// Written in the D programming language. /** This is a submodule of $(MREF std, math). It contains several functions for introspection on numerical values. Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2011. License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright), Don Clugston, Conversion of CEPHES math library to D by Iain Buclaw and David Nadlinger Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/math/traits.d) Macros: NAN = $(RED NAN) PLUSMN = ± INFIN = ∞ */ module std.math.traits; import std.traits : isFloatingPoint, isIntegral, isNumeric, isSigned; /********************************* * Determines if $(D_PARAM x) is NaN. * Params: * x = a floating point number. * Returns: * `true` if $(D_PARAM x) is Nan. */ bool isNaN(X)(X x) @nogc @trusted pure nothrow if (isFloatingPoint!(X)) { version (all) { return x != x; } else { /* Code kept for historical context. At least on Intel, the simple test x != x uses one dedicated instruction (ucomiss/ucomisd) that runs in one cycle. Code for 80- and 128-bits is larger but still smaller than the integrals-based solutions below. Future revisions may enable the code below conditionally depending on hardware. */ alias F = floatTraits!(X); static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle) { const uint p = *cast(uint *)&x; // Sign bit (MSB) is irrelevant so mask it out. // Next 8 bits should be all set. // At least one bit among the least significant 23 bits should be set. return (p & 0x7FFF_FFFF) > 0x7F80_0000; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble) { const ulong p = *cast(ulong *)&x; // Sign bit (MSB) is irrelevant so mask it out. // Next 11 bits should be all set. // At least one bit among the least significant 52 bits should be set. return (p & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) > 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended || F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended53) { const ushort e = F.EXPMASK & (cast(ushort *)&x)[F.EXPPOS_SHORT]; const ulong ps = *cast(ulong *)&x; return e == F.EXPMASK && ps & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF; // not infinity } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple) { const ushort e = F.EXPMASK & (cast(ushort *)&x)[F.EXPPOS_SHORT]; const ulong psLsb = (cast(ulong *)&x)[MANTISSA_LSB]; const ulong psMsb = (cast(ulong *)&x)[MANTISSA_MSB]; return e == F.EXPMASK && (psLsb | (psMsb& 0x0000_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)) != 0; } else { return x != x; } } } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isNaN(float.init)); assert( isNaN(-double.init)); assert( isNaN(real.nan)); assert( isNaN(-real.nan)); assert(!isNaN(cast(float) 53.6)); assert(!isNaN(cast(real)-53.6)); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { import std.meta : AliasSeq; static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ // CTFE-able tests assert(isNaN(T.init)); assert(isNaN(-T.init)); assert(isNaN(T.nan)); assert(isNaN(-T.nan)); assert(!isNaN(T.infinity)); assert(!isNaN(-T.infinity)); assert(!isNaN(cast(T) 53.6)); assert(!isNaN(cast(T)-53.6)); // Runtime tests shared T f; f = T.init; assert(isNaN(f)); assert(isNaN(-f)); f = T.nan; assert(isNaN(f)); assert(isNaN(-f)); f = T.infinity; assert(!isNaN(f)); assert(!isNaN(-f)); f = cast(T) 53.6; assert(!isNaN(f)); assert(!isNaN(-f)); }} } /********************************* * Determines if $(D_PARAM x) is finite. * Params: * x = a floating point number. * Returns: * `true` if $(D_PARAM x) is finite. */ bool isFinite(X)(X x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat; static if (__traits(isFloating, X)) if (__ctfe) return x == x && x != X.infinity && x != -X.infinity; alias F = floatTraits!(X); ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&x; return (pe[F.EXPPOS_SHORT] & F.EXPMASK) != F.EXPMASK; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isFinite(1.23f)); assert( isFinite(float.max)); assert( isFinite(float.min_normal)); assert(!isFinite(float.nan)); assert(!isFinite(float.infinity)); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert(isFinite(1.23)); assert(isFinite(double.max)); assert(isFinite(double.min_normal)); assert(!isFinite(double.nan)); assert(!isFinite(double.infinity)); assert(isFinite(1.23L)); assert(isFinite(real.max)); assert(isFinite(real.min_normal)); assert(!isFinite(real.nan)); assert(!isFinite(real.infinity)); //CTFE static