// Written in the D programming language. /** This is a submodule of $(MREF std, format). It centers around a struct called $(LREF FormatSpec), which takes a $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format) and provides tools for parsing this string. Additionally this module contains a function $(LREF singleSpec) which helps treating a single format specifier. Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000-2013. License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP walterbright.com, Walter Bright), $(HTTP erdani.com, Andrei Alexandrescu), and Kenji Hara Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/format/spec.d) */ module std.format.spec; import std.traits : Unqual; template FormatSpec(Char) if (!is(Unqual!Char == Char)) { alias FormatSpec = FormatSpec!(Unqual!Char); } /** A general handler for format strings. This handler centers around the function $(LREF writeUpToNextSpec), which parses the $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format) until the next format specifier is found. After the call, it provides information about this format specifier in its numerous variables. Params: Char = the character type of the format string */ struct FormatSpec(Char) if (is(Unqual!Char == Char)) { import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; import std.ascii : isDigit; import std.conv : parse, text, to; import std.range.primitives; /** Minimum width. _Default: `0`. */ int width = 0; /** Precision. Its semantic depends on the format character. See $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format) for more details. _Default: `UNSPECIFIED`. */ int precision = UNSPECIFIED; /** Number of elements between separators. _Default: `UNSPECIFIED`. */ int separators = UNSPECIFIED; /** The separator charactar is supplied at runtime. _Default: false. */ bool dynamicSeparatorChar = false; /** Set to `DYNAMIC` when the separator character is supplied at runtime. _Default: `UNSPECIFIED`. $(RED Warning: `separatorCharPos` is deprecated. It will be removed in 2.107.0. Please use `dynamicSeparatorChar` instead.) */ // @@@DEPRECATED_[2.107.0]@@@ deprecated("separatorCharPos will be removed in 2.107.0. Please use dynamicSeparatorChar instead.") int separatorCharPos() { return dynamicSeparatorChar ? DYNAMIC : UNSPECIFIED; } /// ditto // @@@DEPRECATED_[2.107.0]@@@ deprecated("separatorCharPos will be removed in 2.107.0. Please use dynamicSeparatorChar instead.") void separatorCharPos(int value) { dynamicSeparatorChar = value == DYNAMIC; } /** Character to use as separator. _Default: `','`. */ dchar separatorChar = ','; /** Special value for `width`, `precision` and `separators`. It flags that these values will be passed at runtime through variadic arguments. */ enum int DYNAMIC = int.max; /** Special value for `precision` and `separators`. It flags that these values have not been specified. */ enum int UNSPECIFIED = DYNAMIC - 1; /** The format character. _Default: `'s'`. */ char spec = 's'; /** Index of the argument for positional parameters. Counting starts with `1`. Set to `0` if not used. Default: `0`. */ ubyte indexStart; /** Index of the last argument for positional parameter ranges. Counting starts with `1`. Set to `0` if not used. Default: `0`. */ ubyte indexEnd; version (StdDdoc) { /// The format specifier contained a `'-'`. bool flDash; /// The format specifier contained a `'0'`. bool flZero; /// The format specifier contained a space. bool flSpace; /// The format specifier contained a `'+'`. bool flPlus; /// The format specifier contained a `'#'`. bool flHash; /// The format specifier contained a `'='`. bool flEqual; /// The format specifier contained a `','`. bool flSeparator; // Fake field to allow compilation ubyte allFlags; } else { union { import std.bitmanip : bitfields; mixin(bitfields!