unused1, AccessType typ) { bool stored = false; for (uptr idx = 0; idx < kShadowCnt; idx++) { RawShadow* sp = &shadow_mem[idx]; Shadow old(LoadShadow(sp)); if (LIKELY(old.raw() == Shadow::kEmpty)) { if (!(typ & kAccessCheckOnly) && !stored) StoreShadow(sp, cur.raw()); return false; } if (LIKELY(!(cur.access() & old.access()))) continue; if (LIKELY(cur.sid() == old.sid())) { if (!(typ & kAccessCheckOnly) && LIKELY(cur.access() == old.access() && old.IsRWWeakerOrEqual(typ))) { StoreShadow(sp, cur.raw()); stored = true; } continue; } if (LIKELY(old.IsBothReadsOrAtomic(typ))) continue; if (LIKELY(thr->clock.Get(old.sid()) >= old.epoch())) continue; DoReportRace(thr, shadow_mem, cur, old, typ); return true; } // We did not find any races and had already stored // the current access info, so we are done. if (LIKELY(stored)) return false; // Choose a random candidate slot and replace it. uptr index = atomic_load_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos) / sizeof(Event) % kShadowCnt; StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[index], cur.raw()); return false; } # define LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem) UNUSED int access = 0, shadow = 0 #else /* !TSAN_VECTORIZE */ ALWAYS_INLINE bool ContainsSameAccess(RawShadow* unused0, Shadow unused1, m128 shadow, m128 access, AccessType typ) { // Note: we could check if there is a larger access of the same type, // e.g. we just allocated/memset-ed a block (so it contains 8 byte writes) // and now do smaller reads/writes, these can also be considered as "same // access". However, it will make the check more expensive, so it's unclear // if it's worth it. But this would conserve trace space, so it's useful // besides potential speed up. if (!(typ & kAccessRead)) { const m128 same = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(shadow, access); return _mm_movemask_epi8(same); } // For reads we need to reset read bit in the shadow, // because we need to match read with both reads and writes. // Shadow::kRodata has only read bit set, so it does what we want. // We also abuse it for rodata check to save few cycles // since we already loaded Shadow::kRodata into a register. // Reads from rodata can't race. // Measurements show that they can be 10-20% of all memory accesses. // Shadow::kRodata has epoch 0 which cannot appear in shadow normally // (thread epochs start from 1). So the same read bit mask // serves as rodata indicator. const m128 read_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<u32>(Shadow::kRodata)); const m128 masked_shadow = _mm_or_si128(shadow, read_mask); m128 same = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(masked_shadow, access); // Range memory accesses check Shadow::kRodata before calling this, // Shadow::kRodatas is not possible for free memory access // and Go does not use Shadow::kRodata. if (!(typ & kAccessNoRodata) && !SANITIZER_GO) { const m128 ro = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(shadow, read_mask); same = _mm_or_si128(ro, same); } return _mm_movemask_epi8(same); } NOINLINE void DoReportRaceV(ThreadState* thr, RawShadow* shadow_mem, Shadow cur, u32 race_mask, m128 shadow, AccessType typ) { // race_mask points which of the shadow elements raced with the current // access. Extract that element. CHECK_NE(race_mask, 0); u32 old; // Note: _mm_extract_epi32 index must be a constant value. switch (__builtin_ffs(race_mask) / 4) { case 0: old = _mm_extract_epi32(shadow, 0); break; case 1: old = _mm_extract_epi32(shadow, 1); break; case 2: old = _mm_extract_epi32(shadow, 2); break; case 3: old = _mm_extract_epi32(shadow, 3); break; } Shadow prev(static_cast<RawShadow>(old)); // For the free shadow markers the first element (that contains kFreeSid) // triggers the race, but the second element contains info about the freeing // thread, take it. if (prev.sid() == kFreeSid) prev = Shadow(static_cast<RawShadow>(_mm_extract_epi32(shadow, 1))); DoReportRace(thr, shadow_mem, cur, prev, typ); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool CheckRaces(ThreadState* thr, RawShadow* shadow_mem, Shadow cur, m128 shadow, m128 access, AccessType typ) { // Note: empty/zero slots don't intersect with any access. const m128 zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); const m128 mask_access = _mm_set1_epi32(0x000000ff); const m128 mask_sid = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000ff00); const m128 mask_read_atomic = _mm_set1_epi32(0xc0000000); const m128 access_and = _mm_and_si128(access, shadow); const m128 access_xor = _mm_xor_si128(access, shadow); const m128 intersect = _mm_and_si128(access_and, mask_access); const m128 not_intersect = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(intersect, zero); const m128 not_same_sid = _mm_and_si128(access_xor, mask_sid); const m128 same_sid = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(not_same_sid, zero); const m128 both_read_or_atomic = _mm_and_si128(access_and, mask_read_atomic); const m128 no_race = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(not_intersect, same_sid), both_read_or_atomic); const int race_mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi32(no_race, zero)); if (UNLIKELY(race_mask)) goto SHARED; STORE : { if (typ & kAccessCheckOnly) return false; // We could also replace different sid's if access is the same, // rw weaker and happens before. However, just checking access below // is not enough because we also need to check that !both_read_or_atomic // (reads from different sids can be concurrent). // Theoretically we could replace smaller accesses with larger accesses, // but it's unclear if it's worth doing. const m128 mask_access_sid = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000ffff); const m128 not_same_sid_access = _mm_and_si128(access_xor, mask_access_sid); const m128 same_sid_access = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(not_same_sid_access, zero); const m128 access_read_atomic = _mm_set1_epi32((typ & (kAccessRead | kAccessAtomic)) << 30); const m128 rw_weaker = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_max_epu32(shadow, access_read_atomic), shadow); const m128 rewrite = _mm_and_si128(same_sid_access, rw_weaker); const int rewrite_mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(rewrite); int index = __builtin_ffs(rewrite_mask); if (UNLIKELY(index == 0)) { const m128 empty = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(shadow, zero); const int empty_mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(empty); index = __builtin_ffs(empty_mask); if (UNLIKELY(index == 0)) index = (atomic_load_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos) / 2) % 16; } StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[index / 4], cur.raw()); // We could zero other slots determined by rewrite_mask. // That would help other threads to evict better slots, // but it's unclear if it's worth it. return false; } SHARED: m128 thread_epochs = _mm_set1_epi32(0x7fffffff); // Need to unwind this because _mm_extract_epi8/_mm_insert_epi32 // indexes must be constants. # define LOAD_EPOCH(idx) \ if (LIKELY(race_mask & (1 << (idx * 4)))) { \ u8 sid = _mm_extract_epi8(shadow, idx * 4 + 1); \ u16 epoch = static_cast<u16>(thr->clock.Get(static_cast<Sid>(sid))); \ thread_epochs = _mm_insert_epi32(thread_epochs, u32(epoch) << 16, idx); \ } LOAD_EPOCH(0); LOAD_EPOCH(1); LOAD_EPOCH(2); LOAD_EPOCH(3); # undef LOAD_EPOCH const m128 mask_epoch = _mm_set1_epi32(0x3fff0000); const m128 shadow_epochs = _mm_and_si128(shadow, mask_epoch); const m128 concurrent = _mm_cmplt_epi32(thread_epochs, shadow_epochs); const int concurrent_mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(concurrent); if (LIKELY(concurrent_mask == 0)) goto STORE; DoReportRaceV(thr, shadow_mem, cur, concurrent_mask, shadow, typ); return true; } # define LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem) \ const m128 access = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<u32>((cur).raw())); \ const m128 shadow = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<m128*>(shadow_mem)) #endif char* DumpShadow(char* buf, RawShadow raw) { if (raw == Shadow::kEmpty) { internal_snprintf(buf, 64, "0"); return buf; } Shadow s(raw); AccessType typ; s.GetAccess(nullptr, nullptr, &typ); internal_snprintf(buf, 64, "{tid=%u@%u access=0x%x