// Written in the D programming language. /** * Read/write data in the $(LINK2 http://www.info-zip.org, _zip archive) format. * Makes use of the etc.c.zlib compression library. * * Bugs: * $(UL * $(LI Multi-disk zips not supported.) * $(LI Only Zip version 20 formats are supported.) * $(LI Only supports compression modes 0 (no compression) and 8 (deflate).) * $(LI Does not support encryption.) * $(LI $(BUGZILLA 592)) * $(LI $(BUGZILLA 2137)) * ) * * Example: * --- // Read existing zip file. import std.digest.crc, std.file, std.stdio, std.zip; void main(string[] args) { // read a zip file into memory auto zip = new ZipArchive(read(args[1])); writeln("Archive: ", args[1]); writefln("%-10s %-8s Name", "Length", "CRC-32"); // iterate over all zip members foreach (name, am; zip.directory) { // print some data about each member writefln("%10s %08x %s", am.expandedSize, am.crc32, name); assert(am.expandedData.length == 0); // decompress the archive member zip.expand(am); assert(am.expandedData.length == am.expandedSize); } } // Create and write new zip file. import std.file : write; import std.string : representation; void main() { char[] data = "Test data.\n".dup; // Create an ArchiveMember for the test file. ArchiveMember am = new ArchiveMember(); am.name = "test.txt"; am.expandedData(data.representation); // Create an archive and add the member. ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(); zip.addMember(am); // Build the archive void[] compressed_data = zip.build(); // Write to a file write("test.zip", compressed_data); } * --- * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_zip.d) */ /* Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module std.zip; //debug=print; /** Thrown on error. */ class ZipException : Exception { this(string msg) @safe { super("ZipException: " ~ msg); } } /** * Compression method used by ArchiveMember */ enum CompressionMethod : ushort { none = 0, /// No compression, just archiving deflate = 8 /// Deflate algorithm. Use zlib library to compress } /** * A member of the ZipArchive. */ final class ArchiveMember { import std.conv : to, octal; import std.datetime.systime : DosFileTime, SysTime, SysTimeToDosFileTime; /** * Read/Write: Usually the file name of the archive member; it is used to * index the archive directory for the member. Each member must have a unique * name[]. Do not change without removing member from the directory first. */ string name; ubyte[] extra; /// Read/Write: extra data for this member. string comment; /// Read/Write: comment associated with this member. private ubyte[] _compressedData; private ubyte[] _expandedData; private uint offset; private uint _crc32; private uint _compressedSize; private uint _expandedSize; private CompressionMethod _compressionMethod; private ushort _madeVersion = 20; private ushort _extractVersion = 20; private ushort _diskNumber; private uint _externalAttributes; private DosFileTime _time; // by default, no explicit order goes after explicit order private uint _index = uint.max; ushort flags; /// Read/Write: normally set to 0 ushort internalAttributes; /// Read/Write @property ushort extractVersion() { return _extractVersion; } /// Read Only @property uint crc32() { return _crc32; } /// Read Only: cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value /// Read Only: size of data of member in compressed form. @property uint compressedSize() { return _compressedSize; } /// Read Only: size of data of member in expanded form. @property uint expandedSize() { return _expandedSize; } @property ushort diskNumber() { return _diskNumber; } /// Read Only: should be 0. /// Read Only: data of member in compressed form. @property ubyte[] compressedData() { return _compressedData; } /// Read data of member in uncompressed form. @property ubyte[] expandedData() { return _expandedData; } /// Write data of member in uncompressed form. @property @safe void expandedData(ubyte[] ed) { _expandedData = ed; _expandedSize = to!uint(_expandedData.length); // Clean old compressed data, if any _compressedData.length = 0; _compressedSize = 0; } /** * Set the OS specific file attributes, as obtained by * $(REF getAttributes, std,file) or $(REF DirEntry.attributes, std,file), for this archive member. */ @property @safe void fileAttributes(uint attr) { version (Posix) { _externalAttributes = (attr & 0xFFFF) << 16; _madeVersion &= 0x00FF; _madeVersion |= 0x0300; // attributes are in UNIX format } else version (Windows) { _externalAttributes = attr; _madeVersion &= 