( bool, "flDash", 1, bool, "flZero", 1, bool, "flSpace", 1, bool, "flPlus", 1, bool, "flHash", 1, bool, "flEqual", 1, bool, "flSeparator", 1, ubyte, "", 1)); ubyte allFlags; } } /// The inner format string of a nested format specifier. const(Char)[] nested; /** The separator of a nested format specifier. `null` means, there is no separator. `empty`, but not `null`, means zero length separator. */ const(Char)[] sep; /// Contains the part of the format string, that has not yet been parsed. const(Char)[] trailing; /// Sequence `"["` inserted before each range or range like structure. enum immutable(Char)[] seqBefore = "["; /// Sequence `"]"` inserted after each range or range like structure. enum immutable(Char)[] seqAfter = "]"; /** Sequence `":"` inserted between element key and element value of an associative array. */ enum immutable(Char)[] keySeparator = ":"; /** Sequence `", "` inserted between elements of a range, a range like structure or the elements of an associative array. */ enum immutable(Char)[] seqSeparator = ", "; /** Creates a new `FormatSpec`. The string is lazily evaluated. That means, nothing is done, until $(LREF writeUpToNextSpec) is called. Params: fmt = a $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format) */ this(in Char[] fmt) @safe pure { trailing = fmt; } /** Writes the format string to an output range until the next format specifier is found and parse that format specifier. See the $(MREF_ALTTEXT description of format strings, std,format) for more details about the format specifier. Params: writer = an $(REF_ALTTEXT output range, isOutputRange, std, range, primitives), where the format string is written to OutputRange = type of the output range Returns: True, if a format specifier is found and false, if the end of the format string has been reached. Throws: A $(REF_ALTTEXT FormatException, FormatException, std,format) when parsing the format specifier did not succeed. */ bool writeUpToNextSpec(OutputRange)(ref OutputRange writer) scope { import std.format : enforceFmt; if (trailing.empty) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < trailing.length; ++i) { if (trailing[i] != '%') continue; put(writer, trailing[0 .. i]); trailing = trailing[i .. $]; enforceFmt(trailing.length >= 2, `Unterminated format specifier: "%"`); trailing = trailing[1 .. $]; if (trailing[0] != '%') { // Spec found. Fill up the spec, and bailout fillUp(); return true; } // Doubled! Reset and Keep going i = 0; } // no format spec found put(writer, trailing); trailing = null; return false; } private void fillUp() scope { import std.format : enforceFmt, FormatException; // Reset content if (__ctfe) { flDash = false; flZero = false; flSpace = false; flPlus = false; flEqual = false; flHash = false; flSeparator = false; } else { allFlags = 0; } width = 0; precision = UNSPECIFIED; nested = null; // Parse the spec (we assume we're past '%' already) for (size_t i = 0; i < trailing.length; ) { switch (trailing[i]) { case '(': // Embedded format specifier. auto j = i + 1; // Get the matching balanced paren for (uint innerParens;;) { enforceFmt(j + 1 < trailing.length, text("Incorrect format specifier: %", trailing[i .. $])); if (trailing[j++] != '%') { // skip, we're waiting for %( and %) continue; } if (trailing[j] == '-') // for %-( { ++j; // skip enforceFmt(j < trailing.length, text("Incorrect format specifier: %", trailing[i .. $])); } if (trailing[j] == ')') { if (innerParens-- == 0) break; } else if (trailing[j] == '|') { if (innerParens == 0) break; } else if (trailing[j] == '(') { ++innerParens; } } if (trailing[j] == '|') { auto k = j; for (++j;;) { if (trailing[j++] != '%') continue; if (trailing[j] == '%') ++j; else if (trailing[j] == ')') break; else throw new FormatException( text("Incorrect format specifier: %", trailing[j .. $])); } nested = trailing[i + 1 .. k - 1]; sep = trailing[k + 1 .. j - 1]; } else { nested = trailing[i + 1 .. j - 1]; sep = null; // no separator } //this = FormatSpec(innerTrailingSpec); spec = '('; // We practically found the format specifier trailing = trailing[j + 1 .. $]; return; case '-': flDash = true; ++i; break; case '+': flPlus = true; ++i; break; case '=': flEqual = true; ++i; break; case '#': flHash = true; ++i; break; case '0': flZero = true; ++i; break; case ' ': flSpace = true; ++i; break; case '*': if (isDigit(trailing[++i])) { // a '*' followed by digits and '$' is a // positional format trailing = trailing[1 .. $]; width = -parse!(typeof(width))(trailing); i = 0; enforceFmt(trailing[i++] == '$', text("$ expected after '*", -width, "' in format string")); } else { // read result width = DYNAMIC; } break; case '1': .. case '9': auto tmp = trailing[i .. $]; const widthOrArgIndex = parse!uint(tmp); enforceFmt(tmp.length, text("Incorrect format specifier %", trailing[i .. $])); i = trailing.length - tmp.length; if (tmp.startsWith('$')) { // index of the form %n$ indexEnd = indexStart = to!ubyte(widthOrArgIndex); ++i; } else if (tmp.startsWith(':')) { // two indexes of the form %m:n$, or one index of the form %m:$ indexStart = to!ubyte(widthOrArgIndex); tmp = tmp[1 .. $]; if (tmp.startsWith('$')) { indexEnd = indexEnd.max; } else { indexEnd = parse!