// Written in the D programming language.

This is a submodule of $(MREF std, math).

It contains hardware support for floating point numbers.

Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2011.
License:   $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
Authors:   $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright), Don Clugston,
           Conversion of CEPHES math library to D by Iain Buclaw and David Nadlinger
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/math/hardware.d)

/* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to
 * work with the GDC compiler.
module std.math.hardware;

static import core.stdc.fenv;

version (X86)       version = X86_Any;
version (X86_64)    version = X86_Any;
version (PPC)       version = PPC_Any;
version (PPC64)     version = PPC_Any;
version (MIPS32)    version = MIPS_Any;
version (MIPS64)    version = MIPS_Any;
version (AArch64)   version = ARM_Any;
version (ARM)       version = ARM_Any;
version (S390)      version = IBMZ_Any;
version (SPARC)     version = SPARC_Any;
version (SPARC64)   version = SPARC_Any;
version (SystemZ)   version = IBMZ_Any;
version (RISCV32)   version = RISCV_Any;
version (RISCV64)   version = RISCV_Any;

version (D_InlineAsm_X86)    version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;
version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64) version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;

version (InlineAsm_X86_Any) version = InlineAsm_X87;
version (InlineAsm_X87)
    static assert(real.mant_dig == 64);
    version (CRuntime_Microsoft) version = InlineAsm_X87_MSVC;

version (X86_64) version = StaticallyHaveSSE;
version (X86) version (OSX) version = StaticallyHaveSSE;

version (StaticallyHaveSSE)
    private enum bool haveSSE = true;
else version (X86)
    static import core.cpuid;
    private alias haveSSE = core.cpuid.sse;

version (D_SoftFloat)
    // Some soft float implementations may support IEEE floating flags.
    // The implementation here supports hardware flags only and is so currently
    // only available for supported targets.
else version (X86_Any)   version = IeeeFlagsSupport;
else version (PPC_Any)   version = IeeeFlagsSupport;
else version (RISCV_Any) version = IeeeFlagsSupport;
else version (MIPS_Any)  version = IeeeFlagsSupport;
else version (ARM_Any)   version = IeeeFlagsSupport;

// Struct FloatingPointControl is only available if hardware FP units are available.
version (D_HardFloat)
    // FloatingPointControl.clearExceptions() depends on version IeeeFlagsSupport
    version (IeeeFlagsSupport) version = FloatingPointControlSupport;

version (GNU)
    // The compiler can unexpectedly rearrange floating point operations and
    // access to the floating point status flags when optimizing. This means
    // ieeeFlags tests cannot be reliably checked in optimized code.
    // See https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues/888
    version = IeeeFlagsUnittest;
    version = FloatingPointControlUnittest;

version (IeeeFlagsSupport)

/** IEEE exception status flags ('sticky bits')

 These flags indicate that an exceptional floating-point condition has occurred.
 They indicate that a NaN or an infinity has been generated, that a result
 is inexact, or that a signalling NaN has been encountered. If floating-point
 exceptions are enabled (unmasked), a hardware exception will be generated
 instead of setting these flags.
struct IeeeFlags
nothrow @nogc:

    // The x87 FPU status register is 16 bits.
    // The Pentium SSE2 status register is 32 bits.
    // The ARM and PowerPC FPSCR is a 32-bit register.
    // The SPARC FSR is a 32bit register (64 bits for SPARC 7 & 8, but high bits are uninteresting).
    // The RISC-V (32 & 64 bit) fcsr is 32-bit register.
    uint flags;

    version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
        // Microsoft uses hardware-incompatible custom constants in fenv.h (core.stdc.fenv).
        // Applies to both x87 status word (16 bits) and SSE2 status word(32 bits).
        enum : int
            INEXACT_MASK   = 0x20,
            UNDERFLOW_MASK = 0x10,
            OVERFLOW_MASK  = 0x08,
            DIVBYZERO_MASK = 0x04,
            INVALID_MASK   = 0x01,