0x00FF; // attributes are in MS-DOS and OS/2 format } else { static assert(0, "Unimplemented platform"); } } version (Posix) @safe unittest { auto am = new ArchiveMember(); am.fileAttributes = octal!100644; assert(am._externalAttributes == octal!100644 << 16); assert((am._madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0300); } /** * Get the OS specific file attributes for the archive member. * * Returns: The file attributes or 0 if the file attributes were * encoded for an incompatible OS (Windows vs. Posix). * */ @property uint fileAttributes() const { version (Posix) { if ((_madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0300) return _externalAttributes >> 16; return 0; } else version (Windows) { if ((_madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0000) return _externalAttributes; return 0; } else { static assert(0, "Unimplemented platform"); } } /// Set the last modification time for this member. @property void time(SysTime time) { _time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(time); } /// ditto @property void time(DosFileTime time) { _time = time; } /// Get the last modification time for this member. @property DosFileTime time() const { return _time; } /** * Read compression method used for this member * See_Also: * CompressionMethod **/ @property @safe CompressionMethod compressionMethod() { return _compressionMethod; } /** * Write compression method used for this member * See_Also: * CompressionMethod **/ @property void compressionMethod(CompressionMethod cm) { if (cm == _compressionMethod) return; if (_compressedSize > 0) throw new ZipException("Can't change compression method for a compressed element"); _compressionMethod = cm; } /** * The index of this archive member within the archive. */ @property uint index() const pure nothrow @nogc { return _index; } @property uint index(uint value) pure nothrow @nogc { return _index = value; } debug(print) { void print() { printf("name = '%.*s'\n", name.length, name.ptr); printf("\tcomment = '%.*s'\n", comment.length, comment.ptr); printf("\tmadeVersion = x%04x\n", _madeVersion); printf("\textractVersion = x%04x\n", extractVersion); printf("\tflags = x%04x\n", flags); printf("\tcompressionMethod = %d\n", compressionMethod); printf("\ttime = %d\n", time); printf("\tcrc32 = x%08x\n", crc32); printf("\texpandedSize = %d\n", expandedSize); printf("\tcompressedSize = %d\n", compressedSize); printf("\tinternalAttributes = x%04x\n", internalAttributes); printf("\texternalAttributes = x%08x\n", externalAttributes); printf("\tindex = x%08x\n", index); } } } /** * Object representing the entire archive. * ZipArchives are collections of ArchiveMembers. */ final class ZipArchive { import std.algorithm.comparison : max; import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative, nativeToLittleEndian; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime.systime : DosFileTime; string comment; /// Read/Write: the archive comment. Must be less than 65536 bytes in length. private ubyte[] _data; private uint endrecOffset; private uint _diskNumber; private uint _diskStartDir; private uint _numEntries; private uint _totalEntries; private bool _isZip64; static const ushort zip64ExtractVersion = 45; static const int digiSignLength = 6; static const int eocd64LocLength = 20; static const int eocd64Length = 56; /// Read Only: array representing the entire contents of the archive. @property @safe ubyte[] data() { return _data; } /// Read Only: 0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported. @property @safe uint diskNumber() { return _diskNumber; } /// Read Only: 0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported @property @safe uint diskStartDir() { return _diskStartDir; } /// Read Only: number of ArchiveMembers in the directory. @property @safe uint numEntries() { return _numEntries; } @property @safe uint totalEntries() { return _totalEntries; } /// ditto /// True when the archive is in Zip64 format. @property @safe bool isZip64() { return _isZip64; } /// Set this to true to force building a Zip64 archive. @property @safe void isZip64(bool value) { _isZip64 = value; } /** * Read Only: array indexed by the name of each member of the archive. * All the members of the archive can be accessed with a foreach loop: * Example: * -------------------- * ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(data); * foreach (ArchiveMember am; archive.directory) * { * writefln("member name is '%s'", am.name); * } * -------------------- */ @property @safe ArchiveMember[string] directory() { return _directory; } private ArchiveMember[string] _directory; debug (print) { @safe void print() { printf("\tdiskNumber = %u\n", diskNumber); printf("\tdiskStartDir = %u\n", diskStartDir); printf("\tnumEntries = %u\n", numEntries); printf("\ttotalEntries = %u\n", totalEntries); printf("\tcomment = '%.