(typeof(indexEnd))(tmp); } i = trailing.length - tmp.length; enforceFmt(trailing[i++] == '$', "$ expected"); } else { // width width = to!int(widthOrArgIndex); } break; case ',': // Precision ++i; flSeparator = true; if (trailing[i] == '*') { ++i; // read result separators = DYNAMIC; } else if (isDigit(trailing[i])) { auto tmp = trailing[i .. $]; separators = parse!int(tmp); i = trailing.length - tmp.length; } else { // "," was specified, but nothing after it separators = 3; } if (trailing[i] == '?') { dynamicSeparatorChar = true; ++i; } break; case '.': // Precision if (trailing[++i] == '*') { if (isDigit(trailing[++i])) { // a '.*' followed by digits and '$' is a // positional precision trailing = trailing[i .. $]; i = 0; precision = -parse!int(trailing); enforceFmt(trailing[i++] == '$', "$ expected"); } else { // read result precision = DYNAMIC; } } else if (trailing[i] == '-') { // negative precision, as good as 0 precision = 0; auto tmp = trailing[i .. $]; parse!int(tmp); // skip digits i = trailing.length - tmp.length; } else if (isDigit(trailing[i])) { auto tmp = trailing[i .. $]; precision = parse!int(tmp); i = trailing.length - tmp.length; } else { // "." was specified, but nothing after it precision = 0; } break; default: // this is the format char spec = cast(char) trailing[i++]; trailing = trailing[i .. $]; return; } // end switch } // end for throw new FormatException(text("Incorrect format specifier: ", trailing)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- package bool readUpToNextSpec(R)(ref R r) scope { import std.ascii : isLower, isWhite; import std.format : enforceFmt; import std.utf : stride; // Reset content if (__ctfe) { flDash = false; flZero = false; flSpace = false; flPlus = false; flHash = false; flEqual = false; flSeparator = false; } else { allFlags = 0; } width = 0; precision = UNSPECIFIED; nested = null; // Parse the spec while (trailing.length) { const c = trailing[0]; if (c == '%' && trailing.length > 1) { const c2 = trailing[1]; if (c2 == '%') { assert(!r.empty, "Required at least one more input"); // Require a '%' enforceFmt (r.front == '%', text("parseToFormatSpec: Cannot find character '", c2, "' in the input string.")); trailing = trailing[2 .. $]; r.popFront(); } else { enforceFmt(isLower(c2) || c2 == '*' || c2 == '(', text("'%", c2, "' not supported with formatted read")); trailing = trailing[1 .. $]; fillUp(); return true; } } else { if (c == ' ') { while (!r.empty && isWhite(r.front)) r.popFront(); //r = std.algorithm.find!(not!(isWhite))(r); } else { enforceFmt(!r.empty && r.front == trailing.front, text("parseToFormatSpec: Cannot find character '", c, "' in the input string.")); r.popFront(); } trailing = trailing[stride(trailing, 0) .. $]; } } return false; } package string getCurFmtStr() const { import std.array : appender; import std.format.write : formatValue; auto w = appender!string(); auto f = FormatSpec!Char("%s"); // for stringnize put(w, '%'); if (indexStart != 0) { formatValue(w, indexStart, f); put(w, '$'); } if (flDash) put(w, '-'); if (flZero) put(w, '0'); if (flSpace) put(w, ' '); if (flPlus) put(w, '+'); if (flEqual) put(w, '='); if (flHash) put(w, '#'); if (width != 0) formatValue(w, width, f); if (precision != FormatSpec!Char.UNSPECIFIED) { put(w, '.'); formatValue(w, precision, f); } if (flSeparator) put(w, ','); if (separators != FormatSpec!Char.UNSPECIFIED) formatValue(w, separators, f); put(w, spec); return w.data; } /** Provides a string representation. Returns: The string representation. */ string toString() const @safe pure { import std.array : appender; auto app = appender!string(); app.reserve(200 + trailing.length); toString(app); return app.data; } /** Writes a string representation to an output range. Params: writer = an $(REF_ALTTEXT output range, isOutputRange, std, range, primitives), where the representation is written to OutputRange = type of the output range */ void toString(OutputRange)(ref OutputRange writer) const if (isOutputRange!