// Written in the D programming language. /** * Signals and Slots are an implementation of the Observer Pattern. * Essentially, when a Signal is emitted, a list of connected Observers * (called slots) are called. * * There have been several D implementations of Signals and Slots. * This version makes use of several new features in D, which make * using it simpler and less error prone. In particular, it is no * longer necessary to instrument the slots. * * References: * $(LUCKY A Deeper Look at Signals and Slots)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern, Observer pattern)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signals_and_slots, Wikipedia)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://boost.org/doc/html/$(SIGNALS).html, Boost Signals)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/signalsandslots.html, Qt)$(BR) * * There has been a great deal of discussion in the D newsgroups * over this, and several implementations: * * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/announce/signal_slots_library_4825.html, signal slots library)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/Signals_and_Slots_in_D_42387.html, Signals and Slots in D)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/Dynamic_binding_--_Qt_s_Signals_and_Slots_vs_Objective-C_42260.html, Dynamic binding -- Qt's Signals and Slots vs Objective-C)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/Dissecting_the_SS_42377.html, Dissecting the SS)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/dwt/about_harmonia_454.html, about harmonia)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/announce/1502.html, Another event handling module)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/41825.html, Suggestion: signal/slot mechanism)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/13251.html, Signals and slots?)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/10714.html, Signals and slots ready for evaluation)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/1393.html, Signals & Slots for Walter)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/28456.html, Signal/Slot mechanism?)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/19470.html, Modern Features?)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/16592.html, Delegates vs interfaces)$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/16583.html, The importance of component programming (properties$(COMMA) signals and slots$(COMMA) etc))$(BR) * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/16368.html, signals and slots)$(BR) * * Bugs: * $(RED Slots can only be delegates referring directly to * class or interface member functions. If a delegate to something else * is passed to connect(), such as a struct member function, * a nested function, a COM interface, a closure, undefined behavior * will result.) * * Not safe for multiple threads operating on the same signals * or slots. * Macros: * SIGNALS=signals * * Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2009. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/signals.d) * * $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) */ /* Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2009. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module std.signals; import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError; import core.stdc.stdlib : calloc, realloc, free; import std.stdio; // Special function for internal use only. // Use of this is where the slot had better be a delegate // to an object or an interface that is part of an object. extern (C) Object _d_toObject(void* p); // Used in place of Object.notifyRegister and Object.notifyUnRegister. alias DisposeEvt = void delegate(Object); extern (C) void rt_attachDisposeEvent( Object obj, DisposeEvt evt ); extern (C) void rt_detachDisposeEvent( Object obj, DisposeEvt evt ); //debug=signal; /************************ * Mixin to create a signal within a class object. * * Different signals can be added to a class by naming the mixins. */ mixin template Signal(T1...) { static import core.exception; static import core.stdc.stdlib; /*** * A slot is implemented as a delegate. * The slot_t is the type of the delegate. * The delegate must be to an instance of a class or an interface * to a class instance. * Delegates to struct instances or nested functions must not be * used as slots. This applies even if the nested function does not