*s'\n", comment.length, comment.ptr); } } /* ============ Creating a new archive =================== */ /** Constructor to use when creating a new archive. */ this() @safe { } /** Add de to the archive. The file is compressed on the fly. */ @safe void addMember(ArchiveMember de) { _directory[de.name] = de; if (!de._compressedData.length) { switch (de.compressionMethod) { case CompressionMethod.none: de._compressedData = de._expandedData; break; case CompressionMethod.deflate: import std.zlib : compress; () @trusted { de._compressedData = cast(ubyte[]) compress(cast(void[]) de._expandedData); }(); de._compressedData = de._compressedData[2 .. de._compressedData.length - 4]; break; default: throw new ZipException("unsupported compression method"); } de._compressedSize = to!uint(de._compressedData.length); import std.zlib : crc32; () @trusted { de._crc32 = crc32(0, cast(void[]) de._expandedData); }(); } assert(de._compressedData.length == de._compressedSize); } /** Delete de from the archive. */ @safe void deleteMember(ArchiveMember de) { _directory.remove(de.name); } /** * Construct an archive out of the current members of the archive. * * Fills in the properties data[], diskNumber, diskStartDir, numEntries, * totalEntries, and directory[]. * For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties crc32, compressedSize, * compressedData[]. * * Returns: array representing the entire archive. */ void[] build() { import std.algorithm.sorting : sort; uint i; uint directoryOffset; if (comment.length > 0xFFFF) throw new ZipException("archive comment longer than 65535"); // Compress each member; compute size uint archiveSize = 0; uint directorySize = 0; auto directory = _directory.values().sort!((x, y) => x.index < y.index).release; foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory) { if (to!ulong(archiveSize) + 30 + de.name.length + de.extra.length + de.compressedSize + directorySize + 46 + de.name.length + de.extra.length + de.comment.length + 22 + comment.length + eocd64LocLength + eocd64Length > uint.max) throw new ZipException("zip files bigger than 4 GB are unsupported"); archiveSize += 30 + de.name.length + de.extra.length + de.compressedSize; directorySize += 46 + de.name.length + de.extra.length + de.comment.length; } if (!isZip64 && _directory.length > ushort.max) _isZip64 = true; uint dataSize = archiveSize + directorySize + 22 + cast(uint) comment.length; if (isZip64) dataSize += eocd64LocLength + eocd64Length; _data = new ubyte[dataSize]; // Populate the data[] // Store each archive member i = 0; foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory) { de.offset = i; _data[i .. i + 4] = cast(ubyte[])"PK\x03\x04"; putUshort(i + 4, de.extractVersion); putUshort(i + 6, de.flags); putUshort(i + 8, de._compressionMethod); putUint (i + 10, cast(uint) de.time); putUint (i + 14, de.crc32); putUint (i + 18, de.compressedSize); putUint (i + 22, to!uint(de.expandedSize)); putUshort(i + 26, cast(ushort) de.name.length); putUshort(i + 28, cast(ushort) de.extra.length); i += 30; _data[i .. i + de.name.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.name)[]; i += de.name.length; _data[i .. i + de.extra.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.extra)[]; i += de.extra.length; _data[i .. i + de.compressedSize] = de.compressedData[]; i += de.compressedSize; } // Write directory directoryOffset = i; _numEntries = 0; foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory) { _data[i .. i + 4] = cast(ubyte[])"PK\x01\x02"; putUshort(i + 4, de._madeVersion); putUshort(i + 6, de.extractVersion); putUshort(i + 8, de.flags); putUshort(i + 10, de._compressionMethod); putUint (i + 12, cast(uint) de.time); putUint (i + 16, de.crc32); putUint (i + 20, de.compressedSize); putUint (i + 24, de.expandedSize); putUshort(i + 28, cast(ushort) de.name.length); putUshort(i + 30, cast(ushort) de.extra.length); putUshort(i + 32, cast(ushort) de.comment.length); putUshort(i + 34, de.diskNumber); putUshort(i + 36, de.internalAttributes); putUint (i + 38, de._externalAttributes); putUint (i + 42, de.offset); i += 46; _data[i .. i + de.name.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.name)[]; i += de.name.length; _data[i .. i + de.extra.