(OutputRange, char)) { import std.format.write : formatValue; auto s = singleSpec("%s"); put(writer, "address = "); formatValue(writer, &this, s); put(writer, "\nwidth = "); formatValue(writer, width, s); put(writer, "\nprecision = "); formatValue(writer, precision, s); put(writer, "\nspec = "); formatValue(writer, spec, s); put(writer, "\nindexStart = "); formatValue(writer, indexStart, s); put(writer, "\nindexEnd = "); formatValue(writer, indexEnd, s); put(writer, "\nflDash = "); formatValue(writer, flDash, s); put(writer, "\nflZero = "); formatValue(writer, flZero, s); put(writer, "\nflSpace = "); formatValue(writer, flSpace, s); put(writer, "\nflPlus = "); formatValue(writer, flPlus, s); put(writer, "\nflEqual = "); formatValue(writer, flEqual, s); put(writer, "\nflHash = "); formatValue(writer, flHash, s); put(writer, "\nflSeparator = "); formatValue(writer, flSeparator, s); put(writer, "\nnested = "); formatValue(writer, nested, s); put(writer, "\ntrailing = "); formatValue(writer, trailing, s); put(writer, '\n'); } } /// @safe pure unittest { import std.array : appender; auto a = appender!(string)(); auto fmt = "Number: %6.4e\nString: %s"; auto f = FormatSpec!char(fmt); assert(f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)); assert(a.data == "Number: "); assert(f.trailing == "\nString: %s"); assert(f.spec == 'e'); assert(f.width == 6); assert(f.precision == 4); assert(f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)); assert(a.data == "Number: \nString: "); assert(f.trailing == ""); assert(f.spec == 's'); assert(!f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)); assert(a.data == "Number: \nString: "); } @safe unittest { import std.array : appender; import std.conv : text; import std.exception : assertThrown; import std.format : FormatException; auto w = appender!(char[])(); auto f = FormatSpec!char("abc%sdef%sghi"); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); assert(w.data == "abc", w.data); assert(f.trailing == "def%sghi", text(f.trailing)); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); assert(w.data == "abcdef", w.data); assert(f.trailing == "ghi"); // test with embedded %%s f = FormatSpec!char("ab%%cd%%ef%sg%%h%sij"); w.clear(); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); assert(w.data == "ab%cd%ef" && f.trailing == "g%%h%sij", w.data); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); assert(w.data == "ab%cd%efg%h" && f.trailing == "ij"); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4775 f = FormatSpec!char("%%%s"); w.clear(); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); assert(w.data == "%" && f.trailing == ""); f = FormatSpec!char("%%%%%s%%"); w.clear(); while (f.writeUpToNextSpec(w)) continue; assert(w.data == "%%%"); f = FormatSpec!char("a%%b%%c%"); w.clear(); assertThrown!FormatException(f.writeUpToNextSpec(w)); assert(w.data == "a%b%c" && f.trailing == "%"); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5237 @safe unittest { import std.array : appender; auto w = appender!string(); auto f = FormatSpec!char("%.16f"); f.writeUpToNextSpec(w); // dummy eating assert(f.spec == 'f'); auto fmt = f.getCurFmtStr(); assert(fmt == "%.16f"); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14059 @safe unittest { import std.array : appender; import std.exception : assertThrown; import std.format : FormatException; auto a = appender!(string)(); auto f = FormatSpec!char("%-(%s%"); // %)") assertThrown!FormatException(f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)); f = FormatSpec!char("%(%-"); // %)") assertThrown!FormatException(f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)); } @safe unittest { import std.array : appender; import std.format : format; auto a = appender!