            EXCEPTIONS_MASK = 0b11_1111
        // Don't bother about subnormals, they are not supported on most CPUs.
        //  SUBNORMAL_MASK = 0x02;
        enum : int
            INEXACT_MASK    = core.stdc.fenv.FE_INEXACT,
            UNDERFLOW_MASK  = core.stdc.fenv.FE_UNDERFLOW,
            OVERFLOW_MASK   = core.stdc.fenv.FE_OVERFLOW,
            DIVBYZERO_MASK  = core.stdc.fenv.FE_DIVBYZERO,
            INVALID_MASK    = core.stdc.fenv.FE_INVALID,
            EXCEPTIONS_MASK = core.stdc.fenv.FE_ALL_EXCEPT,

    static uint getIeeeFlags() @trusted pure
        version (GNU)
            version (X86_Any)
                ushort sw;
                asm pure nothrow @nogc
                    "fstsw %0" : "=a" (sw);
                // OR the result with the SSE2 status register (MXCSR).
                if (haveSSE)
                    uint mxcsr;
                    asm pure nothrow @nogc
                        "stmxcsr %0" : "=m" (mxcsr);
                    return (sw | mxcsr) & EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
                    return sw & EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
            else version (ARM)
                version (ARM_SoftFloat)
                    return 0;
                    uint result = void;
                    asm pure nothrow @nogc
                        "vmrs %0, FPSCR; and %0, %0, #0x1F;" : "=r" (result);
                    return result;
            else version (RISCV_Any)
                version (D_SoftFloat)
                    return 0;
                    uint result = void;
                    asm pure nothrow @nogc
                        "frflags %0" : "=r" (result);
                    return result;
                assert(0, "Not yet supported");
        version (InlineAsm_X86_Any)
            ushort sw;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc { fstsw sw; }

            // OR the result with the SSE2 status register (MXCSR).
            if (haveSSE)
                uint mxcsr;
                asm pure nothrow @nogc { stmxcsr mxcsr; }
                return (sw | mxcsr) & EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
            else return sw & EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
        else version (SPARC)
               int retval;
               asm pure nothrow @nogc { st %fsr, retval; }
               return retval;
           assert(0, "Not yet supported");
        else version (ARM)
            assert(false, "Not yet supported.");
        else version (RISCV_Any)
            uint result = void;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                "frflags %0" : "=r" (result);
            return result;
            assert(0, "Not yet supported");

    static void resetIeeeFlags() @trusted
        version (GNU)
            version (X86_Any)
                asm nothrow @nogc

                // Also clear exception flags in MXCSR, SSE's control register.
                if (haveSSE)
                    uint mxcsr;
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "stmxcsr %0" : "=m" (mxcsr);
                    mxcsr &= ~EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "ldmxcsr %0" : : "m" (mxcsr);
            else version (ARM)
                version (ARM_SoftFloat)
                    uint old = FloatingPointControl.getControlState();
                    old &= ~0b11111; // http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0408i/Chdfifdc.html
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "vmsr FPSCR, %0" : : "r" (old);
            else version (RISCV_Any)
                version (D_SoftFloat)
                    uint newValues = 0x0;
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "fsflags %0" : : "r" (newValues);
                assert(0, "Not yet supported");
        version (InlineAsm_X86_Any)
            asm nothrow @nogc

            // Also clear exception flags in MXCSR, SSE's control register.
            if (haveSSE)
                uint mxcsr;
                asm nothrow @nogc { stmxcsr mxcsr; }
                mxcsr &= ~EXCEPTIONS_MASK;
                asm nothrow @nogc { ldmxcsr mxcsr; }
        else version (RISCV_Any)
            uint newValues = 0x0;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                "fsflags %0" : : "r" (newValues);
            /* SPARC:
              int tmpval;
              asm pure nothrow @nogc { st %fsr, tmpval; }
              tmpval &=0xFFFF_FC00;
              asm pure nothrow @nogc { ld tmpval, %fsr; }
           assert(0, "Not yet supported");

     * The result cannot be represented exactly, so rounding occurred.
     * Example: `x = sin(0.1);`
    @property bool inexact() @safe const { return (flags & INEXACT_MASK) != 0; }

     * A zero was generated by underflow
     * Example: `x = real.min*real.epsilon/2;`
    @property bool underflow() @safe const { return (flags & UNDERFLOW_MASK) != 0; }