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.extra)[]; i += de.extra.length; _data[i .. i + de.comment.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.comment)[]; i += de.comment.length; _numEntries++; } _totalEntries = numEntries; if (isZip64) { // Write zip64 end of central directory record uint eocd64Offset = i; _data[i .. i + 4] = cast(ubyte[])"PK\x06\x06"; putUlong (i + 4, eocd64Length - 12); putUshort(i + 12, zip64ExtractVersion); putUshort(i + 14, zip64ExtractVersion); putUint (i + 16, diskNumber); putUint (i + 20, diskStartDir); putUlong (i + 24, numEntries); putUlong (i + 32, totalEntries); putUlong (i + 40, directorySize); putUlong (i + 48, directoryOffset); i += eocd64Length; // Write zip64 end of central directory record locator _data[i .. i + 4] = cast(ubyte[])"PK\x06\x07"; putUint (i + 4, diskNumber); putUlong (i + 8, eocd64Offset); putUint (i + 16, 1); i += eocd64LocLength; } // Write end record endrecOffset = i; _data[i .. i + 4] = cast(ubyte[])"PK\x05\x06"; putUshort(i + 4, cast(ushort) diskNumber); putUshort(i + 6, cast(ushort) diskStartDir); putUshort(i + 8, (numEntries > ushort.max ? ushort.max : cast(ushort) numEntries)); putUshort(i + 10, (totalEntries > ushort.max ? ushort.max : cast(ushort) totalEntries)); putUint (i + 12, directorySize); putUint (i + 16, directoryOffset); putUshort(i + 20, cast(ushort) comment.length); i += 22; // Write archive comment assert(i + comment.length == data.length); _data[i .. data.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) comment)[]; return cast(void[]) data; } /* ============ Reading an existing archive =================== */ /** * Constructor to use when reading an existing archive. * * Fills in the properties data[], diskNumber, diskStartDir, numEntries, * totalEntries, comment[], and directory[]. * For each ArchiveMember, fills in * properties madeVersion, extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, * crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, compressedData[], diskNumber, * internalAttributes, externalAttributes, name[], extra[], comment[]. * Use expand() to get the expanded data for each ArchiveMember. * * Params: * buffer = the entire contents of the archive. */ this(void[] buffer) { uint iend; uint i; int endcommentlength; uint directorySize; uint directoryOffset; this._data = cast(ubyte[]) buffer; if (data.length > uint.max - 2) throw new ZipException("zip files bigger than 4 GB are unsupported"); // Find 'end record index' by searching backwards for signature iend = (data.length > 66_000 ? to!uint(data.length - 66_000) : 0); for (i = to!uint(data.length) - 22; 1; i--) { if (i < iend || i >= data.length) throw new ZipException("no end record"); if (_data[i .. i + 4] == cast(ubyte[])"PK\x05\x06") { endcommentlength = getUshort(i + 20); if (i + 22 + endcommentlength > data.length || i + 22 + endcommentlength < i) continue; comment = cast(string)(_data[i + 22 .. i + 22 + endcommentlength]); endrecOffset = i; uint k = i - eocd64LocLength; if (k < i && _data[k .. k + 4] == cast(ubyte[])"PK\x06\x07") { _isZip64 = true; i = k; } break; } } if (isZip64) { // Read Zip64 record data ulong eocdOffset = getUlong(i + 8); if (eocdOffset + eocd64Length > _data.length) throw new ZipException("corrupted directory"); i = to!uint(eocdOffset); if (_data[i .. i + 4] != cast(ubyte[])"PK\x06\x06") throw new ZipException("invalid Zip EOCD64 signature"); ulong eocd64Size = getUlong(i + 4); if (eocd64Size + i - 12 > data.length) throw new ZipException("invalid Zip EOCD64 size"); _diskNumber = getUint(i + 16); _diskStartDir = getUint(i + 20); ulong numEntriesUlong = getUlong(i + 24); ulong totalEntriesUlong = getUlong(i + 32); ulong directorySizeUlong = getUlong(i + 40); ulong directoryOffsetUlong = getUlong(i + 48); if (numEntriesUlong > uint.max) throw new ZipException("supposedly more than 4294967296 files in archive"); if (numEntriesUlong != totalEntriesUlong) throw new ZipException("multiple disk zips not supported"); if (directorySizeUlong > i || directoryOffsetUlong > i || directorySizeUlong + directoryOffsetUlong > i) throw new ZipException("corrupted directory"); _numEntries = to!uint(numEntriesUlong); _totalEntries = to!uint(totalEntriesUlong); directorySize = to!uint(directorySizeUlong); directoryOffset = to!uint(directoryOffsetUlong); } else { // Read end record data _diskNumber = getUshort(i + 4); _diskStartDir = getUshort(i + 6); _numEntries = getUshort(i + 8); _totalEntries = getUshort(i + 10); if (numEntries != totalEntries) throw new ZipException("multiple disk zips not supported"); directorySize = getUint(i + 12); directoryOffset = getUint(i + 16); if (directoryOffset + directorySize > i) throw new ZipException("corrupted directory"); } i = directoryOffset; for (int n = 0; n < numEntries; n++) { /* The format of an entry is: * 'PK' 1, 2 * directory info * path * extra data * comment */ uint namelen; uint extralen; uint commentlen; if (_data[i .. i + 4] != cast(ubyte[])"PK\x01\x02") throw new ZipException("invalid directory entry 1"); ArchiveMember de = new ArchiveMember(); de._index = n; de._madeVersion = getUshort(i + 4); de._extractVersion = getUshort(i + 6); de.flags = getUshort(i + 8); de._compressionMethod = cast(CompressionMethod) getUshort(i + 10); de.time = cast(DosFileTime) getUint(i + 12); de._crc32 = getUint(i + 16); de._compressedSize = getUint(i + 20); de._expandedSize = getUint(i + 24); namelen = getUshort(i + 28); extralen = getUshort(i + 30); commentlen = getUshort(i + 32); de._diskNumber = getUshort(i + 34); de.internalAttributes = getUshort(i + 36); de._externalAttributes = getUint(i + 38); de.offset = getUint(i + 42); i += 46; if (i + namelen + extralen + commentlen > directoryOffset + directorySize) throw new ZipException("invalid directory entry 2"); de.name = cast(string)(_data[i .. i + namelen]); i += namelen; de.extra = _data[i .. i + extralen]; i += extralen; de.comment = cast(string)(_data[i .. i + commentlen]); i += commentlen; immutable uint dataOffset = de.offset + 30 + namelen + extralen; if (dataOffset + de.compressedSize > endrecOffset) throw new ZipException("Invalid directory entry offset or size."); de._compressedData = _data[dataOffset .. dataOffset + de.compressedSize]; _directory[de.name] = de; } if (i != directoryOffset + directorySize) throw new ZipException("invalid directory entry 3"); } /***** * Decompress the contents of archive member de and return the expanded * data. * * Fills in properties extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, * crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, expandedData[], name[], extra[]. */ ubyte[] expand(ArchiveMember de) { uint namelen; uint extralen; if (_data[de.offset .. de.offset + 4] != cast(ubyte[])"PK\x03\x04") throw new ZipException("invalid directory entry 4"); // These values should match what is in the main zip archive directory de._extractVersion = getUshort(de.offset + 4); de.flags = getUshort(de.offset + 6); de._compressionMethod = cast(CompressionMethod) getUshort(de.offset + 8); de.time = cast(DosFileTime) getUint(de.offset + 10); de._crc32 = getUint(de.offset + 14); de._compressedSize = max(getUint(de.offset + 18), de.compressedSize); de._expandedSize = max(getUint(de.offset + 22), de.expandedSize); namelen = getUshort(de.offset + 26); extralen = getUshort(de.offset + 28); debug(print) { printf("\t\texpandedSize = %d\n", de.expandedSize); printf("\t\tcompressedSize = %d\n", de.compressedSize); printf("\t\tnamelen = %d\n", namelen); printf("\t\textralen = %d\n", extralen); } if (de.flags & 1) throw new ZipException("encryption not supported"); int i; i = de.offset + 30 + namelen + extralen; if (i + de.compressedSize > endrecOffset) throw new ZipException("invalid directory entry 5"); de._compressedData = _data[i .. i + de.compressedSize]; debug(print) arrayPrint(de.compressedData); switch (de.compressionMethod) { case CompressionMethod.none: de._expandedData = de.compressedData; return de.expandedData; case CompressionMethod.deflate: // -15 is a magic value used to decompress zip files. // It has the effect of not requiring the 2 byte header // and 4 byte trailer. import std.zlib : uncompress; de._expandedData = cast(ubyte[]) uncompress(cast(void[]) de.compressedData, de.expandedSize, -15); return de.expandedData; default: throw new ZipException("unsupported compression method"); } } /* ============ Utility =================== */ @safe ushort getUshort(int i) { ubyte[2] result = data[i .. i + 2]; return littleEndianToNative!ushort(result); } @safe uint getUint(int i) { ubyte[4] result = data[i .. i + 4]; return littleEndianToNative!uint(result); } @safe ulong getUlong(int i) { ubyte[8] result = data[i .. i + 8]; return littleEndianToNative!ulong(result); } @safe void putUshort(int i, ushort us) { data[i .. i + 2] = nativeToLittleEndian(us); } @safe void putUint(int i, uint ui) { data[i .. i + 4] = nativeToLittleEndian(ui); } @safe void putUlong(int i, ulong ul) { data[i .. i + 