// Written in the D programming language /++ $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) Phobos provides the following functionality for time: $(DIVC quickindex, $(BOOKTABLE , $(TR $(TH Functionality) $(TH Symbols) ) $(TR $(TD Points in Time) $(TD $(REF_ALTTEXT Clock, Clock, std, datetime, systime)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT Date, Date, std, datetime, date)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT TimeOfDay, TimeOfDay, std, datetime, date)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT DateTime, DateTime, std, datetime, date)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT SysTime, SysTime, std, datetime, systime)$(NBSP) ) ) $(TR $(TD $(MREF_ALTTEXT Timezones, std, datetime, timezone)) $(TD $(REF_ALTTEXT TimeZone, TimeZone, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT UTC, UTC, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT LocalTime, LocalTime, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT PosixTimeZone, PosixTimeZone, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT WindowsTimeZone, WindowsTimeZone, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT SimpleTimeZone, SimpleTimeZone, std, datetime, timezone)$(NBSP) ) ) $(TR $(TD Intervals and Ranges of Time) $(TD $(REF_ALTTEXT Interval, Interval, std, datetime, interval)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT PosInfInterval, PosInfInterval, std, datetime, interval)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT NegInfInterval, NegInfInterval, std, datetime, interval)$(NBSP) ) ) $(TR $(TD $(MREF_ALTTEXT Durations of Time, core, time)) $(TD $(REF_ALTTEXT Duration, Duration, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT weeks, weeks, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT days, days, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT hours, hours, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT minutes, minutes, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT seconds, seconds, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT msecs, msecs, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT usecs, usecs, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT hnsecs, hnsecs, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT nsecs, nsecs, core, time)$(NBSP) ) ) $(TR $(TD Time Measurement and Benchmarking) $(TD $(REF_ALTTEXT MonoTime, MonoTime, core, time)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT StopWatch, StopWatch, std, datetime, stopwatch)$(NBSP) $(REF_ALTTEXT benchmark, benchmark, std, datetime, stopwatch)$(NBSP) ) ) )) This functionality is separated into the following modules: $(UL $(LI $(MREF std, datetime, date) for points in time without timezones.) $(LI $(MREF std, datetime, timezone) for classes which represent timezones.) $(LI $(MREF std, datetime, systime) for a point in time with a timezone.) $(LI $(MREF std, datetime, interval) for types which represent series of points in time.) $(LI $(MREF std, datetime, stopwatch) for measuring time.) ) See_Also: $(MREF core, time)$(BR) $(DDLINK intro-to-datetime, Introduction to std.datetime, Introduction to std.datetime)
$(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601, ISO 8601)
$(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database, Wikipedia entry on TZ Database)
$(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones, List of Time Zones)
License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP jmdavisprog.com, Jonathan M Davis) and Kato Shoichi Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/datetime/package.d) +/ module std.datetime; /// Get the current time from the system clock. @safe unittest { import std.datetime.systime : SysTime, Clock; SysTime currentTime = Clock.currTime(); } /** Construct a specific point in time without timezone information and get its ISO string. */ @safe unittest { import std.datetime.date : DateTime; auto dt = DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 30, 10); assert(dt.toISOString() == "20180101T123010"); assert(dt.toISOExtString() == "2018-01-01T12:30:10"); } /** Construct a specific point in time in the UTC timezone and add two days. */ @safe unittest { import std.datetime.systime : SysTime; import std.datetime.timezone : UTC; import core.time : days; auto st = SysTime(DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 30, 10), UTC()); assert(st.toISOExtString() == "2018-01-01T12:30:10Z"); st += 2.days; assert(st.toISOExtString() == "2018-01-03T12:30:10Z"); } public import core.time; public import std.datetime.date; public import std.datetime.interval; public import std.datetime.systime; public import std.datetime.timezone; import core.exception : AssertError; import std.functional : unaryFun; import std.traits; import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No; // Verify module example. @safe unittest { auto currentTime = Clock.currTime(); auto timeString = currentTime.toISOExtString(); auto restoredTime = SysTime.fromISOExtString(timeString); } // Verify Examples for core.time.Duration which couldn't be in core.time. @safe unittest { assert(std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 7) + dur!"days"(5) == std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 12)); assert(std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 7) - std.datetime.Date(2010, 10, 3) == dur!"days"(-26)); } @safe unittest { import std.traits : hasUnsharedAliasing; /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6642 */ static assert(!hasUnsharedAliasing!Date); static assert(!hasUnsharedAliasing!TimeOfDay); static assert(!hasUnsharedAliasing!DateTime); static assert(!hasUnsharedAliasing!SysTime); }