     * An infinity was generated by overflow
     * Example: `x = real.max*2;`
    @property bool overflow() @safe const { return (flags & OVERFLOW_MASK) != 0; }

     * An infinity was generated by division by zero
     * Example: `x = 3/0.0;`
    @property bool divByZero() @safe const { return (flags & DIVBYZERO_MASK) != 0; }

     * A machine NaN was generated.
     * Example: `x = real.infinity * 0.0;`
    @property bool invalid() @safe const { return (flags & INVALID_MASK) != 0; }

version (IeeeFlagsUnittest)
@safe unittest
    import std.math.traits : isNaN;

    static void func() {
        int a = 10 * 10;
    pragma(inline, false) static void blockopt(ref real x) {}
    real a = 3.5;
    // Set all the flags to zero
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
    // Perform a division by zero.
    a /= 0.0L;
    assert(a == real.infinity);
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
    // Create a NaN
    a *= 0.0L;

    // Check that calling func() has no effect on the
    // status flags.
    IeeeFlags f = ieeeFlags;
    assert(ieeeFlags == f);

version (IeeeFlagsUnittest)
@safe unittest
    import std.meta : AliasSeq;

    static struct Test
        void delegate() @trusted action;
        bool function() @trusted ieeeCheck;

    static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
        T x; /* Needs to be here to trick -O. It would optimize away the
            calculations if x were local to the function literals. */
        auto tests = [
                () { x = 1; x += 0.1L; },
                () => ieeeFlags.inexact
                () { x = T.min_normal; x /= T.max; },
                () => ieeeFlags.underflow
                () { x = T.max; x += T.max; },
                () => ieeeFlags.overflow
                () { x = 1; x /= 0; },
                () => ieeeFlags.divByZero
                () { x = 0; x /= 0; },
                () => ieeeFlags.invalid
        foreach (test; tests)

/// Set all of the floating-point status flags to false.
void resetIeeeFlags() @trusted nothrow @nogc

@safe unittest
    pragma(inline, false) static void blockopt(ref real x) {}
    real a = 3.5;
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
    a /= 0.0L;
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
    assert(a == real.infinity);


/// Returns: snapshot of the current state of the floating-point status flags
@property IeeeFlags ieeeFlags() @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
   return IeeeFlags(IeeeFlags.getIeeeFlags());

@safe nothrow unittest
    import std.math.traits : isNaN;

    pragma(inline, false) static void blockopt(ref real x) {}
    real a = 3.5;
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer

    a /= 0.0L;
    assert(a == real.infinity);
    blockopt(a); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer

    a *= 0.0L;

} // IeeeFlagsSupport

version (FloatingPointControlSupport)

/** Control the Floating point hardware

  Change the IEEE754 floating-point rounding mode and the floating-point
  hardware exceptions.

  By default, the rounding mode is roundToNearest and all hardware exceptions
  are disabled. For most applications, debugging is easier if the $(I division
  by zero), $(I overflow), and $(I invalid operation) exceptions are enabled.
  These three are combined into a $(I severeExceptions) value for convenience.
  Note in particular that if $(I invalidException) is enabled, a hardware trap
  will be generated whenever an uninitialized floating-point variable is used.

  All changes are temporary. The previous state is restored at the
  end of the scope.

    FloatingPointControl fpctrl;

    // Enable hardware exceptions for division by zero, overflow to infinity,
    // invalid operations, and uninitialized floating-point variables.

    // This will generate a hardware exception, if x is a
    // default-initialized floating point variable:
    real x; // Add `= 0` or even `= real.nan` to not throw the exception.
    real y = x * 3.0;

    // The exception is only thrown for default-uninitialized NaN-s.
    // NaN-s with other payload are valid:
    real z = y * real.nan; // ok

    // The set hardware exceptions and rounding modes will be disabled when
    // leaving this scope.