assert(isFinite(1.23)); static assert(isFinite(double.max)); static assert(isFinite(double.min_normal)); static assert(!isFinite(double.nan)); static assert(!isFinite(double.infinity)); static assert(isFinite(1.23L)); static assert(isFinite(real.max)); static assert(isFinite(real.min_normal)); static assert(!isFinite(real.nan)); static assert(!isFinite(real.infinity)); } /********************************* * Determines if $(D_PARAM x) is normalized. * * A normalized number must not be zero, subnormal, infinite nor $(NAN). * * Params: * x = a floating point number. * Returns: * `true` if $(D_PARAM x) is normalized. */ /* Need one for each format because subnormal floats might * be converted to normal reals. */ bool isNormal(X)(X x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat; static if (__traits(isFloating, X)) if (__ctfe) return (x <= -X.min_normal && x != -X.infinity) || (x >= X.min_normal && x != X.infinity); alias F = floatTraits!(X); ushort e = F.EXPMASK & (cast(ushort *)&x)[F.EXPPOS_SHORT]; return (e != F.EXPMASK && e != 0); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { float f = 3; double d = 500; real e = 10e+48; assert(isNormal(f)); assert(isNormal(d)); assert(isNormal(e)); f = d = e = 0; assert(!isNormal(f)); assert(!isNormal(d)); assert(!isNormal(e)); assert(!isNormal(real.infinity)); assert(isNormal(-real.max)); assert(!isNormal(real.min_normal/4)); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { // CTFE enum float f = 3; enum double d = 500; enum real e = 10e+48; static assert(isNormal(f)); static assert(isNormal(d)); static assert(isNormal(e)); static assert(!isNormal(0.0f)); static assert(!isNormal(0.0)); static assert(!isNormal(0.0L)); static assert(!isNormal(real.infinity)); static assert(isNormal(-real.max)); static assert(!isNormal(real.min_normal/4)); } /********************************* * Determines if $(D_PARAM x) is subnormal. * * Subnormals (also known as "denormal number"), have a 0 exponent * and a 0 most significant mantissa bit. * * Params: * x = a floating point number. * Returns: * `true` if $(D_PARAM x) is a denormal number. */ bool isSubnormal(X)(X x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat, MANTISSA_MSB, MANTISSA_LSB; static if (__traits(isFloating, X)) if (__ctfe) return -X.min_normal < x && x < X.min_normal; /* Need one for each format because subnormal floats might be converted to normal reals. */ alias F = floatTraits!(X); static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle) { uint *p = cast(uint *)&x; return (*p & F.EXPMASK_INT) == 0 && *p & F.MANTISSAMASK_INT; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble) { uint *p = cast(uint *)&x; return (p[MANTISSA_MSB] & F.EXPMASK_INT) == 0 && (p[MANTISSA_LSB] || p[MANTISSA_MSB] & F.MANTISSAMASK_INT); } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple) { ushort e = F.EXPMASK & (cast(ushort *)&x)[F.EXPPOS_SHORT]; long* ps = cast(long *)&x; return (e == 0 && ((ps[MANTISSA_LSB]|(ps[MANTISSA_MSB]& 0x0000_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)) != 0)); } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended || F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended53) { ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&x; long* ps = cast(long *)&x; return (pe[F.EXPPOS_SHORT] & F.EXPMASK) == 0 && *ps > 0; } else { static assert(false, "Not implemented for this architecture"); } } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { import std.meta : AliasSeq; static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ T f; for (f = 1.0; !isSubnormal(f); f /= 2) assert(f != 0); }} } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { static bool subnormalTest(T)() { T f; for (f = 1.0; !isSubnormal(f); f /= 2) if (f == 0) return false; return true; } static assert(subnormalTest!float()); static assert(subnormalTest!double()); static assert(subnormalTest!real()); } /********************************* * Determines if $(D_PARAM x) is $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN). * Params: * x = a floating point number. * Returns: * `true` if $(D_PARAM x) is $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN). */ bool isInfinity(X)(X x) @nogc @trusted pure nothrow if (isFloatingPoint!(X)) { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat, MANTISSA_MSB, MANTISSA_LSB; alias F = floatTraits!