8] = nativeToLittleEndian(ul); } } debug(print) { @safe void arrayPrint(ubyte[] array) { printf("array %p,%d\n", cast(void*) array, array.length); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { printf("%02x ", array[i]); if (((i + 1) & 15) == 0) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } } @system unittest { // @system due to (at least) ZipArchive.build auto zip1 = new ZipArchive(); auto zip2 = new ZipArchive(); auto am1 = new ArchiveMember(); am1.name = "foo"; am1.expandedData = new ubyte[](1024); zip1.addMember(am1); auto data1 = zip1.build(); zip2.addMember(zip1.directory["foo"]); zip2.build(); auto am2 = zip2.directory["foo"]; zip2.expand(am2); assert(am1.expandedData == am2.expandedData); auto zip3 = new ZipArchive(data1); zip3.build(); assert(zip3.directory["foo"].compressedSize == am1.compressedSize); // Test if packing and unpacking produces the original data import std.conv, std.stdio; import std.random : uniform, MinstdRand0; MinstdRand0 gen; const uint itemCount = 20, minSize = 10, maxSize = 500; foreach (variant; 0 .. 2) { bool useZip64 = !!variant; zip1 = new ZipArchive(); zip1.isZip64 = useZip64; ArchiveMember[itemCount] ams; foreach (i; 0 .. itemCount) { ams[i] = new ArchiveMember(); ams[i].name = to!string(i); ams[i].expandedData = new ubyte[](uniform(minSize, maxSize)); foreach (ref ubyte c; ams[i].expandedData) c = cast(ubyte)(uniform(0, 256)); ams[i].compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; zip1.addMember(ams[i]); } auto zippedData = zip1.build(); zip2 = new ZipArchive(zippedData); assert(zip2.isZip64 == useZip64); foreach (am; ams) { am2 = zip2.directory[am.name]; zip2.expand(am2); assert(am.crc32 == am2.crc32); assert(am.expandedData == am2.expandedData); } } } @system unittest { import std.conv : to; import std.random : Mt19937, randomShuffle; // Test if packing and unpacking preserves order. auto rand = Mt19937(15966); string[] names; int value = 0; // Generate a series of unique numbers as filenames. foreach (i; 0 .. 20) { value += 1 + rand.front & 0xFFFF; rand.popFront; names ~= value.to!string; } // Insert them in a random order. names.randomShuffle(rand); auto zip1 = new ZipArchive(); foreach (i, name; names) { auto member = new ArchiveMember(); member.name = name; member.expandedData = cast(ubyte[]) name; member.index = cast(int) i; zip1.addMember(member); } auto data = zip1.build(); // Ensure that they appear in the same order. auto zip2 = new ZipArchive(data); foreach (i, name; names) { const member = zip2.directory[name]; assert(member.index == i, "member " ~ name ~ " had index " ~ member.index.to!string ~ " but we expected index " ~ i.to!string ~ ". The input array was " ~ names.to!string); } } @system unittest { import std.zlib; ubyte[] src = cast(ubyte[]) "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r "; auto dst = cast(ubyte[]) compress(cast(void[]) src); auto after = cast(ubyte[]) uncompress(cast(void[]) dst); assert(src == after); } @system unittest { // @system due to ZipArchive.build import std.datetime; ubyte[] buf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9]; auto ar = new ZipArchive; auto am = new ArchiveMember; // 10 am.name = "buf"; am.expandedData = buf; am.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; am.time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(Clock.currTime()); ar.addMember(am); // 15 auto zip1 = ar.build(); auto arAfter = new ZipArchive(zip1); assert(arAfter.directory.length == 1); auto amAfter = arAfter.directory["buf"]; arAfter.expand(amAfter); assert(amAfter.name == am.name); assert(amAfter.expandedData == am.expandedData); assert(amAfter.time == am.time); } // Non-Android Posix-only, because we can't rely on the unzip command being // available on Android or Windows version (Android) {} else version (Posix) @system unittest { import std.datetime, std.file, std.format, std.path, std.process, std.stdio; auto zr = new ZipArchive(); auto am = new ArchiveMember(); am.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; am.name = "foo.bar"; am.time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(Clock.currTime()); am.expandedData = cast(ubyte[])"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine"; zr.addMember(am); auto data2 = zr.build(); mkdirRecurse(deleteme); scope(exit) rmdirRecurse(deleteme); string zipFile = buildPath(deleteme, "foo.zip"); std.file.write(zipFile, cast(byte[]) data2); auto result = executeShell(format("unzip -l %s", zipFile)); scope(failure) writeln(result.output); assert(result.status == 0); }