/** Implements logging facilities. Copyright: Copyright Robert "burner" Schadek 2013 -- License: Boost License 1.0. Authors: $(HTTP www.svs.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/60865.html, Robert burner Schadek) $(H3 Basic Logging) Message logging is a common approach to expose runtime information of a program. Logging should be easy, but also flexible and powerful, therefore $(D D) provides a standard interface for logging. The easiest way to create a log message is to write: ------------- import std.experimental.logger; void main() { log("Hello World"); } ------------- This will print a message to the $(D stderr) device. The message will contain the filename, the line number, the name of the surrounding function, the time and the message. More complex log call can go along the lines like: ------------- log("Logging to the sharedLog with its default LogLevel"); logf(LogLevel.info, 5 < 6, "%s to the sharedLog with its LogLevel.info", "Logging"); info("Logging to the sharedLog with its info LogLevel"); warning(5 < 6, "Logging to the sharedLog with its LogLevel.warning if 5 is less than 6"); error("Logging to the sharedLog with its error LogLevel"); errorf("Logging %s the sharedLog %s its error LogLevel", "to", "with"); critical("Logging to the"," sharedLog with its error LogLevel"); fatal("Logging to the sharedLog with its fatal LogLevel"); auto fLogger = new FileLogger("NameOfTheLogFile"); fLogger.log("Logging to the fileLogger with its default LogLevel"); fLogger.info("Logging to the fileLogger with its default LogLevel"); fLogger.warning(5 < 6, "Logging to the fileLogger with its LogLevel.warning if 5 is less than 6"); fLogger.warningf(5 < 6, "Logging to the fileLogger with its LogLevel.warning if %s is %s than 6", 5, "less"); fLogger.critical("Logging to the fileLogger with its info LogLevel"); fLogger.log(LogLevel.trace, 5 < 6, "Logging to the fileLogger"," with its default LogLevel if 5 is less than 6"); fLogger.fatal("Logging to the fileLogger with its warning LogLevel"); ------------- Additionally, this example shows how a new $(D FileLogger) is created. Individual $(D Logger) and the global log functions share commonly named functions to log data. The names of the functions are as follows: $(UL $(LI $(D log)) $(LI $(D trace)) $(LI $(D info)) $(LI $(D warning)) $(LI $(D critical)) $(LI $(D fatal)) ) The default $(D Logger) will by default log to $(D stderr) and has a default $(D LogLevel) of $(D LogLevel.all). The default Logger can be accessed by using the property called $(D sharedLog). This property is a reference to the current default $(D Logger). This reference can be used to assign a new default $(D Logger). ------------- sharedLog = new FileLogger("New_Default_Log_File.log"); ------------- Additional $(D Logger) can be created by creating a new instance of the required $(D Logger). $(H3 Logging Fundamentals) $(H4 LogLevel) The $(D LogLevel) of a log call can be defined in two ways. The first is by calling $(D log) and passing the $(D LogLevel) explicitly as the first argument. The second way of setting the $(D LogLevel) of a log call, is by calling either $(D trace), $(D info), $(D warning), $(D critical), or $(D fatal). The log call will then have the respective $(D LogLevel). If no $(D LogLevel) is defined the log call will use the current $(D LogLevel) of the used $(D Logger). If data is logged with $(D LogLevel) $(D fatal) by default an $(D Error) will be thrown. This behaviour can be modified by using the member $(D fatalHandler) to assign a custom delegate to handle log call with $(D LogLevel) $(D fatal). $(H4 Conditional Logging) Conditional logging can be achieved be passing a $(D bool) as first argument to a log function. If conditional logging is used the condition must be $(D true) in order to have the log message logged. In order to combine an explicit $(D LogLevel) passing with conditional logging, the $(D LogLevel) has to be passed as first argument followed by the $(D bool). $(H4 Filtering Log Messages) Messages are logged if the $(D LogLevel) of the log message is greater than or equal to the $(D LogLevel) of the used $(D Logger) and additionally if the $(D LogLevel) of the log message is greater than or equal to the global $(D LogLevel). If a condition is passed into the log call, this condition must be true. The global $(D LogLevel) is accessible by using $(D globalLogLevel). To assign a $(D LogLevel) of a $(D Logger) use the $(D logLevel) property of the logger. $(H4 Printf Style Logging) If $(D printf)-style logging is needed add a $(B f) to the logging call, such as $(D myLogger.infof("Hello %s", "world");) or $(D fatalf("errno %d", 1337)). The additional $(B f) appended to the function name enables $(D printf)-style logging for all combinations of explicit $(D LogLevel) and conditional logging functions and methods. $(H4 Thread Local Redirection) Calls to the free standing log functions are not directly forwarded to the global $(D Logger) $(D sharedLog). Actually, a thread local $(D Logger) of type $(D StdForwardLogger) processes the log call and then, by default, forwards the created $(D Logger.LogEntry) to the $(D sharedLog) $(D Logger). The thread local $(D Logger) is accessible by the $(D stdThreadLocalLog) property. This property allows to assign user defined $(D Logger). The default $(D LogLevel) of the $(D stdThreadLocalLog) $(D Logger) is $(D LogLevel.all) and it will therefore forward all messages to the $(D sharedLog) $(D Logger). The $(D LogLevel) of the $(D stdThreadLocalLog) can be used to filter log calls before they reach the $(D sharedLog) $(D Logger). $(H3 User Defined Logger) To customize the $(D Logger) behavior, create a new $(D class) that inherits from the abstract $(D Logger) $(D class), and implements the $(D writeLogMsg) method. ------------- class MyCustomLogger : Logger { this(LogLevel lv) @safe { super(lv); } override void writeLogMsg(ref LogEntry payload) { // log message in my custom way } } auto logger = new MyCustomLogger(LogLevel.info); logger.log("Awesome log message with LogLevel.info"); ------------- To gain more precise control over the logging process, additionally to overriding the $(D writeLogMsg) method the methods $(D beginLogMsg), $(D logMsgPart) and $(D finishLogMsg) can be overridden. $(H3 Compile Time Disabling of $(D Logger)) In order to disable logging at compile time, pass $(D StdLoggerDisableLogging) as a version argument to the $(D D) compiler when compiling your program code. This will disable all logging functionality. Specific $(D LogLevel) can be disabled at compile time as well. In order to disable logging with the $(D trace) $(D LogLevel) pass $(D StdLoggerDisableTrace) as a version. The following table shows which version statement disables which $(D LogLevel). $(TABLE $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.trace) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableTrace)) $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.info) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableInfo)) $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.warning) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableWarning)) $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.error) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableError)) $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.critical) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableCritical)) $(TR $(TD $(D LogLevel.fatal) ) $(TD StdLoggerDisableFatal)) ) Such a version statement will only disable logging in the associated compile unit. $(H3 Provided Logger) By default four $(D Logger) implementations are given. The $(D FileLogger) logs data to files. It can also be used to log to $(D stdout) and $(D stderr) as these devices are files as well. A $(D Logger) that logs to $(D stdout) can therefore be created by $(D new FileLogger(stdout)). The $(D MultiLogger) is basically an associative array of $(D string)s to $(D Logger). It propagates log calls to its stored $(D Logger). The $(D ArrayLogger) contains an array of $(D Logger) and also propagates log calls to its stored $(D Logger). The $(D NullLogger) does not do anything. It will never log a message and will never throw on a log call with $(D LogLevel) $(D error). */ module std.experimental.logger; public import std.experimental.logger.core; public import std.experimental.logger.filelogger; public import std.experimental.logger.multilogger; public import std.experimental.logger.nulllogger;