(X); static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle) { return ((*cast(uint *)&x) & 0x7FFF_FFFF) == 0x7F80_0000; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble) { return ((*cast(ulong *)&x) & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended || F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended53) { const ushort e = cast(ushort)(F.EXPMASK & (cast(ushort *)&x)[F.EXPPOS_SHORT]); const ulong ps = *cast(ulong *)&x; // On Motorola 68K, infinity can have hidden bit = 1 or 0. On x86, it is always 1. return e == F.EXPMASK && (ps & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple) { const long psLsb = (cast(long *)&x)[MANTISSA_LSB]; const long psMsb = (cast(long *)&x)[MANTISSA_MSB]; return (psLsb == 0) && (psMsb & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == 0x7FFF_0000_0000_0000; } else { return (x < -X.max) || (X.max < x); } } /// @nogc @safe pure nothrow unittest { assert(!isInfinity(float.init)); assert(!isInfinity(-float.init)); assert(!isInfinity(float.nan)); assert(!isInfinity(-float.nan)); assert(isInfinity(float.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-float.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-1.0f / 0.0f)); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { // CTFE-able tests assert(!isInfinity(double.init)); assert(!isInfinity(-double.init)); assert(!isInfinity(double.nan)); assert(!isInfinity(-double.nan)); assert(isInfinity(double.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-double.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-1.0 / 0.0)); assert(!isInfinity(real.init)); assert(!isInfinity(-real.init)); assert(!isInfinity(real.nan)); assert(!isInfinity(-real.nan)); assert(isInfinity(real.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-real.infinity)); assert(isInfinity(-1.0L / 0.0L)); // Runtime tests shared float f; f = float.init; assert(!isInfinity(f)); assert(!isInfinity(-f)); f = float.nan; assert(!isInfinity(f)); assert(!isInfinity(-f)); f = float.infinity; assert(isInfinity(f)); assert(isInfinity(-f)); f = (-1.0f / 0.0f); assert(isInfinity(f)); shared double d; d = double.init; assert(!isInfinity(d)); assert(!isInfinity(-d)); d = double.nan; assert(!isInfinity(d)); assert(!isInfinity(-d)); d = double.infinity; assert(isInfinity(d)); assert(isInfinity(-d)); d = (-1.0 / 0.0); assert(isInfinity(d)); shared real e; e = real.init; assert(!isInfinity(e)); assert(!isInfinity(-e)); e = real.nan; assert(!isInfinity(e)); assert(!isInfinity(-e)); e = real.infinity; assert(isInfinity(e)); assert(isInfinity(-e)); e = (-1.0L / 0.0L); assert(isInfinity(e)); } @nogc @safe pure nothrow unittest { import std.meta : AliasSeq; static bool foo(T)(inout T x) { return isInfinity(x); } foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) { assert(!foo(T(3.14f))); assert(foo(T.infinity)); } } /********************************* * Is the binary representation of x identical to y? */ bool isIdentical(real x, real y) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { if (__ctfe) { if (x !is y) return false; if (x == x) return true; // If not NaN `is` implies identical representation. static if (double.mant_dig != real.mant_dig) { // Works because we are in CTFE and there is no way in CTFE to set more // bits of NaN payload than can fit in a double, and since 2.087 // changed real.init to be non-signaling I *think* there is no way in // CTFE for a real to be a signaling NaN unless real and double have // the same representation so real's bits can be manipulated directly. double d1 = x, d2 = y; } else { // Alias to avoid converting signaling to quiet. alias d1 = x; alias d2 = y; } return *cast(long*) &d1 == *cast(long*) &d2; } // We're doing a bitwise comparison so the endianness is irrelevant. long* pxs = cast(long *)&x; long* pys = cast(long *)&y; alias F = floatTraits!(real); static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble) { return pxs[0] == pys[0]; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple) { return pxs[0] == pys[0] && pxs[1] == pys[1]; } else static if (F.