typ=%x}", static_cast<u32>(s.sid()), static_cast<u32>(s.epoch()), s.access(), static_cast<u32>(typ)); return buf; } // TryTrace* and TraceRestart* functions allow to turn memory access and func // entry/exit callbacks into leaf functions with all associated performance // benefits. These hottest callbacks do only 2 slow path calls: report a race // and trace part switching. Race reporting is easy to turn into a tail call, we // just always return from the runtime after reporting a race. But trace part // switching is harder because it needs to be in the middle of callbacks. To // turn it into a tail call we immidiately return after TraceRestart* functions, // but TraceRestart* functions themselves recurse into the callback after // switching trace part. As the result the hottest callbacks contain only tail // calls, which effectively makes them leaf functions (can use all registers, // no frame setup, etc). NOINLINE void TraceRestartMemoryAccess(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); MemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); } ALWAYS_INLINE USED void MemoryAccess(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { RawShadow* shadow_mem = MemToShadow(addr); UNUSED char memBuf[4][64]; DPrintf2("#%d: Access: %d@%d %p/%zd typ=0x%x {%s, %s, %s, %s}\n", thr->tid, static_cast<int>(thr->fast_state.sid()), static_cast<int>(thr->fast_state.epoch()), (void*)addr, size, static_cast<int>(typ), DumpShadow(memBuf[0], shadow_mem[0]), DumpShadow(memBuf[1], shadow_mem[1]), DumpShadow(memBuf[2], shadow_mem[2]), DumpShadow(memBuf[3], shadow_mem[3])); FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state; Shadow cur(fast_state, addr, size, typ); LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; if (UNLIKELY(fast_state.GetIgnoreBit())) return; if (!TryTraceMemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return TraceRestartMemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ); } void MemoryAccess16(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, AccessType typ); NOINLINE void RestartMemoryAccess16(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, AccessType typ) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); MemoryAccess16(thr, pc, addr, typ); } ALWAYS_INLINE USED void MemoryAccess16(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, AccessType typ) { const uptr size = 16; FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state; if (UNLIKELY(fast_state.GetIgnoreBit())) return; Shadow cur(fast_state, 0, 8, typ); RawShadow* shadow_mem = MemToShadow(addr); bool traced = false; { LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) goto SECOND; if (!TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return RestartMemoryAccess16(thr, pc, addr, typ); traced = true; if (UNLIKELY(CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; } SECOND: shadow_mem += kShadowCnt; LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; if (!traced && !TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return RestartMemoryAccess16(thr, pc, addr, typ); CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ); } NOINLINE void RestartUnalignedMemoryAccess(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); UnalignedMemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); } ALWAYS_INLINE USED void UnalignedMemoryAccess(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size, AccessType typ) { DCHECK_LE(size, 8); FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state; if (UNLIKELY(fast_state.GetIgnoreBit())) return; RawShadow* shadow_mem = MemToShadow(addr); bool traced = false; uptr size1 = Min<uptr>(size, RoundUp(addr + 1, kShadowCell) - addr); { Shadow cur(fast_state, addr, size1, typ); LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) goto SECOND; if (!TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return RestartUnalignedMemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); traced = true; if (UNLIKELY(CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; } SECOND: uptr size2 = size - size1; if (LIKELY(size2 == 0)) return; shadow_mem += kShadowCnt; Shadow cur(fast_state, 0, size2, typ); LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; if (!traced && !TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return RestartUnalignedMemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ); } void ShadowSet(RawShadow* p, RawShadow* end, RawShadow v) { DCHECK_LE(p, end); DCHECK(IsShadowMem(p)); DCHECK(IsShadowMem(end)); UNUSED const uptr kAlign = kShadowCnt * kShadowSize; DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(p) % kAlign, 0); DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(end) % kAlign, 0); #if !TSAN_VECTORIZE for (; p < end; p += kShadowCnt) { p[0] = v; for (uptr i = 1; i < kShadowCnt; i++) p[i] = Shadow::kEmpty; } #else m128 vv = _mm_setr_epi32( static_cast<u32>(v), static_cast<u32>(Shadow::kEmpty), static_cast<u32>(Shadow::kEmpty), static_cast<u32>(Shadow::kEmpty)); m128* vp = reinterpret_cast<m128*>(p); m128* vend = reinterpret_cast<m128*>(end); for (; vp < vend; vp++) _mm_store_si128(vp, vv); #endif } static void MemoryRangeSet(uptr addr, uptr size, RawShadow val) { if (size == 0) return; DCHECK_EQ(addr % kShadowCell, 0); DCHECK_EQ(size % kShadowCell, 0); // If a user passes some insane arguments (memset(0)), // let it just crash as usual. if (!IsAppMem(addr) || !IsAppMem(addr + size - 1)) return; RawShadow* begin = MemToShadow(addr); RawShadow* end = begin + size / kShadowCell * kShadowCnt; // Don't want to touch lots of shadow memory. // If a program maps 10MB stack, there is no need reset the whole range. // UnmapOrDie/MmapFixedNoReserve does not work on Windows. if (SANITIZER_WINDOWS || size <= common_flags()->clear_shadow_mmap_threshold) { ShadowSet(begin, end, val); return; } // The region is big, reset only beginning and end. const uptr kPageSize = GetPageSizeCached(); // Set at least first kPageSize/2 to page boundary. RawShadow* mid1 = Min(end, reinterpret_cast<RawShadow*>(RoundUp( reinterpret_cast<uptr>(begin) + kPageSize / 2, kPageSize))); ShadowSet(begin, mid1, val); // Reset middle part. RawShadow* mid2 = RoundDown(end, kPageSize); if (mid2 > mid1) { if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve((uptr)mid1, (uptr)mid2 - (uptr)mid1)) Die(); } // Set the ending. ShadowSet(mid2, end, val); } void MemoryResetRange(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { uptr addr1 = RoundDown(addr, kShadowCell); uptr size1 = RoundUp(size + addr - addr1, kShadowCell); MemoryRangeSet(addr1, size1, Shadow::kEmpty); } void MemoryRangeFreed(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { // Callers must lock the slot to ensure synchronization with the reset. // The problem with "freed" memory is that it's not "monotonic" // with respect to bug detection: freed memory is bad to access, // but then if the heap block is reallocated later, it's good to access. // As the result a garbage "freed" shadow can lead to a false positive // if it happens to match a real free in the thread trace, // but the heap block was reallocated before the current memory access, // so it's still good to access. It's not the case with data races. DCHECK(thr->slot_locked); DCHECK_EQ(addr % kShadowCell, 0); size = RoundUp(size, kShadowCell); // Processing more than 1k (2k of shadow) is expensive, // can cause excessive memory consumption (user does not necessary touch // the whole range) and most likely unnecessary. size = Min<uptr>(size, 1024); const AccessType typ = kAccessWrite | kAccessFree | kAccessSlotLocked | kAccessCheckOnly | kAccessNoRodata; TraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ); RawShadow* shadow_mem = MemToShadow(addr); Shadow cur(thr->fast_state, 0, kShadowCell, typ); #if TSAN_VECTORIZE const m128 access = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<u32>(cur.raw())); const m128 freed = _mm_setr_epi32( static_cast<u32>(Shadow::FreedMarker()), static_cast<u32>(Shadow::FreedInfo(cur.sid(), cur.epoch())), 0, 0); for (; size; size -= kShadowCell, shadow_mem += kShadowCnt) { const m128 shadow = _mm_load_si128((m128*)shadow_mem); if (UNLIKELY(CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return; _mm_store_si128((m128*)shadow_mem, freed); } #else for (; size; size -= kShadowCell, shadow_mem += kShadowCnt) { if (UNLIKELY(CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, 0, 0, typ))) return; StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[0], Shadow::FreedMarker()); StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[1], Shadow::FreedInfo(cur.sid(), cur.epoch())); StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[2], Shadow::kEmpty); StoreShadow(&shadow_mem[3], Shadow::kEmpty); } #endif } void MemoryRangeImitateWrite(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { DCHECK_EQ(addr % kShadowCell, 0); size = RoundUp(size, kShadowCell); TraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, kAccessWrite); Shadow cur(thr->fast_state, 0, 8, kAccessWrite); MemoryRangeSet(addr, size, cur.raw()); } void MemoryRangeImitateWriteOrResetRange(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { if (thr->ignore_reads_and_writes == 0) MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, addr, size); else MemoryResetRange(thr, pc, addr, size); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool MemoryAccessRangeOne(ThreadState* thr, RawShadow* shadow_mem, Shadow cur, AccessType typ) { LOAD_CURRENT_SHADOW(cur, shadow_mem); if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ))) return false; return CheckRaces(thr, shadow_mem, cur, shadow, access, typ); } template <bool is_read> NOINLINE void RestartMemoryAccessRange(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { TraceSwitchPart(thr); MemoryAccessRangeT<is_read>(thr, pc, addr, size); } template <bool is_read> void MemoryAccessRangeT(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) { const AccessType typ = (is_read ? kAccessRead : kAccessWrite) | kAccessNoRodata; RawShadow* shadow_mem = MemToShadow(addr); DPrintf2("#%d: MemoryAccessRange: @%p %p size=%d is_read=%d\n", thr->tid, (void*)pc, (void*)addr, (int)size, is_read); #if SANITIZER_DEBUG if (!IsAppMem(addr)) { Printf("Access to non app mem %zx\n", addr); DCHECK(IsAppMem(addr)); } if (!IsAppMem(addr + size - 1)) { Printf("Access to non app mem %zx\n", addr + size - 1); DCHECK(IsAppMem(addr + size - 1)); } if (!IsShadowMem(shadow_mem)) { Printf("Bad shadow addr %p (%zx)\n", static_cast<void*>(shadow_mem), addr); DCHECK(IsShadowMem(shadow_mem)); } if (!IsShadowMem(shadow_mem + size * kShadowCnt - 1)) { Printf("Bad shadow addr %p (%zx)\n", static_cast<void*>(shadow_mem + size * kShadowCnt - 1), addr + size - 1); DCHECK(IsShadowMem(shadow_mem + size * kShadowCnt - 1)); } #endif // Access to .rodata section, no races here. // Measurements show that it can be 10-20% of all memory accesses. // Check here once to not check for every access separately. // Note: we could (and should) do this only for the is_read case // (writes shouldn't go to .rodata). But it happens in Chromium tests: // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1275581#c19 // Details are unknown since it happens only on CI machines. if (*shadow_mem == Shadow::kRodata) return; FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state; if (UNLIKELY(fast_state.GetIgnoreBit())) return; if (!TryTraceMemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, typ)) return RestartMemoryAccessRange<is_read>(thr, pc, addr, size); if (UNLIKELY(addr % kShadowCell)) { // Handle unaligned beginning, if any. uptr size1 = Min(size, RoundUp(addr, kShadowCell) - addr); size -= size1; Shadow cur(fast_state, addr, size1, typ); if (UNLIKELY(MemoryAccessRangeOne(thr, shadow_mem, cur, typ))) return; shadow_mem += kShadowCnt; } // Handle middle part, if any. Shadow cur(fast_state, 0, kShadowCell, typ); for (; size >= kShadowCell; size -= kShadowCell, shadow_mem += kShadowCnt) { if (UNLIKELY(MemoryAccessRangeOne(thr, shadow_mem, cur, typ))) return; } // Handle ending, if any. if (UNLIKELY(size)) { Shadow cur(fast_state, 0, size, typ); if (UNLIKELY(MemoryAccessRangeOne(thr, shadow_mem, cur, typ))) return; } } template void MemoryAccessRangeT<true>(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size); template void MemoryAccessRangeT<false>(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size); } // namespace __tsan #if !SANITIZER_GO // Must be included in this file to make sure everything is inlined. # include "tsan_interface.inc" #endif