struct FloatingPointControl
nothrow @nogc:

    alias RoundingMode = uint; ///

    version (StdDdoc)
        enum : RoundingMode
            /** IEEE rounding modes.
             * The default mode is roundToNearest.
             *  roundingMask = A mask of all rounding modes.
            roundDown, /// ditto
            roundUp, /// ditto
            roundToZero, /// ditto
            roundingMask, /// ditto
    else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
        // Microsoft uses hardware-incompatible custom constants in fenv.h (core.stdc.fenv).
        enum : RoundingMode
            roundToNearest = 0x0000,
            roundDown      = 0x0400,
            roundUp        = 0x0800,
            roundToZero    = 0x0C00,
            roundingMask   = roundToNearest | roundDown
                             | roundUp | roundToZero,
        enum : RoundingMode
            roundToNearest = core.stdc.fenv.FE_TONEAREST,
            roundDown      = core.stdc.fenv.FE_DOWNWARD,
            roundUp        = core.stdc.fenv.FE_UPWARD,
            roundToZero    = core.stdc.fenv.FE_TOWARDZERO,
            roundingMask   = roundToNearest | roundDown
                             | roundUp | roundToZero,

     * Change the floating-point hardware rounding mode
     * Changing the rounding mode in the middle of a function can interfere
     * with optimizations of floating point expressions, as the optimizer assumes
     * that the rounding mode does not change.
     * It is best to change the rounding mode only at the
     * beginning of the function, and keep it until the function returns.
     * It is also best to add the line:
     * ---
     * pragma(inline, false);
     * ---
     * as the first line of the function so it will not get inlined.
     * Params:
     *    newMode = the new rounding mode
    @property void rounding(RoundingMode newMode) @trusted
        setControlState((getControlState() & (-1 - roundingMask)) | (newMode & roundingMask));

    /// Returns: the currently active rounding mode
    @property static RoundingMode rounding() @trusted pure
        return cast(RoundingMode)(getControlState() & roundingMask);

    alias ExceptionMask = uint; ///

    version (StdDdoc)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            /** IEEE hardware exceptions.
             *  By default, all exceptions are masked (disabled).
             *  severeExceptions = The overflow, division by zero, and invalid
             *  exceptions.
            inexactException, /// ditto
            underflowException, /// ditto
            overflowException, /// ditto
            divByZeroException, /// ditto
            invalidException, /// ditto
            severeExceptions, /// ditto
            allExceptions, /// ditto
    else version (ARM_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            subnormalException    = 0x8000,
            inexactException      = 0x1000,
            underflowException    = 0x0800,
            overflowException     = 0x0400,
            divByZeroException    = 0x0200,
            invalidException      = 0x0100,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException | subnormalException,
    else version (PPC_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x0008,
            divByZeroException    = 0x0010,
            underflowException    = 0x0020,
            overflowException     = 0x0040,
            invalidException      = 0x0080,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (RISCV_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x01,
            divByZeroException    = 0x02,
            underflowException    = 0x04,
            overflowException     = 0x08,
            invalidException      = 0x10,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (HPPA)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x01,
            underflowException    = 0x02,
            overflowException     = 0x04,
            divByZeroException    = 0x08,
            invalidException      = 0x10,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (MIPS_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x0080,
            divByZeroException    = 0x0400,
            overflowException     = 0x0200,
            underflowException    = 0x0100,
            invalidException      = 0x0800,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (SPARC_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x0800000,
            divByZeroException    = 0x1000000,
            overflowException     = 0x4000000,
            underflowException    = 0x2000000,
            invalidException      = 0x8000000,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (IBMZ_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x08000000,
            divByZeroException    = 0x40000000,
            overflowException     = 0x20000000,
            underflowException    = 0x10000000,
            invalidException      = 0x80000000,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException,
    else version (X86_Any)
        enum : ExceptionMask
            inexactException      = 0x20,
            underflowException    = 0x10,
            overflowException     = 0x08,
            divByZeroException    = 0x04,
            subnormalException    = 0x02,
            invalidException      = 0x01,
            severeExceptions   = overflowException | divByZeroException
                                 | invalidException,
            allExceptions      = severeExceptions | underflowException
                                 | inexactException | subnormalException,
        static assert(false, "Not implemented for this architecture");

    version (ARM_Any)
        static bool hasExceptionTraps_impl() @safe
            auto oldState = getControlState();
            // If exceptions are not supported, we set the bit but read it back as zero
            // https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-ports/2012-06/msg00091.html
            setControlState(oldState | divByZeroException);
            immutable result = (getControlState() & allExceptions) != 0;
            return result;