(string)(); auto f = FormatSpec!char("%,d"); f.writeUpToNextSpec(a); assert(f.spec == 'd', format("%s", f.spec)); assert(f.precision == FormatSpec!char.UNSPECIFIED); assert(f.separators == 3); f = FormatSpec!char("%5,10f"); f.writeUpToNextSpec(a); assert(f.spec == 'f', format("%s", f.spec)); assert(f.separators == 10); assert(f.width == 5); f = FormatSpec!char("%5,10.4f"); f.writeUpToNextSpec(a); assert(f.spec == 'f', format("%s", f.spec)); assert(f.separators == 10); assert(f.width == 5); assert(f.precision == 4); } @safe pure unittest { import std.algorithm.searching : canFind, findSplitBefore; auto expected = "width = 2" ~ "\nprecision = 5" ~ "\nspec = f" ~ "\nindexStart = 0" ~ "\nindexEnd = 0" ~ "\nflDash = false" ~ "\nflZero = false" ~ "\nflSpace = false" ~ "\nflPlus = false" ~ "\nflEqual = false" ~ "\nflHash = false" ~ "\nflSeparator = false" ~ "\nnested = " ~ "\ntrailing = \n"; auto spec = singleSpec("%2.5f"); auto res = spec.toString(); // make sure the address exists, then skip it assert(res.canFind("address")); assert(res.findSplitBefore("width")[1] == expected); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15348 @safe pure unittest { import std.array : appender; import std.exception : collectExceptionMsg; import std.format : FormatException; auto w = appender!(char[])(); auto f = FormatSpec!char("%*10d"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(f.writeUpToNextSpec(w)) == "$ expected after '*10' in format string"); } /** Helper function that returns a `FormatSpec` for a single format specifier. Params: fmt = a $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format) containing a single format specifier Char = character type of `fmt` Returns: A $(LREF FormatSpec) with the format specifier parsed. Throws: A $(REF_ALTTEXT FormatException, FormatException, std,format) when the format string contains no format specifier or more than a single format specifier or when the format specifier is malformed. */ FormatSpec!Char singleSpec(Char)(Char[] fmt) { import std.conv : text; import std.format : enforceFmt; import std.range.primitives : empty, front; enforceFmt(fmt.length >= 2, "fmt must be at least 2 characters long"); enforceFmt(fmt.front == '%', "fmt must start with a '%' character"); enforceFmt(fmt[1] != '%', "'%%' is not a permissible format specifier"); static struct DummyOutputRange { void put(C)(scope const C[] buf) {} // eat elements } auto a = DummyOutputRange(); auto spec = FormatSpec!Char(fmt); //dummy write spec.writeUpToNextSpec(a); enforceFmt(spec.trailing.empty, text("Trailing characters in fmt string: '", spec.trailing)); return spec; } /// @safe pure unittest { import std.array : appender; import std.format.write : formatValue; auto spec = singleSpec("%10.3e"); auto writer = appender!string(); writer.formatValue(42.0, spec); assert(writer.data == " 4.200e+01"); } @safe pure unittest { import std.exception : assertThrown; import std.format : FormatException; auto spec = singleSpec("%2.3e"); assert(spec.trailing == ""); assert(spec.spec == 'e'); assert(spec.width == 2); assert(spec.precision == 3); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("%")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("%2.3")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("2.3e")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("Test%2.3e")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("%2.3eTest")); assertThrown!FormatException(singleSpec("%%")); } // @@@DEPRECATED_[2.107.0]@@@ deprecated("enforceValidFormatSpec was accidentally made public and will be removed in 2.107.0") void enforceValidFormatSpec(T, Char)(scope const ref FormatSpec!Char f) { import std.format.internal.write : evfs = enforceValidFormatSpec; evfs!T(f); } @safe unittest { import std.exception : collectExceptionMsg; import std.format : format, FormatException; // width/precision assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%*.d", 5.1, 2)) == "integer width expected, not double for argument #1"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%-1*.d", 5.1, 2)) == "integer width expected, not double for argument #1"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%.*d", '5', 2)) == "integer precision expected, not char for argument #1"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%-1.*d", 4.7, 3)) == "integer precision expected, not double for argument #1"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%.*d", 5)) == "Orphan format specifier: %d"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%*.*d", 5)) == "Missing integer precision argument"); // dynamicSeparatorChar assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%,?d", 5)) == "separator character expected, not int for argument #1"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%,?d", '?')) == "Orphan format specifier: %d"); assert(collectExceptionMsg!FormatException(format("%.*,*?d", 5)) == "Missing separator digit width argument"); }