access * it's parent function variables. */ alias slot_t = void delegate(T1); /*** * Call each of the connected slots, passing the argument(s) i to them. * Nested call will be ignored. */ final void emit( T1 i ) { if (status >= ST.inemitting || !slots.length) return; // should not nest status = ST.inemitting; scope (exit) status = ST.idle; foreach (slot; slots[0 .. slots_idx]) { if (slot) slot(i); } assert(status >= ST.inemitting); if (status == ST.inemitting_disconnected) { for (size_t j = 0; j < slots_idx;) { if (slots[j] is null) { slots_idx--; slots[j] = slots[slots_idx]; } else j++; } } } /*** * Add a slot to the list of slots to be called when emit() is called. */ final void connect(slot_t slot) { /* Do this: * slots ~= slot; * but use malloc() and friends instead */ auto len = slots.length; if (slots_idx == len) { if (slots.length == 0) { len = 4; auto p = core.stdc.stdlib.calloc(slot_t.sizeof, len); if (!p) core.exception.onOutOfMemoryError(); slots = (cast(slot_t*) p)[0 .. len]; } else { import core.checkedint : addu, mulu; bool overflow; len = addu(mulu(len, 2, overflow), 4, overflow); // len = len * 2 + 4 const nbytes = mulu(len, slot_t.sizeof, overflow); if (overflow) assert(0); auto p = core.stdc.stdlib.realloc(slots.ptr, nbytes); if (!p) core.exception.onOutOfMemoryError(); slots = (cast(slot_t*) p)[0 .. len]; slots[slots_idx + 1 .. $] = null; } } slots[slots_idx++] = slot; L1: Object o = _d_toObject(slot.ptr); rt_attachDisposeEvent(o, &unhook); } /*** * Remove a slot from the list of slots to be called when emit() is called. */ final void disconnect(slot_t slot) { debug (signal) writefln("Signal.disconnect(slot)"); size_t disconnectedSlots = 0; size_t instancePreviousSlots = 0; if (status >= ST.inemitting) { foreach (i, sloti; slots[0 .. slots_idx]) { if (sloti.ptr == slot.ptr && ++instancePreviousSlots && sloti == slot) { disconnectedSlots++; slots[i] = null; status = ST.inemitting_disconnected; } } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < slots_idx; ) { if (slots[i].ptr == slot.ptr && ++instancePreviousSlots && slots[i] == slot) { slots_idx--; disconnectedSlots++; slots[i] = slots[slots_idx]; slots[slots_idx] = null; // not strictly necessary } else i++; } } // detach object from dispose event if all its slots have been removed if (instancePreviousSlots == disconnectedSlots) { Object o = _d_toObject(slot.ptr); rt_detachDisposeEvent(o, &unhook); } } /*** * Disconnect all the slots. */ final void disconnectAll() { debug (signal) writefln("Signal.disconnectAll"); __dtor(); slots_idx = 0; status = ST.idle; } /* ** * Special function called when o is destroyed. * It causes any slots dependent on o to be removed from the list * of slots to be called by emit(). */ final void unhook(Object o) in { assert( status == ST.idle ); } do { debug (signal) writefln("Signal.unhook(o = %s)", cast(void*) o); for (size_t i = 0; i < slots_idx; ) { if (_d_toObject(slots[i].ptr) is o) { slots_idx--; slots[i] = slots[slots_idx]; slots[slots_idx] = null; // not strictly necessary } else i++; } } /* ** * There can be multiple destructors inserted by mixins. */ ~this() { /* ** * When this object is destroyed, need to let every slot * know that this object is destroyed so they are not left * with dangling references to it. */ if (slots.length) { foreach (slot; slots[0 .. slots_idx]) { if (slot) { Object o = _d_toObject(slot.ptr); rt_detachDisposeEvent(o, &unhook); } } core.stdc.stdlib.free(slots.ptr); slots = null; } } private: slot_t[] slots; // the slots to call from emit() size_t slots_idx; // used length of slots[] enum ST { idle, inemitting, inemitting_disconnected } ST status; } /// @system unittest { import std.signals; int observedMessageCounter = 0; class Observer { // our slot void watch(string msg, int value) { switch (observedMessageCounter++) { case 0: assert(msg == "setting new value"); assert(value == 4); break; case 1: assert(msg == "setting new value"); assert(value == 6); break; default: assert(0, "Unknown observation"); } } } class Observer2 { // our slot void watch(string msg, int value) { } } class Foo { int value() { return _value; } int value(int v) { if (v != _value) { _value = v; // call all the connected slots with the two parameters emit("setting new value", v); } return v; } // Mix in all the code we need to make Foo into a signal mixin Signal!