    /// Returns: true if the current FPU supports exception trapping
    @property static bool hasExceptionTraps() @safe pure
        version (X86_Any)
            return true;
        else version (PPC_Any)
            return true;
        else version (MIPS_Any)
            return true;
        else version (ARM_Any)
            // The hasExceptionTraps_impl function is basically pure,
            // as it restores all global state
            auto fptr = ( () @trusted => cast(bool function() @safe
                pure nothrow @nogc)&hasExceptionTraps_impl)();
            return fptr();
            assert(0, "Not yet supported");

    /// Enable (unmask) specific hardware exceptions. Multiple exceptions may be ORed together.
    void enableExceptions(ExceptionMask exceptions) @trusted
        version (X86_Any)
            setControlState(getControlState() & ~(exceptions & allExceptions));
            setControlState(getControlState() | (exceptions & allExceptions));

    /// Disable (mask) specific hardware exceptions. Multiple exceptions may be ORed together.
    void disableExceptions(ExceptionMask exceptions) @trusted
        version (X86_Any)
            setControlState(getControlState() | (exceptions & allExceptions));
            setControlState(getControlState() & ~(exceptions & allExceptions));

    /// Returns: the exceptions which are currently enabled (unmasked)
    @property static ExceptionMask enabledExceptions() @trusted pure
        version (X86_Any)
            return (getControlState() & allExceptions) ^ allExceptions;
            return (getControlState() & allExceptions);

    ///  Clear all pending exceptions, then restore the original exception state and rounding mode.
    ~this() @trusted
        if (initialized)

    ControlState savedState;

    bool initialized = false;

    version (ARM_Any)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (HPPA)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (PPC_Any)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (RISCV_Any)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (MIPS_Any)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (SPARC_Any)
        alias ControlState = ulong;
    else version (IBMZ_Any)
        alias ControlState = uint;
    else version (X86_Any)
        alias ControlState = ushort;
        static assert(false, "Not implemented for this architecture");

    void initialize() @safe
        // BUG: This works around the absence of this() constructors.
        if (initialized) return;
        savedState = getControlState();
        initialized = true;

    // Clear all pending exceptions
    static void clearExceptions() @safe
        version (IeeeFlagsSupport)
            static assert(false, "Not implemented for this architecture");

    // Read from the control register
    package(std.math) static ControlState getControlState() @trusted pure
        version (GNU)
            version (X86_Any)
                ControlState cont;
                asm pure nothrow @nogc
                    "fstcw %0" : "=m" (cont);
                return cont;
            else version (AArch64)
                ControlState cont;
                asm pure nothrow @nogc
                    "mrs %0, FPCR;" : "=r" (cont);
                return cont;
            else version (ARM)
                ControlState cont;
                version (ARM_SoftFloat)
                   cont = 0;
                    asm pure nothrow @nogc
                        "vmrs %0, FPSCR" : "=r" (cont);
                return cont;
            else version (RISCV_Any)
                version (D_SoftFloat)
                    return 0;
                    ControlState cont;
                    asm pure nothrow @nogc
                        "frcsr %0" : "=r" (cont);
                    return cont;
                assert(0, "Not yet supported");
        version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
            short cont;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                xor EAX, EAX;
                fstcw cont;
            return cont;
        else version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
            short cont;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                xor RAX, RAX;
                fstcw cont;
            return cont;
        else version (RISCV_Any)
            ControlState cont;
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                "frcsr %0" : "=r" (cont);
            return cont;
            assert(0, "Not yet supported");

    // Set the control register
    package(std.math) static void setControlState(ControlState newState) @trusted
        version (GNU)
            version (X86_Any)
                asm nothrow @nogc
                    "fclex; fldcw %0" : : "m" (newState);

                // Also update MXCSR, SSE's control register.
                if (haveSSE)
                    uint mxcsr;
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "stmxcsr %0" : "=m" (mxcsr);

                    /* In the FPU control register, rounding mode is in bits 10 and
                       11. In MXCSR it's in bits 13 and 14. */
                    mxcsr &= ~(roundingMask << 3);             // delete old rounding mode
                    mxcsr |= (newState & roundingMask) << 3;   // write new rounding mode