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended) { ushort* pxe = cast(ushort *)&x; ushort* pye = cast(ushort *)&y; return pxe[4] == pye[4] && pxs[0] == pys[0]; } else { assert(0, "isIdentical not implemented"); } } /// @safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest { // We're forcing the CTFE to run by assigning the result of the function to an enum enum test1 = isIdentical(1.0,1.0); enum test2 = isIdentical(real.nan,real.nan); enum test3 = isIdentical(real.infinity, real.infinity); enum test4 = isIdentical(real.infinity, real.infinity); enum test5 = isIdentical(0.0, 0.0); assert(test1); assert(test2); assert(test3); assert(test4); assert(test5); enum test6 = !isIdentical(0.0, -0.0); enum test7 = !isIdentical(real.nan, -real.nan); enum test8 = !isIdentical(real.infinity, -real.infinity); assert(test6); assert(test7); assert(test8); } @safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest { assert( !isIdentical(1.2,1.3)); assert( isIdentical(0.0, 0.0)); assert( isIdentical(1.0, 1.0)); assert( isIdentical(real.infinity, real.infinity)); assert( isIdentical(-real.infinity, -real.infinity)); assert( isIdentical(real.nan, real.nan)); assert(!isIdentical(0.0, -0.0)); assert(!isIdentical(real.nan, -real.nan)); assert(!isIdentical(real.infinity, -real.infinity)); } /********************************* * Return 1 if sign bit of e is set, 0 if not. */ int signbit(X)(X x) @nogc @trusted pure nothrow { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat; if (__ctfe) { double dval = cast(double) x; // Precision can increase or decrease but sign won't change (even NaN). return 0 > *cast(long*) &dval; } alias F = floatTraits!(X); return ((cast(ubyte *)&x)[F.SIGNPOS_BYTE] & 0x80) != 0; } /// @nogc @safe pure nothrow unittest { assert(!signbit(float.nan)); assert(signbit(-float.nan)); assert(!signbit(168.1234f)); assert(signbit(-168.1234f)); assert(!signbit(0.0f)); assert(signbit(-0.0f)); assert(signbit(-float.max)); assert(!signbit(float.max)); assert(!signbit(double.nan)); assert(signbit(-double.nan)); assert(!signbit(168.1234)); assert(signbit(-168.1234)); assert(!signbit(0.0)); assert(signbit(-0.0)); assert(signbit(-double.max)); assert(!signbit(double.max)); assert(!signbit(real.nan)); assert(signbit(-real.nan)); assert(!signbit(168.1234L)); assert(signbit(-168.1234L)); assert(!signbit(0.0L)); assert(signbit(-0.0L)); assert(signbit(-real.max)); assert(!signbit(real.max)); } @nogc @safe pure nothrow unittest { // CTFE static assert(!signbit(float.nan)); static assert(signbit(-float.nan)); static assert(!signbit(168.1234f)); static assert(signbit(-168.1234f)); static assert(!signbit(0.0f)); static assert(signbit(-0.0f)); static assert(signbit(-float.max)); static assert(!signbit(float.max)); static assert(!signbit(double.nan)); static assert(signbit(-double.nan)); static assert(!signbit(168.1234)); static assert(signbit(-168.1234)); static assert(!signbit(0.0)); static assert(signbit(-0.0)); static assert(signbit(-double.max)); static assert(!signbit(double.max)); static assert(!signbit(real.nan)); static assert(signbit(-real.nan)); static assert(!signbit(168.1234L)); static assert(signbit(-168.1234L)); static assert(!signbit(0.0L)); static assert(signbit(-0.0L)); static assert(signbit(-real.max)); static assert(!signbit(real.max)); } /** Params: to = the numeric value to use from = the sign value to use Returns: a value composed of to with from's sign bit. */ R copysign(R, X)(R to, X from) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc if (isFloatingPoint!(R) && isFloatingPoint!(X)) { import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat; if (__ctfe) { return signbit(to) == signbit(from) ? to : -to; } ubyte* pto = cast(ubyte *)&to; const ubyte* pfrom = cast(ubyte *)&from; alias T = floatTraits!(R); alias F = floatTraits!(X); pto[T.SIGNPOS_BYTE] &= 0x7F; pto[T.SIGNPOS_BYTE] |= pfrom[F.SIGNPOS_BYTE] & 0x80; return to; } /// ditto R copysign(R, X)(X to, R from) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc if (isIntegral!(X) && isFloatingPoint!(R)) { return copysign(cast(R) to, from); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert(copysign(1.0, 1.0) == 1.0); assert(copysign(1.0, -0.0) == -1.0); assert(copysign(1UL, -1.0) == -1.0); assert(copysign(-1.0, -1.0) == -1.0); assert(copysign(real.infinity, -1.0) == -real.infinity); assert(copysign(real.nan, 1.0) is real.nan); assert(copysign(-real.nan, 1.0) is real.nan); assert(copysign(real.nan, -1.0) is -real.nan); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { import std.meta : AliasSeq; static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(float, double, real, int, long)) { static foreach (Y; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ X x = 21; Y y = 23.8; Y e = void; e = copysign(x, y); assert(e == 21.0); e = copysign(-x, y); assert(e == 21.0); e = copysign(x, -y); assert(e == -21.0); e = copysign(-x, -y); assert(e == -21.0); static if (isFloatingPoint!X) { e = copysign(X.nan, y); assert(isNaN(e) && !signbit(e)); e = copysign(X.nan, -y); assert(isNaN(e) && signbit(e)); } }} } // CTFE static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(float, double, real, int, long)) { static foreach (Y; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ enum X x = 21; enum Y y = 23.8; assert(21.0 == copysign(x, y)); assert(21.0 == copysign(-x, y)); assert(-21.0 == copysign(x, -y)); assert(-21.0 == copysign(-x, -y)); static if (isFloatingPoint!X) { static assert(isNaN(copysign(X.nan, y)) && !signbit(copysign(X.nan, y))); assert(isNaN(copysign(X.nan, -y)) && signbit(copysign(X.nan, -y))); } }} } } /********************************* Returns `-1` if $(D x < 0), `x` if $(D x == 0), `1` if $(D x > 0), and $(NAN) if x==$(NAN). */ F sgn(F)(F x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc if (isFloatingPoint!F || isIntegral!F) { // @@@TODO@@@: make this faster return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : x; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert(sgn(168.1234) == 1); assert(sgn(-168.1234) == -1); assert(sgn(0.0) == 0); assert(sgn(-0.0) == 0); } /** Check whether a number is an integer power of two. Note that only positive numbers can be integer powers of two. This function always return `false` if `x` is negative or zero. Params: x = the number to test Returns: `true` if `x` is an integer power of two. */ bool isPowerOf2(X)(const X x) pure @safe nothrow @nogc if (isNumeric!X) { import std.math.exponential : frexp; static if (isFloatingPoint!X) { int exp; const X sig = frexp(x, exp); return (exp != int.min) && (sig is cast(X) 0.5L); } else { static if (isSigned!X) { auto y = cast(typeof(x + 0))x; return y > 0 && !(y & (y - 1)); } else { auto y = cast(typeof(x + 0u))x; return (y & -y) > (y - 1); } } } /// @safe unittest { import std.math.exponential : pow; assert( isPowerOf2(1.0L)); assert( isPowerOf2(2.0L)); assert( isPowerOf2(0.5L)); assert( isPowerOf2(pow(2.0L, 96))); assert( isPowerOf2(pow(2.0L, -77))); assert(!isPowerOf2(-2.0L)); assert(!isPowerOf2(-0.5L)); assert(!isPowerOf2(0.0L)); assert(!isPowerOf2(4.315)); assert(!isPowerOf2(1.0L / 3.0L)); assert(!isPowerOf2(real.nan)); assert(!isPowerOf2(real.infinity)); } /// @safe unittest { assert( isPowerOf2(1)); assert( isPowerOf2(2)); assert( isPowerOf2(1uL << 63)); assert(!isPowerOf2(-4)); assert(!isPowerOf2(0)); assert(!isPowerOf2(1337u)); } @safe unittest { import std.math.exponential : pow; import std.meta : AliasSeq; enum smallP2 = pow(2.0L, -62); enum bigP2 = pow(2.0L, 50); enum smallP7 = pow(7.0L, -35); enum bigP7 = pow(7.0L, 30); static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ immutable min_sub = X.min_normal * X.epsilon; foreach (x; [smallP2, min_sub, X.min_normal, .25L, 0.5L, 1.0L, 2.0L, 8.0L, pow(2.0L, X.max_exp - 1), bigP2]) { assert( isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } foreach (x; [0.0L, 3 * min_sub, smallP7, 0.1L, 1337.0L, bigP7, X.max, real.nan, real.infinity]) { assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } }} static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong)) {{ foreach (x; [1, 2, 4, 8, (X.max >>> 1) + 1]) { assert( isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); static if (isSigned!X) assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } foreach (x; [0, 3, 5, 13, 77, X.min, X.max]) assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); }} // CTFE static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) {{ enum min_sub = X.min_normal * X.epsilon; static foreach (x; [smallP2, min_sub, X.min_normal, .25L, 0.5L, 1.0L, 2.0L, 8.0L, pow(2.0L, X.max_exp - 1), bigP2]) { static assert( isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); static assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } static foreach (x; [0.0L, 3 * min_sub, smallP7, 0.1L, 1337.0L, bigP7, X.max, real.nan, real.infinity]) { static assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); static assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } }} static foreach (X; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong)) {{ static foreach (x; [1, 2, 4, 8, (X.max >>> 1) + 1]) { static assert( isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); static if (isSigned!X) static assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X)-x)); } static foreach (x; [0, 3, 5, 13, 77, X.min, X.max]) static assert(!isPowerOf2(cast(X) x)); }} } // Underlying format exposed through floatTraits enum RealFormat { ieeeHalf, ieeeSingle, ieeeDouble, ieeeExtended, // x87 80-bit real ieeeExtended53, // x87 real rounded to precision of double. ibmExtended, // IBM 128-bit extended ieeeQuadruple, } // Constants used for extracting the components of the representation. // They supplement the built-in floating point properties. template floatTraits(T) { import std.traits : Unqual; // EXPMASK is a ushort mask to select the exponent portion (without sign) // EXPSHIFT is the number of bits the exponent is left-shifted by in its ushort // EXPBIAS is the exponent bias - 1 (exp == EXPBIAS yields ×2^-1). // EXPPOS_SHORT is the index of the exponent when represented as a ushort array. // SIGNPOS_BYTE is the index of the sign when represented as a ubyte array. // RECIP_EPSILON is the value such that (smallest_subnormal) * RECIP_EPSILON == T.min_normal enum Unqual!T RECIP_EPSILON = (1/T.epsilon); static if (T.mant_dig == 24) { // Single precision float enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7F80; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 7; enum ushort EXPBIAS = 0x3F00; enum uint EXPMASK_INT = 0x7F80_0000; enum uint MANTISSAMASK_INT = 0x007F_FFFF; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeSingle; version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 1; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 3; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static if (T.mant_dig == 53) { static if (T.sizeof == 8) { // Double precision float, or real == double enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7FF0; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 4; enum ushort EXPBIAS = 0x3FE0; enum uint EXPMASK_INT = 0x7FF0_0000; enum uint MANTISSAMASK_INT = 0x000F_FFFF; // for the MSB only enum ulong MANTISSAMASK_LONG = 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeDouble; version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 3; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 7; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static if (T.sizeof == 12) { // Intel extended real80 rounded to double enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7FFF; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 0; enum ushort EXPBIAS = 0x3FFE; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeExtended53; version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 4; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 9; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static assert(false, "No traits support for " ~ T.stringof); } else static if (T.mant_dig == 64) { // Intel extended real80 enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7FFF; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 0; enum ushort EXPBIAS = 0x3FFE; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeExtended; version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 4; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 9; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static if (T.mant_dig == 113) { // Quadruple precision float enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7FFF; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 0; enum ushort EXPBIAS = 0x3FFE; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple; version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 7; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 15; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static if (T.mant_dig == 106) { // IBM Extended doubledouble enum ushort EXPMASK = 0x7FF0; enum ushort EXPSHIFT = 4; enum realFormat = RealFormat.ibmExtended; // For IBM doubledouble the larger magnitude double comes first. // It's really a double[2] and arrays don't index differently // between little and big-endian targets. enum DOUBLEPAIR_MSB = 0; enum DOUBLEPAIR_LSB = 1; // The exponent/sign byte is for most significant part. version (LittleEndian) { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 3; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 7; } else { enum EXPPOS_SHORT = 0; enum SIGNPOS_BYTE = 0; } } else static assert(false, "No traits support for " ~ T.stringof); } // These apply to all floating-point types version (LittleEndian) { enum MANTISSA_LSB = 0; enum MANTISSA_MSB = 1; } else { enum MANTISSA_LSB = 1; enum MANTISSA_MSB = 0; }