(string, int); private : int _value; } Foo a = new Foo; Observer o = new Observer; auto o2 = new Observer2; auto o3 = new Observer2; auto o4 = new Observer2; auto o5 = new Observer2; a.value = 3; // should not call o.watch() a.connect(&o.watch); // o.watch is the slot a.connect(&o2.watch); a.connect(&o3.watch); a.connect(&o4.watch); a.connect(&o5.watch); a.value = 4; // should call o.watch() a.disconnect(&o.watch); // o.watch is no longer a slot a.disconnect(&o3.watch); a.disconnect(&o5.watch); a.disconnect(&o4.watch); a.disconnect(&o2.watch); a.value = 5; // so should not call o.watch() a.connect(&o2.watch); a.connect(&o.watch); // connect again a.value = 6; // should call o.watch() destroy(o); // destroying o should automatically disconnect it a.value = 7; // should not call o.watch() assert(observedMessageCounter == 2); } // A function whose sole purpose is to get this module linked in // so the unittest will run. void linkin() { } @system unittest { class Observer { void watch(string msg, int i) { //writefln("Observed msg '%s' and value %s", msg, i); captured_value = i; captured_msg = msg; } int captured_value; string captured_msg; } class Foo { @property int value() { return _value; } @property int value(int v) { if (v != _value) { _value = v; emit("setting new value", v); } return v; } mixin Signal!(string, int); private: int _value; } Foo a = new Foo; Observer o = new Observer; // check initial condition assert(o.captured_value == 0); assert(o.captured_msg == ""); // set a value while no observation is in place a.value = 3; assert(o.captured_value == 0); assert(o.captured_msg == ""); // connect the watcher and trigger it a.connect(&o.watch); a.value = 4; assert(o.captured_value == 4); assert(o.captured_msg == "setting new value"); // disconnect the watcher and make sure it doesn't trigger a.disconnect(&o.watch); a.value = 5; assert(o.captured_value == 4); assert(o.captured_msg == "setting new value"); // reconnect the watcher and make sure it triggers a.connect(&o.watch); a.value = 6; assert(o.captured_value == 6); assert(o.captured_msg == "setting new value"); // destroy the underlying object and make sure it doesn't cause // a crash or other problems destroy(o); a.value = 7; } @system unittest { class Observer { int i; long l; string str; void watchInt(string str, int i) { this.str = str; this.i = i; } void watchLong(string str, long l) { this.str = str; this.l = l; } } class Bar { @property void value1(int v) { s1.emit("str1", v); } @property void value2(int v) { s2.emit("str2", v); } @property void value3(long v) { s3.emit("str3", v); } mixin Signal!(string, int) s1; mixin Signal!(string, int) s2; mixin Signal!(string, long) s3; } void test(T)(T a) { auto o1 = new Observer; auto o2 = new Observer; auto o3 = new Observer; // connect the watcher and trigger it a.s1.connect(&o1.watchInt); a.s2.connect(&o2.watchInt); a.s3.connect(&o3.watchLong); assert(!o1.i && !o1.l && o1.str == null); assert(!o2.i && !o2.l && o2.str == null); assert(!o3.i && !o3.l && o3.str == null); a.value1 = 11; assert(o1.i == 11 && !o1.l && o1.str == "str1"); assert(!o2.i && !o2.l && o2.str == null); assert(!o3.i && !o3.l && o3.str == null); o1.i = -11; o1.str = "x1"; a.value2 = 12; assert(o1.i == -11 && !o1.l && o1.str == "x1"); assert(o2.i == 12 && !o2.l && o2.str == "str2"); assert(!o3.i && !o3.l && o3.str == null); o2.i = -12; o2.str = "x2"; a.value3 = 13; assert(o1.i == -11 && !o1.l && o1.str == "x1"); assert(o2.i == -12 && !o1.l && o2.str == "x2"); assert(!o3.i && o3.l == 13 && o3.str == "str3"); o3.l = -13; o3.str = "x3"; // disconnect the watchers and make sure it doesn't trigger a.s1.disconnect(&o1.watchInt); a.s2.disconnect(&o2.watchInt); a.s3.disconnect(&o3.watchLong); a.value1 = 21; a.value2 = 22; a.value3 = 23; assert(o1.i == -11 && !o1.l && o1.str == "x1"); assert(o2.i == -12 && !o1.l && o2.str == "x2"); assert(!o3.i && o3.l == -13 && o3.str == "x3"); // reconnect the watcher and make sure it triggers a.s1.connect(&o1.watchInt); a.s2.connect(&o2.watchInt); a.s3.connect(&o3.watchLong); a.value1 = 31; a.value2 = 32; a.value3 = 33; assert(o1.i == 31 && !o1.l && o1.str == "str1"); assert(o2.i == 32 && !o1.l && o2.str == "str2"); assert(!o3.i && o3.l == 33 && o3.str == "str3"); // destroy observers destroy(o1); destroy(o2); destroy(o3); a.value1 = 41; a.value2 = 42; a.value3 = 43; } test(new Bar); class BarDerived: Bar { @property void value4(int v) { s4.emit("str4", v); } @property void value5(int v) { s5.emit("str5", v); } @property void value6(long v) { s6.emit("str6", v); } mixin Signal!