                    /* In the FPU control register, masks are bits 0 through 5.
                       In MXCSR they're 7 through 12. */
                    mxcsr &= ~(allExceptions << 7);            // delete old masks
                    mxcsr |= (newState & allExceptions) << 7;  // write new exception masks

                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "ldmxcsr %0" : : "m" (mxcsr);
            else version (AArch64)
                asm nothrow @nogc
                    "msr FPCR, %0;" : : "r" (newState);
            else version (ARM)
                version (ARM_SoftFloat)
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "vmsr FPSCR, %0" : : "r" (newState);
            else version (RISCV_Any)
                version (D_SoftFloat)
                    asm nothrow @nogc
                        "fscsr %0" : : "r" (newState);
                assert(0, "Not yet supported");
        version (InlineAsm_X86_Any)
            asm nothrow @nogc
                fldcw newState;

            // Also update MXCSR, SSE's control register.
            if (haveSSE)
                uint mxcsr;
                asm nothrow @nogc { stmxcsr mxcsr; }

                /* In the FPU control register, rounding mode is in bits 10 and
                11. In MXCSR it's in bits 13 and 14. */
                mxcsr &= ~(roundingMask << 3);             // delete old rounding mode
                mxcsr |= (newState & roundingMask) << 3;   // write new rounding mode

                /* In the FPU control register, masks are bits 0 through 5.
                In MXCSR they're 7 through 12. */
                mxcsr &= ~(allExceptions << 7);            // delete old masks
                mxcsr |= (newState & allExceptions) << 7;  // write new exception masks

                asm nothrow @nogc { ldmxcsr mxcsr; }
        else version (RISCV_Any)
            asm pure nothrow @nogc
                "fscsr %0" : : "r" (newState);
            assert(0, "Not yet supported");

version (FloatingPointControlUnittest)
@safe unittest
    import std.math.rounding : lrint;

    FloatingPointControl fpctrl;

    fpctrl.rounding = FloatingPointControl.roundDown;
    assert(lrint(1.5) == 1.0);

    fpctrl.rounding = FloatingPointControl.roundUp;
    assert(lrint(1.4) == 2.0);

    fpctrl.rounding = FloatingPointControl.roundToNearest;
    assert(lrint(1.5) == 2.0);

@safe unittest
    void ensureDefaults()
               == FloatingPointControl.roundToNearest);
        if (FloatingPointControl.hasExceptionTraps)
            assert(FloatingPointControl.enabledExceptions == 0);

        FloatingPointControl ctrl;

        FloatingPointControl ctrl;
        ctrl.rounding = FloatingPointControl.roundDown;
        assert(FloatingPointControl.rounding == FloatingPointControl.roundDown);

    if (FloatingPointControl.hasExceptionTraps)
        FloatingPointControl ctrl;
                              | FloatingPointControl.overflowException);
        assert(ctrl.enabledExceptions ==
                | FloatingPointControl.overflowException));

        ctrl.rounding = FloatingPointControl.roundUp;
        assert(FloatingPointControl.rounding == FloatingPointControl.roundUp);

version (FloatingPointControlUnittest)
@safe unittest // rounding
    import std.meta : AliasSeq;

    static T addRound(T)(uint rm)
        pragma(inline, false) static void blockopt(ref T x) {}
        pragma(inline, false);
        FloatingPointControl fpctrl;
        fpctrl.rounding = rm;
        T x = 1;
        blockopt(x); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
        x += 0.1L;
        return x;

    static T subRound(T)(uint rm)
        pragma(inline, false) static void blockopt(ref T x) {}
        pragma(inline, false);
        FloatingPointControl fpctrl;
        fpctrl.rounding = rm;
        T x = -1;
        blockopt(x); // avoid constant propagation by the optimizer
        x -= 0.1L;
        return x;

    static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
        /* Be careful with changing the rounding mode, it interferes
         * with common subexpressions. Changing rounding modes should
         * be done with separate functions that are not inlined.

            T u = addRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundUp);
            T d = addRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundDown);
            T z = addRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundToZero);

            assert(u > d);
            assert(z == d);

            T u = subRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundUp);
            T d = subRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundDown);
            T z = subRound!(T)(FloatingPointControl.roundToZero);

            assert(u > d);
            assert(z == u);