(string, int) s4; mixin Signal!(string, int) s5; mixin Signal!(string, long) s6; } auto a = new BarDerived; test!Bar(a); test!BarDerived(a); auto o4 = new Observer; auto o5 = new Observer; auto o6 = new Observer; // connect the watcher and trigger it a.s4.connect(&o4.watchInt); a.s5.connect(&o5.watchInt); a.s6.connect(&o6.watchLong); assert(!o4.i && !o4.l && o4.str == null); assert(!o5.i && !o5.l && o5.str == null); assert(!o6.i && !o6.l && o6.str == null); a.value4 = 44; assert(o4.i == 44 && !o4.l && o4.str == "str4"); assert(!o5.i && !o5.l && o5.str == null); assert(!o6.i && !o6.l && o6.str == null); o4.i = -44; o4.str = "x4"; a.value5 = 45; assert(o4.i == -44 && !o4.l && o4.str == "x4"); assert(o5.i == 45 && !o5.l && o5.str == "str5"); assert(!o6.i && !o6.l && o6.str == null); o5.i = -45; o5.str = "x5"; a.value6 = 46; assert(o4.i == -44 && !o4.l && o4.str == "x4"); assert(o5.i == -45 && !o4.l && o5.str == "x5"); assert(!o6.i && o6.l == 46 && o6.str == "str6"); o6.l = -46; o6.str = "x6"; // disconnect the watchers and make sure it doesn't trigger a.s4.disconnect(&o4.watchInt); a.s5.disconnect(&o5.watchInt); a.s6.disconnect(&o6.watchLong); a.value4 = 54; a.value5 = 55; a.value6 = 56; assert(o4.i == -44 && !o4.l && o4.str == "x4"); assert(o5.i == -45 && !o4.l && o5.str == "x5"); assert(!o6.i && o6.l == -46 && o6.str == "x6"); // reconnect the watcher and make sure it triggers a.s4.connect(&o4.watchInt); a.s5.connect(&o5.watchInt); a.s6.connect(&o6.watchLong); a.value4 = 64; a.value5 = 65; a.value6 = 66; assert(o4.i == 64 && !o4.l && o4.str == "str4"); assert(o5.i == 65 && !o4.l && o5.str == "str5"); assert(!o6.i && o6.l == 66 && o6.str == "str6"); // destroy observers destroy(o4); destroy(o5); destroy(o6); a.value4 = 44; a.value5 = 45; a.value6 = 46; } // Triggers bug from https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15341 @system unittest { class Observer { void watch() { } void watch2() { } } class Bar { mixin Signal!(); } auto a = new Bar; auto o = new Observer; //Connect both observer methods for the same instance a.connect(&o.watch); a.connect(&o.watch2); // not connecting watch2() or disconnecting it manually fixes the issue //Disconnect a single method of the two a.disconnect(&o.watch); // NOT disconnecting watch() fixes the issue destroy(o); // destroying o should automatically call unhook and disconnect the slot for watch2 a.emit(); // should not raise segfault since &o.watch2 is no longer connected } version (none) // Disabled because of https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5028 @system unittest { class A { mixin Signal!(string, int) s1; } class B : A { mixin Signal!(string, int) s2; } } // Triggers bug from https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16249 @system unittest { class myLINE { mixin Signal!( myLINE, int ); void value( int v ) { if ( v >= 0 ) emit( this, v ); else emit( new myLINE, v ); } } class Dot { int value; myLINE line_; void line( myLINE line_x ) { if ( line_ is line_x ) return; if ( line_ !is null ) { line_.disconnect( &watch ); } line_ = line_x; line_.connect( &watch ); } void watch( myLINE line_x, int value_x ) { line = line_x; value = value_x; } } auto dot1 = new Dot; auto dot2 = new Dot; auto line = new myLINE; dot1.line = line; dot2.line = line; line.value = 11; assert( dot1.value == 11 ); assert( dot2.value == 11 ); line.value = -22; assert( dot1.value == -22 ); assert( dot2.value == -22 ); } @system unittest { import std.signals; class Observer { // our slot void watch(string msg, int value) { if (value != 0) { assert(msg == "setting new value"); assert(value == 1); } } } class Foo { int value() { return _value; } int value(int v) { if (v != _value) { _value = v; // call all the connected slots with the parameters emit("setting new value", v); } return v; } // Mix in all the code we need to make Foo into a signal mixin Signal!(string, int); private : int _value; } Foo a = new Foo; Observer o = new Observer; auto o2 = new Observer; a.value = 3; // should not call o.watch() a.connect(&o.watch); // o.watch is the slot a.connect(&o2.watch); a.value = 1; // should call o.watch() a.disconnectAll(); a.value = 5; // so should not call o.watch() a.connect(&o.watch); // connect again a.connect(&o2.watch); a.value = 1; // should call o.watch() destroy(o); // destroying o should automatically disconnect it destroy(o2); a.value = 7; // should not call o.watch() }